Dying Light Timeline - The Story So Far (What You Need to Know!)

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With Dying Light 2 right around the corner  I, Suggestive Gaming, figured now would be   a great time to take a look at where the story  currently stands to get ready for the long-awaited   sequel. A couple notes before we start: as always,  I’ll have to leave some stuff out in order to keep   this video succinct. This includes most of the  side-stories and optional quests in the first   game, to better focus on the main story. I also  won’t be talking about Dying Light: Bad Blood, the   standalone battle royale title, since it’s pretty  light on story elements. Additionally, I won’t be   going over the “Dying Light 2” audio stories over  on the official YouTube channel of the game, since   they’re mostly standalone, but I’ll leave a link  in the description if you want to check those out. Another quick note is that since the DLC  expansion, “The Following”, has three possible   endings (and developer Techland is keeping  quiet on which one is actually canon, although   there’s a pretty good idea of which one is),  I’ll be covering all three during that section. Also, because this video will likely get  demonetized thanks to… a lot of talk about things   that are coincidentally currently affecting the  world. I’ll just leave a quick reminder that I’ve   got a Patreon where you can directly support the  channel and keep these videos coming out faster   while being bigger and better. Or you can become a  member here on YouTube, if that’s more your style;   links for both are in the description.  Obviously not required but insanely appreciated. Alright, without further ado, this is  What You Need to Know about Dying Light. Our story begins in the year 2014, where we find  Dr. Khalim Abbas working in a free clinic in the   slums of the city of Harran, Turkey. One  of his patients, a boy named Jorin Baydar,   comes in with flu-like symptoms after claiming  to have been bit by a man in the Slums square.   While Abbas simply writes it off as a stomach  virus, the boy's feral behavior seems to point   to something a bit more serious. This is proven  when the boy is brought back in a few days later,   but violently escapes, biting several  family members in the process.  As the days continue, more and more cases  of unexplained violent attacks and missing   persons occur in the city, but despite Abbas’  protests, President Hamid refuses to postpone   the Global Athletic Games that are to  be held in the city in the coming days,   instead tasking the doctor with finding  out what’s causing the medical dilemma.  The Games are allowed to go on, but the increased  population only causes the reports of murder   and missing persons to skyrocket. Abbas  assembles a package of some blood samples   of his patients to send to a colleague named  Dr. Christina Marlow in the United States,   but somehow loses the attached  letter on his way to the post office,   leaving him to send her only the package. He then  stops at the New Town High School where strange   chant-like noises have been heard. As he  enters, however, he is attacked by a massive   swarm of the yellow-eyed mindlessly aggressive  Infected, who immediately kill the doctor. At the games, an event later  referred to as “D-Day” occurs,   when a horde of Infected enter the Games  and attack the spectators and competitors.   Two weeks later, Harran is placed under quarantine  after the number of Infected grows beyond control.   An eighteen year-old American athlete in the city  for the Games named Mel Wyatt takes refuge in a   hotel inside an area referred to as “Nightmare  Row”. When the hotel is attacked, however, she   is forced to escape on her own, getting bit by an  Infected during her escape. Rumors of an incoming   medicine airdrop from the recently formed Global  Relief Effort, or GRE, give her hope to survive. Mel fights her way through Infected and  uninfected alike to reach the City Hall,   where she believes one of the airdrops will land.  There, she also spots her lost brother, Paul,   now Infected and completely turned. As she runs  from the Infected outside City Hall, she enters   the building and takes refuge in the office of the  “Harran Commission of Health”. Inside, she finds   Dr. Abbas’ items, including his letter to Dr.  Christina Marlow, which he dropped on the floor.  In it, Abbas describes the rabies-like  virus taking control of the city,   as well as the government’s inaction to prevent it  and attempts to instead cover the entire thing up.   He also explains that the New Town High School  has become a hot-bed for the newly infected. While in the office, the now Infected Dr.  Abbas stumbles across her and attacks,   and she kills the animal  that used to be the doctor.  The next morning, Mel finds a supply drop from  the GRE, and inside she finds a single remaining   syringe of medication labeled “ANTIZIN”. Not  knowing if the medication helps the already   Infected or not, she decides to try to use  it to save her brother instead of herself.   She heads to the New Town High School, referred  to by other survivors as a “Nest” of the Infected,   and there she is able to disguise her own smell  with the blood of corpses to enter the building.   Inside, she finds her Infected brother, and  formulates a plan to give him the medicine. After heading back out into the city  to gather supplies (helping a pair of   uninfected girls escape from a biker  gang from the Slums along the way),   she returns to the school with freshly crafted  Molotov cocktails. She quickly finds Paul,   and using the cocktails, she is able to create  a diversion and get Paul out of the school.  Mel gives Paul the medicine, but begins to  succumb to the effects of the virus herself.   When the medicine doesn’t cure her brother, she  is forced to use her revolver to put him out   of his misery, before turning it on herself,  using her last bullet, but missing the shot.   She is then forced to turn, and begins  to hunt her new prey as an Infected. Two months after the initial outbreak in Harran,  the GRE send an undercover agent named Kyle Crane   into the quarantine zone to track down a political  figure named Kadir Suleiman, who (blaming the GRE   for his brother’s death) stole a file from  them containing highly sensitive information   about the structure of the virus, which if  released could pose a huge threat to mankind.  After parachuting into the city, Crane is  forced to make a rough landing, allowing   him to be ambushed by a group of bandits, led by a  man named Tahir. He uses his firearm to fight off   the bandits, but the shot draws the attention of a  nearby Infected, which bites Crane’s arm. Luckily,   he is rescued by a woman named Jade Aldemir, who  is able to get him to safety before he passes out. Crane finally awakens three days later, and  finds himself inside an apartment building   in the Slums known among the survivors as “The  Tower”. There, he meets Jade’s brother Rahim,   who tells him about a lost survivor  on one of the Tower’s other floors.   Crane decides to look for the survivor  to prove himself, and once he’s alone,   he calls his superiors and fills  them in, admitting his infection,   which they claim he can temporarily keep at bay  if he can find some of the Antizin suppressant. Crane finds the lost survivor and helps administer  some first aid until the Tower’s physician, Lena,   can arrive to tend to him. Now seeing Crane’s  worth, Rahim asks the man to meet him again,   and when he does so, Crane finds  Rahim arguing with his sister about   the former’s plan to use explosives to destroy  a nearby Infected nest before she storms off. Rahim takes Crane to the Tower’s rooftop  and teaches him the basics of parkour,   a skill he will soon find useful to escape  the Infected in the city. After the training,   however, Crane begins to have a seizure as a  result of the virus taking hold inside of him.   Rahim then sends Crane to find a Dr. Imran  Zere nearby who can provide him with a shot   of Antizin, and he then retrieves a weapon  and heads out into the city of Harran alone. Crane finds the doctor in his mobile research  lab where he is currently trying to develop a   vaccine for the virus. In the meantime,  he gives Crane a dose of the Antizin to   temporarily keep him from turning. After a quick  call with Rahim, Crane talks with Zere’s guard,   Spike, who tasks him with arming a set  of traps to allow the Tower’s leader,   Harris Brecken, to retrieve a  GRE supply drop of Antizin.  Crane arms the traps, contacting the GRE on   the way, who inform him to steal all of  Zere’s research as part of his mission.   Crane takes shelter for the night,  and wakes up to bad news from Spike:   despite their efforts, Brecken’s mission  failed, and the man was left severely injured. Crane returns to the Tower, and Jade informs  him that Brecken was ambushed by bandits,   who attacked him and stole the airdrop.  Crane finally meets Brecken face-to-face,   and he volunteers to retrieve the next airdrop so  Brecken can stay behind and heal from his wounds.   Brecken reluctantly accepts Crane’s help  and he heads out, helping Lena retrieve   some medication for Brecken’s head trauma,  before finding the location of the airdrop. Unfortunately, the bandits beat Crane to the first  drop, but he is able to get to the second one just   before sunset. He calls the GRE, who believe that  the bandit’s leader, known locally as “Rais”,   is very likely the man they’re looking for,  so they task him with destroying the Antizin   to force a meeting between Rais and  the Tower, which Crane can broker. After burning the Antizin, Crane calls  Jade and lies, telling her the medicine   is missing. Night then falls, and Crane is  forced to run from the darkness-dwelling,   powerful Infected variant known as “Volatiles”  to return to the Tower. There, Crane interrupts   a meeting between Brecken, Jade, and Rahim  about buying Antizin from Rais. He offers   to meet the man to set up the deal, and Brecken  shows him where the bandit leader’s location is. At Rais’s Garrison, Crane is met by Tahir  once again, who seems to recognize him but   lets it pass. He then briefly meets with Rais, who  claims he will take Crane’s services and loyalty,   and Tahir sends him to meet with  Rais’s quartermaster, Karim.   Karim sends Crane to climb and repair  some communication towers. On his way,   Crane calls the GRE and positively  I.D.’s Rais as his target: Suleiman. After repairing the antennas, Crane  returns to Rais to retrieve his payment,   but the warlord refuses to hand over the Antizin,  instead offering a double-or-nothing assignment to   go collect payments from nearby settlements. Crane  then travels around the city and strong arms these   payments from a man named Jaffar, another  named Gursel, and finally one named Morgan. On his way back to Rais, Crane receives a frantic  call from Brecken informing him that someone has   fully turned, creating an outbreak on one of the  Tower’s floors. After rushing back towards the   Garrison, Crane gets another call, this time  from Karim, who instructs him to investigate   a missing patrol that was transporting some  documents. After finding the dead patrol,   and the documents, Crane runs back to the  Garrison to finally collect his payment. As expected, Rais again alters the deal, and  instead of paying the promised two crates of   Antizin, the warlord only parts with five  vials. He then proposes his final condition   for the full payment: bringing Jade back  to his arena to fight for his amusement.   Crane refuses, but Rais tells the man to  leave and think about his offer. Outside,   Crane calls the GRE, who urge him to fulfill  Rais’s request in order to complete his mission. Crane returns to the Tower with the five vials,  handing them off to Jade before speaking with   Brecken, who snaps over losing the entire floor to  the virus and learning that the GRE have stopped   the Antizin airdrops. Crane calms him down and  promises to get the Antizin from Rais somehow   before going to the roof, where he finds a drunk  Rahim. The young man tells Crane about his plan   to blow up a nearby Infected nest inside a  skyscraper to make their nighttime running   missions easier. The boy then stumbles off the  edge of the roof, and Crane quickly grabs him,   saving his life and earning his trust and  starting a partnership between the two. Crane sneaks off and calls the GRE, asking them  to restart the Antizin drops near the Tower,   but they refuse, instead prodding him to get  Jade to Rais’s arena. Right after, Crane receives   a call from Jade about a nearby school where  Rais’s men have been loading boxes. Believing   this to be where Rais is storing his supply of  Antizin, Jade asks Crane to meet her nearby. At the school, Jade and Crane watch Tahir  kill a trio of survivors before driving off,   and the pair sneak inside the school separately.  Crane searches for the Antizin, but comes up   short. The pair regroup in the basement, where  they open a box to find what Rais was hiding:   not Antizin, but instead a cache plastic  explosive. Rais’s men then attack, forcing   Crane to fight them off as a diversion while  Jade escapes the school with the explosives. After the battle, Crane returns to the Tower  and warns Rahim not to use the explosives and   instead allow him to execute the plan to destroy  the nest. Crane then meets with Dr. Zere about a   rare type of zombie he has seen at night, known  as a “Bolter”, and the doctor asks for a sample   of their tissue to study. During the night, Crane  is able to sneak and kill one of the creatures,   taking the sample back to Zere. Zere inspects  the tissue and finds that it had been mutated   by an altered strain of the virus he had injected  into bait he left around the city. Believing this   to mean they can use this knowledge to alter the  strain further to eventually formulate a cure,   Zere proposes that Crane delivers the research to  a Dr. Camden in the “Old Town” section of Harran.   Crane agrees, and the doctor asks him to come back  later to give him time to assemble the package. As he leaves Zere’s lab, Crane gets a call from  Rahim. The panicked man tells him that he had   gone to blow up the nest despite his promise,  but the plan went awry. The call cuts off,   and Crane rushes off to rescue him. Crane  finds Rahim hiding in an abandoned train car,   and kills the Infected surrounding it  to find the injured young man inside.   Rahim quickly hands Crane the explosives, which  he had already armed to explode in mere minutes,   and Crane rushes to the nest to plant them.  Luckily, Crane is able to plant the explosives in   time, and he escapes just before they detonate,  destroying the Infected nest in the process. Crane returns to the train car to find  a terrible surprise, an infected Rahim,   now turned after being bitten during his attempted  mission. Crane is regretfully forced to kill Rahim   before returning to the Tower to break the  news to Brecken. During their conversation,   they turn to see Jade, who overheard the  entire thing, and she promptly runs off. To   make matters even worse, the pair then hear an  explosion outside, coming from Zere’s trailer.  Crane goes to investigate and finds  the doctor missing with his lab aflame.   Knowing that Zere’s capture was Rais’s  payback for stealing the explosives,   Brecken sends Crane to the Garrison to rescue  him. Crane gets to the Garrison and breaks inside,   calling the GRE for backup. He’s surprised  to find that the GRE doesn’t answer his call,   but instead finds the Ministry of  Defense on the other end of the line,   who tell him that the GRE’s mission has been  abandoned, and they instead plan to bomb the   city to eliminate any trace of the virus. Crane  explains that Zere has almost found a cure,   and the man on the other end gives Crane a 48 hour  deadline to prove it before they drop the bombs. Crane fights through Rais’s men in their compound,  finding Dr. Zere, who explains that he gave his   research to Jade before his capture. Suddenly  the lights cut, and when they turn back on,   the pair find Rais with his men holding them at  gunpoint. Tahir grabs the doctor, and Rais reveals   that he allowed Crane to reach him to give up the  location of his research. Rais then tells his men   to search for Jade before stabbing Zere in the leg  and having Crane taken to his arena, aptly named:   the Pit. One of Rais’s men then bludgeons Crane  with the butt of his rifle, knocking him out. When Crane comes to, he finds himself in the Pit,   while Dr. Zere is being held hostage above. Rais  hints that he knows about Crane’s “lies” before   leaving him weaponless to fight a horde  of Infected. Crane survives the arena,   and Rais simply states that “the GRE  selects its operatives well”, revealing   that the warlord had known the undercover  operative’s true nature all along. He then   gives the order to his men to release the file  he had been holding as leverage to the public.  Crane chastises Rais for releasing information  that could end up harming masses of people,   but Rais shrugs this off, telling him that the  GRE never intended to use the data to make a cure,   but they instead planned to weaponize  the virus to sell for profit.   Rais then orders his men to kill Crane, but he is  able to very quickly outmaneuver them, grabbing   a nearby machete and using it to kill Rais’s  guards before slicing off the warlord’s hand,   retrieving his gun from the ground and  shooting the guard holding Zere hostage. Crane rushes to the moving platform lifting  Zere from the pit, and finds the doctor with   a knife in his chest. Zere leaves the man with  one final plea to save the people of Harran   before dying from his wound. Just then,  Rais cauterizes his wound with a torch,   and orders his remaining men to shoot Crane.  Crane runs to escape, but as he clears the   compound he again begins to feel the effects  of the virus taking hold, and he passes out. Crane awakens later to find that Brecken had  rescued him and hid him from Rais’s men. The pair   discuss Jade, who tried to take Zere’s research to  Dr. Camden in Old Town, but when Rais attacked the   doctor’s lab, he allowed a flood of Infected  inside and barricaded himself in the middle.   Crane then enlists the help of a group called  “the Saviors”, who help him get into Old Town. After fighting through another ambush from Rais’s  men, Crane emerges in the quarantined Old Town,   where he meets with a woman named Troy  who puts him in contact with Jade.   Crane finally reveals to Jade that he had  been hired by the GRE, but stresses the   importance of getting the information to the  Ministry of Defense before they bomb the city.   Angered at the betrayal, Jade  cuts the communication line,   but Troy reveals that the last time Jade  was seen, she was at the nearby university.  Crane goes to the university and asks the  survivors settled there about her whereabouts,   but learns nothing. Crane then calls Troy and  she tells him to come back to her location to   see something they’ve discovered. Troy’s group,  the Embers, had broken through the signal blocking   in the area, and they watch a news broadcast  about the GREs implication in the virus outbreak,   as well as news of an announcement of Harran’s  president claiming that the city was now   only inhabited by infected, giving an  excuse to destroy the city with no backlash. Crane helps the Embers detonate a  series of explosives in a pattern to   send a message to anybody observing the city  that conscious humans are still in the area.   After detonating the explosives, the  Ministry flies a plane through the building,   destroying the message and  making the plan for naught.  Crane’s actions end up serving a  purpose after all, as they prove   to Jade that he does intend to  help the survivors in Harran.   The pair agree to meet in person, but  when Crane arrives at the meetup spot,   he only finds a message left by Rais, written  in blood, beckoning him to come to the museum. Crane learns that Rais has been using the museum  as his stronghold, and he finds the museum’s   custodian, who tells him about a secret entrance  to the building through a series of underwater   tunnels. Crane swims through and enters  the museum, where he is confronted by Rais,   who shows Crane images of the captive Jade. Rais  then sicks his men on Crane, who fights them   off while traversing the museum, eventually  finding the room where Jade is being held. Inside, Rais once again speaks with Crane, this  time revealing that when Crane fixed his antennas,   it allowed him to listen in  to all of their communication.   Knowing that with Zere’s research he now holds the  true bargaining chip with the GRE, he releases a   wave of Infected into the room to kill the  pair. They are able to fight them off, but   as they go to escape, Jade collapses. Rais then  reveals that Jade had been bitten hours prior.  Rais throws Crane a vial of Antizin, instructing  him to choose between giving it to the woman   to prevent her imminent turning, or take it  himself to prevent his own. Jade takes the vial,   and asks Crane to promise that he will be one to  kill her when the time comes. He then begins to   have another seizure, and hallucinates following  Jade through a dreamscape where he eventually   finds her as an Infected, attempting to kill him.  He is soon snapped out of the dream to find Jade   injecting the Antizin into him while he holds her  neck, and he lets her go. Rais sends his men in,   and Jade swiftly takes them down before biting  into the last one’s flesh, fully turning. After Rais walks away, Jade lunges at  Crane, and he is forced to snap her neck,   fulfilling his promise. Tahir then attacks  Crane himself, but Crane is able to defeat   the man in battle, recovering Jade’s bag, finding  tissue samples inside but not the other research.   He then executes Tahir before exiting the museum. Before taking the samples to Camden, Crane and  the Embers decide to broadcast a message to the   world using a signal booster atop a giant antenna  to try to stop the bombing, which is due to happen   within hours. After fighting through an army of  Infected, Crane is able to climb the tower and   transmit the message, broadcasting to the entire  world that there are still survivors in the area,   forcing the bomber planes to abort their mission  and fly away. Crane then receives a call from the   GRE offering him a safe escape from the city in  a helicopter in exchange for Zere’s research,   but he refuses, knowing they’ll only use the  cure to further cover up their corruption. Crane returns to Old Town and makes his way  to Camden’s lab. There, he travels through   the facility while Camden reminisces about the  events that led to him winding up there in the   first place, and Crane pieces together that  he wasn’t the only GRE operative sent into   the quarantine zone. When Crane finally reaches  Camden, he gives the doctor the tissue samples   before leaving to find Zere’s missing research.  Beforehand, however, he decides to call the GRE.  When he calls them, however, he is shocked  to hear an unexpected voice on the other end:   none other than Rais, who reveals that he took  the deal to hand over Zere’s research to the GRE   in order to secure his own exit from the  city so he can continue to wreak havoc   outside its walls. He then prompts Crane  to come find him in order to stop him. Crane then fights through the Infected (as well  as the effects from his own infection) on his   way back to Rais’s headquarters in the slums,  eventually climbing the tower there to find the   warlord waiting for him at the top. Rais throws  the package of research to Crane, who catches it,   but is soon met by the next thing Rais throws:  a knife, which lands in his chest. Crane drops   the research, and Rais begins to swing a blade  wildly. Crane is able to outmaneuver the man   and stab him with his own blade, leaving  him incapacitated to die from his wounds. As he goes to grab the research, the GRE  helicopter arrives, and the distraction allows   Rais to get up and push Crane over the edge of the  tower. While hanging on by one hand, Crane is able   to throw the research back on the roof before  pulling the knife from his chest and plunging   it into Rais’s neck, finally killing the man as he  falls off the tower. Crane then climbs back up to   the top of the roof and secures the research.  The GRE then call him and ask him to hand   over the research, but he refuses, stating that as  long as the cure exists inside the city’s walls,   they can’t bomb it. The helicopter flies off,  and Crane gets a call from Camden, who states   that between the tissue samples and the research,  a cure will definitely be possible. Crane then   heads off to deliver the package to him, now  with a new sense of optimism and determination.  While Camden works on the cure, Crane is  contacted by Lena about a man who spoke to   her about people immune to the virus, as well as  domesticated Infected and some kind of “magic”.   Lena gives Crane a map the man was  holding, which shows a way out of Harran.   The man suddenly awakens and grabs Crane, telling  him to stay away and warning of “the Mother”. Crane follows the map and finds himself outside  the city walls, emerging into the Countryside   surrounding Harran. Crane finds a settlement,  and there he meets one of their elders, Jasir,   as well as his daughter, Ezgi. Jasir refuses to  answer any of Crane’s questions, but another man,   named Kaan (an outsider to the group) explains  that the locals are part of some kind of cult,   called the Children of the Sun, that  follows a woman called “the Mother”.   Before answering more of Crane’s questions,  Kaan proposes a partnership between the two,   sending him off to retrieve a buggy  from a neary group of bandits. When Crane returns to the settlement, however,  he finds Kaan gone, with Ezgi in his stead,   stating that the group finally asked him to leave.  Ezgi surmises that in order for her group to   cooperate with him, he’ll have to prove himself by  helping them out with various tasks and errands.   Crane then drives around the  countryside in his newly acquired buggy,   meeting and helping the  various survivors of the land. Through his travels, Crane learns  more about the Children of the Sun,   the Mother, and her priests (known as “the  Faceless”). After proving his intentions are pure,   Crane is invited to a lake called “the Eye of  the Sun” to be blessed by the mother. There,   Crane finds a ritual in progress being led by  the Mother, where he is surprised to see Kaan,   seemingly completely indoctrinated by the group.  The Faceless then walk through the crowd holding   censers emitting a blue gas. When Crane inhales  the gas, he begins to hear the mother speaking   with him telepathically, and he soon finds that  nearby infected are no longer hostile to him.   He soon collapses, and when he awakens, he finds  the crowd dispelled, and the Mother now gone. At this point, Jasir gives Crane a keycard  left behind by a former military officer. Using   this key, Crane can stumble upon nuclear launch  codes, as well as the key to a military transport   vehicle. Inside the vehicle, Crane finds a nuclear  warhead, and if he decides to, he can use the   launch codes to detonate the bomb and bring the  virus, as well as all of Harran, to a fiery end.  Otherwise, Crane continues to help the Children  of the Sun, also referred to as “the Following”,   eventually finding a field covered in the  blue gas. Crane inspects the field and finds   the remnants of a military transport vehicle,  including empty crates. The Faceless reveal that   the Mother found this “elixir” that works as a  temporary solution to the virus. They are working   on a project with “more permanence”, and ask  Crane to find more of the elixir to buy them time. Crane investigates the cave where the  Following originally found the elixir,   finding another destroyed military vehicle,  as well as dead members of both the Following,   as well as the remnants of Rais’s gang, much  to Crane’s surprise. In order to find the   stolen elixir, Crane tracks down the bandits to a  granary which they are using as a makeshift base.   There, Crane finds a kidnapped Faceless named  Brother Orcan, tortured to near death. Orcan   reveals that the bandits followed them to steal  the cure, but they didn’t know how to open it,   so they went after the Mother. In his dying  breath, he tells Crane to go to the Lighthouse. At the lighthouse, Crane is attacked by the  bandits’ leader, who he is surprised to find is   none other than Kaan. Crane forces Kaan to reveal  his men’s next move, and he points to the dam,   where they intend to enter the Mother’s den and  kill her. In an attempt to kill Crane, the bandits   shoot missiles at the lighthouse, bringing it  down. While Kaan dies in the fall, Crane survives   without a scratch, and grabs what remains of  the stolen vials before racing to the dam.  When Crane enters, however, he finds a slew  of Faceless murdered, as well as a trail of   slaughtered bandits. As Crane looks for the  Mother, she telepathically tells him her story: When the outbreak occurred, the Mother and her  husband were bitten, and before the man died in   her arms, he gave her a cigarette case containing  a map, a key, and a list of numbers. This led the   Mother and her group to the dam, where she found  a locked container which the numbers opened   to reveal the vials. With no other choice, the  Mother ingested the serum inside. She then passed   out, and when she awoke, she found that she had  turned into “Sentient Volatile”. In the light,   she maintains control over her own mind, but in  the dark, the virus takes hold and she becomes   one of the feral creatures. She then learned  that when the gas is vaporized, its effects are   weakened, and she was able to use that knowledge  to gain her following and take care of her people. Crane tries to ask her for the vials  to save his friends at the Tower,   but she refuses to give it to him, knowing  that whatever serum is inside is no cure,   but instead a different curse. She then  gives him a final choice: to activate   a nuclear warhead the military hid inside the dam  as a failsafe to completely eradicate the virus. If Crane chooses to help the Mother,  she leads him to the warhead,   and he realizes that her husband had left  the launch codes with a man named Atilla,   who Crane had previously helped before the man  left him the codes in his death. Crane then   inputs the launch codes, and the Mother thanks him  just before it detonates, fulfilling her perceived   purpose and destroying the virus, sacrificing  the thousands of nearby lives along with them. In the most likely ending, Crane  refuses to activate the nuke,   instead trying to force the Mother to hand over  the vials. Knowing he wants the serum so badly,   she then opens one of the containers and pours  it into his mouth, forcing him to drink it.   Feeling anger over his refusal to help her  save humanity, the Mother then attacks the man,   and a battle ensues. While her abilities as a  Sentient Volatile prove to be a challenge, Crane’s   own transformation due to his ingesting the  serum begin to close the gap in their abilities. Crane is able to defeat the Mother in combat,  and she pleads with him one final time not to   take the serum, as it will poison all of mankind  and doom it to their same fate. Crane instead   crushes her skull, killing her before grabbing  the remaining viles. Crane tries to call Lena to   tell her about his “new better lead”, but as he  emerges from the dam, he finds himself outside   of the quarantine zone. There, a family spots  him, and they are immediately struck with terror.   He then looks down at his own arms, seeing his new  form as a Sentient Volatile. The sun then sets,   and as night falls, only the sound of a  Volatile’s scream is heard in the darkness. Ten years later, in the European city of Villedor,   we find a Doctor attempting to create a  vaccine for the now-named Harran-19 virus.   While the vaccine is estimated to be about 83%  effective, it does carry some side effects.   Despite this, army General Buran shuts down  all vaccine development, stating that they plan   on taking things in “another direction”, while  embracing any side effects. He then orders his   men to kill all of the remaining primate  test subjects, while firing the doctor,   who is only allowed to take personal items with  her, and she grabs a necklace with a black locket. As she leaves, an announcement  is broadcast throughout the city,   and the military begins to deploy the  unfinished vaccine gas into the air.   While the doctor tries to warn her fellow  citizens, she is forced to run to her car,   where she uses her dress to cover the  vents as she drives out of the city.   Once outside the poisoned air, she calls an  ex-girlfriend, asking for a place to stay. Meanwhile, General Buran reveals his  plan in his office to Professor Collins,   the doctor originally leading the development.   Believing that the virus would eventually  destroy the city, Buran’s  intention is to   use the incomplete vaccine to cull the herd and  allow the fittest to survive, essentially speeding   up the inevitable. While he asks for Collins’  help with the public relations of his plan,   the professor declines, and he suddenly dies  on his way out as he breathes in the gas. Later, the Doctor and her Ex discuss the  day’s events, and the Doctor reveals the   locket contained a hidden memory card of  her research. She then sees a text message   from Professor Collins, who attached his own  report from a test of the unfinished vaccine,   showing the progression of the Harran virus from  initial infection to final turning point. The   Doctor then decides to find a way to save the city  before more of the gas is released into the air. Inside a military base, Buran looks  at the results of the deployment,   and finds the side effects to be  far worse than even he imagined.   With Collins now dead, he sends his men to find  the Doctor before they spray the second dose.   Unfortunately, during transport,  one of the canisters springs a leak. Back in the Ex’s apartment, the Doctor informs  her that she was able to use the research from   the Professor to create an antidote for  the gas. The two then hear an announcement   about a party at City Hall to commemorate  General Buran, and they decide to crash it. As they arrive at City Hall,   the side effects of the gas continue  to grow and grow, with the military now   visibly taking action to stop the Infected.  Inside the party, the Doctor finds Buran,   telling her Ex to remember that the formula for  the antidote currently resides inside her locket. The Doctor confronts Buran, and she chastises  him for Infecting half of the city. He is quick   to correct her, however, stating that it is no  longer “half” the city, as the second dose is   currently being deployed. He offers her a deal to  give him the antidote for 4% of the earnings he’ll   make from it, but she refuses, causing him  to don a mask and open a canister of the gas,   instantly infecting the Doctor. The Ex  then shoots the General with a gun she   wrestled away from his guard, and he runs  off, leaving the two women on the balcony. Not wanting to turn, the Doctor  simply hands her locket to her Ex,   then jumps from the building, falling tens  of stories to the gas-filled streets below.   The General escapes in a helicopter, taking some  of his wealthy benefactors with him, but leaving   most behind. The Ex then stands with the cure  around her neck, knowing that she is now the only   hope for the city to fight it’s “real disease” as  the gas begins to rise and envelop her as well. Outside in the city, an extremely agile  Infected leaps across several buildings,   before scaling the side of one and emerging at the  top. We then see what remains of the Doctor’s Ex,   standing before the city of Villedor as  “the Banshee”, a powerful monster with   the cure to her own disease, as well  as the entire city’s, around her neck. And with that, we reach the end of the story  thus far, where we’ll pick back up ten years   later when a man named Aiden Caldwell arrives  in the city looking for his missing sister.   As we all know, however, the city holds  more secrets than he could even imagine. Hey everybody, thank you so much for watching this  video. Please leave a like if I helped you out,   and make sure to subscribe for all my new videos,  and ring that bell if you want to make sure you   catch the streams where I play through the  games I cover. You can also follow me on   Twitter for updates, @SuggestiveGames, and you  can come chat with myself and the community by   joining our Discord server in the description. As  mentioned in the intro, if you’d like another way   to show your thanks, you can support by becoming  a channel member here on YouTube, or by heading   over to Patreon. Both those links are in the  description below, and I want to take the time to   thank the folks helping me out every month, whose  names are on screen now. Thanks again guys, bye!
Channel: Suggestive Gaming
Views: 826,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dying light, dying light 2, dying light story explained, dying light storyline, dying light story recap, dying light story summary, dying light story review, dying light 2 storyline, dying light 2 story, dying light 2 story explained, dying light timeline, dying light the following, dying light the following story explained, dying light the following full story, dying light the following story, dying light nightmare row, banshee i am the cure
Id: wKRtbn6Ic6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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