Hotwheels Track Has A MASSIVE Shortcut!

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today we're gonna be hunting for shortcuts on this awesome map called snow a huge shout out for war cans for sending me this map and letting me know that there were shortcuts on it if you have any maps that you know have shortcuts let me know down in the comments below but I'll be putting links for that in the description as well but first things first we are going to do the level as intended so we are gonna just try the track out as it was meant to be and uh just kind of get a feel for that and then hopefully we can find the shortcuts that are in this map and uh see if we can get a faster time oh also I got a huge surprise at the end so make sure you stick around but anyway we're gonna make our way through this track it's really nice it's kind of flowy if you lose your speed it looks like your uh your runs kind of scuffed so you definitely need to maintain your speed all the way through the track but we're doing just fine right now we're making our way through I think we're about halfway and we're gonna make our way towards the end here hopefully I don't fly off the track again oh no we gotta jump here uh don't go off don't oh come on no no all right it's fine it's fine it's fine we're gonna we're gonna do this maybe I should have practiced this map beforehand um but anyway I I do like going into them blind kind of so here we go okay well well well that happened all right we're gonna make it all the way through this time uh no if ands or butts uh we are just gonna go right on through the whole track here okay it was a nice little transfer there do I have enough oh my gosh I thought I lost all my speed I thought I thought I was just gonna crash there it's fine though we were in the tube and we're doing good now we just gotta make our way around this Bend and hopefully I can take the jump correctly I'm gonna take the inside line here to maintain a little bit more speed hopefully and uh let's go around this corner nice and easy okay whoa whoa okay I turned a little too quick there all right here we go whoa it felt like I was gonna go off but it's fine missing how embarrassing for me anyway we're gonna try this for the fifth time now fifth time no worries I'm obviously a pro at this game uh we have so much more speed coming through here I don't know how I did that but I feel a lot faster okay so the author time is a minute and 30 seconds so um we're trying to beat that not on a regular run because I don't think I'm going extremely fast here but uh if we find a shortcut and we beat that time then we should know that if we beat the time we'll know that the shortcut actually works and it actually is a shortcut I'm hitting my brakes I'm not doing that again all right I think we might be free and clear to the end here I'm not sure okay there's the ending there's the uh I can already see where there's a possible shortcut okay just making sure I don't fall off I need to complete this run legit here we go that's legit okay how is it a 130 if I just got a minute that's interesting now it is time it is time to find the shortcuts and I think I'm just gonna do the one that I saw without photo mode so I definitely saw one there at the end so I'm gonna try to make it back there and now we're gonna try to beat the time of 101 so hopefully we can uh beat that um yeah I'm not really sure what happened with the author time there uh I had to like reset this level because because I did it in the past before and uh so that might have changed the offer time so maybe we don't look at that because that might be wrong I don't know I don't actually know I almost fell off the track again but anyway uh we're just gonna try to find the shortcuts here and I'm gonna try to beat my previous time okay so here we go we're making our way to the end now and I'm gonna try this shortcut here we go please work please I did it I didn't do it fast enough oh my gosh okay so going into photo mode I'm pretty sure we can just fly off here and go straight into the finish so that's kind of what I'm going to try to do here okay so I made it to the end again and hopefully I can get a good launch off this oh that's that works that works oh my gosh I got one second better that was a really slow run too I had lost a few seconds all right so we got a one minute point four two two and uh I actually got a couple seconds lower than um I should have throughout the regular track so that time could have been even better maybe even in like a 58 so now it is time to find another shortcut and I am already seeing that instead of transferring here at the end like I have been I might be able to transfer right here which is kind of a shortcut but not really but let's go ahead and give it a try and see what kind of time we can get that way that might actually save us a whole second and that could maybe have me maintain my speed uh we're just going to transfer through here that felt a little quicker Maybe let's see at this first checkpoint look at that we're already a second down see that actually was so that that counts right that's a little shortcut but it definitely counts all right let's see if we can string that together with the ending shortcut all right we're three seconds down that's actually really good this feels pretty quick by the way like I said make sure you stick around till the end because there is a big surprise please don't fall off at the end oh gosh darn it all right here we go oh that felt so quick I feel so fast I feel super fast look at that two seconds down this time it's a good thing I messed up that run hopefully I don't mess up this one because this one is so much better oh here we go all right around this corner oh five seconds down are you kidding me that's great all right here we go let's try to get this inside line we'll take the jump perfectly please yes we're still five seconds ahead all right just stick to the inside line do not fall off the top here do not ruin this run I had to break I was too scared it's fine hopefully our time is still good we did just hit a booster there so we're just gonna go around here take the inside corner and please fingers crossed we're four seconds down then I can hit this oh my gosh if I can hit this this is gonna be crude no I didn't hit it I didn't go up fast enough no why why all right I will I know it's there it's just uh you know can my skills allow me to do it is the question all right here's another run this feels even quicker yeah we're 2.7 down that's amazing it's amazing I just need to pull off the shortcut at the end please all right here we go six seconds up this time even better this is crazy all right come on come on skills show yourselves uh uh bring me to the end six seconds up this is amazing please can I do it without hitting my brakes here can I take the outside and go in no breaks needed look at that look at that we didn't lose that much speed there this time take the inside now five seconds up almost six please let me have this shortcut let me have it go up here no it wouldn't let me go off oh I gotta hit that earlier I gotta hit it earlier gosh darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it all right for sure no problem I didn't do it as fast it's fine I'm just trying to string these together and see if I can find another one it's all good five seconds up no big deal just need a big get to the end the inside corner hit the jump still five seconds uh looking good all right outside in go outside go inside perfect hitting the booster go around fingers crossed I could hit this this time go straight across straight across straight across can I just go straight here can I just go straight will that allow me to do it it goes early it goes early I have to turn gosh darn it [Laughter] okay okay this is I'm at the end I'm pretty far up gosh darn it I keep doing it this oh my gosh please please please please please please please please oh are you kidding me okay okay this could be it please no why is this so hard I did not think it would be this hard oh my gosh I mean it could just be me I suppose but it's hard all right it's harder that it looks probably look at this I'm only a second down now I just need to string these two shortcuts together that's all I've been trying to do this whole time like what is going on I'm only four seconds down this time I've been so much faster before but it's that last shortcut that I can't seem to hit when I do the other one as well all right five seconds down that's not terrible this let this be the one let this be the one please oh I'm almost driving off the track right now gosh darn it all right please please okay we're good we're good we're good where do I go off I need to go off right around here that might not work okay oh oh did I do it did I do it I did it oh my gosh okay we got two of them that was it 54 seconds is the time to beat now all right there needs to be at least one more shortcut on this map and um I'm thinking after driving it a bunch of times like I gotta look at all these areas so we did this one here where we skip over early and it seems to have a lot of speed even though you can't really count that as a shortcut I mean it was kind of intended it seems like but it's fine I'm calling it a shortcut um but I don't see anywhere else that we could possibly leave the track and get more speed all the way through here um so we come to this point and I'm thinking I'm thinking we have to be able to do one here um I'm wondering if it's faster if we can maybe jump through these trees and come down to the boosters possibly or or there's this crazy wall ride possibility here but I don't know if this tree gets in the way but that would be kind of sick if we could jump over and hit that I don't know I'm gonna try one of these now and hopefully we can get one of them to work uh that would be kind of cool all right let's see if we can do it in one run or maybe I'm gonna have to grind it out for an hour like I did the last one all right anyway uh here we go um wow we're one second up we're not even that fast but it's fine because I'm just gonna try to hit that other shortcut to see if it's possible so here we go we're gonna make our way over here and I'm just gonna try jumping off the track all right here we go can we can we do it no all right you know what I'm gonna do you don't want to do so I am going I'm just gonna attempt it with Save State so let me get back over here and I'm just gonna like test it out so I can get used to it or just to see if it's possible okay okay yeah that's the plan all right we're going over there I'm not going as fast but that is fine so we're gonna Save Our State like here oh gosh okay save State's not working it's fine oh my gosh oh my gosh that worked that worked so well okay it is possible it is possible now I just need to try to string all of them together oh this is gonna be so hard okay good to know it is 100 possible and now I just need to string all of these together which should be super duper easy right okay making it over here can I do it oh oh that didn't work okay yeah stringing this together is gonna be hard that is for sure especially oh my gosh I can only imagine hitting um like the first two and then not hitting the third one well the first one's easy obviously but hitting yeah could you imagine like doing the perfect run and then I missed the the ending that would be devastating okay all right all right this is gonna be easy that's that's what I gotta think it's gonna be easy we're gonna be fine I'm gonna do it no problem I'm looking at the car auto turns for you oh this is this is slow but it worked oh my gosh can we string it all together I'm I'm four seconds up from the last run can I please do it oh I can't believe it I did it I did it it wasn't the cleanest run it wasn't the cleanest run but it's fine because I did it oh my gosh that was amazing and like I said if you've stuck around to the end so far um I had a pro send me his run of this track doing all of the shortcuts so now we are gonna compare my run to a pro huge shout out to sandals I'll be putting links for him in the description uh this is the run all right so just as a reminder I just got a 51.008 so let's see if you can beat that sandals anyway we're watching him now he's cruising through this section oh my gosh this is so quick what is that oh my gosh okay so oh he that's interesting rides up on the uh the tubes there okay and right in the inside lines okay I definitely didn't do that maximum outside distance then rides on on the inside okay here's the jump let's see what you do for this shortcut here okay so you also do the wall ride but you just you do it perfectly okay and you land in the inside of the track goes to the outside edge oh my gosh he's so fast and going to the end what is this a 44.161 wow that was an insane run again a huge shout out to sandals and work hands for sending me this track and sandals for showing us a bomb time anyway definitely go check out the links in the description I'll be putting them below and hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to smash that like button if you want to see more videos like this in the future don't forget to subscribe and I will see you all in the next one peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dapper
Views: 37,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dapper, zeepkist, soap box racing, sandbox racing
Id: G8vrUHs3LXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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