We cleaned out Jun's kitchen

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Hey guys. Hey guys! it's 9 p.m. Good evening! We're about to TEAR THIS KITCHEN APART Woo-hoo Because that's what self-isolation and the Final Fantasy 7 remake have done to our sleep schedules hnffffhnf Okay, let me say that having a clean and organized apartment does so much for lowering stress and anxiety And, during the process of moving here, we got rid of probably more than half of the stuff we owned. Like, I did the whole Marie Kondo thing I got rid of everything that doesn't bring me joy that I don't absolutely need sparkle ?? .... joy? What sparks joy! I have organized every single cabinet, drawer, and closet in this entire apartment, so that every single thing we own has a place. For example, here is our office supplies drawer We've got scissors and sharp stuff. These are all of our little notepads. We've got scotch tape, whiteout things This goes here Twisty ties Pens and pencils, Purna markers, highlighters, etc. and cat I told Jun I would do everything in the apartment. I just want him to organize his kitchen area And, Everything in this apartment is organized Except for this kitchen area. So that's what we're gonna do today. Over time, I organized a couple times but I got more. I use up a lot and keep refilling and adding more and more and more and then now it's not as... uhh organized as it used to be anymore Can I give you a little quiz, Jun? Hmm Can you tell me everything that is in this drawer? Everything? Smoker and bento box and wooden box for bringing the cooking thing I used. Smoker, oh, this is ice cream scooper and the bamboo thing, uh, this actually a table mat Bento box container This needs to be organized Are those bags of rice? hmm? That there's a bread fly. Bags of bread flour? Yeah, I don't use bread - I don't make bread every day so, it's there Two of our four potholders. These plates are too big to be in the other door, an island, the big, big plates. These are knives. And these are oven tray, oven mitt. And this is the glasses, spices and plates and bowls. We have wrapped plastic silverware here Where's that from? It's kind of a beige-ish color -- And we have wrapped plastic silverware here. This is not that bad compared to -- we have cashew nuts in here -- this drawer This one is the one I haven't really organized How long have these cashew nuts been in this drawer? For a while, I think? Why are there cashew nuts in this drawer? Probably I was gonna use it for cooking. That one is the one probably not touched since we moved in so much. So what's in here? A lot of tools I don't use and ... I think there's also ... bonito flakes! hnnnffa Stainless bowls, knives, and the cutting board to protect our sink from Poki And cooking trays. And those are rice cooker, blender, napkin. How do you call this again? Crockpot? mhmm You got from America. What's in here? Good question. Let's find out! That's the type of cooking flour. That's a bread flour Sushi Takanotsume. It's red pepper What's in here? All kinds of stuff Like (laughs) what? Like what? We'll see if you open it. This is our main drawer: this is what we use most of all out of everything we own This i- is this not a prime real estate spot in our kitchen? That's Mentaiko spaghetti pasta sauce; these are like a Mexican spice mix, I think? This is a flour, uh, how do you call it? A type of powdery salt, I use sometimes that too. Oh! I couldn't use this too for your gyoza, it's a rayu (chili oil) Did you know we had that? Yeah, I forgot. Where all in our apartment do we have bottles of spices? Bottles of spices? There and there is another tiny drawer over there that's easy to access while you're cooking on the stove And here. Yeah, and then there. And ... There! Let's start with the drawers We're keeping this. Mm! [Japanese] Yes, literally everything -- Can I go get the Tripod? My arms are tired Sure Can you come here and tell me what you want out of this? Keep all these metal [inaudible] uh-oh! WUH-Oh! oh no. oh no. Alright! What's next? What's this? Agar You're like a dog buddy. These are special baking dishes, right? What do we group it with? Probably all of our other - Special cook serving plate? Okay. Are you helping? You helping so much? Can opener - the top drawer. I think this needs to clean before we put it away. You have two things you can chew on, kay? hnnfffnnfnfnf Spatula we don't need. You can chew on this. That's a lid for alcohol - sorry not alcohol. Alcohol sanitizer tech? Excuse me, sir!! What's this? The flour. I'm done cleaning for someone [sittle??] It's his drawer now! ho hO HO! Sandpaper I don't know what this is. Nagiiii~ I need to clean the bottom drawer Wait check he's underneath you. Yup Dude, we got two rolls of toilet paper in here Yeah, I see that. I can't point out that we got two rolls of toilet paper this drawer and you're just like 'yeah'. Unfortunately, I can't go out and buy dividers for these drawers to make everything really neat right now considering the state of things Haku! Just bottom one. (Haku!) Oh, what!? He's still there! Haku! Come out! Ah, Okay There you are So Haku is the one who likes sleeping on our clothes or just any chaotic place. Haku like to be in the middle of whatever we're doing you're a good boy! and you like your family! <3 Sorry, again I [saw?stole?] our stainless. Top of the stove. Ahhhh okay, so, I'll put it down here. That's why you place a whack on A what? Do you call it wok? Wok? How do you spell/pronounce it? W-O-K oh! wok. It looks nice. I just have to dig through when I want to use the bottom one. Well, you don't use them often I've never seen you use this big one - or that one Only when we have guests and when I have to make a lot, yeah. I'll take that with me. You don't want that in here? No. I------ have not seen you use this. Tokey Dokey, [japanese?] sometimes. Okay. You want it? Yeah, I'll keep it. nfnfnfnf I think that takes too much space, makes it too difficult to access the pans So that's why I had it here. I can put it with Your special cooking dishes then next after Tupperware after you do the Tupperware and the list please start collecting all of your bowls the metal bowls and the glass folder unused Tupperware and They're just glass bowls stainless boys top Pat makes me want to make the Frederick's so much now I Want to use it not to cook if we get eggs will crack the egg with your one hand Beautifully and I'll cook the a fried egg with that pan Okay, I want to use that often now Okay so so far That hot pans nice things you use the least at the bottom Lids this way to your special eyes Yeah, like anywhere That goes with this special Cooking dish down here. These are all your special conditions. You got a cast iron things Got to be them back Bowl forget this the hot plates and the Grattan dishes and your egg thing It's ours egg thing Yeah Shopping stones sharpening stones. It's not packed the most convenient way But least everything fits with your black thing that we found what accent is that? Supposed to booth rachel is very tired. And there was a very bad idea to start this event here also Did not know this drill was here. Oh, yeah me neither what Yeah Travel toothpastes. Whoa. I Had no idea we have this door It's all my phone Looking for these I thought you threw them away. I told you I didn't hey banks we got hey, I see thanks. Yeah Hey No, maybe no Yeah, another bamboo thing. Can you put all the bamboo things together? We got bamboo things and so many spots out here. You got to put two bamboo things together Oh, we have rice cake here. Oh cat toothpaste what's a shampoo I'm gonna make a zonie Joe Wondered where all of our old silverware was. Yeah a whole extra drawer. The neither of us knew was here We didn't know these drawers were here for like the first three or four months that we lived here It does not look like a drawer right guys If you're like this, I was on the floor for some reason when I I found that I'm gonna make them Tony Wait smoochie smoochie I think it's okay one year Me stop hoax you can't be in yet. It's got the sink under the sink stuff Can you please come here miss the pokes you've gotta come out what he's fighting the sink? The see is lined in like a foam and he just scratched it with his tooth. Dude. There's more top room It's awesome baking stuff We have a variety of shape cookies cheaper things Please make me something. They look really cute I knew we would need more things for organization at some points Yeah It's gotten so heavy doing to help you Know but I'm gonna look like a mess after this guy's just gonna have to deal with it I need Me to shower my hair's a little bit oily. That's why I had it in a ponytail turns out my hair is too heavy for ponytails now, I'm gonna Okay Sir, what do you want? I found takla. Do you want chocolate mochi? We don't have oven toaster I took Fekkai we don't have that. We'll get one Working on your calls your access to continues Do you use this? Yeah, yeah are you I do You don't like my garlic press I've heard that no. No, I like your garlic. Press a lot It's very convenient, but I don't normally press garlic for anything when I cook. I just use my knife to chop Treated garlic Potato okay Yeah, I don't need to but we have to Yeah Not opener. It's a when you dispose spray cans and stuff. Do you make all the lights safe to throw away? This is Motor and pesto. Okay, so you got all of these types of pleases Gonna make I don't eat this anymore many types of species. This is And this is a good lord, it's just gonna make a stabbing out of here Okay A miser a crank the pasta me You have the devices. This one is really bell now. There was really dull. I don't know what you're supposed to do I don't what is this? so When you separate egg yolk Wait, that's what I use. I've never seen this black one. Yeah, stabby Fork We need this - that's probably brushing cat teeth Rachel: What is this? Why is this in here? Jun: Yeah, those two things are pasta machine stuff because I use it here Why can't it be with past-? This is-why is there just a knife? cheese knife Can I put this with knives somewhere? You can put that over there. This goes here-it broke Yep, should these be in here? These are nice chopsticks. Poki? are you trying to get the bonito flakes? everybody after bonito flakes there are too many shelves we use for all of our Meals basically can see this is my eyesight I can't even see in here unless I like get up really close or I stand up and Then normally we've got stuff on top of here. So we have to move things just to get the silverware out So since Jun cleared out this door, we're gonna hold silverware drawer. Yeah It's working past midnight, what are you team buddy? You can't play him - my glasses He's too bored Okay, it's past midnight, I emptied that- These we're done and I don't have energy to go through another one *sigh* So we can maybe you can finish the rest tomorrow For now, we make a good buddy cop show me and Poki Poki~ Jun: cop show? Rachel: two cops on the Prowl~, we're gonna co-star, you know buddy cop film. Okay Good night, boo boo such a great it's not the end of the video. I'm not ending the video there I'm going to bed. I'm gonna take care of all the morning tomorrow Down here, you have to have mail sound. Okay. They're so hard for me to reach. Yeah Good luck editing, please Sound effect each time. Do you count this more as a couple? It's my cup, but you can use as a Yeah Yeah, it's a super cup. Oh yes, right, whatever you Can probably open you white balls? Okay about here Okay I'll leave you humble Okay. Bye See ya. I have successfully completed many drawers it's for am finish this tomorrow Especially with June's help with all of the mysterious Powders in jars and who knows how old this cashews are? This is yeah I can't even this drawer here. I don't just need help It's better for Rachel now days need that Today I feel so we're getting an early start today We have not yet gone to this side of the kitchen which includes a great deal many dishes a Whole bunch of meeting I got and all those mean extra meeting. Yep, we were gonna give them to our friends so all of our friends could also get hooked on this meeting, but then Things happened now we can't see anyone. This is our Pantry and there you go. Jamie is the right word. So most of this is snacks. Dry foods. We still have this We're definitely gonna do it maybe soon It expires Last September but it's Gingerbread. It's totally fine. We are gonna make this on camera one day It made me a couple years from now, but it's gonna happen I've been preparing you guys don't know how much I want to make a gingerbread house with Jun on Christmas Yet Okay, so the rest of this is stuff I got to go through I fear a great deal of it may be expired you probably Have a lot of old snapback snack bags that have like, you know, two chips left in them pork is an inspection This is my bucket of bags Of which I Have folded every single one into a triangle So we never ever need to get another we use reusable bags when we go shopping Nowadays, but you know trash bags for the bathroom. How cool what are you doing? Are you gonna braid stuff? I'm gonna bring you out of here Haku where's my closing in by Cookies face Haku. Okay here can you help? Very low energy today, so instead of filming this whole thing talking to the camera I'm probably just I'm gonna listen to some music well, I organize this and then if I come across anything interesting I'll Film it. All right, we're gonna start with some stargazer Rainbow, okay. So everything kind of has a techie toll place right now, we have a ton of Storage dishes like these we have like a million. Okay Oh Way to Combine and sugars Cool on you late that sugar granulated sugar Is they are enough hugging it? Yes are then Elka Laura? gran, gran gran granularly granulator Granulated sugar. Yeah. Yeah, right You still hungry boy Mitchell grogg who stole our pasta from vo past He's so good at I don't know he literally just took one, how did why did he take it? Oh He'll play with them a bit but a lot of them end up under the counter somewhere you done with your pasta six Fair enough, can I throw them away now, uh-huh girl. You're just writing everything Why can't you just sleep on the couch? Like? Oh, I was gonna use that Why can't you just be a good boy No, you know who can't happen go back and cheer again you need to do something with that plastic It looks way better than before This kind of reminds me of a rice dish shelf machine the vending machine. Yeah That's very sad Oh Just gonna sleep on the boat tonight Jumbo shells that supposedly expired in 2018, but I do not believe pasta shells can expire I will make these pasta shells into Ricotta cheese Stuff. I actually used to make that all the time We just need to go back to Costco to get ricotta cheese, but I'm a little afraid to go to Costco right now. So, uh You just broke one of my big shells How could you do this? I'm sorry. I feel some betrayed What why are you doing that I'll use it. Now you're getting your wits. I'll still eat my porridge iPod shuffle Maggie's awake now So Remember did we do before shot? I really hope we take here's our new cabinet full of things that are easy to access And reach now, we've got just cups Only cups these we don't have plates stacked on top of plates on top of plates now We got all of our pans here This is kind of a weird place to put your pants but ends are right next to the oven Yes, and then now here's all of our mixing bowls and dishes which we use very frequently Plus your salad spinner. This is what I cook by jumbo Sheldon now all of our silverware. It's very easy to access Yeah, these are most frequently used chopsticks It's not getting in just taking up space for His back you put these on cups. So if everyone has the same drinking glass Ninis on it. And so you know, which one's yours? Actually, he's suck is he maybe you're used to Hey No, he's up So take that chick cute this drawer. It's still June's canteen after arriving ok this drawer Bull's eye Cat sound doing all those bowls are in this drawer and I guess student put in his large plate Maybe we should put your large plate somewhere else. Yeah Here's a very heavy door. We got our pastas over here And then I got a box in the middle with all of our mochi. Just the hard must be squares Apparently we have so many of these He's been getting more confident and more daring and courageous Okay, so all of our Mochi cuboids are here. Apparently we had a very significant amount. I don't know why you have so many bags. These are rice and some dry grades Plus Jun's cooking alcohol is all down there. I'm very organized Spices and stuff that goes on top of foods nice Quick color they somehow fit almost exactly Awesome isn't that amazing? Yeah. I didn't have to combine or throw anything away. It just worked out perfectly cool. Um here's our random extra spices One day when I'm allowed to go outside again I want to get something to put all of these extra spices Extra spices in so we can just pull it out easily rather than they try to Everything around I'm making a mess. Mmm This is still this didn't do anything this In case you're curious it's a crock-pot the thing that makes did you use these trays in and then all the little blender and Cooking tools Here is different types of flours And then pancake mix all these little boxes that have bread on them. It's here This is the nuts box Always supposed to be funny And these are dried foods like more tea and dry season here flour And then all types of other dried corn potage here's our bread baskets all of our breads go in here now conveniently in Basket form so we can just pull it out for people who are smaller than June So that I can see which bread I want. Also. There's not much room to stick your hand in here So if you want bread that's in the back of the bread box Salt and sugar that's it except for some like baking powder and these times song Sang Nice I like the bread basket a lot. Here's our Drinking cabinet Plus the only place this would fit since I took it out over there besides our pasta sauces And our Mexican spices and then soup mixes and whatnot. All of this is teas and coffees and then these are Individual tea and coffee packets most of these sent to us by people also I need to put more tape on this so I can put our coffee thing up Yeah used to be on this wall, but now it can't go there. You can't really go here. So it doesn't stick very well Somewhere else to put my coffee drinks This this is still our rice cooker and then the blenders the two different types of blenders. Hmm. Can you see? Mm-hmm? Hang on this This is all of our storage stuff. We got all of our reusable things this Is cool if you cut like a orange in half Then you just put this over the other half of the orange. So you don't have to waste Saran. You're a clean wrap or whatever It's cute. Yeah, I like it a lot ma rags miss Miscellaneous cutting boards that Jim doesn't use the pasta maker down there extra Brita filters Here is Some extra stuff that June had sitting out there and to make it cleaner I put all of that stuff in here But he took a bunch back out and it's there again pot the pants plus the lid to this giant steamer Which is not in here, but there's nowhere else for the steamer lid to go nice Cast iron cooking tools and miscellaneous things that you baked or whatever food in Strainers couple this ladies things a little shaky yeah, you put like daikon on it and just like You know greater plus the steamer plus the which wasn't ordered which one's the pestle. I never remember it's one of those. I love June's sharpening stones That the mysterious drawer we didn't know we had until to date three days ago graters These drying racks spatulas geezers. These are long tools plus all the wedding tools cetera Cleaning supplies dish soaps and then all of our foils and wax papers and clean films we have five things of aluminum foil, which is an entirely unnecessary amount of aluminum or You have to push it from the middle Bacon shape a drawer you got bacon tools and we've got shaping tools any kind of beginner shape until quizzes where nice These are food coloring if there's anything here that has been unacceptably organized. I can change it If anything is inconvenient for you, I mean, I guess we'll see over the next the coming weeks We have to actually get stuff out to cook this whole time I may sound a little tired and that's because I'm tired but inside I'm very very happy and Appreciative Appreciative I'm faithful. I'm very I know well just try to learn. I'm very happy and grateful Thank you, it might take some time for me to get used to the new Kitchen, but um a lot of them are a lot easier to access Thank you so much. Yeah, you did a great job and My one request I've been Wanderin and let's just put things back when I go So I've been cooking for 30 days now and I think I've been putting things back where they belong to new spots Right. Yeah. All right I didn't end up doing You don't really need to reorganize it we don't use these very often Yeah, and we don't need the space currently, so that's okay for now. This is all been reorganized. This is stuff We don't need to use like ever it's all the way back there cuz I can't even see it stuff up front is stuff We will use when we have people over if that ever happens and Rajinder bread kit from 2018 Then I will we're gonna do one day This is Jin snack shelf and this is my snack shelf. If you want to snack from the other shelf, you have to ask permission These are our food packages 70% of Korean rice. It's a lot of curry and rice. It's very easy to make a newbie It's very easy to make it healthy and then we got crackers for Crackers, yeah a bunch of busy stuff and curry or plays on top of the cars I got this once when we visited a foreign import store, and I thought they looked like good crackers or making crackers But they were sweet. These are really sweet These are awful for making crackers. I honestly don't know what we're gonna do with those. I got your tomato paste sand your tomato sauces Oatmeal's on the side dry oatmeal's in the back. We got my taco mixes and whatnot Coconut milk canned peaches chick peas. Tuna cans. Yeah, and then there's my eggs. Good job Yes Let's go to supress what's got some of this. Oh Hey, he can at least do high-five for us Good job Haku I'm exhausted cool, but I'm very hopping inside. Let's play some fantasy zone. All right, let's do it See you guys later. Bye
Channel: Rachel & Jun's Adventures!
Views: 1,253,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, rachel, jun, rachel and jun, rachel & jun, vlog, blog, daily, life, juns, kitchen, clean, reorganize
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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