Houseplant Tour Spring 2021 | 200+ plants (rare + common) 🎉

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all right guys we're doing it first plant tour of 2021 [Music] hi hello if you're new to my channel my name is fern and i make videos all about house plans with a little bit of lifestyle content sprinkled in there as well today i'm gonna be showing you all the plants that i have in my home and spoiler alert there's many so this is probably going to be a long video if you like this type of content then i invite you to please subscribe for more and also give this video a thumbs up if you liked it because it really helps me out thank you so much and without further ado let's start the tour okay so this is what the plant room looks like uh when you're just entering from the doorway we do have a lovely south facing window right here so that brings in a lot of light a lot of sunlight it's awesome and i also have multiple grow lights on the shelving let's just start here by the door my plants are definitely not like the most organized that they've ever been you know it's not the most aesthetic but let's just take a look at what we've got okay so on the top of this shelf over here on this side is mostly philodendron i have a lemon lime upright a beautiful painted lady which this is one of my favorite philodendron ever i am so in love with it and then behind that there is my philodendron squamifurum or squamiferum with its little hairy petioles so cute that guy's living in lekka and this is a new leaf that he just pushed out as well and then up at the front here i have my philodendron florida beauty my pride and joy this is the newest leaf that she put out she likes to give a lot of these like half mooney kind of leaves well i mean she's only given me two leaves since i got her as a cutting but yeah i love her so much and i can't wait until she grows more and then behind her is my pink princess philodendron who i had a lot of beef with for a very long time but it started giving me some more pink i can't wait to see that leaf unfurl i don't know if you can tell maybe i should turn this down a little and you'll be able to see better but um yes that one has quite a lot of pink on it so i can't wait to see that fingers crossed and then up at the front here i have a syngonium i'm turning the light back on this isn't working up at the front here i have a syngonium erythrophylum this i revived from being a wet stick it's given me these two leaves and it has a third one on the way so really happy about that living in sphagnum moss and then beside that i have one of my pawn experiments and it is my alopecia black velvet which i grew back from a bulb after completely rotting it and it actually has been rooting up in the pond which is really really exciting so i can't wait to share more about that once i once i gain a little bit more experience so far so good though and then here in these containers i have some cactus that i grew from seed it's really hard to see into this one because there's so much condensation but it's really cool actually to see them i opened this up not too long ago and a bunch of fungus gnats flew out so i'm just going to leave that closed for now but as you can see i planted that on february 28th same with this one i decided to take the lid off of this one just to see what type of a difference it would make um yeah i can probably actually water this soon it's quite dry but these ones have always been a little bit smaller so i'm not really sure what type of a difference having the lid on or off is making but these ones are bigger in there and then beside that i have a couple of my little prop boxes wet stick boxes actually this one just has a variety of different wet sticks and some random cuttings in there as well those to shidia there's some philadelphia in brazil cebu blues candapsis wet sticks and then beside that there is my immediate medium wet sticks that have actually rooted and are slowly putting off leaves for me and these are actually on a heat mat um there's a heat mat underneath that tray right there so allegedly that helps them root faster i mean i'm sure it does but i don't think it's necessary by any means and then down here i only have a few i have my raphidophora to cursiva this plant honestly like i don't know it just doesn't really do much for me it's put off a huge runner which is chopped up and some of it is in the prop box there but yeah it's never it's never really done much for me it just kind of chills i don't know if these are just really slow growers or what but yeah it's just chilling there and then beside that is my beautiful what is this called again burl marks philodendron burl marks this actually used to be the variegated version as you can see it's hanging onto these leaves but it's given me completely green leaves and i'm totally fine with it this was a cutting that was gifted to me so i didn't pay money for it or anything but i love this plant i think it's so underrated i've just been obsessing over it lately look at those glossy dark green leaves i love it so much and it's growing so fast it's already got a whole bunch of new leaves on the way as well and like i said this was just grown from um a cutting behind here i have my ethereum vitorifolium which i rotted and then put in perlite and saved it i have a whole video talking about that if you're interested but it's doing really well in the perlite and um yeah hopefully i can pot it i'll probably put it in pond maybe um but yeah so far so good and then in here there is some polonia cuttings these have been in here for honestly so long i need to pot them up soon um but yeah they're doing fine they're just chilling in there i open it up every once in a while but honestly not very often and then down here on the ground is my boyfriend's ficus audrey um that i was trying to revive but honestly it hasn't done anything for me i keep waiting for it to to put out a leaf but nothing so far so i'm just going to move that over and then right here is my mini greenhouse this is just like the kind of cheap plastic ones i just got it at canadian tire if you're in canada but i'll unzip it we can take a quick peek okay i don't think i'm going to go through every single plant in here because this is all just cuttings from other plants that i'm going to show you but i have some hoya in here skindapses addinsonii philodendron brazil philodendron white stripe or sorry silver stripe um some cebu blue variegated miranta somehow polyneura and pretty much the same down here there's a there's a neon pothos at the back and some marble queen down at the bottom there i put a lot of my cuttings for sale and trades in here just because just because they grow quite quickly i'm probably going to leave it open just so that can air out for a little while but yeah it has a light at the top there and then a light right there it doesn't have a fan so i do just open it and leave it open for periods of time and then moving along towards the window on the little table here i have my philodendron biliate which looks pretty funky you guys have seen this plant before it gave me this tiny little leaf after i potted it up and now it's giving me this beautiful leaf so i am just very very excited to see that come out but it's doing really well i know a lot of you were worried that i potted it too deep in the pot but yeah he's doing great so no worries there and then next to that is my perlite prop box which is going really well i recently posted a video all about this so i'm not going to talk about it too much but just a variety of different cuttings in there pretty much the same things that are in the greenhouse honestly and then along the window here is my bear pot succulent which is one of my favorites as you guys know love this plant so so much it's just adorable and then i actually have the variegated version beside it as well in this cute little pig um uh what's it called trey terracotta tray so cute love both of those and then i have one of my philodendron silver stripes here i actually like i don't know i just i just get really confused with these different like philodendron brazil varieties um like i don't know it definitely looks different than my brazil but i'm just not like a hundred percent confident in what this is it was sold as a silver stripe and i think that's what it is but sometimes i second guess it i don't know it was under my mars hydro that's why it has some pink but i just moved it to be near the window here they need a lot of light to keep their variegation right here i have a oh gosh i think it's type of senecio is that right um i think so this is also known as a candlestick plant not really sure what it's doing dropped all of its leaves but does have some on the end i've been told these are picky so we'll see how it goes my friend gave me this and um and i don't know hers looks great so yeah maybe he just needs some time to establish himself and then i have my beautiful ficus elastica taneki i really love this plant i love ficus elastica in general but the taneki is just so pretty so is the ruby i would love to have a ruby um this guy is so thirsty though very thirsty uh demands a lot of light as well that's why he's right in the window here this leaf like permanently droops i must have let it get way too thirsty once and then it just never perked back up again so um yeah i just put that facing the window and then next to that i have my pearls and jade pothos this is my favorite leaf right here it's more of like an elongated one i find that these leaves just tend to be like very small and more rounded but it gave me this leaf and i love it i was actually going to get rid of this plant until it gave me this leaf and then i liked this one so much i decided to keep it definitely neglect that one a little bit though and then hanging up here in the macrame it's kind of hard to see because of how backlit it is but it is my lovely rickrack cactus such a cool and unique plant it's kind of like kind of funny because of the way it's it's in the macrame next to the window it's kind of like shooting out this way but yeah very cool plant um also known as like the zigzag cactus i think but yeah very easy chill and it just looks really unique we're gonna go across the closet here and i have another macrame hanging with one of my cebu blue which is one of my all-time favorite plants i love these guys so so much um usually i am really drawn to plants with this silvery blue foliage so yeah really beautiful that's why i have so many of these in my home but um yeah just chilling there in the macrame looking really cute they're so easy as well and then down on the floor i do have uh quite a few plants there is my calathea medallion this plant actually has spider mites right now i've treated all these plants on the floor for spider mites um so i'm not going to touch this one but um it's really not it's really kind of sad because this plant was completely taken out by spider mites um about a year ago and it recovered grew back from almost nothing and now i've discovered spider mites on it again so hopefully i've caught them early enough this time to save it from like severe damage like that i think i have but yeah definitely prone to spider mites so i really need to be treating more prophylactically doing a neem oil spray or something like that but yeah beautiful plant next to that another one of my favorites this is my philodendron silver sword another one of those silvery blue toned plants and just look at how beautiful those shiny leaves are oh i love this guy so much grew this from a couple of small cuttings from my friend courtney as well if you have been watching my channel for a while then you know that i have a friend called courtney who kindly sent me a whole bunch of beautiful cuttings last september that i've been growing out so yeah that was one of the cuttings from courtney and that is the plant that got me hooked on philodendron silver sword i'm obsessed now i have another one there but we'll get to that next is this beautiful ficus elasticity burgundy i believe just like the green version very pretty like i said i love ficus elastica and i love those shiny glossy dark leaves i've had this plant for quite some time as well they can be marketed as low light plants so when i didn't know any better i had it in a dark corner and it did nothing for about a year and then once i discovered that it loved light it has been growing so definitely i'm happier now okay let's hop up here to this shelf this is mostly my hoya shelf here and then i have more like begonias on the bottom so let's start at the top so hanging here i have my hoya croniana silver i just recently potted this up so i don't think there's any new growth or anything right now but i can't wait to see this one take off and then i have a hoya linearis a hoya chapertie this one actually has a whole bunch of peduncles right now so we'll see if any of them actually bloom that would be so cool hoya kadada sumatra at the back there some string of heart propagations that keep just drying up and yeah basically i just i struggle with keeping up with moss so yeah those definitely need to be watered but you know they're kind of hanging on there so i think i really just prefer rooting string of hearts in water but it's fun to try different methods and then here is my hoya bordeniae one of my favorites it just has such cool unique leaves and these two are new so yeah so cute and then i have oh gosh what are you hoya elmery this is actually giving me a couple of new leaves right now as well so cool beautiful sunstressing on that guy next to that variegated string of hearts and also a burrow's tail propagation which is really taking off now like it's actually growing into little baby um little baby bros tail now and they're just so cute right here i have a hoya chelsea this was just a cutting and it's giving out some new growth right there and also on the other side right there as well so that's awesome to see in the back this is another pawn experiment this is a hoyabertoni eye that completely died back and i just thought i would throw it in pond just to see what happens you know maybe it'll be revived we shall see i don't throw plants away until i'm like 100 sure that they're dead now because i've had so many instances where they do grow back when i thought that they were gone so we'll see right there is my hoya oh gosh what what are you uh verticalada varegata or something like that i believe this is hoya finlay sonyi beautiful and then my hoya linearis this is the biggest one i have i just made a whole video about caring for these guys as well definitely one of my favorite hoya oh i also have this piece of wood back here because i really want to grow probably that silver sword up it um like up along the plank um like caitlyn from plant life in the tropics grows a lot of her plants but um that guy is just not ready to he's not big enough to attach on yet he just needs to put out a couple more leaves and then i can probably do it but he couldn't reach yet when i tried so we'll see stay tuned for that i'm also thinking of doing with milano chrysome i don't know there's so many or cebu blue would be so cool i don't know i need like a whole bunch of planks because there's i can't decide okay on to the second level here so i have a bunch of begonia down here i have two brazilian ladies and this is why you should not put your begonia in terracotta look at this one it is all beat up because it keeps getting too dry and then this is the same plant but in plastic the leaves are just so beautiful on that one so i really need to get that into plastic it's just not working for it right here is begonia midora um begonia linda dawn a weird looking one because it's getting too much light this is begonia benigo pink i do have a calathea orbifolia back there looking a little rough i'm trying to convert it to lekka it's given me a couple new leaves but it's also losing some so not really sure what's going to happen with that guy but we shall see right here is philodendron mcdowell which is a pastazinum and gloriosum hybrid he's pretty floppy um i'm a little concerned about him but the roots look good so i don't know he's just chilling there um way in the back is hoya bella one of my hoibella um yeah they grow so fast it's like getting crunched back there but doing well and then i have philadelphians cuttings rooting there as well as philodendron varicosum both in perlite oh and then down in the very bottom this is a plant that i need to investigate because it hasn't been doing well but that is my philaden florida ghost okay and then on the moss pole right at the front here is my beautiful philodendron silver sword one of the favorite my favorite plants that i own um actually got spider mites as well so it's in recovery but yeah hopefully it'll be fine that's a new leaf that i just put out not long ago but these ones are kind of getting this look like they're gonna go so we'll see what happens with this plant but yeah hopefully it'll be okay and then in the back is my giant addinsoni eye on a moss pole kind of shoved into the corner but doing really well it's um definitely at the top of the moss now which is so cool love that plant and then right there is philodendron brazil this is one that i plotted in with a moss pole it hasn't grown yet to attach but the pole is there ready for when i can attach it i'm waiting next to that is my beautiful philodendron milano chrysome growing up the pole there he actually outgrew the pole and i had to take a cutting so that cutting is right here um kind of putting out a new weird leaf there but yeah i love this plant so much and then up on this table here i have a monstera elbow which was not doing anything for me for quite some time and then it put out this leaf recently and now oh my gosh i keep picking up this leaf i can't i can't help myself i'm like coming into this room so many times a day to look at it because this is the best variegation that this plant has given me yet um like if you look at the other leaves which are kind of like this one is so pretty look at that beautiful marble variegation oh i cannot wait to see that hardened off but yes my monstera elbow i'm not really i'm like i'm i really want to chop this like maybe i should air layer here this big huge ariel root i don't really know but this leaf is gonna go it's like on its last legs so or i could even yeah i don't know um what do you think do you think i should chop this just to keep this nice section or what because it's just going to be on like this big empty stick especially once this leaf goes you know what i mean but yeah i'm glad that it's growing and then behind that i have a couple of polynei that is my i guess my mother polyneira which i recently cut up you can see there is some cute little new growth coming in on that polynei and then i did pot one of the cuttings in pond to experiment i just did it um a few days ago so you can't see any roots yet or anything but i'm hopeful and then i have a random marble queen cutting that i bought it up just hanging out there and then my antherium forgetty eye this is probably my favorite well i love the vitrifolium as well but i was going to say this is my favorite aetherium but i do really love the vitrifolium as well i love both of them but yeah i'm definitely really happy that i have this one and beside that is just an added sony eye cutting that i was experimenting with in lecca and it's doing it really well loves it and then my antherium clarinervium which i completely rotted as well i don't know what's with me in rotting and therium but um i had to chop off its entire root system and re-root it in perlite which luckily was really successful and it's put out a little baby leaf right now oh it's so cute and then next to that is my calathea worst worship wixie eye or something like that or the velvet the jungle velvet calathea which i am wanting to transfer to pond it's just hanging out in water right now it was looking a little bit rough lost a leaf um these two original leaves are looking a little beat up this is one that it put out in my care but yeah i'm hoping it'll do well in pawn so that's the plan for that guy next to that is my zz raven which i am obsessed with look at how shiny this is a new stock look at that that is so nice so so nice yeah i love that okay so i think all that's left is my wall so i do have some propagation stations hanging as you can see they're from modern botanical i'll link them below if you're interested and then i also have my tradiscantia oh gosh i forget what this one is called it's just the green and white variegated one this is my favorite tradiscantia i love it so much i think it's so pretty and it's also so easy going it doesn't get all crispy and gross like the nanook and as for cuttings i just have hartley philidendron brazil marble queen that's a monster in the middle there this is another hartley philodendron a skindapsis miranta lemon lime string of hearts that's looking a little rough and that's it and that's my logo hanging there it's like a stained glass art piece that my boyfriend had made for me isn't it so cute i've had a lot of comments on it but yeah that's what that is it was custom made so i can't like link it or anything but i love it so much okay hello i guess i'm just gonna go around my house like counterclockwise i guess so the next room is the bathroom i only have a few plants in here so this will be a quick one but the first one is down here and it is a different bakia this is oh gosh which one is this again daifumbakia is it camouflage i feel like it's different bakia camouflage this is my favorite leaf i love when the leaves look like this but so many of them come out just looking like this like i want more of the dark spots i don't know how to get them but to be honest i kind of neglect this so i can't really complain with what it's looking like but yes and this is a small frosted east facing window right there and then the only other two plants i have in here are a philodendron brazil which i neglected so much i just decided to pop it up there and then another plant that i neglect which is a tradiscantia i'm not even sure what type of tradiscantia that is but um yeah it's kind of cute and that's it that's all the plants that i have in here okay we are moving along to our bedroom look at the dogs are sleeping so cute [Music] okay so the only plants in here are just these few around my little desk work area here oh gosh it's so backlit and hard to see i'm sorry let me turn the light on it's a little better so this is an east facing window here and i have my hartley philodendron oh gosh it's so hard to see see that maybe there we go okay so this is my hartley philodendron here i honestly neglect it so much but my roommates is so nice like it's so nice that it's made me realize the potential and i'm definitely going to be giving her some tlc soon because i want her to be as lush as hillary's and then below that i have a spider plant which i also neglect and then a uh hoya carry eye album marginata which i have been having a tough time with for a long time a couple of years but it's finally like doing okay so yeah let's put out that vine there and i have some leaves coming in it's easy raven propagation here an air plant this is a philadelphum this is my new wishlist plant that was gifted to me as an early birthday present love it so much i have a rafaetta for tetrosperma and lecca right there and then i have my giant fern hanging out gets crispy and makes a mess as you can see but that's okay really and then the last one that i have on my desk is this tananthi uh oh gosh la burciana i think and this is another one of my pawn experiments and it's going really well look at that root there so excited to see that and if you saw in one of my plant halls this plant's leaves were really curled and now they're flattening out it looks really great and it's actually giving me a new one as well so doing awesome okay we are now in our living room this is a north facing window i don't have too many plants in here either besides the ikea greenhouse cabinet there but i will go over them all with you so the first one is just over here and this is a dragon tree or uh dracina is it marginata i don't remember but it's the dragon tree dressina and then down here i have another dracaena i believe this is justina lemon lime i've had this plant for many years and i really enjoy it definitely neglected a little though very low maintenance above that is a golden pothos i don't have a big golden pothos but i love them i think that their variegation is so pretty so i'm growing this out this was actually a gift from one of my friends cuttings from his plant so yeah it's doing well and then the ikea greenhouse cabinet is here should we go over this quickly okay so at the top there is some hoya uh variegated hindu rope hoya quinquinervia hoya oh gosh welliniana ut5152 i love this one so pretty look at that and then i have a monstera dubaya right there i recently took some cuttings from it it's looking a little rough begonia i think begonia medora but i'm not sure philodendron campos bart sportawanna recently repotted that in a video skindapsis uh oh gosh skindaps is silver splash philodendron varicosum pulled the whole root system off of this guy so it's re-rooting in perlite allocation dragon scale new leaf right there looks incredible um syngonium albo cebu blue that one's growing on a pole there another philodendron campos bortowanum a philodendron gloriosum right here beautiful and hopping down to the lower shelf i have a hoya and gloriana right there my alocasia fry deck right there it's looking a little rough i think it's too close to the light i should probably move it lower hoya cigilatus hoya fungi monstera thai constellation right there living in lekka this is my hoya mathilde that i recently put on a that snake trellis there hoya obavada is back there kind of crammed in the back right now another gloriosum a calathea white star this is one of my favorites i love this plant so much but its leaves keep going like this like what are those markings coming from who can tell me like the leaves will look so pretty like this and then they get those markings there's only two that are nice right now look at how nice that is i wish they were all like that philodendron burl marks fantasy philodendron el choco red which recently choked its new leaf out and completely broke it off so it's kind of disappointing and that's it that is it for the cabinet right now everything loves the cabinet i love the cabinet too so all right moving to the window here this is a sansevieria moonshine neon pothos classic this is my whalefin sense of area with a baby or something going on down there this is a i don't even know what type of sense of area this is something just green this is my variegated umbrella plant here i really like this one a lot and it's recently put out some cute little new growth down there look at that beside that is my begonia linda dawn i love it stark foliage and then there is a sense of area starfish which is huge and a skin dapsis pictus exotica kind of a slow grower but she cute and then next to the window is my zz plant just the regular green one i love this so much it's so beautiful and lush i've had it for quite some time now several years and yeah zz plants are just amazing i love them so much look there's even a new stock coming in right there it's put in several new stocks this year love that and then across from the window on our coffee table is my pilea which is just chilling this palette is so funky it's like totally grown sideways but i like it oh yeah and then there's also over here kind of not getting a lot of light is this jade just chill in very low maintenance plant and then hanging on the wall is a little spider plant looking cute and i believe that's it for the living room so i will walk into our dining room this is a west facing window here so it does get some sun in the later part of the afternoon let's start on this side so right here is my rapidophora tetrasperma one of them the one that i have in soil and i have staked it up here and i love the way it's growing up that uh post and then i have my peace lily domino which you guys already know that i love and she's blooming i can actually see a new bloom coming in there how cool yeah love that plant and then another one that i love is my beautiful variegated maranta hanging out under here just an incredible plant look at that leaf back there with that variegation oh my gosh she's so underrated you guys you already know and then above all of those is one of my monstera deliciosa um yes she is getting quite large quite out of control actually not as out of control as she used to be i did a video on patreon where i tamed her and did this like double staking situation that you can see there so she looks better but yeah definitely a huge plant and then down here is my begonia maculata recently put it up on this steak and i love the way it looks such a beautiful plant i always get a ton of comments on her i don't do anything special for her um yeah i don't know she just she likes me for some reason i don't really know i try not to let her dry out for too long and that's pretty much it and the humidity in this house is pretty good i don't have a humidifier going or anything but you can see it's 60 so it's not bad and then if you go across the wall here you will see there's greta being the queen she is the queen of the castle here yes so i hung up some of her vines along the walls and then she also has some vines going down over the plant shelf and then right there is our bird of paradise who is getting massive and putting out a new leaf as you can see here it's huge huge huge huge can't wait to see it open up but i don't know what we're gonna do once it outgrows the ceiling and then on this plant shelf here there actually isn't too much going on um but i'll quickly go through it hoya cartesia actually a really cool hoya it's grown so well for me and then my philodendron mikins oh this is so thirsty yeah it's just tiny and i have some cuttings that i'm going to create a fuller pot with but yeah definitely need to water that after i'm done filming this is a pot of silver glory string of hearts variegated string of pearls and some string of needles right there as well some string of hearts propagating there my hoya rotunda flora there really unique with its square or sorry it's rectangular shaped leaves and then there is my hoya yeti which i love and i can't wait for this plant to bloom one day one year who knows when it'll be but hoya wait why eddie eye blooms are actually really cool so i can't wait for that um that's just a pot of string of hearts and then a pot of variegated string of hearts down here this is the mother plant for my philodendron silver stripe so i can give you an example of one of her leaves again down here i don't know what do you guys think silver stripe let me know there's some random begonia cuttings propagating there my miranta lemon lime is chilling there my sparse string of hearts is living here this i've basically just been taking cuttings from it because it's just yeah it's pretty hideous this is my beautiful skindapsis pectus uh argerius it's so long it's like touching the floor and it's way up at the top there next to greta i let it get a little too dry last time though so it has some yellow leaves but that's okay and then in this bin let's take a look is my begonia oh shoot i missed one in the bedroom i'll go back and show you but this is my let me grab it out of here it's just in the bin for extra humidity but this is my begonia jula look at that just a little tiny baby it was absolutely nothing and then it um it completely died and then it grew back from absolutely nothing so i'm really proud of it so cool i know nothing about caring for these begonia these terrarium type begonias so it's just in the bin i want to get a little close for it which reminds me i have another begonia in a close in the bedroom that i forgot to mention so i'll have to go back there but i'm going to finish finish up here first so here at the table is my false aurelia which i need to pot up i haven't really done much with it since i picked it up from the plant shop but it's a really cool unique plant i really do dig it i just need to find a cool pot to put it in and then next to that on the table is my monstera standaliana the elbow variegated version picked this up not too long ago still quite new to me has not put a leaf out in my care yet but i'm very excited about it and then next to that is my tananti oh gosh what is it called a mechrit a meat a magrus a magri i don't know no idea how to say that but my tananti and then along the window here these guys are soaking up the sun i have this big guy right here is my euphorbia amik varagata one of my favorite plants i love it another one of my favorite plants is my hoya carnosa compacta which actually has a couple of penuncles right now which i'm really crossing my fingers for because it did have one that tried to bloom and then it was like got caught in one of the folds and it just like completely fell off so really hoping that i get bloom sometime then next to that is my oh gosh what are you um my variegated opuntia and my booby cactus i've recently repotted these in one of my plant chore videos and they're doing really well and then another one of my favorite i have a lot of favorites over on this window this is my bros tail succulent it's definitely i was gonna say my favorite succulent but i also love bear paws so gosh how can i choose but i love this trailing guy he's so cool just a beautiful plant and then next to that is the first hoya that i ever got which is this hoya puba calyx it has some leaves that are like really sun damaged but it's super resilient it's just been growing and growing for the past couple of years and guess what you guys it has given me a peduncle which looks like it is going to bloom let's take a look it's on this vine look at oh that think it is gonna bloom i'll definitely be posting about that on instagram so stay tuned i've been checking it like every day and i keep poking myself on my euphorbia here but i just wanna make sure oh that nothing happens to this oh my gosh ah help i just want to prop it gently i'm just like babying that peduncle so much okay and then next to that is my euphorbia white ghost i recently got this as well like within the past couple of months hasn't really done much but it's chilling so great and then right there is my actually this is shane's cast iron plant this is the milky way version the speckles and then the last plant in the dining room is none other than my beautiful mature monstera deliciosa living its best life right there has a grow light above it that's why these leaves are growing like straight up and this is its newest one just starting to unfurl look at that look at that you guys oh i cannot wait to see that this plant just brings me so much joy look at look at all these fenestrations like look at that it's incredible so yeah love her oh shoot i forgot a couple i have another air plant hanging in there and then also our stag horn fern which is mounted and hanging right up there doing really well very cool plant and then we're gonna pop back to the bedroom for a second okay so this is what i forgot to talk about in here this is my begonia darth vaderiana which was doing really well and then it basically i don't know if these leaves are just like the leaves are just like crisping off um and i'm not really sure like i said i don't really have experience in caring for these terrarium begonias i got this cloche so i popped this guy inside of it it does have new growth coming so i'm not like super super worried but also a lot of the leaves are just like crisping off so if anyone has any suggestions of what i should do with my terrarium begonias let me know because i really love them i just it's so hard to find information about them um so i just kind of have been doing what i think is best for them but yeah i don't know let me know down below okay we are on to the second last room thank you for sticking with me i know that this is gonna be such a long video so i'm gonna start over here this is a south facing window however there is like an overhanging part of the roof outside so we don't get like a ton of direct sunlight from this window but it's still very bright so my plants over here love it right here is my hoya carnosa just the regular green version it is so big and beautiful i found that on facebook marketplace and yeah it was such a great find i love that guy next to that is my hoya macrophyla which has been doing really well has a couple of new leaves currently coming in gosh the lighting is gonna be really hard um look at that leaf that just came in it's giant yeah this leaf is facing the other way but it's just giant just giant um he's on a little trellis there love him and then i have some monstera cuttings just hanging out here my beautiful hoya crimson queen one of my favorites in my collection this is just such an incredible plant mine is so full it puts out these beautiful white leaves and yeah i'm just obsessed i cannot wait until she blooms one day and then down in there is my rip stylus paradoxa hasn't done much yet just got it as a cutting but it hasn't rotted so so far so good and then beside that i have a oh gosh what is this called again oh it's totally slipping my mind what is that oh it's such a common like succulent but i totally can't think of what that's called right now it'll come to me eventually next to that is this bromeliad type of guy and a kryptanthus right there that is another jade um this is i believe a mountain aloe that is a stapelia grandiflora and another cat moon cactus a i believe that's an agave i can like hardly reach to these ones so i hope you could see them okay and then right there is a polonia and then a variegated jade way in the corner and then on the table there is my spiral cactus one of my favorites as well as my thanksgiving cactus and a philodendron brazil and then of course in the corner is our fiddly fig his name is frank he's quite large and in charge likes to drop leaves but hasn't done it in a while he's actually put out some new growth so i can't be too mad at him and then along this little west facing window there is my hoya bella which grows like a weed and blooms so much i think she has four like actively blooming not actively okay so i was here at hoyabella and my i had some technical difficulties with my memory card long story short it is the next day so if the light oh my gosh and do you know what this was meant to be because look at that that bloom just opened up today this first time i've noticed it oh my gosh so cute um okay i was gonna say so if the lighting is different that's why um but yes this is my beautiful hoibella and i was talking about how she has a whole bunch of peduncles that were going to bloom and this one has bloomed so that is really special look at that beautiful so she has yeah she has several there's one in the back there as well beautiful plant very easy hoya i recommend this one for hoya beginners because it's honestly the same as most tropical plants it can tolerate a lot more water actually they're quite thirsty and they grow really fast and they bloom really easily so it's a really great one and then next to that i have another beautiful bloomer but i don't have any blooms to show you just just a dead one in the back there but this is my columnia gloriosa or dancing dolphin vine and it's just a beautiful kind of fuzzy um trailing plant like this and it gives beautiful dolphin shaped blooms it's a really incredible plant i really love it if you follow me on instagram or i think i've shown on youtube as well before what the blooms look like but they're very cool really like that one another one of these why can i not remember what this is called it's the next day and i still can't remember what this is called you guys oh it's going to drive me crazy gosh well i'll hopefully i'll have it on the screen because no idea and then this right here is one of my euphorbia trigona this is a smaller one it's so hard to see with the lighting this is what it looks like very cute it had leaves going all up it and then it dropped them all when i moved so it's just regrowing some little leaves at the top there looks like little hair he's so cute and then right here we have my pitcher plant which is doing pretty well it just gave me it just gave me this picture right here oh gosh photo focus it just gave me this picture right here which is the biggest one that i've ever had on this plant so that's really exciting it has four picture i think there might be one in the back last four pictures that i can see but this one is crisping off i read somewhere that the pictures have a lifespan of about nine months i don't know if that's accurate or not but i get less freaked out about them crisping off now um but yeah doing really well new growth coming in really happy in this west facing window okay and then for the last room which is our laundry room this is a south facing window and there's nothing no overhang covering it so it gets full sun it gets cooking hot in here so it's perfect for my cactus and euphorbia we maybe i'll start at the door here so this is my san pedro cactus um which i hauled not oh gosh there's still scale on him i hauled this guy um probably almost a couple of months now i got him from valley succulents love him so much he's actually grown a ton since i got him um not in the best spot usually this basket isn't here so usually he gets a little bit more light but he's growing a lot and i plan on keeping him outside for a lot of the summer so i'm sure that he'll just take off i still have to pot him up he's still in his nursery pot and he does have some scale on him um nothing too like serious but i did remove some of it i just have to do it probably a couple more times but yeah really cool cactus he's going to look really good once i have him potted in terra cotta and then next in the corner is the star of the show in this room at least and that is our giant euphorbia trigona this thing is probably like four feet tall it's huge it's so happy look at its leaves it's just so cute yeah this plant is incredible i've had it for quite a while now before i really knew much about plants i actually thought it was a cactus when i first got it so i wasn't watering it in the winter and it lost all of its leaves you can see like the lower half is all bald because of my neglect and then i learned that it is a succulent and you have to water them more than cactus so he's been doing great since i figured that out but yeah very impressive plant really really love that one definitely one of my favorites and then over here right in the window is a variety of cactus and euphorbia that i got when i was at valley succulent so i'm just going to put the names on the screen because i'm not going to remember what all these are just from looking at them um and i probably don't even know how to pronounce some of them so we have this this prickly guy right here i guess i can pick them up yeah that's better um very cool these have all grown also since i got them and i do need to pot them still as well i'm really like neglectful of potting i've realized like i'll get a plant and i'll keep it in its nursery pot for months like several months before i even pot it up so but he's doing fine and this is the euphorbia gosh i can't remember what this one is called either but i think it's also known as the toothpick or no corn on a cob the corn or toothpick i think maybe both names but um yeah he's basically this euphorbia that looks like a white corn on the cob with toothpicks coming out of him and he's very cool i love like weird weird boys like this and then i have this one technical technical name of something but i know this is also known as the golden torch cactus this is one of my favorites it's just so pretty i love like the golden spines and it just looks really cool really like that one and then this is a random cactus of shanes this is a i'm not sure if this is a euphorbia or a cactus crested euphorbia maybe i'm really not sure what this is but um chill in there oh my goodness we have a bloomer how cute so we have this little fuzzy cactus this one has hooks in it though like it will hook you if you touch it um but it is flowering so that's really cute i did not notice that until now and then we have my fuzzy boy this is my prickly pear snow or a pontia snow and as you can see he's just very hairy very fluffy i love him so much he actually grows really fast he was quite small when i first got him and yeah he's just doing really great i find that he does need a little bit more water than my other cactus and then you guys look at this one this is the one that i hauled in that cactus haul that i did and it looked really weird like um yes very strange and it looks just as strange now but look how much this top part has grown so somebody actually suggested that this cactus was in poorer conditions and then moved to good conditions and that's why it like looks like that and i think that they're right because ever since it's been getting a lot of light it's just been growing like thick like this so i don't know what it is but he's weird he's chilling and then last but not least is this little cactus right here i picked this one up because it looked kind of spirally i don't think it's a spiral cactus but i don't know it was only a few dollars so i just picked it up because why not and he just lives in this little cutie terracotta pot okay you guys that is it oh my goodness i really hope that i did not miss or forget to mention any of my plants thank you so much for watching if you made it to the end i know it was a really long video like i said if you're new here please subscribe for more planty content and if you're watching this video and any like video request ideas popped into your head please leave them down below in a comment because i would love to make the types of videos that you want to see and also just leave a comment to chat with me because i'd love to chat with you okay you guys thank you so much for watching and i will see in the next one bye [Music] so [Music] i couldn't even if i tried it
Channel: wildfern
Views: 101,390
Rating: 4.9392018 out of 5
Keywords: plant collection, planttuber, wildfern, houseplant tour, plant tour, houseplants, indoor jungle, apartment tour, house tour, canada, Vancouver island, uncommon plants, monstera, alocasia, philodendron, hoya
Id: hrbVI4JT-qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 24sec (3384 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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