Hope Sabbath School Lesson 9 From Contamination to Purifications.

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[Music] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are in the middle of an amazing series of studies on The Book of Daniel I am learning so much and I'm sure you are too and if you've missed any in this series you don't have to just look sad you can go to our website hope tv.org / hope ss the entire series on the book of Daniel is there you can also download our theme song and the outline it will be a great blessing for you and we also want to tell you about a series of Bible studies that builds on what we're studying in this series on Daniel and revelation chapter by chapter because they're so connected together you can go to our hope Bible study org hope Bible study org and you can sign up for free Bible studies that will compare daniel and revelation together it will be an amazing journey keep studying the Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path so welcome to our team and welcome what a great series this is and you know it's I'm just praying as we study an important topic today from contamination to purification the whole cleansing of the sanctuary what that means and what it means for our lives today that the Holy Spirit would bless us in amazing ways and for each one of you we're just glad you're part of our hopes a mystical family we are now in more than 200 countries around the world and if you haven't downloaded our app hope channel app free from the App Store that's a great tool for accessing the program here are some emails one from Leslie Ann in Trinidad and Tobago now that's two separate islands right but it's one country Trinidad and Tobago anyone have Trinidad roots we've got some some Caribbean roots right but Trinidad not not from treinta dad and Tobago well I know we have lots of oak Sabbath school members in Trinidad and Tobago Thanks for writing Lesley Ann I write to you from the lovely islands of Trinidad and Tobago I'm 25 years old and I was recently rebab and reconsecrated my life to Jesus I had emptiness that partying and drinking could not satisfy but praise God that it was just the right size for Jesus to fill I tuned in to Hope Sabbath school every week to get a better insight into the Word of God being a visual learner it helps me a bit of gives me some motivation to study the Bible for myself I praise God for your ministry I pray you never stop in Jesus name for I know you are touching many lives and helping the gospel reach all around the world Lesley Ann well thanks for writing to us and that beautiful we are so glad Lesley Ann you did not wait until you were 85 to recommit your life to Jesus 25 years old god bless you and invite your friends to join us there in trinidad and tobago to watch home service school not shukru rights from nigeria i probably didn't say that right did I for the second week running now I've been following Hope Sabbath school do you notice people are always joining it's like our family's growing I'm watching by internet now I'm richly blessed your interactive style has drawn me to make it a task that I must do every week continue your life-changing Sabbath school and to all the members and crew God will bless you and use you to transform lives around the world amen sounds like God's blessing know what Chuku in Nigeria thanks so much for writing to us and god bless you too here's a note from a donor in New York State in the United States of America and the donor rights it says greetings to the hope Sabbath school team the program I've been watching it for nearly two years now I enjoy the songs and discussions I grew up in the church from a young age but later in life I had problems and lost my way but I'm back and I love hope zammis goal and I learn a lot and in close is a donation may the Lord always bless you and a gift of two hundred and twenty dollars to help the Ministry of Hope service cool so thank you thank you but most of all we're glad you're back and we're glad that you're experiencing the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ here's a note from Kate in Illinois Kate writes and says my boyfriend and I have been watching Hope sabbath-school faithfully since we started dating what do you think about that that's a good thing isn't it it has become an integral part of our Sabbath time together and our relationship well the Bible says and unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it so that would mean if the Lord's in the middle of the house that's a good thing isn't it the Kate continues may the Lord continue to bless your work and we say Kate if if whatever's happening in your relationship with your boyfriend you keep God at the center whether you'll be lifelong friends and marry someone else or you'll end up having a Christian home together where God is at the center of relationships people are always blessed so thanks for writing to us from Illinois in the United States one last note just a short one from Edwin in Bolivia and Edwin writes from La Paz Bolivia a high-altitude city iWatch hope service school every Friday on YouTube god bless you all and blessings to the whole class well Edwin I don't know what the altitude is there in La Paz I'm sure someone will send me an email and tell me but wherever it is in the altitude I know there are people who need to know about Jesus god bless you as you share about hope sabbath-school and most of all about the love of Jesus and today about the fact that things are wrapping up there's a judgment a cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary there is a glorious return of Jesus just on the horizon and we want everyone to hear the good news and how many is Jesus want to be ready for his coming by his grace he would like everyone to have an opportunity and to choose to be ready right now we want to sing a scripture song it's one written the words are written by the prophet Daniel my wife wrote a tune to help us memorize it if you haven't learned it yet download it from our website but many of you have learned it already so let's sing it together [Music] blessed be the name of God forever and ever for wisdom and find our head is blessed be the name of God forever ever for his son and like our heads and he changes the times and the seasons he removes his raises up kings he gives winsome dear wise and knowledge to those who have understanding he reveals divas secret things he knows what is in the darkness and mind dwells with he reveals deep and secret things he knows what is in the darkness and was weird I thank you and praise you O God of my father's you have given me wisdom I thank you and praise you O God of my father's you have given me wisdom blessed be the name of God forever and ever for wisdom and might are that's a be the name of forever [Music] wisdom and might are any changes the times and the seasons he removes kings and raises up kids he is wisdom to the wise and do those understand [Music] please didn't say with babes he knows what is he [Music] praise you [Music] by thank you [Music] let's be the name of God forever never for wisdom and might [Music] you know that's a beautiful prayer especially as we come to these challenging prophetic portions of the Book of Daniel we know there's a promise of blessing as we study diligently right but we need wisdom and wisdom belongs to God but he says blessed be the name of God because he's given us wisdom and might when we when we ask right yes when we ask he wants to give us wisdom let's pray wherever you are around the world join us in prayer that God will give us wisdom as we study Daniel chapter 8 from contamination to purification that's pray father in heaven thank you so much that you not only have wisdom and strength but you offer wisdom and strength to your people when we call out to you and say God guide us in our study that we may see the light of your truth and follow the light of your truth thank you in the name of Jesus amen we're in Daniel chapter 8 now we've gone from a metal image to four different kind of composite beasts and now we've got another revelation and Stephanie would you begin our study in chapter 8 verses 1 through 8 we find another vision 2 years later right in the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar let's see what the text tells us and I'll be reading from the King James Version in the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me even unto me Daniel after that which appeared unto me at the first and I saw in a vision and it came to pass when I saw that I was in Shushan in the palace which is the province of Elam and I saw in a vision and I was by the river you lie and I lifted up mine eyes and saw and behold there stood before the river a ram which had two horns and the two horns were high but one was higher than the other and the higher came up last I saw the RAM pushing westward and northward and southward so that no beasts might stand before him neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand but he did according to his will and became great and as I was considering behold and he goat came from the West on the face of the whole earth and touched not the ground and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes and he came to the RAM that had two horns which I had seen standing before the river and ran unto Him in the fury of his power and I saw him come close unto the RAM and he was moved with collar against him and smote the RAM and break his two horns and there was no power in the RAM to stand before him but he cast him down to the ground and stamped upon him and there was none that could deliver the RAM out of his hand therefore the he-goat waxed very great and when he was strong the great horn was broken and 4/8 came up four notable horns toward the four winds of heaven and before we unpack the vision let's go back as we did in our previous study in Chapter 7 and notice the preliminary words in verses 1 and 2 of Daniel chapter 8 what's important about what Daniels sharing there Harold was just saying the third year so giving us another historical reference all right - a couple of years of past this is still prior to the story in Daniel 5 right so it's not all chronologically in the chapters chapter 5 is the fall of Belshazzar Kingdom so this is still during his Kingdom in the third year yes Brittany he also said this one came after the one that he had had before so it gives us the timeline that it came after the one in Daniel 7 so it's the next vision God revealed to him okay and one thing that we pointed out is unlike the first vision which was given in Daniel 2 first to King Nebuchadnezzar and then to Daniel and interpreting inset Daniel 7 and 8 it's given directly to Daniel okay a lot of information where he's located it's like this is not well I think I had a dream one day no it's anchored in history isn't it what about the dream itself Jonathan you want to reflect on the background or the day just sounds like that it's kind of building on the previous vision and it's kind of expanding again that's an interesting concept it's building because when we begin to unpack we notice that one of the kingdoms is missing which one's missing Babylon's missing which was the head of gold and with a lot of winged lion but now he goes straight to the second which was paralleled by the chest of silver and the the bear with the ribs right why do you think in this vision Babylon's omitted yes Travis because it there by the time this writing hits the press I mean Davlin is gonna be conquered it's gonna be gone so it's kind of waxing it to the end of the Babylonian Kingdom we want to focus on what's happening next does that make sense so what about this this Ram with the two horns causes you to say I think we're starting with medo-persia Brett and Brittney rather than with Babylon it said that one side of the bear was higher than the other that's in chapter and Daniel up to 7 and here it says that one horn is higher than the others and the bigger horn comes up right so that's Persia right anything else that would make you say I think we've skipped Babylon we're on to Mito Persia yes Travis 3 the bear had three ribs in its mouth and here we see it's pushing three different directions okay by the way this is obviously a power with global influence an empire not just talking about a little country somewhere right it's got a broad impact Carolyn I wanted to add that in reference Shushan the citadel which was a prominent town I believe it was the capital of the kingdom of Persia I found so that would be another the fact that it was revealed in that location you know okay so here it is and it's kind of impacting the whole world it becomes great and while Daniels watching what does he see an airborne goat right doesn't it say his feet didn't even touch the ground yeah so back to Brittany parallel to chapter 7 because the the medals are they they don't have any like personality right it's just gold silver bronze but what in Daniel 7 Stephanie would parallel this airborne goat that would be the leopard a leopard after the winged leopard right for wings with four wings okay so this idea of speed and now we've got an airborne goat just imagine that not even touching the ground what's what's unique about this goat yes it says it had a notable horn between its eyes now before you say uh unicorns did exist this symbolism right it's ago but it's got like this notable horn immediately when we see that what do we think of King King we think of a power within that kingdom and an individual namely great right he's he basically creates an empire out of next to nothing well he has to offer them is the greatness of victory and he's moving fast and in a short amount of time he conquers the world except what did it tell us about this goat with the horn how did it conclude in in verse eight the horn was broken when he became strong he becomes strong it wasn't like it broke and nothing happened he becomes strong then the horn breaks which is a reference to premature death how old was he he was just right there in his early 30s and and and his power is broken and it ends up with what does it say four notable ones from the four winds and that reminds us of going back to Daniel chapter seven right with the foreheads so this clear parallelism isn't there so far so far you say what we're tracking with this now let's look in verse eight of Daniel chapter 8 and see what it says GLaDOS verse eight Daniel chapter 8 verse eight and I'm reading from the New International Version the goat became very great and at the height of his power the large horn was broken off and in its place four prominent horns grew up toward the fours four winds of heaven and now I want you to keep reading we're gonna put verse nine up because I want you to see it's a little different from the way it reads in Daniel chapter 7 because the one horns broken for come up and then what is verse 9 tell us verse 9 says out of one of them came another horn which started small but grew in power to the south into the east and towards the beautiful land so we've got a we've got a interpretation question what is the one of them relate to is it one of the four horns or is it one of the winds what do you think Harold I believe the winds one of the four corners yeah well the four corners um because I mean if you look at the Hebrew Hebrew have like the words have gender and like the horns is feminine but if you look at the winds it's actually masculine and out of one of them is using the Mac Cullen form so if you look at the Hebrew that's you can make that relationship so that's that's that's deep Bible study right there okay so out of one of the corners it's going to come from where where is where is this little horn power going to come if you can position yourself thinking about Greece it's going to come from that's the way from the West right and this little horn power let's keep reading about this power it comes toward well essentially tells us doesn't it sadness toward the South the East lorries land which is glorious land is reference to okay let's keep reading now in verses 10 through 12 Rick would you read that for us Daniel chapter 8 verses 10 to 12 sure and I'm reading from the New King James Version Daniel 8 10 through 12 and it grew up to the hosts of heaven and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground and it trampled them he even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away and the place of his sanctuary was cast down because of transgression an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices and he cast truth down to the ground he did all this and prospered now some people see this as being fulfilled with a Syrian King right named Antiochus Epiphanes and and his desecration of the temple and the resulting rebellion by the Jews called the Maccabean rebellion right in the mid 2nd century BC what do you think about that interpretation of course some would say that then that is also the little horn power of Daniel chapter 7 what do you think yes Brittany oh it doesn't fit in the sequence of history God God has outlined Babylon medo-persia Greece Rome and it doesn't fit historically in there in in the right order okay by the way this this little horn power will go until the end right yes whereas Antiochus you've got about three and a half years there where the desecration is happening or however long it happens I guess the the rebellion by the Jews in the Maccabean rebellion Harald I don't want to add that if you look at in man whew chapter 24 Jesus makes a reference about the abomination of desolation and about Linda about Daniel but he's pointed to something more like in the future because usually people tie this desecration that Antiochus Epiphanes did with the Jews it was Jesus was referring like to that but Jesus is talking about a future event you're thinking with the prophecy there in Daniel 24 and that's going to be fulfilled partially by the pagan Roman Empire yeah with the with the fall of Jerusalem but also by it the little horn power in the future right so you know it's interesting you say well we really need to study carefully don't we yeah and say does does this fit this consistent with what we're learning well let's keep reading did you notice in verse 12 a reference to attack on the Ministry of Jesus let's read that verse again Nicole in chapter 8 verse 12 the New King James Version says because of transgression an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices and he cast Ruth down to the ground he did all this and prospered so in what way did this power cast truth to the ground and still prosper Travis I believe personally that that's talking about the mediation of Jesus where because he's our mediator when we pray to Jesus sees you talked about the ladder in a previous study and he takes our prayers or presents them to the Father so we have a mediator and now the church moves in and said no no you will pray to me or you pray to the priest you'll pray to this and removes Jesus basically his mediation right out of the way and by the way even during the pagan Roman time there was also the interference with the work of the Savior right you can't pray to the Father in the name of Jesus you have to pray to mmm the season right Caesars God so we find even in that early time this challenge against the truth of God Stephanie I'm thinking tradition versus truth tradition versus truth do you mean just because something's been done for a long time doesn't automatically make it true yeah yeah gotta go back and check what the Bible says Jonathan I'm thinking of the verse 11 where it says specifically daily sacrifices and then the place of his sanctuary the daily sacrifices people would come to the sink that they have this daily morning and evening sacrifice and it was kind of this worship full-time we would you would pray and so something about what this person is this power is doing is disrupting that that worship that that daily worship and specifically the place of his sanctuary Oh in Christ is said to have ascended into the the presence of the Most High God and to just take that place it's something is is changing and substituting in the place of where we instead of us going directly to God and having this one-on-one relationship with him just intimate is now through something it almost taking the place of that and drawing us our attention towards what this power is doing and what would those daily sacrifices in the temple for they were pointing to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world so by faith before the coming of the Messiah they were pointing forward because the kennel am take away can the death of an animal take away sin now look if Hebrews says no again except by faith you're trusting in the Lamb of God who is to come right so so this is more than just religious ritual this is interfering with the plan of salvation as clearly outlined in the Word of God Rodney and we studied in a previous lesson in Daniel 7 that there was something that was different about the horn in Daniel 7 when we come to Daniel 8 we see that there's something different as well versus the RAM and the goat it said that in verse 9 it X it went to toward the south the east and to the glorious land that sounds horizontal in nature and then now it talks about opposing God which is which is vertical right there's something different okay so it's not just conquering territory earthly territory but it's claiming spiritual authority claiming spiritual authority Nicole could the casting troops of the ground also be in context of changing laws and and see the power of the of that of that power changing the laws and the truth of the Sabbath and the truth of the things that God is sort of to follow they're making changes to that truth and throwing it to the ground so how is it possible to cast truth to the ground and if I can use the word get away with it because for a long time truth was cast to the ground Brittany well one is to take the Bible away from the people so that they have no knowledge of it that it's only amongst the elite or those who speak the language of the the Bible it's not in the common people's language so they have no idea so by doing that you can cast truth to the ground because they don't know what the truth is yes how else can you get away with that Canada semantically you can Institute force systems to please because for instance if you take the Bible those who have studied the Bible was to keep it but instituting force system and am forcing them on the people for a long time so you're introducing a replacement yeah but then forcing adherence to that replacement because you can get away with casting truth to the ground at least temporarily by killing anyone who disagrees and you start thinking about that you say well that's exactly what happened in a new chapter seven right persecuting the saints of the Most High God now remember that the people who were being persecuted were faithful followers they they didn't understand why the Christian Church was persecuting the saints of the Most High God that didn't make sense did it but apparently this power has moved from just being purely devoted to God to having political and military influence right Rick yeah I think it's interesting when you study Christian history it didn't start off that way you know it was very gradual over time and this this little power comes out and then becomes great it wasn't like it was instantly great and so the corruption and the way the church and the religious services kind of usurp the connection to God and this free gift of salvation all the sudden all these layers come in to benefit man and it even happened with Jesus with the Pharisees and teachers of law he said hey you guys are kind of hypocrites on some of these things you're standing between God and the people you know and he cleanse the temple and said you know make this a House of Prayer and so it's any for any religious organization to get off track and it's so important to realize that that even if an institution goes off track it doesn't mean there aren't faithful people you know who were trusting God alone to be their Savior and it's the dut to that remnant if I can use that word revelation 18s has come out of her my people right his people who are in the midst of some confusion because it seems that truth is being cast to the ground well I want to pause before we talk about how the Most High God addresses this truth being cast to the ground and what's happening and just pause and say does anyone have a testimony and I don't know if you do maybe we'll have to ask our team around the world to send an email in but to where you realized I think I've been taught traditions of men rather than the clear teaching of the word of God that that revelation comes and things have to change if you're going to be faithful to Scripture Nancy I have the testimony of a friend of ours who was part of that system as a priest and it dawned on him that he was saying to people who came to ask forgiveness of sins that he would say a goat the absolvo which is relying for I forgive your sins and it dawned on him as he studied the scripture is that that's only the role of Jesus to forgive sins and so he came out of that now he accepts fully the scriptures and is a pastor of a son cabinets Church that takes a lot of courage to do that doesn't it so that was a friend someone you have you met this person my parents your parents know this person anybody personally had to do with that no we should probably say praise God if we grew up in a in an environment where the Bible was really cherished but could we all run a risk of kind of moving into tradition rather than the Word of God Jonathan yeah I was attending a church that at one point was and maybe not in the environment I was was was not following was putting too much emphasis in my circles on seemed to me a nun experience on things that that seemed to be on having this great experience where okay it seemed like God was working but maybe not taking all of the beliefs and things and examining them by the words of God and and and by some of the things the prophecy and things and so it came to a point where I said okay I've got to go somewhere else so yeah I think it was a religious environment oh yeah it was it was same literation it was it was just sometimes we have to re-examine our where we are yeah is this upholding the Word of God pointing me to Jesus as the only Savior let's move on to verses 13 and 14 where this crucial passage which talks about dealing with the sin problem and Harold would you read for us Daniel 8 verses 13 and 14 yes and I'll be reading from the New King James Version then I heard a Holy One speaking and another Holy One said to that certain one who was speaking how long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot and he said to me for 2300 days then the sanctuary shall be cleansed all right so how long is this desecration going to continue in other words when is God going to do something right mm-hmm and the answer comes 2300 days now how many years is that is that about six six and a half years if you're taking literal days right we're gonna discover that it's more than six and a half years by the reaction of Daniel to the whole thing but it gives a time period 2300 evenings and morning's literally and then what's going to happen this century there's gonna be an event that deals with the sin problem mm-hmm now the sanctuary what sanctuary is that talking about yes Britany the heavenly sanctuary how do we know that we can pair it with Hebrews and other books but also when we look at the timeline once we figure out how long is this 2300 days okay now remember there was an earthly sanctuary right and how did Moses build it how did he know how to build it according to the tablet according to the pattern that was shown him on the mountain is that earthly sanctuary was it still around in the time of Daniel right eventually someone built a physical structure what was his name Solomon Solomon right but that was destroyed at the time of the Exile into Babylon right so it's not talking about an earthly sanctuary what is it talking about well can we hold our place in Daniel and go over to the New Testament to a book that sheds a lot of light on the heavenly sanctuary Hebrews chapter eight and chapter nine is where I'd like to read from and Stephanie do you have that would you read verses 1 and 2 of Hebrews chapter 8 alright and I'll be reading from the King James Version now of the things which we have spoken this is the some we have such an high priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in Heaven's a minister of the sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man so whatever is going to happen is something that's going to happen in heaven right Dan back in Hebrews still chapter 9 verses 23 Travis could you read verses 23 to 28 gives us a little more information about the sanctuary in heaven and I'll be reading from the New King James Version therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these for Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands which are copies of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us not that he should offer himself often as the high priest enters the most holy place every year with the blood of another he then would have to suffer often since the foundation of the world but now once at the end of the ages he has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself and as it is appointed for men to die once but after this the judgment so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many to those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation that was so much in there wasn't it the word copy did you hear that and copy the copy is the earthly sanctuary but this is a Ministry of Jesus we're in heaven right so this has got something to do with the plan of salvation now if we go back to the Old Testament in order to understand the plan of salvation what was crucial in the Old Testament ceremonial system given by God to Moses on the mountain what were the accrual elements of that system yes sacrifice okay which is why animal sacrifice of spotless animal right yes okay what else yes Travis the high priest he was the mediator okay he represents son of God son of man Savior right and and what was the sanctuary all about salvation final salvation it was salvation and as part of that plan of salvation dealing with sin right because the Bible teaches that the wages of sin is is dead so how do we deal with that well the Bible says confess your sin and so they would confess their sin on the head of that animal right but how can that take away their sin what's the answer my faith well the animal doesn't do it right Stephanie for Jesus it was Jesus - the Messiah - the Lamb of God that wonderful story in Genesis the Lord will provide a sacrifice remember Abraham yes on the mountain right the Lord will provide so this is all how to deal with sin now once a year there was a special service that was part of that ceremonial system called the Day of Atonement what happened on the day of atonement hmm anybody know Travis so for 359 days a year because the Jewish calendar was 360 days sins would come into the sanctuary and so the the sanctuary was dirty and polluted with sins and on the day of atonement the sanctuary would be cleansed of sin once and for all and how was that accomplished well it was do you know the priests would which priest the high priest and only once a year would do what he would walk into the most holy place of the sanctuary and do what and he would have cleansing people to clean it do you know how that happened it wasn't like with a vacuum cleaner this is all symbolism right yeah Rick how did how did this high priests only once a year right dare not turn his back on what by the way what's in the most holy place yeah there's the Ark of the Covenant the very glorious presence of God right right the mercy seat the Ten Commandment law it's all there what does he do when he goes in there so there's they would pick two goats and you had one called the Lord Lord's goat and one called the scapegoat and they would sacrifice the Lord's goat and bring that blood into the most holy and then he would come out and lay his hands on the scapegoat transferring the sins to that or symbolically of course transferring those and then they would take that scapegoat and get him as far away from camp as they could yeah of course that that that scapegoat was not the savior right the lamb whose blood was is the Savior pointing to Jesus right but the the responsibility for all of that is laid on the heads of the scapegoat right so this service what kind of attitude with the children of Israel is supposed to have Nicole do you know on that day of atonement I mean was it a time of celebration hallelujah no it was a solemn asalaam somber kind of you know it's officer it's often in awe of what God is gonna do and what he has done and just it's a somber occasion actually yes yes Brittany just to add to that they were supposed to humble themselves and repent of all the sins and and just their focus was on the priest come the high priest coming out and then represents Jesus yes and then they knew now I'm one with God now there's nothing separating him by the way not only is it solemn if people didn't participate in that what what was kind of the consequence and how many does God want to be cut off none but this is final dealing with the sin problem now this is symbolism isn't it we know that the sins don't actually make the sanctuary dirty but it's talking about the fact that there's a final dealing which by the way involves a judgment right a final dealing with the same problem Rodney and the symbolism used in Daniel 8 is the same symbols used in in the sanctuary we're talking with the goat and the RAM you can see the connection right now we've got a crucial question and I know someone's gonna say we gotta wait till Daniel chapter 9 to get all of the answer to this but 2300 evenings and morning's if you put the evenings and mornings and say well that's eleven hundred and fifty days that's a little over three years right or if you say no evening good morning it's like that means just a day so 2300 days that's a little more than six years is this just a little short time until this happens by the way this vision is given in the 6th century BC right so it doesn't make sense it's just a short period of time Messiah is not going to come for another right 500 and some years right 550 more years what indication is there that this time period is much longer than 3 to 6 years let's look at a few verses shall we in the chapter daniel chapter 8 and verse 17 Evelynn would you read that for us and i will be reading from the New King James Version so he came near where I stood and when he came I was afraid and fell on my face but he said to me understand son of man that the vision refers to the time of the end who's the he that's telling him by the way it's not just a bystander who is it so we know he's got it right because there was a time in the time of Jesus when someone actually before Jesus when someone argued with Gabriel and he couldn't speak till the baby was born right so here we've got Gabriel saying this is not just some little thing this is referring to the time of the end by the way that's a technical tournament in prophecy too to the time of the end Kenneth could you read verse 26 for us we're showing here that this is not some little time span that's being referred to but the assurance is that the plan of salvation is going to be accomplished right it's going to be worked out verse 26 of Daniel I'll be reading from the New King James Version any race and the vision of the evening evenings and mornings which was told is true therefore seal up the vision for it refers to many days in the future seal it up many days in the future and we're gonna see what Daniels reaction is now we have learned a key for unlocking Bible prophecy Stephanie talked to me about that key we know the symbols of water and animals the kingdoms Horan is a king or our what other principle have we learned this crucial here so prophetic days are actually years so a day is equal to a year and we know that from numbers chapter 14 and also Ezekiel 4 in our study of why don't we read just one of those verses would you look at Ezekiel 4 verse 6 just to show that we didn't make this up right there is a word given to a prophet let a day be equal to one literal year in Ezekiel chapter 4 and verse 6 how does that read Stephanie in your Bible I'll be reading from the King James Version and when thou hast accomplished them by again on the right side and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah 40 days I have appointed thee each day for a year fortunately he didn't have to lie on his side for forty years but it was symbolism again wasn't it a day for each year so for the 40 years you're gonna lie on your side for 40 days if we take that key to unlock time prophecy that would mean this 2300 evenings and morning's is how long 300 years that might explain Daniel chapter 8 and verse 27 someone look at that for us Daniel 8 and verse 27 would you read that GLaDOS Thank You verse 27 how does Daniel react I don't know if you fully understand all of that but Ezekiel was his contemporary right Ezekiel is also prophet as is Jeremiah they're contemporary so he's aware of some of these things how does he react to this vision about 2300 years and then this part of the plan of salvation the cleansing of the sanctuary I'm reading from the New International Version Daniel chapter 8 verse 27 I Daniel was warned out I lay exhausted for several days then I got up and went about the King's business I was appalled by the vision he was beyond my understanding appalled your Bible says mine says astonished me he had enough challenge trying to describe some of the things he saw in the vision why do you think this astonished him so much Jonathan he was a captive in a foreign land the sanctuary had been destroyed or contaminated and in that sense the earthly sanctuary his yeah his his sanctuary in Jerusalem and so he must have wondered or hoped and prayed that this was not what God was saying that that that this would go on for 2,300 years and his people would not go back so you think he maybe was still thinking it was related to the earthly sanctuary of the temple in Jerusalem yes Herald well Daniel was also aware of a prophecy made by Jeremiah that after 70 years you know the land of Jerusalem the temple will be desolate but then this will be back and be able to rebuild it so he was wondering this is kind of conflicting because if the century will be cleansed after 2300 years what about this prophecy from Jeremiah so let me ask a practical question what do we do when we get to a place when we're trying to figure something out we're like oh I don't know what to do by the way Daniel 9 will unlock the prophecy but it's still astonishing isn't it still startling because it is talking about a massive amount of time but what do we do Britany when we just go I feel sick I I sense God has revealed something but I just don't understand we asked God we pray like Daniel does in the next chapter we'll seek Him and we ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal to us what we need to know and how soon as that prayer answered 13 years we are going to find out that between chapter 8 and chapter 9 when that is revealed it's over a decade and so I look at this say that yes God answered in Chapter II wait in Daniel chapter 9 I'm coming again Gabriel says I'm coming too now to help you to understand the vision which is clearly referring back so one of the things that I would naturally ask from studying chapter 8 is when does this prophecy begin because it's 2300 years and then something very significant is going to happen where we don't get the answer yet so stay tuned right Daniel chapter 9 but Britney said if I if I find myself studying Travis Brittney says pray any other suggestion keep studying keep staying keep studying just keep studying and God will reveal you know as much as you can handle he'll just keep revealing it to you we learn new things every day even filming we will learn new things as we study you know I like one thing that you said and I'll come to your point Rick God will reveal as much as we can handle even during the time of Jesus he said there are many things I would share with you but you can't have actually says you cannot bear them now but that's the same thing isn't it it would be too much for you to process all of that but that doesn't mean we don't study that doesn't mean we don't pray because there's a blessing attached to studying this revelation yes Rick yeah I think there's many times in our personal lives where we like Daniel are probably confused by what God is doing and God's timetable is not ours and for me I always want to know right now tell me what's gonna happen what should I do with this and that and I think God's after something bigger which is this this idea of trust and faith and and just recognizing that when we just collaborate with collaborate with him daily he's gonna get us to that end he's gonna work all things to good but we might not always get the answers here at the time or the place that we want them and I've got a remem and I'm gonna ask you to give me some other text that might encourage someone who says Derek this is like this is too much for me you know I just don't understand but but the Bible does say God knows the end from the beginning right yeah so he is able to reveal things that are not yet mm-hmm that's why prophecy is so important right but I like I like the idea that we have to learn to be content where we are because what does Daniel know for sure he knows several things tell me what he knows for sure he knew his forgotten there's a Most High God who rules over the kingdoms of this world right what else does he know for sure he knows he can trust God he knows he can trust God and he knows thee and it is the end of the story right I mean it's good the Saints of the Most High God will possess the kingdom right now and and it will last for how long forever and ever so he's like Rick said I'm kind of in no-man's land here this is prophecy I feel kind of sick I don't I'm astonished by it but I do know that God rules and I've asked him to rule in my life and I know the end of the story yeah what are the Bible promises might be an encouragement I know you want to read Daniel 9 verses 2223 because it will help unlock this but we'll get to that in the next study but a promise Nicole that might be an encouragement to someone who feels like they're kind of living a little bit in no-man's land like I know the Bible is important but I need more understanding well I think it ties into what Britney said and what's been said today is that if you ask for wisdom he'll give it to you and so James 1:5 comes up could you read that for us because that may be familiar to some but others might say I need that where is that book of James chapter 1 many Bible students believe this was the step brother of Jesus right a son of Joseph one of the leaders of the church and actually leader with the church in Jerusalem and what does he say there in James 1 and verse 5 the New King James Version says if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without word pro and it will be given to him I love that verse what what's encouraging there anyone it's not just like if you're in a certain level of sis anyone likes wisdom what else did encouraging that's what we need to do is ask but the herdsman is liberal it's everything is really or naturally which means you want a little wisdom let me give you a lot of wisdom right and what else without reproach what does that mean without reproach about cultivation Thank You Kenneth without condemnation like oh you need more ways of them again happy to give us wisdom isn't it yeah no complaining right nope no no reproach no criticism if you need wisdom ask oh we don't have time to read any more Bible verses but maybe you could quote one for me another one that would be encouraging to someone who says there are guys so much to learn thank you I can ask wisdom God will give freely just quote one for me Kenneth I mean Jesus said when the spirit of truth comes he would teach you in - all oh thank you that's in John chapter 16 and verse 13 when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth maybe we should add all the truth you can hand it right right yeah all the trees you can handle I will show you things to come you know this is amazing - to think about this journey we're constantly learning and growing but don't be distressed don't be overwhelmed if you say Derrick I don't understand everything here remember the basic truth there's a God who rules in heaven he wants to be Lord of your life he wants to be your Savior and your deliverer and he's got a kingdom and the Saints of the Most High will possess that kingdom not because we earned it not because we paid for it not because some human institution told us to do things in order to merit it no we'll receive it as a gift of God's grace a God who loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love isn't that good news let's pray together father in heaven we thank you for the plan of salvation every part including that day of atonement including the work of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary as we continue to study may we remember the God that you are on the side of your people you want everyone to accept your grace and God may we be part of that redeemed throng by your grace we pray in the name of Jesus amen well thanks so much for joining us you say I've got to come back next time we're gonna study Daniel chapter 9 because there is a starting point for this great prophecy but no God's at work his plan of salvation will be accomplished go out and share that good news with those around [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 39,058
Rating: 4.7078085 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-Day Adventist, Derek Morris, hopesabbathschool, Hope Sabbath School, Daniel
Id: zyoaR9f-1Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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