Hope Sabbath School Lesson 11 The Bible and Prophecy

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to hope sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of god i'm glad you joined us today as we're continuing our series on how to interpret the bible today the bible as prophecy this is so important this has turned unbelievers into preachers people who see the word of god not just as human words about god but the word of god to the human family and preserved for us today so welcome to hope sabbath school and welcome to the team can you remember when you first started studying prophecy and sometimes it was probably a little confusing you wanted to believe that what people said that you'll go crazy if you try to study prophecy and yet we've discovered from our study that blessings come blessed is the one who reads and blessed are those who hear so today on hope sabbath school we're going to study about the bible as prophecy we're glad you're here to join us just a few emails one from rwanda we're getting more emails from rwanda do you notice that we must be broadcasting more in rwanda and leonards rights and says greetings in the name of the lord jesus i really love and appreciate hope sabba school because it sharpens my spiritual life and my understanding of the word of god i don't always have an internet connection but i download the lesson and follow it offline i've been doing that for two years i can't miss a lesson i really desire to be with you in heaven and to be taught by jesus our lord and king amen amen well i'm looking forward to that study too thank you and be blessed forever and leonard we're glad you're part of our hope sabbath school family there in rwanda moritz writes from indonesia how many islands are there in indonesia does anyone know the answer is a lot 15 000 i was told i have encountered them all but we have hopes we have a hope channel indonesia broadcast in their local languages but we also have people watching our international feed so watching in english they're watching you right now dear hope sabbath school team thank you for providing hope sabbath school weekly i really hope you'll keep doing closed captioning the reason is your videos are also shared by me with non-english speaking audiences and for them it's much easier to follow with closed captioning thank you very much and may god bless you well moritz we tried to do that on our broadcast to have closed captioning because we realized that many more than 200 countries are watching and for many of them english is a second language thanks for reminding us to keep doing that here's a note from a donor couple in florida anybody from florida anybody like to go to florida okay florida's a nice warm place when it's cold we thank god for the work that you are doing with hope sabbath school from our perspective it's important and we're very happy we wish to give support to hope channel and hope sabbath school and we are enclosing a check for ten thousand dollars wow we pray the lord will bless and guide you in this important ministry now i just want to say whether it's ten dollars or remember the little boy from rota who said i want to give a gift but i can't i'm only 12. god knows our heart right and as we participate together some may be able to do more than others but we can all do something amen and i want to thank this couple in florida personally uh for your generous support we're a donor-supported ministry and that will make a difference for the kingdom of heaven well vezimira writes from bulgaria did we have an email from bulgaria before we did okay i enjoy watching hope sabbath school i'm glad i can enrich my knowledge of the word of god and our great god and savior i've been doing this for a long time and thank you i just want to suggest something i've noticed from some of your programs it would be nice to try to include every participant in reading scripture and sharing their views i don't like it if some remain silent and unseen for the whole time thank you for your contribution well i can say we try right tricially we try but it's important isn't it we don't want just one person in fact that's why our hope sabbath school is interactive it's not a monologue is it it's a dialogue but we will do our very best we promise vesimira to make sure everyone is included uh in our study and we'd love to hear from you too all right one last note from gregory in texas in the united states of america dear hope sabbath school team greetings in the precious name of jesus my name is greg i'm writing to you from dallas texas because of hope sabbath school i was led to a deeper understanding of god's word amen keep up the good work and to the team i would say hallelujah praise the lord well greg we're so thankful that you've been led to a deeper understanding of god's word we pray also a closer relationship with jesus amen that's what i hope sabbath school is all about thanks for writing to us we're glad we're part of a global family and right now we'd like all of you to sing with us our theme song for the series on how to interpret the bible it's a scripture song from colossians 3 16 that the word of christ dwell in you let's sing it together [Music] let the word of christ [Music] let the word of christ dwell in you [Music] one another teaching and admonishing one another in songs and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart [Music] is [Music] teaching and admonishing one another teaching and admonishing one another [Music] in songs and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart [Music] let's pray father in heaven what an important topic today in our series on how to interpret the bible the bible as prophecy that you are great and awesome god who wants to reveal the end from the beginning not just to impress us but to guide us in the way of life i pray that the holy spirit would would guide each one of our hope sabbath school members wherever we are around the world to hear a word that will bless our lives today and through us bless the lives of those around us we pray in the name of jesus amen amen now there are many books of the bible that contain prophecy and there are many prophecies and most of the prophecies do you know what most of the prophecies in the bible are about jesus jesus jesus they're about jesus that's a good answer but they're about something specific about jesus did you know they're not about his birth though there are many prophecies that speak about his birth and his ministry did you know that most of the prophecies in the bible point to the glorious return of jesus and jesus gave one of those when he said if i go and prepare a place for you i will i will come again and receive it to myself so prophecy is an important part of the scriptures we're not here just talking about telling forth like preaching but speaking about things to come yes and key books that include prophecy which one would come to your mind maybe two danielle daniel and i just want to speak to our hope sabbath school family for just a moment we have a special bible study series called focus on prophecy if you go to hope bible study dot org you can sign up for that free series hope bible study dot org we also just finished a whole series on the book of daniel and if you missed that go to our website hopetv.org hope ss you can watch the whole series amazing series on the book of daniel but we want to go to daniel to illustrate that that the bible contains a significant amount of prophecy and we'll start in daniel chapter 2 which is all about a revelation of a dream given to a babylonian king named nebuchadnezzar who forgot the dream and god reveals it to the young man daniel right maybe by that time he could have been in his early 20s yeah maybe about addison's age or isis age a young man who had purposed in his heart to honor god amen and he's now being given a spiritual gift to prophecy and in this revelation we're going to pick up in verse 27. and laura would you be read this for us it's part of this great prophecy by the way i met a young man named robert who grew up in kind of a nominal christian home he said this chapter changed his life if there is a god in heaven who can tell things that will happen in the future i need to get to know him so let's read from your account there in daniel 2 verses 27 to 45. all right i'll be reading from the new american standard bible daniel answered before the king and said as for the mystery about which the king has inquired neither wise men conjurers magicians nor diviners are able to declare it to the king however there is a god in heaven who reveals mysteries and he has made known to king nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days this was your dream and the vision in your mind while on your bed as for you o king while on your bed your thoughts turn to what would take place in the future he who reveals mysteries has made known to you what will take place but as for me this mystery has not been been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than in any other living man but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king that you may understand the thoughts in your mind you o king were looking and behold there was a single great statue that statue which was large and of extraordinary splendor was standing in front of you and its appearance was awesome the head of that statue was made of fine gold its breast and its arms of silver its belly and its thighs of bronze its legs of iron its feet partly of iron and partly of clay you continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them then the iron the clay the bronze the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found but the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth hold it right there we're going to go on to the next verse in just a moment what do you think's happening in king nebuchadnezzar's mind as he hears this account he's on the edge of his throne he's on the edge of his throne john says what else that's unbelievable that's it kim says that's it that's the dream he turns to his useless suicides and magicians and says that's it what you couldn't tell me that's it now does he yet understand what it means no so laura's going to keep reading for us but we see a sequence in the statue head of gold chest and arms of silver belly of brass legs of iron and feet all right so but what does this mean let's keep reading now thank you with verse 36-45 laurel this was the dream now we will tell its interpretation before the king you o king are the king of kings to whom the god of heaven has given the kingdom the power the strength and the glory and whatever the sons of men dwell or the beast of the field or the birds of the sky he has given them into your hand and has caused you to rule over them all you are the head of gold after you there will arise another kingdom inferior to you then another third kingdom of bronze which will rule over all the earth then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things so like iron that breaks in pieces it will crush and break all these in pieces in that you saw the feet and toes partly of potter's clay and partly of iron it will be a divided kingdom but it will have in in it the toughness of iron inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly a pottery so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle and in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay they will combine with one another in the seed of men but they will not adhere to one another even as iron does not combine with pottery and in the days of those kings of the god of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed and that kingdom will not be left for another people it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms but it will itself endure forever inasmuch as you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it crushed the iron the bronze the clay the silver and the gold the great god has made known to the king that what will take place in the future so the dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy so they had the chaldeans had they've in fact found these book of dreams that can interpret you know and so oh i had a dream i was walking in the forest and a lion chased me and i ran for a long while and finally i ran into a hole and i was safe and so they look up and go okay king you're concerned about your safety you know they could try to make up an interpretation why is daniel so confident he's got the correct interpretation because of the source the same god who revealed the dream to him revealed the interpretation to him and so he shares his confidence now important point here you may remember from a previous uh series on daniel some people would like to put all of that in the past some people want to put all the prophecies in the future some want to say it's just kind of teaching general ideas but shouldn't be taken literally but others follow what we call historicism that is that the dream begins at the present time and it unfolds remember it said unto the latter days that it's starting at the time of the prophet and it's unfolding the events of future generations and what were those medals representing according to daniel kingdom's right one kingdom your kingdom then another kingdom which is weaker inferior and then another and so on now the question that comes to mind to the person who doesn't know about the bible is come on you know i mean i know people want to know who's going to win the horse race or the super bowl which is a sports game but but you can't really know the future how is it possible for for someone to predict or is it possible for someone to predict what's going to happen in the future well let's listen to what the prophet isaiah says um i think he would say no that a person cannot a person could guess aisha what does the lord say recorded by isaiah the prophet in isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10. i'll be reading from the new international version um remember the former things those of long ago i am god and there is no other i am god and there is none like me and what does it say in the next verse i make known the end from the beginning the ancient times what is still to come i say my purpose will stand and i will do all that i please so what's the lord saying by the way that's not isaiah speaking is it no he's recording a word from the lord put that in your own words what's the lord saying [Music] i'm supreme i'm supreme and i can see the end from the beginning i can see the end from the beginning and from ancient times things have not yet come to pass now can a person predict the future answer no no no but who can tell the future so here's a key verse amos chapter 3 and verse 7 a prophet records kim do you have that little book of amos he was a shepherd but he was also a prophet what does he tell us in amos three verse seven i'll be reading from the english standard version for the lord god does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets so what are some ways god can reveal his secrets to the prophets about things that have not yet come to pass through visions visions dreams dreams could he come in person and just tell them yeah is that possible yeah all right yeah could he guide them uh from careful study yes is that possible also using his angels too he could send angels right certainly uh he told mary gabriel told mary something yet to come to pass which was he would conceive though she was a virgin and bear a son and he would be called jesus jesus right emmanuel save his people from their sins so god is able to predict the future and if he chooses he can reveal that to a prophet for our blessing so that we can know now let's go to daniel chapter seven it's another illustration here of what we call historicism or the historical revelation but here instead of different elements medals on a metal man we see something different and tricially would you read in daniel 7 1-14 now i just want to say we've got a whole series on the book of daniel right so we're not going to interpret all of this but we're illustrating that god can reveal to a prophet yes things have not yet come to pass amen i'm reading from the new king james version in the first year of belshazzar king of babylon daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed then he wrote down the dream telling the main facts daniel spoke saying i saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea and four great beasts came up from the sea each different from the other the first was like a lion and had eagle's wings i watched till its wings were plucked off and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man and a man's heart was given to it and suddenly another beast a second like a bear it was raised up on one side and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth and they said thus to it arise devour much flesh after this i looked and there was another like a leopard which had on its back four wings of a bird that the beast also had four heads and dominion was given to it after this i saw and the night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible exceedingly strong it had huge iron teeth it was devouring breaking in pieces and trampling the residue with its feet it was different from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns i was considering the horns and there was another horn a little one coming up among them before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots and there in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking pompous words i watched till thrones were put in place and the ancient of days was seated his garment was white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool with his throne was a fiery flame its wheels a burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a thousand thousands ministered to him ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him the court was seated and the books were opened i watched then because of the sound of the pompous words which the horn was speaking i watched till the beast was slain and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame as for the rest of the beasts they had their dominion taken away yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time i was watching in the night visions and behold one like the son of man coming with the clouds of heaven he came to the ancient of days and they brought him near before him then to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples nations and languages should serve him his dominion was an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed so we see a parallel between daniel 2 with the metal man and with these four beasts in daniel 7. what's the parallel what do these beasts represent kingdoms and kingdoms too it says later in that same chapter the fourth beast is a fourth kingdom yeah so these are these beasts are not literal they represent kingdoms interesting is reading about the winged lion and you can look at babylon excavations and see that wing lion i mean it's interesting how how these different kingdoms are portrayed but it takes us also from the time of the prophet to the end right the setting up of the eternal kingdom so we we see some parallels there in the prophecies now jesus says and again you can study a lot more about prophecy but just to recognize that there is significant amount of prophecy in the bible jesus says that prophecy does more than just tell us what's going to happen it has another purpose what is it let's see what jesus says john chapter 14 and verse 29 what's what does prophecy do addison besides tell us what is yet to come the most important thing is that god's going to set up his eternal kingdom and he wants us to be a part of it john 14 and verse 29 and i'm reading from the king james version and now i have told you before it come to pass that when it has come to pass ye might believe believe what prophecy believe what the prophecy yes believe in him it's not just that you would know it but know that the one who told you was reliable john 16 gives us another word of jesus john 16 verses 1 to 4. kenneth if you could read those first four verses in john 16 listen carefully i'll be reading from the new king james version these things i have spoken to you that you should not be made to stumble they will put you out of the synagogues yes the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers god's service and these things they will do to you because they have not known the father not me but these things i will have told you that when the time comes you may remember that i told you i told you of them and these things i did not say to you at the beginning because i was with you so i'm telling you this and he's speaking here about the fact that while they had no intention of leaving they were they wanted all of the jews to accept the messiah right but they're cast out of the synagogue because they believe in the messiah but he says when that happens remember what he told you that i told him remember that i told you that this was going to happen yes so it's not just that you'll know it's going to happen remember that my word is trustworthy that my word is sure now one of the keys for understanding bible prophecy when it deals with time is what we call the year day principle where in bible prophecy when it speaks of so many days that that reference is so many years let's look at a couple of verses and we've studied this in the series on the book of daniel numbers 14 verse 34 and ezekiel 4 verse 6. i'm going to have numbers chapter 14. jason would you read that for us i'll be reading here from the new king james version numbers chapter 14 verse 34 according to the number of the days in which you spied out the land forty days for each day you shall bear your guilt one year namely forty years and you shall know my rejection all right a year then symbolizes a day symbolizing a year what about ezekiel 4 and verse 6. addison would you read that for us from the your bible reading from the king james version and when thou hast accomplished them lie again on thy right side and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of judah 40 days i have appointed thee each day for a year i don't know if you've ever found a key and you wonder what it fits you stick it in you turn it nothing happens right you try it in a suitcase nothing happens when you find the right lock and you turn the key it works right yes so you find a principle and you say okay let's see if it works let's take a time prophecy go to daniel again we know there are many time prophecies there daniel chapter 9 travis could you read for us right verses 24 to 27. now again i want to just preface for our viewers here we have a whole series on the book of daniel go to hope tv.org hope ss and you'll find that series so but we've studied about this specific prophecy which tells us exactly when messiah will come and how in after three and a half more years he'll be cut off read that for us and i'll be reading from the new king james version 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision and the prophecy and to anoint the most holy know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild jerusalem until the messiah the prince there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in troublesome times and after the 62 weeks messiah shall be cut off but not for himself and the people the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary the end of it shall be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate now i imagine when these revelations were given to daniel he was like oh this is this is complicated i'm going to need some help and of course the angel will come and help him understand these things but it says 70 weeks how many days in a week sorry pretty basic seven seven days so seventy weeks is how many days four and every night 490 days okay now it says 490 days literally are cut off for your people now we've learned from interpreting in the bible that we need to look at the context context and so we say cut off from what well in the previous chapter of course there were no chapters in the original text but a little earlier in the text it speaks about a longer prophecy of how many days twenty three hundred two thousand three hundred days and four hundred and ninety are cut off for your people what it doesn't tell us in daniel 8 is when that prophecy begins but in daniel 9 it does in verse what was that verse 25 from the going forth of the command restored and revealed jerusalem which happened in the year 44 457 bc and we've got 69 weeks which takes us to 27 what we call a d now it's jumped over the bcad lion and what happens in 27 a.d if this is more than just talking about uh a few weeks by the way 490 days literal days how long's that year and a half year and a half or so right now this is talking about vast amounts of time not a year and a half but if it's the year day principal is at work what happens in 27 a.d jesus baptism something about messiah right he's anointed was messiah born in 27 no he was baptized ah he began his ministry he was baptized he began his ministry as messiah you said well he was a messiah before right but he began his ministry as a messiah and how long did his ministry last year you say well you read the gospels you can't tell for sure but several years but daniel prophesied that it would be for three and a half years which would take us to the spring of 31 a.d when messiah would be cut off what's that talking about yes the cross the cross so you say wow is it possible that hundreds of years before it happened that god could reveal to the prophet everything that was going to happen about jesus what would jesus say what did he say these are they that testify they testify about me all of these prophecies were indeed pointing to the messiah who was to come now we talked about a longer prophecy that it was cut off from right go back to daniel 8. and again we've got a whole series on the book of daniel go to our website hopetv.org hope ss but we're illustrating the fact there's a lot of prophecy in the bible and john could you read daniel 8 verse 14 for us sure from the nasb it says he said to me for 2 300 evenings and mornings then the holy place will be properly restored and how did daniel respond to that look at verses 26 and 27. trisha lee could you read it for us he's just been told if he understands the prophecy this is going to extend more than two millennia right if it's not just about six and a half years but actually 2 300 years how does he respond tricially reading from the new king james version and the vision of the evenings and mornings which was told is true therefore seal up the vision for it refers to many days in the future and i daniel fainted and was sick for days afterward i arose and went about the king's business i was astonished by the vision but no one understood it how did he react to the vision that's exactly right exhausted troubled troubled shocked astonished shocked they did fainted confused but he said something about the future many days in the future right yeah he didn't yet understand it but it was revealing something far beyond his lifetime in that same vision it talks about this little horn power well we've got a lot of time we're just painting a broad picture here a little horn power that consistently the protestant reformers identified as the christian church centered in rome that had gone away from the clear teaching of scripture now they were members of that church it was the christian church they wanted to call their church to be reformed right unfortunately if you look at history that didn't happen but let's see what identifying marx there were about this little horn power that caused the reformers whether they were in switzerland or in germany or in france or in england to say that's pointing to the christian church clearly one kingdom after another and after the collapse of the roman empire a religious political power arises and let's see some things that are described about this little horn power we're in chapter seven alex could you read verse eight for us daniel 7 and verse 8. and i'll be reading from the new king james version i was considering the horns and there was another horn a little one coming up among them before whom three of the first ones were plucked out by the roots and there in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking pompous words so there's something different about this horn it's a power it's going to pluck up three of the ten horns this is after the collapse of the roman empire and he's got this mouth speaking what kind of words pompous words verse 21. someone would read that verse 7 21. glenn reading from the new king james version i was watching and the same horn was making war against the saints and prevailing against them so what else is this power doing making war which means it's not just religious it's got military power right it's a political religious power but who's it making war against saints god's people so why would a religious power make war against god's people that's a good question isn't it that might start a reformation right verse 25 we're putting pieces together by the way i'm sure that just as daniel was astonished so are early reformers who were monks and priests and faithful followers of jesus they were astonished when they began to study the bible and see the things that were being revealed where in verse 25 kim of chapter 7 of daniel what does it say there about this power i'll be reading from the english standard version he shall speak words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and shall think to change the times and the law and they shall be given into his hand for a time times and half a time time times and half a time that's another prophetic cryptic clue shown in other places is 1260 days you say that's not very long but what if it stretched over a millennium that this power dominated with military help and persecuted the saints but it says here that it sought to change times and laws what what could that be referring to anybody times and laws god's law certainly an attempt to change god's law maybe the day of worship maybe the day of worship maybe whether or not we could have idols or statues that we would bow down to because the law the commandment had said what don't make any graven images right so the reformers looked at these things and they said wow this power was prophesied way before long long before it ever came into existence the things that it would seek to do to change times and laws well that's that's a topic i remember sharing this one time and a man said to me i feel like i need to vomit [Music] we need to be sensitive i think some of the reformers before they became protestants protesting i think they probably felt like maybe they felt like they were going to vomit too you understand this is our church and yet prophecy had predicted that it would turn away from the truth of god's word let's see what else was prophesied in daniel chapter 7 verses 9 through 14. daniel 7 9-14 and shayna would you read that for us it's about a judgment scene and i'll be reading from the king james version i be held till the thrones were cast down and the ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like the pure wool his throne was like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth before him thousand thousands ministered unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him the judgment was set and the books were opened i beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake i beheld even till the beast was slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame as concerning the rest of the beast they had their dominion taken away yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time i saw in the night visions and behold one like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of days and they brought him near before him and there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom that all people nations and languages should serve him his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed so here you've got this judgment scene thrones are set daniel chapter 8 verse 14 says unto 2300 days and then what's going to happen sanctuary some kind of setting things right in the sanctuary now if that prophecy began in 457 bc 490 days cut off remember in daniel 9. that would take us to 1844. that's like not that long ago if it's true that a work of judgment was to begin at that time how would that affect the way you would think about your life today a final judgment is going on how would how would that make any difference would it be bad news or good news good news good goodness depends you say it depends it depends on what edison it depends on where you're at with god right if you're if you're if you have a relationship with jesus or or no it just depends on what side of the fence you're on really if you have a living connection with jesus as your savior yeah yeah it's good news because he's our judge you know the judge and it's almost over the prophecy is almost over right it's bad news if you don't know him you don't know him you've rejected him or you're thinking well maybe someday right but i want you to notice right in the end of the bible another book of prophecy revelation 22 verses 11 and 12. i know someone's saying oh we need to study this in greater depth and we've got a series focus on prophecy where you can do that but we're just illustrating that god is able to show things that will happen in the latter days revelation chapter 22 verses 11 and 12. laurel how does that read in your bible i'll be reading from the new american standard bible let the one who does wrong still do wrong and the one who is filthy still be filthy and let the one who is righteous still practice righteousness and the one who is holy still keep himself holy behold i am coming quickly and my reward is with me to render to every man according to what he has done so the lord jesus is speaking he says i'm going coming what and i'm bringing my reward so if he's bringing his reward when he comes in glory that means what it's already been determined that it's been determined the case has already been settled right now someone a careful student of bible prophecy but isn't there a millennium when the books are open again there is and but that's to show the justice and the mercy of god but the decisions about who've accepted jesus and who've rejected him that's settled before because he's bringing his rewards with him so you say well understanding bible prophecy helps me to know that i need to prepare right for the days that are to come well there's so much more we could study about that i want to move to our last section which is typology as prophecy in other words there are types in the scripture which help us to know about things that are to come let's illustrate that with exodus 17. glenn could you read verses 15 and 16 for us it's a story of the children of israel being led by god out of egypt on their way to the promised land and what happens reading from the new king james version and the lord said to moses go on before the people and take with you some of the elders of israel also take in your hand your rod with which you struck the river and go behold i will stand before you there on the rock in horeb and you shall strike the rock and water will come out of it that the people may drink and moses did so in the sight of the elders of israel thank you so much so what's the context the people are out in the desert and they're thirsty they're dying of thirst and god is going to provide for them how's it going to happen a miracle a miracle what's the miracle water coming from what if from a rock what's moses got to do to the rock now later he'll strike the rock again and god says you you so ted some said something about me that wasn't true because i just told you then to do what just speak to the rock but he strikes the rock again so there must be something symbolic there must be a symbolism here in this rock and the striking of the rock and life-giving water comes forward it's a type all right we know certain people are types like like joseph would be a type of the messiah who's to come right what does this rock represent well i think we don't have to guess the bible will give us an answer what does this rock represent first corinthians 10 verse 4 and then we could look at jesus in john 7 37. first corinthians 10 addison verse 4 what does the apostle paul say and reading from the king james version and did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was christ what did the striking of the rock represent his death the death of jesus that's why he dies once for all when to come to need that water again it doesn't don't strike the rock again just what just speak to the rock now let's see what jesus says about that in john 7 and verse 37. jason john 7 37 i'll be reading from the new king james version john chapter 7 verse 37 on the last day that great day of the feast jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink so we find the symbolism of the rock in the old testament and the water that comes forth is the life the saving work of jesus right he's the rock now there's other symbolisms in the bible besides the rock what about the lamb the lamb in exodus they took the lamb who did the lamb represent what did it represent someone who said if you're not sure when it says who does it represent say jesus there's a fairly good chance right yeah because what did jesus say about the scriptures they testified they testify about me so if we're right that that perfect lamb that spotless lamb that was sacrificed even back from the garden of eden after sin even on mount moriah when the ram was sacrificed the lord provided for abraham remember then called abraham even during the sacrificial system what confirmation do we have that jesus was the fulfillment of that well there's several places can you think of one revelation five all right before you go to revelation 5 john the baptist jesus comes to be baptized he hold the lamb lord behold the lamb of god typology the symbolism of the lamb fulfilled in jesus but travis take us to revelation chapter 5 if you will because revelation confirms that the lamb in the sacrificial system was a symbol or a type pointing forward to god's saving work through the lamb of god but look in revelation chapter five amazing picture i'll be reading from the new king james version and i looked and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as though it had been slain having seven ten seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sent out into all the earth then he came and took the scroll out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne now when he had taken the scroll the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the lamb each having a harp and a golden bowl of full of incense which are the prayers of the saints and they sang a new song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to god by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have made us kings and priests to our god and we shall reign on the earth then i looked and heard a voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is a lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing and every creature which is in the heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that are in them heard i heard saying blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb forever and ever amen i want to be part of that group don't you i've been practicing you know worthy is the lamb blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb forever and ever so we've got symbolism just quickly rock lamb what else the bronze serpents the bronze serpent which symbolized jesus being lifted up on the cross yes what are the symbols do you see water of life ladder the ladder jacob's ladder vision which jesus basically said that's me i'm connecting heaven and earth what else the sanctuary it's the whole sanctuary which portrayed the plan of salvation is an another type pointing forward if you're studying the sanctuary say what does the bread unleavened bread represents say jesus what does the light of the lamp represent say you say jesus right the holy spirit brings the light of jesus it all points to jesus but in the bible what have you learned from all of the prophecy they say about 30 of the bible is prophecy what have you learned that's important for you today you can trust god we can trust god how about we need to study there's a lot we could learn right alex is that prophecy is proven to come true and that we know that at the end of the world is coming shortly and we need to be ready so the point portions of prophecy that have been fulfilled give us confidence just like the destruction of jerusalem in 70 a.d that the other parts of the prophecy yet to be fulfilled will be fulfilled amen bible prophecy is important most of all to help us to do what find jesus amen ready who is the savior not only of the world but he's your savior and my savior i hope you'll keep studying with us how to interpret the bible recognize when you meet prophecy pray for the holy spirit to guide you use the principles of bible interpretation we've learned and draw closer to jesus let's pray together father in heaven thank you so much this bible is so much more profound than many of us ever realized but you've promised that when he the spirit of truth is come the holy spirit he will guide us into all truth so holy spirit guide us as we continue to study your word that we may find that living saving relationship with jesus in jesus name we pray amen amen amen well thanks for joining us for hope sabbath school don't forget that series we have go to hope bible study dot org we have a serious focus on prophecy much more you can learn the daniel series on the website we've got more in this series we're learning how to interpret the bible it's an exciting journey what you've learned today don't keep it to yourself go out and be a blessing to those around [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Hope Sabbath School - Official
Views: 50,418
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Keywords: Hope Sabbath School, Seventh-Day Adventist, Derek Morris, Bible Study, the Bible and Prophecy
Id: ELVz95PEufU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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