IT'S JAPAN | City Guesser

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all right let's play worldwide no let me oh [ __ ] okay let me uh usa first what the [ __ ] is this [Music] it's just some dude walking figure out where you are you know can you like stop and look at some road signs so i can cheat okay okay wait wait i got this i got this they're driving on the right side of the road silver avenue someone google that this is uh this is california southern california did he even look this dude's getting hit by a boss this is not this is tos kendra tell us what do you know what did it say i missed it they're on the bottom click to enhance i can't enhance dude this is it it said the exact city yo someone saw someone saw that okay this is for sure this is either florida or california and this [ __ ] is not looking both ways [Music] okay we're playing we're playing uh okay what do you guys think did wait did he just jaywalk oh my god it's canada it ain't canada dude north dakota no [ __ ] way it's north dakota i've been to arizona it's arizona santa fe where the [ __ ] is santa fe again we're in transylvania i hear the music all right i'm gonna take that guess miles out i told you guys it was santa fe [Music] all right weed that dude had weed okay this is california dude no way it's not this is venice beach we're on venice beach i got this where's venice beach again hold on uh when i was two i got this everyone just stand back it's it's venice beach yeah where the [ __ ] is am i losing my [ __ ] there we go venice beach got it spot [ __ ] on baby oh [Applause] i called it dude first two seconds i said pot i looked over i saw the gym where they all lift where all those [ __ ] uh tick-tock influence influencers lift weights and [ __ ] venice beach seattle oh is this one of the piers no this is not up here wait is it i don't remember i've been on the piers wait no this is this totally looks like yeah this is seattle wait a minute seattle wait no not no is it seattle or i was thinking it was [ __ ] did it say seattle for some reason i was thinking san francisco for a second shut up zooms in on california dude wait no i live there yes it's seattle seattle california shut up i told you let's go okay this is pretty good oh god where are we [Music] coffee and crepes okay [Music] dude are we in uh portland i have a feeling [Music] i have a feeling hold on license plates yeah what is that license plate hold on do it dude am i right is it actually portland yeah it was oregon [Music] i think i might be right actually it just might straight up be portland 26 miles out that's not bad i said portland right when i saw crepes dude god i'm [ __ ] good [Music] due to your apartment for rent i wish i said for how much then we could kind of like gauge exactly how far west we are jackson bennington wait you saw anime in the first one second of the video where are we i was i was thinking boston at first because it looks it looks old right or somewhere in you know this area it looks disgusting yeah we're listening on conversations you hear that well i can talk to him later okay dude this i don't know man it's woodstock [Music] what the [ __ ] is woodstock near rockford [Music] out of i would have guessed boston all right that's when my pride stops i i can't even act like i would have known that was good good call [Music] are we in chicago or is this memphis i've been i've been to memphis [Music] i think i've actually walked on this sidewalk right here if this is memphis it looks oh yeah dude i went i ate at pork this is memphis right i went to nat i went to nashville and i went to memphis i remember dude yeah because down here there's a uh down here there's a um hard rock cafe on the corner there was a uh someone doing sex work i remember that all right um not that that's a problem i was just saying like it's one interesting uh senior [Music] trip [Music] what street is this again there's like a main street this might be it right here or it's around here [Music] i don't know where that is just downtown within a mile yeah i remember i remember this my senior year i did not know now it was a fun trip actually the dc [Music] arch not dc [Music] hold on i got this no front license plates required so there's only like a handful of states that don't require front license plates and i know nebraska is one of them little rock city hall okay never mind the midwest doesn't require the mid midwest doesn't require front license plates uh where is uh where's little rock again that's in oklahoma or kansas or arkansas arkansas little rock [Music] [ __ ] um okay so what did it say little rock it was just little rock something city hall where the [ __ ] city hall somewhere in downtown no this is oh this is clearly japan listen to the music broadway street whatever i'm just i'm just going with it one mile out baby all right this looks nice that means we're minnesota probably because minneapolis is actually a nice city oh is it new york on armand this is hideous [Music] is this manhattan [Music] oh new york yeah it's just disgusting dude i've been to atlanta um is this atlanta oh god dude it literally says atlanta oh i probably walked here before as well i've been to a lot of cities okay where where are we at like north atlanta [Music] downtown [Music] where's downtown midtown yeah i know i [Music] see [ __ ] this is why i just don't click on atlanta someone said downtown it's uptown [Music] what the [ __ ] my hold on dude let me open the music [Music] i want you guys to hear this um [Music] is new orleans [Music] yeah it kind of seems like new orleans yeah it's u.s cities [Music] this is cheating how is it cheating it's not supposed to be that hard four miles god we [ __ ] suck dude um this is uh this is um [ __ ] san jose or miami which one is it this is san francisco is it yeah dude palm trees are in places other than just florida i've been to miami actually no i haven't been to miami that's false i know this specific building it's san francisco isn't this wait a minute if it is san francisco i feel like this this looks actually familiar because i've been i've been to san francisco i watch around quite a bit like wait yeah they're actually wearing too much clothes it's san francisco um but what where are we at here though because this is near the piers right that is the uh that's the subway right that brings you out so we're in front of the piers we're in front of pier um isn't it am i wrong where where are the peers where you at northeast this is nebraska okay dude i i don't know where the [ __ ] am i right now am i on this side or this side that's oakland no what like right here just click oracle park yeah but where's that even the park this you if you guys are wrong oh [ __ ] dude i told you guys right on oracle park it's not my fault you dumbass couldn't find it okay and there it is connecticut avenue we're in connecticut easy looks like japan is this providence all right it's raining so this is wyoming no it's not 12 early bird oh god dude big old american flag yep clearly japan see another connecticut i told you guys i'm thinking this is east coast la fitness all right everyone look up every la fitness on the east coast you're paying california [Music] with the okay wait i'm not sure actually hold on i i honestly don't know i would just if i had a guess i would just say somewhere somewhere in the east like maybe um like around this area would be my guess this is dc is it oh i was afraid you guys were gonna say uh yeah never mind okay dude i have those same shorts those same nike shorts that dude was doing something okay this is a [ __ ] okay wow yo this is is this uh is this nebraska dude i think we're in nebraska all right where's alcatraz again is that it wait no it's just not i'm i'm right right where the [ __ ] is no not golden gate dude there's clearly the bay bridge what the [ __ ] the bay bridge this it's not golden gate i thought it was right here yeah dumbasses i told you there's nothing pedestrian about it all new chevy blazer chicago you guys are so fast it's like everyone in here is from one of these cities yeah i mean omaha i told you [Music] this honestly looked like omaha at first they have like uh something similar to this and then yeah it does kind of actually look like omaha and since i used to you know live there it's it's familiar it might be midwest but it also might not even be close to that because if it is omaha yeah this road brings you to the airport i think it's not omaha probably isn't i don't know what this is san antonio yeah i kind of want to wait till i get to the street although i'm gonna take a gamble and assume that he doesn't like shoot someone on camera so i'm gonna be right back the [ __ ] happened oh no dude someone down the camera guy is he face down in the dirt right now where are we where are we can i replay it the [ __ ] dude he's dead he fell right over replaying equals cheating i'm gonna start guessing dude i'm gonna say oh my god i called it the first two seconds that i saw that water i said omar thank you thank you you got stinky breath you stink um billy that was council bluffs oh was it i mean dude they're so close i mean it's like right there this isn't japan you [ __ ] idiot you laughing at hi i'm what does that say this is san francisco what part of san francisco chinatown i don't know where chinatown is well you guys are saying it's chinatown oh you know why because there's chinese language and everything [ __ ] ignorant bastards um where is chinatown just zoom in oh is there like okay this is gonna sound stupid is it literally called chinatown on the map or what am i looking for no what just the suburbs okay then it's right there [ __ ] god damn it hold on we'll do world maps in a second broadway where the [ __ ] is this is boston columbus and new york oh is this new york new york new york yacht kent there's chinatown in multiple cities okay i'm not gonna lie this kind of looked like minneapolis at first let's say i feel like i've been here i feel like i've actually stayed at this hotel no [ __ ] joke i have been to a lot of cities in the last five years because they all look the same um okay are we like in boston or something we're in the united states united states national bank i said portland i told you it's portland okay okay okay all right let's just get this over with dude um is is this miami is it near fort lauderdale are we just going straight miami um is this miami beach or kansas oats this is kansas i'm gonna pick this 240 you [ __ ] it's not miami dude i was gonna put the golf side too before i started you guys tainted my answer you painting the waters i don't even know if i want to look at your guys's responses new jersey new jersey watch out for naked dante sounds awesome actually okay i've never been to new jersey i have no idea science said gift shop all right everyone google every single gift shop in the east santa monica where [ __ ] santa monica again topeka am i up here what [ __ ] santa monica i don't know over here l.a oh i know i know i look like a [ __ ] dumbass right now that's fine okay i've never actually seen that wyoming isn't that literally okay the way he just looked there was one isn't he like right here or like right here one of these is he in seattle oh god that'd be dumb of me wait a minute look at him there's something going that way isn't it san fran seattle california no it's not isn't it like right here chat yeah because he was looking at this this [ __ ] bridge going that way and then there's a bridge over there oh dude railroad tracks really what city are we in population 200. oklahoma oats i live here that's me i'm working at masons down the road oh boy it's my time to shine yeah yeah indiana outlet mall in indiana dude how do you guys know this like where in indiana this could be anywhere man there oh chinatown indiana no it's not okay let's find everyone google every railroad track in indiana see where they run ort's mouth a dumb name where's that at trim it wait what are we in portland what does it say 503 frog wines you know what what kind of hell hole is this you guys were saying [ __ ] indiana all right one more one more or one more hard one and then we'll uh play the world map uh what's 10 again well where does that run this is midwest isn't it oh did you just zoom in on something i said it says texas plates dumbasses why all mean it's [ __ ] texas plates why did everyone say wyoming what did i miss something that's like a collective effort oh oh okay all right are we in houston did you miss something yeah sorry i was busy looking at all the license plate that said texas on them um yeah i don't know where mountains the doubletree dude there's like two double trees in texas okay we got this it's on 10. where the [ __ ] is 10 oh 10 and runs through where's san antonio got it [ __ ] me dude almost going with wyoming at that point texas is too big this is chinatown out stop saying it's chinatown not everything can be chinatown is this omaha again it because if this is omaha i've literally it looks like omaha i've eaten down here one of these if he keeps walking you guys are going to see where i've eaten before where's he going into i got a i got a massage down here once and no it wasn't one of those kind of massages it's new orleans shut up hey isn't uh this isn't downtown it's isn't it like around here i mean it would have been closer to downtown but yeah yeah i've been on that street it's funny yeah omaha has a lot of brick streets so that's one thing i like old buildings like that is this providence or provincetown where the [ __ ] is provincetown is it not over here rhode island the [ __ ] is rhode island again oh it's right there yeah because this is where they do that um wait hold on they uh they have that weird festival on the water every year don't they so is it just here or where plymouth maybe oh no oh [ __ ] i didn't know provincetown was way over there actually [ __ ] did it oh fart it caught i've never been here i don't know i've never been here to be fair it was close okay dude game of thrones where did this take place again yeah i've seen this dude season 8 oh no dude yeah this uh this is definitely alaska it's alaska don't you know wyoming guys this is class okay we're not in the midwest stop the act wait is it omaha i've never been here for this okay one of you guys have been here we got nuns there's nuns wait no no those are kids graduating i think nevermind oh [ __ ] uh california yeah never mind they're not nuns um palm trees so south dakota dude dude i could have swore there were nuns when i first saw him okay it was a good guess um okay look at the look at the houses we're we're way stanford or stanford again ca yeah i don't know where stanford is bay area yeah where the [ __ ] is that even it's not guatemala it's in palo alto yeah where the [ __ ] is that guys i grew up in the midwest okay i i only know the basics here it's near san jose northwest is san jose so like oh oh okay yeah i got this dude i told you oh i got this real quick oh my god this right there oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys would have guessed that dude it was wyoming let me get rid of that one you guys kept guessing wyoming no we're not we're not i'm not indulging in that the one time it was wyoming it wouldn't have been you wouldn't have guessed this is uh california i just saw a bus how come everything's in california they need to stop putting it near san francisco johnny sins dude where it's like so like yeah all right everyone google sunglasses hot in south california figure this out i want to see if we we see anyone that we know oh yep i know that guy yeah i went to school with him all right guys guys i got this hold on i got this all right i used to live there it's okay don't worry [Laughter] um ball cities why omaha omaha's a nice city i really actually liked it quite a bit yeah no this is an omaha is this like pensacola this isn't japan are we in are we near pensacola [Music] [ __ ] no one said jacksonville so i don't feel bad you're all wrong okay this i have no clue this is like weird scenery is this like is this denver or like aurora or something it well it kind of looks like michigan too we haven't gotten anything near okay we'll do this one and then i'll play the world maps moab utah is it i don't think this is california us postal service box quick everyone google every u.s postal service box i think it's colorado did i call it out right are we near aurora this doesn't look like denver but it kind of looks like california mountain view california is it [ __ ] nevermind where's mountain view it's gotta be up here right because this looks this actually looks nice so it's gotta be away from all that maybe not actually you guys sure okay all right i got this dude i'm just kidding by san jose oh [ __ ] um i'll go back oh i can rewind it well i can speed it up oh god i didn't know that what the hell kind of nasty this is the midwest man okay let's play um what do you guys want to do world map [Music] [ __ ] all right this is when we uh we have to try hard we're we're in germany i could tell by that dude's jawline no [ __ ] joke dude we're near we're in germany okay let me actually look it's somewhere around there i bet seattle germany we're in hamburg this is one thing i'm gonna have a hard time with i haven't traveled outside of the us um i want to i want to go to iceland first but then you know that's not gonna help me out much on geoguessr h okay why iceland i want to go to the uh uh the uh [ __ ] hot spring or the blue uh hot spring shits and check out the uh scenery landscape the hamburg all right we'll try i should have just went with it man you like how i called that out i saw that dude's chiseled jawline he just looked like a german you know okay all right venice yo is this where they filmed game of thrones no joke is this they did filming in spain dude is this actually where they [ __ ] filmed it kind of looks like without staircase no joke um okay looking like russia dude i got this it's spain wine there was a wine list and there was english okay you think [ __ ] russians are drinking wine now i need i need something else here this is this is actually hard i don't know what kind of language is that oh god is it russia turkey we're at in turkey this is tough it's obviously like a nice large area so if we're looking at turkey does anyone know like is this istanbul [Music] did anyone say cyprus no one did all right i don't feel bad anymore you guys suck no you didn't police sirens we're in the u.s this is actually india is this russia dude i saw some [ __ ] tetris symbolism we're in russia fellas are we in moscow where [ __ ] is moscow again if russia's too big where the [ __ ] am i oh there we go oh my god this ain't moscow i was closer oh my god hi mia hello how long you stink you stink all right where are we venice i'm giving the dog some love she's she's chilling and she's she misses oh this is wyoming you have to live under a rock to know this isn't venice's venice okay well dude we're all on twitch right now and you guys watch me every single day speeder on your metroid so like where [ __ ] is venice again hold on mia i'm almost done yes i'm almost done yes um is it over here oh god i'm looking like a [ __ ] fool where's venice oh hey hey fluffy what are you doing guys i got this i got this don't worry are we in no for real though this this looks like like isn't it called like mexicali or whatever just like south of like tijuana and stuff and i'm taking a wild guess and don't i'm i'm obviously you know you might be right yeah i know i'm not just saying this just because you know hoo-hoo gold dung and i'm [ __ ] i don't know i don't know all right see you again on suck no joking is cancun really we're gonna go with cancun this doesn't look like cancun dude if you're wrong there's no way this is like the the the like tourist cancun no way church just dude a church's chicken oh hell yeah churches it's mexicali dude i called it out literally right away right away and you got oh did you [ __ ] ignorant american dude oh god it was cancun shut the [ __ ] up don't say nothing move along okay i think we're uh god damn it what language is that hi this is pretty at least israel like hebrew i mean if you say it look like hebrew dude it was hebrew i mean the best i do is speak shitty english with a uh a hint of diet shitty spanish so all right israel i got this where [ __ ] israel again is that over here somewhere yeah now i gotta find israel dude oh [ __ ] wait no israel's like near finland isn't it no under lebanon am i not gonna find lebanon dude oh there we go all right are you guys sure it's israel like over here good good call good call um is this um a volkswagen volts volkswagen here i am driving in the volkswagen went on your cancun apology oh it was you that said that now [ __ ] off you're wrong um is it sweden where in sweden it's not sweden who said sweden oh it's switzerland oh sorry uh switzerland is where again that's uh [ __ ] over here isn't it [Music] okay whoever said lucerne is wrong hey i'm i'm gonna be honest i might suck at this but my knowledge of geography is probably better than 99.9 of americans just like this call i [ __ ] got this dude we're in the emirates i have no clue that's not something to brag about yeah i know that's why i feel bad even calling it out that i'm better than 99.9 percent dude around texas oh no [ __ ] brother this looks like texas that's the only place on earth that exists oh god wait what kind of language is speak in this ain't texas this is this is hagia sophia oh yeah let me go directly to that hold on [Music] is this a symbol this is really pretty you'll get within 100 feet wait where where am i right now what is this place called yeah i don't know where that is dude yeah i i get that where is it south north what so right over here somewhere right over here i was pretty close then right a little west over here no easter than that you said west pretty much right where it says istanbul oh okay so like right here oh my god you guys [ __ ] suck dude you're serious dude you made me zoom in and try to find this non-existent palace there is 134 miles [Music] west you guys did that on purpose um this is um hold on we're in norway in the beaches of norway okay you guys have to know where this is this looks really like common knowledge grease i don't know where that is like [Applause] spain oh my god this looks like an extremely common place and i know i've seen this on a tv show before are we in uh like down here oh my god no way dude i would have been better picking norway i should have just picked norway we've been just as close all right chad this is your time to shine say it just say it just [ __ ] say it get it over with let's just move on to the next one yep yep just get over it wait i thought this was japan oh wait no all right so where am i looking here we're looking in japan right yeah where we're at here someone said something like really specific and i trust that person are you blind no i know where japan is dumbass i was just saying is it just tokyo guys okay let me just get something straight hold on let me give you the speech after this i don't know where that is though i need to find that where what am i what am i looking for shibuya street i don't know all right anyways um guys okay you have to [ __ ] understand [Applause] sometimes oh yep i got this you know what i'm not gonna break the fourth wall yes i'm a [ __ ] dumbass okay um where is where where even is omaha france this is in france okay this is gonna sound stupid we're not gibraltar again where the [ __ ] is uh the statue of liberty again like where where where uh where's that uh where's that [ __ ] chilling keep zooming maybe i'll just see her in here look for water okay oh yeah right here baby okay okay for all you [ __ ] smooth brains i guess i will break the fourth wall you gotta understand dude sometimes i just act like a dumbass okay you think i'm gonna zoom in on shibuynu park and so where is it i don't see it and sit there and keep zooming in until you guys have a [ __ ] meltdown relax dog breed city exactly this i have no [ __ ] clue like i i i i can't even put a guess out there toronto i mean it looks really beautiful so it probably isn't the us hold on this is gonna be the deciding factor right here right here that's it hey be nice what's up angel work yeah a lot of people were saying vancouver i don't know i've never been like in canada what do you guys think vancouver or toronto you think it's chicago okay there's more toronto's than there are chicagos so we're gonna have to just go with that [ __ ] dude oh my god okay we were all wrong i'm not even mad it's fine oh dude i saw another i saw a chiseled jawline some nice cheekbones all right we're not in the us 100 um we are uh near here i bet or uh yeah it could be it could be somewhere in this area right here this just drawn oval or somewhere in here camera let's go run over dude what dork florence i i don't know where florence is but we'll take a guess i should just went with rome dude god you guys are killing my score all right chad i think it's your time to shine again let's go where are we okay no actually okay this looks like dude i guarantee that dude watches xqc garen [ __ ] t indianapolis this kind of looks like colorado i'm not insulting the man he's got fine tastes is this looks more like portland than anything no that's definitely an insult shhh it is portland we're at portland i i've eaten on one of the like the large buildings in portland portland like this awesome [ __ ] restaurant that overlooks a bunch of [ __ ] probably around here so american flag brother the patriots [Music] this has to be iowa it does look depressing so it could be wisconsin virgin town virginia wait are you serious this place looks awful it really does like let's just get this over with where are we at here i i don't know i don't know a lot about the virginia's west like west virginia or like western original virginia and go over here um yeah where we're at here is there like a name for a town [Music] dude is that borgian just doxxed himself only it's only a taswell uh resident would know exactly where that was okay you say chernobyl for everything i think chernobyl dude berlin oh is this um dude are we are we like around this area or like over here you guys think like are you thinking like i was thinking maybe no it wouldn't be there maybe like more over here i was thinking but i'll i'll take i'll there we're next to a river okay first of all maybe i should have just [ __ ] went right down the middle with that damn hold on it's close though this looks like sweden or denmark that dude looked like lincus so we're definitely near like that area oh nevermind's a burger king yeah we're in oklahoma netherlands amsterdam good job where is this is this this is like universal or something see ducks they are in jackets yeah that's true like northern california yeah they are in jackets so it's more than likely hawaii yeah south beach they're just all cooking it's like 110 degrees there's ovens anaheim where's anaheim again really this must be in like december really this is anaheim irving which one okay well okay it was closer to that yo this is hardcore actually yo this is um oh god i know this this is that map in uh mario sunshine where is that when he's like uh outside of the hotel no [ __ ] joke though and that is uh is this brazil isn't that isn't that map on mario sunshine like rio or if i'm right that's going to be awesome okay where is this though i have no clue down here all right where the [ __ ] is this again this is uh miami oh god we're in america for sure i just saw someone riding a rascal um is orlando is it though i went to orlando orlando's in florida thanks um and i don't remember seeing this ball i went to the i went to the universal studios i don't remember this huge [ __ ] it's not orlando yeah where's epcop f epcot yeah it's not universal then disney oh it is oh [ __ ] wait where is it from here where's universal sound kiss me hey that word is close enough is it san francisco estonia it kind of does have estonia vibes doesn't it no this is houston is it don't take me seriously chad i'm joking um omaha no sheila hicks honestly you guys are i don't know i i have no clue where this is i there's no nothing popping up in my head um you guys think it's over here that's pretty damn close i should have zoomed in more and just trusted you because i was just trying to take a guess i had no clue is antarctica i've been there really this is definitely oklahoma this looks like spain honestly isn't there like a jesus statue around here somewhere this is really pretty actually this is sweet off the coast of italy wait what you guys said this no isn't that want to be more over here i think you guys are messing with me [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] you guys wouldn't have guessed it either i was just going to yolo if i would have gotten that you would have all thanked me it's either real or fake but you know on a night like tonight couples are out everybody looks happy tonight having a good time this guy trying to pick up chicks right now with like a google thing oh my god dude hey ladies you ever heard of google hey hey ladies you ever heard of google maps yeah that's what this big camera on my back is yeah so anyways you have a you have an xbox one or this is iowa oh yeah this is vegas actually um it yeah yeah uh i've actually stayed in uh this hotel i think yeah i've walked across here i almost got some some dude almost beat me up on this or he tried to i'm pretty sure so i was like i like stopped him he's just drunk as hell he's like following me i was like all right you guys got a problem or what so i've kicked both their asses okay where is this though el cortez no that's uh all right still 100 degrees right now yeah yeah dude this is this is kind of trippy actually like i remember all this [ __ ] um what if it's not actually vegas oh yeah dude i know all this yeah this place is called um spanish steps bar frozen drinks and fresh cocktails you know because of the uh what do you say something bars in the government these guys if i had to close down i forgot the exact rule but something like if you're a bar and not selling food i want to listen to this guy talk actually that was something like that so we had to close okay i kind of just wait here caesar's palace hail caesar okay dude he's gonna start having like a seance or something kitchen g money ramsay oh my god this dude's loving his life our shrine our shrine i told you he's going to be doing a seance here all right this is where we uh conjure up spirits and worship satan where no one's looking hold on it's really dark huh all right anyways i don't know where i'm going with this where uh where where where is that again and there is the flamingo you guys did call it flamingo um oh is it around here like right here yeah because the uh uh i'm yeah it's just right i was kind of entertained by that guy speaking i didn't know they could talk on camera he's probably not supposed to okay you guys seem really confident about this where is this it's not sweden then you guys just all say sweden spain they're wearing coats it doesn't get cold in spain band [Music] all right i'm gonna play like one or two more one or two more and then i'm gonna be done papa jones i almost this is kind of intrusive i feel like people just chilling this dude's just like looking on people getting haircuts and stuff that italy pizza equals italy oh never mind mexico guys why do you say mexico because you saw one person better not love you um we're saying that she peed on my carpet she didn't she's just chilling she's bored behind me okay okay it's definitely spain or mexico you realize how many miles apart those two things are like i might as well just click the atlantic ocean just to you know mitigate my losses mexico city is nice yeah i've heard it's really nice are you sure you guys sure no y'all are [ __ ] lucky i was about to start slashing start slashing names there's got to be detroit wait really are you sure it's in detroit wait no wait hold on germany this looks dope where is this is berlin what is this building called no nice okay just point me in the general direction there's too many things to like look at i'm trying to just find a certain thing so it's hard yeah i don't know exactly where the german parliament is enter the city all right i'm just going with it nice this is sydney am i right is it sydney actually aussie is sydney [ __ ] okay i'ma stop is it i called it before any of you all right i got this where the [ __ ] the great wall of china again no seriously where's the great wall of china i don't know i mean i'm not gonna play stupid on this one i i don't i mean i know it's [ __ ] huge like i'm not even gonna try to play okay this is actually gonna be really hard this motherfucker's long oh it's you trolling i'm not trolling on this one i'm legitimately i it borders where are we bordering here right where where right borders mongolia i remember my history okay okay then where how are you supposed to know where this is like i can't even play smart on this one and act like i'm this would be cool to go to i know this is like a huge tourist oh no dude what oh it's inner mongolia oh [ __ ] that ain't good well i learned something today so disappointed that's okay i mean that's all right i thought this dude was gonna square up no joke holy [ __ ] that scared me weren't we just here wait a minute i remember these pigeons also these statues look familiar too weren't we just here i'm pretty sure there's the same birds wisconsin dude no just this like center thing just just this in that statue is already out of wisconsin's budget okay in these palm trees are the flags i don't know hey stop feeding the pigeons and she's eating the bird food too man at least you guys see that be eating the bird food all right where are we dude i feel like we're about to be witness to a crime where is this i have no clue yeah everyone quick nevermind argentina some profound footage i think argentina like dude argentina is pretty big where oh god dude queenstown i i don't know where queenstown is uh is it uh where are we at here where where from here is queenstown new zealand you guys you guys are [ __ ] saying new york well how can how can you [ __ ] be so confidently wrong that it's queenstown new york no one said new york you guys all said new york all right all right where is this yeah i saw new york uh where is this oh oh i thought you said ny not nz wait i'm gonna go up wait hold up okay so okay wait a minute you see what i'm saying this is why i'm confused oh this one looks like new york okay oh queenstown queenstown queenstown queenstown so we got a new york confirmation all right then we have like [ __ ] a million queenstown okay then we have a new zealand but i was too focused you see this is why i'm wrong so you guys have to understand like my line of uh thinking here i don't know dude i don't know everything about new york why do you always blame us because you literally just said that i just called it out um where's new zealand oh my brain's hurting dude what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] my brain shut off okay where where in new zealand wow dude you guys got me all twisted in christ church down here oh oh right there so is there water this is really really pretty so good job buy two pairs get one free holy [ __ ] the cigar cave this dude's got style that was fresh as [ __ ] all right um this might be new york i'm not listening to you guys anymore when you say new york dude i'm gonna be lucky if that's future me japan dude japan rhode island like uh l.a i haven't seen a uh la fitness yet so that's one clear indication that we're in la no until i see one of those okay well that's it [ __ ] oh no san diego all right i've never been to san diego all right that's um yep is this moscow man this makes me realize like there's some awesome places in the world i don't like actually get off my ass like travel i want to go to moscow at some point but isn't that like a tribe travel advisory a goku moscow is it moscow or greece oh if there's a pandemic i know dude but like before i die [Music] be cool to travel where like athens or what oh my god it was moscow oh dude oh those are greek letters those are greek letters man greece greece greece yeah yeah hey look for language oats grease for sure you guys are so confidently wrong all the time on this game say louis for [ __ ] sailors again ugh japan no it's not oh yeah right here nice this is just looking at that bike this is venice beach again oh god what wait no no no something happened i didn't click what [Laughter] did i click i say oh dude i'm mad about that one i i called it out right away because that dude's hipster ass looking bike with 40-inch wheels okay there's like actually attractive people here so not even looking at the signs not america right off the bat but [Music] ukraine i i don't know where this is oh [ __ ] that actually might be a dmca hold on um right here this that looks close enough to kiev like we're just one letter off click oh my god i clicked and it didn't go it's [ __ ] moscow again oh my god dude again what burger king yeah burger king which means we're in germany which means we're in hamburg [ __ ] my logic was solid new york no it's not new york is this the grand canyon i've never been but i really want to go at some point uh where are we looking at here now utah oh yeah that's where it is [Music] wait he said he's walking towards what wait hold on [Music] we're walking towards inspiration inspiration point [Music] be sure to like and subscribe for more videos three times a week is this [ __ ] plugging his youtube is this arizona south utah yeah where's inspiration point like this isn't the grand canyon arizona's the grand canyon wait doesn't it go through doesn't it like actually like [ __ ] go through [Music] hey thanks for the sub i appreciate that oh yeah googled it it's in wyoming are you sure [Music] man is lying [Music] grease um not utah okay dude we're right here [Music] okay i don't i'm pretty sure no one said new mexico i don't think a single person said new mexico alaska no that person was speaking like spanish in alaska this has got to be in canada right this is this is totally uh quebec is it not is this like ottawa what horses in canada so look for horse restaurants dude you're right i'm pretty sure i should just go with my gut i'm pretty sure we're around here you think we're in british columbia we're at in british columbia not vancouver is it is it like around here like victoria or something [Music] ugh barbecue yep and [ __ ] i know where we're at in tennessee wait is this omaha again dude is this the 495 oh new york oh okay queenstown this doesn't look like new york this looks like you think it's worcester dude it almost kind of looks like worcester there is like a huge [ __ ] bridge that goes through um chicago it this almost looks like detroit new york looks like new york city um the bronx i don't know where the bronx is [Applause] is this just not new york again yeah oops uh where exactly is that and yeah but like where is times square again wait shut up dude you think i [ __ ] know uh every goddamn road in new york what am i a taxi driver no all right i'm just taking a guess all right he's right there [ __ ] in here act like they know every single street and road in america oh yeah dude new york yeah i [ __ ] yeah i've never been there but dude i know every single road i know exactly like where every restaurant is every sidewalk okay i feel like i feel like a predator right now i don't want to look at the screen like dude stop following this person like is he trying to get a date this is freaking me out man where is this [Music] moscow that's pretty close as though it's playing or is chat playing hey i've i've had some solid guesses okay when i know where i'm at i know where i'm at yeah all the omaha ones i guess sydney in the first like literally quarter of a second i said sydney and omaha true um what the [ __ ] is this boston i don't know where this is 907 what's that alaska people don't live in alaska okay is this anchorage i mean there's only one spot in alaska where people live so okay i don't need your help shut up hey oh this is new york was my new york accent oh so i saw someone with pre-dive buddies this is probably uh texas by my calculations this anchorage again oh my god really [Applause] there's water there's there's water going through a city [ __ ] all right chat take this one away i'll give you the reins on this one i trust you seoul that's north korea right damn guys obviously it's not [ __ ] north korea [Music] um yeah this is sweet billy i'm not seeing any philly cheesesteaks v john lewis damn london is it london oh my god you dumb [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] this has got to be uh this is iceland no this is greece [Music] thank you uh for the sub yo this this is actually greece right like where though this is like a this is a common spot i've seen this [ __ ] in movies and videos but it's over here or am i misunderstanding illinois oats i don't know where that is and oh it's just pick brazil it's right there okay holy [ __ ] dude right here are you this blind are you you guys realize what [ __ ] hindsight is right and like you're not using any cognitive ability other than [ __ ] typing in the twitch chat with one hand and your hand on your [ __ ] okay what uh is around here oh my god you're all wrong anyways you were wrong you should have let me guessed yeah i would i would have been right this is just an airport where the [ __ ] fresh attractions i've been to a lot of airports and this isn't looking familiar i don't is this chicago i've been to chicago like twice so probably where's o'hare uh again where it's probably like slightly out is it not okay um this is just california right speed limit five how do they even like how do they even um like how do they make sure people aren't going like six miles per hour is there like some dude on a on a bike like a bike cop hey you were clocked into going six and a half miles per hour um i don't know where this is santa monica like around here like pier is this the pier spot on dude spot [ __ ] on oh my god it's it's inside of mine holy [ __ ] i that was like to the foot okay i got this guys this is a rapid fire hold on i got this i got this [ __ ] dude you [ __ ] want to guess that right either is i don't think i've been here yeah she looked stressed it's a zoo wouldn't this be a museum i don't think a zoo is categorized as uh animal skeletons and carcasses dude but i mean maybe there's animals somewhere zoo of the dead san francisco oh is this a san francisco yeah this is on one of the piers is it not there's a there's a zoo on one of the piers there's an aquarium i've been in here before actually if this is if this is on yeah i've been in pierce 57 i've been in this aquarium actually um i did i sound like such a midwesterner dude i've been here like a basic [ __ ] spot that everyone has been dude where is peter where are the peers like here by the water thanks oh the peers are right here [Music] yeah no one's no one's giving me the right answer pier 30. that's pure 50. you're 52. hold on we're enhancing this [ __ ] pier 57. pure 80 oh god dude oh pier 39 oh it's up here then no this is in one of the piers i'm almost positive because i'm pretty sure i've been in here pier 39 is it this is the aquarium yes i i ate dinner here at one of these i ate uh yeah i think i ate here actually or the seafood place yeah it was actually pretty [ __ ] bomb um and the this is no this isn't pier 39 it's right is it pier 33 it's one of these it's like right here actually [ __ ] okay even though there's four miles that's embarrassing because i just spent so long trying to find the right pier nevermind i haven't been in there but i went to another aquarium that was on like pure [ __ ] 60 or something i did remember the good food though and i got some uh some fudge as well at the end of the and and the pier 39 there's some fudge oh i also wrote my name i i put my twitch channel in like a [ __ ] lefty store a left-handed store i wonder if anyone came from that he was at the end of pier 39. all right two more two more guesses i'm done i gotta be done i gotta eat okay you guys want two more or not you want to end the stream right now bloomington okay i was gonna say the mall of america but no this is not the mall of america singapore has a huge mall if i recall correctly like one of the largest malls in the world am i right there's also one in canada that's [ __ ] huge too wait okay wait no i mean you guys are right there is english it is english melbourne okay melbourne where the [ __ ] is melbourne again is this australia i forget where melbourne is um malls are normally by airports it's right here [ __ ] all right close enough melbourne ethiopia yeah you're not going to trick me this time i would be near an airport because people get off and they're like oh i want to go to the mall i just had a long flight i want to walk around and spend money now they get pumped full of that uh that cockpit or that um that uh oxygen in the airplane yo is this big ben where's big ben paris or london i don't know dude doesn't matter the same [ __ ] spot oh it's wait no it's not that big oh stop [Music] london wait i saw a lion dude you be lying shut up it's in london [ __ ] it's paris i'm told wait no wait did i put paris wait a minute wait no no did i accidentally wait did i not click what's going on here it says i picked paris no no that's where i picked i was right i said paris and you guys you [ __ ] know it all andes said oh no oats dude that's not paris
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 3,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, city, guesser, city guesser, city guessr, guessr, geo, geo guessr, geoguessr, geo guesser, japan, omaha, seattle, portland, california, moscow, f*** it fridays, f it fridays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 35sec (8075 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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