Hope Sabbath School Lesson 4 Prayer Power Interceding For Others

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are studying about making friends for God and if you need to be a friend with God this lessons for you too we're talking about prayer power interceding for others you might say I need prayer today well we can pray for each other and the greatest prayer is that we would find a life-changing relationship with Jesus so I'm glad you joined us today continuing our series making friends for God and it's been an amazing series hasn't it and I'm excited because you see Travis is one of our team's going to be teaching today Travis I know you've got a testimony of how prayer power made a difference in your life and I'm sure you do too as viewers we'd love to hear from you how someone praying for you changed the direction of your life you can write to us at SS Hope at Hope tv.org we're always so happy to hear from you here's a note from Beverly in Florida she says I thank God for hope Sabbath school I like the interactive study because the Holy Spirit reveals to each one different insights from the scriptures which point to Jesus also I receive revelation which gives clearer understanding and wisdom I look forward to study six days a week at 6 a.m. with you all amen may God continue to bless you as you share his words well fevour Lee thanks for writing to us from Florida you're getting up early to fill your mind with the word of God from northeast India ah John writes John says hope Sabbath school is a wonderful panel discussion by this I'm experiencing God's blessings and clearing my doubts please God thank you for everyone involved in this ministry God bless you all ajaan from northeast india that's the region from when aware of our one of our team puia is from that part of india so we're glad you're part of our family Oh John here's a note from a donor in West Virginia and the donor writes and says a couple actually my husband and I really enjoy hope Sabbath school and other programs on Hope TV I believe time is of the essence in sharing the gospel do you believe that time is of the essence as we see current world events unfolding here's a gift to continue the good work and a gift of two thousand dollars for Hope Sabbath school we are part of a great miracle of God and we want to thank you this is a donor supported ministry we believe God is touching hearts and we thank you from West Virginia for that partnership in ministry from Raymond in Panama and Raymond says blessings in Jesus name I'm Raymond from Panama an elder in my church and a Sabbath school teacher I love and enjoy Hope Sabbath school I learned more and more every day of God's love toward us through Jesus I'd love to meet all of you in heaven when Jesus comes I also rejoice with the theme songs from the scripture I share the lessons with my class greetings to Tricia Lee and everybody else we've just got greetings from Panama the Lord be with everyone and I'll meet you in heaven amen Raymond we're looking forward to meeting you to you you sound like you're full of the joy of the Lord and that's beautiful one last note from Simone in Jamaica we have lots of people from Jamaica but we've got to wanting to wave right now I guess we're getting a wave to Simone I'm grateful for hope Sabbath school it teaches me how to study the Bible I love the scripture songs beautiful keep up the good work thanks to the members for taking time out to share with us continue to shine for Jesus man well thank you Simone for writing to us from Jamaica and actually those Scripture songs that you like we're going to sing one right now it's from Psalm 105 the first five verses it's a happy song I hope you've learned it you can download the mp3 file and you can download the sheet music from hope tv.org slash hope SS let's sing it together [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] one of those regions [Music] Oh No [Music] Oh [Music] amen amen Travis leaders and prayers we begin our study today let's pray father in heaven were grateful to be here we're grateful to discuss this amazing topic and intercession for others father we know that Jesus was our example as an intercessor and as a great mediator we know we have somebody to go to in our time of need so father help us to learn from the Bible from the experience and from the examples of Jesus how we can intercede for others that's my prayer please send the Holy Spirit to be here as we study in the name of Jesus I pray amen amen so I'd like to begin with a story when I was about 15 years old I didn't go to church anymore and I started to take a different path contrary to the path that God would have me to take and my grandmother was a prayer warrior I knew that growing up but I would see her from time to time maybe every once every two years or so and she would always pray for me and it bothered me it bothered me and I'm ashamed to say that but it did it bothered me and I remember right before she died I was just starting to read my Bible again and it was just actually yesterday Derick who we were sharing photos that a sister-in-law China had sent me my grandmother was there and I remembered that she had prayed for me and she had reminded me and I started to think last night while I was laying in bed I can't wait til I'm in heaven and I get to thank her for me and it just touched my heart and I saw I thought that's a great way to start this this study and and so I'm gonna ask the question why did my grandmother need to pray for me what visually well there's two reason she loved you and she knew the power of prayer amen so so what was she praying for we're in a battle I mean the Bible tells us that there's a battle between good and evil and we need all the help we can possibly get and praying for someone else is asking God to move on their behalf so she knew that that God wasn't my leader anymore right that I was following something as I mentioned contrary to the gospel did you have something it kind of gives God extra permission or extra ink even used the word incentive to want to he wants to involve himself but when someone specifically asked it makes God want to move even more I'm thinking in that great battle of chucks talking about the enemy says how dare you intervene so actively in Travis's life and and he could say his faithful grandmother prayed for him in the name it's we're not changing God's heart but in this great battle interceding for someone in the name of Jesus is powerful it is and I and I understand the power of that now and so I wanna I want to talk a little bit more about this cosmic battle this great controversy that we're in over good and evil the fight is over you and I right God loves us and Jesus came to save us from our sins and Satan is on the opposite and he's pulling and trying to persuade us to follow him right and I want to leave a read a little bit more about this in the book of Revelation chapter 12 7 through 9 and Laurel if you don't mind beginning our study from the Bible would you read that for us all right I'll be reading for the new American Standard Bible and there was a war in heaven Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon the dragon and his angels wage war and they were no not strong enough and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven and the Great Dragon was thrown down the serpent of old who has called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world he was thrown down to the earth and his angels were thrown down with him so this war that's talked about the word in the greek is palamas it's it's not this physical war right what is this war what is this war taking place trevor taking place in heaven but it's the battle for our souls you have Satan on one side try to bring us down and you have the Father fighting for us on our behalf so it's something we can't see physically right Trisha Lee I was gonna say does have real visible effects here on earth we're told whoa to you and we see it playing out the evil in our world that doesn't come from God that's from the forces of darkness and so the trials that we face often have a spiritual realm behind that I think it's a war of words but it's it's God speaking love and truth and it's Satan speaking lies Jesus what in the father of life right and hatred even murder and and and and there's this contention to where it God says it's not possible for this rebellion to stay in heaven and the response of Michael or Jesus is always love right Satan is making accusations and Jesus responds with love leading by example showing us how much he loves each and every one of us well there's we get an example of this in Daniel chapter 10 and I'd like if one of us would go Jonathan if you wouldn't mind reading from Daniel chapter 10 we're gonna take another look into this cosmic conflict that's happening if you wouldn't mind reading verses 10 through 14 all right Daniel 10 verses 10 through 14 all right reading from the New International Version a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees he said Daniel you who are highly esteemed and considered carefully at the words I'm about to speak to you and stand up for I have now been sent to you and when he said this to me I stood up trembling then he continued do not be afraid Daniel since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before God your words were heard and I have come in response to them but the Prince of Persia Persian Kingdom resisted me 21 days then Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me because I was detained there with the king of Persia now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future for the vision concerns a time yet to come so Daniel was more was mourning and fasting twenty four three weeks prior to this and we've we learned from the Scriptures that it's most likely that his prayer was answered immediately but help didn't come necessarily right away and so then we get this picture this cosmic battle going on behind the scenes and we talk a little bit about what is taking place here go ahead Johnathan I've seen heard two theories which to me both sound maybe there are combination of both that that somewhat there's this battle in the mind of the Persian King and that there's a spiritual thing that's what's the focus on is like can I convince the King this way or versus the devil trying to convince them the other way or that the that is talking about a spiritual territory that there's there's there's a leader a spiritual leader of a territory so I've heard both ways and I can see light on both sides okay it's a spiritual issue so it's a spiritual issue go ahead just building off what Jonathan Jonathan shared certainly there's a spiritual battle taking place because who would be contending with Gabriel in our game and who if you know if Michael is the only one that can come and help we're really looking at strong supernatural forces so this is the the devil fighting against Michael the who knows the son of God and Gabriel but as Jonathan mentioned the context is around what's gonna happen to God's people and what decisions are being made at this time we know that they're trying to rebuild the temple they're trying to do a lot of important things and so the devil and and Michael and Gabriel are fighting a spiritual battle but we also see things play out in decisions that we make here so I'm just I agree with Jonathan that it is a true spiritual battle but there are some consequences in real life that we see and we learn from reading Daniel that he was studying Jeremiah the end of the captivity 170 years was about that time and also there was a the beginning of the rebuilding of a sanctuary that was prophesied so we know that there was some sometime issues that were taking place that had to do specifically with that king yes and so there's this battle Satan wants to change time God says no it's going to happen and through influence God works things out but God answers his prayer so in the midst of this conflict that we're in we need we need some supernatural protection yes right and that's gonna take us to the book of Ephesians and so I would like somebody to read Ephesians chapter 6 10 through 13 and verse 18 and we're gonna talk about this supernatural protection adjacent it looks like you're ready would you read for us sure reading from the New King James Version Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 through 13 and verse 18 finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places therefore take up the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand and verse 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints thank you Jason and and this reminds me you know one time I I was had a disagreement with a family member and I and a friend of mine told me they're not the enemy we don't wrestle against flesh and blood sometimes we can get into arguments with people or disagreements with people but that has always stuck in my mind they're not the enemy this is supernatural and we need supernatural help so God has asked it to what put on armor of God and also to be watchful yeah and pray we see that theme in Scripture to watch and pray well we'll read about that in you know and in a little bit here but but what other ways what other things did you pick up from Ephesians what can we do to protect ourselves in this conflict that's going on Chuck kind of the tag on to what you said the wharf the the armament that we're supposed to put on isn't physical hmm it's spiritual and so we're not supposed to the weapons we're supposed to be using in our lives or not physical weapons we're not attacking physical enemies we need spiritual weapons because we're in spiritual warfare and that really stuck out to me as you're describing thank you Eric and that it says to stay alert and be persistent we have to keep persistently playing we cannot just pray once and then say oh oh take care we know we have to persistently do so in Romans Paul talks about the armor of light parallels the armor of God and in the same passage he says clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ in other words this battle you are not you're not capable of fighting this battle but stand under the banner the banner of Jesus under his glorious covering and you're safe there but I am glad you included verse 18 sometimes we think oh god please protect me but Paul says but don't stop there pray all kinds of prayers be bought for all the Saints and that's and that's what we're talking about prayer power interceding for others and for and I like that that he says to watch to because we don't even want to put one foot on that ground it's best to just pray watching afraid so this is going to it is going to lead me into asking a question or its testimony time mm-hmm so when was it and that you discovered that this battle was real so we have any testimonies you know there are times when I'm just going about my day you know doing my Trisha lis things and a lot will come to my mind and I think have mercy that is not something that is usual in my course of thinking or doing and I know it did not come from heaven and so those thoughts are those types of things instances remind me that's an evil thought no no way around it that's evil that what just came into my mind and when that happens I realized there is no pact it's not a passive war I can't just sit back and say I don't want to put on the armor I don't really want to pray I just say to myself I'm okay I'm safe we're told the enemy goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour and if we don't have any armor on we are just open to anything that can come into our mind that we decide to dwell on or act on or or share it somebody else but that's when I know that this is a real battle when those thoughts pop out of nowhere you're like what in the world that's the enemy looking for people looking for someone to agree and act on or dwell on those things that's right anybody else for this testimony Nicole well I thought it's real when you know I had the intention of doing something for God whether it's study my Bible and it seems like at that moment I'm exhausted mmm all I want to do is go to sleep and so I open the word and I'm falling asleep and I know that that is not something I want to do but it's because the devil is really it's fighting for us he's fighting and he's trying to devour us that whenever we have something in us that wants to do good he puts something in our way that just distracts us from doing that good so that's for me is very real so how does prayer allow God to accomplish his will in this great cosmic conflict I think it was kind of mentioned a little bit earlier but you've got an Angels permission to have to work on our behalf yes to work on behalf of the person we're praying for also mm-hmm thank you Eric in addition to what he just said we have the freedom of choice that's one of the things that God gave us that's freedom to choose now that the Lord's Prayer son does it very well at the very beginning he says me you will be done on earth when we pray we allow God's will to be done or not in and to take over our will yes take over what you know that that choice that we have you know to do what happened to me to make whatever choice we want we allow a linguist that choice back to God amen amen so God someone told me God as a gentleman yeah he doesn't force he doesn't force and so so prayer is like the opening up the soul to God yeah and and so he's it's like giving him permission to intercede on our behalf right absolutely and so we can gain spiritual strength and emotional strength by that connection through prayer right all right well we have to move on we're gonna talk about the ultimate prayer warrior Jesus we're going to talk about the power and I don't think there's a better example in the Bible there's Jesus himself right and so we're gonna talk about that and I'm gonna have somebody read from Luke chapter three verses 21 and 22 Trevor are you ready alright Luke chapter 3 to 21 to 22 this is the inauguration of our great High Priest the anointing of Jesus Luke chapter 3 and I'll be reading from the New King James translation and you said verses verses 21 and 22 21 and 22 when all the people were baptized it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized and while he prayed the heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended in a boldly form like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven which said you are my beloved son in you I am well pleased that's amazing so we see on the power of prayer Jesus was intentional about prayer and not only that I'm gonna show you later on in this study how he believed what he prayed we out we already know that but I'm going to show you an experience and an example you know a lot of people have heard baptized Holy Spirit descends like an like a dove but it's interesting here that Luke points out while he prayed so he's baptized and he's praying hmm and while he prayed the Holy Spirit descended so you know now was he just praying for himself or was he praying father I'm beginning the mission here right right and the Holy Spirit rests upon him to empower him for that mission he's praying for others that's right while he prayed the blessing came that's right at God wish and we learned that from the Book of Daniel while you were praying there was help on the way I just studied that a while ago let's stay in the same book Luke chapter 5 verse 16 another example of the great prayer warrior in the Bible Jesus some me so could you read that for us sure look five verse sixteen I'm reading from the New King James Version it says so he himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed so so the prayer life of Jesus was something he did often yeah right let's also read from mark mark chapter 1 verse 35 Derek well you were reading from one of the one of our viewers this verse reminded me of Beverley okay she got up at 6:00 a.m. so I thought about that as we were reading Beverly's letter that you know she was taking the example of Jesus you know getting up to worship early in the morning could I have Chuck would you read that please sure mark chapter 1 verse 35 in the New King James Version now in the morning haven't risen a long while before daylight he went out and departed into a solitary place and there he prayed so so Jesus didn't all only just pray often he prayed early and he prayed for others prayer was a huge part of the Ministry of Jesus it was one of the staples in his ministry right he had to pray and we're gonna have more example Stephanie at a comment yeah in an in a place where there was no distraction it was a solitary place mm-hmm and that's a great thing about praying in the morning right sometimes even if you go outside in the morning you know the only things you hear maybe the frogs or crickets or you know it's beautiful to pray when it's peaceful I have two hands Billy I'll get you first yeah I'll make it quick I like the fact that you picked that passage because the night before Jesus was working all night healing people and then he prayed and he his next action was not to go back and heal people but to preach so basically the prayer also help them you know refocus on you know what's his purpose in life and I think we need that we may be busy so busy and doing something and then when we pray God we basically we help us we focus on why were you here and that causes us to say no my job is to go to the next town so that I can continue question of the boss and we see the same time you know the same thing with Mary and Martha in the story where Jesus is coming to Bethany and Mary spends time at the feet of Jesus and Martha is busy preparing for Jesus to get things ready but sometimes even in ministry yeah we need to take time to spend at the feet of Jesus right and so we can get lost and wrapped up in work but we need to take that time set it aside Trevor that was exactly my point it's like Jesus is trying to tell us if I'm praying right how much more do you need to put I am the Savior I am the Messiah and you see in the word how I pray often so it just lets us know that we cannot let distractions get in the way we must pray it's a life and death situation Trevor I think the disciples seemed seen something the same way you did because they asked Jesus how to pray and so we we're going to I'm gonna ask the question well first let's read from Luke chapter 11 verse 1 then I'm gonna ask the question what motivated the disciples and I think we may have already got the answer to ask Jesus how to pray right okay and let's see who has a read yet Nicole would you read the new international version of Luke 11:1 says one day Jesus was praying in a certain place when he finished one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples so what motivated the disciples to ask Jesus this question admiration admiration okay I think they saw the results of his prayer I do too I was thinking you know they they saw something different in the life of Jesus compassion we just talked about in earlier study the woman at the well and they were I think in the evenings probably sat back and thought this man is amazing but then they see what is it it's the connection with the father right and and they see his prayer life and they're like okay what's going on here and and I'm sure they prayed but they're saying teach us to pray like you pray they were wanting to move to another level in communion with the father mm-hmm I agree with that Derek anybody else why yes a Mesa so I'm sure they he prayed with his disciples often like we might pray with our families often but Jesus took some time by himself to pray so sometimes we're involved in corporate prayer but it's important to also have individual prayer time and if Jesus cared about prayer too he encouraged his disciples to pray I want to read about one of those circumstances found in Matthew chapter 26 verse 41 now he it mentions that he was told Peter but I believe that he was talking to all the sciples Peter specifically because of a story that we'll talk about later that happened in Luke and we talked about in one of our earlier studies where Satan wants to sift Peter like wheat right but I really believe that this instruction was for all of the disciples Matthew chapter 26 verse 41 Eric would you read that for me um I'll be reading from then new living translation it says keep watch and pray so that you will give so that you will not give in to temptation for the Spirit is willing but the body is weak so in the context of this Peter had just been told we can read about that in Luke that Satan wanted to sift him like wheat in Jesus and we're gonna read about that later says I prayed that your faith should not fail and the first thing that Peter says Lord I'm ready he was confident himself and Jesus is saying watch and pray because I know you're willing but you're weak mm-hmm and so this it's a spiritual battle we're in a cosmic conflict and it's good to recognize that so I have another question so how is your life impact by the realization realization that Jesus prays for you we're gonna read we're gonna read let's read first from Hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 we find even in John 17 that that Jesus prays and many times we see other places where he prays for people and prays for us but but to know that to see time and time again that Jesus prayers are answered and then to see intercession and understand that he's praying on our behalf that really has value to it doesn't it so Alex could you read from us from Hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 and then let's discuss that sure and I'll be reading from the King James Version wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them that's his goal he ever liveth to intercede on your behalf he came to save the Lost he's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance he lives daily when you're going through a struggle he's living to you he's waiting for that prayer to come so he can intercede on your behalf confess your name before the Father is that amazing how does that impact you Nicole I want to say that it impacted me because I know that in Christ I have power and only through him is the power realized to others and so I'm very thankful that in my weakest States God and his paw and his prayers gives me power to live his will in my life amen anyone else impacted by that thought that Jesus is interceding Tricia leaves I mean maybe it's a little not unrelated but it I what I'm thinking about is that Jesus was very clear on where his power came from where his direction came from and who he was speaking to when he said my father he wasn't talking about some universal being that mysterious entity that we cannot know and pray and talk to and I say that because I have friends who say they pray or say they practice prayer or meditation or certain types of things but it's important that what we're talking about as Christians is a living real connection with our Father in heaven and that's different because I think that people can practice prayer or practice prayer like rituals but there's no power in it because it's not connected to the one that Jesus was teaching us intercede with which is the father and so I I'm just impressed in that it's not about the act but it's about the person that we are connecting to it's about the source of it's the source of the power so I'm glad that Jesus intercedes on my behalf and I'm glad that he taught me that I can be connected through him to that same source of power and I imagine that there's some of us Chuck at you looks like you ever comment go ahead so we have Jesus who is all-powerful yes he's all-knowing and yet he spends so much time praying this it's amazing to me because sometimes I wonder why I don't pray more hmm hmm because when ministry needs to be done Jesus prays sometimes when ministry needs to be done we do mmm but really what we can follow the example of Jesus here I mean yes it's amazing that he's interceding for me but it's also an example that that when things get difficult it's not a chance for me to say okay let me chart how to solve this problem it's a chance for me to say God God what do I need to do would you please move on my behalf which your kingdom come in in my life and the Ministry of connected with getting me excited I want to move forward into another something I discovered in the lesson one of the verses but I'm hold off anybody else yes I'm thinking from the perspective of as human beings we have this predisposition to sin that's really just how this from from Adam that's how we are that's we are born in sin and we have just simply in nature we have a little power over that Eva oh and knowing that Jesus is interceding for us that even when we fall prey to those desires those our nature our true nature that all is not lost a male is someone who is praying for us who actually wants us to be with him and Sons and King as sons and daughters of his kingdom I was thinking of John chapter 5 I'm divine you're the branch without me you can do nothing we're powerless without being connected to the vine and that vine is interceding on our behalf he wants to give us the power to conquer sin in our life and and and he wants us to live happy and be happy Derek so I'm just thinking if anyone is in Christ he or she is the new creation so he's not just praying while I messed up again but please forgive him he's praying for the transformation that is possible when we have a living connection and promised absolutely and plan it's not to earn his love he loves a man everlasting love and that's why he's praying on our behalf he is interceding he and the father are in constant communication is not like he's kneeling down somewhere he and the father and the Holy Spirit are in constant communication because they love us and want us to be with them forever Derek you Mina you made a great point there because the love of Jesus is not based on our mishaps or our successes he loves us with an unimaginable unfailing love he loves a spite of our failures and our successes and that's the God we serve that's the god that's interceding on our behalf okay we're gonna move on we're going to talk about another prayer warrior in the Bible Paul and we're gonna we're going to turn to Ephesians the letter to the Ephesians the the church in Ephesus chapter 1 verses 15 through 19 Billy I don't think you read yet I asked you to read that for us please sure I'll be reading from the King James Version ephesians 1 verses 15 to 19 it says wherefore I also after I heard your faith in the Lord Jesus in love unto all the saints cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that ye may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of his of the glory of his in inheritance in the Saints in that in what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us word who believe according to the working of his mighty power so what are the some of the specific requests this intercessory prayer Chuck this is this is spiritual request this is not please give them a mansion or please give them a brand-new car this is help them to first of all he's thinking God or their ministry or what they are doing and then he's specifically saying help them to see what they're gonna have Union beautiful you know it's interesting that he prays for their wisdom and he prays for understanding exactly immediately I thought of King Solomon right and then I thought of James chapter 1 verse 5 God loves to bestow wisdom the children and so too we know that that's according to God's will we should be praying for each other for wisdom right and that's that's really exciting Paul understood that and he's praying for his first fellow companions and servants and what we read earlier in Ephesians 6 about praying in the spirit I think we're not preoccupied with earthly things we're preoccupied with things of eternal value yes we're praying for the salvation of a person we praying for a spirit of wisdom for revelation that they would know how much God loves them because those are the things that the Spirit of God wants that person to experience more than any material thing yeah you know the last request is for the riches of glory yeah he wants them to understand the riches of the glory of salvation that's amazing that Stephanie did you have something all right well let's go to let's go to another prayer in Philippians Jason I'm gonna ask you to read this one if you wouldn't mind doing that for us Philippians chapter 1 3 through 11 Paul was facing some hard times here but he prays and he says and it seems like he's praying joyfully even through these struggles let's see what's going on here it's Olympia chapter 1 3 3:11 and I'm reading here from the New King James Version Philippians chapter 1 verses 3 through 11 I think my god upon every remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine making requests for you all with joy for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now being confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ just as it is right for me to think this of you all because I have you in my heart in as much as both in my chains and in the defence in confirmation of the gospel you all are partakers with me of grace for God is my witness how greatly I longed for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ and this I pray that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment that you may approve the things that are excellent that you may be sincere and without offence to the day of Christ being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God you know you were reading that Jason I started to think about our last study about seeing people through the eyes of Jesus and how he says being confident this very thing he who's begun a good work in you will complete it he he what he saw people in a different light Paul did he saw them for what Jesus could do in them a manna and that was amazing to me Stephanie his confidence was in God that's where you complete the work that was in God he he knew that God could do it isn't that powerful he had confidence in what Jesus could do in the life of a sinner and again what comes out here is through intercession is motivated by love he says I have you in my heart and I pray that your love would abound more and still more yeah it's it's a beautiful reflection of the character of God and when we pray with love in our hearts for other people for God to bless them with all spiritual blessings mm-hmm that is amazing Billy so back then obviously didn't have cell phones but you know the context was that you know Paul was busy he was going around preaching teaching and even in his busyness he took time out to pray for people and also to write to them the feel part in the understanding that Paul is a busy man but the fact that he took time out to pray for for them and also let him know that hey I'm praying for you it's also a reflection of you know no do we do the same thing today are we so caught up with work with school that we don't even take some time out to pray we've been sending texts of encouragement and some people feed on that because I think Philip Ari they were facing a lot of hardship so these words of encouragement I think we have a responsibility to encourage our sisters and brothers and even people who are not part of the church saying that hey you know I you crossed my mind let me check up on you I'm praying for you amen and I think that's a good example that we need to fall yeah I agree with that so this is really powerful what I mean the life of the prayer life of Jesus is the most powerful but here we see somebody who had direct interaction with Jesus praying for others counting at joy suffering some of the same things that Jesus did you know in Chains and we have read can read all a whole list of things that Paul went through but he was dedicated to sharing this good news and he believed in his message what other passages in Paul's writings emphasize the importance of prayer do you have any other passages could think of Tricia Lee there's a verse in Colossians chapter 4 verse 2 that I can read would you read that for us Colossians 4 verse 2 and reading from the New King James Version continue earnestly in prayer being vigilant in it with Thanksgiving actually I would want could you read verse 12 as well Oh certainly what she's looking for that you talked about being watchful and that's what the word vigilant means so when we pray continually will continue earnestly we need to be expecting that God's going to work yes because we're praying under the authority of Jesus in his name so being watchful and with a thankful heart even when we haven't seen the answer yet Colossians 4 verse 12 at Patras who is one of you a von servant of Christ greets you always laboring fervently for you in prayers that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God so I was as I was reading that for he taught prayer to other people as well and as students of Scripture and understanding the intercession Jesus intercession for us we should teach other people about the power of prayer right I mean that's really important when when we can teach someone to tap into that kind of power that's a life changing right anybody else yeah it's really interesting that the the thing you can offer someone is something that costs you nothing right it costs you nothing to intercede on behalf of someone and in interceding you have to be thinking about someone else so if you're not thinking about other people there's no way you're going to insta seed on behalf of other people they the keys relationships and and thinking about other people a mint and one more verse who either yeah well first Thessalonians 5:17 just tells us to pray without ceasing I want to read that for us yes the psalmist says in Psalm 16 I have set the Lord always before me yes because when we have him before us and we know how much he loves all of his children then we're going to want to intercede for them does that make sense it does and we'll pray without ceasing which is an interesting thought because we have other work to do we have jobs but we can always have an attitude of Prayer we're open even while we're doing our work we pause and we say god bless my companion yeah mmm god bless my brother or my sister and and that I think is that walking with God that it talks about with Enoch praying without ceasing constant communion living in the atmosphere of a prayer right well we have to move on to the last part of our study this is where I wanted to spend their most time this was this was an amazing study for me as I prepared and I want somebody to read from Luke chapter 22 verses 31 to 32 Luke chapter 22 31 to 32 and Jason could I ask you to read that for us please sure I'll be reading here from the New King James Version Luke chapter 22 verses 31 and 32 and the Lord said Simon Simon indeed Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail and when you have returned to me strengthen your brethren this is a very powerful verse I've preached a couple of sermons on this and yet as I was reading just last night going over this but something struck me this is this is also a prophecy in a sense because he said I've prayed for you that your faith should not fail and when you when you return to when you return to me he could see that he was did Jesus have confidence in his prayer yes he did because he prayed and he says when you return to me he had confidence that his prayer would be answered and Ike and I thought about the life of Peter and their circumstances in the courtyard enough things that he went through because his faith didn't fail when he denied Jesus because I'm sure the tempter was there when he ran away crying to say he will never take you back and that just came into my that thought came into my mind but then then I think that these words the words of Jesus resonated in the mind of Peter yeah I'm just speculating you know he said when I reach when I returned to him and I imagine he started crying when I read he's going to take me back and he became a powerful preacher matter of fact er what's it very long after that 3,000 were baptized because of a powerful sermon the day of Pentecost that Peter had given this was just an amazing revelation to me as I read that verse Jesus believed he acted according to the prayer that he that he prayed and that's important especially even with our intercession with when we're either interceding with prayer do we believe the requests that we make that God will answer the question to Jesus so that was powerful that was just a go ahead Stephanie I think it's interesting and I had heard a sermon that my brother had done on on prayer and the Lord's Prayer and how most of it was focused on the spiritual aspect and here again you see that he's praying for the spiritual aspect that your faith doesn't fail and that's what I think intercession a nurse intercessory prayer is for that we pray for the spiritual part or the spiritual aspect of that person mm-hmm God do what you need to do to bring them to a closer relationship with you mmm and so so we know that prayer is connecting the soul to God and we know that he has our best interest in mind well there's a story we're gonna read about in the Bible where somebody one of God's disciples or is in some very dire circumstances and a group of people something interesting when I read this as well prayed for him the effort well let's go ahead and read this before I want to explain I'm excited I want to get ahead of myself but let's read here I'm sorry in Acts chapter 12 1 through 5 6 through 10 and then 11 through 17 I'm going to ask Nicole if you would read these verses for us the New International Version Acts 12 1 through 5 says it was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belong to the church intending to persecute them he had James the brother of John put to death with the sword when he saw that this met with approval among the Jews he proceeded to seize Peter also this happened during the festival of unleavened bread after arresting him he put him in prison prison handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover so Peter kept in so Peter was kept in prison but the church was earnestly praying to God for him verses 6 through 10 just yet right if we went because it's interesting it doesn't say that they met were earnestly praying for James and he died mmm no I just want to say they realized that intercession is important and now Peter is is close to execution and the church realizes that intercession is vitally important now we're going to pray as eric mentioned you will be done on earth as it is in heaven if this is the time that peter will lay down his life you will be done but we are not going to sit idly by just looking we're going to pray and and this this chapter shows the power of United intercessory prayer I don't know that they were praying that earlier on and they say well James died we need to pray right Peter's next right and Thank You Derek for sharing that or something also struck me is the church was praying and then the next thing we see is they're praying in a home and something dawned on me we don't have to pray in the church we don't have to all gather at the church don't think the churches back then that's true but they had house Church right this was a house Church a group of people who cared for Peter praying continued and I'm gonna have you continue all the way through 17 for sake of time and we'll discuss okay the story so 6 through 17 of the New International Version says the night before Herod was to bring him to trial Peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and century stood at the end stood guard at the entrance suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell he struck Peter on the side and woke him up quick get up he said and the chains fell off Peters RS then the angel said to him put on your clothes and sandals and Peter did so wrap your cloak around you and follow me the angel told him Peter followed him out of the prison but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening he thought he was seeing a vision they passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate lead into the city it opened for them by itself and they went through it when they had walked the length of one Street suddenly the angel left him then Peter came to himself and said now I know without a doubt that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were hoping would happen when this had dawned on him he went to the house of Mary the mother of John also called mark where many people had gone and we're praying Peter knocked at the outer entrance and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door when she recognized Peter's voice she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it Peter is at the door you're out of your mind they told her when she kept insisting that it was so they said it must be his angel but Peter kept kept on knocking and when they opened the door and saw him they were astonished Peter motioned with his hand for them to be quiet and described how the Lord had brought him out of prison tell James and the other brothers and sisters about this he said and then he left or another place wow that's really powerful that's repair we only got about a minute left and so we want to discuss this as get as much information as we can from this what was the what was there how do I want to say the reaction when Peter showed up at the door unbeliev but they were praying yeah there was they were surprised that Peter showed up that that story always just catches my attention because I thought why were they praying if they didn't believe you know but God still you know when we're weak he's trying and God is faithful even when we're not and he understands our weaknesses and so with that this story told me is that Lord even when I don't may have the perfect prayer you're still there yeah intercede on our behalf there's many people who need our prayers amen and I'd like to you know continue this discussion another 10 minutes but but there are people out there that we can intercede for and we will be blessed and so are they man Travis thank you for that great study you know as the study was coming to an end I thought of what the prophet Samuel said far be it for me that I should sin against God by not praying for you what a privilege it is to intercede and and to do it with faith with a joyful expectation that God is going to work I love the fact that Peter stones stand up and it says when he stood up his chains fell off we need to move forward in faith even in our intercession for other people believing in the power of Jesus they're awesome Savior and our strong deliverer what a privilege it is and I'm sure as we were studying today you thought of people who need your prayers the Holy Spirit stirred your mind there's someone who needs your prayers today prayer power is interceding for them in the name of Jesus let's pray that God would guide us as we pray for others so that they can make friends with God and make friends for God let's pray father in heaven we've been challenged by the study today we've been challenged to be men and women who pray in the name of Jesus for other people we believe your Holy Spirit can guide us in our prayers and even give us faith and courage to believe the miracles that you will work may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven we pray in the name of Jesus amen well thanks for joining us for Hope Sabbath school what an amazing series our making friends for God be a friend of God yourself and then go out and share that good news with those around [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
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Keywords: Hope Sabbath School, Seventh-Day Adventist, Derek Morris
Id: LtO62TrGztw
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Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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