Hope Sabbath School Lesson 7 Language, Text and Context

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are in the middle of an amazing series on how to interpret the Bible today we're talking about language text and context some practical tools that can help us when we come to interpret the Bible I know you'll be blessed by the way if you've missed anything in this important series go to our website hope TV org slash hope SS you can look at all of the previous programs you can even look at other series when you're there at our website download the outline that we used you can even start your own interactive Bible study in your community it's exciting to see what God is doing around the world we've even got some other Bible resources for you if you go to Hope Bible study org we want you to be just filled with the Word of God most of all so that you can be connected to the Living Word of God right amen connected with Jesus that's what this series is all about we're glad you're with us and welcome to the team and we're studying today about language text and context it sounds complicated but we'll find some simple tools that will help us in our study good to hear from you our hopes a b-school viewers around the world write to us at SS hope at Hope tv.org we'd love to hear from you isn't it exciting to hear from people all around the world miracles that God is doing this is all the way from Texas in the United States of America howdy those are the rest of you around the world saying what does that mean well that's what you say in Texas at least some places howdy from Crosby Texas and this is Lisa writing she says I started watching hope Sabbath school earlier this year after hearing about it from a sister at church that's good right you can share with other people how God is blessing you through an interactive study of the Word of God thank you for your loving kindness that the team shows on every program what do you say God amen praise God that's our prayer that you would see the love of God in action the immeasurable unfailing love of God I pray that God will continue blessing each of you and more hearts will be reached for Jesus God has done a lot in my life in the past couple of years rights Lisa I'm blessed a blessed mother of five children four boys and a girl as a family we've been through heavy trials we've yet to reach that surface of things please pray for us wisdom conviction of the Holy Spirit encouragement strength discernment of God's will and for a closer walk with Jesus amen you know sometimes we think everybody else has it easy and we have a little challenge right but we live in a broken world don't we yeah and there are many challenges but we need the connection with Jesus that will give us courage and strength Lisa thank you for sharing please pray for Sabbath school at church we want truly to reach the hearts of visitors from our community amen you know hope Sabbath school isn't just for people who know the Bible just having to talk about the Bible it's it's reaching out to people who need to know that God loves them with an immeasurable love Lisa thank you for writing to us from Texas Alex writes a Ugandan living in Qatar international group I'm working in Doha Qatar thanks for hope Sabbath school may God bless you I've learned a lot amen amen well that's a lifeline when you were working there in Qatar from Uganda we have a hope channel wanting to launch soon in Uganda a donor rights from the United States of America and says thank you for hope Sabbath school and for your outlines that's what you can download from our website write your willingness to share and your openness to the reception of God's grace and mercy amen it's a blessing to me and I thank you this donation is to help encourage in sharing the words of God and a donation of three hundred and fifty dollars folks and school I just want to thank you from the United States of America you know who you are but I want to thank all of our donors this is a donor supported ministry and we're all part of that miracle and we thank you for it Angola Angola what language do they speak in Angola they speak Portuguese and you know one of our hope Channel affiliates novo temple in Brazil is helping the Portuguese affiliates launch Mozambique Angola now in Europe and Portugal is amazing we can all work together to share the Word of God and from Angola Emmanuel writes and says high hopes Sabbath school team I've been learning so much about God and his unfailing love [Music] every program as well it's also improving my English as I listen to your beautiful English so keep sharing the gospel of our God so that he comes as soon as possible amen well Sabina I could ask you to greet him in Portuguese but Sabina I know used to be Portuguese - maybe you can wave to Emanuel there in Angola yeah he'll be happy to see that way beautiful isn't it great to be part of a global family oh I've got another Brazilian for you to wave to okay my name is and Reza and Reza originally from Brazil but moved to the United Kingdom in 2008 I started watching hope Sabbath school on the Hope Channel and later I found the hope Channel app what an awesome app being used in over 200 countries around the world every week I look forward to watching the in-depth interactive study of the word of God it's helped me to understand more of the Word of God and to share with others in my Bible plan as I watch every week I miss some of you when one reason or another you can't be there you know they're like where's Gary where's bedroom we've got a pool we should tell you we've got a pool of about what 35 on our team and so if they're missing please don't think that they've abandoned hopes out of school they may just have another appointment but thanks for missing us anyway my family has been blessed because of your ministry may God continue to bless you keep up the good work and Reza's isn't that encouraging well there's just a few emails we'd love to hear from you write to us at SS hope and hope tv.org you say all you don't need to hear from me but actually brings great encouragement maybe you're teaching a class tell us what you're doing or how the word of god is blessing your life we would be blessed to hear from you right now we'd like to have you sing with us because we've got a theme song from Kailash Colossians 3 verse 16 let the word of Christ dwell in you you can download it from our website let's sing it together right now [Music] Oh and spiritual [Music] spiritual [Music] crazy [Music] tthe one one man [Music] let's pray together father in heaven we know that you want us to understand your word and most of all you want us to know Jesus the Living Word of God our Savior and Lord and soon coming King and so I pray you promised the Holy Spirit will lead us into truth and I pray that as we study here on our hope service school today that you'd lead us into truth that would not only bless our lives but through us bless the lives of those around us we pray in the name of Jesus amen understanding the Scriptures we're going to talk about some tools for language text and context want to make it simple so that someone like Rudy I forget how old Rudy was I think he was 9 wasn't he yeah so louie can so I can do that I can look up and see what a word means I can look up a city in the Bible dictionary and see where it's found I can look at the words around the verses around what we call the context to help understand and and maybe someone who's 82 like Jorge who wrote to us recently can say that's helped me to understand the Bible like never before so let's get into the journey together and starting a passage that the Spirit's been leading us back to over and over again in this series in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 I memorize this one is one of my wife's scripture songs all scripture is I'm not going to sing it to you though it's given by inspiration of God but Stephanie if you could read it there's one clear message lots of things included in here but one overarching message about us and the Bible which I want you to grasp and I'll be reading from the King James Version all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works so what's the overarching message of that text well if scripture is going to be profitable for a variety of things that means we can yes so those don't even read the Bible you won't be able to understand it just do whatever the religious leader tells you to do say no no it says I can it's going to be profitable for me I can understand it does that make sense yes in fact read the forest Revelation chapter 1 and verse 3 and there's a very simple promise as we begin the book of Revelation that I find very encouraging because would you agree with me that Revelation is not an easy book correct not an easy book Haiti verse 1 chapter 1 verse 3 what promise is given to those who read that and I would say without I think doing violence to the text that that promise applies to the whole Bible let's see what it says I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it says blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it for the time is near blessed is the one who reads that would be the I guess the teacher right on a previous study Britain he said the more I shared with others about the Bible the deeper my own understanding but also blessed are those who but that mean if we're blessed it means what we're understanding it right now we talked in a previous study about the fact that maybe like an a.m. eyes time would not only read the scripture but we also give the intern the sense was how it was translated or the meaning we we hope to interpret it but it is possible to understand what the scriptures are saying so how can I learn to to come to the scriptures with a greater expectation maybe I've maybe there's someone watching Hope Sabbath school today and they say you know I tried I just don't understand it how can I come with a greater anticipation Sabeena that I'll actually be able to to understand what God is wanting to tell me I think it's important to know that there is always fresh in you revelation that will come from God in the Bible so if you pray and seek him earnestly even if you take some time progressively revelation will come to you so just keep keep going keep searching and you will learn more and more there was a key point that Sabina made and that was just what praying that's right now when I pray let's say Susan prays and Susan says God I just want to understand more guide me she may get a phone call from Evelyn saying do you want to study the Bible or John may get a call from Gary or invited to church by Christian Right God may answer that prayer in a variety of ways or as we heard here I told my friend about hope Sabbath school right so there's different ways that God can answer that prayer but if a person says I don't know I I can really get the blessing is there Stephanie I just remember when I was started studying the Bible that it wasn't all that interesting to me and I think it was because of the things that I was feasting upon outside of the Word of God so when I came to the Word of God it it was a little dry but when I realized that this this became my food and not other books that were not drawing me to Jesus it changed the way I viewed the Bible maybe when I'm praying God may tell me to let go of some distractions that that are getting in the way Thomas I've laid a lot to that because when I started reading the Bible like has been said before you know the beginning especially the early chapters you know it is a bit dry if you're not if you don't really know how to get the the meat out of it and so for me studying with the community of believers was very helpful for me because they taught me how to see the spiritual truth in it so that's an important point the blessing is there we can't understand it even though we might not understand everything it's a growth journey and being in a community can help us but we're going to look at some ways some tools if you will that will help us as we're studying and interpreting the Bible and one is to understand key words I may read a text and there's a key word there and I go I need to understand what that word means I mean read the word in English propitiation I say what is that or justification I thought that was something we did on the paper to make the words line up you want full justification right be with me that's how I know that word but but in the Bible justification if I look it up means what just what does it mean it means being made right with God being made right with God so I might want to look that word up and see what it means does that make sense let's look at a few key words that we find often in the Bible one is the word Mercy Mercy translated in different ways in the Hebrew Hesed I can hardly say it hasit but let's look at a few places where it's used Psalm 57 and verse 3 Jason could you read that for us here's the psalmist David I'll be reading from the New King James Version Psalm chapter 57 verse 3 he shall send from heaven and save me he reproaches the one who would swallow me up God shall send forth his mercy and his truth does anyone have another translation in your Bible God shall send forth his mercy Nicolle God shall send forth his love and His faithfulness his love and faithfulness anyone else have another what does it say in your Portuguese Bible Sabena gotcha it's the same how would you translate it love and faithfulness okay so so this is a very rich word some of translated it covenant loyalty ESSID God keeps his promises yes it's a rich word I ought to you no mercy we say mercy mercy and think mercy means you know Oh some trying to hurt me I need to understand if I'm looking at a passage what a keyword means look in psalm 66 nicole could you read verse 20 of psalm 66 the New International Version says praise be to God who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me o you says his love anyone another translation mercy mercy is mercy from me okay let's look in Psalm 143 this is another of my wife's scripture songs caused me to hear something in the morning time hey B could you read for a Psalm 143 and verse 8 yes I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it says caused me to hear your loving-kindness in the morning for in you do I trust cause me to know the way in which I should walk for I lift up my soul to you how do we hear God's loving-kindness does that mean how do I hear it satis through his promises okay so maybe coming back to his word right you keep telling me that if I get in the word I'm gonna hear about a God who loves me right with an immeasurable and unfailing love help me to hear that God yeah so this word which some translate mercy or it's rich isn't it mm-hmm what have we heard love loving-kindness faithfulness unfailing love mercy when we're studying the Bible if we come across a key word let's study into it a little more and look at other places how do I find out other places where the same word is used what do I use concordance concordance Thank You Thomas I use the concordance which will show me the word and it says has said it will tell me that word and it will show me all the places where it's found I can look it up especially with the same author I'm seeing used in a variety of ways Petra and its interest is to notice that the concordance helped us to see their word in the original language yes sometimes you can look forward like there's a book in the Bible there's works and deeds but they send translations we use the word works in the same ways as deeds but there are different words and citizens so we have to know their regional and connect them to the rice and take an example of that where you come to later is the word love where where it can be different words have kind of a brotherly love or agape love you know and we just use the word love but in the texts it may show a deeper word here's another one peace mm-hmm in Hebrew Shalom mm-hmm that means more than just peace you know like the absence of war it means well-being wholeness let's look at a few examples where this word is used you you see a key word we're talking about how to interpret the Bible Gary could you read the blessing Aaron said this is how you to bless the people numbers chapter 6 the Lord bless you and keep you do you remember that you heard that in number 6 verses 24 through 26 okay I'll be reading from the New King James Version the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace peace absence of war could you have Shalom in the midst of war mm-hmm doesn't the Bible say in another place you will keep her in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because she trusts in you it's it's an inner state of what wholeness and wellness inner peace let's look at Psalm 29 and verse 11 again as Thomas pointed out I can use the concordance I can find many places where this word Shalom is used Psalm 29 Nancy would you read verse 11 for it yes from the New King James Version the Lord will give strength to his people the Lord will bless his people with peace bless them with Shalom bless them with peace and then of course because as we've been reminded it's all pointing to Jesus Isaiah the prophet tells us Christian could you read Isaiah 9 and verse 6 someone says if you don't know the answer to the question just say Jesus right what does it say we're talking about this word Shalom Shalom in Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace Prince of Shalom mm-hmm that's a beautiful picture while we're there Evelyn in Isaiah could you go to chapter 26 I quoted one verse but I'd like you to read verses 3 and 4 you know I find it exciting to study the Bible when you find a keyword like that and you look at other places where that word is used you see a richness that's just and the Holy Spirit Guides you in then Isaiah 322 3 and 4 26 25 26 verses 3 & 4 all right and I'll be reading from the New King James Version you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you trust in the Lord forever for in yah the Lord is everlasting strength keep him or her in perfect trust in the Lord what forever for in yah that's a contraction of Yahweh the name of the Lord in yah the Lord is ever last things right what a beautiful promise so I could take many words like mercy or peace or grace let's look at love specifically agape agape love scholars tell me that the word agape the noun and the verb I got Pato was seldom used in classical Greek like it's like the early Christians grab it and make it their own and they invest in it special meaning let's see where they use it and that will help us to understand Travis John chapter 3 and verse 16 we find this this agape love mentioned and I'll be reading from the New King James Version for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life let's emphasize the first three words four words she is made to look for God so love the verb is agape the noun agape God so loved the world go to 1st John same author in his letter 1st John chapter 1 excuse me chapter 3 verse 1 Thomas do you have a first John 3 and verse 1 these short letters right before the book of Revelation first John yes first on chapter 3 verse 1 I love this verse this is from New King James Version behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God therefore the world does not know us because it did not know him know what manner of agape mm self-sacrificing love and and you want to know how connected God is that self-sacrificing love Sabeena what does it say in that same little book first John chapter 4 and verse 8 for verse 8 I'll be reading from the New International Version whoever does not love does not know God because God is love God is agape he is self-sacrificing love so I could take that concordance whether I think Stephanie a previous program you said you had a Strong's Concordance and there's a youngest concordance there was a Cruden's concordance now there's all kinds of digital concordance is right all they do is help you to find the other places where that same word is used and one more if we can and that is in same first John chapter four verses 18 and 19 first John chapter 4 the Pedro could you read verses 18 and 19 for us yes I first John 4:18 in 19 it says there is no fear in love but perfect love cast out fear because fear involves torment but he who fears has not been made perfect in love we love him because he first loved us now someone might say and tell them I'll come to your point some might say but Derek I don't have enough of that love well agape love is not worked up mmm it's not bought somewhere how does a copy love fill our hearts anybody remember Bible text you'd find it Christian Romans chapter 5 Jude me find it give us a moment there yeah promise the Holy Spirit just said go to Romans chapter 5 is not in our outline but Romans chapter 5 is it verse 5 5 yes just a moment to find it because this is really good news someone says Christian I don't think I've got enough of that love in my heart and God wants me to be filled with his agape love I've been doing this word study what does it tell us in Romans 5 in verse 5 yes and I'll read from the New King James Version Paul wrote now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us ah the love of God is what out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit fill my life today fill me with the agape love of God now you just do a word study we're talking about how to interpret the Bible just have the concordance and look at every place you find agape and you would be amazed and you would learn God is love he loved the world not just a few people he wants us isn't there a new commandment that you love you like to guess what word that is in the Greek yes I got pain I got part of the verb you love one another as I have we're gonna talk about how sometimes when was interpreting words are repeated to emphasize how important it is Tomas correct me if I'm wrong but the classic text that is used in weddings is first Corinthians 15 or astringent 13 which is also about agape yes but the way it's also translated in some other passages is charity and charity right which today when we at least I grew up in the UK charity was like helping the poor does charity what does that mean now so that's why sometimes we talked in a previous study about finding a translation that uses language that is intelligible obviously if you don't speak English it should be in Portuguese or it should be in Tamil or it should be in you know name another language right but but also sometimes language can get old and when I say you need charity someone says no I've actually paid my bills and what we're actually saying is you need the agape love of God right and it also reminds us that a part of that love is Grace and how many families today could probably use a little more great amen but we can't get that without God's love without God's love beautiful our time is flying by but I'm gonna ask you just randomly if you would share with me a word in Scripture that has become very precious to you just to share a few Christian are the word wise wise or wisdom wisdom yes all right that's that totally embedded in the book of Proverbs but other places too he wants us to be wise and by the way reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom right with another word and you could take this do a word study on it Nicole joy I I write these things to you that your joy may be full and and the fruit of the Spirit is love joy right so you can find all the places with joy are mentioned right beautiful another one patience patience love is met back to first Corinthians thirteen and one of the fruits of the spirit is patience okay endurance another one yes seventy grace grace for by grace you've been saved grace to you in peace that's Shalom by the way Sabina I also like listen and because in the old Hebrew it doesn't mean just listen passively but also actively ah listening listen you need to engage also we've actions are not just receiving for me okay so listen with with the resulting action yes I love the in proverbs 19 listen to counsel receive instruction that you may be wise so when we're talking about Bibles how to study the Bible we can find these key words and we can go on an adventure right and the Holy Spirit can show us the richness or say God I need more joy I'm gonna look every place where it talks about joy you know and and and you know think the joy of the Lord Nehemiah Xtreme is your strain you say well I don't have the joy it's okay the joy of the Lord is your strength when we get into studying we'll find sometimes that a word is repeated you say when they keep repeating that same word let's look at a couple of examples in Genesis chapter one verses 26 and 27 is an example where where we've got repetition we'd like to read that Nicole Genesis 1:26 and 27 the New International Version says then God said let us make man kind in our image and our likeness so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground so God created mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them male and female he created them so what word do you hear repeated several words right what what words are repeated they're human all right now you say well I think I need to understand what that means maybe I'll try to find some other places where that word is used and look it up what other words repeated God created God power so you know you look at that and you say okay there's something significant I notice a repetition let's look at another example of that in Isaiah chapter 6 and verse 3 IJ's aa6 I'm not answering all of our study questions here I'm just showing us we find a key word we can explore it we find repetition we ask why okay Isaiah chapter 6 and verse 3 Evelyn could you read that for us I'll be reading from the New King James Version and one cried to another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory holy why doesn't just say holy is the Lord God of hosts would that be good would that be good yeah absolutely it would be true right holy isn't you know be holy for I am holy the Lord doesn't say be your holy before I am holy holy holy there's at one time right but here is holy holy holy I see a couple of heads why do you think the repetition well in the passage we just read a minute ago in Genesis let us make man in our image I see here in Isaiah that the the Godhead is being recognized that's Father Son and Holy Spirit so you think it's not just a coincidence identity a few more times okay anybody want to add to that G does that make sense yeah by the way back to a comment Thomas made in a previous study I don't not to base a whole theology on one verse right but but if it's born out ties them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit if there's many places that speak about the father love of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit be with you all you know there's evidence for what's being said could it just be holy holy holy emphasis like he's really holy holy holy beyond holy I think there's probably something doing Christian is saying them all right but a repetition Stephanie well I think of Revelation for chapter 4 verse 8 where the angels are saying holy holy holy who was and is and is to come he was holy he is holy and he will be holy but could it also be a reference to the Father Son and Holy Spirit there I mean it's not holy holy holy holy so I find a repetition and I say apparently there's something significant I need to think about right let's go to John chapter 13 I think Christian found something else we don't have time John chapter 13 verses 34 and 35 Jason if you could read that there is one word that has just repeated over and over again I think that Jesus is wanting to make a point it doesn't have a yellow highlighter on the page but for emphasis when I'm interpreting the Bible I say wow this isn't implicit and it's being repeated over and over again I'm reading here from the New King James Version John chapter 13 verses 34 and 35 a new commandment I give to you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another by this all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another and this happens to be the verb I get pato we get the noun agape you know there's the love that God showed that He pours into our hearts why does it say it so many times what another why does it say so many times and why is this passage Gary so relevant for us today because we need it what is our natural way of operating selfishness and the love of God is self-sacrificing love yes so it's like it's just gonna remind you love as I have loved by the way you want to know how the love love is Jesus love you said I can't do that that's right that's right that's why you need to ask the Holy Spirit to or or love through you as he pours God's love into your heart so whenever you see a keyword repeated you step back and say you there's something really important here there's an emphasis that the author is trying to make also import when we're interpreting the text is the context I want to give you a ridiculous illustration of pulling texts out of context right and I'm going to ask Travis would you read for us acts 20 verse 9 and then Luke 10 the last part of verse 37 you say my devotional message today is taken from acts 20 verse 9 and Luke 10 verse 37 B and these are my two texts what does it say and I'll be reading from the New King James Version and in a window said a certain young man named eutychus who was sinking into a deep sleep he was overcome by sleep and as Paul continued speaking he fell down from the third storey and was taken up dead and now I'm reading from Luke chapter 10 verse 37 the last part of the verse and then jesus said to them go and do likewise now we read them we say that's not you can't do that that's pulling a text out of you can't do that you've created something that's a lie something dangerous fall asleep on a high shelf in church go and do likewise that's not what the text is saying the context of one is a long service before Paul leaves on his missionary journey someone falls asleep and God chooses power by raising him from the dead through the Apostle Paul the context of the other going to likewise is about a Good Samaritan who knows what kind of love agape the self-sacrificing love and Jesus says so you say well dairy that was such a silly illustration but sometimes people say I'm gonna preach a sermon and I'm gonna put a text from here and a text from there and they end up with saying something that's not in the Bible I was just gonna say that there's a lot of popular preachers today who will pull like a string of pearls that pull pieces of verses from the Bible and piece of package it all together but you're not really learning anything new you actually you're learning what the preacher thinks is truth but it's not the Bible speaking for itself and it's much safer if we allow the passage to be read in its context and to let the Bible speak for itself so in a in a preaching context the safest is what we would call an expository sermon where I take one passage and I preach through and share what it's saying if I'm going to preach what we call a thematic sermon as we do especially when we're sharing with people who've never heard what does the Bible teach about salvation what does it teach about what happens when you die I'm going to choose several passages but if I'm going to choose them I've got to make sure that each passage is talking about the same right and in order to make sure I'm being faithful I not only need the text I need to look at context if it's also talking about what happens when you die or it's talking about how a person is saved then I can take that because I could say you know Jesus talked about salvation when right yeah I know I'm looking at the context so let's look at some texts and make sure we understand from the context what they're saying for example Genesis 1:27 we find the word Adam or Adam for the first time how is the word used well let's read it Genesis 1 verse 27 Stephanie I'll be reading from the King James Version so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them how is the word Adam used in this context mankind it's not like the proper name of one person mm-hmm it's actually the name of two people the only female right man female the human family or mankind is the word we use in language we might say the human kind right yes right but now I go to Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 we'll read that for us Christian Genesis 2 verse 7 new King James Version says this Genesis 2:7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being who's that talking about Adam that was a meal there is talking about an individual individual because later God is going to create woman and she has given the name Eve so now it's become a proper name and it's talking about this specific creation of the male named Adam same word not um but now it's given as a proper name and woman taken out of man is given another name you see how I've got to look at the context in order to see what makes sense let's look at another example of where context is important John 13 and verse 10 you say I don't know who wrote this this doesn't sound and if your children came and said I just want to watch this and I'll be ready for bed 13 and verse 10 I'm not looking at the context what does it say I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it says Jesus said to him he who has bathed needs only to wash his feet but is completely clean and you are clean but not all of you mommy I took a bath last week tonight before going to bed after playing out in the meadow I'm just going to wash my feet jesus said if you wash your feet you are completely clean you say sweetie you need to read the whole text so let's look at the context we're in John chapter 13 and we're gonna look at verses 3 through 17 as an example of looking at the context who'd be willing to read that for us have a volunteer Stephanie and I'll be reading from the King James Version Jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God he rises from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself after that he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded then cometh he to Simon Peter and Peter saith unto Him Lord does thou wash my feet jesus answered and said unto him what I do thou knowest not now but thou shalt know Hereafter Peter saith unto Him thou shalt never wash my feet jesus answered him if I wash thee not thou has no part with me Simon Peter saith unto Him Lord not my feet only but also my hands and my head jesus saith unto Him he that is washed needeth not saved to wash his feet but is clean every way and ye are clean but not all for he knew who should betray him therefore said he ye are not all clean so after he had washed their feet and I'd taken his garments and was set down again he said unto them know ye what I have done to you you call me master and Lord and you say well for so I am if I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet ye also ought to wash one another's feet for I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you verily verily I say unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord neither he that is sent greater than he that sin that sent him if you know these things happy are ye if you do them my Bible says blessed and macario's in Greek blessed to be worth looking at the happy and seeing if it's actually the word blessed that you're blessed if you do them so now having heard that the setting is the Last Supper the washing of the feet by Jesus and then saying you ought to wash one another's feet let's come back to mommy I only need to wash my feet and I can go to bed because I'm completely clean what is that text talking about if I look at the context what does it mean if you only wash your feet you're completely clean yes it's talking but on baptism the bat you've taken the bath okay simple as this baptism and washing is a two-way the washing of feet is like a mini baptism it's it's it's a it's a small you know but it's the same symbolism so it's a real Meishan of your baptism Sabina yeah I also understand that as being the acceptance of Jesus sacrifice for ourselves because he's the one who come as a servant to servant and as we allow him to wash her feet and the service we are receiving his sacrifice for us and so when I in this service kneel to wash someone else's feet I'm not only showing humility I grew up because this ordinance of humility well I'm not only sharing humility I'm kneeling by sacred privilege in the place of Jesus and reminding them how Allu you I'm getting excited that their sins are washed away when they trust what Jesus has done for them yeah I don't have to be baptized again right in order to understand that beautiful promise that text I need to do what not to look at the context so I'm looking at key words what they mean I'm looking at times when they're repeated and what the significance of that is I'm looking at the context but I also need to look at the whole book because the whole book is also the context for a text so we hear many places in the Gospel of John where Jesus says that he wants us to have life right mm-hmm and then we read in John chapter 20 I'd like to ask someone to read it John chapter 20 verses 30 and 31 that John actually tells us Thomas could you read sir don't actually tells us he kind of helps us he says I just want to tell you the theme of the whole book so that you don't misinterpret anything in the book because everything in the book is related to the theme are you with me yes that's the broader what context of this text so this is John 20 verse 30 and earth in 30th new King James Version and truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book so it's verse 31 but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you may have life I used to think John 11 was all about Lazarus it's not it's about Jesus what about Jesus well remember what we just read in John chapter 20 what is it about Jesus every way but he is the resurrection and the life as what it's all about John chapter 5 you search the scriptures you think that in them you have eternal life but these are they that testify of me but you refuse to come to me that you might have life do you see in order to not pull a text out of context I really need to read the whole book yes yes in order to understand what it's saying and then it comes alive I see why all through the book he's talking about that we find life in Jesus right you need to be born again new life that's what the book is all about so as I look at different books of the Bible last couple of minutes we have remaining I want you to share with me your favorite book of the Bible and why because you know each book of the Bible has a theme Isaiah the gospel prophet always pointing to the Messiah right that's why I like Isaiah rather than some of the other minor prophets who was talking about how bad they are even though what they were saying is right they were bad but the theme of Isaiah unto us a child is born unto us a son is given favorite book of the Bible anyone and why Haiti the book of Acts what is it about the book of Acts that really there are just so many miracles and I just see God's power on display in those miracles and in transforming lives I just see power what would you how would you summarize the book of Acts in one sentence Holy Spirit Holy Spirit that's that's actually just two words right some people have said the book should have been called the acts of the Holy Spirit yeah or the work of the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit works in the early church just a sentence right just in one sentence and so as I read each of the stories in the book of Acts I see that theme emerging and I don't pull something out of context as I'm reading it all right another book favorite book Pedro abracadaniel the Book of Daniel why the Book of Daniel well because there I found that God is in control everything and then we'll have to worry that there's a matter where where I am in the world if isn't the worst condition in the world but in the best conditions God is in control and he's taking me to to his bad promise so even if I might look in Daniel 2 and see the rock that comes the Kingdom that fills the whole earth but but if I missed it there in chapter 4 it says that they may know that the Most High God rules in the affairs of men a theme emerges doesn't it even in the judgment scene in Daniel 7 and in in the coming of Messiah in Daniel 9 prophesied the Most High God is sovereign over history another favorite book Thomas I wouldn't say Psalms because you know not all not all the times are happy to sometimes do complaining in the Psalms right and I've entered some hard times and I read those passages and I totally relate to it but paradoxically it makes me feel better because I know that the Bible understands what I'm going what would you say the theme is of the Book of Psalms because this Psalms of praises songs of lament there's Psalms of adoration what would you say the theme is for me it's was God is present through it all ah God is present through the ups and the downs the goods and the bads that the Lord is my shepherd even when I walk through what valley valley of the shadow of death boy we could have seven more examples of favorite books maybe I should ask our viewers write to us SS hope and hope tv.org tell us your favorite book and why SS hope and hope TV org but you know studying the Bible is an adventure isn't it find those key words find the repetitions significance of those look at the context even the context of the whole book and it's kind of like being a treasure hunter where a miner for gems are for gold treasure that God will guide us by his holy spirit not just so we can have more information but so we can find him whom to know his life eternal our loving and awesome God let's pray together father thank you for your word it is indeed a treasure source it's it's something that by your Holy Spirit we can't understand and we can be blessed as we study your word thank you for some simple tools that can help us may we take advantage of this precious treasure may your Holy Spirit guide us on our journey in Jesus name Amen and you know there's someone around you who needs to learn more about the Bible you can share some simple principles with it open the Bible point them to a Savior who loves them go out now be a blessing to those [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 37,489
Rating: 4.7422037 out of 5
Keywords: hope sabbath school, Dereck Morris, seventh-day adventist
Id: u_5sMRS0P1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 59sec (3539 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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