Hope Sabbath School Lesson 13 Living By The Word Of God

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are coming to the conclusion of an amazing series on how to interpret the Bible we have learned so much and if you've missed any in this series go to our website Hope TV org slash Hope SS if you've said I want to study more about the Bible we've got a special website which will give you Bible study options hope Bible study org we're continuing to learn through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit has been our teacher today is a crucial topic living by the Word of God and I'm excited because one of our team Addison is going to be leading us in our study today so we're excited that you with us great to have the team together too this is a crucial study isn't it living by the Word of God and I just want to thank you for being part of our hope service school family around the world were always so encouraged to hear from you you can write to us at SS hope at hope TV org and here's a note from Cecile Sicily Cecily in California thanks for writing and Cecily says hello I've been watching hope Sabbath school for the past few years and I have been blessed by the comprehensive studies and the clarity of the discussions and we say praise God praise God we know we're not that smart but we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and we share from our own life experience Sicily thank you for writing to us from California here is a note from hezron a Rwandan studying in Norway long way from home hello hopes Sabbath school family I'm hezron studying multimedia technology in education at a university in Norway I thank God that I can engage with such a vibe Bible study group in the English language earlier I thought I could only access hope Sabbath school on Friday but I just realized I can enjoy it whenever I want to you know if you download our app or if you go to our website you can watch on-demand whatever time you'd like to watch the study so you can download the app Hope Channel and then choose the program you can watch it anytime you can watch it in the middle of the night if you can't sleep or you can share it with your friends and that's exactly what hezron is doing thank you for your commitment to share with the english-speaking community anywhere anytime I pray to God that one time I would have the opportunity to meet with you just to shake hands and give you a hug perhaps I can do that someday if not I'll meet you in heaven amen well hezron we're glad you're gonna meet us there we're planning to be there with you and we're looking forward to that amazing day here's a note from a couple in Virginia in the United States a donor couple I'm not reading the names but I just want to read their encouraging note we love hope Sabbath school we watch it every Sabbath we both have some health problems don't always feel up to attending church but your program makes us feel like we're part of an energetic Bible study thanks so much please use our donation to further this ministry and may God bless each one of you and the gift of two thousand dollars to help Hope service cool thank you so much from Virginia but thanks to all of you who are supporting this donor sponsored ministry we're all part of a great miracle of God I've got a note here from Manuel in Brazil Manuel writes and says I started to study the Word of God with you not only for a relationship with God but also to practice my English it's been a blessing for me and for my students let God continued blessing you in all this ministry well Manuel must be a teacher and that's an amazing thing that you can learn more of the Word of God and then you can share it with your students god bless you there in Brazil a last note from Sania's in Haiti nobody here from Haiti but one of our media teams from Haiti hello hope Sabbath school team hello I want to thank you all for the way you helped me to have a clear understanding of the Bible I always use hope Sabbath school to guide me as I teach my class while we're waiting for the second coming of Jesus let's pray for each other a special thanks for the scripture songs love you all may God bless you with Sania's we need you to sing with us right now we've been learning a theme song from Colossians 3:16 it's been our song but this series on how to interpret the Bible it talks about the word of Christ finding a home in our hearts it says let the word of Christ dwell in you let's sing it together [Music] and spiritual [Music] singing [Music] see [Music] teaching [Music] teaching and admonishing one [Music] and spiritual songs singing with grace [Music] [Music] that's our prayer teaching and admonishing one another and Addison why don't you lead us in prayers we begin our study today bow your heads with me together as we pray our kind Heavenly Father we come to you at this time to read and understand your holy word but more importantly Lord show us how we can live by the Word of God Matthew 4 verse 4 says it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God thank you and I pray in Jesus name Amen amen [Music] in our last lesson we talked about dealing with difficult passages and when we're dealing with difficult passages or interpreting Scripture it is important to use appropriate methods that might be memorizing scripture through song or through other our teaching it to someone else but what I find profound is is that it's it's not God what's even more amazing is our ability to not only master the Word of God but for God's Word to master us so today we're going to talk about living by the Word of God and so I'd like to begin by turning to a passage in Ephesians Seasons chapter 8 verses to chapter 2 verses 8 to 10 and I would like Jason to read this passage for us and I'll be reading here from the New King James Version Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 through 10 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them so what do you find here what's the relationship between being saved by grace and living by the Word of God through the enabling presence of the Holy Spirit what do you find what does this verse tell us how does it answer this question Travis well the first thing I learned is I'm not saved by how good I am I'm saved by how good he is that's the first thing I learned from this verse and I guess Anderson I also learned that people who say well I just need grace I don't need to live anyway that's not right either because it says we're his workmanship right so God wants to do something amazing through us yeah in our innocent to us that's right he saves us he sanctifies us and he uses us as instruments of righteousness to live by the Word of God Kenneth and also the text also says that we were created from Google creating God's plan powerful well there's another passage in the book of Philippians and this is again this is the Apostle Paul he's talking to us here about living what we learned and so I would like to Cole to read this passage for us Philippians chapter 2 verses 12 to 16 the New International Version of Philippians two verses 12 to 16 says therefore my dear friends as you have always obeyed not only in my presence but now much more in my absence continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose do everything without grumbling or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life and then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain I love how that passage ends you did not run in labor in vain remember later in another book in book of Romans were the Apostle Paul talks about running the race he's using similar language in that text and who's really doing the work here is it us is it out of our own strength there is a there is remember early on it says seek out your your own salvation with fear and trembling no does that imply that we're doing it on our own I think some people would say yes okay because they don't read the context that's right so when we're interpreting Ernie that's right so when we're interpreting Scripture ready to look at things in context hmm so when we look at it closely we see we're doing it ^ yes Travis tying these two verses together can I read a scripture from Titus chapter 2 11 and 12 what translation and I'll be reading from the New King James Version yeah okay all right so this is gonna be it's kind of tied the two principles together as from the last two verses living what we learned okay and it says for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in the present age so grace becomes our teacher mmm is that amazing that's powerful so when we go back to Philippians chapter 12 and in particular verse 16 it says in some translations and I believe in the New King James it says it's hold fast the Word of Life what are other translations saying how do they put that does anyone else have another translation with a slightly different wording this is Philippians chapter 2 so we're going back in Philippians chapter 2 verse 16 that where it says holding fast the Word of Life does anyone else have a different wording in their translation so that's from the New King James but is there another yeah versus okay Gladys yeah mine just says the thing was your hold firmly to the word of life hold firmly the word of life Christian no Addison I was I was checking out the Greek of that verse okay and the Greek meaning is to pay attention to pay attention to so be able to examine it but but not just a casual quick read but but pause and pay attention to not just not just the the context but to the meaning of every word as the words come together well so paying close attention going through it thoroughly yeah thank you any other thoughts on this text or what that might imply holding fast the Word of Life Jason well when I think of the phrase hold fast I think of make your own spend time with it be a part of it let it be something that you do even day-to-day mmm that's great you know we always come back to Jesus is the word of light even so I would think even more than holding fast to a like to a teaching I want to hold fast to Jesus the word of life right now if I hold fast to Jesus I'm also gonna want to walk in harmony with his teaching that's right amen and you know that we don't have to be worried about which words or which what we need to do well because everything is presumed by God and the only thing that we need to do is to to read the Bible the way the scripture hmm Gary yeah it doesn't mean hold faster than to hide or to conceal or to keep to yourself as you hold fast it to Jesus people are gonna be attracted to Jesus that's right right so you're still gonna be sharing it you know I I don't know it was just playing with the words hold fast you're kind of like hiding you're keeping some I don't know very good Pedro well I see this in the relationship you know imagine I look myself from looking at my wife I'm in love with her and when I was dating her I wanted to hold fast to her she was not my wife yet and it says here that you may rejoice and when you're close to Christ you rejoice and I think that complements what we saw in verse verse 13 you he's the one working to the will and to do the his good pleasure think when we were knighted in in relationship with God we want to do his will because we're in love we developed a relationship with his word and we want to abide in it a verse popped into my mind Zechariah 4:6 where the where it says not by might not by power but by thy spirit so what is the Holy Spirit do through us and in my life as we seek to live by the Word of God so I'd like to pay attention to a couple of scriptures the first one is in John chapter 16 verse 13 and I'd like to ask Andre if you could read that for us 16 I'm reading from the New King James Version 16 John chapter 16 verse 13 alright and it reads however when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come so the Holy Spirit is the way that God speaks to us but it's the way he speaks through us as well what does Acts chapter 1 verse 8 dallas let's turn there right now acts 1 verse 8 and I like Pedro to read that if you have that acts 1 verse 8 I'll be reading from the New King James Version acts 1 verse 8 but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you hmm and you shall be witness to me in Jerusalem in all Judea in Samaria and to the aid to the end of the earth so that in verse is telling us there is the Holy Spirit will give us power to go out and share God's words with others isn't that amazing and powerful and what about another text and this is later on in the New Testament in Galatians chapter 5 verses 16 and verse 25 and go out would you read that for us yes Galatians chapter 5 verses 25 and 26 Oh 16:16 and verse 25 16 and then 25 and I'm reading from the New International Version and he says so I say I walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh and then verse 25 since we live by the spirit let us keep in step with the spirit mmm so what does that verse mean to you what is the holy spirit do through us what what change does he make in our life that can equip us than to go and share this good news there's gospel with others first he's our guide okay he's our guy he's our guide he's our comforter he guides us into all truth okay you know it says that we will not gratify the desires of the flesh you know we are sinners and in our desire like Paul says the good that we want to do we don't do so that the Holy Spirit through the word it just helps us to stay focused on the purpose of God reminds me of Jesus and Nicodemus in that interview where Jesus is saying you need to be born again reborn of the Spirit and of water I see verse 16 you know I read verse 25 which basically says if we live in the spirit let us also walk and go how do I do that well verse 16 answers that and says when you walk in the spirit you shall not fulfill it's a promise I'm trying not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh no you walk in the spirit and you won't so we focus and that's the key mm-hmm in living by the Word of God we're focusing on Jesus who is the Word of God when we do that isn't there a song that says the things of Earth that's the beautiful promise binding the promises of God standing on the promises of God I like that and so who is to be our focal point as we study Scripture Jesus that's the best answer I've ever heard the only true answer and so we learned from Jesus so what evidence in the life of Jesus shows us that he lived by the Word of God and so I'd like to turn to an account and there's also an account in the book of Matthew but Luke has some interesting details that we're gonna look at together and we're gonna look at Luke chapter 4 verse 4 8 and then verses 10 to 12 and I would like for Gary to read these verses Luke chapter 4 verse 4 verse 8 and verses 10 to 12 okay and I'll be reading from the New King James Version Luke 4 verse 4 says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God verse 8 says and jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve and verse 12 says and jesus answered and said to him it has been said you shall not tempt the Lord your God hmm so we see a theme here don't we Jesus is using scripture he's saying it is written it is written it is written so what does this tell us about Jesus and his priorities what is this if hedral we see that he lived by the word even though he was God and he could just speak by himself hmm he chose to refer the Word of God so people can be binding to the the word that he had revealed through the Prophet I'm smiling Edinson because I know we're gonna look at it later in this study but he had obviously memorized that's right because we've studied somewhere the Holy Spirit will bring that to our remembrance remembrance so you say how did he know that text is it and the answer is the Holy Spirit help us right remember what he had hidden in his heart mm-hmm that's powerful we could have the same experience can't wait Christian you know several times in the gospel I see Jesus saying for this purpose I came you know for this purpose I came and the reason he can say that with such certainty you know for this purpose I came is because his his mind understood the will of the Father he knew why he came his identity was clear and that came as a result of reading and staying the Word of God and st. can be with us you know as we study the Word of God I discover my identity and that's the son of God as you know as a child of God and my density in Christ and when I do I can say with purpose you know I know why I'm here I know I'll mmm Andre and and versal ten and eleven also the enemy had taken into a high place and told him to jump and he again from the Word of God he's saying you know that he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone so not only in that instance Christ was addressing that request but he was also letting us know that we have helped with theirs aid for us but actually it's Satan was the one quoting those decks he pulls it out of context we know God wants to protect us he says fear not I am with you yeah but he's he's pulling that out of context and saying something the text isn't saying which is be presumptuous voice God something to take care of you and and that's why Jesus says you shall not tempt them hmm so I think the lesson I learned there about living by the Word of God is when someone here happened to be the enemy himself misused the text the Holy Spirit said that's not right respond with mmhmm with this other word of God that's right and cut that dirt to say something also about those verses and that is that Jesus had obviously digested the Word of God he didn't just memorize memorize and not think of it he knew what the context was and he knew that in this case Satan was miss applying order to get him to do the wrong right he knew that because he had studied the Scriptures diligent and context right that's right very good very good point he compared Scripture with Scripture he didn't just take one phrase and say oh here's that he looked through the Bible he was thorough all right well there's a verse in the Gospels in Matthew 5 verse 17 I just want to quickly look that look at that before we transition talking about having quiet times with the Word of God but this testimony of Jesus and this is from his Sermon on the Mount what is what is an important lesson that we can learn from this text what is being in it what's being discussed here Matthew 5 verse 17 does someone have that for us Kenneth I'd like to read that for us yes and I'll be reading from the New King James Version and the reason do not think I came to destroy the law or the prophets I did not come to destroy but to fulfill it mm-hmm so Jesus the word he studied diligently and he himself being the Living Word he was gonna uphold the Word of God Pedro yes it's important for us to see this testimony of Jesus today because many people disregard parts of the Bible earth they don't believe in the Old Testament they're not going to believe in a lot of God they say well we just have to make sure we're taking the word of Jesus no we have to look at the whole scripture which was inspired by the holy spirit which was being starting here so what isn't another we talked about Jesus's temptation when he quoted the scripture but is there other lessons just a few lessons from other areas of Jesus life that we can learn that how to live by the Word of God any other stories that come to mind Jason well I think of Jesus when he was young leave about 12 years old when he was in the temple and he was sitting there talking with the religious scholar so I think it's important that when we study the Word of God it's not a bad idea to also study with other individuals whether it's listening whether it's discussing it's not something we should just only do by ourselves but it's a good idea to do it in community with other believers it reminds me of a text where it says come let us reason together Nicole as I say overall from the from Jesus's life I've learned a lesson that we can be victorious as long as we have a connection to Jesus and we know what he what he wants for us we can be victorious just like he was victorious in his life over and over again we see that victory medicine for me and I'm gonna come to that now with quiet time is that if anybody was busy doing God's work it was Jesus that's right and yet he got up before dawn he went to a quiet place which I knows where we're going next if he needed that time with his Heavenly Father how much more do we if we're gonna live by the Word of God we have to have that time to me that's such an important lesson I learned from me and that was something that Jesus talked about his Sermon on the Mount you know finding that quiet time with God you know go into a quiet place where you can commune with him and gather strength of the day and also find wisdom from on.i as you study though that the Living Word of God and so let's talk about Jesus he's our example and he knew the value as was mentioned earlier of spending quiet time with God prayerful time and so mark 1:35 gives us an account of that and I would like for Heidi to read that text were smart 1:35 let's just look at it this and see how did Jesus find these special times these quiet times with his father all right I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it says now in the morning having risen a long while before daylight he went out and departed to a solitary place and there he prayed so he went out into a solitary place and prayed have you ever found in your own life that there's a special blessing that comes in the morning when we seek the Lord does it bring fortification into our minds it gives us some vision for the day ahead of us it's like we come to the Lord and say Lord what would you have me to do today and so I think Jesus gives us a really prime example of that he was saying Lord I'm gonna rely father I'm gonna rely on you and so we can do the same thing Nicole I was gonna say for me after having children I realized the necessity of spending morning time in God because once my kids wake up the rest of the day and so I think that it took kids in my life to realize the importance of having that quiet time early in the morning before they get up to really spend that time I need with God to direct me with them that's right we need yes yeah I remember when I was and coldish University College and sorrow Mexico the Dean the first year she asked you did you already found your quiet retreat or the stone a rock where'd you go into it spend time and what's the first time I was like 16 years old and I was thinking really is that it's where all students and I asked for that and they say yes you need to find your spots where it's gonna be so what you're gonna spend time mmm with your devotional that's a great testimonial Pedro it's I have found a blessing on this texture because he's saying that he comes early in the morning even before they'll Day dawn hmm and and it may experience walking with God I have asked before I go to bed ask God to send his angels who wake me up on morning and I I find myself working up between three to four o'clock in the morning and that time I can just pray and I can just listen to the Word of God and and pray over his words and even though we can do it that later but in the midst of of the quietness of the night I think Jesus found something special and we can all find if we ask God for for that blessing mmm amen Chris you know when I look at the context of this one verse now in the morning having risen long while before daylight I can't help it to notice that in verse 32 of that same chapter it says at evening when the Sun had set they brought to him all who were sick and those who were demon-possessed but what that tells me is that Jesus very likely went to bed late because it was that evening when things were just getting started so he probably went to bed late my point is this is that you know sometimes spending time with Jesus takes means taking a it's a sacrifice you know it may mean that I might have to sacrifice sleep because spending time with Jesus is more important to me than sleeping in you know and it takes deliberate effort to say you know what I will discipline myself mmm discipline to wake up early even if I don't feel like it because I need to take time with Jesus hmm I can hear my wife saying go to bed early right there may be the exception with the ministry like Jesus had that night but they say hours before midnight or whereto after midnight so if you struggle to get up early and by the way I think it's not just time but putting yourself on a side putting your laptop aside putting all the distraction right sighs that's the solitary place mm-hmm but make it a practice to go to bed early enough mm-hmm that you're not exhausted when the Lord says wake up otherwise you're going to be impaired for the whole day right there'll be the exceptions when when I'm doing ministry late but I think again the lesson really here is Jesus didn't allow anything to stop him from something that was crucially important I'm alone with his father and I think there's someone else that understood the the value of seeking the Lord in the morning spending this time in a solitary place and that was the psalmist David and so I want to turn to a text a couple of text but beginning in Psalms chapter 143 143 verse 8 and I would like for Tonya to read that once you've found it psalms 143 verse 8 and there's going to be a keyword in there that will there will be important it said it's it's a it's a important dimension of the text so I would read for the version King James sons 143 verse a to say cause me to hear the loving-kindness in the morning or indeed to I trust he asked me to know the way were in I shall walk for I lift up my soul unto thee beautiful text what to you is what's another way of what's a synonym for loving-kindness how would you think of of that word my person says unfailing love unfailing love beautiful mmm-hmm immeasurable unfailing love of God we can experience that in the morning any other thoughts on that text the question I asked Addison is how do we hear hmm he says cause me to hear hmm your mercy or your loving-kindness or your unfailing love how do I hear that that's a practical question sometimes they're Birds sometimes through the nature why not so they're singing of the birds or to see many things that God is Souter in God's nature Kenneth from my experience spending time with God also involve meditating on his word being quiet before God and listening to God speaking through his word to you mmm because um sometimes if you are not careful all that you do is your prayer is going to be anytime you're going to spend with God it's like you are talking to God sometimes you have to keep quiet and listen to God that's why I think this help me say that you come before God and then meditate on his word and then God will speak to his word and Gladys this verse is just like you know when you claiming God's promises for your life and you were agonizing over something with your personal life then you claim to the Lord you said let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love you're just telling him Lord I want you to come me with your promise with your with your presses and just like Tonia said in the morning it can be a verb a verb you know they just flies by or just a text or a song the Lord wakes me up with song sometimes and and I just love it it's like like Federer was saying or 3:00 4:00 in the morning and it was just like wow it's amazing you know when he brings you to your memory his word to reassure you that you're not alone that's you mentioned song it happens when I'm studying for Hope staff of school and reviewing the scripture songs it's it's playing in my mind and when I wake up it's what's happening in my mind I'm hearing those songs and and I'm hiding God's word in my heart that way mm-hmm Jason I see the word here here and I think that's one of the five senses so I wondering if the psalmist is encouraging us to use all of our five senses and understanding God and what he wants to communicate to one so it's like the Lord it's like our prayer should be open my eyes Lord that I may see open my ears let me hear give me a mouth to speak your words Travis well I'm just saying that that you can actually hear God through through things that you see if that even makes any sense at all you know what I mean because when we're out you know in the morning and you smell fresh air when you did Jace is talking about senses that's like God you're good it's like in and and when you hear the brook or when you see wildlife or you know these things it's like you can hear God speaking to you just by things you observe and the fact that you're breathing and you have life that morning His mercies are fresh every morning what a gift of God Christian you know when there's two people talking to one another you know oftentimes one may realize that you know one person is talking talking talking and then the other says would you just stop this you know would you just stop and listen hear me you know because it needs to be mutual you know and and sometimes I wonder if many of us we we it's a one-way conversation you know we we come to the Lord we give him all our requests express all our needs and and and we don't pause to just listen to him speak to us hmm I think that's that's definitely a key focus here in this verse that we need to take time to listen rather than just be the ones speaking speaking speaking all the time that's right it's it's important to get away life can get boisterous and there's hustle and bustle in order to and so it's important to find that quiet time with God now there is another text from the psalmist and it's in psalm 46 verse 10 and this text it's been misinterpreted by a lot of or by some new-age teachers now what are some of the ways and I'm gonna get someone to read this this text Pedro do you have psalm 46 verse 10 yes he did would you like to read that for us yes I'll be reading from the New King James Version Psalms 46 verse 10 be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the nation's I will be exalted in the earth hmm so first of all how would you how could this text be misinterpreted by some of these New Age teachers or these ideas about spiritualism mysticism Christian you know Addison I I spend spend a year in India as a missionary okay and it was really interesting you know the the the roots of the the birth of new age you know can be traced back to to India and and a phrase that you often hear is is for one to repeat to themselves I am God I am God I am God and what the psalmist is saying here is that no you're not listen to the one who speaks and says I am God and we need to just be humbled and be still that's right that he is God mmm that's right Nancy so I have a new American Standard and mine uses a different phrase there so psalm 46 verse 10 it says cease striving and know that I am God I will be exalted among the nation's I will be exalted in the earth so I think that helps us to understand it more it's not just be still and repeat chant something to yourself it's stop striving be still focus on me I think it's important again we're talking about how to interpret the Bible the Lord is speaking here that's right not a person yes he's been speaking about God is our refuge and our strength and then the Lord speaks and says be still and know that I am God so to suggest us even some new-age teachers today as Christian was saying just say just be still and know that you are God that's not what it's saying at all and we need to read the Bible and look at the context right and and what it's actually saying is do what Jesus did that's right that's right that place like Tonya said that trier that quiet place in the woods whatever where I can be still and listen attentively to move Heidi also you know if we allow scripture to interpret Scripture and we ask ourselves where else do we find that phrase I am we see that that could only be referring to God no one else God the Father or Jesus Christ who also said I you know I am mmm-hm just quickly how are just a few specific testimonies about how God has blessed you in quiet times with him hey Joe well I find that Rangers were in the Book of Psalms and this book is a blessing to me because sometimes we want to hear you know referring back to a little bit of what we just read Amira's verse it's to be still and know that God that He is God sometimes we want to speak and that and myself I like to speak and but I don't like to speak my words when I'm praying so in order forgot to speak to me as I read I allow scripture and many times I use the Psalms and I put in my my person my many of those trials and many of those blessings and I proclaimed the Word of God so I can hear what he's saying sometimes reading might we might skip something we might miss something but if I'm reading to myself the Word of God out loud I can hear clearly what God is really saying and it's been a blessing to me in times of trials and also in moment self of proclaiming praises to God prisoners and one more Gladys I like to write you know so I take that the scripture and I follow a specific theme and for example if it's forgiveness so if it's love or you know I just follow through the Bible with different versions of the Bible in different translations and sometimes even Spanish in English at the same time and then just like Federer said sometimes I have to say okay okay I gotta go and do other things but it just keeps going and the Lord just keeps just enriching my life through his word and so based on some of these experiences I've been hearing and I'm sure we all have our have stories and personal experiences we find that through Jesus example he was a master at spending quiet time with God but he he understood what it meant to hide God's Word in his heart and so let's look at what does it mean to hide God's Word in your heart in order to live by the Word of God Psalms 119 verse 11 is a great text and and if Nicole would you could you read that for us Psalms 119 verse 11 the New International Version says I've hidden my word in my I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you hmm so what's the key in that text I've not sit against you or is it there's power in the word power Nora Travis didn't cower in the word power power in the Word of God hmm so what I would hear Edison is a conscious decision hmm I have hidden your word so I I think Jesus did that yeah yes ed this is important I'm gonna to use a modern word memorize memorize that's right I'm gonna memorize this scripture because the Holy Spirit's impressing it upon my mind and my heart but but it's a conscious decision I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against hmm powerful Andre yeah I mean I hear the word guidance the guidance we've allowed the Word of God to take root and place in our heart when we come up against a challenge we in essence the Spirit will guide us in what to do we will you know the word illuminate that there's another passage in Deuteronomy chapter 6 verses 6 and 7 and if someone would like to read that for us that gives us another idea about how to hide God's word you know heart Deuteronomy Christian do you have that Deuteronomy 6 verses 6 & 7 okay I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it says and these words which I command you today shall be in your heart you shall teach them diligently to your children and shalt talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up Heidi I know for me that's been 100% true I was born and raised a Christian but when I became a mother and I had to teach this to my kids you know sitting down and reading through the word with them like I have learned so much and I've been blessed trying to teach them and um also just teaching it with children in Sabbath school looking for creative ways to help them understand the word I'm the one who's the learning and being blessed mmm it's powerful often that's the best way to learn it's when we're teaching it that's how it works in school as well as I can testify Nancy and speaking of our children what we do is we have the Bible on CD and so we listen to that in the morning as we're driving to school but then just today actually I thought why don't we have you've heard of the about the they have somebody's called the Bible stories in for children you know because sometimes you know if we're getting into some of these more difficult passages it's just kind of taxing to hear you know the straight the straight word of God my young was there songs in that as well songs included no there aren't songs but they are dramatized and so yeah but we also have listened to the songs with the children and it just came to my mind Colossians 3 verse 16 which is our scripture song and it says teaching and admonishing one another in songs and spiritual songs and so another great tactic of putting the scripture or hiding God's Word in our heart is through song which we do here at Hope Sabbath school right and it was the way that Israel each as they learn the Bible so it's through the songs and it's something that I really like it really enjoy I remember this family they just she got baptized and she didn't know how to teach their sons so I say okay let's go and get some CDs and some verses of the Bible and it was for me also is a way to learn verses I want to talk a little bit about what blessings come for when we hide the Word of God you know hearts and so I'd like to again return to the words of Jesus who is our example of course John 14 verse 26 earlier on in the lesson we looked at John 16:13 now we're looking at a little bit earlier on in John chapter 14 verse 26 and I'd like Travis to read that for us and I'll be reading from the New King James Version but the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you hmm so this was reinforces what we were talking about earlier it's through the Holy Spirit that he guides us and do all truths bring all brings all things to our remembrance what else what else do you see in this text that is valuable as we seek to live by the Word of God mm-hmm you know Edison I find it so encouraging there have been times when in my human wisdom I don't know what to say to someone mm-hmm and the Holy Spirit brings a Bible text to my remembrance it makes me feel so happy it makes me feel happy because I know now I have something significant to share so it's a joyful thing I think God wants us to experience joy as we share with others but we're not just sharing our opinions the Holy Spirit is bringing a word from the Lord for us to share I think it can be a joyful experience amen Andre to go along with Derek just said you know it's like I had to teach everyone said repetition deepens impression and you repeat these things you learned these things but at the appropriate time when you need it it comes to remembrance and now the clarity and the true meaning of it might even stand out even more Nicole I was going to say you know all we've been talking about today it's about making a decision in an effort to actually get these words into your heart and so I don't want us to think it happens passively we can just sit on the side and it just happens to you we have to make a decision but once we make the decision God then gives us the will to want to know more and so it's just such a blessing blessed blessed thing that all we have to do is just say Lord I want to know and I choose to know that he gives us what all we need hmm praise God and you know it can happen even for a child the young lady Ashley who sings as my wife she actually sang that theme song that we sang along with her she taught her little boys the scripture and one of them was lying lips are an abomination to the Lord that's kind of a complicated text but one time the little boy was thinking of not telling the truth about whether he'd taken a shower or not and he said as he was thinking about it he remembered lying lips are an abomination to the Lord so it's a beautiful thing we smile but even a small child if you hide the Word of God in their hearts the Holy Spirit can be their teacher and that's just so powerful I think that's what happened even for Jesus when he was a young child it's through the power of the Holy Spirit but he gives us the ability to exercise using the sword of the Spirit the Word of God live by the Word of God the scriptures are safeguard in these last days more than ever before it stood the test of time and when we interpret the Bible we were to make Jesus our focal point and Jesus our safeguard and that's what it says in Ephesians 6 verse 17 and in context it's talking about the armor of God and specifically in verse 17 it's the sword of the Spirit the Word of God but I'd like to turn to another passage Luke 24 verse 27 and that's we're gonna we're gonna be headed just before we close I'd like Jason to read that for us Luke 24 verse 27 I'll be reading from the New King James Version Luke chapter 24 verse 27 and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself so what blessing do you see in this text but when we hide God's Word in our heart quite interesting isn't it and specifics from Moses and through all the prophets what is that that text mean to you Gladys we find Jesus Amen the whole thing about the scripture from cover to cover is to find Jesus and to anchor ourselves our lives in his word texts that flashed into my mind Addison Paul says in 1st Corinthians 11:1 follow me as I follow Jesus so living by the word of God is really following Jesus that's why the Gospels are so important will we learn about him the more we understand what it means to follow him it's not a list of regulations it's a relationship with the Savior there's one quick testimony about when you were able to share the Word of God with someone because you were able to hide God's Word in your heart any testimony or opportunity to share Nancy sure I have a friend who lost her husband in Afghanistan and I went over we were kind of taking turns taking food to her and her children she had two boys and she shared with me you know if I know my husband I know that he's up there telling Jesus that he needs to come back down here and be with us and and I had to share with her you know in first Thessalonians the verse where it says that you know we're going to rise to heaven at the second coming not not you know immediately so that was a time when and and it brought her comfort because she wasn't worried about her husband you know having a discussion with Jesus so mm-hmm-hmm Travis did you have something quick to share there was just a couple weeks ago I was with a friend of mine he's electrician he needed some help and so we're working during the day and you and I got to just share with them how valuable well he was in the eyes of Jesus and he was a Christian man but really didn't go to church a lot and I'm the way what we were riding home and he says I never saw Jesus like this before and he was just really interested and wanted to continue talking the rest of the ride home about Jesus and so you know I don't know a seed is planted where that will lead but you know I hope that he comes into saving relationship with Jesus amen what a beautiful study I don't want to speak to our viewers quickly if you've been blessed by the study and want to recommit your life to studying the Word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to use you in a powerful way to live by the Word of God I want to remind you of the text in Matthew 4 verse 4 that it's not about living by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God may God bless you abundantly amen thanks so much Edison and thank you to each one of you for joining us for hope Sabbath school and though the series ends with living by the of God we don't stop living by the Word of God it's a journey a daily commitment isn't it and it's a daily commitment not just to gain more biblical information but a daily commitment to stay connected to Jesus our Savior let's pray that we can walk that journey by faith and by the power of His Holy Spirit our Father in Heaven thank you for the challenge today to live by the Word of God thank you that you enable us to be spirit-filled followers of Jesus thank you for your salvation and for your mercy and grace today in Jesus name Amen well we've got a great new series coming up but don't stop living by the Word of God it's a daily journey hold the Word of God that you've learned stay focused on Jesus our perfect Savior and just remember there are people who haven't yet heard take the word of Jesus go out by the power of the Holy Spirit share that word be a blessing to those around you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 44,805
Rating: 4.6184421 out of 5
Keywords: Hope Sabbath School, Seventh-Day Adventist, Derek Morris
Id: p_i8VHlHpOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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