Van Life Parents Need To Be Stopped

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fan life families are a problematic subsection of family vloggers who also exploit their children for views but instead of living in a 12-bedroom mcmansion with a closet the size of an average New York apartment welcome to the royalty Palace fan life families they trade their comfortable houses in the suburbs to live in a 16t camper van alongside their very many children these are my four kids and you have five six kids six kids I'm Mel this is Luke Rory Andie the typical number of children that van life families tend to have is usually around three but in rare cases such as the one that I'm about to show you there are 10 living breathing children living inside a campan alongside their two parents how we sleep in the trailer this is where the little girls sleep it used to be a table but it converts into a bed here's the couch and Noah's sleeping on it here's where Enoch sleeps wait is that child raw dogging the cold hard floor you couldn't have gotten him like like a little blow up mattress or like a yoga mat or even like a blanket to put under him no now I'm just wondering what poor little Enoch do to deserve such cruel punishment surely the rest of Enoch's siblings are also sleeping in horrible conditions right here's Elijah he has a top bunk down here a pearl and um could poor little Enoch squeeze between Pearl and Naomi that's like a pretty big bed for just two little girls like he doesn't take up much room I promise here's where jiah sleeps oh we got another one I really hope there's like a rotation between the kids and the parents of who like gets to sleep on nice comfy mattresses and who gets to sleep on the cold heart floor because if it's just Josiah and Enoch well that's pretty cruel also like what are these names here's where candle wax is sleeping tonight and here's asbesto sleeping in the kitchen that converts into a bed and this is where our 1996 FZ fog and Subaru is sleeping tonight I can't believe we're not even done yet okay there's still a few members of the family left uh so let's see how the rest of them sleep in this little camper van this is where Moses sleeps this is where Mommy and Daddy sleep oh oh oh okay yeah of course Mommy and Daddy get a big old Plush mattress it also appears that they have their own room which like makes a lot of sense since they have to keep making more kids to add to their traveling family band oh I didn't mention [Music] that yes put those little money drainers to work work the children they yearn for the minds the mom actually revealed that the children performing and busking is actually like their main source of income and a lot of people in Tik Tok got very angry this is not a childhood this is so embarrassing as a mother she should have these kids taken away from her I'm so glad my parents didn't make me pay for my hobbies as a kid and I just got to enjoy being a kid I don't know I grew up doing music all of my friends used to busk and be in bands so I don't know it's not really that big of a deal for me and also like lessons are extremely expensive especially for 10 10 kids oh so the the only thing that I personally have a problem with is the fact that Enoch is sleeping on the cold hard floor and after receiving like an insane amount of backlash this is straight abuse I saw the kid on the couch and was like damn that's rough and then I saw the literal child on the floor personally I think mommy and daddy should sleep on the floor the family miraculous ly found something for him to sleep on oh so you found a blowup mattress after you were bullied about it on Tik Tok interesting so this is arguably the worst case of Van lifestyle living but luckily this family does not live in the van fulltime they do have a house thank God they just use the van for like part-time to full-time travel since the kids are all homeschooled so what about the families that do live in RVs fulltime you know the ones that sold the nice little cozy houses in the suburbs you know quit their stable jobs and stable incomes and uprooted their kids social educational lives because Gary over here had a midlife crisis Gary should have really you know bought a sports car or had an affair with his secretary you know like normal people do no Gary chose to to buy an RV thanks Gary anyway where do their kids sleep that's a creepy thing to ask coming back we've got our bathroom with flushing toilet then we have one bunk for each of our kids and a walk-in shower but all the people in the comments who are saying that these kids sleep in coffins coffins are bigger than that also dead people they don't have to sleep next to the toilet well I'm sure the parents are also struggling for you know space and comfort this is mine and Kyle's clothes coming back here's our bedroom we've got plenty of storage for us yeah that is a lot of storage for just you the parents actually received so much negative backlash over the fact that they had so much space versus the kids you're joking right y'all got a giant Queen eyes bed while they sleep in a shelf how lucky they have a shelf to share the parents actually decided to renovate their entire van to give the kids more spaced let's go check out what we did now each kid has their own amazing room they have tons of head space and each bunk has its own TV oh and as a nice treat they get to pick their own curtains yay once we got back to the bus after the remodel we wanted the kids to feel like it was their space so we allowed them to pick out their own custom curtains that way they had all the Privacy they wanted and they could feel comfortable all the time no I get it instead of giving the kids you know a stable life with four walls and a door you gave them shelves with a curtain no I get it kids are second class citizens and I'm sure they won't remember this when you know you're old and they have to decide what nursing home to send you to welcome to your new home mom wait this isn't my own room there's other people people here no this is your own room look there's a curtain what about a window a window why would you need that when you have a TV it also makes me wonder would the parents still renovate the van if they didn't receive all of that negative backlash and attention hm but for what it's worth their three young kids are still you know fairly young and don't require as much you know space or privacy as for example like a teenager would and there are a lot of vanl families who travel with teenagers fulltime so what does their space look like here is Addison's Loft area so this actually was originally two different Lofts that we knocked down the wall that was right here so she was able to have more space she turned her bed a little bit and then on this side over here she's got her bookshelf and like a bag or a container of blankets her dry spard and just some of her like art supplies and some decorations now this might not look that bad to you so just wait until you see the teenager inside that CW space they call a room oh wow that is so much space you really spoiled them didn't you they were so spoiled for room that all they wanted was to rent a hotel room for their birthday for Addison's 15th birthday the only thing they wanted was to go to a hotel if that doesn't scream I want four walls and a door and some goddamn privacy I don't know what does and let me guess once again the parents have you know their own room with a big ass bed instead of a yoga mat for a mattress here's our master bedroom we have a washer and a dryer and my husband has also turned our dresser into a work area for me so I have a desk not as much as space and privacy is an issue for Van lifee families I am willing to look past it since I shared a room with my sister until I was 11 and my parents slept in the living room on a pull out bed so I get it I understand but my sister and I had you know School social activities we had sleepovers and stable friendships and we did not have a camera shoved in our faces 24/7 and even today as a full-time content creator I keep a huge part of my life extremely private and I get to choose what goes out there you know I have full control but these kids they don't like there are certain things that you just don't need to share with the public like your kid cleaning a toilet then all of the kids do a chore everyday Graces is to clean the small bathroom like if there was a video somewhere after there of me cleaning a toilet do you know how embarrassed I would be hey what you [Music] doing um nothing I'd also like not want millions of people to see me get in trouble last night Molly chose not to do her chores and if our kids don't do their chores they have consequences Molly can't have any of her technology today and she's got to get them done before going outside and playing again this is like so embarrassing that kid is going to grow up absolutely despising you as an adult last night mom pooped her diaper and didn't tell us and it went all over the sheet that I just washed so she has to do all of her chores today before she gets to go to bingo listen I'm a True Believer that social media is just like not a place for kids and family vloggers they should just not exist I mean that's why we created such hardcore labor laws surrounding children in Hollywood look at how some of them turned out I don't doubt that some of the van lifee or family vlogger kids are going to turn out exactly the same way and if you actually listen to your kids I think you'd find out that they don't actually enjoy this lifestyle and I have proof I am a teen in a full-time RV living vlogging family and I can't effing stand it I'm going to leave out any identifying information as I am a minor so bear with me I hate it I hate it so much I hate being homeschooled I hate not being able to maintain a social life I have online friends but it's not exchangeable for a true social life I hate having so little privacy I hate having to pretend to be happy with this I hate living in a Sanctuary not a home we travel full-time I know I know it sounds like a dream I thought so too but it's an effing nightmare it's hard to enjoy anything with a camera over your shoulder at times numerous times we've stopped at places just for my mom to get out and take her little videos and family photos and then right back in we go on the road to the next stop 90% of our time is spent in the actual RV which is living hell in its own right I just want a private normal life but no they had to R ruin it with their crunchy way of parenting Ling us around I have siblings everywhere they please I don't think my parents care about my happiness as long as I looked apart and smile for the camera they couldn't care less of an F how I feel they guil trip say if I don't help with my siblings or help with the videos that will go broke and it'll be my fault it's all fake by the way not what I meant when I said I wanted to take up acting I'm frustrated all the time I'm tired all the time I'm bored all the time please stop supporting these channels stop buying into it it's ruined my life and I can't say anything about it the comments make me effing sick I know it's inspiring a lot of families to consider the same the more this blows up the more lives get crushed like mine I cannot plead with you enough now I cannot confirm exactly who this was written by but allegedly it was deduced that it was Addison from family of Nomads you know the ones that made her sleep in an air vent Addison has actually been through all lot with their family and they actually ended up being hospitalized over a mental breakdown and an eating disorder during this time now why do I know this very private and sensitive information well their mom shared it twice Addison has struggled with their mental health for many years Addison is currently back in treatment and won't be in her content during this time we know that many of you have questions but to protect Addison during this time we would like to ask for privacy on this matter how about you log off social media don't post private information about your child and go and take care of them you do not need to announce that you're taking time off we need privacy we need privacy are you sure you need privacy kind of sounds like you need attention and listen I'm all for mental health and eating disorder awareness if it's shared by the person going through it you know it was never the mum's story to tell now something so so private is out there for millions of people to see and judge them for it on top of that the parents had the audacity to use their kids eating disorder for a brand deal as a parent keeping social media from our kids is almost impossible we can have all the conversations with our kids but we still cannot protect them from what they will see Dove research actually found that 51% of people ages 14 through 17 have been exposed to content encouraging restrictive eating or disordered eating behaviors our family has personally been affected by disordered eating triggered by viewing social media and it is important to our family to understand more about how to continue to protect our kids and spread awareness for change Dove is Raising you know the best way to protect your kids from social media not posting them on there don't give strangers a reason to comments on their bodies they are way too young to have to read hate comments and know how to deal with them kids deserve privacy safety and a decent place to live and Van life parenting takes all of that away honestly I could spend like another hour talking about how problematic van life families are so I am going to do a part two because I found the worst van life family now I'm telling you this is like beyond anything that you've ever seen so make sure to subscribe I'll see you in the next one [Music] bye m
Channel: shirashiraonthewall
Views: 1,160,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, van life parents, van life parents exposed, shirashiraonthewall, shira, shirashiraonthewall van, van life tiktok, van life parents are abusive, van life tour van life vlog, van life with kids, vanlife girl, vanlife conversions, vanlife, shirashiraonthewall vanlife, shiraonthewall, family of nomads, addison family of nomads, van life tour, van life plus, van life build
Id: 6ekxTsVO-xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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