Our cats get their favorite things

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we got gifts for all of our cats what would this be merry like christmas presents yeah i guess let's start with pokey cookie hi okay gonna scratch board all of our cats have their own reference for scratching pokey and peachy are like little ground scratchers most of their scratch boards are kind of worn down now can you move your leg i like how we can just get the refill later yeah echo uh i kind of wish this was like tighter yeah we'll see but oh well pokey [Applause] oh yeah as soon as you landed on it i didn't want to get him like food because he just gets chunky a little bit easily that's what i see i knew haku would like that one oh my god okay he's he's gonna run away with it hakko you have to wait hang on so i got hopefully these like they're like dental chews so at least i can give him this every now and then instead of like feeding him more when he's supposed to be on the diet whoa how's that taste [Music] oh oh oh he can't find it no don't lick pokey you're supposed to chew it oh god pokey's such a liquor good boy pokey good boy pokey does not like having his teeth brushed but okay i can't hold on anymore maggie has been out of his favorite toys for a really long time now he's very particular about where he wants to play he likes to play on carpet so he can dig his claws in and kind of run around so we bought a little bit of a play rug for him nagi also just likes when we lay out new stuff on the floor it doesn't matter what it is he'll sit on it so i think he's really gonna like this oh he's so happy already you already playing with the carpet [Music] pocky doesn't care hakko doesn't care maggie's super excited pokey sitting on his present isn't it weird how we know our cats so well like we know what each of them will like haku is mostly ignored the scratch board no one but nagi is on this rug this is nagi's all-time favorites [Music] haku you're at maggie's play rug [Music] haku likes sticks haku likes armpits haku likes smelly people so he can shove his face under there and like get his cheek sweat gland his like glam the cows he's never done it for june um some of you guys may remember a really long time ago i made a video that talked about how um some east asian people have a gene mutation so that they have like fewer or less active apocrine sweat glands endocrine sweat glands are the glands you have all over your body and like if you go out running that's what starts sweating apocrypha and sweat glands are the ones that are like stress sweat those are the ones that can make you really smelly under your armpit and also like around your cubic region june has like far fewer of those look how happy this dude is i've never ever smelled june's body odor so basically huck likes smelly people like you yes this is all relevant because it's related to today's sponsor from native deodorant yay you can pick out like whatever scents you want they have a ton of scents and they smell amazing and chanterize on these this one is salad what do you think hmm i like the smell for this what is it's lavender and rose oh how does a haku like these so far oh i like this one yeah yeah this one's really really good it's citrus and herbal musk and then this one smell that i think i like this one the best eucalyptus and mint for one thing i was not careful putting on my shirt today i put on the deodorant first and then put on my shirt and i definitely rubbed my armpits all over the side and there are no white marks which my old deodorant always has that's not something you would understand too sorry struggle you've ever had these are new to me i've definitely tested it out and stiffed my armpits after a full day and it still smells just as nice but it doesn't get goopy normally when i shower i kind of have to like scrub off all the excess deodorant from my other deodorants but there's not that much with this one they don't use parabens or aluminum and they're also sulfate free so for some people that's a big deal it's also vegan and cruelty free they try to keep a lot of the ingredients to things people are familiar with like this one has tapioca starch in it um coconut oil eucalyptus leaf oil lactobacillus the bacteria oh okay wait really so are they like battling the growth bacteria under my arm i've heard of the name of the bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus maybe it's not a really really common probiotic bacteria in america it's like probably one of the main ones they have free shipping to the us normally three deodorants are 36 dollars but if you use our link and code rachel june then you'll get them for 24 so that's like 33 off cool how often do i get smelly like deodorant i never even noticed myself what do you think buddy i feel like what do you think that often these days a body odor i'm also um as a husband attracted to you which means i like your smell right so bones are strong so i don't know if you're asking the right person well haku doesn't shove his face in my armpits very often it's honestly only a couple times a year so i don't think i get super stinky all of that said and done with we can get to haku's gifts the other thing that haku really likes that none of our other cats care about is this tube so i got him more tubes like that and i'm gonna set up a really long tube we're gonna leave this in our hallway after i put these together we're just we want to make life for ourselves really inconvenient but our cats are going to have fun whoa oh okay i could make it like this too oh oh he's going hang on going in whoa taco we made it really long too tube yeah he's roaming around tucker just might be in the tube for a while sometimes he sleeps in his tubes he looks pretty comfy there okay i'll let him rest i'll see if he wants to play later our last present was really easy for peachy the one thing peachy had better when she was outside was she slept on heat like air conditioning units all day which you know they're turned on then it gets hot so she had like a heated sleeping stuff even in the middle of the summer when i went there and it was like 40 something degrees celsius and i was dying she would still sleep on the heated air conditioners a lot so i wanted to get her a heating pad i wanted to get one specifically for pets so it couldn't accidentally get too hot she might go sleep somewhere else for now but she'll come back we go i'm going to leave this here on low heat that's probably won't go on until constantly stealing nagi's favorite bed so we got more porn um they're extra toys i'm gonna leave packaged for now and we'll share them later when they get bored of other stuff yep boogie what are you looking at [Music] hi [Music] oh she's finally on her bed she's on the heating pad she looks she looked really confused for a minute but all of a sudden her eyes are like she's doing the slow blinking and she seems settled she just sat down and she's falling asleep i think she likes it yeah look rachel he likes it so much that he sleeps there now his little face this is more comfy though well i guess he looks so cold he's like cuddled up in a little ball yeah there are many warmer places for him he feels more i don't know more comfortable here maybe oh [Music] cute hi [Music] i'm full [Music] see you guys we'll see you guys later with more cat presents probably we're never gonna stop our house is just gonna be cat stuff all of our cats are so distracted they've got so much to explore thanks buddy okay we'll see you guys later bye wait happy new year happy new year happy new year happy new year [Music] i feel like i should just upload a video of nagi playing on his rug for like an hour probably 50 views just by you he's so cute and happy look at him he's excited about the toy again look how much he likes the carpet whoa there we go i think we're finally starting to tire them out yay okay see you guys we'll see you guys later
Channel: Rachel & Jun's Adventures!
Views: 638,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, rachel, jun, rachel and jun, rachel & jun, vlog, blog, daily, life, cats, presents, haku, nagi, poki
Id: 5118BppGg1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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