5 Ingredients to Heavenly Crockpot Chicken!

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okay folks listen I'm trying to build up my playlist right listen the playlist is called budget friendly meals now do I have a doozy for you this time listen just because it's easy and they not a whole lot of ingredients I don't want you guys to think it lacks luster in any other taste guess what folks we doing a five ingredient baked chicken and we doing it in the crock pot let's get it okay folks now look you guys can see right here these are my ingredients this right here is for garnish right this is real simple like I said already stated that we going to be doing it in the crock poot right so I want you guys to come in here and take a look at how I'm going to do this now I've already washed and cleaned my chicken patted it dry here it is right here right so the main thing you want to pay attention to is listen if you got a Crockpot you know what I mean you want to get yourself some non-stick spray I like to spray my bottom and my sides right now I'm going take look it's really like the placement right so we take it and we just going to like I guess the word would be like stagger it maybe you know like this right and if you got a bigger crockpot that's the more that you can put in there you know more drums now you don't have to do it with drums you can do this with you know thighs the whole shebang right but I'm going try to get it in here like [Music] this you know what I mean like that and we'll try to get this one over here like this and this should be the placement that we want to have again let me get it over here so you guys can see it okay so what I'm going to do is I'm G to dust this with just a little bit of fresh black Cracked Pepper now this is where you can level up and do anything you want to do on your own don't forget it really doesn't have to be done you know what I mean uh I'm trying to show you guys you don't always have to add nothing but look I'm looking for a unique flavor and I love the way that you know fresh black Cracked Pepper you know taste right so then I'm going to dust it with my a don't forget this is is great with poultry too poultry fish veggies you guys got to have some of this a lot of you guys got it so I just put a little bit over here like that don't have to be on the bottom don't worry cuz as it get hot it's going to you know slide down to the bottom mix with our sauce this is going to be fire you serve this over rice and there you have it now all right so we going to start with I'm going to just start adding my honey right now don't forget this ingredient list along with the other recipes that I do now all of them are printable it's on my way website smoking and Grilling withth a.com once you get all your ingredients in here right we can come with a little bit of this ketchup then we come with our soy our soy sauce right you guys look I love to use this version right here just a little bit on the left side of sodium anywhere I can cut my sodium I do it all right so then I just take my whisk and just work it all together right be careful you know you don't want to do it so fast that your soy you know comes out all right but you'll see look at that right there now that I have it all you know mixed up now I'm getting ready to Minch my garlic put a smile on my face folks so we take it look at that you can hear it but look I hope you guys are being able to catch that then I take the back of my knife I know a couple people told me they were doing it and they were using the front of their knife you know what I mean listen we just got to be smart you don't want to like dull your blade right just use the back doesn't harm it right then once you get it all mixed up all we going to do is pour it on the [Music] top all right now once you got it fully coated right we sprayed it it makes it easier for the you know for our sauce to like spread around and it ensures that nothing sticks right now only thing you should have left and that's your green onion because we're going to use that for a little bit of the garnish and then session the seeds one of the things I like about this recipe is I'm willing to bet like eight out of 10 times you guys have everything Minish to chicken you probably have that too you know what I mean cuz we all keep chicken you know froze so if you got a little pre-thought you know what I mean you can just make this this will feed a lot of people all you got to do is have some rice and maybe a side of broccoli now you can invite me to dinner now okay so we going to do it on high right so if we do it on high we going to do it for 4 hours usually on low I go about six 6 hours right so power's on hit High we move this up to 4 hours and I'll see you guys in just a minute okay folks look my timer went off and the type of uh crockpot that I have or slow cooker listen anytime my timer goes off it automatically kicks down to what they call a warm right so to keep everything nice and hot so these are great things that you can start like in the morning you know I mean on your way to work and then uh when it's done it'll stay warm so when you come in all you got to do is make your rice or if you got one of them good uh rice cookers you can just set it on a timer you come in and food is ready now let's go ahead and take a look at this look at that right there that right there that's that money folks let me get me some tongs now I want to show you something you tell me look look at that matter of fact let's go ahead and do this let's just put that in there just like that on this bed of rice let me grab another one and that's enough right there now if you've been following me for a minute you guys got to know my favorite veggie in the world is what that's right I love that broccoli I'm going to tell you a quick little story most people when they eating at the table their parents tell them hey don't drink that drink don't eat the sweets and don't do all that until you eat that certain thing my mother would tell me don't eat that none of my veggies cuz I love veggies and especially that broccoli now with that being here you see this let me go ahe and get this cleaned up let me try to get a thumbnail out of this and then I'll be right [Music] back okay folks look I done finished taking pictures of uh this sexy chicken legs you know what I mean I didn't hit it with a little bit of this uh sesame seed on the top just to give it a little bit of garnish I don't know about y'all but look if my food look good it taste even better now with that being said I'm going to go ahead and just get me a little bit oh my look why did I even get a knife right so if you really want to know how soft it is look at this then I want you guys to come in there take a look at that that right there is fire now if I really want to show you something come on in here and let's get personal with it you see that right there we can just hit it with a little bit of this you know me get a little bit of this on the rice you guys can do whatever you want to do now here's a little Pro tip if you guys want to take this and turn it into a great gravy all we got to do is strain it put it in a pot add some heat to it once it comes up to a boil we hit it with a little bit of cornstarch we going to make a slurry slurry so we going to do equal parts you can know for something like this I probably would just do one tbspoon of uh corn starch and then a one tspoon of cold water and then let it thicken up like that gravy now so that I don't continue to overt talk check this out folks you see that right there I don't know what to do cheers y'all now check it out I really didn't even eat enough to be wiping my mouth but I can tell you this my mouth is salivating though you know what I mean so look this is what I'm going to do you guys let me know down in the comment section below what would you do what type of Veggie would you serve this with and don't forget this is a budget friendly meal right so let me just go ahead and pour myself a glass of this grape Kool-Aid yes sir and you know what I'm about to do folks I'm out peace [Music] a
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 283,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, 5 Ingredients to Heavenly Crockpot Chicken!, 5 ingredient chicken recipes, crockpot chicken, crockpot chicken and rice, chicken and rice recipes, crockpot chicken recipes, chicken and rice, how to make chicken and rice, slow cooker, slow cooker chicken recipes, slow cooker recipes, crock pot chicken and rice, crock pot, slow cooker dinner ideas, slow cooker chicken, crock pot chicken, crock pot recipes, chicken in the slow cooker
Id: --Dq6kFSRDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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