Honest Review of The Sims 4: Horse Ranch

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Okay, here we go, it is time to talk about Horse  Ranch, the newest expansion pack for The Sims 4. I had the opportunity to have  early access to this pack for   about a week so I've been playing it a lot. And in this review video, I'm going to walk you  through what comes in the pack, what my biggest   disappointments were, and also whether or  not I think Horse Ranch is worth buying. So a couple disclaimers: I was given early  access to this through the EA Creator Network. I'm not being paid or anything, they  literally just gave me the pack early. And we had a kind of special version of the game  that was just the base game and the new pack. It also has a watermark floating around the  screen and no access to the gallery and stuff. So because of that I couldn't test out  any cross pack compatibility with things   like Seasons or Cats and Dogs yet, but I have  played many, many, many hours of Horse Ranch. And hopefully that watermark  isn't too distracting, it's small,   but it's kind of annoying how  it floats around the screen. Trust me, I know, I've been  staring at it for days. But with that being said,  let's get into the review. I feel like I played with this pack a lot and  I still didn't get to everything I wanted to do   during the early access period, and they  even extended the early access period. There's a lot to do and discover with this pack  so I'm really excited for it to actually come out. I feel like it makes the most  sense to start out in Create a Sim. And I think the best word to describe  the CAS of this pack is just yeehaw. There's a lot of cowboy boots and cowboy  hats and denim and things like that. A lot of the items have swatches that  look quite dirty, like you've been out   in the mud on the ranch, but they also all  have more normal clean swatches as well. There's not really that many hairstyles  in this pack, we got 10 total. We did get three new ones in the base  game this week around this launch though. And I assume most of their time in CAS was more  horse focused which I guess makes sense to me. The kids didn't really get that much stuff  either, just a couple things for each age group. The toddler stuff is really, really adorable,  there's a cute dress and some cute pants. And the infants got this little  horse onesie that is so, so, so cute. Overall the CAS stuff isn't really  a huge standout to me, it's cute,   I like it, it is exactly what you  would expect from a pack like this. It's just not really my personal style so  I probably won't use a lot of these things   in my regular non-Horse Ranch gameplay, but it  works very well for the purpose that it serves. The horse Create a Sim stuff, the  Create a Horse stuff, though is so cool. The horse cast works very similarly to cats and   dogs and werewolves so you can  really, really customize them. You can pick between different  breeds and patterns, you can   customize their manes and their bangs even. You can change any of their colors  using swatches or a color wheel,   and you can also paint on them so you can  make totally unique and custom horses. Look, I'm not very good at this so I don't  think I'll be delving into the horse painting   stuff too much, but there are some really  talented people that do some amazing things   with painting on dogs so I can't even imagine  how good the horse stuff they'll make will be. The only part of horses that isn't completely  customizable color wise is their mane. Instead of a color wheel we have swatches  for their hair, and I guess that's a little   bit disappointing because I'd like to  be able to use a color wheel for it,   but if anything it just makes  me feel sad about Sims hair. Like, if we could have that many swatches  for human hair, I would be so happy. There's so many different natural color variants,  but also a ton of pastel color variants. Why don't we have those pastel swatches  for regular Sims? It's like, taunting us. But the horses also have a whole bunch of  accessories and different clothing items,   I guess if you could call it that. You can obviously pick between  different saddles and stuff. My favorite CAS stuff by far is this flower  crown and this tiny little cowboy hat. In CAS, horses also have a ton of different  traits to pick from and humans got two new traits. We've got the horse lover trait  and the rancher trait now. We also now have the championship rider aspiration   and a nectar making aspiration  called the expert nectar maker. But I think that pretty much  covers it for Create a Sim. Moving on into build mode, I think the  furniture of this pack is also very yeehaw. There's a lot of wood tones  and very rustic looking items,   the wood almost looks a little  bit distressed in this pack. We got quite a few new doors and windows,   but I was kind of disappointed  in the swatches of some of these. I hate when they make things that don't match. We've got a couple variants of this  barn door in a few different sizes,   so we have a short and medium wall  height one and then also a closed one. They're cute, right? And it's  the same thing three times,   at least you would think, so you'd  assume that they would match. The medium wall height one and  the short closed one match,   but this short wall height one  doesn't have the same swatches at all. There isn't a red swatch. And then  on this one it's a solid color,   but on the other two it's got a white accent. This makes me so irrationally angry. It  bothers me so much when they do this,   why? Why don't they match? So we have a few sets of windows that  kinda have the same swatches, but look,   this one, it's got blue and white  and then this one is just solid blue. And this door also has no completely solid  wood colors, they all have the white accent,   but if you had just made all of  these things have the same swatches,   we could mix and match them so much more easily. They always do this where they almost spread  themselves too thin with window and door styles,   so we end up with three or four  different incomplete window sets,   when I would rather have just one kind of  window, but a bunch of different styles. Like, if we got this set in three or  four more sizes, I would be really happy,   but instead we have all these different  options that don't really match that well. Don't get me wrong, I do like the build mode,   it just feels like we always have  this problem with every single pack. We did get a lot of really cool build stuff  though, I think one of my favorite parts is   the fact that you can build your  own custom stall for the horses. I expected the horse stalls in this pack to  be very similar to Sims 3 where it was just   one big square item, but instead in The Sims  4, we've got a little tiny flat horse bed. It's three by three tiles and  it's almost flat to the ground   so you can just customize around  it to make your own horse stall. I love being able to completely customize  my own instead of being stuck with just   the one object because this way you can  change the size and the style completely. I am also obsessed with these new  custom shutters we're getting. You know I love shutter windows and for the first   time we've got a shutter item  that you can put on any window. It obviously matches the stuff from this  pack, but it's also got some normal wood   swatches and white and black swatches  so it's gonna work for like, any build. I feel like I'm probably  gonna use those all the time. Anytime they get a new kitchen set in a pack   I am very happy and this one  is very rustic, it's wooden. I feel like it's gonna work very  well obviously for Horse Ranch stuff,   but also for general cabin type building. And there's also some really nice beds in  this pack, we got a whole bunch of them. There's three single beds, two  double beds, and a bunk bed. I'm gonna do a livestream today on my  Twitch channel showing off some more   complete overviews of this stuff so if you want  to see that, my Twitch is linked down below,   my name is just lilsimsie on Twitch,  same as it is here on YouTube. And I'm planning on doing a lot  of horse livestreams this week. So moving on from build mode,   I think one of my favorite parts of  the entire pack is the new world. It's called Chestnut Ridge and it is huge,  there's three neighborhoods and 13 lots. But more importantly there's a ton of  space in the environment around them. And this exact thing was a huge  criticism I had of Growing Together,   but I actually have the opposite feelings here. In this case, it makes sense for the  houses to be quite spread out and to   have big wide country spaces that  you can ride around between them. This world is actually a little bit different than   I was expecting because the lots are  smaller than I thought they would be. I figured they'd all be 40 by 30 plus,  maybe like multiple 64 by 64 lots,   but actually most of them  are around 30 by 20 sized. Usually I desperately want more  smaller lots that are closer together,   but again in this case it's kind of the opposite. I kind of want big wide lots that are far away. What's interesting is there's so many  horse training things added around into   the environment that it's kind of okay  if you don't have them on your own lot. Most of the Lots here are designed  so it feels like the space around   your lot belongs to you even though  it's not technically on your lot. So there's big wide fences  just in the environment and   horse pastures that look attached to your home. So even if you don't have space for  jumps, for example, on your lot,   there's usually one already  placed right next to your lot. All of the areas just feel designed to  make your house and your space feel bigger. The environment of this place is amazing,   I think it's one of my favorite worlds  so far just because it is so beautiful. It seems to be sort of inspired by  the American west, and there's also   a lot of Native American inspiration in  this pack, which I am so grateful for. One thing I will say is I was expecting to have  a huge horse training park, like in The Sims 3. I figured there'd be like a big  64 by 64 lot park that's full of   jumping courses and stuff, but  that's just not a thing here. There is a small horse training barn almost  across the street from the competition center. The world also has a couple of community  lots and a handful of townie houses. So with the townies, one of  the households is a smaller   family with a kid and a couple  horses living on this big ranch. And the dad's sister also lives in  town and works as the horse trainer. In one of the neighborhoods there's a young  couple that lives together and makes nectar. And there's also an older guy  who lives out alone in The Gulch,   which by the way is one of the most  horrible words I have ever had to say. The neighborhood at the top is called Galloping  Gulch and they describe it as The Gulch a lot. A gulch is a ravine basically,  but it's such an ugly word. The downtown area is called New  Appaloosa as a nod to Appaloosa   Plains from The Sims 3 which was  my favorite world ever in The Sims. And the last one is kind of a  farm-y space called Rider's Glen. There's not really that many townies living here,   but I think they did a pretty  good job of detailing them. There's some lore with these Sims. The  horse trainer Sienna has this sentiment   with this weird mysterious rancher guy  who doesn't actually live in the world. Kind of like how the Crumplebottoms don't  live in the world, he's just around. But she's got a sentiment from  him saving her life. The child   is also enemies with his neighbor  which I thought was kind of funny. It really makes such a big difference  when townies have existing relationships. One of the things that kind of made me sad was  that two of the Sims had the same hairstyle. And don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful braid,   but the first Sim I made also had that hairstyle  so now like, half the town had the same haircut. It's cute, I like it, but I just wish there was  some more variety in the hairstyles we're using. Because there are so many nice hairs in this  pack, there's some new nice base game ones. So I feel like they could have used  those to show off more of them. The real reason we're all here though is  the horses, right? So let's get into it. Moving on to gameplay, there is a lot to cover. I'll say this, I'm not gonna get to tell you   about everything because I feel  like I haven't seen everything. But when you're first getting started with  horses, you can get them in a few different ways. You can obviously make a horse in CAS,   but you could also rescue or purchase  one and you can breed your own horses. When it comes to purchasing a horse, they all  cost a thousand simoleons by default and these   ones are a little bit better than the rescue  horses because they've got less "bad traits." If you want you can also sell your horse and   they end up being worth more money  depending on their skill levels. So I had a horse that was very high  level and worth almost 20,000 simoleons. I would never sell her because I  spent ages leveling those skills up,   but that's kind of an interesting feature. Or you could rescue a horse  for only 250 simoleons,   and this lets you adopt a horse  that has less desirable traits. Maybe they're aggressive, things like  that. And once you've got horses,   if you want to you can breed them. This works just like cats and dogs,  you encourage your Sims to breed. And if it's successful,   your horse will be pregnant for a few  days before giving birth to a foal. Horses that you breed also have a few special  traits that are only achievable through breeding. So they'll have three that anyone can  get in CAS, but also a bonus trait. My foal got a playful trait, but I'm not sure how  many options there are or how or why you get them. I only had one baby so I don't  really know too many more details. Also from what I read, it sounds like  in real life it's quite dangerous for   horses to have twins so I doubt  that's possible in The Sims 4. I don't actually know, but I assume from that   reasoning you'll only ever  have one baby at a time. Now when you have a foal, a baby horse, either  you adopt one or you've bred one, first of all,   they are very cute, but they also take some  training to have them grow up successfully. When they're young you can work on improving their   temperament skill which is basically  how well they interact with humans. The babies can nurse from their  mom or you can bottle feed them. You actually have to hand and feed the foals hay   to get them used to eating it and  train them how to eat basically. And once their temperament skill is  high enough, they can eat on their own. But otherwise mom will nurse them  or you could bottle feed them. I love that detail of trying  to wean them off of milk. Also when mine was first born,  it was so wobbly when it walked. And then obviously it slowly got  better as it was getting older,   this is just one of many animations  that I was really, really impressed by. Now as the horses grow up, there's a  few other skills that they can gain. All of the horses have temperament skills,   but the grown-up horses can also gain  agility, jumping, and endurance skills. This is done by training with the barrels or the   jumps and also by going on long  rides outside to build endurance. There's also four different types of tournaments  you can enter that are tied to these skills. There's barrel racing tournaments,  endurance racing tournaments,   show jumping, and western pleasure tournaments. And there's multiple difficulties  of each of these so once you place   in a beginner tournament, you can  enter an intermediate one and so on. If you win you get prize money and a  trophy. Obviously the higher the level,   the more prizes you earn. This is very similar to Sims 3 tournaments,  but in my opinion it is so much better. It's still a rabbit hole so you'll just click on  the building and then send your Sims in there,   but there's more options, there's more detail. You can go in there anytime  from 7am to 7pm and you can   also enter more than one tournament per day. So if your sim has three horses, they  can enter with each horse one time. It's really cool trying to level up  and work your way through all of them. And one of the aspirations is to  be a successful horse competitor. And you know what, this one actually  takes a lot of work to complete. It's only one screen, there isn't like  different tiers like other aspirations have,   but you need super high skills and  a really good horse to finish it. Horses in general have quite a  few similarities to cats and dogs,   not in a bad way, but just in a familiar way. Obviously they're part of your family so they  count as one of your eight Sims in your household. They also only die from old age  so you don't need to worry about   them being sick or starving or anything like that. They also live a really long time,   the Sims team told me that it's  similar to the lifespan of humans. Yesterday I opened up my game to get some more  competition footage and my elder horse died. I didn't even know that he was close to dying,  so that was kind of an ordeal for me emotionally. I'd prefer to not spend time thinking about that,   so on a lighter note the horse  riding animations are so good. Your Sims start out pretty anxious  and obviously not very good riders. When they have no skill, they're really not  good and you can see it on their face and in   how they ride, but slowly as they improve their  skill they get better and more comfortable. One of my favorite things is how even kids can  ride horses because they couldn't in The Sims 3. There's one child townie in the  world and he's got horse riding   skill level seven so he's better than a  lot of the other townies in the world,   but also a lot better than you will  be when you first start playing. Oh, and the horses also poop a  lot and it's almost too realistic. You can pick up that horse poop and store it if   you want. You can just grab it  and put it in your inventory. And depending on your horse and their happiness  level, the poop is different quality levels. So you could have high quality manure that is  worth more money and is a better fertilizer. There's a lot more than this to cover,  but that's the main stuff with horses. They fill up the bulk of the pack, but there's  also quite a few other fun little features. For example, there is a new nectar making  feature which actually really impressed me. Nectar making is only a five level skill,   but you build the skill quite slowly so  it feels like a 10 level skill to me. Your Sims stomp on fruit to turn  it into nectar, which is wine. And then you can store that nectar to age it and   over time it ends up being  worth more and more money. There's this really cool stackable  nectar storage rack and if you put   your nectar in there in a basement,  it ages faster than anywhere else. This might seem like a very small  thing, but I was really impressed   by the detail in how the nectar racks  fill up as you put new bottles in them. Like, you can actually see when you put  a bottle it appears in the nectar rack. It just looks really real, I love  the details of stuff like that. Finely aged, so the longest aged grape  nectar, sold for 2,300 simoleons. And it started off at like a hundred I think,  and that's the lowest level nectar you can make,   so imagine how expensive the good stuff would be. If you made a fancier wine, you'd  get so much money from that. Your Sims can obviously also drink this nectar,   but I didn't really bother with that, I was  more concerned about making money with it. And you can get a recipe from that mysterious  rancher I mentioned for vitality nectar. If you befriend him and ask him about his  family recipes, he'll teach you how to make it. I also was able to ask him for ingredients  and he just gave me a deathflower. It's usually pretty hard to get deathflowers  so him just handing me one was great. And this vitality nectar can lengthen a  Sim's life or bring a Sim back to life. One of the other things that  kind of surprised me was how   much I liked the goats and sheep you can buy. So you can buy and live with mini  goats and mini sheep in this pack. They work very similar to the cows  and the chickens from Cottage Living,   but in this case they're not  tied to a coop or a barn. So instead of being stuck, they can  move around freely and you can make   your own barn if you want, kind of like  how you can make your own horse stall. You do have to clean and feed  them and in turn you can shear   the sheep or milk the goats for simoleons. They are so cute, they kind of just hop around.  They also play with the horses and with humans. One of them kept trying to scare my foal  for a while and it kept making the foal sad. It actually takes a lot of work  to take care of all of this stuff   around the farm so if you want  to, you can hire a ranch hand. And these ranch hands kind of work like the   maids or the butlers and they  just help you with everything. I did have one issue where the ranch hand  just kept grilling. Everything was already   cleaned and fed so he just started grilling and  then kept grilling and grilling and grilling. I'm not complaining because his work  was done and I liked having free food,   but that did kind of surprise me. I think when I first heard about  the goats and sheep I thought it   was kind of a random addition,  but I actually liked them a lot. And there's a couple new events in this pack,  one of them is tied to those goats and sheep. The new events are less of a  party like the other ones in   The Sims 4 are and they're more of  of a community gathering almost. You can invite anyone to it,  even if you don't know them. The goal is to have a successful event  and in turn the people will donate to   your ranch. This is actually just prize  money from having a gold medal event,   but it's supposed to be like them donating to you  after being invited to a free event basically. The first one is Ranch Animal Day and it's got  people coming over to play with your animals. And the other one is Ranch Gathering and it has   them coming over to eat and  drink and dance and stuff. I remember originally on the feature list  it talked about "showing off your goats,"   and I thought it was so funny at the time  because I was like, that's the feature? You just what, look at them? But  now that I've played with this,   there actually is a feature where you show  off the goats and you get money from it. I just originally expected the goats and sheep to  be kind of useless, but they weren't,I liked them. One other major surprise to me was the caves. There's this super cool cave  feature where your Sims,   if they find it, they can go explore in this cave. So once you find the caves and enter  them, a few of the levels have different   puzzles or riddles to complete  to try and progress further down. So for example, one of the secret  doors you find says speak baa to enter,   and it won't let you through unless  you have a sheep in your inventory. I won't spoil too much, but there's  a lot of little things like that that   you have to level through and  figure out to get further down. There's way more depth to this, I guess  literally because it's a deep cave,   but like, gameplay wise and detail wise,  this is way more in depth than I expected. And you can also find all  kinds of cool prizes in there. And speaking of cool prizes, one of the  most random features is the grass thing. So there's this prairie grass  you can get to feed your horses,   they'll graze on it or you can harvest  it to have hay in your inventory. And when your Sims harvest it,   they've got a chance of finding prizes  in there, almost like a loot box. I found some expensive nectar this way, I  got some kids toys, you get different plants. And there's also a new lot challenge for  wild prairie grass that has it just grow   on your ranch, otherwise you can buy it  and place it yourself out of build mode. Okay, I think that is all of the  major stuff I wanted to talk about. So moving on to my biggest  disappointments with this pack. I feel like unicorns are probably going to  be the thing that gets talked about the most. So there isn't a real unicorn feature in  this game like there was in The Sims 3. In past games, the unicorns were sort of magical,   they had special powers, there  was big quests to find them. And in this game the unicorns  don't have any special powers. But you can still make them. In Create a Sim,  there's a horn that you can put on your horse. And if you use it, they do sparkle  and glow, so it's not just a hat,   like they actually do kind of look like a unicorn. I don't know if I care that much about this,  but I can definitely see why a lot of people do. It seems like with this pack  they prioritized realism over   adding special powers or special  features to just one kind of horse. I am sure that behind the scenes there was a  lot of discussion about the best way to do this   so I don't know, it kind of sucks, but I don't  think for me it's that big of a deal personally. Actually for me a bigger disappointment is   the lack of new woohoo spots  and death types in this pack. New death types are always one of  my favorite features in a Sims pack,   which I realize makes me sound really bad. I'm kind of sad there wasn't one in this pack,  but I guess I don't really know what it would be. I don't think it would be right to have a horse  be able to kill your Sim, even by accident. That just feels too real and almost too morbid  to have a Sim in your household cause great   harm to another Sim, so I definitely didn't  expect that sort of thing, but maybe if like,   you know, a sheep could attack you  like the chicken does, I don't know. I just like having new death types,   okay? I'm also very sad there isn't some  kind of hay bale woohoo or something. And I guess horses can die and horses can woohoo,  but I just wish we had stuff for the Sims as well. Another kind of big disappointment  for me was the horse genetics. I should clarify, I didn't really expect  a super cool robust horse genetics system   because even Sims don't have that, but I  was disappointed by how the genetics worked. When I had the foal, the baby was basically  just a clone of mom with dad's hair color. So it was like, mini mom with dad's mane. And so in create a sim I did a few  different randomized options just to   see what would happen with the genetics  and they're basically all the same. It's like the baby is either gonna  be mom or dad, there's no like,   in between or mixing of their colors or anything. I actually ended up switching the colors on my   foal in CAS so it felt more like a  different horse and more of a mix. I feel like people who are really into horses  are probably going to be sad about this too. It's not a huge deal, it's  not the end of the world,   I just wish it was a little bit more detailed. The pack's not actually out yet as I'm  recording this, but I've already been   seeing so many people online saying how it should  have been a game pack and not an expansion pack. I don't really think I agree with that at all,   especially after playing with  it because horses are big. Like, literally they're very large  creatures, but the gameplay involved is big. I feel like I can see this criticism  because of how we've gotten a cats   and dogs pack and then a Cottage Living  pack, which both could have been things   that horses maybe could have fit into,  but I really think they stand alone. I think the world and the details and how much  gameplay there is really makes the pack feel full. If horses were a game pack,  they would be so much less. The world would be so much smaller. I just don't   think that it's feasible for them  to have made it into a game pack. I don't think that this could  have been achieved in a game pack. It takes so much work to  build a feature like this. Horses really, really are a nightmare. Like, to  make a horse is a complete and total nightmare. That's why this whole time I figured we  would never get a horse pack in The Sims 4. I think that maybe this criticism  comes less from an issue with the   pack not feeling full enough and  more from an issue with the price. Which kind of brings me to my  final point: is this pack worth it? I always have such a hard time with this  question because at the end of the day,   I think that forty dollars for  any Sims pack is pretty steep. It's just hard to accept that  cost for any of the packs. So what I will say is that compared  to all of the other expansion packs,   I think this one absolutely is worth it. It definitely feels similar in amount  of content to all of the others,   and if anything it almost feels  a little bit bigger than some. I've always been a really big fan  of Cottage Living and looking back   on Cottage Living now, this feels so much better. Like, the gameplay of Cottage Living  was farming, small town, and cows. And this pack has all of those things and more? So actually I like this a lot  better than Cottage Living. And I have spent so many hours  with this pack and now even more   hours writing this review and I still  feel like I didn't get to everything. I feel like I've got more to see and more  to say and there's just not enough time. I didn't actually encounter  like, any bugs in my gameplay. I saw a few people in the early access Discord  reporting a few different small things which   obviously is to be expected, the game isn't  even actually out yet when I'm recording this. And there's always going to be something in a game  this big, there's always going to be something,   but there was nothing game breaking, this is  absolutely not a Wedding Stories 2.0, don't worry. And when I'm thinking about  recommending packs to people,   I usually try to think about  them in terms of replayability. So my favorite packs of all time are ones that  mesh really easily into my regular gameplay. So things like Seasons or Cats and Dogs, I  use with every single household I ever play,   and honestly now Growing Together as well. These are things that I almost  can't imagine playing without,   but I don't think horses will ever be  that high on my list, it can never be my   favorite pack because let's be honest, I'm  not gonna have a horse in every household. I'm just not gonna do it, right? So while it's fun to play with, I do  kind of have to go out of my way to like,   make a Sim that's gonna have a horse. And I do play with a lot of farming  type households in my free time. So in the grand ranking of all of the  expansion packs, this one's not low,   but it's not the top, it's kind  of a solid mid-tier pack for me. But really honestly, I had so  much fun playing with this pack. I think there was some novelty in it  with like, the pure shock and joy of me   never expecting to get horses and then having  horses, but also if you like animals at all,   you're probably going to like this pack a lot. I didn't think I was a horse girl going into  this, but after playing it this much and like,   the amount of research I've been doing about  real life horses after playing them in The Sims,   I fear that I might be getting kind of obsessed. I think I might be becoming a horse girl. I had a lot of fun with horses,   I think this might be the most I've  ever played a pack in early access. Partially because I had more time,   but also I just didn't want to put  it down, I kept wanting to play. Obviously not everybody is super into horses,  this pack is not gonna be for everyone. A lot of people are though,   a lot of people started playing The  Sims 3 because they liked horses. They bought The Sims 3 as like, a horse simulator. So if that's you, you are thriving.  I think you're gonna love this pack. And I think my final review is that if  you like horses, if you like animals,   if you like farming, you're  probably gonna love this pack. I would probably always encourage literally  everyone to wait for a sale to buy a Sims pack,   just to be honest with you  because they're expensive. And you know best for you personally  if this is something that you like and   you would enjoy today versus waiting six  months from now to get it for half price. But I liked it. I like  horses, I'm a horse girl now. I'm sorry to admit it, but I  liked it. I liked it a lot. I was like, getting emotional because  I was so excited playing this pack,   feeling like a child again playing  with my Sims 3 horses on summer break. I just -- I really had fun. And I feel like I can comfortably recommend  this pack because it has so much stuff in it,   I think that it's worth it for you as a player. I guess if you think you'll use it because it's  not for everybody, nothing's for everybody. Okay, I think that I might be  done there because this is long. So on that note, I'm probably  gonna end this video right here. I am planning on livestreaming today to show off   more of the horse pack so if you want  to come watch that and play with us,   my name is just lilsimsie on Twitch,  I'm gonna link that down below for you. We have a lot of horse stuff to talk  about so if you want to see more,   head over to my Twitch channel. And I'm also obviously planning on posting a ton  of horse content here on YouTube for the next   few weeks so make sure you're subscribed  to this channel so you don't miss that. I'm curious to hear your thoughts in the comments   now that you've seen more of the  pack and heard my thoughts on them. And I hope that you liked  this video because oh my god,   it's taken me so much time to  make, so I hope you enjoyed it. And I'm gonna catch you all  tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. I literally have an entire poop  subsection on my review script. Like, in my list of features, it's  like horses, competitions, poop. But it's a big part of the pack! [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 956,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: j7LuaSWgf2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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