This is How GPT -5 Will Change the World

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[Music] check GPT has taken the World by storm and it's only getting smarter from here whether we like it or not plus word on the street is that chat gpt5 releases in December with that being said what will check gbt5 be like from video processing to immersive entertainment here are the top 7 most impressive abilities that could be expected from gpt5 According to the logical progression of multi-modality and stay till the end of the video to see the new robotics Company open AI has just invested in this will be the company that builds the robot that will actually function with gpt5 expanded understanding gpt3 analyzed text and gpt4 had the unprecedented new ability to understand and analyze images however gpt5 will be able to not only process text and images but audio and video as well this high level of understanding will allow gpt5 to analyze and generate accurate transcriptions summaries and translations throughout a variety of media formats this will transform our consumption of content but the most unbelievable aspect of this would be the Advent of autonomously generated media with this you could ideally create entire films or video games based on a text description or video sample which would make anyone a filmmaker I hope this doesn't become too popular as I respect the filmmaking process but maybe it just makes it easier for say Guillermo del Toro to get his movie done without having to hire a crew it would be interesting to see if and how Talent shines through once everyone has access to this and this takes us into our number six feature interactive multimedia gpt5 could be a milestone for entertainment everywhere video games and movies can now have real time evolving storylines that change based on the viewers interactions or even our mood or engagement imagine your favorite RPG video game experience being completely tailored to how you play it this would offer a new experience every time for the consumer which could lead to endless exploration and opportunities for creativity which in turn would lead companies to advertise multi-experience media formats the consumers of this AI media could share their experiences on social media which would give rise to viral experiences memes in their ultimate form but the next ability from GPT 5 will have a direct effect on your daily life General robots gpt5's next ability would be to power generally capable robots gpt5 could be the engine that drives robots to operate in the real world with an impressive level of general intelligence for example a home robot could cook an entire meal by using its multi-modality to first see the ingredients necessary ask you what you want based on what's available and then cook the food based on the preferences of the user with the right arms it could possibly even wash the dishes take out the trash and do all the other things you're too lazy to do yourself and then there's the actual robotics Company open AI has just invested in it and we'll get into that later but for now it's on to our next feature of chat GPT 5. AI development because of gpt5's ability to generate across multiple modalities it would likely be able to create its own artificial intelligence to learn and complete new tasks in addition to this they can High other AI models together making something greater with their Union this one just screams Singularity but we're just gonna keep making these smarter against our better judgment huh this feature could result in a brand new bigger version of the internet that autonomously grows at its own pace it could also result in the planted seeds for Humanity's Doom but hey who cares if you're enjoying this content and would love to stay updated on all the latest news and Technology please subscribe to the channel and help us reach our goal of 10 000 subscribers that really help the channel out now back to the video this would lead to the next feature of gpt5 its ability to predict future outcomes with greater accuracy than ever before due to its use of more modalities for example GPT could be able to autonomously create Virtual Worlds that come with their own set of environments cultures and histories these Virtual Worlds could be used for immersive entertainment to learn or as testing Grounds For Real World situations for pressing Global issues the next ability from GPT 5 would be the transformation of medicine scientific research business and the workplace forever in medicine gbt could revolutionize Diagnostics and treatment by analyzing tons of medical data like patient records or Imaging scans to identify patterns and develop customized treatment plans there are already Innovative robots that were introduced after the pandemic to assist Health Care Professionals with their day-to-day tasks at gbt5 to these bad boys and things get really interesting not only this but gpt5 could accelerate drug Discovery it could simulate the interaction of molecules and predict their efficiency reducing the cost and time of clinical trials and scientific research GPT 5's strong pattern recognition and data analysis abilities could allow scientists to to make breakthroughs in various Fields very frequently for example it could analyze satellite images historical climate data and complex models to determine the impact of climate change and to suggest the best strategy to tackle the issue in particle physics gpt5 could help break the code of the universe itself by analyzing data from particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider this data May identify new particles and help us understand the true building blocks of the cosmos once we have that maybe AI can then build new models to work with these particles and build new tech in business GPT could revolutionize how businesses work and compete and it can do this by optimizing Supply chains organizing new business models and automating processes gbt could study customer trends like never before and develop the most thorough of marketing strategies for any business it could even come up with new product ideas and marketing materials based on a company's existing data in finance gpt5 could enhance trading algorithms risk analysis and fraud detection combining everything with the crypto world for compatibility in the workplace gpt5 could really change things it would automate mundane tasks hopefully freeing humans to pursue more creative tasks but this would also require the workforce to totally reinvent itself to equip workers with the appropriate skills they would need to thrive in the gpt5 world this world would consist of continuous learning adaptability and collaboration with robots before we show you open ai's new robot plans here's the seventh and final ability gpt5 could have the ability to act as a personalized virtual assistant in every fast of Our Lives this VA would demonstrate general intelligence across many domains with access to many devices including home appliances phones robots cars and office equipment it's like a smarter Siri but choosing your toaster too these systems would make your work and personal life easier and adapt to your preferences in ways we've never seen before imagine an assistant who streamlines your daily tasks for you and enhances every device you interact with gbt5 could Elevate our lifestyles in terms of efficiency forever but now as promised let's talk about the new GPT robot open AI has put 23.5 million dollars of their startup fund along with investors into a company out of Norway called 1X Technologies this company created in 2014 used to be called halody Robotics and they built this robot on Wheels it's the original model and is called Eve here you can see it baking cookies just like Grandma used to make the company used to be an electric motor company but then pivoted to building humanoid robots after realizing the potential of their super lightweight Motors the estimated price for Eve was 150 000 and it could Bend at the knees and pick up objects but oddly enough it also had autonomous security features the company had a partnership with ADT to provide Eve as an autonomous Patrol guard for Office Buildings where the robot would roll up on people and scan their IDs do facial recognition object recognition Edition and the like if it came across a hostile human however it would probably just get slapped in the face this is the new one called the Neo robot and it's supposedly dropping in the summer of 2023 it's a bipedal robot however pricing hasn't been revealed for yet bipedal basically means two legs for movement open AI with huge backing from Microsoft is now going to try and figure out how they can tweak their language model to fit inside humanoid robots this would be smart because the humanoid robotics industry is expecting to hit 150 billion dollars by 2035 with the Optimus robot from Elon only costing the price of a Honda Civic and the less impressive Eve model costing 150 000 how much do you think the Neo robot will cost let me know in the comments open AI has already started work on gpt5 and whatever people are expecting from it is probably a huge underestimation of its true capabilities I mean if gbt4 can pass a bar exam what will the next iteration do are you ready for GPT 5 is the world ready let me know in the comments below I'm so grateful for you guys helping us reach 1 000 subscribers your support is eternally appreciated thanks for watching click a video on the screen to watch something you haven't seen and thanks for visiting AI Focus
Channel: AI FOCUS
Views: 166,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, robots, artificial intelligence, chat gpt 5, gpt 5, gpt -5, open ai, gpt robot, open ai robot, when does chat gpt 5 come out, gpt 5 release, open ai gpt 5, gpt 5 release date, gpt 5 update, next gpt version, chat gpt -5, chat gpt 4, gpt 4, gpt -4
Id: 2pkP8obD6fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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