How to pour a Decorative Concrete Stamp Patio/DIY

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[Music] aloha this is fabian from kami construction hawaii this time we are in kailua we are going to be installing a new concrete patio we're gonna be removing all these grass this lab is going to be 12 by 22. [Music] we have our vodka there we're gonna be using to dig and remove all this dirt so right here i'm checking the level i'm using my laser level um you cannot see it too good in the video but the grass is higher than the foundation of the house so the farther area of the slab i had to dig a little deeper than the front probably there was about four three four inches higher [Music] we're using our bobcat there [Music] we're gonna be digging and forming today here in kailua i was surprised to see so much sand we were kind of far from the ocean but it was very sandy so i recommended the homeowner that we're gonna you're gonna see it later we're gonna put some base gravel on top of this sand just to have a better base to install the new concrete so here is the the slab almost ready to to install the new concrete um there is something here that we came across and we had to do something about it um right here you can see underneath the slab it's kind of some areas a little cracking and it's kind of hollow so what i found out from the homeowner it looks like um that was the old patio before that they turned him into a living room that's why you can see some cement dripping there some kind of self leveling i guess they tried to self level the inside to cover the slope but that was the old patio before and they closed them up they turned them into a living room but it has no foundation and no footing so i recommended the homeowner to dig a little footing we ended up digging a little footing just to reinforce that that is slap we dug um we dug the foot in about 12 by 16 inches deep just to reinforce that area and we're gonna be adding some rebars in there to make sure that slab doesn't go anywhere so here's the base um yeah i don't recommend ever to put to install concrete on on this kind of sand is very sandy so we ended up bringing base is to have a a solid base and we're gonna be compacting it we're also going to be putting some base on the footing we dug about 16 inches and we still found sand in it i guess that's how it's in in kailua um right there we have our hand compactor and here installing the rebar number three number three rebar we're gonna be adding some to the old patio slab where the living room is right now just to reinforce that area we use epoxy we drill and put a boxing inside to to glue those ribbers and connect to the all the slab there [Music] you kind of see how about how bad the other one it was but this is gonna help a lot i'm gonna be very secure now [Music] and this is the time to do it i told the homeowner this is the time [Music] because after that it's gonna cost you more if you wanna in the future something happen anyway this is the the poor day um we ended up um pumping it it was about 170 feet uh 170 feet from the from the street to the backyard so it's in this kind of situations it's better to pump it so this is a 3000 psip gravel 3 8 rocks we fiber match we added fiber to the mix um like i show in my older videos we always add fiber to our mix um we'll be using fiber for a long time so that guarantee you you'll have no cracks and you'll have a slab for a very long time [Music] so here we are pumping it and we're lifting the river as as we go let us know if you have any questions comment below and if you are anywhere in oahu we can come by and and give you an estimate um on any type of concrete work from driveways sidewalks patios retaining walls rock walls any kind of mensary or concrete work we do [Music] here we're using the the blue flow this is uh i believe this one is 36 inches bullflow magnesium uh so this is the finishing of this product is going to be um stamp and we're gonna we're gonna stain it we're gonna [Music] um carve some rocks as well you'll see later in the video how we do that here is the walking edger [Music] so [Music] do right there the guys we're finishing up with the with the pump [Music] [Music] okay i'm getting ready for the big float this is almost the final touch right here so right here we doing the last pass this is multi um with the the slides and right here i'm going be is going uh it was drying really fast so i'm going behind him with the stamps this is our three by three stamps with the rock design you can see the design there and this time i'm using the liquid release for the stamps [Music] [Music] [Music] here's the stamps now you this is a close-up you can see how it look that's the texture of the of the stamps it's a rock design you see those uh grooves the texture the veins right there this is our number one stamp a lot of my clients choose this one it's a very nice texture so here we came back uh this is the following day um i'm carving it um i'm using the grinder with the four and a half blade mastery blade so i'm carving and making um rock patterns i'm free handing it um i've been doing this for a long time so i kind of know where to go what kind of rocks design to do but if you're starting doing this um you can start doing how i started i i used to draw the rocks with a pencil on the slab and and then trace it with the grinder following the lines you can also use a chalk or a pencil but because i'm doing this for so long i you get used to it and am i doing random rocks i'm actually going off of a picture the homeowner sent me and and i'm kind of following the picture and there it is that is how it looks you can see the um the rocks are kind of with a sharp end sometime i do the corners of the rocks i do around but like i said i'm going off of a picture they showed me that's what they want it and that is how it looks so after it's all dry um i'm gonna start staining this rock [Music] we're gonna be doing some tense that is a silver gray [Music] and also we're gonna be throwing a little darker gray and a green that's according to the picture the homeowner wanted me to match the groud lines uh we're gonna be staining a black all the ground lines and on the top of the the whole slab after everything's done i'm gonna be spraying an antique agent a charcoal color [Music] that is gonna give it more like a real look rock inside but that's how it looks this is before sealing it we still need to seal it but you see the the black stain on top of the rocks and that's the antique agent what the thick agent does is it just goes all through the grooves the cracks of or the texture of the the stamps and it gives a a better look a more realistic look and we color the grout lines black [Music] that's how it looks [Music] so it's gonna get ready for the ceiling [Music] the sealer i'm going to be using is a super diamond sealer what the sealer does is protects the stain from coming off it's a waterproof sealer and it also gives it this wet look as you can see it's a wet shiny look you can uh roller brush it i usually use the brush for the edges and you can also spray it but i like to crawl it that way make sure it goes to all the texture the sealer also makes it a little darker but eventually will turn to the same original color with time we're also in the shade um that is something i recommend every time you use a sealer to always do it late in the afternoon or early morning make sure the the surfaces is not hot that way the sealer can cure in its time properly so that's why i waited in the afternoon to do it in the afternoon where i had some shade but that is the final product that is how it turned out hey [Music] [Music] and that's how the new body looks like so let us know if you have any more questions comment below you can also follow us in our social media platforms and have a great day aloha
Channel: Kaimi Construction Hawaii
Views: 84,815
Rating: 4.868783 out of 5
Keywords: concrete, concretepatio, concretesidewalk, concretedriveway, stampconcrete, concretelife, hawaii, oahu, construction, concreteresurface, decorativeconcrete, hawaiiconcrete, sidewalk, patio, driveway
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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