Hosea ~ 2:20 to 4:9

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good they tell you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our fathers word well we come to chapter 2 and about long about verse 20 I want to I want to recap just a little bit what we covered so far the minor prophets are not minor because there are at least less importance their minor just because they're shorter and Hosea being the first really of the minor prophets and some even feel of many of the major because of the in in the beginning statement but and in the mother who was the harlot that's to say Gomer he would say in that eleventh verse of this second chapter I will also cause all her mirth to seize her feast days her new moons her Sabbath's and her solemn feast now I don't want you to read over that and I want you to understand how God dislikes her feast not God's feast not God's Sabbath but these false religions that make religions out of days and moons and in feast days of their own as an example the high Sabbath always comes on the 14th at the sunset at the 14th day of the new year ok well that's when the spring equinox cuts it and fourteen days and the fifteenth that's the true Sabbath okay but when when we switched calendars to the gagarin calendar which we now use they had eleven days that they threw away didn't know what to do with now there is no way you can throw eleven days away and have saturday still meaning the original Saturday it will not fly okay so and this is the way people that listen to man and man's traditions and follow man's way of worship rather than the knowledge of God well how do I obtain knowledge of God from the letter he's written to you he's let you know here I'm fed up with her I do not I don't appreciate her religion because it's false and of course I went into that and I said what many today would say well thank goodness our church doesn't do that in they study they worship each star a pagan fertility Rite instead of Passover the word Ishtar or Easter is not even in the mania scripts you'll find it only one place in the English King James in the book of Acts but if you take your strongest concordance and go back you will find it's not a star it's Pascal which is the Greek word for Passover so a lot of people deceive themselves and our Father doesn't consider it plenty okay because these are the high holy days of Christianity father's days not man's traditions so this is why he was so upset but his loving-kindness is that even after he tells Hosea to go marry a harlot and then these children were born being symbolic of how God would reclaim his people then in he makes it very clear that he intends to take her back and that in verse 16 they would no longer call him master but call him husband ish I in the Hebrew tongue and so it is excuse me even to this day that our Father contained he sent the saviour which Hosea means salvation okay that's why this is such an important book and and Yahshua in the Hebrew tongue unless you yo have a Savior is Jesus okay so the Christ so we pick it up then with verse 20 as he's stating I'm gonna reclaim and he's talking to the children here not the harlot he's talking to the children if you straighten that because the children can't help it the if if the parent bite on a sour grape it doesn't turn set the children's teeth on edge okay you got it this 20 of chapter two with the word wisdom from our Father let's go with it and it reads I will even betrothed thee unto me in faithfulness and thou shalt know the Lord it is that knowledge that knowing that set you apart because there are some people that don't want to know could care less about knowing and certainly their faith is a little slack okay their faithless rather than faithfulness the knowledge of God is a wonderful thing it will set you free if you will learn it it sets you free from the hang-ups of this Earth age and and bring you blessings from on high from our Father verse 21 and it shall come to pass not maybe it shall come to pass in that day I will hear saith the Lord I will hear the heavens and they shall hear the earth and that that is his promise and that is the future balance of God's control verse 22 and the earth shall hear the corn and the wine and the oil and they shall hear Jezreel this is why he said named that boy Jezreel why because in the Hebrew tongue it has to fold meaning it means to scatter but it also means to sew with the thought of broadcasting that's the way you use scatter seed and and that sews it okay but what he meant was spiritually speaking he was going to take those ten northern tribes which this is written to and concerning that they would go into captivity he would scattered them all over the world but in the end times they would be soin and that truth would come forward that's why this great nation America is is in God's Word that's why it is blessed that's why that God will continue to bless her with correcting things along when people if they should ever try to go to socialism or communism or something of that nature which does away with Christianity God put a stop to it okay abruptly and he will get people's attention my father when he knocks on the door and gets attention you want to pay attention but God God is not going to forsake his people he says I'm going to be troch them that's why when Christ returns at the seventh Trump he wants a virgin bride he doesn't want someone that's been chatting around with the false Christ so you want to really pay attention knowing your faithfulness to stay true to the father not fall off to the Antichrist and to know him to know God's truth is to set you free it's to bring you soin as God would do scattered and so on our father knows exactly what he's doing you remember the names of the other two children they're gonna come up now I'll call it to your attention verse 23 and I will show her unto me in the earth and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy now what is her name mercy had no mercy Ohama okay and lola hama means not loved but he says i'm gonna call i'm gonna have mercy in other words she's going to be called rahama not low because i love her okay and i will say to them that were not my people what what is not my people in the Hebrew tongue low ami name that boy low are me not my people he said you take that one that was not my people thou art my people in other words I'm he I will call them army and they shall say thou art my god when they finally wake up and realize is it not amazing we can put our hands in our pocket and take out a coin and it will say In God We Trust how many really know the significance of that this great nation and the free free world the Christian nations of the world how that God looks over them how God blesses them they're free they're not in bondage as some would try to have them don't ever try it it will not work why because God isn't on the throne and God is in control he will betroth her he will reclaim her he knows exactly what he's doing but do not everything that causes or want to escape correction because as long as God loves you he will chastise you if you step out of line otherwise he loves you and will bless you chapter 3 and verse 1 then said the Lord unto me go yet love a woman beloved of her friend this needs a little bit of work let's assume some think that this is still speaking of Gomer it isn't ok Gomer apparently had passed away or something but because the word yet should be translated again go again love a woman behold of her friend and her friend of course was Hosea okay her husband yet an adulteress according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel who looked to other gods and loved flagons of wine shouldn't say raisin cakes double cakes okay they they're they're drunkards excessive in everything and and and this is what I want you to do there's a sort of a reclamation in this that God is reclaiming okay and he's telling Hosea you go take her and there would be considerable discipline exercised within this and there the translation of some of these verses is a little bit on the tough side but not if you just let it flow you with companion bibles it will help you a great deal verse 2 so I brought her to me for 15 pieces of silver that's the price of redeeming or reclaiming a slave okay and for in Homer of barley and in half Homer of barley and so here he was in verse 3 and I said unto her thou shalt abide for me many days your sequestered you're not going anywhere you're not going to be catting around you are you are going to sit you're going to stay with me I have paid the price and so it is thou shalt not play the harlot and thou shall not be for another man so will I also be for thee and in other words you're gonna wait for me I'm waitin for you period that's it and we see here that God wants to reclaim Israel you know and this is what repentance is about when you repent you have a clean slate a fresh start verse 4 for the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king undisciplined so to speak what most of them don't even know who they are ok those 10 tribes that went north over the Caucasus Mountains settled Europe many of them later moving to Canada and the Americas they haven't got a clue they don't have a cane why well because when Jo Jo Jo a bomb disbursed by the captivity of the Assyrian they don't even know who they are a nation to have a king okay and without a prince and without a sacrifice they're not going to be sacrificing to the Lord living God okay and without an image and without an ephod and without a tariff em I'm gonna take all that junk away from you do you know what he's going to replace it with you don't want to get all nervous about the tariff em and this that the other being gone he's going to praise replace it with the Lord Jesus Christ that's for everyone for all whom will believe and and so it is and it's going to happen it's going to take a long time I'm taking the tools of your trade your false religions and throwing them out verse 5 afterwards shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God they're finally gonna wake up and David their King and shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days why because it's talking about the Savior he's going to sin the the the offspring of David's out of the stem of Jesse which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ and the children will return at that time we'll wake up we'll recognize who they are now chapter 4 has to do with knowledge and God's people suffer for a lack of knowledge and knowledge one point would you say that because it brings blessings if you seek knowledge well I don't learn real quick I'm not well pray about it a child can understand the Word of God if you just take a little time and let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you and forget about all the junk of religions false teachings traditions of man that make void the Word of God listen to it and let it flow that's kind of what this chapter is about chapter 4 verse 1 here the word of the Lord that's not difficult is it you children of Israel for the Lord had that controversy with the inhabitants of the land because there is no truth nor mercy nor knowledge of God in the land they've lost him they have no idea they have no king over the ten tribe of Israel the ten tribes of Israel God didn't lose them they lost their own way they don't know the glory of God they don't know that all they have to do is follow him and be blessed to be prosperous why because God loves his children verse two by swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery they break out and blood touches blood it's just murder after one after another but you know what the real murder is here it's the murder of souls it is bad enough for someone to shed the blood and murder someone but when a false preacher kills the very spirit and brings about the spiritual death of someone that really wants to follow God by his false teachings his ego or something else that's really bad and that's what God is talking about here because of lack of knowledge many people don't know who to follow and it's so simple all you got to do is prove a man or woman or even a child out in the Word of God it's it's that simple it's there before you all the time I don't know can you read and if you can't many people can't then God the sin the teacher for those to assist and to help them in that respect to understand the language to understand the metaphors the idioms figures of speech because our people are always rich in using those and sometimes from the ancient it can be very confusing but yet at the same time let it flow and be be on guard and went when something isn't clear all you got to do is ask him that is to say if it doesn't come clear tell him that's the way you pray father I don't quite understand this please let me see the light now man many times will confuse the word so you've got to take that into consideration and go to the original and go from there what's happening rightly dividing that word to put everything in its proper place verse 33 therefore shall the land mourn and everyone that dwelleth therein shall languish even the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven yeat the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away when God withdraws his blessings a nation suffers and many we have pollution to the point that you've got to be careful what kind of fish you eat you'll get overloaded on mercury okay gotta be real careful and and and and God does the wind the land mourns you you miss around let's just be honest with ourselves the land when you play stupid God will correct you for it and any time that a nation that his high-tech as we are allows itself to have to depend on foreign oil to the point of 700 billion dollars a year he's stupid that talked about the land morning no one no one can live under those circumstances you're going to pay it's time for the nation to look around and say where did we go wrong you got away from God's plan and you know when you go from one foot to deeper into the grave and try to leave God's free will and way out and bring in the sister of communism you're really getting into it talk about a nation that okay but that's the way God operates you know he's going to give us a little example let's listen to it verse 4 yet let no man strive nor reprove another for thy people or as they that strive with the priest well what's he talking about the priest that's appointed by God do you know where this happened you go back to Deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 1 what happened well the court and a few of the other boys came up to Moses and there and said you all take too much on yourself we're breaking away from you don't want to have anything to do with you we're a lot holier than you are and Moses begin to pray and there was a great division in the camp but these these boys wanted to take over it was God that instructed Moses to lead two people it was God that touched Aaron and put him in charge not man was God's anointing and there came a time he said Moses told them you better get your incense you better get your act together and you better pray to the Father and the Lord told him says hey get them out there but you separate yourself from those that want to go the other way I mean they're arguing with the priests of God here Moses and Aaron and then I'm paraphrasing in a sense the sixteenth chapter of Deuteronomy and what they did the next day they go out and here's Moses and the people that followed him that were true to God on this side of the line the line was drawn and here's core and all the rest of them over on that side and God cracked the earth to sunder and the other day all those that would argue with the true priest of God fell into that crevice and the crevice fell all their cattle their houses their stock their tents their dwellings their families and the crevice closed in over them and they perished that's what God's talking about okay you said in other words what God is saying I won't put up with it don't argue with the word it is written and as it is written so it shall be and that's what our Father means by this if you ever want to get a lesson of how God can correct you want to read that sixteenth chapter of Deuteronomy it it was a sad state of affairs verse five to continue in the third this fourth chapter of Hosea salvation therefore shalt thou fall in the day and the prophet this is the false one here the false prophet also shall fall with the in the night and I will destroy thy mother in other words destroy means I'm gonna cut off Israel and cut her off and you know from blessings and boy does it show sometimes when when the nation pains when the nation hurts that it's been cut off verse six my people listen carefully my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou has rejected knowledge I will also reject thee that thou shall be no priest to me seeing thou has forgotten the law of God you don't teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse you get someone verse revolving Reb and go off on tangents I will also forget thy children that's your congregation that's the sad children and the people perish for lack of knowledge when father's sent the wisest council in the world that there's ever been is the Word of God telling you how to be blessed and how to be happy how to be prosperous even in the you know the nation can be going in a basket right straight down but if you're blessed then you're fine God takes care of his own he gave us that shining example of that of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace I mean that was getting pretty bad when Nebuchadnezzar had to toss them in there heating it seven times hotter than necessary and they were just fine right in the middle of all the turmoil they succeeded what you can't touch God's children or God will do as he did in the days of Moses and Aaron there in Deuteronomy chapter 16 our father takes care of his own if you want to perish because of lack of knowledge why God sent you the knowledge if you reject it hey have a good trip everyone you know you have free will to make your own mind up about everything if you want to reject God's Word fantastic just go write all about your way it's all right you won't have anyone begging you to go the other way you make up your own mind but you make your own bed and boy or you go to sleep in it that's your choice and that's the way it should be that's the way God intended it you want to make it hard on yourself after it or you can seek the knowledge of God and prosper have peace of mind sleep good at night have a happy family be blessed of God right in the middle of turmoil because she loved him okay and you seek that knowledge and you seek that wisdom do not ever reject the Word of God or the whole congregation suffers it is real sad well many months ago we go to church do you really well what happens in that building and I'm not knocking churches to support say there's good churches but if God's Word isn't taught there it's a waste of time okay you're flat wasting your time because knowledge keeps you from perishing it brings God's blessings and causes you to prosper you in the church you know if churches would teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse you wouldn't have these people sending these letters begging all the time begging for money why but because God will prosper you you don't have to beg to have a ministry that teaches God's Word properly but when you find one of these ministries that spend half their time begging for money then you might said well you just have to support us or we won't be here anymore oh well hey if that's the case and they spend half their time doing that God probably want some gone okay that's the way it is people perish for lack of knowledge and knowledge is the Word of God what did the first verse of this what did the first verse line sentence in this chapter say hear the word of the Lord verse 7 as they were increased they multiplied so they sinned against me therefore will I change their glory into shame this just needs a little bit of work on it you with companion Bibles it'll straighten it out for you it should read you notice the word therefore is supplied it doesn't it doesn't need it what it says as as they were increased they sinned and changed my glory to shame claim changed God's glory to shame verse 8 they eat up the sin of my people and they set their heart on their iniquity in other words what what does it mean they eat up the sin they eat up the sin offering okay no one absolutely no one no priest was ever to eat or partake of the sin offering okay that was strictly to the father's no ppreciate ever have touched it you said you gobble it up and you expect God to bless that and they set their heart on their iniquity in other words they encouraged people to do what's wrong you know you'd like to think well is it in ignorance or is it just carelessness or is it to go with the flow and I suppose in this generation with the way people are educated it possibly is go with the flow just go with the flow okay I'm gonna tell you something if you don't go with the flow of God that is to say just gain knowledge and wisdom from his word you're not going to be blessed period do not protect the sin-offering verse 9 and there shall be like people like priests and I will punish them for their ways and reward them their doings I'm going to treat them the same I'll treat you no I'm not only going to punish the priest you see judgment begins at the pulpit that's why when if God calls you to teach you better no coming out the gate he's going to judge you first for what you do and that is that is a charge that is accepted by any person that's called into the ministry is you better do your homework real good because you're going to be judged first by it and you mislead people and as we started out if you cause someone to sin on too to cause their spirit to be deader than a hammer that is to say to drift away from God you're responsible that's murder that spiritual murder is to cause someone to be spiritually dead dead - what did - the truth people are destroyed for lack of knowledge so you want to bring people to the Word of God so what do you thing is I'm gonna do it I'm gonna punish them all why because everyone can read basically and God sends teachers to those that can't I don't handicap people I don't want you to feel bad God always takes care of his own loves his children but those that know better and can he's gonna hold you responsible for not digging into the letter he sent to you telling you how to overcome in this wicked world in this wicked time to no one to understand and to follow our Heavenly Father okay so our people are destroyed for lack of knowledge think about it don't ever be caught short in that department strive for the mark strive to gain that knowledge let God be in your life and God will lead you all right bless your heart you this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab it Arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii hey all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that again please never ask a question about a particular reverend or denomination or organization we don't judge people Our Fathers the judge and what does he do a good job of it ok so but you are to discern spirits your digi CERN truth and your to flow with it the real course ok our father's word those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure now you got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking do you know something he's your father he's the father of your very soul he created it and you know something else even the flesh body that he brought you into nobody else has the same DNA that you do he created you unique because he wanted someone just like you but he wants you to love him because he has a destiny and a purpose for you it's written in the word father around the globe we come we ask that you leave dying direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and we go to questions we're gonna go with E from Texas on Thursday morning in a question segment you mentioned something about not receiving offering of the harlots or dogs please show me in what book and chapter and verse I may find this thank you for your teaching well you'll find it in Deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 18 I'll say that again Ronna me 23:18 but-but-but you're not going to understand it quiet in the English because it's an idiom okay what it means is is don't bring the price of a female or male prostitute into the church the temple the private has nothing to do with the canine other than the male prostitutes method of prostitution don't have it in the temple that's what it means Deuteronomy 23:18 Tony from Washington if we are still in flesh bodies when we know that the true Christ is not here that's right where the weed when we are in spirit bodies will we know for sure that we are in spiritual bodies of course you will why because the seventh Trump will have sounded in Christ will be here and the destruction of and falseness will certainly take have taken place listen you Andrew Murray hello and God bless you sir my name is Cesar Riza from Albuquerque New Mexico and I would like to ask you about Genesis 3:11 where God asked Adam who told you that thou was naked was the fruit of the tree which is ultimately the seed of that tree spoken words and was Cain the seed of that fruit you you will find that he was and it's documented in Mathew chapter 13 verses 38 and 39 where Christ is talking about the wicked seed that was planted by the devil the children of the devil okay and the right theists and did not okay Marty from Washington my question is why does the Ecclesiastes 12 6 & 7 and first Corinthians 15 51 and 52 speak differently a the spirit returning back to God such as the dead shall rise first and they shall be in the ground ground or spirit waiting or shall we be raised now well you're kind of messing yourself up because you're quoting you're not quoting first Corinthians 15 51 and 52 when you say that the dead rise first okay you're quoting first Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 16 and 17 and there is no there's no counter diction what is the difference in saying Ecclesiastes chapter 12 6 and 7 instantly your spirit the intellect of your soul returns to the father that gave it and this this flesh goes back to dirt okay what is the difference in saying that and saying the dead in Christ rise first it means the word resurrect has three of threefold meaning it means to raise to a higher level of thinking that's to say loving Christ it means to accept Christ and his teachings and it means to resurrect in the sense of going from flesh body into spiritual body that's a higher level okay because our spiritual bodies are for higher above these withering sickly flesh bodies okay so there's no difference the dead rise first they rise instantly what you want to do you you've missed the whole subject matter to what probably is hanging you up is first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 where the subject is fixed you've always got to go with that subject what does it say it's Paul teaching and he says I don't want you to be ignorant like the heathen are about where the dead are is what's the subject is if you believe Christ rose from the dead out of that tomb and you have to or you're not a Christian okay then you have to also believe those that are asleep or dead in him or with him they've risen also so that's where the subject begins and then pick it up from there and you'll do fine there God's Word does not contradict itself but many times through translations man can confuse himself Jamie from Florida I was baptized by a false teacher and I'm wondering if I need to be rebaptised your baptism took place between you and the Lord Jesus Christ not some preacher okay the real truth of the matter a preacher doesn't have anything to do with it I know that upset some reverends right there okay for me to say that but it's it's true baptism is a very personal thing between the individual and the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father the Holy Spirit that's to say the Spirit of both of them if you knew when you were being baptized that you were being baptized to the Lord Jesus Christ that fakes not going to have anything to do with that okay so but but at the same time if you feel you're not cleansed then by all means go ahead but it isn't necessary if your mind was in the right frame doesn't matter whether his was or not any from Indiana my sister and others in my past have told me we are not supposed to read the Bible in order of front-cover to the end is this true well you know you can read the Bible any way you want to okay or however you I believe that father leads us to study as as he would like us to I'm a believer of what I teach so if you feel that's true then it is okay I don't believe it is there somewhere in the Bible to prove or disprove this I'm planning to read the Bible from front to back in that order I want to share the truth please help me my life begin to be blessed when our Father brought your program into my life and less than two years ago I trust your teachings because this has brought me to the light with love and appreciation and you are so welcome from Indiana darlin you just study the word however you feel led of God okay I truly feel that God leads each one of us but rightly dividing the word of God I mean don't just read it to be reading but read in study and understanding carefully and you'll do just fine you're you're in good shape okay Sean from don't know where Sean is will God come when I'm thirteen sincerely Sean well Sean how old are you now I don't some where I've got this has been sit well wait a minute maybe this is maybe this is part of it let's say your pastor Marie I have a question I'm seven years old I'm Madeline from Ohio does God get really mad when people don't study I love Madeline from Ohio God's work rocks well it sure does it rocks in a good way to what what no he you know when God is happy when people study but different people have different appetites okay and when people don't study God's Word at all yeah he gets a little upset and you tell I'm going to assume that Sean is your brother and you tell him that only the Lord knows when that time is but it's we're getting closer to it okay David from Kentucky if someone like me that used to do a lot of everything bad drink drugs never dependable stolen things had when a teenager didn't believe in God could I still be one of father's elect if I have turned from my evil doings because I can't wait to stand against Satan well what was what kind of example did Paul said I mean Paul persecuted the church with zeal he was before he was converted he was just as hard on the church being against it as he was for it after the conversion and God struck him down on the road to Damascus when he had a letter in his pocket giving him permission to go to Damascus and destroy the church drag him right out in the street and God struck him down and converted him God can use him ever he will okay now that's not a good set of credentials okay - you know I've heard preachers say I was a drunk and I was this and God touched me I don't like credentials like that okay I really don't do not I believe God can use him every will but I wouldn't use that for credentials to put myself down the road into understanding God's Word okay but yeah you could certainly be one of God's elect Danny from Iowa my question is when we get to heaven will we remember the first Earth Age I think we will some in effect the the mind is a fantastic thing and and you know you can't invent a computer that can do what our minds can store and I've always marveled at patent General Patton World War two George Patton great man strongmen but he worshipped the art of strategy of war I mean he when he was in Greece he would marvel I could almost remand he knew every battle how it went I kind of feel like somebody that is that attached to ancient Wars and what happened there was people in a little maybe even before he was born and it kind of came back now is that possible it's not written who knows but we all have those little moments it seems like I've been here before seem like I should know that and the way God deals with us it's an interesting thing yes we will definitely remember the first Earth Age at that Tom from Wisconsin for a person who has never had an earthly father how can that person love their heavenly father well it's it's it's it's real simple he's your real father anyway you know I never was around my father I was raised by my grandparents and and others okay and other people I was never really around my father but boy do I love my Heavenly Father so you're looking at a prime example that just takes your little theory and just whacks it right down the middle okay don't you ever try to use that as an excuse poor boy you dink got no daddy you get a hold of your bootstraps and you pick yourself up and you act like a man and if you have children you show them what a father is like don't you be crying in your beer okay you be a man you play the man there'll be some that'll say well you were too hard on I'm an old Marine Sergeant okay and I don't like wimps and I don't like people putting shortcomings off on other people I think every person is responsible for their own actions all right not being around your father doesn't keep you from loving our Heavenly Father surely from Nevada will eternity lack look exactly as it did in the first Earth Age and will the dinosaurs and our present-day animals all dwell together with us as in the first Earth Age there won't be the same because as it is written in Isaiah chapter 11 there's no carnivores okay you you don't have one animal trying to eat another because they're all in spiritual bodies so we can't really say it's just the same but because we'll all be in different bodies even even the body we will be in the spiritual the eternal spiritual body will not be like the one in the first Earth Age or in this and this is why Jesus would say when they would say which er her husband's will she be with and he said you don't know what you're talking about because you don't give or take in marriage in in heaven which is to say that third body Joan from Alabama will taking pain pills for back pain after surgery keep me from going to heaven of course not of course not you know Luke the writer of the Gospel of Luke was a physician he was just he was a medical doctor okay that's why we students of God's Word can spot Luke's work when he wrote even was the scribe for Paul is he uses medical terms in the Greek and men we can spot him as sticks out like a sore thumb okay but God gives us these things to utilize in the right way not in the wrong way but in the right way and after surgery there's nothing certainly wrong with it naturally get off of them as quick as you can when when the pain subsides don't get hooked on them but there's certainly nothing wrong with taking them Frank from Indiana I've heard you refer to job 40 saying the behemoth as dinosaurs I've looked up behemoth in the Strong's and it's nine-thirty Hebrew says it is a hippopotamus please explain well let me let me tell you something we can't have you know human beings are not perfect but I want you to go back to 40 and I want you to read what behemoth had what what did behemoth have for a tale the behemoth had a tail like a cedar of Lebanon that thing was many feet long have you ever seen a hippopotamus is he's got a little pigtail okay it won't fit okay so you had to put the gray matter in gear and God is very good at describing something he said the hind legs on that thing were powerful this exact example of a dinosaur so don't let book sometimes you have to give a little credit but watch what you're reading okay recognize a pig's tail when you see one okay and know what a dinosaur's tail is when you see one of them hopefully not soon but Kim from Minnesota is there if there are no female angels why did God make the male's so they could rep reproduce there is this earth age okay for this earth age it was different in the first Earth Age all right Marsha from Indiana from Michigan I like to ask that if we don't go to church on a regular basis but we read the Bible at our home is that really bad no it's not bad at all it's good you know especially if you go to a church where they don't teach the Bible if you go to church and spend a whole hour and only one verse is covered from God's Word and then you listen to some men yakking for an hour okay well which what good did you do to go there you how many verses did you read at home when you were study in the Bible no yeah and I know it may sound like I'm teaching against churches I'm not okay they thank goodness you know that they do what they can I guess but the thing is you personally if you have that desire to study the Bible more that even if you have to stay home to do it then by all means study God's Word our people perish for lack of knowledge of God's Word okay you're doing good Carol from Kentucky is it okay to pray that my dad has found peace in heaven at this time I am NOT I'm not something going for I'm not judging just asking no it doesn't do any harm okay they say you our Father loves for you to talk to him okay and to pray that he touched your father there are God is a God of love he loves his children it's true not gonna do any harm and it might do a lot of good you know our Father it is written in one place that our righteous acts cover a multitude of sins okay in other words our Father hits the even balance of what were your life balances out and naturally we're judged by what's written in the book of life and when you repent all the bad is erase but that good stays there so it doesn't talking to our father which is what prayer is is a wonderful thing you could do it driving a car you can do it while you're working don't do it out loud at work okay because that's that's the wrong place to try to plant seeds sometimes it's where you work to sustain yourself but but you can talk to the father without even opening your mouth you can pray anytime anywhere Julie from Kentucky will you please explain Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 people say that means not to wear pants the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so or or an abomination unto the Lord thy God my parents raised me to wear long dresses and no pants we could not cut our hair no dolls considered no TV so many things I felt I was neglected I'm now 35 years old and still wonder about the wearing pants is it wrong well let's go back to let's go back to when Deuteronomy 22:5 was written what kind of clothes did men wear what did it mean to gird yourself men wore dresses they wore skirts and and when you hurt yourself you take your belt off and you pull that skirt up between your legs so your legs are free so you can do battle run from the enemy or fight the enemy ok whichever the case might be women if if you were to wear a dress then you would be wearing it speaking of sex and what it means is and you can read of it again in Romans chapter 1 a woman should never take a man's place in a sexual act nor vice versa okay that's that's all it means and as far as and it's too bad that some churches show ignorant of what it does mean and and I'm sorry there but it didn't didn't harm you now you're 35 think for yourself and cutting your hair it means keep the veil of Christ over your head 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 10 because of the angels that are going to be kicked out of heaven soon has nothing to do really with hair but keeping Christ over your head I hope that helps you I'm out of time here I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word most of all god loves you for it makes his day when you make his day he's going to make yours we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings that we've helped you you help us keep coming to you bless God he will always bless you but you know what's most important tell you what it is okay it's that you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day gaining that knowledge a good day wine even with trouble because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepards chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 2 or 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,078
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Book of, Shepherd's, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of Hosea, Chapel, Holy Bible, Bible, Pastor Murray, Hosea, Kjv, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Shepherds
Id: _RWpp6gz99o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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