Dead Island - The Story So Far (What You Need to Know to Play Dead Island 2)

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With Dead Island 2 right around the corner  (believe it or not), I, Suggestive Gaming,   figured now would be a great time to go over  the story so far. As always on this series,   there are a couple caveats. For a series that  is just now getting a proper second installment   over ten years after the initial release, there  have been a variety of spinoffs released during   that time, most of which publisher Deep Silver  consider to be non-canon. As such, I’m going to   cover the first installment, Dead Island, and it’s  standalone expansion, Dead Island: Riptide, in the   first part of this video, then I’ll briefly cover  the stories of the questionably canon spinoffs,   Escape Dead Island, Dead Island: Epidemic, and  Dead Island: Retro Revenge in the second part. Now for the things I won’t be covering in this  video. I will not be covering the novelization   of the first game (since the story is the same  as its source material). I also will be leaving   out all of the comic books (both the Marvel  and Dark Horse published entries) since I was   unable to get my hands on nearly any of  them and they’re practically nonexistent   these days. I can’t imagine their stories will  be that integral to the sequel in that case. Now, without further ado, this is What  You Need to Know about Dead Island. Our story begins at the Royal Palms Resort on  Banoi Island, off the coast of Papua New Guinea.   There, we find a drunk guest of  the hotel stumbling into a party   filled with several VIPs. Among them are  former pro football player Logan Carter,   rapper Sam B (who is performing at the event),  firearms expert and bodyguard Purna Jackson,   and finally, secret Chinese spy and employee of  the resort Xian Mei. During the party, however,   some guests begin to go insane and bite others.  The drunk patron doesn’t seem to notice this,   and stumbles back to their room where  they pass out, leaving their fate unknown. Around this time, we find Colonel Ryder White of  the Australian Defense Force, being interrogated   by his superiors regarding his loyalty to his  mission. After proving himself by pledging his   ability to kill his own wife (hesitatingly),  Ryder is assigned to a mission on Banoi Island. The morning after the party at the Royal Palms  Resort, the aforementioned VIPs awaken to find   the hotel in a state of disarray, overrun with  the zombie-like “infected”, who mindlessly kill   and devour anybody in their path. After our four  heroes are attacked and bitten by an infected,   they are then aided by a group of survivors  to escape the hotel. While they pass out,   they awaken to find themselves  unaffected by the infected’s bite. Seemingly immune to whatever  infection is ravishing the island,   the heroes then help the de facto leader  of the survivors, lifeguard John Sinamoi   defend the beach house they are currently taking  shelter in from attacking infected. Afterward,   Sinamoi receives a radio transmission from an  unknown man, who offers to help the survivors   escape the island so long as they get  to his location to take him with him. After the transmission is cut short,  Sinamoi elects to move the group to   the main lifeguard station, where  they can use a stronger radio.   The heroes then recover Sinamoi’s access  card and clear out the lifeguard station,   allowing the rest of the survivors to follow  and make it their new base of shelter. After working more with Sinamoi to provide  support for the survivors, the heroes head   to the nearby lighthouse where they meet another  group of survivors led by a man named James Stein.   They then help James power up the lighthouse in   exchange for a signal amplifier for  the radio at the lifeguard station. After returning with the amplifier, the  heroes help out Sinamoi and the survivors   further before heading to the hotel’s parking  garage in search of a truck they can use to   break through a blockage to the entrance  of the tunnel leading to the nearby town.   Traversing through the hotel, the heroes meet  a surviving security guard named Mike Davis,   who offers to lead them to the garage  if they find his fellow guard, Ken.   The heroes find Ken, unfortunately too  late. While they are able to provide him   with morphine for his pain, they are forced to  simply watch as he passes from his injuries.   Luckily, the heroes are able to work with Mike  to reset the hotel’s security systems and finally   reach the parking lot, where they retrieve the  truck before driving it to the lifeguard station. The heroes then work with a surviving,  although recently bitten, mechanic named Earl,   as well as his daughter Jin, to reinforce the  truck to ensure safe travel to the city. After   the truck is reinforced with armor, Earl only  agrees to hand over the keys if the heroes take   Jin with them to safety. After the young woman  says her goodbyes to her father, she reluctantly   goes with the heroes to find more supplies for the  survivors, starting at a church within the town. Around this same time, Ryder White is just above  Banoi Island in a helicopter. After executing a   bombing run that destroys several bridges to  part of town, the chopper’s co-pilot turns   out to be infected and attacks the other  pilot, causing the helicopter to crash.   When Ryder awakens, he finds  himself the sole survivor. Colonel White then helps the various security  forces on the island as he awaits an evac   helicopter. After boarding it, White contacts  his wife, Emily (who is stationed at a prison   on a neighboring island), to ensure her  safety. He receives terrible news, however,   as she tells him that she has been bitten  and infected, and instructs him to stay away   from her to protect himself. Ryder instructs the  helicopter pilot to change course to the prison. There, White finds his wife strapped to a bed,  nearly completely turned from her infection. He   then meets a prisoner named Kevin Barrister,  who claims to have been taking care of Emily.   White finds and meets with Kevin face-to-face,  recognizing him as an international terrorist   hacker codenamed “Charon”. White reluctantly  works with Charon to restore power to the   prison so he can recover some Tetracycline  to use to slow down Emily’s infection. After protecting the church from infected, the  heroes help the survivors inside, including Mother   Helen, who tells them to search the wealthy part  of town for supplies. With the bridges destroyed,   however, they are forced to follow a man named  Joseph into the sewers, where they reach the   wealthy part of town, meeting Mayor Todd Tanis  inside the Town Hall. The mayor provides them   with little help, forcing the heroes to reach out  to the unknown man on the radio once again. First,   however, they agree to help Jin provide for the  survivors at the church and the lifeguard station. Soon, they learn that Jin had been captured  trying to help the survivors at the police   station (in spite of the heroes not wanting  to help them), forcing them to save her.   After saving Jin and delivering  the supplies to the survivors,   the heroes return to Sinamoi to use the antenna,  but learn that it still isn’t powerful enough.   They then head back to the hotel to use the radio  there to contact the unknown man, who reveals that   he is inside the nearby prison island. When the  group questions him, he claims to be Colonel Ryder   White, instructing them to meet with a smuggler  named Mowen who can get them into the prison. After helping some locals in a nearby village,   the group find Mowen and take him to a research  lab on the island (operated by pharmaceutical   giant “GeoPharm”) in hopes to use the heroes’  seemingly immune blood to find a cure for the   infection (which the man claiming to be Ryder  White intends to use to cure his wife Emily). There, the group meet Dr. West and the  rest of the researchers in the lab,   and provide samples of their blood. Dr. West  reveals that the infection is a mutated strain   of a degenerative neurological disease  called “Kuru”. He also explains that the   island’s natives had first gotten infected,  with other natives also showing immunity.   Hoping for more data to compare, Dr. West sends  the heroes to the natives’ village to convince   them to provide their own blood samples. The  group head to the village and prove themselves   in a combat arena in order to convince the  villagers, who provide them with blood samples. Dr. West then studies the samples and sends  them back out to find tissue samples from   someone who was never infected. The  group find a woman named Yerema on the   way and rescue her, bringing her  and the samples back to the lab. While Dr. West continues his work, Mowen  finally agrees to take the heroes to the   prison island. The group help him prepare  for the journey, and Jin finally returns to   her now fully infected father to say her  goodbyes and put him out of his misery. Meanwhile, Dr. West speaks with Charon over a  video call, revealing that the “antidote” he   is working on is actually a modified form of  the virus for Charon to use in a terroristic   plot planned by his employers, a secret  organization known as the “Consortium”.   West reveals that he was able  to derive the virus from Yerema,   whose blood contains the pathogen in its pristine  form, making the woman a “walking timebomb”. Dr. West still intends to study  the pathogen to create a vaccine,   but Charon instructs him to leave it be. West  defies this order and ends their transmission,   before attempting to take more blood from  Yerema. Yerema grows afraid of the doctor,   and locks herself in a nearby cage in order  to prevent him from taking more of her blood. Charon watches this unfold from the lab’s security  cameras, and as the doctor tries to operate the   controls to open the cage, Charon hacks the lab’s  security to instead open the cages for all of the   other infected being studied in the lab, which  quickly overrun the facility and kill Dr. West. After administering the Tetracycline to  Emily, Colonel Ryder White returns to   Charon and observes these events, but continues  to work with the hacker. Ryder then clears out   the prison’s showers to allow safe entry for  the heroes’ imminent arrival to the island. As the heroes and their group prepare to embark  on their journey, however, the voice on the radio   (who had actually been Charon all along,  unbeknownst to them) calls them and reveals   that something is going on in the lab. The group  investigates and finds it overrun with infected. They find Yerema, who explains what happened to  Dr. West, believing it was he who accidentally   opened the cages. The group then finds  the supposed “antidote” West developed   and finally boards the boat. The heroes, Mowen,  Jin, and Yerema then travel and reach the prison. Meanwhile, inside the prison, Ryder finally loses   his patience with Charon and holds  him at gunpoint, demanding answers.   Charon lies and states that the group are  bringing an antidote, and the pair rig an   elevator with a knockout gas trap so that they  can steal it from them as soon as they arrive. When the group reach the prison, they work with a  prisoner named Titus Kabui before it gets overrun   with infected after the other prisoners attempt an  uprising. After escaping they reach an elevator,   but as soon as they enter it, it is filled  with the knockout gas, and they pass out. Charon and Ryder White watch the result  of their trap from the control room,   but White decides to take matters into his  own hands. Holding him at gunpoint again,   White locks Charon inside the control room and  steals the “antidote” before retrieving Emily,   and taking her to the roof for evacuation. When the group awakens, they are met by Kevin  Barrister (whose true identity as the terrorist   “Charon” is unknown to them). He tells them that  Ryder White was the one who knocked them out,   took the antidote, and left. Kevin also reveals  that White inteads to unleash nuclear bombs onto   the island to wipe out the virus. The group race  to a helipad atop the prison to confront White,   and after fighting through hordes of infected  on the way, they finally meet him face-to-face. The colonel holds them at gunpoint, with his wife,  now fully infected and still strapped to her bed,   alongside him. White tells them that he’s  in contact with doctors in Sydney who can   use Dr. West’s antidote to create a widespread  cure. Jin then releases White’s wife, Emily, who   ends up biting the colonel. In anger, White shoots  Jin, who falls to her death shortly after. Ryder   White is then forced to inject himself with the  “antidote”, and instead of curing him, it mutates   him into a larger, stronger beast. The heroes are  then forced to fight and kill the Infected White,   before Kevin commandeers the helicopter  and flies them off towards a naval fleet. Meanwhile, reports of the events  on Banoi, its quarantined status,   as well as the infamous hacker  “Charon” are heard across the world. When the helicopter reaches the naval vessel, the  group exit it and are immediately apprehended by   the Australian Defence Force, led by Lieutenant  Colonel Samuel Hardy. Hardy explains that they   must be detained in a quarantined area strictly  as a precaution. However, another man arrives   shortly after, and Charon recognizes him as  another agent for the Consortium: Frank Serpo.   Serpo takes Charon and Yerema with him (although  Yerema fails to try to escape by biting a guard),   and he sends the immune heroes  down to the “lab” to be tested on. After their first round of experiments, the  heroes wake up inside their holding cell to   find another immune captive: former Australian  Defence Force Sergeant John Morgan. Soon, however,   they awaken to find that the ship has been  overrun by infected due to Yerema carrying   the virus and transferring it to the guard and  Hardy is forced to unlock all of the cell doors. The heroes fight their way through the ship to  reach the upper deck, where they find Hardy and   Serpo arguing about the latter evacuating before  the Consortium agent takes off in a helicopter,   leaving everyone else behind on the boat. With  the captain now dead, the group fight towards the   bridge, and while they are able to get inside,  Hardy isn’t able to steer the ship in time,   and they run aground on the shores of Palanai  Island, still within the Banoi Archipelago. A woman named Harlow Jordan finds the immune  survivors from the shipwreck and leads them   to the Paradise Survival Camp (although Charon  and Yerema’s whereabouts are still unknown).   After protecting the camp from hordes of  attacking infected, the immune heroes reunite   with Sam Hardy. Hardy explains that while he  was trying to look out for their best interest,   Serpo and the Consortium (who are rumored  to be trying to weaponize the plague for   use as a bio-weapon) superseded his orders.  Hardy offers his help by directing them to   a military outpost in the nearby city  of Henderson, but the group will have   to get there by boat before the military  nukes the area to cover everything up. After learning that all of the boats  have left the nearby fishing village,   and that the only road to Henderson has been  flooded, the group are left with one last option:   to use underground tunnels built by the Japanese  during World War II. Unfortunately, those are also   flooded, forcing the group to retrieve a water  pump to clear their way. After setting it up and   defending it against the infected attracted by the  noise, the group are able to enter the tunnels. Inside however, they are exposed to a chemical  mutagen that mutates the virus (which they had   been warned of by a researcher named Dr. Kessler).  This mutation turns one of the other survivors,   Wayne, into a powerful monster. The group contact  Kessler, who fears that their exposure to the   chemical may have affected their immunity, but  the heroes nonetheless continue on to Henderson. Using an old ferry, the group finally cross a bay  to reach the town of Henderson. Unfortunately,   they soon find that the city has also been overrun  with infected, including the military outpost.   After taking shelter in an  abandoned movie theater,   however, the group soon find  that Harlow has gone missing. Sam Hardy then leads the group to the military  base, where they are able to use a radio to make   contact with a third party. Unfortunately, the  only person they can reach is none other than   Frank Serpo. Serpo claims that Hardy has been  lying to them, and that he intends on rescuing   them so they can work on a vaccine. Furthermore,  Serpo denies any plans of nuking the island.   Serpo then signs off by telling them that he’ll  send a chopper to pick them up at the theater,   leaving them with a warning to not trust Hardy. Back at the theater, Hardy admits that he  lied about the nuke in order to motivate   the heroes to act quickly, but  they nonetheless work together   to clear a landing zone for the chopper,  planning to commandeer it after it lands   to ensure all of the survivors (not  just the immune) are able to escape. When the chopper arrives, Serpo’s  men instruct only the immune to   get on board. When Hardy defies  this order, he is shot and killed.   The heroes then shoot the chopper down with a  rocket launcher, and it crashes at a nearby fort. The heroes investigate the fort to search for  Serpo and soon find him. Serpo then tells them   that Harlow had been working against them the  entire time, working to steal the virus and   the data for a vaccine simply to make money off of  whoever would buy it from her for the highest bid. The heroes then follow Harlow to a lab  near the docks inside the Quarantine   Zone and find her. When they question  her, Harlow reveals that the outbreak   on Palanai was actually a conspiracy  planned by the government to test a   new bio-weapon’s effectiveness. She further  explains that when she was caught breaking   into the lab to search for the vaccine,  they tested the mutagen chemical on her,   sending her into a rage that caused her to kill  all of the uninfected researchers in the lab. When the heroes try to talk her down so they  can escape, Harlow attacks in a fury. After a   short battle, Harlow injects herself with more  of the mutagen so she can stop them, mutating   into a larger creature. The heroes are forced to  continue the fight, but when they find themselves   no match for Harlow’s mutations, they’re forced  to take the mutagen themselves to level the field. The mutated heroes are finally able to  defeat Harlow and seemingly return to normal.   As Harlow lays dying, she warns  the heroes not to leave the island,   as they’ll risk infecting the rest of the  world with their dormant mutated virus.   In her final breath, she calls them the  “angel of death” before finally dying. Shortly after, the group reach a boat, and Serpo  arrives in tow. He admits that Harlow was telling   the truth, and his organization had indeed spread  the virus discovered on Banoi to study its effects   as a bio-weapon. While Serpo states that they’ll  need his help to cure themselves of the mutagen,   the heroes leave him behind as they board  the boat, simply watching as a group of   infect rush and finally kill him. As  the infection rages on the island,   the surviving group sail off  towards an unknown future. Six days later, on an unknown island distant from  Palanai, an unknown woman listens to a news report   indicating that the crisis in Banoi and Palanai  is over, and life is returning back to normal   as the virus was contained within the area. She  looks up and sees the survivors’ boat floating   towards her dock, mysteriously with nobody  on deck. Suddenly, however, its hatch opens,   leaving the future of our heroes, as well as  the virus and its mutations, unknown… for now. While this brings us to the end of the canon  storyline of Dead Island, there are a few other   “Dead Island” games that have come out over  the years. These games all have questionable   canonicity to the mainline games, as “Escape  Dead Island” was reportedly intended by its   developers to be a non-canon sidestory (although  some of the lore it introduces may be canon to the   overall backstory), “Dead Island: Epidemic”  was canceled before it was even released,   and “Dead Island: Retro Revenge” is  more of a retro-style throwback novelty. For the sake of completion, however,   let’s take a look at these stories as  well, starting with Escape Dead Island. This story begins two days before the outbreak  on Banoi Island. A secret operative named Rob   infiltrates a GeoPharm lab on Narapela Island  in search of a mole who leaked the information   about the virus (and GeoPharm’s research on it) to  Charon, who intends to release it into the entire   island. With remote help from Xian Mei (working  undercover on Banoi for the Hong Kong Police), Rob   fights through the already infected researchers in  the lab to finally reach the mole. After killing   him, Rob speaks with Charon on the phone, who  claims that his motives are to bring an end to the   supposed conspiracy group, the Palm Garden Order’s  “monopoly on power”. Rob then hides the data left   behind by the mole inside a bathroom for later  extraction, but is never seen or heard from again.   Outside, the virus has escaped, and the  entire island of Narapela is now infected. Six months later, we find Cliff Calo, son of  media mogul Tom Calo, sailing to the Banoi   Archipelago on his father’s boat (which he stole).  Believing the government to be covering up what’s   really happening on Banoi Island, Cliff along  with his friends Linda Waterson, a reporter,   and Devan Mavropani, a graphic designer, hope  to break the story to the general public.   Cliff also hopes that this story will end up  being a valuable asset to his father’s company,   putting him back in his good graces after Tom  decided to leave the family business to Cliff’s   sister after the young man’s wild college  partying proved him to be unfit to run it. Due to Banoi’s harbors  being closed to all vessels,   the group instead dock on the  shores of Narapela. On the beach,   the group are surprised to find a shipping  container adorned with the GeoPharm logo.   While they’re investigating, however, the  ground begins to shake, and Cliff’s father’s   boat mysteriously begins to sink. Cliff tries  to swim back to it, but passes out in the water. Sometime later, Cliff awakens, inexplicably inside  one of the shipping containers in the jungle.   Exploring, Cliff comes across the  zombie-like infected inhabiting the island.   Cliff gets past them, finding a rope to use  for traversal before he reaches a marina,   where his head begins to throb and he begins  to receive strange messages hinting that   things may not be as they seem. Back on the  beach, Cliff is forced to dodge more storage   containers which are strangely falling  from the sky. He’s too slow, however,   as one seemingly falls directly  on him, knocking him out again. When Cliff reawakens, he now finds himself inside  another shipping container on the beach with his   clothes tattered. Linda arrives and reveals  to Cliff that he had been passed out since   he tried to stop the boat from sinking (which it  unfortunately did, stranding them on the island).   Strangely, however, Cliff still has  the rope he found in his “dream”. Cliff, Linda, and Devan then find their way  into the jungle and hike up to the top of a   nearby mountain. On the way, however,  they find piles of torn apart bodies.   While At the mountaintop, they spot a large  villa, a village, an airfield, and the marina.   As Linda and Devan argue over where to go  first, Cliff spots a radio on a bench nearby.   Cliff hears an unknown woman speaking on the  other end, but is distracted when Linda and   Devan grab his attention to go with them to  the village to interview the island’s natives. On the way, however, the bodies in the piles  awaken, and while Cliff fights off the infected,   one of them is able to bite Linda.  After Cliff eliminates the threats,   he and Devan spot a cloud of smoke coming from  the airfield. Devan takes Linda back up to the   mountaintop to recover, and Cliff heads to the  airfield to investigate. On the way, Cliff gets   a call from Linda on the radio, although she  strangely doesn’t let him speak with Devan. Once he reaches the airfield, Cliff finds a  crashed plane with Xian Mei inside. She escapes   the wreckage, and Cliff fights off an arriving  horde of infected. After an alarm begins to sound,   attracting even more, Xian gives Cliff a pistol  to use to protect her as she disables the alarm. Afterwards, Xian and Cliff enter  the airfield’s security room.   Cliff asks Xian if Linda will become one  of “them”, and Xian explains that if there   were any cure on the island, it would be  in the GeoPharm research lab. She then   tasks Cliff with shutting off the power  in the nearby village so they can find   three keycards in order to unlock the “master  key” that they can use to get inside the lab. In the village, Cliff finds several  video recordings of Dr. Faith Kimball,   a GeoPharm scientist hired directly  by the company’s CEO, Emory Crown,   to research “regenerative medicine” in hopes of  finding a cure for the infection. Unfortunately,   her research ultimately led nowhere,  and the infected ravishing the island   seemingly halted it, as her last recording  ends abruptly with her being attacked. After Cliff successfully cuts the power, Xian  sends him the locations of the three keycards   to recover. Cliff successfully recovers all  three, experiencing more visual and auditory   abnormalities in the process. Returning to the  security room, Cliff unlocks the door to find the   lab’s main keycard. Suddenly, he begins to hear  his father speaking about leaving his business   to his daughter, before a poisonous gas fills  the room, causing Cliff to pass out once again. Cliff later wakes up inside of a strange  room, opening the door to find that he   was inside of another storage container atop the  mountain. Exiting, he finds Linda on the ground,   before she is taken away by a giant mutated  infected. This turns out to seemingly be a dream,   however, as Cliff then awakens once more inside  of the same room. This time he exits to find Devan   standing alone. Cliff asks him where Linda  is, and Devan explains that the last night,   Linda was barely even breathing, so there’s  no way she could still be alive. When Cliff   states that he had been talking to her via radio,  Devan reveals that they never even had a radio.   While Devan tries to plead with Cliff to come  with him to the marina to escape the island,   he instead decides to head to the  lab to find the cure for Linda. On the way to the lab, Cliff again hears  “Linda” speak to him through the radio,   and he eventually reaches and enters the  GeoPharm lab. There, he reunites with Xian Mei,   who gives him a shotgun before heading into  the lab ahead of him. Cliff explores the lab,   soon finding Rob’s sword, leading Xian to reveal  to Cliff via radio that the data he found must   still be stashed somewhere in the lab. Cliff  soon finds the data hidden in the bathroom   and makes a copy of it before he continues on,  soon finding Dr. Kimball being forced to work   with the giant mutated infected Cliff saw in his  dream: another GeoPharm doctor named Aaron Welles. The pair are apparently testing a cure on Linda’s  body before Cliff interrupts. Welles gives chase,   and Cliff narrowly escapes through a greenhouse   before finding himself back in the room  inside the storage container on the hill. Cliff makes his way to the marina to  search for Devan, but when he arrives to   meet him at a boat he found on the pier, Cliff  begins to hallucinate again. When he comes to,   Cliff realizes that the boat Devan found  has been destroyed and he has gone missing.   Shortly after, Cliff’s father Tom then  calls out from a helicopter flying overhead,   and he instructs his son to meet  him at the helipad immediately. Cliff rushes to the helipad, dealing with more  raining storage canisters, auditory hallucinations   of Linda calling him on the radio, and more  infected on the way. Just before he reaches   his destination, Kimball calls Cliff to inform  him that Devan had been captured by Welles. Finally at the helipad, Cliff speaks  with his father, who tells him to give   him the data he found at GeoPharm. Cliff  refuses, and the helicopter flies off,   leaving Cliff to fight off a horde of infected  before he’s pulled into another hallucination.   Inside, Cliff comes across a now fully-infected  Linda. Sick of the hallucinations and guilt,   Cliff lets his frustrations take hold as he  fights and defeats her before passing out again. Cliff awakens yet again inside the room within  the storage container on the mountain. Leaving it,   he receives a call from Xian Mei, who  tells him to leave the island immediately,   as it’s rigged to explode very shortly. Cliff then  speaks with Kimball once again, who tells him to   get to the villa, where she’ll help him rescue  Devan as long as they help her escape as well. Inside the villa, which belongs to GeoPharm CEO  Emory Crown, Cliff begins to see the infected take   on a new, shadow-like form. He fights through them  before coming face-to-face with the mutated Aaron   Welles once again. Cliff runs from him, learning  on the way that Charon intends to use the virus   before the “Palm Garden Order” conspiracy group  can use it to control the world. He also mentions   that his father, Chase Barrister, was “taken out”  by PGO, and warns Cliff that he will be as well. When Cliff finally escapes Welles, he reaches an  elevator, which takes him directly into the belly   of the beast: Emory Crown’s office. There, Cliff  finds Kimball, who reveals that she has completed   the cure for the virus. Kimball tells Cliff that  he must use it, but just then, Devan rushes Cliff   from behind and bites him. Cliff grabs the  serum, but suffers a massive hallucination. In it, Cliff sees Linda and Devan, but an  infected specter of himself bites Linda,   before he is forced to kill it. A manic Cliff  then continues on as “Linda” pleads to him   to “wake up” and use the serum. Eventually,  Cliff sees Devan in his vision, who implores   him to wake up and save them, as “they” have  them strapped down to beds to experiment on. After one more vision of his father, Cliff  finally reaches his final battleground, where   he fights the infected Linda once again before  he’s forced to take on the massive Aaron Welles.   After emerging victorious, Cliff finds himself  in front of the serum, as well as Devan’s corpse.   Realizing he was unable to save his friends,  Cliff picks up the serum and uses it on himself. Sometime later, Cliff awakens on the beach,  and Crown’s villa explodes behind him.   Hoping to at least help the rest of the world,  Cliff places all of the data he obtained on the   outbreak as well as GeoPharm’s involvement  in a waterproof case and sets it out to sea. After six months of drifting, the case finally  hits, but bounces off a boat: Tom Calo’s boat.   Aboard this boat are Linda Waterson, a reporter,  and Devan Mavropani, a graphic designer,   hoping to break the true story of the  Banoi Outbreak to the general public.   Along with them is Cliff Calo,  whose clothes are already tattered… This brings us to the story of Dead Island:  Epidemic. While the game never saw a full release,   its story focused around the island of  Amaia, also in the Banoi Archipelago,   where a surviving John Sinamoi arrives. There,  he is again met by a group of survivors,   but instead of being simply immune to the virus,  these heroes are instead mutated and strengthened   by it. The group then spend their days fighting  off the infected on the island together. Finally, we reach Dead Island: Retro Revenge.  This story revolves around a video game enthusiast   named Max living within the now zombie-infested  California. One day, he sees his cat, Rick Furry,   being kidnapped by a group of bandits.  Fighting through zombies and bandits alike,   Max is able to successfully reunite with Rick  Furry, and the pair work together to return home. This all turns out to be a dream,  however, as Max awakens on his couch   to find his video games in his hand, and  his furry companion safely at his side.   Unfortunately, this is only momentary, as  the infected slowly advance on their home. This brings us through the storyline of every  Dead Island game released (and unreleased)   thus far. In just a few days, we’ll see  where the second mainline installment,   Dead Island 2, finally takes us; over a  decade after the events of the original game. Hey everybody thanks for watching! This  video, like all of the others in this series,   could only be possible thanks to the  Patrons and channel members on screen,   and you can help out by becoming one of  them as well. Otherwise just leave me a   comment letting me know what you’d  like to see next. Join the discord,   follow on twitter, all that fun stuff that’s  in the description as well. See you next time!
Channel: Suggestive Gaming
Views: 377,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dead island 2, dead island story, dead island, dead island full story, dead island 1 story, dead island riptide story, escape dead island story explained, dead island story mode, dead island story so far, dead island story explained, dead island plot, geopharm, dead island 2 storyline, dead island storyline, dead island timeline, dead island riptide story explained
Id: tHyFQQ0lWuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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