99% of Players Make These MISTAKES in Forbidden West…

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you know that feeling when you realize you've wasted hours in game because you just didn't realize something simple early on yeah that's annoying but you found the right video to save yourself those hours and make sure you're maximizing your time in the Forbidden West for example early on you're probably going to be doing a lot of animal hunting so you can upgrade your pouches to hold more ammo and resources but hunting those little animals can be pretty frustrating with low-l gear the arrows are weak the critters are small and I swear sometimes they're just messing with you juking all over the place it's easy enough to find the specific animal you need to hunt by going into a pouch on the workbench and creating a job with this button right here but if you're not having any luck actually shooting those little buggers or looting what you need you can actually buy animal parts directly from herbalists they are pretty pricey but if you're having a tough time hunting it's a good option there's also a couple of activities that will probably just frustrate you and waste your time early on in particular I'm talking about the melee pits and hunting grounds especially in the dawn don't get me wrong I would come back and do these later but early on they're going to be pretty tough and they don't even give you XP for completing them even the rewards aren't that great completing all the melee pits and beating the enduring does give your spear a permanent damage boost so anyone interested in trying out the melee play style will want to do them eventually but you can't access them all until later anyway and the spear upgrade isn't that significant so I wouldn't bother with any melee pits until much later on now the hunting grounds do give you medals you can use to purchase special weapons at the arena and you'll get a legendary trip caster for completing all the hunting grounds but none of that gear is really critical to have so hunting grounds are also really best left as endgame content if you're frustrated with them it's nice to know you won't be missing out on much By ignoring them speaking of getting frustrated let's back up for a minute to the starting screen now I know some of you out there are glutton for punishment like myself and want to do ultra hard on your first playthrough it can be done and I'll be streaming an ultra hard playthrough from scratch myself around PC launch but I just want to make sure you know that one it's really difficult and you're probably going to get really frustrated and two it wasn't even an option to do ultra hard from the start when the game first launched see we didn't get Ultra hard until after launch with the New Game Plus update so of course you do have the option now but Ultra hard was really meant to be played on New Game Plus and even if you've done Ultra hard from scratch and zero Dawn Ultra hard and forbidden West is much harder and you're locked into it for your entire game the only way to get out of it is to finish the main story and start a new game plus or just give up and start a new game so of course you can choose whatever you want but I would recommend at least starting on very hard and seeing how that feels for 10 hours or so I think most people will find very hard from scratch is enough of a challenge whatever difficulty you choose to play on during a fairly early main quest called the dying lands you'll eventually arrive at a cave entrance before you go in there make sure you're stocked up on healing berries and all other resources you need for combat the boss fight in here is pretty tough for this stage of the game because you don't have very good gear yet a lot of players get stuck on it for a while and not having enough resources only makes it that much more frustrating also there's a chest at the entrance of the cave with a free outfit called the utaru Whisperer which is a pretty decent stealth outfit for the mid game if you're looking for a good spot to stock up on berries ahead of time head over to this shelter southeast of scalding spear there's got to be at least 50 plants in this one little area which is awesome anyway this is also around the time you'll unlock a special location and there's a chest here that restocks with some resources and rare machine components after you complete each main quest if you don't grab the loot though it gets overwritten when you finish the next main quest so be sure to check the chest after completing each one it's also worth noting that you'll be able to fast travel to this special location for free from anywhere on the map and because you can fast travel between campfires for free as well even if you've run out of fast travel packs you can use the campfire at the special location to go anywhere else on the map now that special chest doesn't get any new loot after side quests or errands but there's tons of rewarding side content to do of course you'll find most of it through organic exploration but it's sometimes hard to tell if you've picked up all the quests in an area so keep an eye out for people sitting on benches who like to share rumors chatting with them for a second will always reveal a new errand or side quest and it's a nice way to make sure you're not missing something in the area for example it's actually pretty hard to miss the gauntlet runs but on my first playthrough I didn't bother finishing them until much later but I kind of wish I had not only do they give you a generous amount of XP but winning all four will also net you the legendary Kaa Bane Warrior bow maybe you haven't played around much with Warrior bows but when you know how to fire them quickly with the spreadshot weapon technique they can actually dish out a ton of damage really fast plus Warrior bow ammo is super cheap to craft so using a warrior bow as a high DPS weapon can conserve a lot of resources and the K's Bane is arguably the best warrior bow in the game so the gauntlet runs are definitely worth doing and even prioritizing before finishing the main story they can be a bit tricky but the major things to remember are crouching anytime you see the offscreen warning indicator and either whacking other riders with your spear or hitting them with an arrow whenever you can another easy XP activity is machine strike if you're interested in playing this board game inside the game the tutorial and the first match can be found in the chains scrape Tavern and you'll find additional strike matches in most of the settlements now I'm not much of a strike player myself but if you want some tips on that and a ton of other stuff about Horizon I have a great guide made by hunt K Linked In The Free Horizon resource database that I created and then my friend twinge upgraded into its current form I link the resource database in all my video descriptions by the way back out in the Wilds you're going to need to do a fair amount of climbing I I have a bunch of climbing tips in my starting tips video but one I forgot to mention is to keep an eye out for ladders that you either need to interact with or shoot down these are mostly found in ancient ruins and are usually a shortcut back up in case you fall I've definitely made the mistake of not bothering to put these down and then wishing I had as you explore in loot you'll find your Hunter's toolkit begins to fill up with a bunch of new items making your toolkit a total mess it can get pretty annoying having to scroll through all this stuff when you just need to get to something quickly like a potion in the middle of a fight you can hold down the used tool button to edit how items are organized and even disable certain items from showing up at all but unfortunately when you loot another copy of a disabled item it will pop up in the toolkit again so to keep these items out of your toolkit permanently the best solution is to get enough of that item to max out your inventory capacity for it then when you loot another copy it will be forced to go to your stash instead of populating the toolkit not the most elegant solution but it is the best way to keep the toolkit tidy I also wish I had been looting leap Lasher pods early on in my first playthrough of course there's plenty of chests and loot all over but you can also find piles of leap Lasher pods near leap Lasher sites and these can have a lot of useful resources in them plus unlike chests they will actually respawn so you can Farm them by fast traveling back and forth most of the leap Lasher sites are in the southern part of No Man's Land while we're in the map here I also wanted to make sure you know that you can turn off different layers if you want to focus on on something in particular or if you just feel the map is too cluttered keep in mind though that even with all the icons on there are a number of unmarked machine sites to discover around the map which is pretty cool so keep an eye out for those speaking of machines in zero dawn fire was pretty effective against many of them because of the burning damage overtime effect it still works that way in Forbidden West but the damage over time has been nerfed and a lot of machines are now resistant to fire so you generally don't want to use fire unless you're trying to trigger a blaze canister and even then there's usually something more effective you can do so yeah buying gear for fire ammo generally isn't worth it but perhaps my biggest tip for you is to never sell any gear once you have it I know it can be tempting to recoup some shards as you get better stuff but trust me you'll regret it you don't really get that many resources for selling gear and sometimes you'll realize that a lower Rarity weapon you got rid of was actually better than something new you picked up because the ammo types or perks are better or just because you had already spent the resources to upgrade the old piece of gear and you haven't done that for the new one yet also if you sell an outfit then you can't use the apply look feature which lets you equip one outfit for its stats but take on the appearance of another outfit you like the look of more now if you do sell something you want to get back you can go to the buyback section of the merchant inventory to get it but only the last 30 items are found here so there's a very good chance you'll lose it permanently especially if it's a piece of gear that came from a quest in that case the only way to get it back would be on a new game plus run another reason not to sell an outfit in particular is because they come with a unique skill boosting weave locked on them and there's only one copy of each of these in the game you need to upgrade the outfit to unlock the weave and remove it to use on other outfits so you at least want to keep an outfit until you can do that now my one exception to the no gear selling rule would be with certain green weapons early on most players don't realize that if you fully upgrade a weapon when you sell it you'll actually get different resources than what went into upgrading it in the early game you can use this to your advantage to get some machine components that would be otherwise hard to get for example selling a fully upgraded knockdown sharp shot bow will net you bellowback sack webbing but to upgrade the bow the only unique component you needed comes from leap lashers it's a pretty Niche trick but a good one to keep in your back pocket now just like in zerod daon weapons and outfits can be equipped and modified with coils and weaves but I think a lot of players forget this is an important aspect of the game especially early on when your weapons and outfit could use any boost they can get you'll figure out pretty quick that purple coils are the best you can get in the base game but don't ignore using green and blue ones the stats for blue coils in particular aren't too far off their purple equivalent so they can certainly make a notable difference plus they're much easier to get than purple ones now unlike zerod Dawn you won't be able to farm many types of coils from machines anymore instead pretty much all the good ones come from merchants and looting specific specific Quest machines so there's a limited quantity in a single playthrough and it's a similar story for the outfit weaves however the green plus one weaves are for sale from a few merchants and they're much more affordable if you want to see where to find all the best coils and weaves I have a video for that and an accompanying spreadsheet that shows you everything you would want to know but we also have a new way to boost your weapons damage actually two Valor surges and weapon techniques we dive much deeper into both of these and how they work in my combat master class but what I want to make sure you know right now is that not all Valor surges will work with weapon techniques for example a really common combo people try to use is the power shots Valor surge with the focus shot weapon technique but Power shots won't work with Focus shot in fact other than double and triple Notch power shots doesn't work with any weapon techniques so it's a total waste to try to use it with them it's not totally obvious and it's honestly a bit confusing because some Valor surges do work fine with weapon techniques like ranged Master for example so I just wanted to make sure you had that tip and to dive into all the other key tips you need to know to get the most out of forbidden West you're going to want to watch this video right here I'm going to head over there right now so thanks for watching and I'll see you over there in just a [Music] second
Channel: Arktix
Views: 247,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atrix, artix, arktik, arktix, Horizon Forbidden West, Horizon Forbbiden West, Forbidden West, Forbbiden West, Burning Shores, horizon zero dawn, hzd, hfw
Id: M8PfWPclCbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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