Make This When You Don't Know What to Cook for Dinner! Ground Beef Recipes

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hello friend welcome back to my kitchen my name is Becky if you're new and today we are going to be making three delicious ground beef recipes that can all be made right on the stove top I like to purchase my beef from a local Rancher I've been purchasing from the same Rancher for the last 9 years and the last time I bought it was not this the past summer but the summer before and I am almost out of well I don't think I have any steaks left I think I have two roasts left and I have quite a bit of ground beef that want to go through before I need to place another order and I of course have our favorite ground beef recipes but I was looking online and trying to get inspired to find some really fun new ones to use up this ground beef in some fun creative ways and the first recipe I came across that kind of inspired actually this entire cooking day is a crispy Lebanese meat stuffed pea with a yogurt tahini sauce so that's what we're going to start with and then we are going to make homemade Crunch Wrap Supremes which I used to make years ago all the time but we are going to make a fun Twist on it where we're going to make a homemade queso to go into the Crunch Wrap Supreme and then we are also going to be making a chili crunch Burger so the Crunch Wrap Supremes and the burger are things I have made before but it's going to be a fun twist and a new way to make something that I've really enjoyed in the past but just a fun little twist on it we are going to start though with the crispy stuffed pea and I cannot wait to try this if you are interested in any of these recipes you want to make yourself I will link them down in the description box and we are going to start by making our meat filling for our PE I found some really good high quality PE bread at the grocery store so I went ahead and bought these I have made them from scratch one other time and they were delicious but for today we are going to take the help of the grocery store and I'm going to start by just chopping up a little bit of parsley this is actually one of the first things I'm harvesting from this year's Garden and we're going to get this into our Bowl there's really not very much veggie prep we need to do for this recipe at all so this would make a delicious and easy week night dinner so I'm going to get my parsley in my bowl next we are going to take this small onion and we're actually going to grate this onion so I'm just going to peel it kind of leaving the onion whole and then I've got my bowl a grater and we're just going to grate this directly into this [Music] bowl I also need quite a few cloves of garlic we're going to need garlic for quite a few recipes today so I think while I have the garlic out I'm going to just chop probably this whole head of garlic so here we've got our garlic prepped and it smells incredible that was all the prep we had to do for the beef portion of this recipe so this is coming together very quickly so two our parsley and onion I have 1 lound of ground beef and this is very very lean beef the beef that I get from my local Rancher is 100% grass-fed grass finished and so this beef is really lean and when I was researching these recipes they all said you wanted to use a nice lean ground beef and so I don't need to worry about that so to this now we need to add all the spices and some breadcrumbs which I happen to have right here add that I already added some salt to that we're going to add a lot of our garlic we just prepped and a whole lot of delicious spices so the first one is going to be pepper coriander 3 teaspoon of that that this is going to be very heavily spiced smoked paprika cumin and some all spice I'm not going to go quite as heavy about three four of a teaspoon of that and then optional of course some red pepper flake I originally saw this recipe on Instagram and then I went and did a bunch of research on different recipes and one of the recipes called for pomegranate molasses which I could not find in my local grocery stores and if any of you guys have tried that let me know it sounds delicious and I could have ordered it online but I wouldn't have gotten it here in time so that's something that I want to try in the future but the recipe that called for it said it was optional and so if I don't have it that's okay so we're just going to go ahead and leave that out so I just cut my pasas in half so that we can actually stuff them and now I'm going to get in here and I'm going to go ahead and mix this mixture together with my hands we want to make sure it's all really well Incorporated this is our beef mixture all mixed together I think what I want to do before I actually stuff these and Grill them because it's not going to take very long to cook these on the grill oh we do need to preheat the oven so let's go ahead and preheat the oven to 225 cuzz we're going to keep them warm in the oven while we cook all of them so I'm going to pop this in the fridge and I'm going to go ahead and we're going to make our whipped tahini yogurt dipping sauce for this so that that's ready to go once our pasas are cooked now this recipe for this tahini whipped yogurt sauce we actually need to warm the yogurt up first which is quite interesting I have never done anything like that before so what I'm going to do in the bowl that we're going to serve our yogurt sauce in I'm going to add I'm just going to eyeball one cup of yogurt and I'm actually going to pop this in the microwave for about 30 seconds we basically want this room temperature so we want to take the chill off of it I think we actually want the tahini in here as well cuz we want to have our tahini warmed up so we need to add all the ingredients and then warm it up to our yogurt we're going to add some of our minced garlic tahini which is ground up Sesame paste salt and some fresh Citrus we're going to whisk this together now we're going to taste it oh yeah that's good so I'm going to pop this in the microwave I think this would be good served cold just like this but I'm going to follow the recipe we're going to kind of take the chill off this just a little bit and this is our dipping sauce so I warmed this for about 45 seconds and now I'm just going to wa whis it until it is a little bit more whipped and that is our sauce I guess it makes sense to serve not a super cold sauce because our pasas are going to be served warm so you wouldn't want a sauce that would just go ahead and chill those down since we work so hard to warm them up and there is our tahini yogurt sauce now it's the fun part we get to stuff our petas I almost just went and took that yogurt sauce to put in the fridge but we don't need to put it in the fridge that will be ready for us once we cook up our pasas and now we're going to take some of our mixture and we're going to just thinly press this out into the Pea very very thinly we don't want a big thick layer of ground meat in there we want a nice even thin layer so I'm working on my last pea here and I have a little leftover meat cuz I was trying to be a little conservative with it so I'm going to go back and fill some of the first ones that I filled just to kind of evenly distribute the rest of this and it smells so good I cannot wait to try this this was so easy the hardest part of this recipe was trying to get these pasas open without breaking them I have a few cracks and a couple of them but I don't think that's going to be a problem by the time we go to cook them this one doesn't have very much filling I have my griddle preheating and while that's preheating I'm also going to take another cookie sheet with some parchment paper on it and this I'm actually going to go ahead and put in the oven that we've preheated so that as these cook cuz I think I'm going to have to do two rounds I will be able to to put them right in the oven so they can stay nice and warm and Josh is working upstairs doing some construction projects and he came in and he smelled these he said these smell fantastic and he is hungry so he is excited to give these a try and I'm excited for him to try it so what I'm going to do is brush the tops and bottoms of our petas with a little bit of oil cuz we want our pasas to kind of get crispy and crunchy from The Griddle and we want the meat to be fully cooked on the inside so to get kind of a crunchier texture we're going to put a little oil on these pasas and I'm going to use my maiden carbon steel griddle pan I've had this for about a month now and I've really been enjoying it one thing I love about it is that it fits two of my burners so I can cook a lot of things in a relatively quick amount of time it is made in Sweden and Maiden is a very high quality restaurant quality cookware company you all know I like good quality cookware with not a bunch of Frills and fanciness I just want it to be high quality and do its job and this is what this is madeen partners with a lot of multi-generational factories to bring to you the best quality product and this carbon steel griddle does just that the cool thing about this griddle is that it can go up to 1200° F and so you can use this on a grill a stove top a fire outside so I'm excited to try try using this when we go camping this summer and one thing I love about it is that it is nonstick I have cooked eggs I have cooked french toast you have seen me use this making pancakes and now we're going to use it today and it has just been a really fun kitchen piece of equipment that I've been able to implement in my cooking and have a non-stick griddle I had been using a rooster pan if you've been around here for any length of time when I need something this big and this much surface area and I don't have to use my rooster pan when I want to be able to gr griddle something with this much surface area now that I have six pasas onto the grill pan I'm going to brush the other side with a little bit of oil and then I'm going to take my press and I'm going to press down on each one I cook these on a little bit lower of a temperature because I wanted to make sure that not only did I get the Pea nice and crispy and crunchy but I wanted to make sure that the ground beef got fully cooked so I cooked each one for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side so it went really really quickly to get all of these cooked I was able to cook all of them in just two batches and then as they came off the stove I did put them in that warm oven I want to thank Maiden for partnering with me on today's video if you are interested in some very high quality Michelin star star restaurants use their product all around the world and they are perfect for the home cook as well they will be the first link in the description box down below thank you Maiden for partnering with me on today's video These turned out delicious okay couple of these are already done this only took about 3 or 4 minutes on each side I'm going to go ahead and get these into our preheated oven those are going to stay nice and warm I wish you could smell it in here it smells incredible I was a little worried about the ones where the Pea broke but there was no need to worry they're cooking up just fine even where the P broke a little bit crispy on both sides the meat is fully cooked so I'm going to get these off into the oven food's ready if you want to become a taste tester I would love to come and eat tester okay come on down it's ready for you I went ahead and I put the pasas on a serving plate and friend if you needed a quick dinner and you didn't know what to cook this took hardly any time to make and I cannot wait for J to try it so what I'm going to do now real quick before he gets down here so he's coming in right now so I'm going to go ahead and get this sauce in our little serving Bowl so Josh what we have here is crispy Lebanese meat stuffed pea so it's ground beef with all sorts of yummy spices and this is a yogurt toah heini garlic dipping sauce so Josh is going to wash his hands real quick because he has been working upstairs I'm going to grab you a plate now these are going to be hot okay go ahead all right awesome is that an this is just for dipping purposes yeah dipping purposes okay go like that these look really good oh nice me taste cuz I'm going to take like four of these up there I think he was very hungry is it good mhm it looks good what do you think of the sauce it's good is that the It's Yogurt tahini lemon juice and garlic I'm definitely getting like the garlic in it really good it kind of reminds me a little bit of tomb which is that garlic sauce that our brother-in-law really likes there's a Lebanon restaurant we used to go to with my sister and brother-in-law and they have this garlic dipping sauce that that kind of reminds me of except that that obviously has yogurt in heene but this is almost like a thicker version of it version of that yeah that's something was familiar about it I think that's what it was yeah awesome all right I'm going to give it a try now yeah take as many as you want really really hungry Josh you know I'm making two other recipes right yeah no okay he's thought through this okay I'm going to give it a try now you could get really creative with these fillings oh it's very hot I'm just going to dip a little bit oh my goodness this is delicious I just ran this under some water with a little bit of scrubbing action no soap or anything and this is ready to go for our next recipe so now what we're going to do is make our chili crunch Burgers but I just want to emphasize one more time if you need a recipe this is obviously not my recipe but you need a recipe quick easy humble ingredients that packs a punch of flavor go make yourself this recipe your family will not be disappointed I can't overstate enough or understate enough how much flavor is packed into this little peita pocket you could get creative with the flavors too if you wanted you could even use lamb if you like lamb or just play around with the spices because that is pretty incredible so something a little bit different about this burger recipe and the reason I chose it is because it's not your average Burger it is going to highlight chili crunch I have showed this a couple times when I bought this for the first time and it is delicious it's become one of my favorite things so we all love a good burger I love just a plain cheeseburger that would be delicious on this griddle but I thought let's try to put a fun Twist on it and so when I found this chili crunch Apple Burger I thought we needed to give it a try the first thing we need to do is make our chili crunch Mayo so I'm just mixing up my chili crunch cuz the oil does kind of separate from the crunch a little bit and I'm going to get a couple good spoonfuls of chili crunch in our Mayo if you have not had chili crunch before I definitely think you should give it a try the first time I saw this was on Instagram of course and it was people actually making chili crunch I have yet to make it homemade this one is from Trader Joe's you can get it for most grocery stores I think and this has olive oil dried onion dried garlic dried bell peppers crushed Chili Peppers toasted dried onions sea salt and paprika for color so what people normally do is put all those dried spices in a bowl and then they heat up oil on the stove they pour it over all those yummy crunchy delicious good things and then you have chili crunch I do want to try making it homemade at some point but I'm just going to take the help of Trader Joe's for this recipe cuz these are easy week night dinners that we're making today I added salt and pepper to our chili crunch Mayo I'm going to mix this together and now this is done easy just like that and then use whatever your favorite Mayo is I don't think I mentioned that there's Mayo in this bowl and now we're going to season up our beef to our ground beef I'm going to add some of our chili crunch salt we're going to make four Burgers pepper and then our really unique ingredient which I've washed this apple but I need to peel it and Grate it and now we're going to put this apple into our ground beef when I saw this I was very intrigued to see how this is going to turn out now we're going to add just about about 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs and I'm going to mix all this together so now that I have this mixed up really well I'm going to divide this as equally as I can into four burgers our meat patties are done there's only one other thing I need to do and that is to slice some big slices of red onion I'm going to get four of these and then while I'm at it I'm going to prep our buns cuz this is going to go really quickly once we start cooking our Burgers these are some really beautiful Brio buns that I got got at the local my local grocery store they have a wonderful Bakery I tried to make bio buns the other day and they turned out they were good but I use red flour because the recipe I was following didn't say what type of flour to use and you all wrote me and said Ros is supposed to be a very light kind of not a pastry but it's supposed to be a very very light bread not a chew week crusty bread so I should have used allpurpose flour and so I want to try making again and making buns but today I just went with the help of my local bakery so I'm going to turn this on kind of medium all of our components are basically done other than I'm going to wash up a little bit of lettuce and the recipe that I'm going to be linking for you that I'm following does say to slice a thick piece of apple and we're going to grill apple and onions but I don't know if I'm going to like the Apple so what I decided to do is skip that grilled apple part and just put the Apple in the burger and see how well we like that and then maybe if we make these again I'll try grilling the Apple but I think with just the chili crunch Mayo onion and burger it's going to be delicious just like that it doesn't call for any cheese or anything you could use butter for this next step but I'm just going to use a little bit of avocado spray and I'm going to get that on this bun so that these toast up really nicely and I'm going to put a little bit on my onions as well I just washed up some butter crunch lettuce cuz I think that that type of lettuce will be good on this burger and now what I'm going to do first I think what I'm going to do first is get these onions on here because the onions I want nice and caramelized see if I can get closer to the griddle I can already smell the chili Crunch and the apple as that hits the hot griddle [Music] I think I'm actually going only going to make up one of the burgers because Josh and I will do a taste test and we'll share it together and then I'll use the other ones as meal prep [Music] Josh is on his way down to try the burger so we're going to cut it in half so we each can try it a little bit easier so this is a chili crunch Apple Burger I made you up half of a burger to try if you want more I can make more but we still have the homemade crunch wraps with homemade queso next okay I definitely went into the last one a little heavy P so I'm not super hungry anymore but this doesn't look amazing okay I'm going to give it a try first extremely Savory super super Savory do you remember chili crunch it's the oil with the garlic and the oh yeah yeah okay yeah yeah can I get that M this is a great burger there's no cheese on it oh really mm-m you're not missing the cheese at all and there's Apple in the burger wow yeah it's very juicy very like Rich it seems cheesy but it's not the Brios bun really brings it over the top too cuz that adds a level of sweetness I think you really need the recipe didn't call for bios bun but I think that because the chili crunch is so Savory now that's probably where the slice of apple comes in this recipe said to put a grilled slice of apple on it but I wasn't sure if we would like that so I left that out but I could see how that would be really good that sweetness to counterbalance that super super Savory Mayo so yeah awesome but as good as this as well yep so we have some meal prep so now what we're going to do is make some homemade Crunch Wrap Supremes that are going to be delicious I'm packing this up and Josh and I were talking more about this burger as I pack it up getting ready to start the next recipe one he said he really likes this butter lettuce and two next time I make this I will try it with the Apple slice cuz we think that that's probably what makes this really amazing yeah okay so almost ready for the next one I took a second to clean the kitchen and then get out the things we need for this recipe we are going to make the cheese sauce from scratch and we need to make some ground beef taco meat so I have two pots here I'm going to start by Browning the ground beef back back here cuz this is going to take a couple minutes so while this is cooking we can also have our cheese sauce going so in this little pot I'm going to add a couple tablespoons of butter I'm going to let this Melt while that's melting I think I'm going to go ahead and add some seasonings to our taco meat this is some homemade taco seasoning you can season your taco meat when you make Crunch Wrap Supremes however you want if you have a favorite spice blend you like and add a couple tablespoons of that and my taco seasoning doesn't have any salt in it so I'm going to go ahead and add some salt I think I was in high school when Crunch Wrap Supremes were launched and when I was in college I used to go to my friend's house after school and I would make them her family dinner all the time as just a fun way to decompress and one of the main things we made on a very regular basis were homemade Crunch Wrap Supremes and I don't even know if I've ever even made these for Josh and I've definitely never made a homemade cheese sauce I thought it would be fun to try my hand at making a homemade cheese sauce for this but you don't have to go through the effort of making a homemade cheese sauce you could just use shredded cheese or you could use your favorite quo that you get at the store I just added flour to my butter and I'm going to let this this cook for a minute I might add just a touch more flour cuz it's a little runny yet I'm going to season our cheese sauce with just a little bit of salt some onion powder and just for a little bit of color some smoked paprika and flavor of course so to that I'm going to add some milk [Music] this is going to take just a minute to thicken up so while that's thickening up I'm going to go ahead and prep some of our other goodies that we're going to put into our Crunch Wrap Supremes if you wanted yours to be vegetarian even though we are doing a ground beef series here you could do reff fried beans in instead of ground beef if you wanted that's good we've definitely done that before but we always added some fresh tomatoes I have some cherry tomatoes here that I'm going to go ahead and just slice up small I did already go ahead and wash these and then I have some butter lettuce that I washed that we're going to go ahead and get sliced up as well and we're going to add these to our Crunch Wrap Supremes if you don't make make your own cheese sauce all you have to do really to prep for this is have some shredded cheese on hand and then cook your taco meat hey Josh when you come back in would you be willing to bring in a thing of sour cream thank you he is working hard on our upstairs we started together working on kind of updating the upstairs and then life happened and it's been over a year since we've done anything up there so all day he's been up there so now you can see how thick our milk and flour and butter mixture is with a little bit of seasonings I just turned the heat off and what I'm going to do now is add some orange cheddar cheese cuz I want that classic cheese sauce look to this and I'm going to put put about equal parts cheese to milk and I just turn the heat off because I don't want oh no I turned the heat up I just turned the heat off cuz I don't really want to cook the cheese I just want the cheese to melt in this kind of well Rue basically look at that yummy and I want this to be thick cuz I want this to be cheese sauce that you buy at the store kind of cons consistency so that we can spread it really easily onto our toasta and that is how easy it is to make homemade cheese sauce I should give it a try I want to add a little extra garlic since I chopped a bunch of it up to our meat mixture cuz that's just delicious I know we're making ground beef recipes but if you wanted to make a homemade mac and cheese this is basic basically homemade mac and cheese sauce all you would need to do is boil a little bit of noodles and pour this over the top all right adding that onion powder brings this cheese sauce over the top so incredibly Rich cheesy and delicious it has been so long since I have made these I had to look up the order in which the components go into the Crunch Wrap Supreme so the first one is I remembered everything that went into it it was just what order do they go in the order is cheese sauce and we're going to spread that on the bottom and make a nice base for our ground beef the cool thing about when you make stuff at home is you can control the ingredients if you have family members that have certain dietary needs or you just have preferences you can really adapt this however you want want if you wanted to use ground turkey or ground chicken instead of ground beef you could do that now we're going to add our tost and then we're going to add the Supreme part which is some sour cream tomatoes and then some lettuce and you can see how this does not close so what you can do if you can't find 12-in tortillas is you can grab yourself a taco siiz tortilla and you can put that right there so we could probably just use half of it I do have the griddle heating up and then you just wrap this over and that way you have it all covered you don't have a hole in the middle I'm going to put that there so that we can make one more I'm going to save this little piece of tortilla I do want to put a little oil down so that we get a nice colorization on our Crunch Wrap Supremes going to spread that around just a little bit my pastry brushes in the dishwasher I'm going to take a little bit of that oil and I'm going to go ahead and wipe that on the top so we get good color on this side too the nice thing about making crunch drop Supremes is all the cooking is done all we're doing here is heating them up and getting them crunchy on both sides so I have this griddle a little bit higher than I would if I was needing to actually cook the meat in these crunch trap Supremes I'm just looking to toast the tortilla Josh have you ever even eaten a crunch ROP Supreme yeah yeah it's been a while though it's a really nice hexagon where's that thanks Pentagon one two three four five Pentagon Pentagon and that's what it looks like on the inside so I made homemade cheese sauce great and I think the other one's done so I'm going to get that off real quick we got nice color on this one as well so here we go might be a little hot I haven't had a crunch trap Supreme in years this is crazy it looks like a crunch trap Supreme M say really does like someone that care put it together thanks he said it looks like someone with care put it together I've never made one homemade with homemade cheese sauce we always just use shredded cheese I think it's really good it's not com impressive pretty classic Josh and I are just sitting here enjoying it he said he really likes the butter lettuce again mhm that's a different kind of lettuce than I normally buy you nice and crispy yeah and kind of sweet almost so good so Josh now can you rank them from your favorite to your least favorite or do you want me to make all of them again or is there one that you're like M we could do without that one I think they were all really good so you can all you can make all of them again for sure I think um probably the crunch trap Supreme really at the top okay but so was the uh what was it the Lebanese P yes the Lebanese stuffed pea bread that was really good too something about the ease of eating both of those was really nice yeah all in one so I guess the bird has coming third but not because it didn't good just cuz everything was really good so oh awesome I would say my favorite was probably the Lebanese pea because that is unlike anything I've had and the flavor was just so intense for it being such simple ingredients now there were a lot of spices in the meat mixture but paired with the yogurt sauce fantastic and not not like anything I've ever eaten before Crunch Wrap Supreme always delicious I definitely think the homemade cheese sauce takes it over the top from when I have made it in the past that is a must and it was so easy totally worth it I think the few minutes it took me and I think the burger probably was my third just because the other two were just so good yeah I'm with you there well thank you Josh for being our taste tester thanks for making everything you're welcome friend I am having so much fun doing these themed cooking days because what it's doing is it's really pushing me out of my comfort zone to find new recipes to try and it's building my cooking repertoire and it's putting recipes into our rotation that I probably would have never tried if I wasn't trying all these new things so it's so fun so I hope you're getting something out of it and that maybe you'll try something you've never tried before I was going to buy some Jarred cheese sauce because it felt overwhelming to make my own when I was going to be cooking all these other things but they only had extra hot at the store when I went and Josh doesn't like spicy food so I thought you know what now is the time to try it I'm glad I did because that is going to be so easy to make on any night that I don't really have a lot of time I could still whip that up in no time at all or you could go get yourself a jar but I'm enjoying doing these themed days because the Pea the Lebanese stuffed pea I probably wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for trying to get myself cooking some new things so I hope you're enjoying this if you do I can pop a couple of my other videos here where we do themed cooking days and there's a lot more where this came from if you want to try some new recipes for your family all these recipes will be linked down in the description box if you want to try them I want to thank Maiden for sponsoring today's video if you want a discount on your first order they will be linked down in the description box as well so thank you for being here thank you for being you if you're new consider subscribing and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 174,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2PCuh8R5Lbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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