Lesson 5 | Noble Prince of Peace (Qtr. 1, 2021)

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to hope sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of god we are enjoying a series on isaiah the gospel prophet today the noble prince of peace one of my favorite chapters so welcome to hope sabbath school we're glad you're with us and welcome to the team now i call you the gideon's band you know the story of gideon started out with what ten thousand went to no thirty two thousand then to ten thousand and then to three hundred well we've gone from twelve to five take a look at our gideon's band that's because of the social distancing restrictions but we're still experiencing a powerful study amen amen and we know that many of you where you are are also restricted but the gospel is not hindered amen amen god is speaking to us even in our homes maybe some of our churches are still not open but this series on the gospel prophet isaiah is such a blessing and we have something special for you during this series we are offering a digital download of an audiobook called radical evidence if you would like to hear radical evidence from the scriptures including isaiah of jesus as the true messiah plus powerful stories today all you have to do is write to us at our regular address sshope hopetv.org and in the subject line just say free offer okay sshopehopetv.org free offer we'll send you a link so you can download that audio book it is so powerful i wish i could send one to everyone but it would cost a fortune but we can deliver it to you at no cost and you can even share it with your friends we're always happy to hear from you hope sabbah school members right do you like getting the emails from around the world amen here's one from a kenyan wait a minute we need a way from lisa lisa would you wave to regina now she's not in kenya right now she's in canada but i want you to listen to her testimony from your homeland i used to watch the show regularly back home in kenya and i was much closer to god back then but when i moved to canada so much was happening trying to settle down studying working too much and i drifted away i'm not proud to say it but i've been a yo-yo christian you know what the yo-yo is like up and down right but due to the coveted pandemic and losing my job i renewed my walk with jesus amen and it's been a blessing i think it was in the month of august that i remembered hope sabbath school and i started watching it again amen each show touches me and i pray that god works on me i need to be transformed amen and my family and friends need to see a change in me isn't that beautiful regina thanks so much for writing to us from british columbia she says i do not belong to any church i have not for years raised by catholic parents one time attended a pentecostal church but discontinued last time i attended church was several years back in kenya i pray that god points me to the right church well i want to tell you of course regina knows this but i contacted a hope sabbath school team member in british columbia and asked if they could study the bible together is that awesome yes because when jesus says or the lord says through the prophet if you seek me you'll find me if you search for me with all your heart well regina concludes one thing for sure i will never stop watching hope sabba school well if that was the only thing you heard you tuned in for hope sabbath school today that would be an encouragement wouldn't it yes that god is changing lives around the world well here's one from merceline in bahrain bahrain that's in the middle east yeah i must confess that the bible studies have i'm having with hope sabbath school have really changed my perspective before i never had an interest but i bless the lord how he's working on me god be with you all right amen thanks for writing to us from bahrain here's a note from a donor couple in the state of tennessee in the united states of america please continue the good work of hope sabbath school may god bless and keep the end time window open a little longer to spread the message enclosed is a gift of five hundred dollars for hope sabasco praise god thank you for partnering with us you sometimes we read 25 sometimes 250 000 sometimes three dollars but we're all partnering together right yes and god god is blessing so thank you tennessee couple for sharing with us georgia al aleene writes from georgia and she says i've been listening to hope sabbath school now for five years i'm a church member and i've recommended your program to many both young and old amen you facilitate with such a winsome attitude that's talking about all of us we absolutely love the hope sabba school team i'm happy to know listen to this team i'm happy to know there's a place that is so engaging to which i can direct people who need to learn more about god amen you know i want to encourage you you can always tell someone watch hope sabbath school get it on your app download the hope channel app watch hope sabbath school wherever you are you can be a blessing what a blessing to the entire world and then she has something to say to our little gideon's band team here the young men and women who are assisting are adaptive and contribute so much to the broadcast it makes it real with the experiences they share every week they're so transparent in their faith and it's very attractive to those who are struggling god bless you all a jamaican living in georgia well god bless you you know we have a lot of hope sabbath school members in jamaica your homeland but living there in georgia aline thanks for writing to us one last note from seattle washington oni writes and says i've watched hope sabbath school for over a year now my life and the lives around me have been transformed amen amen it didn't say i like it they've been transformed by the teaching of jesus the messiah yes amen hallelujah that's my favorite word god has put it on my heart to give to this ministry may god multiply it and you and may he send laborers for his harvest well oni i just wish we could meet you in person because i sense that the spirit of god has rested upon you and you want to be part of the mission you know some people ask pastor derek why do you spend time reading all those emails those are part of hope sabbah school yes yes we're not just giving information this is about transformation isn't it and that's the work of the holy spirit but right now we want you to sing a song actually we're not allowed to sing here in the studio because of the restrictions but it's taken from our gospel prophet chapter 55 and it says seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he's near let's sing together [Music] let him return to the lord and he will have mercy on him and to our god for he will abundantly seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near [Music] seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he [Music] is [Music] let's pray father in heaven thank you so much for the study of your word today the noble prince of peace so much about the coming messiah who now has already come jesus jesus the messiah the savior of the world i pray that as we study today from this ancient book that jesus would be seen in all of his power to save and lives would be changed yes that darkness would be dispelled by the light of the world is our prayer in the name of jesus amen amen amen well this is one of my favorite chapters in the whole book uh isaiah the gospel prophet is really an amazing book but chapter nine where we're going to study today uh actually the title noble prince of peace that's just one of the titles that he's given in the chapter so let's start in chapter nine and jason if you could begin our study with verses 1 and 2 of isaiah chapter 9. and i have here the new king james version isaiah chapter 9 verses 1 and 2. nevertheless the gloom will not be upon her who is distressed as when at first he lightly esteemed the land of zebulun and the land of naphtali and afterward more heavily oppressed her by the way of the sea beyond the jordan in galilee of the gentiles the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light those who dwell in the land of the shadow of death upon them a light has shined so this is a prophecy and by the way if you missed part of our study isaiah tells us that god the true god knows the end from the beginning so he can tell the prophet what's going to happen right so this is a prophecy so here's my question billy who is the great light that isaiah is talking about jesus jesus is the great light yes in fact we're going to look at some passages that will confirm that first a prophecy when jesus was still a tiny baby in luke chapter 2 the holy spirit rested upon someone stephanie if you could look in luke 2 who was this person that the spirit of god rested upon and he prophesied about this light that had been foretold 700 years earlier we're in luke chapter 2 verses 25 to 32. all right and i'll be reading from the king james version and behold there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon and the same man was just and devout waiting for the consolation of israel and the holy spirit was upon him and it was revealed unto him by the holy spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the lord's christ and he came by the spirit into the temple and when the parents brought in the child jesus to do for him after the custom of the law he took him up in his arms and blessed god and said lord now let us thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou has prepared before the face of all people a light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of thy people israel so what clues do you see in the passage that that simeon is a prophet what clues do you see the holy spirit is upon the holy spirit was upon him what else it was revealed to him by the spirit he came by the spirit into the temple i mean did you get it yes billy and i think the language that he was using like a light to bring revelation to i'm reading from the king james version but um he's basically repeating the same thing that we just read in isaiah 9. he's quoting the scriptures right which would make sense because he's speaking by the holy spirit yes and he's repeating the prophecy given 700 years earlier now think about uh especially the gospel of john stephanie i didn't want to pass over it it says that he was waiting for the consolation of israel so he was looking for that fulfillment of the prophecy so maybe we'd miss it if we're not looking yeah yes he's looking with a prayer in his heart and the spirit of the lord is with him all right yes scan through your your knowledge of the book of john particularly uh references to jesus as the light of the world christian you know i i a reference that comes to mind is not only a reference but it's actually a claim that jesus himself made you're thinking of john chapter 8 chapter 8. would you read that for us john 8 in verse 12 john chapter 8 verse 12. and i'm reading from the new king james version and jesus said or spoke to them again saying i am the light of the world he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life he says i'm the light of the world and remember right at the beginning of john's gospel lisa could you read those first few verses remember it says in the beginning was the word but it also says something about light let's take a look i'll be reading from the new king james version john 1 1 to 5. one to four please thank you in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men ah in him was what life and the life was the light light of men now you say well you know anybody can claim to be the light of the world but matthew testifies under the holy spirit's inspiration that jesus is the fulfillment of that prophecy billy could you take us to matthew 4 verses 12 to 17. and he actually quotes that ancient prophecy now we're learning something here aren't we we're learning that these men and women of god through the ages they took the scriptures seriously because they didn't have access to all of these bibles that we have there were scrolls but most of them had to memorize what was in the sacred scriptures and read to them let's see what matthew says in matthew 4 verses 12 to 17. sure and i'll be reading from the new king james version now when jesus heard that john had been put in prison he departed to galilee and leaving nazareth he came and dwell in capernaum which is by the sea in the regions of zebulun in naphtali that might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah the prophet saying the land of zebulun in the land of naphtali by the way of the sea beyond jordan galilee of the gentiles the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and upon those who sat in the region in shadow of death light has dawned from that time jesus began to preach into and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand notice that the inspired text of the new testament says that inspired text of the old testament is talking about jesus he's the light of the world you know sometimes people say well you can't you can't tell what's going to happen 700 years that would be a coincidence if that happened but the gospel prophets say no as it was written by the prophet a virgin shall conceive or as it was written in you in galilee you know you'll see a great light so i think there's confidence isn't there of course jesus also believed that those scriptures were pointing to him he said these are they that testify of me right so this is really exciting as we see these prophecies about messiah now before we go on in chapter nine i'm excited because the darkness that jesus dispels isn't just back then isn't that right lisa yes that darkness is dispelled now in fact some of us maybe all of us have had darkness dispelled from our lives is that right yes and certainly people watching you're watching hope sabbath school today you say derek i know what that means i know what it's like to live in darkness and jesus the light of the world dispelled the darkness hallelujah amen so what is the appropriate way to respond to the fact that the light of the world has dispelled our darkness well there's a text where is it found steps yes first peter chapter two verse nine would you read it for us sir you probably have memorized it but it's a beautiful text and i think it it's not only a description but it's a it's a challenge to us as well and i'll be reading from the king james version but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light so what's an appropriate response proclaiming yeah not proclaiming our praises right his virtues his praises his praises yes who called us out of darkness now i think in a testimony it's okay to say you know i i struggle with a lot of sin i don't want to focus on all of that i want to praise the one who delivered me right yeah he called me out of darkness now i'm looking at this wonderful group of uh godly enoch men and women and i'm thinking i don't know as has god had to deliver you out of darkness at any point does anybody have a testimony that you could share where you would say you know there was a dark time in my life and and and jesus the light of the world dispelled that darkness anybody yes christian you know i i grew up as a as a pk you know and that means that means a pastor's kid okay yeah and um so for the first 18 years of my life you know i i lived you know under the shadow of my father's the pastor you know and um and and so throughout you know my my childhood um going to church was you know was something that uh that was quite um you know interesting because because i had that identity as being a part of the pastor's family well fast forward now to to when i finished my senior year in high school and uh and i went to southern avenue university in tennessee and my parents were at the time missionaries in the philippines long way away long way away and so when they took me to the campus of southern and dropped me off uh and left me there this would be the first time that i would be apart from my mom and dad okay and i can't explain it um in words but i can tell you this that i had a type of of identity crisis if you want to put it that way if only because i was no longer the pk you know as i mingled and got to know other students they didn't know me from adam and and that did something to me that that impacted me in a very powerful way and and i until this day i i know that it was god's doing because it was not it was a very difficult time to be honest with you because i started questioning my faith in the sense of why why do i believe what i believe and um and this caused a lot of emotions you know uh questionings that i had never asked before so in a sense it was a dark time and um because i knew i shouldn't be asking these questions because i but i was and actually hold just a second it's okay to ask those questions right yes yeah but but keep going well let me tell you why i said that though okay because i was in the theology department okay i was enrolled to be a pastor so you thought it was a little awkward a little awkward for a pastor in training to ask big questions about whether there's a god and how he would relate to my life how how did jesus deliver how did the light of the world deliver you from the darkness you know and i'm so thankful that the spirit of god was there to to literally impress me with the steps i should take what i did was i felt impressed to take my bible and go up behind the campus it was a biology trail and i took my bible and i went on by myself down this trail in the backwoods and no one was around and i remember i s i fell down on my knees and and i began to pray and my prayer was simply this god convict me i need conviction convict me and it was audible i'm sure you know i'm thinking no one heard me but but uh but i i was um i was just it was just me and god you know and and that was the beginning of several personal encounters with god where my prayer was the same convict me convict me convict me and this went for about a few months and to make the long story short i'm praising god because he answered my prayer because i literally felt fire in my bones if you want to put it that way i felt conviction and for the first time in my young adult life i felt like i had taken ownership of my faith and uh and had walked into into the marvelous light what a powerful testimony someone is watching today that says i need to go out and and say lord convict me convict me dispel the darkness and the darkness may not be that we're doing anything terribly evil or wicked but it's just like the darkness of the world the world is full of darkness and we need the light of jesus to dispel us well he's more than just the light the great light we're going to go to isaiah chapter 9 now and jason if you could read what is perhaps one of the best passages best known at least for those who sing in handel's messiah right they say i think i've heard this before would you read it for us verses six and seven i've got the new king james version here isaiah chapter nine verses six and seven four unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end upon the throne of david and over his kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward even forever the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this i want you to notice just like we were saying about the virgin conceiving and bearing a child called emmanuel this is not just some ordinary baby born 700 years before uh the messiah came right this is a prophecy the same here this kingdom is going to last forever which title there speaking about messiah really catches your attention anybody there's no right or wrong answer there which one catches your attention lisa i like everlasting father and that again goes to you know him being alpha and omega he's there from the beginning and his kingdom will have no end so just showing the expanse of his kingdom it gives me a lot of security now someone might say but he's the eternal son not the the father but jesus did say when he came to this earth the son of god became flesh if you've seen me you've seen the fact you've seen the father so he's a revelation of the everlasting father stephanie i think what impacted me the most was that the government shall be upon a child's shoulder for unto us a child is born unto us the son is given and the government will be upon the child's shoulder and yet that child is more than just a human being that's a profound thought that as this little baby and then little toddler and then little boy is growing up that he is the one upon whom the government rests rest i mean that's profound isn't it um yes billy yeah um well first of all i like all of them i i don't have that's good favorite one it reminds me of um you know when somebody's so excited about seeing something that's wonderful and they cannot put it into words i think that's what's happening now i remember for instance there's this big park in the united states called the grand canyon and my first exposure to the grand canyon i said what is like i don't know how to describe it and i found myself explained to a friend of mine that it's like a big huge bowl and it's it's like empty and so i was trying to describe it but i couldn't find the words so i think that's what isaiah's doing isaiah has given like you know wonderful counselor and it's funny that before that at least in my version it says in his name shall be called he didn't say names he says his name so he's trying his best to describe how wonderful that child would be you kind of think of the apostle john in the revelation trying to describe you know this glorious being and he falls down at his feet you know it's like uh something that's beyond human words to describe but let's go forward to luke now and see how the angels describe this special child who'll be born luke 2 verses 9 through 11. christian if you could read luke 2 9-11 i like i like it when when we hear a direct prophecy or a direct word from angels you know the angels also said this same jesus is coming back again right in like manner i love to hear those heavenly messengers what do they say here in uh this is right at the time that that the prophecy is fulfilled the child has been born okay i'll be reading luke chapter 2 verses 9 to 11 from the new king james version and it says and behold an angel of the lord stood before them and the glory of the lord shone around them and they were greatly afraid then the angel said to them do not be afraid for behold i bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people for there is borne to you this day in the city of david a savior who is christ the lord and this will be the sign to you you will find a babe wrapped in swaddlingly clothes lying in a manger a savior christ christ is is is christos is messiah in hebrew right it's so it's like this is this is the one yeah christ the lord he's born a savior now i have a question for you if jesus the messiah is the savior of the world yes will everybody be saved you know there's some people that believe that we'll all be saved because jesus is a perfect savior and he he's the savior of the world will everybody be saved help me with the bible insight there yes lisa everyone will be saved who wants to be saved everyone will be saved who wants doesn't it say somewhere everyone who calls upon the name of the lord will be saved so that makes that choice to accept that salvation yes christian well john 3 16 the verse says so well known says for whosoever believes in him shall have eternal life did not perish but have eternal life so you would say everyone can choose to be saved yes yes but everyone has a choice yes to believe now it's interesting the christian shared a powerful testimony he grew up in a home where god's word was honored his parents were followers of jesus but he had to make that faith his own personal yes we all come from different backgrounds do you remember a time when you said i i'm going to personally accept jesus as my savior i'm going to say jesus will you save me anybody jason you grew up in a christian family i think right yes but you also had to make a choice do you remember when that happened i do remember a specific time i was around 10 years old and i remember i was at a christian summer camp and during that time there were there were some songs about accepting christ and the leader of the camp made an appeal for us to actually walk forward if we wanted to accept christ as our savior and i don't believe before that point i'd actually responded to a specific appeal like this and so i prayed to god because i had prayed and i'd been talking to god but i actually said i felt impressed by the holy spirit to go to the front and basically sort of by walking to the front make this public commitment praying to god say yes i accept you as my lord and savior as my redeemer beautiful 10 years old that was a few years ago but it's changed the course of action from from then on right amen and here you are on the hope sabbath school team anybody else can you think of a specific time lisa you also grew up with godly parents love the lord jesus in fact they're active leaders in church but but you had to have a time too can you think of a time absolutely and i went through church school i went to an adventist academy in adventist college but it wasn't until my health crisis that really was a turning point in my life and as i've shared in this program i was diagnosed with cancer and it was until i faced to death that i started to ask the difficult questions you know if it were my time to die what would be the other side of it and i couldn't answer that because i didn't think that my life merited eternal life and so i really had to dig in deeper and it really was a turning point if my life meant something then was i living it to the glory of god and if it was time for me to go could i really come before god and say yes you know i do want to receive this eternal life amen it's a choice we all have to make which is what the next verse is talk about we could just end with handel's messiah you know hallelujah but there's a choice to make billy could you read the next verses in isaiah chapter 9 verses 8 through 10 isaiah chapter 9 verses 8 through 10. it's it's clear that we we all have a choice to make yeah sure and i'll be reading from the new king james version isaiah 9 8 through 10. the lord sent a word against jacob and it has fallen on israel all the people will know ephraim and the inhabitant of samaria who say in pride and arrogance of heart the bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild with eun stones the sycamores are cut down but we will replace them with cedars now it would be nice that we have the recording of that because it says they said with pride and arrogance the bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild with huge stones the sycamore trees have fallen down but we will replace them i could add a word with massive cedars do you see that arrogant attitude god is calling them to repent and they're saying in pride and arrogance well if things fall down we'll build them even stronger than before where do you see that arrogant attitude elsewhere in scripture it is so dangerous isn't it yes is there a story that comes to your mind and you say oh jason which one comes to mind that sounds like the tower of babel to me where the people literally said we're going to come together and we're going to build this tower to show that we are greater than god and no flood can ever happen and we can unite man under our own power we don't need god genesis chapter 11 right so there's this story people have heard of the tower of babel but they don't realize that that was an act of pride and arrogance just like this attitude bricks fall down we'll put big rocks little sycamores fall down we'll put huge cedars where else do you see that because that is you know what that is the greatest sin yeah this proud arrogant resistance against the love and mercy of god stephanie it all stems from lucifer i believe human beings are led by his influence to make these bold statements let's go there we're actually going to study that in greater detail in in a lesson that's just coming but but maybe someone who's here today for our program will miss it so go to isaiah 14 with us if you would because there verses 12 to 14. again it's speaking about pride and arrogance of a king of that time but then something happens in the prophet's words and it's clear that he's talking about a cosmic picture cosmic conflict would you read that for us in isaiah 14 12-14 sure and i'll be reading from the king james version how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground who just weakened the nations for thou has said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high did you count how many i wills were there i counted five but but you see it's it's a problem isn't it yeah uh against god i'm going to usurp god's position you say terry that's impossible but it's not impossible to have that proud and arrogant attitude right lisa yeah and i just think back to christ's testimony i think it's in philippians 4 where he said that he considered not robbery to be equal to god philippians 2 right yes and so he humbles him he humbles himself even though he is i mean in the same likeness of god he didn't think that i shouldn't put myself in the place of god so we see two individuals who are in the presence of god but their hearts are completely different the incarnation is the ultimate act of humility yes that that the son of god the eternal son of god would come not only into humanity and take the form of a servant be obedient even to death that's the text isn't it in philippians 2 even unto death is the ultimate act of humility and unfortunately lucifer who's described in another place as a covering cherub who was created is the ultimate picture of pride and arrogance well i'm so thankful when you read this whole controversy that is the one who humbled himself and came down who is the victim right yes yes just want to praise god for that man christian you know in the passage that billy read a moment ago i find it interesting that it says that they they said we will we will that's repeated in that initial passage we will but here in uh isaiah or rather yes isaiah 14 we find the repetition of i will i will so is that common theme we will i will and then but then you refer to jesus and his words in the garden of gethsemane where he said not my will but thy will be done pointing to the father so what uh what an amazing contrast there of pride and humility i feel we're walking on holy ground we're walking on holy ground because all of us run the danger of a proud and arrogant spirit yes we need to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of god and he will lift us up into time according to his plan well we're going on to verse 13 lisa of isa is this one chapter of this amazing book isaiah 9 verse 13 we we find here well if god loves the world like christian quoted from john 3 16 why does he chastise people let's see what it says in isaiah 9 13. i'll be reading from the new king james version for the people do not turn to him who strikes them nor do they seek the lord of hosts now you say who what does it mean he strikes them give me that in another in other languages he disciplines disciplines them okay we no times example would be when they're going to be taken into captivity right yes that he's doing that because he wants them to repent and turn from their wicked ways to him right doesn't it say somewhere those the lord loves he chastens yes or rebukes yes so why does he do that help me again because the rebellious heart just resists that what's god doing there yes stephanie from a bigger picture when i as i was reading through isaiah every i could see god calling them to come out and pleading with them change these are the results though if you don't but there was a constant pleading for them to turn and i believe that that's his heart is that he wants us to turn that we might have life and have it more abundantly a life with him let's look at hebrews chapter 12 and see if this might help us hebrews chapter 12 and let's let's begin with verse 3 if we can jason could you read from verse 3 down through verse 11 and see if that sheds some light we know here that god wants everyone to be saved right and yet there's this proud arrogant spirit that rises up so easily what does the scripture say in hebrews 12 beginning with verse three i've got the new king james version hebrews chapter 12 verses 3 through 11 says for consider him who endured such hostility from sinners against himself lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls you have not yet resisted to bloodshed striving against sin and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons my son do not despise the chastening of the lord nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by him for whom the lord loves he chastens and scourges every son whom he receives if you endure chastening god deals with you as with sons for what son is there whom a father does not chasten but if you are without chastening of which all had become partakers then you are illegitimate and not sons furthermore we have had human fathers who corrected us and we pay them respect shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the father of spirits and live for they indeed for a few days chastened us as seem best to them but he for our prophet that we may be partakers of his holiness now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present true but painful nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it so can you think of a time in your life when the lord chastened you now you say lord i didn't like it at the time in fact doesn't it say it's not pleasant right not particularly pleasant when it's happening but i look back and i say thank you lord for letting me have that difficult experience uh billy and i'm sure someone watching if you're watching hope sabbath school today you say derek i have a testimony you can write to us at sshope hopetv.org you say i remember when the lord chastened me but he did it because he loves me right he wants me to turn to him billy well the lord is still chasing me yes i think that's true and and i think um i'm gonna get to my testimony i think the reason why is because he's trying to build in us that that sense of humility like sometimes we need to humble ourselves you know every time we take a step up or step forward you know we learn more things for instance about the bible oh you know we just memorized a new verse you know there's a little pride that sometimes creeps in and god has to bring us down um i remember for me uh going from high school into college i was acing exams i was a top uh student and then when i got got into college i i just flunk in well i was not passing a lot of classes i was just getting a lot of bad grades and i was wondering god you know what's going on and i remember that it got to the point where even the dean of the school got in my case and said that if you did not you know pass the next semester you will be kicked out um and i finally in a sense like gave up in a sin like doing things my own way and i just relied completely on god in later on i found out that i was diagnosed with a particular disease that affected my learning ability and i made it i i made it uh from college but then i always asked god why did you allow that to happen because i i did i felt very you know chased uh jason a lot uh only to find out two years later that i had kids who also struggled who looked like me who were struggling in school and i told him that hey you know you guys think you had had it bad but you know i got it so bad that on the dean of the school of you know 800 plus kids you know got onto my case saw that i was you know bound for failure and he he basically wrote that to me because i was that bad but god got me through and that was an encouraging encouragement not just for them but also our friends family friends who felt the same way about their sons uh that you know you they see them in me and they see that they're not gonna make it it's so hard but i told him that no god got me through this so you god gave you a testimony through that chastening you know i had a little flashback when when i asked that question it was the day of my doctoral defense for my doctorate and i was feeling a little bit uh you know proud of myself i was reading through the bible this was totally unplanned except by god i'm reading through jeremiah and i'm not going to have you turn to it it says in jeremiah 9 23 let not the wise man boast of his wisdom let not the mighty man boast of his might let not the rich man boast in his riches but let the one who boasts boast in this that he understands and knows me that i am the lord well that was a little on the side of my head that morning of saying derek you know i've got a plan for you but stay humble right and if you're going to boast about anything boast about my character and who i am yes yes yes great and awesome god well i think you're right we need some chastening every once in a while i sense some may be coming our way but we we know the ones that the lord loves he jasons exactly in the last minutes of our study we just want to look at a few other passages now going to isaiah chapter 11 and 12 and you say derek there's just so much in this book but it's all pointing to jesus the messiah every portion fulfilled in him so let's go to isaiah chapter 11. christian if you could start by reading verses one and two and then stephanie i'll ask you to read verses three through five we're going to look at a few verses in chapter 11. christian okay isaiah chapter 11 verses 1 and 2 and i'll be reading from the new king james version there shall come forth a rod from the stem of jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord now does that ring some bells or wave a little flag connected to jesus uh what what words tie in there jason that catch your attention so stem of jesse jesse was david the king's father okay and and of course jesus is the son of david in fact that's also a messianic term they call him son of david right hosanna to the son of david so immediately you see that did you see anything else in the prophecy that caught your attention what about the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him do you remember the prophecy that jesus quoted in nazareth it was actually also by isaiah the prophet where he said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he's anointed me so you see in the time of jesus when this is happening those people who've read the prophecies including the gospel prophet it's like one thing after another let's go on stephanie verses 3 through 5 of chapter 11. and the king james version says and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the lord and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked and righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins and faithfulness the girdle of his reigns now is that prophecy speaking about the glorious second coming of jesus or is it speaking about the first coming as a baby in bethlehem i think second second coming it sounds like it doesn't there's the judgment right unfortunately not everybody will welcome him because they didn't choose to accept his salvation yeah that's right so i don't know do you think isaiah knew all of what what this meant or was he just by the spirit recording it trying to find the words guided by the spirit what do you think stephanie i he probably understood some of it but i don't think he understood it to the full extent but he was doing what the holy spirit was leading him to write down because there's times when we speak i was speaking to lisa off the air and she was sharing a testimony of how god had led her to say something and um it she didn't fully understand or fully grasp what that meant until after she had said it wow well i think that's true with prophecy and lisa i'm going to ask you to read the next verses for us 11 verses 6 through 9 that sometimes it's only after the prophecy is fulfilled that we fully understand it can you think of that jesus said destroy this temple and in three days i will raise it up again they thought he was talking about the physical building but but john says after the resurrection we remembered yeah and then they understood the prophecy let's read on this is amazing chapter 11 verses 6 through 9. okay i'll be reading from the new king james version the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb the leopard shall lie down with the young goat the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and the little child shall lead them the cow and the bear shall graze their young ones shall lie down together and the lion shall eat straw like the ox the nursing child shall play by the cobras hole and the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper's den they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the lord as the waters cover the sea so jason what's happening now what what's what's the vision showing him now now we're seeing the new earth because this is clearly not the earth that we live on today it isn't is it and let's not get bogged down with are there vipers on the new heavens and new earth the point is it's totally different all of the dangers that were in this earth are gone right and there is there is a place where righteousness dwells that we're going to study more about that in this series but i want to come to the last passage and christian i'm going to ask if you'd read for us chapter 12. it it's actually a hymn chapter 12 of isaiah a hymn of praise verses one through six and i think it's an appropriate way to finish our study we just want to say lord god you're so awesome and he loved the world so much yes the word became flesh and dwelt among us as our savior let's read chapter 12. all six verses okay and i'll be reading from the new king james version and it says in that day you will say oh lord i will praise you though you were angry with me your anger is turned away and you comfort me behold god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid for yah the lord is my strength and song he is also has become my salvation therefore with the joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation and in that day you will say praise the lord call upon his name declare his deeds among the peoples make mention that his name is exalted sing to the lord for he has done excellent things this is known in all the earth cry and shout o inhabitant of zion for great is the holy one of israel in your midst so we started out by saying we praise him who called us out of darkness he's the light of the world messiah into his marvelous light and we end with uh just praising the holy one in our midst what's the most important lesson you've taken from our study today yes lisa i like what it says there in verse 1 that your anger is turned away and you comfort me god's anger is not forever and we don't believe that it's uh you know a forever anger but at some point he will turn and he will comfort us and so if we've enjoyed chastening or disciplined whatever it is god still wants to comfort us and and calm us down so that's a promise i think he's really angry with the proud and arrogant spirit he loves us god so loved the world right but but he's angry because they're proud and arrogant spirit could cause our eternal ruin that's right yes uh he he wants to draw us into that loving relationship with himself well you're watching today and you're saying i want that close intimate relationship with god i i want to be out of darkness in his marvelous light well that's our prayer for you and i want to just remind you of this beautiful resource radical evidence jesus is not just another great teacher he's not just another prophet he is the messiah and all of the prophecies of messiah are fulfilled in him you'll learn about in this book radical evidence you can share with others all you have to do is write us an email ss sshopehopetv.org and put in the line in the subject line free offer we'll make sure you can get a free download of the audiobook radical evidence i want you to be able to share with others that jesus the messiah can dispel the darkness and save them too let's pray together father in heaven what a powerful study the spirit of god revealed so much to isaiah the prophet thank you that he was willing to say here am i send me he was willing to write down this record and that the spirit of god preserved it for us today yes i pray that all darkness would be dispelled from our lives by jesus the light of the world and we would share his light with others in jesus name amen amen amen well thanks for joining us what an amazing book isaiah the gospel prophet 2700 years ago and yet so relevant for our lives today stay with us on this life-changing journey and don't forget go out and be a blessing to those around [Music] you [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 49,348
Rating: 4.7489538 out of 5
Keywords: Hope Sabbath School, Derek Morris, Hope Channel, In-depth, Interactive, Study, Word of God, Bible, Sabbath School Lesson
Id: -kD9jPabqeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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