Houseplant Tour 2021 | rare and common

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hi my name is benji welcome to my first youtube video i go by benji plant um tiktok and instagram um yeah so this is gonna be a houseplant tour video of most of the houseplants in my bedroom i'm gonna try and keep it sort of short because i feel like it can get kind of long um so i'm not gonna talk too much about the plants that i'm showing and yeah let's get started okay we're gonna start over here these are all of the plants that are near my bed so first off i have this snake plant i just keep it in this corner because it's a snake plant and it doesn't really need that much care and up here i have a large pot of philodendron brazil and here i have philodendron lemon lime and this is a small fern that is planted in my gravity planter and here's where i have all of my little terrariums that i make um yeah they have mosses and like small cuttings of plants this one's pretty cool it's a nice fluffy moss and this one has a large um asparagus fern growing out of it and then very good a string of hearts and some polio glauca and then some other random little plants here and there here is a cutting of a marble queen pothos and here's a golden pothos here is a um just a regular green hartley philodendron this is a ruby necklace and this plant is um actually from my aquarium that i just put in this propagation station and this isn't or this is all dark because i used um seaweed fertilizer so it's not just like super nasty and here i have a monstera and uh some philodendron brazil in sibu blue just in water like this and then here i have cebu blue trascantia some other cuttings and here's like string of bananas string of hearts and some other things so moving on to this table um this is where i keep a lot of my valuable plants that i really love they're under this grow light this grow light is called um fluence ray 44 i think and yeah so this is a giant florida ghost and it's put out these beautiful white leaves for me the signature ghost leaves and yeah this is probably one of my favorite plants just because it's so old um and it's really mature look at the stem very thick okay moving on this is a philodendron white wizard it doesn't have that much variegation but i really like how it looks i like how it's climbing and i like this little root i like the pot it's in as well i think it matches really well with the white wizard and this is a wonky philodendron white knight that i have yeah it like kind of fell over and i never picked it back up so it's just growing how it wants but that's okay because these new leaves are really pretty and here's a philodendron silver sword i got this one from steve sleeves like eight months ago now and yeah it's pretty tall i've actually chopped it a lot and this is the top cutting of when i last chopped it this is an epipen pinatum albo varagata and this is a philodendron 69686 it's also called philodendron big ears and this let's drop this this is philodendron brawl marks fantasy also from steve sleeves here's a top cutting of one of my epi prominent pinata albo varegatas it's going up this pole and it's starting to give me some fenestrations which are really cool this is an ethereum vti it's one of my fiances that i have only have two antheriums right now okay so these plans i kind of was like do i want to show them but i feel like i should um so it's the monstera the variegated monster and sonia um yeah i got this like um eight months ago i think back in august back in august or so and it's opened up a lot of windows for me for trading um i've got a lot of my like wishlist plants from trading cuttings of this plant and then here's my yellow variegated sony eye but yeah i feel weird showing some of my more rare plants and the ones especially that have like hefty price tags right now um because i don't i don't really want to like encourage people to go and buy these plants um but yeah i just felt like i have them and i should show you them so yeah um here is my monstera obliqua obliqua that i got as a single node from someone on facebook i have it in this really cool terrarium and it has all this moss growing but yeah this lower leaf started kind of yellowing i believe it's from a nutrient deficiency that i'm trying to correct with um a different fertilizer and the new leaf came out really nice and green so i'm hoping that that's not really a problem anymore but yeah i got it as a little stick in october and now it's two leaves so that's pretty cool this is a monster monsteroria that i got in a trade along with this philodendron upi i traded um one of my variegated and sonyas for it that i that was actually the mother plant of this one sorry and yeah so like i said it opens up a lot of windows for me um and i got this plant that i really love for some reason i've been obsessed with yellow variegation um and it's putting out this little growth point coming out and i have it in pumice and charcoal and look at these roots look at these roots yeah i'll probably make a video about this soon but instead of using lekka i use pumice um and i really like it as a media as opposed to lekka for a couple reasons um i think it holds plants better and i like that it's smaller so it can hold the roots easier it's also easier to find in my opinion and cheaper i think at least for me this is my very large philodendron gigas i've also had this one for a long time it has like three growth points um and yeah these this is probably one of my favorite velvet leaf plants maybe my favorite i just really like the shape and i like how large it gets this is a philodendron varicosin this is my paliya from trader joe's and it was you know when i got it it was like pretty small this is my monstera thai constellation and it this plant grows like so slow um i've had it for eight months now and it's only put out three leaves but this leaf just came out recently so i'm hoping it's kind of activated again this is my hoya linears linearis not sure okay now let's move over to this corner this is a mikenz it's really long and it's trailing super far now and and here is just like this mixed pot of a bunch of different philodendron hypothesis that i have that i really like and here is a large philodendron gloriosum it has five leaves and it's putting out at six one right now this is an allocation fry deck this is a nostalgia and that's and this one is another asparagus fern and here i have this plant that i just recently got from a facebook group it's called philodendron firebird and this is a philodendron ring of fire this is a begonia maculata this is my only begonia that i have actually um this is a philodendron beetai or ability i'm not really sure exactly how to pronounce it this is a philodendron florida beauty it's the variegated form of the philodendron florida ghost um down here i have just a string of hearts and a watermelon peperomia this is one of my only peperomias um besides my string of turtles which is also pepperonia this is one of my two hoyas that i have it's a hoya ratusa this is a jade pathos that i need to water this is an enjoy pathos here's my really large skin skin daps's pictus exotica this is a philo dungeon glorious it's a cross between the gloriosum and the milano monochrysum and down here is a raphael for a tetrasperma and here's my really large sibu blue that i got from steve's sleeves a long time ago but yeah it's climbing up super high and i've had to extend the pole like four times now this is my milano chryson um this was one of my first rare plants that i got this in the my florida ghost um when i first got it it was like a one leaf little cutting down there so it's pretty cool how much it's grown but it hasn't really put out large leaves um which i'm hoping for eventually but yeah i've had to extend the pool so many times as well i thought it just gets kind of annoying so i haven't done it yet and this new leaf is coming out and i probably need to help it out or else it's going to break but yeah that's my monoprism this is my calathea ornata this is my or also called um claythia pinstripe and then here i also have my giant fiddly fig i've had this plant i think for like three years now um yeah it's like almost it's taller than me okay here you can see i'm like five eight or so so this thing is like 5 10. but yeah it's super big and i chop i chopped it a while ago so now it has two growth points which is really cool because i've always wanted like a more tree like fiddly fig instead of just a single stick um but yeah it's popping out new growth finally i think it's because i added these grow lights recently and here on my shelf i have this huge um mix of philodendron this is a philadelphian lemon lime pilot engine brazil and a regular green hartley philodendron and i've tied them up against the shelf so they kind of like merged together and my goal was to have it the whole thing looks something like this where it's all these mixed um mix different kinds of philodendron but it's getting there it's grown really tall now like almost up to the ceiling i added this little stick um to extend it a bit and then here in general is where i have my aquariums on the shelf um oh they're like they're really messy right now and i need to clean them up so i'm not really going to show them okay and below this is where i have a lot of my propagations that i've been propagating for months now probably like over seven months um yeah i have a bunch of pink princesses that i've been propagating originally from my i had a really large mother plant a while ago then i chopped up into a bunch of nodes i think i ended up with like 15 nodes and then from there i've just been growing them out um and i'm thinking of doing a pink princess giveaway soon i already did one um a couple months ago but i think i might do another one so yeah i have a bunch of pink princesses um i didn't buy all of these i i propagated them um yeah it's just just to make that clear and then here's a little baby thai constellation that i got in a trade and then here i have some like kind of messed up philodendron lupinum i think that they need really high humidity or something because all the leaves just come out kind of janky and when we go below that shelf i have um some philodendron marks fantasies so what happened was i bought one philadelphia mark's fantasy from steve sleeves back in the summer and it came in pretty damaged like the box was crushed and the pot was crushed and the leaves were all smushed so they actually sent me another one and let me keep the smushed one so i just propagated that one into multiple little notes and i think it's been like seven months now and now i have just like a bunch of girl marks fantasies that i think i'll probably sell or trade soon here's a philodendron splendid um and in this this is an old aquarium that i repurposed into a like propagation box or a terrarium i have some pink princesses these were just nodes like there were leafless nodes i just put in here with some moss and they've grown into like full plants now um so yeah i think i'm gonna do a pink princess giveaway soon and then i have a war quietum that i got locally um from my local facebook group and yeah so this is just like a prop box kind of and over here i have my huge monsters i got it from costco originally it was it was really large but the leaves were super damaged so all of these new leaves or all of these leaves that you see here are leaves that i grew in my care okay like look at it i feel silly right now but look at the size of this leaf and then my head it's like a pretty big plant just super cool um yeah i like this guy and i'm trying to get this giant aerial route to oh oh they finally reached the water so yeah i'm trying to get this to root in my tank that i have here just because i think it'd be kind of cool um just to see it grow because i like to see roots grow but yeah also don't look inside the tank it's super messy this is an alocasia um poly that my dad actually bought me like three years ago i also have this rubber plant or ficus elastica that has super interesting variation that i haven't seen before i just saw it at the garden center and i was like wait this looks kind of strange and it has this variegation on every single leaf below that i have this bowl of aquarium plants that i made this plant is growing out which is really cool next to it i have a bunch of these string of hearts propagations that are actually growing live sphagnum moss here's just a golden pothos instead of climbing up a shelf i got it from i think safeway which is a grocery store near me and then this is a ficus taniki okay and that's all i have for now um let me know what videos you want me to make in the future i kind of want to start making youtube videos so yeah just put some comments in the comment section below and tell me what to do bye
Channel: benjiplant
Views: 254,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plant tour, plants, indoor plants, houseplant collection, house plants, houseplant tour, plant collection tour, houseplants for beginners, room tour, house plant tour, plant collection, indoor plant tour, plant tour 2021, plant care, houseplants, best indoor plants, indoor plant collection, houseplant tour 2021, low light plants, low light houseplants, plant tour apartment, indoor plant collection tour, house plant collection, best houseplants, home tour
Id: Czl6yXeZQIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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