Husky dog EXTREME Grooming Makeover: 6 Hour Transformation! 😳

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel today we are grooming Malibu the 13-year-old Husky and Malamute mix as you guys can clearly see he is horrifically matted and I truly believe that I'm going to end up shaving this dog today I don't think I'm going to be able to get through this but I am going to try to get through it first just to see if it's possible because sometimes this coat looks mad but it's actually compacted and can be blown out and I would hate to shave this dog if he doesn't need to be shaved I've been told that he can be aggressive for grooming so I need to be aware of that and according to the owners he had a very negative experience at the previous Grooming Salon that groomer was actually terminated due to negligence so he is very fearful of grooming ever since that experience I'm going to do the best that I can with him for a 13-year-old dog he is incredible shape incredible moves around really well he's got good stability I am keeping him low on the table regardless because I don't know how he will react the dryer and I'm not putting him in a happy hoodie today because he has a pretty serious ear infection and I don't think he would appreciate having anything over his ear so the first thing I'm going to do is try to blow out this coat with the high velocity dryer because I want to see if it'll blow out first before I bathe all of this hair all right buddy let's see how you'll handle the dryer okay okay it's okay okay so the great news is is that the dryer seems to be pulling this hair out very easily the bad news is he most definitely is not okay with brushing so I'm hoping with a bath a blow dry a condition most of this hair will come out and I will have to do very little brushing at the end of this groom but like this is great this is exactly what we want to see I'm really happy about this this is going to be one Epic transformation but are definitely some matted spots that I know will not come out with the dryer so I'm going to go ahead and shave those spots out first before I put them in the bath he said touching the one ear that's infected might be a challenge he doesn't like the sound I don't want you to bite me but I absolutely will not be able to shave these if I put a muzzle on you because the muzzle is going going to go around the mats it's okay buddy he does have medication for his ear infection I just want to make sure I tell you guys that he is medicated right now um I can smell the infection I can tell that it's pretty severe cuz it smells really bad it's okay so the other ear is the one that's infected so so far for this one he's being good but we don't know that he's going to be good for the next one so that there is all matting that there's no way I'd get through with the dryer at the end of the day this dog's haircut is probably going to be pretty choppy and horrendous and I don't really care because I just want him to be comfortable and clean especially at his age now the owners did give me permission to shave him all over if it's necessary so we will do the best that we can why are you top dancing all right guys let's hope for a miracle I'm putting him in the bath let's do our first nasty Critter of probably a th I hear those nails and I've been told you don't like your nails what a surprise okay no no no no no this is happening Malibu you're okay you're okay Malibu you're okay Malibu my experience with the Nordic breeds is that they really hate brushing especially as they get older and so I can imagine the owners trying to brush this dog is nearly impossible at home and they have not been able to find a groomer willing to tackle this and I don't blame any groomers cuz this is one in insane job this is going to be crazy but for someone like me who can spend the entire day on this dog it's doable and I'm really excited about it because I know that he's just going to look incredible after and this is going to be one hell of a transformation and I just want to make you feel better and look better and I actually have the time to do it so I'm glad that they found me oh I don't like your paws say I'm a husky I don't like my Paws touched don't touch them I'm going to be giving you a bath for the next 3,000 years yes I am I want to say you're a boy but I can't find your bits so there's too much Madding in the way I think you are I'm pretty sure they said he he loves to be pet and I assume his skin is very itchy under all this so I think that he is going to really enjoy the blow dryer once he starts to feel it on his skin he probably was not feeling it on his skin when I was using it on him because of all the hair we're going to bathe your face very very end okay are you a good boy are you a good boy yeah all right now I'm going to do some deshedding okay Malibu it's okay it's really hard to tell when they come in like this if this is hair that they're going to lose or hair that's matted that's why I checked it first and I think it's going to be a 50/50 I think there's going to be a lot of hair that's going to come out and I think there's going to be a lot of hair that isn't going to come out and so we will have to evaluate what we're going to do after all that sir you have a lot of poop on your butt now this here is a superficial shampoo and I am going to take the nozzle off the hose and do a good soak to try to get as much of the undercoat soaked as possible possible and then I'm going to repeat these steps and bathe him again because there's no way he's clean okay so now I'm giving him a really good soak with just the hose good boy you're fine I want to make sure he gets wet all the way down to the skin good boy good boy oh please don't cry you're going to be here for at least 3 hours so get used to it all right let's do this again three more canisters of nasty critter hey buddy I want everyone who is watching this video to save the date July 14th I am having a fundraiser for Happy's Place senior dog rescue here in Niagara Falls it's actually going to be in Niagara on the Lake it's going to be a huge event with lots of entertainment fun stuff for your kids it will be a really fun day so make sure you guys come out we are going to be setting up a fundraiser in advance for Happy's place as well if you want to learn more about Happy's place I'll put the link in the description for you but basically they rescue Senior Dogs find them new homes or keep them in palet of care until they pass and they're just a great organization and I wanted to raise money this year and contribute as much as I can I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys all there there will of course be the ability for a meet and greet as well okay buddy now doing your face should be fun sorry okay this is a tearless shampoo and he is not going to love this because of his this poor ear all right now that he is pretty well rinsed I am going to condition him so for obvious reasons I want to saturate him in conditioner and now we are going to do two rinses one with the nozzle and one without yay I got the poop off your [Music] butt all right second rinse just in the hose just to make sure that all the product is out go this way all right would you like to shake now probably not not now that it can be beneficial if this entire dog blows coat which I believe that he is going to this is going to be more epic than the farm Shepherd on my channel believe it or not I am going to put a towel down on my grooming table because of how much hair he has he is going to drip quite a bit and I want that table to stay dry so I'm going to put that towel down and then I'm going to put him on the table we're just going to see how you behave with that it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no he bit the dryer so hard that he actually broke it so that is a pretty serious bite I am going to put him in the Groomer's helper so that he can't spin anymore because there's lots of drying that has to take place here and I am not fighting with him the entire time no [Music] [Music] [Music] so the awesome news is that this dog's coat is totally savable the bad news is that he is going to require a lot of brushing and I don't think he's going to be tolerable for it but all of this matted coat all of it is just releasing it's all coming out this is awesome this is exactly what I wanted to see and this is why you never shave first in my opinion you try to bathe condition and blow out because sometimes these coats surprise you and you think that they're horrifically matted when really all of this coat is just stuck underneath and needs to come out so I mean this is savable it's just going to be a lot of work he's not dry yet on this side but I'm going to give him a break then I'm going to do some on the other side give him a break and then continue on I'm hot so if I'm hot that means that he's definitely hot so he needs to take a break sh sh St okay let's shave your butt and then we are both taking a break because my arm is going to fall off and we both need a drink of water okay so poor Malibu has been here for 4 hours and we still have at least an hour to go as I mentioned before he does not like pulling so I am going to try to shave out as much of the hair as I can without making it look too noticeable because I really don't want to put him through that much brushing if I don't have to I do want to say though that all of this can be brushed out fairly easily but he is not tolerable of brushing you have to have a dog that's okay with it if you don't then it's not fun for anybody no do not I'm shaving I'm not even brushing he means business when he goes to bite like he definitely wants to bite so do you see how I shaved but then the hair kind of goes over where the shave is so you can't tell as I said this is all brushable it doesn't need to be shaved but he really really hates any kind of pulling but I am going to try to brush some of it out cuz I don't want to shave too much hair depending on how long this takes I may or may not get to the pause today might have to get him to come back for that we will see something tells me he's not going to be thrilled about the nails when you guys see the pile of hair that has come off this dog you're going to be in actual shock this is definitely the most amount of hair that has come off a dog that I have groomed so far even more than the king shepherd it just it won't stop it just keeps coming you guys saw the way he's been acting about brushing so I think you can assume why I shaved this area here totally brushable could have brushed it out no problem but he is just not okay with it so he's going to go home with lots of holes in his haircut and I don't really care he really honest I can't believe how strong you are for 13 years old you imagine if you were younger okay this side is brush out I am not doing too much of a trim on him today because well really I don't want to keep him in here for any longer than I need to I'm going to trim this up here because it drags on the ground and it's just going to get matted and disgusting this leg mainly because I took so much hair off of it that I kind of have to make it look even now unfortunately because he has to wear the muzzle the entire time this will not be an appropriate brush around his face because a lot of hair is of course underneath the muzzle and I can't get to it without taking it off and since I don't want to get my hand bit off today I'm just not going to do that what happens if I clip your nails do I dare find out what happens when I clip your nails they are curling I'm surprised that he's letting me do this right now they are curling making it difficult for him to walk and trimming them would be highly beneficial for him so I feel like there's an extreme importance on getting that done and I really want to get it done for his sake he has great Mobility so I'm not too worried about shaving them because I don't think he does that much slipping and sliding although obviously I would like to shave them but as Nails get longer they actually prevent the dog from walking normally which ends up leading to hip and joint problems because they compensate by walking differently so that it doesn't hurt their nails and in time that causes more harm good boy hey hey hey good boy good boy good boy good boy no no it's okay they're so long buddy doing the top of his paws at the very end of his groom I will try to shave his paws and see how he is so basically what I did on the other side of the body I now have to do on this side of the body I'm not going to film all this because it's the exact same thing all over again he's been here I think now for he's been here now for 5 hours so I'm going to try to get this done as quickly as possible because this guy's got to go home in total he took me 5 hours and 45 minutes to complete he is not perfect he has lots of chunks of missing hair in certain spots and I hope that he is completely brushed out there might be some superficial matting in some places but he looks a million times better I'm going to bring him outside we're going to get some nice before and after photos and of course wait to see the reveal to the owners my God hi baby you look like you're 1,000 lb ligh he lost so much hair oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah yeah yeah Daddy kiss
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 2,036,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: husky, dog, dogs, transformation, cute dog, fluffy dog, malamute, haircut, makeover, extreme makeover
Id: XnD9D2suoAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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