Hosea ~ 11:1 to 12:11

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you saved welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our hey it's good to get back in our father's word Hosea chapter 11 and what a fantastic chapter it is chapter 11 in Chapter 12 we get back into quite a bit of history from the time that of the writing but it has everything to do with the end times because they were types and examples of how it would be when the Antichrist came so it makes it very important he basically is going to lay out why we have Hosea which means salvation and it will be the prime route of salvation so having said that chapter 11 verse 1 a word of wisdom from our Father let's go with it when Israel was a child then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt now when he says son he only had one begotten son the only begotten and that's who he's talking about here and naturally that's the prime route of salvation and and we we read of that in Matthew chapter 2 verses 14 and 15 you listen to it here when he speaking of Joseph the the adopted father of the Lord Jesus Christ when he arose he took the young child and his mother backed that by night and departed into Egypt Herod was going to kill all those under - okay and was there until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet well what prophet is that Hosea we just read it okay saying out of Egypt have I called my son and there you have it the prime route of salvation the Lord Jesus Christ himself as a babe that he would come forth and and the Lord in the next two chapters or three I should say now fantastic it is hang on it's a good ride verse two as they called them the day is the prophets God sent from day one all the prophets setting the example leading guiding directing so that so they went from them they wouldn't listen they sacrificed unto balaam not to God they wouldn't listen to God's prophets and burned incense to graven image but it was so religious playing Church you know unfortunately in stupidity many people still burn incense not not literally but just doing spiritual things - nonsense and and well you might say well what do you mean nonsense worshipping things and ways traditions of men that are not part of God's Word that are not in God's Word and actually those traditions if you're not careful make void the Word of God our Father doesn't like it what he has said here I sent my prophets down to them but they would not listen and they continued to go further away to the point of playing their own religion and worshiping idols that's to say worshiping anything other than myself our Father says verse three I taught Ephraim also to go I taught him how to walk it's a baby taught him how to walk Ephraim being the ten tribes of Israel okay taking them by the arms but they knew not that I healed them they didn't realize it was I that led them and taught them how to walk and where to walk to take care of them those ten tribes naturally as those tribes would go over the caucasus mountains settling Europe later coming to the America Canada the Christian nations of these end times you know how he did it verse four I drew them with cords of a man that word in the Hebrew man is Adam through that generation genealogy with vans of Love Actually ropes of love our father is a God of love loves his children and I was to them as they that take off the yoke on their jaws and I laid meat unto them taking this is an agricultural term and and what it means is that I led them with love itself and I loved them so much that I would ease the the old hard yoke when they were working and pulling I would ease the straps of that yoke up a little bit where it was more comfortable this is why later Christ would say he's the yoke you want to put him on it makes the load easier to carry but he said then I will feed you does he feed you today do you know what he's talking about when he says he feeds them he feeds them spiritually with the Word of God with the truth so no playing around no burning incense to other religions but loving Almighty God your father you know when you're family you don't need all the malarkey of playing religion playing church for Christianity is not a religion it's a reality it's family and our Father he wants and what does he want from you as we learn back in chapter 6 verse 6 of Hosea he wants your love because He loves you he said I went to I used that loads and I feed you so that you can have the truth the knowledge that this plays back to verse 2 where he said I send prophets teachers so that you can know but you wouldn't listen verse 5 he shall not return into the land of Egypt but the Assyrians shall be his king because they refused to return they refused me they listen to lies matt said well who is this a Syrian well the Assyrian was on a type that took them as I told you there's a lot of history here but it's only a type of how it will be in the end times when you read Isaiah chapter 14 you verse 25 you find out this is Antichrist this is one of the inner Christ's names and and he will mislead and those that don't when you go into Egypt it means you're going into captivity captivity to who Satan because you listen to men's traditions and you see many might say well how could that be well as you know from the Book of Revelations the Antichrist comes before the true Christ you know what his message is I've come to fly you out of here come to rapture you away though the word rapture is not even in the Word of God and people believe it they're taken in by it they do not listen to the Word of God the actual word with understanding you know God is so gentle and so tender he said I even taught you how to walk and when you were so little I took you by the hand I led you and I healed you I showed you the way when you didn't know the way and led you into freedom and Christianity because I called my son out of each other to be the savior of the world my only begotten I sent prophets to tell of him you wouldn't believe it you might say oh when did he send prophets to tell it Isaiah chapter 7 a virgin shall conceive and he will bear a son and you will call him Emmanuel which is to say God with us our Father cares and he wants you to care he wants you to listen to him not men that make void the Word of God verse 6 and the sword shall abide on his cities and shall consume his branches branches are his sons his children and devour them with what confusion because of their own counsels because of their own teachings their own twel or what does he mean by their own burning incense idols that's the false religion rapture doctrines things that don't exist in God's words or which you do and you know men saying you don't have to understand God's Word you're gonna be gone that's a lie I'm not judging but it is a lie and if you believe that you've already received part of the mark of the beast that's just a confusion in your mind whereby you'll worship the Beast which is no other than the false Christ himself it's real sad that an entire nation could be led into captivity by false teaching verse 7 and my people are bent to backslide from me though they called them to the most high none of all none at all would exalt him though they going back to the to the prophets and those they called him the Most High but they won't listen there they're just bit on backsliding to the first soothe talker that'll come along this is what Paul would teach in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 he said I'd like for you to bear with me I don't want you to be deceived as Eve was who was totally seduced by the false by the devil that you get one of these super preachers come along and you swallow what they say hook line and sinker you know I'm not as bold I'm not as as accurate perhaps or as they are in speech but I can jerk the rug out from under them and knowledge anytime I want to because they are disguised as preachers of Christ and they're not and he says don't marvel at that for Satan himself will come disguised the word is transformed in the English but the word in the Greek is disguised as an angel of light and he's the devil himself they're just hell-bent to backslide what does that hellbent mean to go to hell it seems like they just want to really go there real bad because they will not you know a child if you just take the time and pick up the subject and the object that God is talking about a child can understand this as I sent my prophets and all you got to do is listen to them because I'm a God of love I do it gently and tenderly and you just have to listen to falseness mercy how shall I give the be for him he doesn't want to how shall I deliver thee what how can I save you Israel question here he has that name Israel slips in make a note of it in your mind how shall I make thee as admah and how shall I set the as the Boehm mine heart has turned within me my repenting Tsar kindled together my compassion it's just kindled up inside of me our Father says do you know what he has said here let's take let's translate these names to their true meaning admah means a an earthly fortress and the bull means a gazelle but but what is God talking about here um when when you read in Deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 23 you find out they were part of Sodom and Gomorrah and God destroyed them so what is God saying here he's saying efore him Israel my compassion builds up for you what am i how am I going to destroy you because you're acting just like Sodom and Gomorrah just like the neighboring cities did and I had to destroy the whole bunch Deuteronomy 29 and and in Genesis 10 and 14 on through he said I don't want to do it and you see the compassion and the love and God's heart here he said did you see where you're headed you let that perversion slip into your ranks and into your actions into your nation he won't stand for it okay that is a severe warning verse nine I will not execute the furiousness of mine anger do you know why because God's elect or right in the midst working their hearts out to teach the truth I will not return to destroy Ephraim listed for I am God I am a a and not man ish not I'm not an ish the Holy One in the midst of thee and I will not enter into the city I'm not gonna come against you as an enemy but there's one headed that way it's the Assyrian and that's what he's telling you he is an enemy and he is coming it's not God you have to worry about taking you into captivity you better be worried about the Assyrian which is a nice way of saying the Antichrist or Satan when you amplify this so the only begotten that was called and taken to Egypt to be the savior of the world especially in these end times God said you just continue to want a backslide it it isn't he that's going to destroy us but it will be the ignorance of the people that shall cause them to destroy themselves if they're not careful verse 10 they shall walk after the Lord he shall roar like a lion when he shall roar then the children shall tremble from the West in other words there's a time coming when I take it out on the enemy that those that do love me are going to start running home they're going to start worshipping Almighty God true father 11 they shall tremble as a bird out of Egypt just to say they're going to there they were they're going to flutter and as a dove out of the land of Assyria escaping the captivity coming home to the Lord and I will place them in their houses saith the Lord I'm gonna welcome him home think of the prodigal son and the father that welcomed him back our Father welcomes us any time you don't have to wait till the trouble starts you need to do it now to let him know that you love him he hurts because of the perversion in the world and he looks for those elect that love him to let him know to talk to him speak to him and and let him lead you let him direct you pulling that rope of love and guidance our father takes care of his own this 12th verse is really the first verse of chapter 12 okay it's kind of its it there's a little confusion from the manuscripts and the ancient manuscripts it is the first verse of chapter 12 therefore it will seem a little confusion because of the subject matter and the change and and even with that there I will correct it but there is even a little bit of a mistranslation verse 12 starting a new thought will be starting chapter 12 actually ephraim accomplished me about with lies all their religion was false and the house of israel with deceit deception false teaching but judah yet rule earth with god and is faithful with the saints he was doing a lot of wandering its what the actual word says but he still had faith and chapter 12 verse 1 with that thought continuing ephraim feedeth on wind that's the Ruach it's not the Holy Spirit and followeth after the east wind that's the hot desert wind that burns and ruins crops and burns homes destroys people he daily increase of lies and desolation even to the point of the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet in the end times and they do make a covenant with the Assyrians and that's to say they make a covenant even with the false teaching it's called flying away God would say in Ezekiel chapter 13 along about verse 20 beginning with 18 I'm against those that cover my saving arms of salvation and so pillows and teach my people to fly to save their souls and I'm against it just the message of the Assyrian the false Christ and oil is carried into Egypt is it not strange that our Father knew at that time out of the Middle East Egypt is the only nation that they have to haul oil to they don't have any verse to the Lord hath also a controversy with Judah and will punish Jacob when Jacob is used that's all 12 tribes that's the 10 and and Judah as well according to his ways I'm gonna visit him according to his doings will he recompense him no father you know something our Father is always fair and he's loving all you have to do is repent and do what's right he's going to take care of you or you can be obstinate stubborn and pay for it ok that's your choice you know that's what God wants you to do is make your own mind up do you want God's love and His blessings or do you want the troubles of the world heaped upon you okay he gives us a little history lesson here in he calls on our knowledge of the names whereby you can understand Jacob is we need time the word Jacob is used that's the natural seed of Israel all of them verse three he took his brother by the heel in the womb and by his street he had power with God here Jacob I've loved and Esau I hated messages written in the great book of Malachi and as it is written in Romans chapter nine while they were yet in the womb of their mother Jacob by you loved and Esau I hated point because of what happened in the first Earth Age a lot of knowledge here for you to grasp and pick up on Jacob was was given this power by Almighty God because of what Jacob did in the first Earth Age you see Jacob was the first fruit Jacob was one that stood against Satan in the first Earth Age this documents that God takes care of the elect you got it be comforted by it hang on to it now let's get back to the lesson how did how did Jacob have power with God that's why his name was changed to Israel as he wrestled with God verse four let's read of it yay he had power over the angel the angel of what the angel of God and prevailed he went and made supplication unto him he found him in beth-el when it wasn't such a nice place he made it a nice place and there he's baked with us and here we have in genesis 32:28 you can read of this where Jacob wrestled oh he was he was a fighter all night long naturally God won but he changed his name that's why when it says he prevailed with God when you say Israel you're talking about the prints that prevailed with God that's what Israel means do you want to prevail with God okay that means do you want to be successful with Almighty God and all of his love the rope attached of love drawing leading you guiding you then you become you are a part of that family in in that son that was taken to Egypt and then called out and and would pay that price for all of us showing us the way tempted in the wilderness showing us how to cut it right in Satan's face Matthew chapter 4 the prints that prevailed with God Israel okay so no longer Jacob but that one that does prevail with God that has God's blessings that has God's leadings as I told you there's a great deal of history in in these two chapters that is ever so important in these end times verse 5 listen carefully do you know what one of the last things that Jacob asked when his name was changed you know reason what do I call you verse 5 even the Lord God of hosts the Lord is his memorial memorial is his name here he gives his name let me say it to you in the Hebrew tongue all right as it is written even the yaver the enemy he opposed that is his memorial that is jahi's name and that is the one the prince that he prevailed with the father of the children verse six let's just say all children for six reason therefore turned out to thy God turning you to a keep mercy and judgment that means show love compassion and do what's right judgment means do what's just don't offend people don't lord it over people be fair to people and yet at the same time hold the line of justice and wait on by God continually in other words don't turn away to some false teaching that was the subject in the beginning don't burn incense to some think okay don't listen to some would-be man of God which God you better ask yourself that somebody says to you don't you want change are you stupid you would ask what change what change are you talking about but the blind lead the blind and they stumble and fall in the ditch by not having knowledge that's why it's so important that you listen to your father I don't know does the Rope slip that rope rope of love from Almighty God that you're out there compared in without compassion and lost wait for the true father don't fall off to the fake that comes first meaning if you're a student of Revelation you know the false gods Satan comes as Antichrist the false Christ in the sixth Trump the true Christ does not return and are lifting anybody out nor take anyone anywhere until the seventh and God's champions will stand against that one when he does come because we wait verse seven he's talking about ephraim here but he kind of calls him a name that's not attractive he is a merchant ephraim is just like aconite the word is Canaan and Hebrew but it's kid night the balances of deceit are in his hand and he loveth to oppress he loves to deceive he loves to hide you're talking about this is what happens if you're not careful if you why well not listening to the prophets not listening to the prints that prevailed not listening to the Almighty God were saved and Ephraim said yet I have become rich I have found me out substance up in all my Labor's they shall find none iniquity in me that were sin okay and unfortunately riches don't forgive sin my friend and and progress in the world when it goes away from God doesn't bring forgiveness either verse 9 and I that am THE LORD thy God from the land of Egypt will yet make thee to dwell in Tabernacles as in the days of the solemn feast that calls for repentance though my friend I am B yo ho they le him that brought you my children out of the land of Egypt I parted the Red Sea fed them in the wilderness 40 years led them into the promised land I'm that one and I'll do it again I'm gonna bring my children home but they got to repent they got a love me they've got to know me they've got to follow my way again riches does not bring forgiveness it does not bring God's blessings but if it well you might say well I thought riches was God's blessing not with vault scales and deceitful measures that lets you know it's talking about bad manner okay money spent that doesn't belong to them that order sound familiar verse 10 I have also spoken by the prophets this goes all the way back I sent them and I have multitude visions and used similar tools by the Ministry of the prophets they are types I have sent you one type after another of how I intend to bring deliverance and salvation to deliver our people this is why he's giving you this history of the wrestling from the very tribe itself of the head of the tribes Jacob then the name change to Israel he that prevailed with God well how did he do it prayer and supplication but God said I've sent you prophets I've wrote you a letter and in that letter if you'll follow the subject and the object instead of listening to the traditions of men that make void the Word of God you must my friend rightly divide the word of God and listen to what God says said I've sent those prophets I've sent the teachers and blessed teachers and prophets tell you the truth and and they show you the way and the Simla tunes are supposed to nail it and document it just as the parable of the fig tree come to rotation in this generation in the year of our Lord in 1948 it's a type divided attention it gives you the hour and the time and the day of that coming and how precious it is verse 11 is their iniquity in Gilad is their sin there surely they are vanities it's empty they sacrificed Bullock's in Gilgal yeat their altars or as heaps in the furrows of the field it's just haip after Hiep after him he wrecked after trash after trash after trash okay and never accomplishing anything what happened at this place it gets right back to the heart of the measure this is the place where God wanted to be the king he wanted his children to receive him as king but oh no oh no they they had to have a man flesh that they could touch a man they could see so God blessed them he gave him Saul you know you get what you deserve you ask for a leader and God's going to give him to you and sometimes that's not good news so how fantastic it is when we study the history of Almighty God and the teachings of Almighty God and you want to listen unfortunately most won't all right hey don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by say and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination thus don't judge people we've got one judge it's our Father and he gets it he does it he gets the job done okay he doesn't need our help in that department but let him know at the same time that you love him once you do that and you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address you got a prayer request again you don't need the number don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking he's your father he has that rope of love that he draws you with to him and you can feel it you can feel his touch as he leads that rope of love to save you from the these terrible times to be your father to be the one that does love you to bring you back home where you belong it's called repentance father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch in your shoes precious name Amen okay and we we have so much to be thankful for and what a Thanksgiving that we have that we can thank our Father for the wording sends us for the profits that he has sent us especially this Hosea a prophet letting us know how salvation comes to be the very foundation for it that son that was taken by Joseph into Egypt and after the death of old Herod wicked man then returned to provide and bring in the very gospel itself now right into questions we think our Father and we just everyone have a real thankful thankful day but be thankful most for our Heavenly Father and our name and the Christian nations of the world Dan from Pennsylvania the race is created on the sixth day did they all speak the same language until the Tower of Babel yes they did that was one of the penalties that God placed upon them they just kind of they were trying to work out their own salvation without bringing God into the equation our Father doesn't like to be left out that's what they were going to build a tower right to heaven where they didn't they didn't need salvation just climb up okay they made one big mistake they made it out of clay it didn't work too good Richard from Tennessee a friend told me we don't have to pay attention to the Old Testament because we have the New Testament is there somewhere in the New Testament that says we have to pay attention to the old you know ignorance is bliss and I'm not insulting your friend but anybody that reads the New Testament when Christ was asked a question how would he most often answer haven't you read you see when Christ walked the earth there was no New Testament only the old and when the questions were asked is that haven't you read the Old Testament or when Christ would say it is written you think he was talking about the New Testament no he was talking about the old and when Christ one of the most crucial times for God's elect in mark chapter 13 where you are told exactly what you should do when you're delivered up before the Assyrian that is to say the false Christ that you're to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you but the very warning you're given on how to pinpoint the time is when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet well where's the Book of Daniel Old Testament so God made the Old Testament part of the knew so I hate to tell you but your friend I hope you lean on him for any biblical truths or urina he hurt Lucille from Virginia what Trump are we in now we're in the fifth trumpet waiting the sixth what happens at the sixth the Antichrist appears okay and so it is the probably the most important thing is that you would remember the fifth seal because that is the time where the teaching transpires that warns of the coming of the sixth the Antichrist Revelation chapter 9 Howard from Pennsylvania what does the Bible teach about voting or Christians supposed to vote well they're not second-class citizens in this nation and I'm going to answer for we that are in America we we have the freedom to vote we're our government of the people by the people and for the people if the people didn't vote then it would not be a government of the people by the people and for the people it would be the nation of a socialistic dictator or a communistic dictator or some other dictator so naturally it would be really dumb for someone not to vote especially if they're a Christian to pick Christ minded politicians okay that's just the way it goes okay so everyone should vote I don't care what party country or a part of the country or anything else but you're supposed to be wiser than the serpent and we're coming up into a time that I feel sorry for people that are dumber than the serpent because the serpent is gonna bite a bunch right word hurts Mary from Pennsylvania what are the souls that have went on to the heaven are doing now they're celebrating half of them are just really rejoicing and there's half of them that are a little bit sad because they didn't cut the mustard okay they're on the wrong side of the Gulf you can read of it in Luke chapter 16 concerning Paradise and which side of the Gulf you happen to be on Margie from California pastor Barry while living on earth can you have a guardian angel watching over you also can the angels hear you if you talk to it do not talk to angels okay we do have God's elect and I'm speaking to God's elect now as it's written in Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 you have an angel that has the face of God at any moment that you need God's help that's how closely God watches over the elect but to worship angels and if you start talking to them in a sense that's what you're doing if you start talking to them that that is a great sin God's jealous he wants you to worship Him you see an angel is only a messenger and and our common people when they're in the spiritual body can be an angel okay a messenger you don't worship them okay you don't worship common children of Almighty God you worship God okay please please enter this question I think we get it Jenny from Pennsylvania if I'm cremated when I die will I still be resurrected if I'm not really in the grave I don't know if it should be if I should be cremated or not pastor can you please answer this for me well I'd be happy to you know when does resurrection take place have you ever read ecclesiastical verse 6 and 7 instantly when this old flesh body breaks that is to say you die you croak okay the silver cord parts that holds your spiritual body into this thing and instantly your spirit which is the inlet to your soul meaning your soul or yourself returns to the Father that gave it and all you got left here is the remains of what was on earth and you'll never use it again instantly it goes back to the dust not instantly but in time it goes back to the dust from which it came so it doesn't matter whether you cremate it or whatever you're already out of here okay so God is the god of the living not the dead there's nobody out here in a hole in the ground okay all that's in that hole in the ground or the flesh bodies returning to dust from which they came and that person has a beautiful spiritual body that they dwelt in even in the first Earth Age okay we we it grieved God in Genesis chapter 6 verse 3 that he had created man in flesh also it's not such a good it's good but it's not that good okay compared to our spiritual body which doesn't age it doesn't get sick doesn't wither doesn't get old doesn't eat any medicine it's just it's just much much better and you've got that to look forward to Lizzie from Kentucky if the mark of the beast is not a number on the forehead or a chip under the skin what is it could you please explain I don't understand its deception ignorance if there is one coming he is this beast which it means it's the Antichrist and he's coming to get a load together to fly out it to rapture right out that's what his message will be though he's not going anywhere but what he wants to find out is how many don't love him so his your own kinfolks as it's written in mark 13 mother will betrayed daughter to death Satan's name is death okay Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 and that's one of his name's is death will deliver you up to him because she thinks he's Christ she's going to run to him whining and moaning and begging my daughter thinks she's one of God's elect and she's waiting for Christ she doesn't know you're already here would you please talk to her have mercy on her she's a good girl he's going to say bring her to Maine and of course that's the whole purposes so that God's Spirit the Holy Spirit can speak through that daughter and that trial will be worldwide and the whole world will hear the truth so that's what the mark of the beast is it's you know it's inside the forehead what's well what's inside your forehead your brain use it okay Jerry from California my family and I enjoy our visit there thank you it was a dream come okay things I pray for you every day well appreciate that it seems that socialism is creeping up on us fast and I hope our nation's need when father correct will correct people correct us do you think that according to prophecy that it has to go that way a if people want strong delusion God will send it okay second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses six seven and eight nine if people want to believe a lie and deceive and deception you know you see socialism and communism Drive God out of the nation so it can't be blessed in other words so naturally our Father is against it it's not going to happen here we want to allow it okay Amanda from North Carolina when Satan and the falling angels come will they have flesh skin since they were not born of woman what will they look like Satan was the most beautiful of the Archangels the cherubims okay God made him the footage in Hebrew it's called the full pattern and he's a looker okay and and they are in spiritual bodies but they are it is arranged by God that's why they are fallen okay that they fall here and and they are kind of supernatural they're not like we are but still we know as it is written in Genesis six they're able to impregnate woman so they definitely have bodies and and like I said they're lookers Audrey Andrew Andrea from Florida at what point do the names become written in the Lamb's Book of Life well in the Lamb's Book of Life actually it has always existed God's elect were written in it in the first Earth Age I can say that a little differently everyone was written in it in the first Earth Age it is real sad to know that at least a third of them were doomed to hell and God then brought in this destroyed that earth age and brought in this one hopefully that they would accept a savior that they would accept the prophets would they I don't know that's up to them what and what our how came about the names for months and years and days of the week well mythology Sunday comes from the Sun Mundi from the moon and so forth okay Craig from Nevada was the parable of the fig tree taught before 1948 or did other generations think they were the generation of the fig tree no you know if you if you understand the parable of the fig tree you know that it did not come into existence from Jeremiah chapter 24 until after after Israel become a nation again from Jerusalem did not happen until 1948 and that is the date that fixes the generation of the fig tree okay so anyone that would have said it had was already existence before that would be ignorant of God's Word list I'll be kind and say that fern from Arkansas in Joshua five tomb what was the purpose of the Lord asking Joshua to circumcise the sons of Israel a second time it did not mean to circumcise one individual a second time but that in as much as they had been in that land for that long that he would check and all those that had been born and were not circumcised would be circumcised okay and not circumcise one individual twice that mean that from what or who was Satan protecting the mercy seat anyone that choose to overthrow it because God gave everybody freedom of choice to love him or to hate him to follow him or go against him that's what true love demands is that the entity each entity must have that privilege of letting the love build up toward our Father and or someone else and the idea was that until it was documented who would love God and who would not there had to be protection and that's why he was called the cherubim that covereth that means protects the mercy seat as it ultimately ended out as it's written in Ezekiel 28 he was protecting it from himself when God destroyed everything and everyone on earth because of Satan were the souls living there would the souls living there be those who would eventually be placed into flesh bodies yes we were there okay will we be able to exercise our power over the Antichrist if we are called up before him Absalom but one of God's elect no what are you know from mark chapter 13 what our duties are before him and those duties will be fulfilled Judy from Georgia I want to ask a question I had two young friends that died in a head-on collision with a drunk driver they were killed the girls were 18 and 19 they were living a hard life I don't feel they had they were given a chance to accept Christ in this short time of theirs will these girls be taught in the Millennium well let's don't judge them okay you do not know what was in their hearts and minds God does so you can't judge someone else in the last instant if they saw what was happening and I'm not judging them they may have been saved from long before that you you can't tell going to church is not salvation it may be an indicator but I have known being a person of the world for many years by that I mean living in this world I've known people that never darken the door of a church that are better Christians than a lot of people that do darken the door of churches and sit on the pews okay a lot better men a lot better Christians so and so you don't want to judge people you got to leave that always to the Father and naturally we know that in the Millennium it's a time of salvation for those that did not have an opportunity so but that's not ours to judge but our fathers John from Missouri was Melchizedek Jesus in his spiritual body thanks to the staff - you're so welcome and and thank you for remembering the staff we've got a good one Melchizedek what does it mean the answer is within the name melka King the deck of the just the righteous the king of peace hebrews chapter seven verses three or four document that Christ was melchizedek okay no no doubt about it okay for when he approached Abraham he had no mother no father no no generation okay genealogy Selma from Ohio my the word says that none are judged until the end of the millennium my confucian many are deceived and will worship the Antichrist and prepare for take of all of his material things they then changed to spiritual bodies at the seventh Trump that's true okay will they then also live in in God's kingdom for a thousand years so they can then accept God there will be an opportunity when Satan is released for a short season but that's their business okay I thought God will destroy those who worship the Antichrist if they worship Him at the second coming that is to say when he's released a short season they're dead okay no please comment it's as it seems that these flip-floppers who stand for nothing will still end up saved not necessarily okay they've got to cut it and if they're deceived once the chances are they'll be deceived again as well if they're not real careful that's what separates the good from the bad okay that is to say the good decision a bad decision there are no free rides and God doesn't give anything away for free you have to earn it and they will have to earn it okay now also there is such a thing as you are your clothing and your welfare in the end the hereafter is put together by your righteous acts as it is written in Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 there's only one thing that goes with you it's your works a lot of people say work Stonem anything it's your clothing in heaven you want to be naked okay people that don't do all that much don't have much to look forward to other than having made the riffle alright didn't have much here and they're sure not gonna have much there other than make it in the door I'm not taking away from heaven I'm saying those that get by by the skin of their teeth probably won't make it at all I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying our fathers word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all God loves you for it he's got that rope of love extended to you to draw you to help you lead you guide you so let him know that you love him when you do he's going to certainly make your day and when you make his day he's certainly going to make yours we are brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always I do mean always bless you most important though this that you stay in his word every day in his word it's a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning separates chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,588
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold Murray, Pastor, Book of Hosea, Kjv, Chapel, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Bible, Holy Bible, Hosea, Book of, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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