Horizon Zero Dawn - The Story So Far (What You Need to Know to Play Horizon Forbidden West)

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With Horizon Forbidden West, as well as the VR title Horizon Call of the Mountain, right around the corner, I, Suggestive Gaming, figure now would be a great time to look over the extensive lore of the first game to get you caught up for the new installments. Do note that I’m going to cover things a bit out of chronological order just to keep the events of the game’s narrative, as well as certain reveals, intact.  Also, I’ll unfortunately have to skim over a lot of side-stories and secondary characters, lest this video ends up being hours long, but (for the first time in the history of this series) I implore you to play this game yourself if you’re interested in diving deeper into this lore than I can go here. I really, really recommend it. It’s an amazing game. Alright, we’ve got a lot to get to, so let’s jump right into it; without further ado, this is What You Need to Know about Horizon Zero Dawn. Our story begins in the year 3021 in the post-apocalyptic lands of what used to be the United States, where we find a man named Rost, an outcast of the “Nora” tribe of the region, who is carrying a baby girl. Rost is taking the girl to a traditional Nora “naming ritual”, where she is to be given her name. Normally, a child’s mother would conduct the ritual, but Roth tells the girl that she does not have one, so he will do it in her stead. Rost travels from his home, making note of the giant, beastlike machines that roam the land as he climbs to the overlook of the sacred “All-Mother Mountain”, where he is met by one of the tribe’s three High Matriarchs, named Teersa. The woman speaks to Rost, despite the Nora’s decree for those in the tribe to never talk to outcasts. She blesses the child, and the ritual, and allows Rost to speak the girl’s name, which he proudly proclaims to their deity, the All-Mother, as “Aloy”. Shortly after, one of the other High Matriarchs, Lansra, arrives and chastises Teersa for allowing the ritual, referring to the child as a “curse”. Lansra then insults Rost for caring for the girl, but he ignores her, promising Aloy to always be there for her. A few years later, Aloy, now a child, tries to help a group of Nora children pick berries, but she is instead shunned and ignored due to her outcast status. This frustrates the girl, who runs off through the woods, where she trips and falls into a ruin of the “Old Ones”, the ancient set of humans that created the advanced machines before they all died off, which the Nora believed to be due to their godlessness. While the Nora have forbidden anyone from entering the ruins, Aloy takes the opportunity to explore as she tries to find her way out. Soon after, Aloy finds a stange, glowing, arrow-shaped device upon the remains of one of the Old Ones’ skulls. Aloy picks it up, places it on her own temple, and is shocked to find the device still operational. The device, called a “Focus”, augments her vision, giving her information about her surroundings as well as the machinery and data in the ruins. Through the Focus, she is able to watch recordings made by the Old Ones before their demise, and she tries to make sense of what she’s seeing before she hears Rost calling out for her. Aloy escapes the ruins to find Rost looking for her, and her caretaker notices her device, which she refuses to hand over to him. Rost reluctantly allows the girl to keep the device, and tells her that now that she’s becoming more independent, he’ll have to teach her how to hunt. The next morning, Rost finds Aloy “playing” with the device, and he hands her a bow before taking her off to the wilds nearby. There, Rost teaches the girl how to crafter her own arrows before having her take down one a horse-like machine, called a “Strider”. The pair then spot a Nora boy running the “Brave Trails”, before he falls into a den of machines. Despite Rost’s protests, Aloy uses her Focus to predict the machines’ paths to sneak past them and get to the boy. She then helps the boy, named Teb, sneak back to Rost. Teb thanks them for their help, but he is soon met by a group of Nora who arrive and yell at the boy for speaking with outcasts.  Aloy, frustrated at the situation, elects to walk home alone, but on her way she is accosted by a Nora child named Bast, who taunts her while throwing rocks, one of which strikes her forehead and draws blood. Aloy can then either choose to retaliate or let the boy be, and Rost arrives shortly after to nurse her wound.  Aloy asks the man why she is an outcast, as well as why she has no mother, but Rost only hints that the Matriarchs are the only ones who know the truth. The two then realize that the only way Aloy can learn the truth is by entering “The Proving”: the Nora’s rite of passage, of which the winner is granted a single request by the Matriarchs. Aloy pledges to do whatever it takes to get her answer, and Rost agrees to help her train to enter the Proving when she is old enough. As the years go by, Rost runs Aloy through various exercises as she grows older and stronger, eventually reaching womanhood as a capable warrior and explorer. Two days before the Proving, Aloy awakens to find Rost missing, and she leaves their home to find him. When she does, he tasks her with helping him to prepare to take care of some “trouble”, and she does so by crafting fire arrows, delivering food to an elderly Nora woman named Grata, and buying a weapon called a “Tripcaster” from a trader named Karst. Afterwards she meets back up with Rost, and the pair wait for nightfall. At night, Rost takes Aloy inside the Nora gates, where he shows her the remains of an attack by a giant machine called a “Sawtooth”, which the pair track and find. Rost then presents Aloy with her final test: to take down the Sawtooth on her own.  After she emerges successful, Rost explains the reasoning for this final test: to teach her that once she passes the Proving, her responsibility will be to protect the Nora land and serve a purpose greater than her own. Rost and Aloy then travel to “Mother’s Heart”, the Nora’s main village, and Rost says his final goodbyes, knowing that once Aloy enters, the two will never be able to speak again. Despite Aloy’s objections, Rost pledges to follow the tribe’s law, and walks away. Aloy enters the village and meets with Matriarch Teersa before making her final preparations for the Proving. She comes across Teb, who expresses his thanks to Aloy for rescuing him when he was a boy, and repays her with a set of Nora armor. Inside Mother’s Heart, Aloy spots a commotion and investigates to find the Matriarchs announcing a visit from the historically antagonistic Carja tribe, which they are now at peace with. While most of the Nora observers meet the Carja with vitriol, one of the other visitors, a man from the Oseram tribe named Erend, tells his own story: the mad 13th Sun-King, Jiran, of the Carja tribe kidnapped his own sister, but the new king, Avad (Jiran’s son), decided the put an end to his father’s tyranny and kill him, leading the Carja to a new regime of peace and reconciliation. During the speech, Aloy notices her Focus start to react to something, and she investigates to find another man in the crowd who surprisingly has his own device. She speaks with the man, another Oseram named Olin, and tries to ask him about his Focus, but he sheepishly ends the conversation and rushes off. Erend then introduces himself, and asks her to speak with him more after the Proving. Aloy then makes her way to the pre-Proving ritual, the “Blessing”, where each participant sits before a prayer lantern crafter by their mother (with Aloy’s being provided by Teersa). They then light the flames of their lanterns, and Aloy dedicates hers to who she feels is appropriate, and the lanterns rise and float into the sky. With the Blessing complete, Aloy retires to the Hunters’ Lodge, where she is met with hostility by a Nora Brave (the title given to those who complete the Proving) named Resh, and he insults her for being a motherless outcast. She brushes off his attitude and enters the lodge, finding Bast, the boy who threw the rock at her, scarring her years ago, but his own barbs are cut off by another Proving participant named Vala. Aloy then lays in a Nora bed for the first time, as Vala gives her a quick pep-talk before the big day. The next morning, the participants exit the village and Resh begins the trials for the Proving. While Aloy holds her own in the hunting exercises (despite Resh and Bast’s interference), she soon falls behind while running the Brave Trails. She is able to use her wit, however, and notices an abandoned trail which she is able to navigate to emerge ahead of the pack and finish as the victor of the Proving, narrowly defeating Bast and Vala.  While Aloy is declared the winner, and is anointed a Nora Brave, the celebration is soon cut short by a torrent of arrows which rain from the sky and kill many of the Proving participants, save for Bast, Vala, Aloy and a handful of others. Aloy fights off the attackers while Bast and Vala help the others escape, but the attackers soon kill them as well. Aloy attempts to hold her own and fights more of the attackers, finding a focus on their leader’s body. As she inspects it, however, she is blindsided by one of the killers, who grabs her and holds her above the cliff’s edge. As he goes to deliver the final blow, he is struck in the shoulder with an arrow, and he turns to see Rost, who arrives and battles the man. The brawl comes to an end as the killer stabs Rost in the chest, leaving him to collapse. The killer walks off, leaving his men to set up explosives to destroy the remains of the attack.  Rost is able to gather his strength to crawl over to Aloy, who is still passed out from her attack. He simply tells her to “survive” before he is able to roll her down the hill, and she awakens just in time to catch a glimpse of the explosion which kills her life-long mentor and caretaker. Aloy then drifts in and out of consciousness as she sees the Matriarchs taking her deep into All-Mother Mountain, where Teersa states the young woman will be “near her mother”.  When Aloy finally awakens, she finds herself on a bed within the mountain without her Focus, or her gear. She explores the ruins within the mountain and finds both, eventually finding the other Focus she took off of the attacker’s corpse. In it, she is able to watch a recording of her attacker commanding his men to kill the Nora, as well as a recording of herself taken from Olin’s perspective. Most curiously, however, is the final recording: one of a woman who looks identical to Aloy, just older and with shorter hair, who the attackers were seemingly sent to kill, leading to the attack on Aloy and the Nora. Before she can learn more, Aloy is interrupted by Teersa, who is surprised to find that she has recovered, and she elects to lead Aloy to “where [she] was born”. Teersa reveals that the Nora have a sacred tradition of dying near one’s mother, which is why she convinced the other Matriarchs to bring Aloy to the mountain. She then leads Aloy to a door, and beyond it is the “Great Chamber”, where the All-Mother slew the “Metal Devil” and, many years later, gave birth to Aloy. Teersa reveals that one day the Matriarchs found the newborn baby girl laying in the chamber alone, and since the room was sealed off, they determined she was born from the “Womb of the Mountain”. While Teersa saw the baby as a gift from the mountain, Lansra and others felt she was instead a curse, leading to her being placed in Rost’s care outside the tribe. Inside the chamber, Aloy spots a larger door, and it’s security system scans her for identification, but cannot confirm her identity due to it’s registry being corrupted. Teersa then convinces a disappointed Aloy that she must cure this “corruption”. Aloy decides to start by finding the killers who attempted to murder the woman who looked like her, starting with Olin in his home city of Meridian.  In order to allow Aloy to leave the city without becoming an outcast once again, Teersa brings the young woman before the other Matriarchs. While she is able to convince one other, Jezza, to anoint Aloy a “Seeker” (a rank of Nora who can leave the tribe in times of need), Lansra predictably denounces the idea before storming off. The two remaining Matriarchs give Aloy the rank of Seeker of the Nora Tribe before she embarks from the Sacred Lands of the Nora to find Olin and answers to the mysterious attack. Aloy attempts to leave the tribe’s village, but is stopped at the gates by Resh, who still meets her with hostility, despite her Seeker status. As the two discuss, however, the village is attacked by a machine called a “Corruptor”, which is able to infect a nearby herd of Striders, turning them hostile before the group storm the gates. After they breach the village’s defenses, Aloy helps to fight the attacking machines, eventually killing them before inspecting the remains of the Corruptor. Aloy tries to figure out how the Corruptor was able to make the other machines follow it’s will, and finds a device attached to the downed machine that she interfaces with her Focus. She affixes it to the tip of her spear, allowing her to repurpose the device to physically override certain machines herself, allowing her to make them do her own bidding. After a quick chat with Teb, Aloy heads off, overriding a Strider to mount and ride it across the landscape. On her way to Meridian, Aloy meets the late Vala’s brother, a Nora Brave named Varl. Varl sends her to a settlement called “Mother’s Crown”, asking her to help find the War-Chief, as well as his mother, Sona, who had gone missing after the attacks.  During her search for Sona, Aloy is attacked by a Sawtooth, but is rescued when the War-Chief arrives and takes it out with her bow. Sona reveals that she tracked some of the attackers from the Proving, and requests that Aloy accompany her for vengeance. The pair then attack one of the attackers’ camps, and Varl arrives afterwards.  Aloy then finds recordings leading to more of the attackers camping out at “The Ring of Metal”, which Sona explains is within the cursed ruins of “Devil’s Grief”. Varl insists that they go there to kill the rest, and Sona reluctantly agrees. The trio head there with Nora soldiers to fight the killers and their corrupted machines. After Aloy weakens their defenses, the rest of the Nora rush in and take their revenge, ridding the Nora land of the mysterious cult-like group, but leaving Aloy with no new answers to their motives. Aloy continues her quest to find Olin and reaches Mother’s Crown where she meets a Nora Brave named Marea who informs her that the Carja gates to Meridian have been closed to protect their lands from the corrupted machines. Aloy clears out the corruption from the valley, and reaches the gate, where she is allowed through. Aloy finally reaches Meridian, where she learns from a guard that one of their captains, Erend’s sister Ersa, was ambushed and presumably killed by a group called the “Shadow Carja”. Erend arrives and speaks with Aloy, and she tells him about Olin’s betrayal, and the pair agree to search his house for more information.  At Olin’s house, Aloy uses her Focus to find the man’s hidden workshop, and there she finds evidence that he had been working with the attackers as a spy, but only under duress, as the killers had taken his family hostage. She finds a map leading her to Olin’s next destination: “Rockwreath”, and she informs Erend of her intention to head there to find him. Seeing the potential investigative use of Aloy’s focus, Erend asks her to find the Shadow Carja soldiers that killed his sister Ersa.  Aloy agrees and meets him at Red Ridge Pass, where they investigate the ambush site. Aloy notices inconsistencies in the remains of the attack, and determines that the dead found at the site were killed elsewhere and staged there to be found by the Carja. She follows cart tracks up a mountainside to some ruins, where the pair find a small squad, which Erend is surprised to find aren’t Shadow Carja, but instead from his own tribe: the Oseram. The squad attacks, and Aloy and Erend are forced to fight them off. After the battle, Aloy and Erend investigate again and Erend finds Ersa’s helmet. Aloy theorizes that the Oseram ambushed Ersa’s group with a new weapon that fires sound waves instead of projectiles. She determines from the lack of blood that the group was likely paralyzed but not killed. She then finds evidence of Ersa’s armor being swapped to a different corpse, which was then mutilated beyond recognition.  Erend heads back to Meridian to check if the recovered body truly was Ersa’s, and Aloy returns later to meet with the Sun-King Avad. Erend reveals that they confirmed that the body they found was not Ersa’s. The Carja determine that Ersa’s attacker must have been a rogue Oseram warlord named Dervahl. The Sun-King asks Aloy to help find Dervahl and rescue Ersa. Aloy and Erend head to Pitchcliff to meet with an agent of the Sun-King, but find him dead. Luckily, in his final moments he was able to draw a map in his blood, and the pair head to its destination: a nearby camp. There, they fight off Dervahl’s men, including one wielding a giant, sonic weapon. On his body, Aloy finds a pair of earplugs, and is able to use them to protect herself as she disables the area’s sonic device protections.  At the bottom of a cellar in the camp, Erend finds Ersa, still alive, guarded by a sonic device. After he destroys it, he rushes over to his sister, finding her barely breathing. She reveals that she met with Dervahl after he offered a meeting of peace, but fearing it to be a trap, she went secretly so Erend wouldn’t get hurt. After her suspicions were confirmed, she was taken hostage and tortured. She reveals that Dervahl is planning an attack on Meridian to get revenge on Avad’s father. Ersa then wishes her brother well as she finally dies from her wounds. Aloy searches the cellar and finds a letter mentioning a shipment of the combustible material Blaze to Meridian. She and Erend head there to warn Avad, and they are led to a warehouse recently purchased by an Oseram. They enter the warehouse and find a makeshift bomb amongst the Blaze. They are able to push the Blaze out of a window, mitigating the explosion and protecting the city.  Aloy follows the tracks left behind by Dervahl from the warehouse and finds the man sneaking into the Sun-King’s palace with his men. She follows him and reaches the palace just as Dervahl is torturing Avad with the sound device. As he tries to trigger his explosive device, he is surprised to find it dysfunctional. Aloy uses this distraction to destroy the sonic device incapacitating Avad before finally confronting Dervahl. He grabs his own sonic weapon, but Aloy is able to defeat him and his men. After the battle, Dervahl reveals his last-ditch effort: using some kind of Machine Lure to bring forth a flock of the flying “Glinthawk” machines upon the city. Aloy is able to fight them off just as Erend arrives to take his revenge on Dervahl. As he is about to kill the man, however, Avad arrives and Erend realizes a worse fate for the man: locking him up in Meridian and allowing all of the enemies he’s made over the years figure out how to punish him. He then knocks Dervahl unconscious, and the Sun-King’s guards take him away. At this point, Aloy can help out various allies around the land with their various issues and errands. This includes the Carja Hunters Lodge, a prestigious organization for machine hunters that Aloy is able to join by helping her mentor in the Lodge, a fellow hunter named Talanah, kill a beast called a Redmaw to get her promoted to the organization's highest rank, Sunhawk. Returning to her quest to locate Olin, Aloy heads to Rockwreath, where she finds the man with one of the leaders of the cultish group who proceeds to “resurrect” two inactive Corruptor machines. As Aloy observes their discussion, an interference occurs, and all of the cultists’ Focuses stop working. Aloy then receives a direct call on hers from an unknown man who reveals that he disabled the cultist’s Focuses to aid her in taking them out. Aloy then kills the Corruptors and the cultists in the area and finally corners and confronts Olin. He reveals that the cultists are Shadow Carja who call themselves “the Eclipse” and worship some kind of mechanical “devil” named HADES which speaks to them. He also reveals the name of Rost’s killer: Helis, the former Sun-King’s champion, who is leading Eclipse and their army of ancient machines (resurrected by HADES). Aloy also asks Olin about the image of the woman she saw that looked like her, but he claims to not know who she is, but rather intercepted her image in the ruins at a place called Maker’s End.  At this point, Aloy can decide to either take revenge on Olin by killing him, or allow him to live. Before she does, however, he begs her to free his family from the Eclipse and gives her their location. She then makes her choice regarding Olin’s fate, and regardless of her decision, she still heads off to free his family. After finding their location, she kills the Eclipse guards, and releases them from captivity. Before she can make her way to Maker’s End, Erend once again enlists her help in chasing a murderous fugitive named Korl. The pair track Korl, while Erend tells Aloy about his, as well as his sisters’ history. During the reign of the mad Sun-King Jiran he launched a series of attacks on other tribes called “the Red Raids”. During the raids, Erend and Ersa were part of a Freebooter Oseram team to protect their tribe, led by none other than Dervahl. Also in the team was Korl, who was especially savage to their Carja attackers. During one of their missions to rescue Oseram captives, Ersa was captured by the Sun-King. During her captivity, Ersa was thrown into the Jiran’s sacrificial arena: the “Sun-Ring”. There, she was forced to fight a “Ravager” machine bare-handed, and using her wits, she was able to retrieve one of the Carja guards’ bows to take the machine down before killing the guard. This tenacity ended up impressing Jiran, who then let her live. Erend and Aloy reach a bridge, but find it to be cut down by Korl. In order to continue following, they notice that they must climb to the cavern below, which is unfortunately swarming with hostile “Stalker” machines. Luckily, the pair spot a patrolling machine called a Tallneck (used for long-distance communication), and they hop aboard it to reach the other side. As they continue on, Erend continues his story about Ersa. After her battle in the Sun-Ring, Ersa was kept by the Sun-King Jiran as a slave. After biding her time working, Ersa met and befriended by the Sun-King’s son, Avad, who covertly helped her plan her escape while feeding her knowledge that would aid the Oseram Freebooters. Ersa executed the plan and escaped Meridian, meeting back up with the Freebooters outside. A few of the group, namely Korl and Dervahl, didn’t believe that she could have escaped on her own, and instead believed she made a deal with the Sun-King, but she spent the next two years proving her allegiance by using her abilities and the knowledge she stole from the Carja to take down their forces. One day, however, Avad showed up looking for help taking down his father, and Korl met the Carja prince with hostility, prompting a fight with Erend. Erend’s story is cut short once again when a giant, bird-like machine called a “Stormbird” attacks and the pair work together to make quick work of it before continuing their hunt for Korl. They soon find a lure and conclude that Korl left it there to stop anyone from following him. As Aloy searches the area for more clues on the fugitive’s whereabouts, Erend continues his story. While Korl wanted to take Avad as hostage, Dervahl agreed to work with the rebellious prince and his soldiers to take down the Sun-King Jiran. Avad then led them to another Carja named Balahn, who he recruited into their alliance. Later that night, however, Dervahl plotted to kill the Sun-King as well as his entire family line before burning down Meridian altogether. Erend overheard his plan and informed Avad and Ersa, and the latter decided to somehow get rid of Dervahl. She then fetched the man and took him up a mountain, pretending to celebrate before she attacked him and managed to push him into a crater on the mountaintop. With Dervahl out of the way, the Freebooters were able to recruit other Oseram, including a woman named Petra who invented a cannon able to blast through the Meridian walls. Ersa and Erend then confronted Korl, giving him the choice to go or stay, and he chose the latter, deciding that taking down the Sun-King was most important. Aloy finds an ingot on the ground, and Erend is led to believe that Korl must be headed to a nearby trading post. The pair head towards it, and Erend continues his story again, telling Aloy about the day the Freebooters finally attacked the Sun-King at Meridian. The Freebooters attacked the city at dawn, and breached the gates, freeing Meridian’s slaves, which joined the battle. This forced Avad’s child brother, Prince Itamen, to be sneak out of the city to safety. Korl looted a shrine during the battle, leading to his wanted status.  Erend’s story is interrupted as he and Aloy spot Korl. As they confront him, however, he pulls out one of Dervahl’s machine lures, and he tries to run off in the scuffle as two Longleg machines arrive. Aloy takes care of the machines, while Erend tackles Korl. Both Aloy and Erend emerge victorious, but as Erend tries to take their target captive, Korl pulls out a bomb and kills himself. After the explosion, Erend reflects on the journey and finishes his tale: Ersa and Avad led the charge and found the Sun-King Jiran in his quarters. Avad was unable to kill his father, so Ersa stepped in and did it herself, killing the Sun-King but allowing Avad to take the credit as the Carja’s new leader. Ersa then returned to Dervahl in his pit, and had him tortured as punishment for his plot to kill the Carja. Sometime later, Korl found the captured Dervahl and released him, and he began to plan his revenge on Ersa.  While Erend is mad that he ultimately can’t bring back his sister, Aloy consoles him, stating that now that he has told his sister’s story, he can finally learn from it. The pair then momentarily bask in their victory, before parting ways so Aloy can continue her journey.  Horizon Zero Dawn Returning to Olin’s lead, Aloy heads to Maker’s End, guided by the unknown caller who helped her at Rockwreath. Once she arrives, she finds Eclipse cultists reanimating a giant machine called a “Deathbringer”, which she is able to kill along with the cultists. She grabs a focus from one of the dead bodies, but when she activates it to learn more, she is instead met by HADES, now aware of (and angered by) her survival, before the Focus breaks and she heads into the ruins. Inside, she finds a locked door, which scans her identification, recognizing her as “Dr. Elisabet Sobeck” before opening and allowing her to pass into the buried remains of some kind of facility. The facility announces that Dr. Sobeck is late to a meeting with “Ted Faro” (which was supposed to take place hundreds of years ago). The unknown caller again contacts her and gives her information about the facility: Faro Automated Solutions, which was operated by the Old Ones, and where they developed the machines that now inhabit the land. Aloy climbs to the top of the facility to find Faro’s office, and watches archived recordings to learn that Sobeck, a former employee of Faro Automated Solutions, was contacted by Faro after a glitch was discovered in one of the company’s “Chariot”  war machines allowing them to go rogue. Sobeck examined the “glitch” to find that it allowed the machines, which were designed to fuel themselves from bio-organic life and self-replicate in controlled situations, to disobey their programming and overrun humanity, potentially to its extinction. To prevent this apocalyptic fate, Sobeck developed the plans for “Project: Zero Dawn”, a solution so extreme that Faro initially rejected outright, before Sobeck threatened to reveal “the real cause of the glitch”, forcing him to sign the proposal and initiate the project. In spite of this newly gained knowledge, Aloy is nonetheless frustrated at not learning any information about how Sobeck and her are related. This prompts the unknown caller to finally reveal himself via hologram through her Focus, and he introduces himself by the name “Sylens”. Sylens determines that the only way they could learn more about Sobeck is by continuing to search for information about her “Project: Zero Dawn”. Aloy figures the best place to continue the search would be the “U.S. Robot Command”, which Sobeck mentioned to be her destination in her last recording, and Sylens informs her that the ruins of the location are now called the “Grave-Hoard”. Aloy makes her way to the Grave-Hoard and fights through Eclipse cultists outside to enter the facility. Inside, she finds more Eclipse, trying to “wake” one of the giant Metal Devils. They bring forth another Deathbringer, and Aloy is again forced to fight and kill the machine and the surrounding Eclipse.  Further inside the facility, Aloy finds the recording of Dr. Sobeck after she presented Project: Zero Dawn to the military. As it turned out, the military agreed that Zero Dawn was their only solution, and they enacted “Operation: Enduring Victory”, which was to arm as many humans as possible to fight the machines and buy time for Sobeck to assemble her team and execute Project: Zero Dawn at a decommissioned Orbital Launch Base. Aloy climbs out of the facility and confers with Sylens about their next move. He locates the Orbital Launch Base, but it unfortunately now lies below the “Citadel”, a palace inside the city of “Sunfall”, which is currently being used as the capital of the Shadow Carja. The pair determine that since the Eclipse in the city will all be using Focuses, they would be able to detect Aloy as soon as she were to enter the city. Sylens surmises that if they could disable the network used to communicate with HADES, Aloy would stand a chance. Sylens leads Aloy to the Eclipse’s main base, and he instructs her to climb to the top of an immobilized Tallneck machine to disable a module installed by the Eclipse. This knowledge leads Aloy to suspect that Sylens was a member of the Eclipse, but he denies this, simply stating that he only “assisted” them before realizing their danger, which he is now trying to correct. Aloy reaches the top of the Tallneck and approaches the module, spotting HADES in the vicinity, apparently inside of one of the Metal Devils. She tries to remove the module’s casing, but she is shocked and thrown away from it. This alerts HADES, who appears before her and threatens that she cannot destroy it. Aloy regains her footing and plunges her spear into the module, disabling it and forcing HADES to retreat, calling upon its army to eliminate Aloy. A Deathbringer arrives and shoots the Tallneck, causing it to fall as Aloy flees. More Eclipse machines ascend upon Aloy and open fire, forcing her to scramble away before she manages to escape into a river. When Aloy washes up on shore, she again speaks with Sylens, angry at the man for sending her into the lion’s den without telling her HADES was there. While he callously admits to this calculated risk, he tries to focus her on the issue at hand. Aloy expresses her distrust, and Sylens shakes this off, stating that their mutual self-interest will ultimately lead them both to what they’re looking for. Aloy enters the Citadel in Sunfall undetected thanks to the network crash, and she spots a speech by one of the Shadow Carja’s leaders, Bahavas, who claims Prince Itamen is the true Sun-King, and his brother, Avad, is simply a traitor who killed their father. A woman named Vanasha then asks Aloy to speak with her somewhere private. This discussion leads to Vanasha revealing she is a spy sent by the Carja to rescue Itamen and his mother Nasadi to take them back to Meridian. Aloy later helps her accomplish this with the help of a defecting Shadow Carja named Uthid, and they are able to deliver Itamen and his mother to Avad. In Sunfall, Aloy is able to climb beneath the Citadel, where she finally finds the entrance to the Project: Zero Dawn facility. While the main security door recognizes her genetic profile, it is unable to open due to a malfunction. She authorizes an emergency venting override, which allows her to enter, but alerts the Shadow Carja to her intrusion. Inside the facility, Aloy learns the truth behind Project: Zero Dawn through various recordings and notes. As it turns out, Zero Dawn was not some kind of superweapon aimed at saving humanity from the Faro Plague. By the time the glitch was even noticed, it was already too late, and the machines had enough power to reduce the planet to a barren wasteland. Instead of fighting a futile battle against the machines, Sobeck, and her team of lead designers called “Alphas”, were instead tasked with finding a way to build a future for humanity after the machines destroyed civilization as they knew it. Sobeck’s intention was to create an intelligent terraforming system that could bring life back from lifelessness. This system would require several pieces, the most important of which would be the overarching AI guardian called “GAIA” that would serve as the core of the system, with various subordinate functions existing to carry out the other tasks required to rebuild the world. Among these were: MINERVA, which would brute-force the deactivation codes for the rogue Faro machines, as well as build the transmission arrays to broadcast these codes to shut them down. HEPHAESTUS, which would create and build physical machines to be used to carry out the tasks of the other functions using machine facilities called “Cauldrons”. AETHER and POSEIDON, which would detoxify the Earth’s atmosphere and water. ARTEMIS, DEMETER, and ELEUTHIA, which would repopulate the earth with animal, plant, and human life respectively through snapshots of genetic and biological material. APOLLO, which would hold a vast archive of human knowledge to educate the new humans as well as show them how not to repeat their mistakes. And finally: HADES, which Sobeck leaves unexplained in her recordings. Aloy examines the facilities to learn about the various subordinate functions and their creation, curiously finding the knowledge APOLLO held to be lost. When Aloy reaches the room where HADES was built, she finally learns its original purpose: to be a failsafe for GAIA should it’s procedure go awry that would wipe out life once again to allow it to start over.  Aloy then finds the “Alpha Registry”, which will allow her to clear the corruption at the door inside All-Mother Mountain to allow her to enter and finally find who, or what, birthed her and why. Just as she copies the data, however, the Eclipse arrive, and Helis, the man who killed Rost, then throws a bomb at her, and she is knocked unconcious by the blast. Helis then recovers her body, and locks her in a cell. When Aloy awakens, she is met by Helis, who expresses his regret for not killing her at the Proving. He then reveals that just before she shut down the Eclipse’s network, he had sent word to all of them to invade the Nora land and kill every member of the tribe. He then grabs Aloy’s Focus and destroys it, before lowering her cell into the Sun-Ring below, where she is forced to fight a corrupted “Behemoth” machine. Using her quick wit, Aloy is able to lead the giant machine into destroying the pillars holding up the platform above, and when it falls, she is able to reclaim her equipment and weapons. She then engages in battle with the Behemoth, and after destroying it, Helis sends forth a pair of Corruptors to kill her. While she challenges Helis to fight himself, the Corruptors advance on her position.  Just as she appears trapped, Sylens appears in the flesh as he bursts through the arena gate on a Strider, with another on his side. Aloy jumps on and the pair escape while more of Sylens’ overridden machines distract the corruptors. Outside Sunfall, Sylens gives Aloy a new Focus, with a copy of all of her old one’s data. Aloy asks Sylens for his help warning the Nora about the impending Eclipse attack, but he refuses, claiming to have to make preparations elsewhere. The pair then go their separate ways, as Aloy heads towards the Sacred Lands of the Nora to protect her people. When Aloy reaches the Nora lands, she finds it already under attack from the Eclipse. Aloy fights her way through the attacking forces to regroup with the remaining Nora army, and they are able to successfully fend off the attackers. Aloy then enters All-Mother mountain and finds the High Matriarchs. While Lansra still meets Aloy with hostility and doubt despite all she’s done for the Nora, Aloy simply brushes her aside and approaches the large security door.  Aloy is able to restore the Alpha Registry, and the door recognizes her as Elisabet Sobeck, opening before her and allowing her to enter. Aloy passes through the doorway and finds a facility, called “ELEUTIA-9”, where the human embryos were gestated and artificially born after the extermination caused by the Faro Plague. Aloy views recordings of the humans that were born and raised in the facility, but eventually, they were forced to exit into the lands outside once the food supplies ran dry. Without the knowledge meant to be left behind by APOLLO, these humans reverted to the tribe-like mentality that Aloy experienced in her lifetime. She then comes across a recording from the GAIA subroutine, where it explains that a transmission of unknown origin reached the GAIA Prime facility and transformed the subordinate functions into chaotic, self-aware entities. This awakened the HADES function, which took this to mean that it must render life extinct once more to start anew. To prevent this, GAIA ordered the facility’s reactor to overload in order to destroy HADES; but this action would also destroy her as well as the other subordinate functions.  Knowing that without GAIA, the terraforming system would need a new governing intelligence, the AI birthed Aloy using Elisabet Sobeck’s genetic material, calculating that she would uncover a Focus and one day view her message to hopefully reboot GAIA. Unfortunately, HADES saw this coming, and transmitted a virus, allowing it to escape out into the world before the reactor overloaded.  GAIA’s final instruction is to reach the ruins of “GAIA Prime” and obtain the “Master Override”, with which Aloy will be able to finally destroy HADES. Now knowing that she was not born from a mother, but rather a machine for a specific purpose, Aloy is left shaken. Sylens, still observing her from afar, tries to snap her back into focus, asking her to meet him at the ruins of GAIA Prime. Aloy then exits the facility, meeting the Nora inside the mountain, who perceive her as the “anointed” since she was able to speak to the All-Mother. Aloy rejects this title, frustrated that she was once shunned for the same thing she’s now being praised for, and instead implores the Nora to focus their efforts on fighting against HADES and the Eclipse, which are bound to soon attack Meridian. At some point during her investigation into the Eclipse, Aloy hears rumors of trouble with new machines and “talking spirits” in the lands of the Banuk tribe, known as “The Cut”. She travels to these frozen wilds, and observes a Banuk funeral for the tribe’s best warriors, who died but whose bodies were never recovered.  During the ceremony, the tribe’s chieftain, Aratak, refers to a “Daemon” that is driving the machines of the land against them. Aloy learns from a merchant named Burgrend that a shaman named Ourea originally pushed the Banuk towards finding the Daemon at a place called “Thunder’s Drum” before vanishing. Aloy attempts to learn more about this Daemon, and Burgrend leads her to the shaman’s apprentice, named Naltuk, who left to learn more about rumors of a new machine. Aloy finds Naltuk and speaks with him about new “Control Towers” that have appeared in the Cut, pulsing the Daemon’s energy and corrupting the machines in the area. She destroys the control tower and machines in the vicinity, and Naltuk leads her to the “Shaman’s Path”, a treacherous route that will lead her to Ourea. Aloy follows the path, fighting more dangerous machines than she has seen up to this point, including a formidable foe called a “Frostclaw”.  After fighting through these machines and reaching the end of the Shaman’s Path, Aloy finds Ourea’s Retreat, and finds the shaman amongst the ruins, attempting to speak with some kind of spiritual force. Aloy speaks with Ourea, and uses her Focus to re-establish communication with the “Spirit”, which the Daemon interrupts before terminating the transmission. Impressed by her ability to speak with the Spirit, Ourea agrees to help Aloy find a way to set “her” free by reaching Thunder’s Drum. Ourea devises a plan for Aloy to challenge Aratak for the position of Chieftain in order to allow her passage to the area. Aloy returns to Aratak and challenges him, with Ourea backing her claim, revealing that the two are siblings. This prompts a challenge between the two for leadership over the tribe, but during the trials, the Daemon corrupted machines attack, forcing the two to team up to fend them off. After the battle, Aratak is left so impressed by Aloy’s abilities that he cedes leadership to the Nora hunter, allowing her and Ourea to head to Thunder’s Drum. Aratak accompanies the pair on their travels, and the trio reach the ruins of the “Firebreak” facility, where they find that the governing AI, CYAN, which Ourea came to know as the “spirit”, was taken over by the “Daemon”, HEPHAESTUS (one of the subordinate functions turned rogue AI by the unknown signals).  Aloy fights through HEPHAESTUS’s fabricated defenses to reach the core of the facility, the Cauldron EPSILON, and she tries to override it’s programming. HEPHAESTUS prevents this, however, releasing an electrical shock which incapicates the hunter. Ourea then picks up Aloy’s spear and continues the override, successfully destroying the cauldron, but mortally wounding herself in the process. As Aratak mourns his sister’s death, CYAN announces that it has transferred itself to an auxiliary control center at Ourae’s Retreat. Aloy gives her condolences to the former warchief, as the facility begins to self-destruct, forcing the two to narrowly escape before it collapses. Aloy and Aratak make their way to Ourea’s Retreat, and CYAN shows Aratak recordings of his sister showering her pride in the man. Overcome by sadness, Aratak leaves the facility, leaving Aloy to speak with CYAN alone. The AI reveals that HEPHAESTUS wasn’t destroyed with the cauldron, but it will at least be set back in its attempt to take back the control of the machine production facilities. After some more discussion with CYAN, Aloy heads off to find Aratak. Aloy finds Aratak and speaks with the man, who thanks her for her helping the Banuk in his own way. The pair reflect over Ourea’s fate, and Aloy encourages Aratak to re-take his place as the warchief as she needs to return to her own fight, but he first asks for her help in destroying HEPHAESTUS's remaining machines; a task she respectfully accepts and carries out. When Aloy is ready to continue her quest, she ascends the path known as the “Bitter Climb” to reach the ruins of GAIA Prime. Near the end, she is attacked by a Stormbird, and defeats it to continue into the ruins. There, she finds the mountain ripped apart due to an explosion caused by GAIA’s self-destruction.  She soon finds one of Sylens’ workshops, where she speaks to a projection of the man. Aloy fears that GAIA will be too damaged to re-activate, but Sylens holds hope that once HADES is destroyed, they’ll be able to slowly repair the AI using a Cauldron. Aloy enters the remains of the GAIA Prime facility, and finds Elisabet’s journals, although they are nearly destroyed. Aloy retrieves them, hoping that over time, her Focus can repair them so she can learn more about the scientist.  She then comes across a memorial dedicated to Elisabet, and she listens to a recording from one of Project Zero Dawn’s Alphas, and Aloy learns that when one of the hatches on the facility’s port seals disengaged (risking it being found by the Faro machine swarm), Elisabet sacrificed herself by donning an environmental protection suit before going out alone to repair the seal, permanently locking her outside. While the Alphas inside the facility mourned her decision, Elisabet was at peace knowing that her work was done, and the project would ultimately save humanity. She then bid her farewells to her teammates, stating that she wanted to “go home”. After a quick chat with Sylens about Elisabet’s sacrifice, Aloy finds the facility’s control room, and inside she is shocked to find the skeletal remains of Project Zero Dawn’s Alphas. She watches a recording of the final meeting inside the room, where a very shaken Ted Faro broke into their system and addressed the Alphas. He revealed to them that he purged APOLLO, destroying the information that led to their current situation so those in the future wouldn’t be doomed to repeat his mistakes. He then vented the air out of the control room, suffocating and killing the Alphas. Aloy retrieves the Master Override from the control room and returns to Sylens’ workshop, where she finds the man in the flesh once again. He makes a final confession to the woman, revealing that he was the one who uncovered HADES, and assisted the AI after it promised him knowledge. As it turns out, Sylens had not only “assisted” the Eclipse in the past, but he actually helped create the goup. Sylens then explains that HADES final move will be to attack one of MINERVA’s transmission towers, called “the Spire” near Meridian, in order to use it to transmit a signal to all of the dormant machines to awaken and purge the world of life once more.  Sylens gives Aloy his Lance, then leaves her to complete the mission she was born to, and the two part from each other. Aloy then fits the Lance with the Master Override, giving her a means to inject it into HADES once she is close enough to it. She then heads to Meridian to prepare for the Eclipse’s forthcoming attack on the Spire. Aloy warns the Sun-King Avad about the attack, and they prepare their forces for defense, including the various allies Aloy has made through her journey thus far. Aloy then heads to Olin’s now vacant apartment and rests before the final battle. Aloy awakens the next day and rushes to meet with Avad as the pair witness an explosion before a swarm of the Eclipse and their giant machines rush from its source. Aloy has Avad prepare his defenses, and she spots Helis, who she challenges one-on-one. The pair fight and Aloy emerges victorious, stabbing Helis in the abdomen, finally killing him and avenging Rost’s death. Aloy then rushes to Meridian’s gates and helps her allies hold off the attacking machines. While doing so, however, a Deathbringer fires upon a structure above her, bringing it crashing down and knocking her down. As she passes out, she sees the machines pulling HADES’ chassis toward the Spire. Aloy later awakens to find herself rescued by Teb, and she leaves him to take care of the wounded while she rushes to the Spire. As she reaches its base, she looks up to see the tower transmitting HADES’ signal across the land, awakening various buried machines which emerge, preparing to indiscriminately destroy all life.  Aloy climbs the Spire to find Erend, Varl, and either Sona or Talanah waiting for her. With her friends and allies help, Aloy fights HADES final form of defense: a powerful Deathbringer. Aloy is able to defeat the machine, leaving HADES wide open. She then rushes to the AI’s chassis and drives the Lance inside of it, triggering the Master Override. This causes an electrical interference, and Aloy’s Focus displays a holographic image of the Master Override, which Aloy sees as Elisabet Sobeck, purging the extinction protocol. This shoots out a new transmission from the Spire, which deactivates all of HADES’ re-animated machines, finally bringing an end to the corruption across the land, as well as the threat of humanity’s second extinction. With Erend and Varl at either side, Aloy lifts her bow in triumph toward Meridian, and the humans celebrate their victory. Sometime later, Aloy’s Focus is able to repair Elisabet’s journal, and she is able to find the woman’s childhood home. She travels there, and finds the remains of a body inside of an environmental protection suit, surrounded by a triangle of flowers. Aloy touches the suit, and her Focus activates, projecting an image of a face on the suit: that of Dr. Elisabet Sobeck. Aloy, finally meeting her “mother” face-to-face, simply smiles, and takes a locket from her hand before looking to the sky. Back at the Spire, HADES emerges from its chassis and transmits into the sky, finally reaching a nearby Sylens, who catches the AI in some kind of cage-like contraption. Reunited with his “old-friend”, Sylens reveals that he plans to find out who sent the transmission to GAIA Prime that awoke the AI to get to the bottom of the recent events. Weeks after HADES’ destruction, Talanah is back at the Hunter’s Lodge, taking her place as the Sunhawk, now training her new “thrush”, or initiate, Milu. She is prompted to solve a dispute with a Hunter named Kyran who demands the Hunting Contract for a village called Rising Light, which Talanah ultimately refuses due to his men’s lack of experience and skill.  Their argument is interrupted by the Sun-King Avad, who offers Talanah a spot as an advisor to his “Council for the Restoration of Meridian”, which she accepts. Two days in, however, Talanah (along with Erend), find the task to be extremely arduous and boring. They soon get some excitement, as the city’s perimeter alarm sounds, and they rush off to defend the gate from attacking machines. After a quick battle, Talanah realizes her true place is out Hunting, not attending to bureaucratic tasks. She then accepts the contract for Rising Light herself, and she leaves Meridian on her own to carry it out. Talanah soon finds the prey the contract called for: a “Clawstrider”, which she attempts to slay before it reunites with it’s pack, quickly overpowering the hunter and forcing her to flee. She tries to escape to a cave, but one of the machines is able to stab her abdomen with its claws as she pierces it’s skull with her staff. Talanah then passes out from her injuries. Sometime later, she awakens on a bed inside of a makeshift hut inside the cave, surrounded by healing items and food left for her by an unknown party. She emerges from the cave to find Kyran and his men (a team of mercenaries called “The Burnished Sons”) attempting to complete the contract despite being denied by the Lodge. They kill another machine, called a “Grazer” before running off to find the Clawstrider.  Talanah spots a young boy looting the downed machine and he introduces himself as Talvo. Talvo warns the hunter about “the man in the woods”, before they are attacked by a Clawstrider with black armor. The pair are then rescued by this man in the woods, before Talvo runs off. The man introduces himself as Amadis (the man who rescued and tended to Talanah), and she fills him in about the black-armored machines: a week prior, before Aloy headed off to find Dr. Sobeck’s home, the pair fought a pair of this “new breed” of machines, which apparently are more dangerous than the others.  Amadis reluctantly agrees to work with Talanah to take down the Clawstrider, and he helps track the machines to the north. The pair follow the tracks to an abandoned manor (defaced with the sigil of the “​​Kho Veriv” family) where they find a dead Burnished Son, alongside what appears to be drag-marks from a downed Clawstrider, leading Talanah to believe Kyran completed the contract. They then determine that in order for Kyran to turn in the contract, he would have to go to Sunbreak Valley to find the group of trappers that issued it. The pair then come across Kyran speaking with Duvad, the leader of the trappers, about their kill. While Kyran tries to collect payment for killing the single Clawstrider, Duvad explains that the contract was to eliminate the entire pack. As the pair attempt to negotiate a new deal, the black-armored Clawstrider ambushes them and attacks, forcing Talanah and Amadis to join in to help. They are able to knock it into a river, but are unable to celebrate their victory, as the Burnished Sons turn their weapons on Talanah and Amadis, claiming an even larger bounty than the Clawstriders’. Kyran reveals that Amadis has a heavy price on his head, referring to him as “the traitor of the southern spear”. Before they can capture the man, however, he grabs Talanah’s arm and pulls her off the cliff into the river below, and they soon wash up near a waterfall. In the cave beyond the waterfall, Amadis fills Talanah in on his past: Amadis, the last member of the Beit Raveesh family, was a member of the Sun-King Jiran’s army during the Red Raids. After being sent into a region known as “the Forbidden West”, Amadis began to regret being an agent of Jiran’s brutality. This led him to meeting a fellow Carja soldier, a woman named Nessa, disguising herself as a man in order to serve in the army. The pair then worked together to secretly keep casualty numbers down, defying their orders to protect the innocent citizens of the Forbidden West. This went well until one day, Amadis’ superior officer, General Gediah Kho Veriv ordered an attack on The Southern Spear, which Amadis knew would lead to the defeat and the death of the Carja squad, including Nessa. Amadis tried to run off to stop the attack, but Gediah lunged at him with a blade, which Amadis turned back on him, killing the General in self-defense. Amadis then ran off to the Southern Spear, but found he was too late, reaching only the remnants of a horrible battle, with Nessa’s body among the wreckage. After his tale is done, Amadis shows Talanah a piece of Nessa’s helmet that he keeps as a pendent to remind himself of his failure, and she tries to encourage him. She then tells her own story about how her father spoke out against the Red Raids, leading to his death, as well as her brother’s, at Jiran’s hand. This is what gave her the desire to reform and rebuild the Lodge in their honor. The pair are then interrupted by the black-armored Clawstrider, which Talanah is able to ambush and kill. She investigates where it came from, and finds a Cauldron hidden in the cave. Fearing the Cauldron was the source of the new breed of machines, she devises a plan to collapse the cavern to block the Cauldron’s gate. Before they can carry it out, however, they are shocked to see a giant machine, called a  “Shellsnapper”, emerge from the waters within the cave. As the pair run from the machine, Kyran and the Burnished Sons enter the cave to search for them. Talanah then lures the Shellsnapper to the Burnished Sons and uses the distraction to escape with Amadis. Talanah stays behind with Amadis’ hood, and he runs off ahead. As the Shellsnapper and the Burnished Sons emerge from the cave, Amadis returns, with one of the black-armored Clawstriders in tow. Amadis submerges into the water, and Talanah shoots the Shellsnapper’s shell, causing it to detonate an electrical explosion, blasting away the Clawstrider and the Burnished Sons.  Talanah and Amadis then work together to bring down the giant machine, which they are able to do. They are unable to celebrate, however, as Kyran climbs atop the disabled machine and announces his intention to cash in the bounty from Kho Veriv’s family and then take Talanah’s place as Sunhawk in the Hunter’s Lodge. Suddenly, the Shellsnaper awakens and kills Kyran. Talanah then takes the dead man’s spear, dashes under the machine, and stabs it through it’s exposed underside, finally disabling it for good. Afterwards, Amadis takes Talanah back to the abandoned manor, revealing it was his family’s home. The pair then separate, with Amadis heading back to the Forbidden West to find Nessa’s body and lay her to rest, while Talanah returns to the Hunter’s Lodge, taking her responsibility as Sunhawk, and finishing her contract, getting more out of it than she had originally hoped. And with that, we reach the end of Aloy and her friends’ tale so far. Thankfully, we won’t have to wait long to find out what happens next, when the story picks back up six months after HADES’ destruction with Horizon Forbidden West. Hey everybody, thank you so much for watching this one. It wound up being way longer than I expected, but I really wanted to dive deep into the story of this game, as I loved playing through it. I do ask that you leave a like if I helped you out, and make sure to subscribe for all my new videos, and ring that bell if you want to make sure you catch the streams where I play through the games I cover. You can also follow me on Twitter for updates, @SuggestiveGames, and you can come chat with myself and the community by joining our Discord server in the description. If you really want to show your thanks, you can support by becoming a channel member here on YouTube, or by heading over to Patreon. Both those links are in the description below, and I want to take the time to thank the folks helping me out every month, whose names are on screen now. Thanks again guys, bye!
Channel: Suggestive Gaming
Views: 426,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horizon zero dawn, horizon zero dawn story explained, horizon zero dawn story recap, horizon zero dawn story review, horizon forbidden west story, horizon forbidden west story explained, horizon forbidden west storyline, horizon zero dawn story so far, horizon zero dawn explained, horizon forbidden west, horizon zero dawn timeline, horizon story, horizon zero dawn story, horizon zero dawn storyline, horizon zero dawn lore, project zero dawn, horizon, forbidden west, zero dawn
Id: rmx0uL-CXkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 14sec (3494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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