I EVOLVED This Highway Track From EASY to ABSURD!

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what's going on everyone welcome back to another video today I'm back in savecast for more track builds and the theme is highway so I decided to build another Evolution track with increasing amounts of traffic and so welcome to rush hour well not quite rush hour yet but if you guys are familiar with my Evolution track series you'll know that this is only the first part of the actual track what I typically do is I build a track that is exactly the same throughout but I change one little feature and essentially turn it into multiple tracks that progress as you go along so as you can see right now it is evening and there's not a whole lot of traffic in fact you know there's even some construction work going on right here you know we have a we have a dirt biker taking advantage of that we have some you know some cars going for leisurely cruises some trucks doing their overnight hauls we got another guy in the motorcycle just stunting and uh enjoying his night and just in general you know a very peaceful Highway we've got the the F1 one car right here you know going for a night cruise naturally why wouldn't she right the highways are basically empty now obviously there are exits as well and the exits are well fake uh they do lead to real finishes but there is one checkpoint and it is not any one of these checkpoints so you'll basically be just timing yourself out if you try to take one of the exits however if you go all the way until the last exit you can see right here I did a bit of a meme you know making good tracks going straight trolling go right and that is exactly what I'm in the business of so I decided to you know place the real finish right here even though there's a massive finish here as well with another seemingly real checkpoint uh but nope this is the real finish and the checkpoint is actually right in front of it it's kind of hard to see but it is there and the idea is that I'm going to keep adding traffic as the time of day changes and uh just making it a little bit harder for you know for my friends and and myself uh to actually finish this so let me show you the other two versions that I have planned this is Rush Hour one and we have Rush Hour 2 right here which is morning time with a bunch more cars and I also have Rush Hour 3 which you could only imagine what that looks like let me just show you boom rush hour three guys Peak day you know lunch time or uh you know like 4 P.M everybody's just trying to get home it's a hot summer day and this one is tough uh this one is really tough I don't even know if I'll be able to finish this one I might have to do a validation run in fact I am going to do a validation run but I think I want to just hop into a public Lobby and try this with my friends and then if I can't do it then I'll do a validation run afterwards so let's go see what they think alrighty boys Highway tracks eh I yeah I decided to go with another Revolution theme and oh dear all I can say is I hope you guys are ready for your commute okay let me guess let me guess let me guess okay more traffic per Revolution [Music] hope you guys like it it uh it does get quite difficult what why oh what are with all these finishes on the what oh well I mean those are you know like oh they're all fake those are exits those are exits you know if you guys want to just check out then there's a trolling exit too but it's probably the real exit I don't know everybody's just oh knowing already and quiet is there a Formula One car on the on the highway yeah okay guys guys I packed this track with memes okay the last highway signs that's a meme you guys can't tell me you haven't seen the meme with the car like drifting off to the right and it's like you know good decisions go straight uh you know spending money on car parts go right you know well the Formula One car is actually a video that's been circulating uh on the interwebs of a Formula One car driving in the fast lane of a highway so you know it it was like he stole it and took it for a Joe ride or something it's like an old Ferrari car or something like that how does one take this exit well usually you have to slow down for exits oh that's true I forgot about that there is a little bit of realism there's a little bit about looking forward to this with traffic I really there's also some construction you know some middle of the night construction going on great well no this is you know the construction is right now right it's gonna clear up by the morning it's all good all right you should have had like like all the lanes blocked I know right except for one oh you're right you're right and nobody can get through because you know there's 17 guys having coffee well I think my favorite part is is a naked man on a motorcycle definitely dressing for the ride and not the slide you're right you're right Hey listen man if there's a construction site you gotta take advantage of it you know you got to send it off on your dirt bike oh that was tight he's got an idea there if you wall right here oh ah that's that's yeah that could be a thing that might be a thing yeah because right now basically all your time is how much you break that's right final all right boys last uh last Highway pull here before the gas station oh no oh dear oh dear it's one of my safest have headlights some of them do some of them have headlights we just don't really play night Maps a lot so very advantageous in certain situations indubitably what's with the what's with the concrete barrier right on the exit ramp uh they're supposed to well see zapkiss doesn't have like water barrels or any sort of like proper Highway merge pieces so you know just concrete barriers good luck have fun hope somebody's uh somebody's guessing two and well I guess they probably saw my workshop but yeah is there only two and three there's only two and three it's morning it's morning are we in Dubai I'll read in Dubai uh we're in Las Vegas oh okay yeah yeah this is this is Vegas traffic so um I was just here interesting in in the evening there's like a Formula One car and stuff and in the morning it's all sedans go to work man still here hey man hey man the Party Don't Stop the Party Don't Stop naked motorbikes have been there for like six hours now it's just just chilling yep yep so this is a little bit harder um but you know still oh my God I'm merging across Lanes Dapper's dad driver that was the BMW driver you know just going across like five Lanes at once no turn signal [Laughter] oh my goodness bro that's like Toronto for you right there yep straight up I have dash cam foot like countless dash cam footage of people doing that to me in Toronto and just merge across five Lanes no signal that's right cutting off three transport trucks Oh no uh Drive God dang it man those off ramp is so narrow [Laughter] well listen I scaled everything up the same so you know there was no Prejudice involved in my scaling I scale equally I actually thought of making a map where like you have to find your exit but I mean once people find the exit it's you know people are just gonna go towards that exit so I'm I basically made it the last exit find the perfect line and still not make it oh I found those Formula One car yeah the Formula One car is still ripping yeah it's fine there's just one traffic what happened Khan what happened Khan what is there not is there not is it not a checkpoint at the Final Exit like at the big one not the one at the like the last exit the ramp we just took like the like the last last one dude I got a 29.9 and it said zero of one when I went through it well I guess you should have gotten the checkpoint there is some sort of interesting bug every now and then where it just doesn't stay it is the same yeah it does uh it didn't recognize the checkpoint for me so it just like screwed me out of the winning time I I don't know I don't tell you man like you know this you never had me you never had your car is it a different exit now it's Maybe yeah now it gives me a 30.5 but I had a 29.9 it would have been like second on the leaderboard and the game screwed me out of it so I had something similar happen to me in testing but that's why I moved the checkpoint fully outside of the finish so it shouldn't be happening I don't know it literally just did to me what's up maybe you crashed into the checkpoint no I don't think so I was like I went right through the Finish like blew out the other side it's just oh interesting dang I'm sucking at this one dang dang everybody just like good job guys second place with that man God dang it stupid unity and stupid DVD well guys I hope uh I really hope you're ready for uh you know for Peak rush hour here because oh man it's I know what I know what to do guys what are you gonna do gonna park my car and wait for rush hour to clear there you go it's only three and a half minutes of traffic so if if this map is in Dubai I believe uh you you can uh order a helicopter to come pick you up right true it's not the thing yeah oh man I really hope I don't have to do a validation run pick the whole car up you know oh boy oh boy oh no I really hope I don't have to do a validation run oh my gosh I did validate it I did validate it it's you know it's oh my gosh apparently all right I'm turning off other people please no they're in the center lanes now but no other switching lanes bro you know it's good luck everybody's panicking everybody's Road raging oh dude you suck you put a construction sign right in the perfect gap of course there's like a gap between the cars and then there's a freaking construction sign there for no reason I might extend the time for this one just a little bit um I didn't really think you know about the fact that they're all the same but they're getting harder but we'll get to that in a sec here yeah dude I can't believe it I have oh trending that car Rush Hour three Rush Hour three yup they only made three of them so I had to end it on the third one true true you know those movies weren't about sitting in traffic though right oh I never watched them I just assume that's what they were about yeah it was Jackie Chan sitting in traffic hours I thought it was Nicholas Cage oh no Nicholas Cage played in rush hour before that's why he didn't do so oh okay okay okay yeah with Nicolas Cage Nicolas Cage yep Nicolas Cage is one of those actors who does a really great job at playing Nicolas Cage yeah he just did a movie like that where he played himself uh with Pedro whatever Pedro prosciutto yeah that guy yeah it was like the unbearable weight of massive Talent or something like that okay on right so how do you have massive Talent simple be born Nicolas Cage yeah ah and then have everyone cast you for being Nicolas Cage exactly yeah and to be said about so many other people dude are you going full speed on this track Cosmo how are you doing this yeah full speed man you have to oh my God like you can slow down yeah you can get you know slow times and slow down and you know whatever but if you want that 30 second time you gotta no I don't anybody would actually go full speed through rush hour traffic bro bro have you been to Brampton I've been to Branson before oh go through there ouchy the naked bikers still the naked biker wait how do I have a Time I don't think I made it to the end what happened is it a different Dapper is that you so confused if you know this is awful ever was abducted by aliens let's see yeah did you did you move the ending no dude nothing changes in the map except the traffic guys I don't know what happened you must have just zoned out and gotten it dude no I swear I got to the last ramp but then I didn't have enough speed to get up in I did get that one just now nice buddy proud of you wow I did it with two wheels wow thanks weird flex but okay Hey listen man I was just a motorcycle ah even even through traffic oh my gosh who made this good question I was right at the end can't react to the gaps fast enough I know it's okay guys we can reset the time and everybody can finish [Music] I don't wanna I thought my highway was bad yours is like whole new level yeah whole new level of realism actually that's true you probably do merge at this speed relative to everyone else and just this is like your normal Driving Experience it's like yeah this is fine this is fine it would do it 300 or whatever else is doing a hundred it's fine you guys don't do this my car like maxes out at 120 you know mine says super on it but I can assure you it's missing one one of the cylinders ah every time I believe such a fun easy flow map yeah oh geez took too long Cosmo I could have had a Podium number one I know I know man I know Uno could have been China number one China number five four this is painful this is painful this is like the most pain that we've had in a while now oh is that a challenge no I I did it in a validation run and I didn't record it and now I'm gonna have to do it and this sucks real issue skill issue 100 bro 100 percent oh my God I feel like there's a meta to like geek yourself off the First wall and just go over a lot I blame the frame lag it um it it's it's hard to play with the lag that's for sure plus that's the recording curse yeah what is going on gotten my time by eating off the First wall all right well I'm gonna get a 30 second validation time in my uh you know in my validation run here I hope you guys enjoyed the track I didn't I hated it I don't know why I did this what you should have made Rush Hour 3 where you just get up on top of the cars and ride across all of them like skipping super fast yeah but uh definitely go and check out the other guy's tracks uh they built some pretty neat Highway themed tracks as well give us more theme ideas and we'll see you guys in the next one bye bye bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Kosmonaut
Views: 30,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kosmo, kosmonaut, zeepkist, zeepkistenrace, crazy zeepkist track, trolling my friends, surprising my friends, impressing my friends, zeepkist hard track, zeepkist hard, zeepkist shortcut, deceiving my friends, zeepkist deceptive, kosmo zeepkist, kosmonaut zeepkist, zeepkist trolling, zeepkist troll, zeepkist cheese, zeepkist secret finish, zeepkist highway, kosmo evolution, kosmo evolution track, easy to impossible, impossible track, zeepkist impossible track
Id: 16XZJV3e64w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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