Horses For Courses - BYM #271

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fill her up you're listening to the gas digital network conceive believe achieve shut the [ __ ] [Applause] up [Applause] this is believe you me on the gas digital network all right welcome to the believe you me podcast this is the first one for me i am flying solo driving soul or whatever you want to call it as you know if you listen to this show you will have seen recently that uh harrington is taking a fight so lewis and harrington are currently in some kind of hotel and it looked like a perfectly nice establishment but um the wi-fi was terrible he did lock in you know i'll give credit to him he certainly tried his best but uh yeah it was awful it just wasn't happening he was freezing up every two seconds uh lewis looked worse than he usually does he was very pixelated i think harrington was in the background with his shirt off shadowbox and i'm like yeah listen this this this cannot happen this cannot go on um i did see this i don't know if anybody saw this and i'm not trying to talk [ __ ] about lewis here but he was he was begging begging on twitter to get a ride from las vegas to lake havasu which is mile round trip and he was trying to dress it up as a contest hey whoever wins gets to drive me in harrington to lake havasu which i've gotta you gotta admire that right brian you know what i mean he's a slick guy sometimes man well that's one way of putting it you know what i mean a cheap [ __ ] would be another way i'm like just hire a car just hire a car anyway eventually they hired a car in there i saw a picture of harrington he's looking very skinny yeah he's been uh working super hard yeah making sure he does get knocked out by an old man yeah he might still get knocked out by an old man losing weight is one thing knowing how to fight is another but to be fair i think he's fighting uh somebody on the you know same pecking order shall we say the level of ability as himself so so best of luck hamilton i won't be there i'm flying out to london i'll go to vegas tomorrow for the ufc and then from there straight to london too sounds very bougie but to film a movie uh so i'll be gone for a few weeks but i'll be podcasting from the uk so looking forward to that and best of luck once more to harrington and lewis because god knows what shenanigans they're going to get into this weekend um which as i said leaves me all alone brian well it leaves me with you so you just be ready okay you'll be ready to chime in here and there i'm gonna need it this is the first time for me i'm here for you that's hey listen i love the sound of my own voice what am i gonna tell you it's easy it's easy um right before do i tell this so yeah it's kind of boring have you ever tried to hang a tv brian on the wall i have i uh broke my ex-girlfriend's tv trying to hang it on a wall it's it's very stressful isn't it yeah it is for a [ __ ] like me so our tv in our bedroom um it just turns itself off all the time and it freezes it glitches it's old it needs replacing right and we've been trying to replace it i know six months and then yesterday we just like [ __ ] this can't take this anymore went down to best buy got a beautiful 75-inch tv and when we were buying it the guy's like oh yeah it's easy to install if you've already got a tv hanging on the wall yourself i said you can do it yourself i said no no no i said i'd rather just send one of the guys send one of the geek squad get them to install it you know i can afford it [ __ ] it i you know i don't want to take any chances and do it wrong if they break it it's on them and then he man shamed me do you know what i mean he put me uh under a lot of pressure in front of my wife he's like what do you mean you've already got the bracket up it's four screws you know and i'm like really is it that easy he said yeah you just lift you undo four screws you take it off you light on the bed you'll do a couple of screws there and you just replace that then you hang it back on i'm like well you do make it sound remarkably simple so yeah so we'll do that and i go home last night and i'm all excited about it i'm like oh great the [ __ ] screws that this new tv needed aren't long enough it needs special screws the screws that i had weren't long enough for it right so couldn't hang it up last night go down there today uh and just before i started this podcast i was still hanging it now it is hung it's there but i'm not confident it's kind of skewed with it it's moving more than it should so it might fall off the wall in the middle of the night so if i was a little frazzled when i came on brian that was why uh and as i say if if anyone in our family dies is crushed to death you know why um still that's what i've been dealing with all day so that was pissing me off i just had to get that off my chest right this weekend we've got hatfield sanchez taking on paul felder which is a massive um a massive one massive turn up for the books a massive change of opponent he was supposed to fight islam makachev i believe is a maka chef hatfield dos sanchez was down in uh rio i think training at nova union i think it was nova union if i'm not mistaken training with andre pedinaris he's the head coach down there and all of his team but uh makachev i believe got covered or he was injured i'm not sure one or the other i apologize uh so on yeah yeah yeah look at i think it was kovid i'm not sure maybe that's just because everybody's catching covered in every week somebody seems to drop out of the fight card but in what is an absolute truly gangster [ __ ] move paul felder steps up on five days notice you know and it's one thing to step up on short notice you're not a month even two weeks like i did you know but you're gonna give it to paul felder five days what was it was it covered undisclosed injury oh undisclosed injury could oh that could mean anything it could be to anything yeah could be covered you know it really could be yeah he can't you know he just didn't want to say didn't want to say he wants to get back in his country when he goes home you never know um where was oh yeah so paul felt he stepped up on five days notice and against rafael dos sanchez dos sanchez is a beast of an opponent he's a legend of the game he's been around forever former lightweight champion went up to 170 tried to become the champion there but uh unfortunately for him he was just a little undersized if i'm honest i've trained with rafael many many times great fighter excellent jiu-jitsu great striking good wrestling uh and and he's a real fighter he's a tough [ __ ] like jason perillo has endless respect for him you know he's just he's just an awesome guy and he's a real fighter you know so he went up to 170 tries to get a second battle there and it didn't work out you know he got beaten but he he fought the best people at 170 though we're talking leon edwards colby covington kamara uzman you know he did not have a single fight that was easy and it seemed all of his opponents were like the top five guys the high level top five guys and that was kind of because he got fast tracked because he beat robbie lawler and he destroyed neil magne and he's like whoa hold on a minute we might have a contender at 170. so dos sanchez was kind of in some ways a victim of his own success anyway after that uh brave effort to get a second belt he's come back down to 155 again which i think is the right weight class for him you know to be fair as i said i've trained with him a lot and he he's he's not a small guy but welterweights are big someone though well yeah maybe maybe i i don't know actually i don't know i mean i'd like to see it i'd love to see that but uh yeah that's all down to connor who knows we'll get into that in a little bit but um but he's back at 155 and he was taking on islam makachev he was a really really tough stylistic opponent to face in your first fight back at 155 but in true dos angel style with the balls that he has he was going to take it excuse me take a little sip of coffee there um so yeah anyway his opponent drops out undisclosed injury covid you know whatever you want to call it he's not fired so they need an opponent and i gotta be honest uh this weekend's fight card would have been screwed you need a main event uh and lo and behold paul paul felder isn't paul taylor he's a dj from the uk uh paul felder steps up on five days notice and i'm commentating the fire card so yesterday we interviewed a lot of the fighters and uh i got to speak to paul felder and it's not as crazy as what you think well number one it doesn't matter how crazy it is or it isn't you've got to respect the balls of paul fell to do this you know what i'm saying five days to go in there i guess the guy like dos angels you know that's [ __ ] ballsy in itself um but he's been training for a triathlete right just look up what it actually is a triathlete a triathlon pardon me how many miles in each thing i know it's swimming running and cycling i think it's like 10 miles 50 miles on a bike and 10 miles swimming i'm not sure something like that just look that up what i do know while you look that up is that you're gonna have crazy ridiculous cardio any any success there bry yeah the uh distances are a swim of 0.93 miles a bike route of 24.8 miles and a run of 6.2 miles okay okay i think that changes though as well i think there's different levels of triathlon but whatever there you go that's enough for me that's a lot the swim of nine miles that's [ __ ] insane and paul told us anyway the reason he started getting into being a triathlete was because in between fights he was kind of fluctuating a bit like a lot of fighters do when i when i was fighting i i was very guilty of that i would balloon up even when i was at 185 pounds as a middleweight sometimes i get as high as 230 235 which is shameful to be honest i'm a professional athlete you shouldn't be doing that but you know if there's six nine months maybe a year between fights it's just the way it goes sometimes you know we're human beings and where i lived i was in the middle of nowhere but anyway back to paul so he was trying to you know handle that a little bit and basically exercise better discipline so he reached out to this guy that he followed on instagram if i'm not mistaken a triathlete and he hit him up and it turns out this triathlete i forget his name pardon me turns out this guy is a massive ufc fan so paul and this triathlete connected and he got talking and then you know the more paul explored you know the triathlon stuff the more i thought i wanted to try this so he started training just for fun and then lo and behold after a while i'm gonna [ __ ] do a triathlon so that's what he was training for so anytime you see paul felt it on social media he was always running biking didn't see any swimming to be fair that for me would be the hardest part i don't know about you brian if you were gonna do all those things what would be the hardest for you the running i mean i don't like to complain about this because you have robot knees but my knees and ankles are [ __ ] up so it's like running is no good for me hey listen if you've got bad knees go ahead and say get out of me i'm not gonna shame you into staying silent you know what i mean um i think for me it'd be the swimming the swimming that oh you got all that metal and you'll sink right to them well yeah that's right i haven't actually swam since i've done that to be fair yeah that's interesting i wonder if i will i wonder if it'll be harder now whenever i used to swim i just you know i put a lot of effort into it a lot of water splashes around but i don't really go anywhere terrible technique anyway so the swimming would be hard anyway so paul feld has been training a lot so his cardio is going to be through the roof so when we spoke i said to him i said listen here's the thing paul i always talk about this in fighting the hardest thing well sorry the most important thing of course you need all the skills you need the wrestling jiu-jitsu you all the rest of you need the mindset you need the natural fighting ability and you've got to have that kind of you know persona it takes a special somebody to step in there but once you've got all those things taken care of i think the most important part is cardio because once you start getting tired you're [ __ ] it doesn't matter how good you are once you start getting tired that's it game over right so the car deal's taken care of for paul because his cardio is [ __ ] ridiculous um the skill set is there because he's been a lifelong martial artist or he's been doing it for a long long time he is a a guy that's uh doing very very well in the ufc he's had a lot of fights in the ufc certainly he's a ufc commentator so he has a massive understanding of the game so the cardio is there the skills are there so realistically what what's to lose and to him his point was listen i'm going to step up and i'm going to fight a guy like dos angels who he repeatedly called a legend you know he had the nicest things to say about him no bad blood here and it was the same from dos angeles as well that was reciprocated back as well um i think that's i just said there's not enough people in this sport like paul felder maximum respect something like that but um so he said listen i'm going to step up they're going to try and fight a legend and if i beat him fantastic and if i lose what's so [ __ ] what i tried it he's gonna get paid a lot of money right i don't know what he usually gets paid but i'm assuming it's a very handsome fee and knowing the ufc in this kind of situation that you know there's a possibility a possibility that he gets a nice bump in salary as well so it's all there and he hasn't got to do [ __ ] two three months of killing himself the hardest part of fighting is getting through the training camp because you've got to get ready but to get ready you put yourself under absolutely massive stress whether that's you know just the training itself staying away from people not going to social functions not hanging out with your friends not eating the food that you want all these things right but there's none of that for paul now five days five [ __ ] days he found out jumped on a plane and flew to vegas right so there's no pressure and it's just like i'm gonna go out there do my best and when you're like that that makes you even more dangerous i remember when i fought luke rock old hate to bring it up but that's you know that's my that's my experience of a similar scenario when i went in there against luke of course i wanted to vote for my entire career but i went in there with no pressure whatsoever because i was a 10 to 1 underdog something crazy like that and i thought well if i lose all right if i lost i would have never got a will tower fight again and that was my dream but that's a risk i was willing to take and but if i was successful i'll have the champion of the [ __ ] world and i also get the credit for taking on short notice so it's a win-win pretty much everywhere you go so anyway that's paul felder stepping up this weekend i think when you break them both down let me bring up paul's record here just to take a little look and dou sanchez's record listen the one thing is dos sanchez will have better jiu-jitsu i've rolled with rafael he's very good so paul felder's 17-5-0 well that's a good record only five losses half of sanchez right hold on bring up portfolios 29 13 and 0. that's dos angels yeah let me just see who feld has been beat i know barbara's in there and then again mma math doesn't work he doesn't work like that you can't look at who they've lost right dan hooker lost to dan hucka [ __ ] me incredibly close fight a lot of people thought dan won that so part of me thought paul won that um and when you see dan hooker's last fight against not mma math but his last fight against dustin poyer which was insane that shows you the level of where dan hook was at monster absolute monster he really is he got beat of mike perry all right my previous stuff as [ __ ] he's not the most technical but he's bigger he's a 170 pound and i think that fight was at 170 if i'm not mistaken might be wrong on that not sure francisco trinaldo that was back in 2016 and then before that ross pearson and edson barbosa so no slouches he's only been beaten by very very good guys and then on the flip side you've got dos angels as i said he went up to 170 uh and just fought monster after monster i know he lost his belt to eddie alvarez i was there i saw that one michael kiesa he's a big 170 he got out grappled leon edwards we're gonna talk about him in a second but uh he's cream of the crop beat kevin lee that was a sick fight you see that one brian i i did and i'm not a i'm not necessarily the biggest kevin lee fan though what about his head tattoo oh my god yeah yeah regret yeah he's getting a lot of props for it online good for him uh come on i think come on usman and colby covington i mean there's no [ __ ] shame in any of those guys go down the line tony ferguson and eddie alvarez again cream of the crop go back even further another five or six fights khabib nurmagomedov go down again gleason t-ball gleason t-val doesn't have the name recognition of a [ __ ] khabib but let me tell you the guy he almost beat khabib he almost beat khabib that was a super close fight and he's [ __ ] i mean how that guy passed his juice test he's behind me because gleason tevo he must have had i don't know there was definitely somehow what do you call them what what they judge pika grams yeah definitely some peaky grams and then uh clay guida got one over him clegg readers of g and then uh tyson griffin and jeremy stevens i mean come on there's a couple more back in the day if you go really far back to uh you know lower level fights in brazil but nobody gives a [ __ ] about them so there you go that's the fight um i'm compensating unfortunately so i can't give a prediction and i'm very happy about that because i'm friends with uh dos sanchez you know he changed with perrillo and i'm friends with paul felder i i work with him uh frequently so fortunately the fact that i'm commentating this weekend gets me off the hook but i think i think dos sanchez is gonna uh use a lot of grappling i think he's happy to stand with anybody so i expect a lot of that but i think he's going to use his strikes and try and mix in a few takedowns here and there that's certainly what paul felder expects and he's probably on the money there here's an interesting thing though if you're going to stop takedowns or you're taking on a grappler you want to be strong you want to be as strong as you can be and and i actually mentioned this to paul as well with all that cardio that he's doing a crazy amount of cardio you're going to lose strength simple as that like when i was when i was training for fights i i always like to run that's why my knees are jacked but uh my strength and conditioning coach said i don't need to run much for this fight michael because you're gonna lose strength okay and jason pirillo being the cynical bastard that he is came up with this uh awesome line i went into the gym one day i said jason yeah we were just trying i said um yeah yes he doesn't want me to do much running for this fight okay because i'm going to wear down too much muscle and just says yeah you know why he doesn't want me to run down your mic i said why is that he said because running is free as opposed to paying for the session you know but hey maybe both of them had a point but there you go so anyway so paul felder might have lost a little bit of strength oh who knows he says that he's definitely faster because his legs are smaller well smaller legs means less muscle you know so you get speed you don't get the power but if you land the kick and it's a good kick and you pull the kick back you're not going to take it down i don't know you can make an argument both [ __ ] ways fine if you listen to rampage those legs are important for punches well well no they are you know all the the power generates from the floor you know i put my ass into it all right okay i'll leave round pages outside of this branch whatever you want to google in your spare time that's down to you buddy but yeah listen it's going to be a great fight i think for paul felder to win this he's going to keep it on the feet simple as that we know that he's going to use a lot of knees a lot of elbows he always uses a lot of elbows in his fights this is going to be a good fight it's going to be a better fight than dos sanchez versus islam makachev simply for well for a number of reasons one paul felder is way more popular he's way more excited i'm not saying he's a i'm not saying that's better or worse i'm saying his style he's always in wars he's in great fights look at the fireworks yeah yeah you know he's a great fighter he really is so it's going to be an awesome fight and makachev still tremendously skilled fighter but more of a grappler so you never know it might have been just a bit of a grappling match on the ground which a lot of people enjoy but you know i like to see a bit of a bit of all-round action here and there brian you know what i'm saying so uh so yeah there it is may the best man win because i'm friends with both may the best man win it's going to be a tremendous fight all right let's just take a second to hear from we've talked about these for a while listen at the end of the day gyms are all closed right now you're trying to get a workout certainly in the uk my god everything's locked down unfortunately but out here in the usa gyms are all closed one thing you can do is you can jump some rob skip rob we call it in england skipping uh it's great it's a great workout it's a full total body workout works your mind body coordination you burn calories you release endorphins and fortunately now you know the technology is a little 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this apart 60-day free money-back guarantee i mean come on what more do you want you're ready for a new cardio and a full-body home workout right now you can get 40 off the get fit bundle plus free shipping at believe that's believe b-e-l-i-e-v-e and yeah forty dollars off the get fit bundle check it out you'll love it all right brian i feel like i'm brendan sharp what have you got chad well what have you got for me buddy well we got mike tyson talking about his uh experiences with a whizzonator here well we were talking earlier before we came in here about the wizonator oh so yes now and and really i mean it's i say this all the time how much respect i have for our athletes because not only are they having to take a pee in front of somebody but somebody who's up close and personal on their knees watching that pee come right out of them and that's true this device that you know in the past it was a wizonator which was a prosthetic yeah it was awesome yeah with you put clean urine yeah no i put my baby's hearing aid i'm just hoping i'm just hoping that one day i use my wife my wife said baby you better not hope that he comes back pregnant or something and i said nothing we ain't going to use you know we're going to use the kids because i got scared that the piss might come back pregnant you're pregnant yeah oh my god mike tyson he's awesome i mean how can you not [ __ ] love my text we'll get into the whole you know the moral issues of what he's talking about there but just the fact the [ __ ] character that mike tyson is just like when i said about sean connery the other week when he doubled down about you know slapping a woman by the way and i saw in the comments section a lot of people are bispinging doris is woman beating no i don't i don't and if i see anybody hitting a woman i'll [ __ ] beat your ass simple as that i just like the way he stuck to his guns because that woman tried to embarrass him and he stuck to his guns now he was an [ __ ] for saying that anyway back to mike tyson i mean you got to admire the honesty and it's easy for a guy like mike tyson now because we're saying i was going to say he's been retired a long time he's fighting roy jones jr next month by all you know if if everything goes to plan he's coming back i figured that was going to happen ever i i never thought that was actually going to come off before it won't happen but apparently it is and even roy george junior said listen it ain't going to be a display demonstration bout you know mike tyson tries and knocks everybody out so uh that'll be fun i'm going to watch that anyway um you know jeff novitskiy's true there so that was jeff novitskiy in the middle he's the guy that runs the usada program for the ufc and you know i think for a lot of the goals of snitch right that's the golden snitch yeah uh and and he's right because anytime you have to give a urine sample they do come and and they want to see it they want to see the p leave your penis and go into the cup you know which i guess if it was if it was a wizonator um i've never heard that term i like that it was a wizard though how do you determine a real penis from a fake penis at a quick glance i'm not sure how it's attached like i don't i know i don't know it doesn't need to be attached does it just down your pants right you unzip your fly push it through the hole right and you just you just hold it there and then maybe you squeeze it and it comes out i don't know clutch though it is it's gonna if i was gonna [ __ ] cheat i mean i guess that would be one way of doing it um and that you know that leaves us in the moral dilemma of mike tyson so what is he saying here is he saying that he used performance enhancing drugs that's what it sounds like to me or you know he always used to do a lot of drugs he used to do a lot of drugs regular asteroids yeah [ __ ] guy likes to party and enjoy himself you know and if that's all it is he's not hurting anybody um you know i heard like he was like the week he got knocked out by buster douglas was doing tons of blow and smashing hookers in his hotel room all week you know i mean god bless you if that's the way he wants to handle his business he's not hurting anybody good for him uh that never hurt jon jones never hurt john jones one little bit disclaimer i don't know anything about what you're talking about but um yeah i mean it's just hilarious mike ty my test is awesome right if you're not a fan of mike tyson [ __ ] off yeah listen i know throughout history he's he's certainly had some questionable moments all right he went to prison for rape never never a good luck right very questionable moment once again just like sean connery i have not i have not cheapening rape i am not saying oh let's just all laugh about rape because that is like one of the sickest and most disgusting things probably you know it's up there with murder okay a rapist so i'm not saying that but it was but if you if you believe mike tyson he said it was set up if you believe a lot of people he was set up so let's let's leave that there nobody knows the details we're not talking about that we're talking about mike tyson he's sitting there in front of [ __ ] jeff novitskiy and said yeah i usually use the wizardinator and his girlfriend said well you better or his wife said you better hope he doesn't come back pregnant so then he uses the kids do you know what i mean [ __ ] one that's [ __ ] smart well it is smart it is smart i wonder what the kid thinks i mean if i went to lucas now i said luke just do me a favor pissed in this i mean he's 10 years old you know he'd have some questions you know figure it out well he i don't know if he'd figure it out but he'd be like why do you want me to pee in his dad you know what i'm saying so he might have had to answer a few questions though but uh yeah no i mean mike tyson have teachers calling your house later yeah not for sure social services mr bisping we heard that uh not only did you buy all of you know had your son's penis in your hand you were stealing his urine and we were curious as to what you wanted that for anyway mike tyson god bless you god bless you gotta love that guy another news is coming out of retirement yeah no no i'm not what are you saying that i've got a [ __ ] um take loads of steroids you get a wizonator no jeff novitzki's uh he knows all about that obviously um no i would saw tyson you're the man i love mike tyson who doesn't um all right let's get to this hamza chimaev is taking on now leon edwards we've spoke about that for a while this week i see you can bring up the quote brown whilst i uh teed up some leon edwards did an interview with dario hawani and he said he doesn't understand all the hype from about surrounding hamza right now right he said listen i i was nine you know before fair point in fact you don't need to brag because i think i think i remember the key points because i retweeted it myself and i said well you can't disagree with what leon said it was bt sport retweeted it or tweeted it ivory tweeted he said i was 99 before i was undefeated in the ufc before i've had a seven second knockout before which i think seven or nine seven nine seconds seven seconds you guys seven it's a fast knockout either way seven nine 15 whatever you want to call it the first round he was [ __ ] quick so what he's saying is everything that hamza chimayob has i've done before right so you know he doesn't understand the hype i understand leon's point of view there and leon's gonna do what he's got to do he's gonna strip him down mentally he can't look at him and he can't put hamza on a pedestal he can't look at it this guy that has all the hype he's going to say no [ __ ] this guy he's nothing i've done exactly what he has done but um there's a lot of hype around hamza and i think it's for good reason it is for good reason right there was two fights in fight island and they were opponents that definitely favored hamza style he's a very very good wrestler by all accounts uh and as we found that he's a very good striker as well dropped jl mirror chart with one shot i just don't know if leon had that kind of hype i don't remember no problem saying that hold on it was the perfect storm for hamza as well he was on fire island right dana then raved about him and then he had the balls to fight again what like a week later or ten days later so we've got all these headlines any time anybody fights in two days and destroys two opponents in two days and then dana rightly so he loves fighters that come to fight anytime dana is you know promoting them at the press conference you're going to get hyped then he comes over to vegas steps up a weight class the middle way and then knocks him out merchant with one shot although have we seen hamza like throw hands for a long time because anybody in anybody in the ufc can get a one-shot knockout anybody can just hit it at the right time so are we sure that he's a high-level striker or did he get lucky but that's it that's it and listen he trains at all stars in sweden with uh that's where uh gustafsson's from and apparently i'm hearing people say oh no if you see him striking he's very very good but you're right he's unproven he's unproven in the ufc everybody just has the ability to have the ability to knock somebody out with one shot that said it's one thing to have the ability to knock somebody out with one shot i can knock somebody out with one shot with one shot but i've never [ __ ] done it and at one point i had the most fights in the ufc you know what i'm saying so it's one thing to have that ability it's another thing to go out there in the highest toughest proving ground and actually do it so i have no issue with the hype that hamzat's getting i understand why leon edwards is uh a confident in the match up he's fought and be [ __ ] some of the best people out there i'm gonna i'm gonna bring up his record sorry i gotta keep doing this i just don't have all these uh records memorized leon edwards he's on an eight fight win streak i believe something like that and he's he's very very technical he's super technical he's got excellent footwork he's got long reach he knows how to use his reach as well and as i said the footwork and the fight iq is high level he beat dos angels in his last fight we were just talking about how good thou sanchez was before that gunner nelson that was a very impressive performance gunner nelson was riding a lot of momentum coming into that one and he just had an answer for everything that gunner did he was just a better guy prior to that donald cerrone that's a good win excuse me and then it kind of comes down a little bit peter sabas and brian barbaran is still solid solid wins then it was vincente luca albert trumanov and then dominic waters never heard of dominant waters in my life but kamar usman was before that that was his last loss kamara oozeman so uh and i don't remember that fight did you see that fight brian that was a long time ago that was 2015. yeah last time we got beat was 2015. you know so you can understand why leon's a little bit pissed off you know so uh that's going to be a good fight you know what do you think at this stage who do you think wins and i know you're not a an analyst or an expert whatever what does your gut tell you about it uh i don't know man i i think uh we're gonna find out if hamzat's a hype train or not you know what i mean i feel like we're just gonna find out because leon edwards is the [ __ ] truth yeah no no he is and and again as i said before apparently the word on the street is it all stars he handles everybody in there well there's not a single person from that gym that's going to go out there and do an interview say oh how's that [ __ ] in the gym right the team teammates that's what you do you have each other's back right you like brothers when you go through training camp after training with people you form a bond and it's a very very strong bond so anytime they speak about teammates they're going to say good things and also they want to shine the spotlight on their gym as well say oh no we're [ __ ] badasses we train real hard we're we're pushing it to the next level so you can't really we can't believe it but you got to take it with a pitch assault you know so so we'll see the reality is it's a good fight but it is definitely a massive step up in competition i gotta say respect to hamzad for taking it didn't [ __ ] blink didn't buy an eyelid that's yeah that makes me wonder about him because he's just like [ __ ] i will fight everybody gives me this smashing brother brother brother yeah all that [ __ ] [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up just fight but i can't wait he's going to fight there you go all right let's take a quick second to hear from native deodorant listen you've heard us talk about native before native diogen doesn't just block oda better it is made better simple as that native has ingredients that you've heard of 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look after the planet sorry some people don't like it when i say that stuff but it's true here's the thing i believe performance matters i've wanted to make the switch to my natural products for a while now but they have to do their job to keep you smelling fresh all day that's why i want to recommend it to all our listeners so please check out native i believe in having clean options and i support companies you have innovative products that break the norm and help clean up my daily routine harrington please listen clean up your daily routine that is why i love native and i believe in self-investment you work hard to reward yourself with premium products that mirror your fancy lifestyle and this is what got me in to native so check it out go to the website see what they got to offer they've got a little bit of something for everybody so here's what you're going to do check it out you will not be disappointed there's something for everybody on there right made the switch to native today 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dana white who would you cast in the lead role oh oh i don't know oh have you got any suggestions brian while i think diesel vin diesel is there that's that's the perfect guy it is my boy shouts out vin diesel in the house what a great guy vin diesel is by the way he's [ __ ] awesome um that's the well you know listen you don't have to have a bald head you know what they can do in this day and age brian you know what i mean i'm flying out to london at the weekend and you'll see i got a nice little fresh haircut today because i was like if i'm going somewhere i want my hair the way i want it to be you know if you leave it you're like oh no we like this so i cut it short there's not a lot they could do but they could stick a wig on they could shave my head i could play [ __ ] dana white you know i changed my vote it's it's michael bisping all day um do you want to be a [ __ ] fighter bro no i i can't do it dana white but uh i was thinking who was he what's he called he i think he's in a lot of hot water these days but he played lex luthor in the superman movies oh uh what's his name oh god damn it the sex [ __ ] pest yeah he's a yes um what's kevin spacey kevin spacey i've just seen him as lex luthor with the bold head and i'm like but saying that if you look i'll tell you what and i'm not kissing dana's ass he's been [ __ ] hitting the weights lately he's big so vin diesel you're right it doesn't get better than that there you go he is jacked and [ __ ] binge jacked his welfare what is it 50 51 52 something like that that's pretty incredible so yeah there you go vin diesel dana white what else we got what's the next question i got one from the emails right now it's from craig connell he says if one of you guys passed away suddenly i think he means you and lewis would you would the one of you that remains keep doing the show and if so who would you choose to replace as their co-host oh okay interesting question uh so if one of us gonna die and we don't wish that on anybody but if one of us had to die we all know it'd have to be harrington sorry harrington in fact he might die this weekend anyway you never know yeah it's a lie old man he might get bailed by an old man he might have a heart attack in the middle of the fight i don't wish any of these things happen but i'm telling you it could happen or he could just get we don't know how he takes a punch you know what i'm saying he might get i know how he takes his punch how is it how does he take a punch not the best yeah that does not surprise me it does not surprise me one little bit but you never know you might get the [ __ ] kicked out of him hold on have you seen the lewis punch him in the face no have you punched him in the face very lightly very lightly oh my god we were playing around and i just kind of made contact and he cried he cried no he didn't cry what did he do he was upset he was like god you hit me in the nose bro what the [ __ ] oh yeah that's a part of your face yeah sorry yeah yeah if i hit straight on i'm gonna hit your nose simple as that uh what was the question so if we die so if i died who who could lewis get if i dad who could lewis get where he could get leon edwards he could get darren till get down it'd be a funnier podcast because yeah darren tiller lewis there you go in fact i'm going to be quiet because i'll get [ __ ] fight not fired but you know what i'll get [ __ ] off uh yeah in fact i'd rather watch that darren tiller lewis never two talking [ __ ] me sounds great i mean i feel like the answer is the same if lewis win darren till would be good as well so if i [ __ ] it let's just speak darren tillen is the third man that would be good actually that'd be [ __ ] great anyway uh what else all right we got another question here on twitter from mir the gamer is it possible to attain cardio like tony ferguson or is it a natural trait same for knockout power and durability and he means your chin yeah sure so so that's an interesting question actually and i don't know the answer scientifically but i know from experience um some people have better cardio than others right but some people train harder than others i i used to have good cardio but i used to train my [ __ ] ass off i used to do a lot of running i do a lot of pad work people would often say to you how do you get your cardio so good i'm not well there's no secret it's just hard work you know you got to get out of bed you got to go on your runs you got to hit the pads you got to do jiu jitsu you got to do you're sparring you're going to do everything at a high intensity and guess what be out of breath a lot you gotta be out of breath a lot there you go if you break it down to its most basic term you're gonna put you wanna be like that when i was done sparring i would be on my back gasping for breath absolutely [ __ ] and i need a couple of minutes to compose myself and then i get back up and a lot of people that don't have good cardio i don't necessarily necessarily see them doing that however i do also feel that some people don't have the capability to get to a certain level you know what i mean i feel like some people are lazy but i also feel that some people just cannot you know what i mean i don't know what do you think brian i don't know the science behind this i am i am just going on a hunch and saying because i've i have seen people that do train and they don't get that fit you know they don't i mean they get fit but they don't get ridiculously fit i feel like it's it very much depends on your personality as a child right so it's like the base that you build for your body when you're young is going to dictate your limits when you're old explain so like uh i used to run when i was a kid i used to do track i used to sprint and do all that [ __ ] i have thick ass legs so you have the built-in capability to go there right because the foundation was built at an early age because i did it for a long time so now i can i can sprint very fast i have strong ass legs whereas somebody who's just starting to work out in their teens in their late teens you could have chicken legs for the rest of your life no matter how hard you're pressing yeah interesting because i was going to say well i never really ran track i never really did much sport i did a bit of javelin and some [ __ ] like that here and there but like literally a tiny bit yeah in pe when it was that time of the year when it was summer i'd throw a javelin on a few occasions i might have ran a couple of [ __ ] laps around the field on occasion but i was never a runner i was never a marathoner or a sprinter or a 400 meter runner nothing like that played rugby that was about it but i had a natural propensity for cardio you know so i hear what you say now and i do think there is definitely something to that but i don't know i just feel that some people listen the world's full up of individuals you know what i'm saying some people are going to be stronger as [ __ ] like i this pisses me off i i i lift weights and it doesn't piss me off it's ever so slightly ever slightly bothersome in fact it's not even bothersome i've no i don't give a [ __ ] it's just an observation that that is relevant to the discussion it doesn't bother me at all certainly does not keep me up at night when i started lifting weights when i decided to become a professional athlete and i feel that this is this is in you know this is a good explanation or a good comparison when i started lifting weights when i decided i was going to be a fighter right this culture had at the time was very big on lifting weights and he was like okay you you haven't got black belt brazilian jiu jitsu you know but if you get to a decent level and you're insanely strong you'll be able to power out a lot of uh positions you know so that'll be your base while we get the jiu jitsu better and uh maybe that's right maybe that's wrong whatever you want to say probably wrong but still so i would do a lot of weights back then three times a week i was powerlifting probably first thing in the morning i would do powerlifting and i got pretty strong you know what i mean but i wasn't insane i was doing like uh uh two plates on either side two 45 pound plates and then a 25 and i was repping now i was like 12 three sets of 12 reps you know and that's which i think is pretty strong for me anyway i've never and i've still lift weights to these dead to this day still lift weights i'm [ __ ] a racket my garage and i cannot lift more than that and if i can't even lift that these days i've definitely got a little bit weaker you know with the injuries and whatnot but i've never ever ever with all the years of lifting weights been able to do more than that so i feel like certain people no matter how much many weights you lift no matter how much you do it you're not gonna get past that i feel like that's a mental thing though i don't like uh you ever see uh unbreakable unbreakable what that's the name of the movie with uh uh liam neeson uh there's uh samuel jackson and uh yeah bruce willis bruce willis on the side exactly i could lift [ __ ] six paint pots bro that's what i'm saying dude you're champion you can do whatever you want no god you say you say so you think that's mental i think it could be i mean uh the fact that you set yourself a limit and was like this is the highest i can go and then you never really pushed it harder even incrementally you would eventually i think have gotten no but no but i was doing that i was incrementally trying to push it i was you know i and i don't start a whole discussion about steroids and weightlifting and powerlifting because that's a whole [ __ ] other yeah you know we already know all the opinions on steroids yeah no no but for weightlifters of course listen you know it's a big part of it but then you've got the power lifters that are a lot of times you see a guy and he's not a big guy but he is strong as [ __ ] because he's been powerlifting his entire life you know what i'm saying and they can move incredible way and they're not very big guys in fact they're always short guys you know why that is because the range of movement motion isn't long you know like these little tiny guys with the t-rex arms you just got to go to some he's going to move the weight that amount you know but you know we beat a real man whoa look at that you got to move it all that way baby it's harder that's my wings that's my excuse for not being able to lift much weights but yeah it's an interesting one so i feel that certain bodies are suited to different things and i think that's true you know certain people are going to be better at lifting weights certain people are going to be good at running certain people are going to be good at painting playing the piano you know what i'm saying some people are going to be good at fighting you know horses for courses is uh i think the uh the answer to that question potentially the name of this podcast um what do you say about uh your chin oh is that a question as well as that that was that was the end of that question oh the chin yeah again again that's enough people i think it has to be you know some people can take a shot some people can't in all the years of combat sports training that i've done and around all the gyms i've been around and that's boxing gyms kickboxing gyms muay thai gyms mma gyms [ __ ] judo brazilian jiu jitsu we're saying that there's no punching in there but any kind of striking art i have never heard of nor seen anybody doing drills to strengthen their jaw now what about those what about those things the iron neck yeah the iron neck yeah what you can do you can strengthen your neck you can strengthen your neck and if you build up big massive traps and you get a big thick neck that'll help right that'll help your ability but ultimately you know not too much i don't think you can you know you can't train your jaw you don't want to start getting hit on the jaw to try and strengthen your jaw you're just going to make it weaker and weaker because we know there's an expiry date on the chin look at chuck liddell oh my god prime example you could hit that [ __ ] you could hit that guy with a baseball bat all right and he would [ __ ] stand there and he would take it and then and then rampage knocked him out and then that was that that was that he was never the same again never the same got knocked out time after time after time and as i said one day boom it just goes and you're done uh so yeah with the chin other than strengthening the neck that's it some people can take it and it but again that goes back to your then that goes back down to your dna and your background and your build if you're a really tall long wiry person how tall are you brian you're pretty tall aren't you i'm six three yeah six three yeah yeah but saying that but yeah but you're kind of well built and there's people at six three that can take it you know i mean look at kickboxers there's plenty of ufc guys that are six three but but if you're like a really skinny lanky person yeah odds on you're not going to take a shot well right but if you're a [ __ ] a samoan islander or or a maori from new zealand and you're [ __ ] like a fire hydrant yeah funnily enough your [ __ ] jaw is like that or you built like mike tyson you know what i mean you're gonna be able to take a shot better so again it's all down to your individual qualities you know how are you built what is your background what where do your ancestors come from what is in your dna you know so there you go there you go all right guys let's just take a quick second to hear from you've heard the deal by now you know the score bluetooth offers an enhancement for the bedroom like nothing else on the market at the end of the day i mean come on we all to we want to impress our significant other a little better well at you can get the first chewables with the same active ingredient as viagra and 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that might be here i mean you got you listen you know i've had my ups and downs with conor over the years and i'd never talk about them but credit where credit's due credit where credit's due because he [ __ ] put on one hell of a performance against eddie alvarez there you cannot talk [ __ ] eddie alvarez and i i picked eddie to beat him in that fight and that's kind of that was kind of the catalyst for me and kind of falling out believe it or not i won't get into too many details if i [ __ ] yeah i don't give a [ __ ] it's water under the bridge it was a long time ago so i yeah [ __ ] it it's fine it's not a big deal um he had that role in triple x he had the role in triple x and then he didn't take him because he wanted to focus on the fight so i went and auditioned for triple x right and then he did a press conference and he said a couple of comments that i didn't like he said oh bisping owes me [ __ ] 20 for that and i didn't even get a thank you and i was like well done you know don't be raped by accomplishments you're [ __ ] conor mcgregor you got the world at your feet i'm [ __ ] i'm trying to do my best here right so on my radio show that i had at the time on siriusxm maybe it was a little bit petty probably was i said that eddie alvarez was going to destroy conor mcgregor i said oh yeah but i was like i'm not doing any favors after you said that at a press conference anyway kind of took exception to that and we went back and forth to talk to a bit of [ __ ] there you go we're guys we're all good now water under the bridge but um but you can't deny that fight was [ __ ] incredible and he certainly put me in my [ __ ] place because he i mean it was sublime it really was that every shot that he threw landed perfectly he [ __ ] destroyed eddie alvarez man and i just seen eddie alvarez in the fight prior to that i think it was put a beating on hatfield los angeles who of course is fighting this weekend and i just picked him up big time and when i saw what he did to dos angels i thought [ __ ] me i thought he's i i didn't see anybody beating him any time soon and kind of [ __ ] made him look like nothing made him look like nothing you know and that's just a reality um so question was what was the best performance i ever saw this is a pro this is not the best performance i ever saw but when you're there live and you see them and the crowd is going crazy right one of the best memories that i had and it wasn't necessarily the best display of technique or the best boxing kickboxing or whatever but in terms of one of the best [ __ ] fights that i ever saw was mark hunt versus antonio silva bigfoot i think it was the second one in australia it was uh brisbane australia i was there i was the guest fighter so i was ringside and it was [ __ ] insane five rounds of back and forth action the crowd were going absolutely mental i was out of my seat the whole time i couldn't believe it i thought both guys were on the verge of getting destroyed and knocked out every minute but he's done he's done then i thought no he's done he was just back and forth the whole time so off the top of my head that one springs to mind and i'm sure there's others that i'm forgetting but brian what about you um maybe maybe anderson silva pulling off that uh victory against chelsea yeah that was impressive but but but the question was the best performance he got his last kate overall performance he sucked for four rounds i don't want to sound like chelsea but he sucked for four rounds brian i'm sorry yeah anderson silva chris lieben anderson silva forrest griffin yeah i mean either one over yeah yeah anderson silva's last you know eight fights before he lost the chair yeah no you're right you're right against stefan bonner against vitor belfort you know take your [ __ ] pick i mean anderson was the man he was the [ __ ] man i don't think they'll ever be another anderson silva but yeah there you go anderson silva i mean come on you know it doesn't get better than that uh let's look at these topics this is a decent topic to get our teeth into so harrington you know he dropped the ball this week obviously he's out being a [ __ ] fighter and these are the topics that he sends through poor year versus conor is official for january all right we've talked about that 20 [ __ ] times uh have we just talked about that there's no new info leon versus hamzap there you go felder stepping up for five days now it's oh rafael de san just called out michael chandler first sure noticed fired that's interesting i never caught that but of course oh because michael chandler didn't take the fight they asked michael chandler to take the fight are you serious yes no way that's what i that's the rumor that's what i heard right well that's interesting this is misinformation i apologize to michael chandler but that is uh what's the word i'm looking for because i don't know it's a bit i don't know because you won't have to try ireland it's what it's strange he was just ready to fight he went out to fight ireland he was prepared to step in against gaijin prepare to step in against numa madoff right now a few weeks have passed and then they need him to step up and he says no i mean i guess if you're michael chandler you're thinking well hold on a minute you know that was gagey and khabib and i was prepared for it so i was training this is dos angels he was a former chairman he's a legend but he's not a champion right now but still it doesn't matter you just signed to the ufc you don't necessarily get to pick your shots like that you know and that would have been a great fight especially a title shot in your first fight in the ufc yeah no you don't get that but he got offered it you know he's not going to get it again right you're not going to you you don't get it again you got offered it it didn't pan out you know whatever you maybe got 25 grand or whatever it was for doing that and good for you and thank you very much but we're going to get you a regular fight now okay and for him i i guess charlotte i've never met chandler and so i don't want to talk about about the guy he seems like a decent guy i've never heard anything bad about him and he's a hell of a fighter as well again i've seen i've seen little bits of him fighting but i don't have time to watch bellator if i'm honest if there's a big fight and it's somebody i know i do like rampage used to fight i've watched that uh a couple of weeks ago gaga musashi was fighting i'll watch those you know but i don't have the time to watch every single [ __ ] bellator fight but i'm a fan of mma so i will watch it if i'm home uh so yeah i've i know chandler i know what he's about i know his style and i know he's very good um and i guess he's thinking you know but that's a dangerous fight without the name recognition or or the hype right now but if but that's not what you want to see you want to see him saying listen yeah no i deserve to be the champ so if i'm going to go through dos angels because i want to fight at the ufc because technically so far i've never fought in the ufc and that's a good chance to fight and beat a former champion and say to you say hey look listen this is my level this is where i'm at i'm coming here to [ __ ] dominate guys so it's a little disappointing but but who am i you know maybe he has his reasons maybe [ __ ] you know maybe he's a lewis maybe got kicked in the leg and he isn't going to stop [ __ ] talking about it for three months you know what i mean louis uh so yeah there you go what other questions have we got throw something at me brian all right uh next question is from yeti mma and he asks does does izzy vacate his middleweight title if or when he fights young but i don't think that fight's happening anymore right i don't know if it's happening there's a potential that dana might give it to glover it's a slim chance though because he he kind of announced that izzy versus jam was happening but then glover you know he he appealed to dana basically to his better nature and and dana heard him and he understood his point of view so there's a potential that that might happen but there's also a potential that it doesn't you know what i'm saying uh but anyway regardless if izzy was to fight yamblahovich no he doesn't give that up at all that was never on the table that was never part of it you know the idea is for izzy to go up ahead and be a double champ and hopefully be like an amanda nunez if he was to win of course and defend both belts you know so so yeah i don't think that was ever on the table how long we've been going for brian about an hour yeah yeah yeah because yeah i've got about another 10 minutes or so all right cool i got another question here from uh well there's a lot of letters and numbers in this guy's name so i'm just going to call him ghost 21 i think that's what he's trying i like it ghost 21 what you got bud how come we never saw you execute that single leg to spinning back elbow in your mma career you did in your recent fight scene yeah that's right warrior uh last last week i uh i was the guest star for an episode and i thought this guy called telling me self or something like that from kazakhstan [ __ ] great guy absolutely mounted off a man and in the fight scene i'm going for a single leg takedown but he's gigantic so what i do is if i'm here i just go boom i throw a little elbow there and and it looks great on camera it looks awesome on camera but i don't know if it would work in real life i just knock out of the year last year wasn't it oh yeah rodriguez the back elbow knockout yeah yeah but that's different because yeah uh what's his face uh yeah he was running no no zombie was running in and he just kind of did that i don't know i just oh okay all right well i'm [ __ ] there you go that's why i [ __ ] suck because i've never seen it before in my life and then when i went there the choreographer was like uh brett chan by the way shout out brett chan awesome choreographer um he showed it to me i was like oh that's [ __ ] cool you know i don't know if you're working because when you defend the single leg your head's not down there you know what i'm saying i don't know maybe it would have worked maybe it would have but uh yeah there you go well listen today's gonna be a shorter show so we do apologize harrington and lewis are off-beating heroes and uh you know slapping themselves each other on the back constantly we wish harrington the best we hope that he wins uh brian you got something to say there if john wins do we get him on the show yes definitely if john wins we'll we will get the winner i'm very intrigued actually to see how this goes and i can't wait to hear all about it actually uh great advice this weekend so tune in and check those out um yeah there you go loose we'll be back monday i'll be back on monday i'll be in england on monday so a bit of a weird one uh time wise for me but i can't wait to get back to the uk it's been far too long flying back there monday sorry saturday after the fight but as i said it's in full lockdown brian londoners oh god yeah so i'm excited to go back but but it's not i mean how's california aren't they in back in full lockdown no we're not in love go back into nonsense are you about to go into lockdown seems like it yeah no we're we're okay here okay cases are spiking like crazy uh and we'll save this for monday i want to talk about the vaccine bit no i don't want to talk about kobe but i am interested to get people's reactions to a vaccine and whether or not you would take it uh maybe we'll put a little poll out there you wouldn't no no hell no no no need to take it i won't yeah but vaccines do a lot of good i know i'm i'm i'm having some cognitive dissonance about it right now yeah i'm definitely suspicious of it you know i'm not i'm not suspicious but i have reservations because it's been pushed through so quickly i don't think bill gates is putting a [ __ ] microchip into us to monitor our every movement okay but it's the fact that they've pushed it through so quickly that i'm a little concerned about too many plague movies start this way yes they do uh so yeah so i get to england and everything's locked down so and then i don't get time off i've got a quarantine for five days in a hotel room so that's gonna suck the hotel doesn't even have a gym i can't leave my room anyway so that doesn't matter and then i said what about days off i said i'm trying to figure out if i can go and see my mom this is what the country's in lockdown so you can't actually leave the hotel when you're not at set you're gonna be trapped in the hotel because if i go out and about and i'm socializing then obviously i could come back and infect everybody and then the movie's [ __ ] so i've got nothing to do but movies and podcasts so we will still be consistent we'll be back in the meantime have a great weekend enjoy the fights thanks for listening to me ramble on brian thank you very much for assisting in this harrington we wish you the best luis have a good weekend and we'll all be back on monday
Channel: Michael Bisping Podcast
Views: 26,448
Rating: 4.8930693 out of 5
Keywords: believe you me, gas digital network, michael bisping, 271, luis j gomez, comedy, mma, podcast, fan questions, leon edwards, khamzat chimiev, paul felder, rda, tebow
Id: ftOkAro_Vkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 11sec (3911 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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