The Fish Were Stacked Under This Bridge!!

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[Music] so [Music] we are headed to tennessee to do some fishing in the morning we're packing up the boat packing up the truck right now on our way back home tomorrow we're gonna drop these off to somebody and i think a lot of you guys will probably know who he is so stick around for that yeah we're gonna finish getting uh getting the boat and truck packed up ready to head south tomorrow we'll see you guys there so i had planned on fishing watts bar lake today i was gonna drag some ledges but the problem with that is i don't have any fresh dip jack and i'm worried that if i try to get fresh skipjack out on the lake this time of year i'm going to spend half a day trying to get bait so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to start out below the dam i'm going to catch some fresh skin jack i'm going to go downstream and do some catfishing if the action's not good we might load the boat up and head down to the lake we're just gonna see how it goes so we'll see you guys in a few [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right y'all so i'm just using the sabiki rig that i cut down i cut it in half and i tied on a i think that's a 3 8 spoon i like to take those treble hooks off and put j-hooks on there but i don't have any j-hooks with me small enough to to put on there but we'll see what happens i'm basically using this for my weight anyway i've already seen a lot of people catching skipjack all around us they're catching them so there he is oh yeah they're in here it's kind of popping a little bit there he is there oh are you sure it's a skip jack oh my god oh you got two monsters here one of them got off he had two of them bad boys on yes sir i tell you what since these skip jack are biting so good i'm gonna take advantage of it i got four bags of ice with me i'm gonna fill up one of these coolers and pack them in ice and take them on put them in the freezer cause i haven't stocked up on any skipjack my freezer is empty and i normally try to keep 100 or so for when they get tough to catch in the summer so i'm gonna fill that white cooler right there up pack it in ice i can probably get about 30 to 50 in there once i get it topped off with ice and everything and it's full i'm going to throw about 10 in that blue cooler and that's what i'm gonna fish with today [Music] all right guys that's the way you want to do it pack them in there as tight as you can on ice and shut the lid don't open it until you get home i think we're going to end up staying here today there's more current than i figured there was going to be which i like that i think we're going to head down the river here in a minute and see about getting on a flat head all spring i've been bumping i haven't anchored any but before i head down the river i'm going to make one pass with my bumping rod down through here there's a drop off behind me under this bridge it goes from 10 to 20 and there's just fish are just stacked on that ledge now most of them look small but i'm gonna put a big piece of bait on see if there's a bigger one down there wants to bite i know i've explained it a lot in my other videos but since there's probably some new people watching i just got a i think that's a three ounce weight about a 24 inch dropper loop that's 20 pound monofilament and then we got 60 pound monofilament for my hook line with extra swivel right here in the middle and then we just got a three-way swivel right here with some 65-pound braid that's all there is to it this is probably the most natural presentation you can give a fish in current because that's exactly how a catfish feeds you know they stage up behind stuff little current breaks and they wait on injured bait fish or whatever it may be below these dams well that's exactly what you're doing with a piece of bait whenever you walk these baits out behind the boat bumping whatever you want to call it fish fish as soon as my bike got to that little drop off i had three bites i had three fish get off and i got one now but we don't got the skunk out of the boat within the first two that ain't bad fish we might make another drift through there we got the skunk out of the boat within the first three minutes of having a bait in the water there he is guys first of the day they gonna get bigger from here i can guarantee you that this is a good day to be out on the water everything's just right look at this kid he done looked at me and said dad did i use too much got enough to put on me you a guy we're on a bank all right let's see how long it takes to catch another one or at least get bit all right we're getting back in the zone here so my bait's basically under the boat right now because the water's so shallow i'm not getting a lot of pool the more line you have out the deeper the water the more pool you'll get but once we go over this drop-off right here that three ounce sinker there's a fish already right under the boat good lord look at this that's just so fun man you can't beat this i mean i caught him in 10 foot of water right under the boat they're just stacked in here on this drop-off twin to that last one we caught look he's got has he got a line coming out of me he ate my sinker yeah he ate the sinker too let go buddy what about that he's all beat up all right let's see if we can get one more on this head 32 foot of water right here i can't believe that went from 10 to 32. there he is that might be a better fish he hit different come here landon wrecking the boat man that fish is beat up real dark colored i'm more total of a boat here on this bridge he's weird look at the color of that fish all right number three in about 10 minutes we're all gonna get tired of watching this it's just instant as soon as you drop the bait it's got a fish on it over and over again we just need about a 70 or 80. i want to get as close to this bridge pillar as i can because that's where the deep water is at we're gonna try to walk it right down in that hole be a good place for a big flathead to be laying too i thought i was hung and i want to pull it up off the bottom that fish can't be done fighting wayne i got a daggone 40 pounder back here wrapped up get the net he got wrapped up he's gonna freak out if he there he goes now he's gonna fight gosh there was a big fish laying down there yeah guys i hooked him and he made one hard run and wrapped himself up and just come floating to the top you know he couldn't move and then when he came unwrapped he freaked out he ain't no 40 pounder but that's a nice fish good job lana this fish has got somebody else's line down in his throat and he's got a bunch of it hanging out of his mouth too i don't think there's a hook or anything yeah i'm gonna try to do this without hurting him we're hurting myself it's literally just wrapped around right there never seen anything like that there was no hook unless the hooks already rusted out and they just go i bet that's what happened you can see the damage right there where the hook was man they're fired up all right we're gonna get him back in made his day didn't we yeah possibly his life yeah all right y'all we're really going down river this time we're going to anchor up if there's nothing going on down there if we're not getting much action at least we have a spot we can come back to where we know we can catch some food got a big rock bluff a bunch of rock down in the water there's a 60-foot hole right out here and the mud bank on the other side with some wood on it we're gonna anchor on it for a minute and i've marked another spot up the river aways there we're gonna hit on the way back this spot doesn't work out you see how there's huge rocks down there on the bottom that's all good places for flatheads to be hiding there's even some fish hanging out behind it there a lot of stuff going on here me we got a fish on it's home still home we'll leave pressure on him for a minute he's on there he's just hung but we need the neck i got it over here everything just started happening all at one time we got a fish hung over here on this rod we're getting bites on two or three different rods and this one went down and started ripping drag so i don't think it's a flathead i haven't felt any head shakes but he came up high in the water column when i hooked him which is normally what a blue does a flathead normally stays towards the bottom but i'm not pulling on him too hard because i don't want him come to the top in this current i'm just holding pressure on him trying to get him to swim to the boat and you dragging big fish on top that's when bad things happen all right it's a blue i feel them rolling now it's gonna be a decent fish i'd say it's like a 20 pound bullet i see the bait there's a sinker that's a nice that's a nice one i really want to see a fly there but can't complain with a fish like that well he's beat up isn't it see it's chin oh my god he isn't bad his mouth is that's nasty looking ain't it i bet he's done that to himself rubbing on rocks down there yeah i bet he's done that to himself that's his jawbone god i don't think that was a from a hook at all see the inside there's nothing all the way through it was definitely he definitely done that to himself pretty good size fish but man he is destroyed but check this out guys i mean that is just unbelievable to me and like i said the inside of his mouth is perfect there's no sign i mean he's obviously done that on the rocks it's not just this fish either we've seen a bunch of fish with marks like this on them from i guess just being down in the rocks it's like they're spawning but it's too early for that i would think that's crazy all right let's put him back in there [Music] let him go uh straight down bye we going with it lana come get your fish reel down on him reel down on him pull on him a little bit get that hook in here all right good what's he feel like might surprise you well it's turned out to be a great day hasn't it got skip jack for the freezer catching a lot of nice fish i guess try to bring him up kind of slow because he wasn't about 65 foot of water that was the farthest one i had out [Music] [Music] that one had a chunk on it i remember it's a smaller hook seven i'll hook so we sat here for probably close to an hour we caught several fish but it's really not on fire and my baits are probably about washed out now and i don't feel like it's been good enough to us to put fresh baits back out here man i'm wanting to go back up here and fish those bridge pillars where we were catching all those fish at i couldn't even keep a bait in the water up there i don't know we might anchor a couple more spots but we're definitely going to finish the day out up there on those bridge pillars we had to stop back by the boat ramp real quick but we're not loading the boat up and going home if you guys remember the rod racks that i built earlier in the video well the guy that i built those for is gonna meet me here at the ramp so we're gonna get these out of the truck real quick and we're gonna head back out and do some more fishing what's up i had some fender washers i figured i only had a few of them i figured you could put the big ones on the back since everything's going to be going this way you know looks like i can still cut them but i think it's just more of a flimsy bag yeah that's the boat isn't it yeah it's not this it's the one you might do better putting i bet this wouldn't have that flex in it it's got a little bit blurry or not because yeah you can move that rod all right y'all so if any of you guys don't know who this is tell them who you are dave catfish dave catfish dave on youtube y'all check him out if you don't know who he is yeah i built him some rod rack he's going some rod racks he's gonna put him on his boat over there we're gonna run out here and do some more fishing before we head home so we don't have a whole lot more time to fish today but before i leave i want to drop a few more baits on this bridge and see if these fish are still biting like they were this morning catfish dave is over there catching some skipjack to use on a fishing trip tomorrow that's about where we was catching them [Music] fish come on i mean that was instant they're still down there oh he just nailed it oh there he is i got it don't feel like a very big one though but they're still down there we just catch them like that all day long eaters even though you ain't supposed to eat them out here he was wrapped around the wall you did find him there he is a little i think it's more than five pounds this time i mean it's crack there must be thousands of them down there they ain't bad ain't bad i thought it was a small one but it's pretty good fish they surprised me i thought it was another one in two or three pounders that's a decent little fish man he fought that was the hardest fight to fish for the day he thought a lot harder than that 30. he does where right there we sure does don't he yeah somebody's heart got broke right there there we go guys 16 pounder he really surprised me i thought it was another one in five six pounders and he took off he felt a lot bigger than he was now he pulled he took some drag then fish a lot of the fish that i've caught today didn't fight much but they must be getting returned on now they're starting to feel good all right so we're gonna bait up one more time and then we've got to get on the road and head home it's hard for me to leave these fish biting like this but i'm getting tired and we definitely need to get on the road there he was there he is that's a little one right there i can tell by how he's jerking on it there i got him though all right i got some skip jack that i ain't got room for you want them how do you like that new trolling motor oh we're having yeah i got i got that cooler packed i mean i can't i can't put any more in it and then i don't have much ice in here so dump them out we got to go i got three hour ride man it ain't bad on the way down but it's terrible on the way home all right i'm gonna try to spot lock but thank you and i got that's all mine is i got let's see i'm going up i'm going upstream point eight seven and it's that's yeah all right man be good so it's about 12 30 a.m we finally made it home as bad as i want to go in here and go to bed i've got about 50 or 60 skip jack that i've got to get put up tonight that's the trick to having good quality frozen bait is getting that stuff in the freezer as quick as possible but we had another great day out on the river i want to thank all you guys for watching i hope you guys enjoyed god bless you all we'll see you next time you
Channel: Hagen Grubbs Fishing
Views: 84,896
Rating: 4.9346175 out of 5
Id: xbkZODo1WrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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