How to make Mexican Carne Con Chile Colorado Y Papas | Stewed Beef Recipe | Views on the road

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hello and welcome friends today I'm gonna be showing you how to make one of my favorite childhood dishes you know when you see that red sauce I'm already melting this recipe is amazing for family gatherings for the holidays to make it and bulk put it in your freezer and defrost it and put it over your rice to make it in your burritos your tackles your co-stars your leave us you name it this is a spectacular dish and I hope you guys enjoy how I prepare it set your pot on a medium heat and add some oil okay you want that oil to get really hot [Applause] goodness it's funny cuz that's how I speak to Raja go ahead and add your Chuck meat and you want to cut it into small cubes because you know you've got the hungry man at home or the hungry mom make them a little bigger but make they're for kids just chop them up a little bit smaller I'm gonna go ahead and sear our meat and that should take me about eight minutes or so so hang tight enjoy the ride if you've got the road everybody oh you mean your son right there how happy is that water look at all those bubbles right okay so while we're searing our chuck meat we're gonna go ahead and add our guajillo chilies and we're gonna boil them about ten to fifteen minutes just until they soften up so if they don't look dry that means they're ready to come out make sure that you take that as many of the seeds as you can out okay sometimes it's a little harder when they're still dry I'm gonna take them all out I like they taste the best when they're super dry like a stone like once you rehydrate them I don't know why you know what I think so - it's more like of a roast that you would get right now yeah the smoke here theme for today is smoky apparently it's smoky okay so while we're syrian army' you want to sprinkle a little bit of salt it's about half a teaspoon friends make sure that you are looking in the description area for the details and measurements for your ingredients you guys are skipping and then you're asking me well let's help each other out look at the description area below she's calling out the skipper's Skippy's it's always the skipper's that have like the most obvious question like the funniest obvious question seriously don't worry the abuse Club knows and we know that you're busy you know with your family and things like that but the recipes there for you guys in detail and as you see I talk a lot and I had a lot of steps are the first of all themselves and say sorry I missed I know I love I love them do you know for those of you wondering why my videos are so long it's not for monetizing obviously I you do YouTube there's monetization and rewards to cooking but I love cooking in general and if I'm gonna teach you how to cook I can't skip too many of the things like time frames and looks to your food this we have a lot of kids that are learning to cook and you chefs so let's inspire them by teaching them how to do it the right way yeah yeah I'm gonna do mom the whole time your mom the other day I know it's the holiday season I want to make sure everybody's taken care of you know yeah alright friends I'm gonna continue to see how this for a little bit longer and I'll let you know my time frame when I get back no sorries me huh no not the way I see you guys tell her in the comments apparently she doesn't know what is it again Yvonne dough tell me sentimientos Yvonne the way you were singing it was okay back to business I like to add potatoes to my delicious blend but for you guys it's it's gonna be optional so what I do is I pre cook my potatoes before I add it to anything right it keeps the shape and it doesn't fall apart mushy you want to boil it for about usually takes me about 12 minutes and it's gonna depend on your burner obviously and how many potatoes you pile up in here but usually it takes me 12 minutes I strain this and then I add it well you guys will see when i add it that pot has been around since I was a child I remember my mom making roast in that pot when I was like yeah like tiny kid like from kindergarten coming to school yeah don't get offended friends all you bougie people in fact this is like this is an old-school ol pot yeah it was either feed air or rice would be in there yeah yep I'm used to that where she would put a blend of her her chili in here sometimes yeah yeah that was later for dinner though yeah school that's what we had to finish up the food in there yeah Roger you guys Russia is I think he's a parson Jack Russell Terrier because you know he's a mix but he is definitely very active in part travel like any travel ROG baby yeah my mama does he yes he does he just met you mm-hmm he doesn't know any better he does love you so we're in about four minutes we're just gonna come in you know mix this around I know usually like you know tell you guys the impurities and all these things but for this dish don't worry about it it's gonna actually on this one it's just the candles and the suits are different you know yeah you want the car gonna be smooth going down your throat to be going through sorting through anything well girl I don't I don't know like this is how we've always made this so m1 over maybe I don't know my food I see everything my favorite so today this is my favorite alright I'm gonna continue searing this a little bit longer in I'll see you shortly okay our cheetahs are nice and soft so remember wait till it cools about 10-15 minutes and then blend well if you're happy I'm happy you know what that's why I love you you guys I just wanna let you guys know that I'm very grateful for my sister what yes I know don't get shy like I always have fun cooking but having your company just magnifies it and we have a lot of great friends on here too we all just laugh at each other yeah I'm good time for you guys to let me add a little bit of my liquid in here for blending so I'm gonna let this cool about 8 minutes and then I'm gonna blend sounds good okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna blend a little bit I'm gonna open and let any kind of steam that we have out and then I'm gonna blend again but if you're using your blender you already know what you're doing we also yo esta Carrasco Sam be quick about it because if you produce too much steam when you're blending in this bullet it's gonna bust because you won't even be able to get it open okay so let it steam out there we go see you gotta let enough of that steam out we're all set our meat looks pretty cook let's head on over okay it's been 12 minutes and we have a really good sear everything smells delicious I love cooking with Chuck because that browning that we have right there the one that's the impurities is something else they actually provide so much flavor in here and I just love beef broth I've been Murphy yeah I prefer beef over pork to be honest but maybe not what she told you gosh I can't pick except you doing that Merrill right yeah okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and add some water okay and I'm gonna add enough water to cover our beef see that then I'm gonna add some water in here just so that it so I get everything out so it's probably be like 1/4 of water in the cup if you think my measurement in the cup is off that's my sister are usually pretty right out we've gone into so many arguments over this we're all took up the measuring cup or the measuring spoons isn't exactly what she's saying and she's always spot-on it's pretty good take a drop a drop or two and when I fail I'm like ah markets are rare out you a lot yeah it did go get started ever be like we won't abuse canteen and I'm like I can do it I don't like I don't like to you guys see me intoxicated too many times and I don't drink okay see the cloud quit drinking alcohol you guys yeah not that I would drink a lot anyway like it's just very mild when I would drink I mean I'm if I drink I like whiskey early everybody knows that but I think I'm after my last tequila session yeah it was one of those nights where I went too deep into researching my what happens to our body when we process alcohol and all the stuffs I was just like I can't anymore god bless everybody yeah okay get that deliciousness okay now it's time to add our our flavor you guys ready well the chew minutes on it's a great flavor but you guys already know what's coming up you know what that is cloud please tell everybody what this chicken booyah your cumin Oh like that I thought you wanted me to continue your continued her pepper - what - taste that's right but the recommendation will be in the description below how about do you go yeah go ahead and stir this around that was like a CCC anthem meheeco it sounds so good in here okay friends this is gonna be an optional style to add your onions I have about six ways that I make this okay so it just depends on who I'm cooking for that I switch it up but I'm gonna add my onions at this part yeah it's gonna it's different from when you saute them too when you add them fresh at this part because you still get a little bit of the of the bite into it and also it's releasing all the juices into that broth you know like when you blend it it's different and instead of like water if you were to add the chili water it changes the flavor profile of this dish so I'm gonna go ahead and put this on a medium heat and I'm gonna let this cook I'm thinking it's gonna be about six minutes okay okay friends it's been five minutes I'm gonna go ahead and add my garlic and if you're gonna be like I'm gonna forget no you won't forget cuz you're gonna add it right before you add your potatoes okay so after your garlic we're adding our potatoes and it's our precooked potatoes okay where I taste in the hub Alton it took my breath away that's what it's about I hear all of our friends have been cooking for their families and they are like it's wedding right here Oh can't see there it's funny to me because that's what it's about cooking for your family being happy and joyful you know gonna make it fun [Music] once your chemical chili is ready it's gonna be up to you I like to keep more broth in here because we love it when we have a bowl of rice you have all your carne cochina Colorado and it's just divine that sauce in the rice or I like it when I have my okay I get my tortillas and I dip it in and it's dripping that's my thing so I'm gonna leave it this thick but for you guys at home if you want it thicker more of a Stewie you have to cook it a little bit longer okay once he turned to your pot off you're gonna add your oregano and let me tell you you don't want to overcook your oregano that's why you went out at this point and that's Mexican oregano it is Mexican oregano and you're just gonna mix it well in here you see our potatoes didn't mash up you know it's okay to pre boil them prints show off with your family so you're gonna add your oregano and you're gonna let this sit here for about four to five minutes because it's gonna allow everything to blend well together and while this is setting I'm gonna warm up my tortilla because you know we're gonna taste this no no when I feel a song coming on it's for you usually it is did you ever know [Music] your everyday like to be a girl you're feeling my heart right now cuz I can fly don't mind everybody cuz you are the wind beneath my back to the sub d AK video romantic with each other okay I'm sorry we load each other friends if you're not practicing your 30s you know you have to get mommies don't get serious you aren't crying but if you haven't practiced your thumb feels you need to practice it at least once a month perfect it I have a variety of the fee RS appease for you and each each recipe has different techniques okay so I'm gonna put in the description area for the one doesn't obvious great-grandmother could see up now she was so proud I definitely feel feel very honored when I use that mmm-hmm ready for dipping yes Oh Michael much too hot he's a different flower today now I wasn't too crazy about it mmm-hmm I've been fussy about our own you've been fussing at me because I'm the one who told you to get it or you wanted to try the the an organic flower from the same brand that we use and it didn't work out for us no no no friends that did it let's get a taste okay friends if you don't like to watch people eat you don't want to watch me taste this because I'm such a naughty girl with this I really am nutty girl apparent thing I feel like I'm two again you gotta get in here get it full of sauce and just go to town hmm girl doesn't make me quiet Oh God I raised me of my childhood it reminds me of my mother yeah I took my breath away when I had it so good sister good job you didn't oh yeah so get in get dirty and honestly whether it's rice tortillas I like this with flour tortillas but you know if you give me a spoon I don't mind I'll just spoon pull it in hmm look Hou worked hard and made us proud you know this is such a spectacular dish it really is oh my goodness I wanted to say what one of our friends told me on Instagram yeah my book I thought I can get married already again again caught and I want to thank you guys so much for joining us this holiday season and making recipes for our family not everything's gonna be a holiday recipe but we are gonna be making family meals so on that one thank you for joining us and we'll see you tomorrow you didn't want to say anything - yeah yeah that's
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 512,676
Rating: 4.8853383 out of 5
Keywords: carne con chile colorado, how to make carne con chile co, chili con carne, stewed beef, carne con chile rojo, chile con carne y papas, CARNE CON CHILE COLORADO MEXICAN STYLE STEWED BEEF WITH CHILI SAUCE, how to make chile colorado, chili colorado, views on the road kithchen, mexican american recipes, carne en chile rojo, views chili, views on the road carne con chile, chile colorado, views on the road, mexican food recipes, chili colorado recipe, mexican dinner recipes
Id: py-wWLZBYmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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