Honest Review of The Sims 4: Home Chef Hustle

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It has been years since we last got  a new stuff pack for The Sims 4,   but they made a new one called Home Chef  Hustle and it has got a lot to live up to. The most recent stuff pack which  actually came out three years ago   called Paranormal Stuff is widely  regarded as the best stuff pack. And because it's been so long  and the last one was so good,   I feel like Home Chef Hustle  has some big shoes to fill. In this video, I'm gonna give you my  complete review of Home Chef Hustle,   whether or not I think it's  worth it, what it comes with,   and also how it compares to all of the  other stuff packs because those are all   really important things to consider when you're  thinking about spending money on this game. Before we get started I should clarify that I was   given early access to this pack  thanks to the EA Creator Network. I'm not being paid to make this video,   they literally just gave me a $10  game code a couple days early. I have no reason to lie to you, I don't want  you to waste your money on a bad Sims pack. This is just my personal, honest  review of Home Chef Hustle. I think I'll start with build mode  because that's always what excites   me the most about new packs, especially  when there's a new kitchen set involved. So in total there's 26 items items in build  mode which may seem a little bit small at first. The problem with kitchen sets is that  each of these counters are actually like,   five to seven pieces because think about how this  one counter has an end piece and a corner piece. The island has like, three  different corner pieces,   so those are all separate items as well,  it just looks like it's only one item. In comparison to Paranormal, this one has  39, but it doesn't have a kitchen set. Some of those items are like,   three versions of the same painting,  two different sides of a curtain. I love the build mode here,   but I do think that it's a little bit  less functional than a kitchen set. I am definitely gonna use these  cooking items a lot more often. Every single one of my houses has a kitchen,   not every single one of my  houses has a paranormal room. Here's a quick overview of most  of that build stuff all laid out,   and when I say that these counter  sets are actually multiple items,   this is what I mean because we have all of these  different variations of the same counter and these   are all technically a separate item, even if  in the build catalog it looks like just one. And honestly this kitchen set is beautiful. I think that this might be one of my  favorite kitchen sets that we've ever gotten. There's a couple things that I'm  really really enjoying about it,   okay, first of all there's lights attached to  these cabinets so there's like, some LED lights   underneath them so they kind of glow, and there's  also lights on the front which is kind of cool. If you look back here, there's a corner shelf and  this is something I was kind of worried about. I was hoping that we would have a separate shelf  item and then have like, a corner version of it. Instead the corner cabinet is a shelf,   but this is pretty cool because  we don't have anything like this. We don't have any corner shelves. You can make  them by putting two shelves together I guess,   but this is sort of a different vibe and it  also obviously has the lights underneath it. And then we have some matching shelves that  go along with it so you can build like,   a full open shelving situation in your kitchen. I am so sorry to tell you that those  actually are the same swatch by the way,   welcome to The Sims 4 where lighting  makes everything look weird and different. The cabinets have some really  cool different end pieces though,   this is like that out outer corner piece,  the right end piece, the left end piece,   there's like a small piece, so there's a lot  of different options for building a kitchen. My favorite part by far though is  the fridge and this is gonna sound   really dumb, but the fridge finally  actually fits with the counters. If any of you have played  The Sims 4 for a long time,   you've probably noticed and also complained  about this, but all of the other fridges,   not most, all of the other fridges don't  fit by default underneath the cabinet. I've layered it on top of a counter  right now just so you can see,   but the fridge is also significantly  skinnier than the cabinets are,   so it doesn't fill a full tile and it also  doesn't go all the way back to the wall. Some are a little bit worse than others for this,   I think this one is the most annoying to  me because this is from Parenthood so it's   supposed to fit the counters and even this  one doesn't go all the way back to the wall. Like, for some reason in  the back, it's not the same. So it matches the counter in  the front, but not in the back,   and it also clips with the cabinets up  top instead of like, fitting properly,   so you can't make it look like, one built-in  thing unless you raise the cabinets up. And I don't know if you can tell,   but technically raising it up makes  the cabinet clip with the ceiling. It's kind of weird, but this  is flush with the ceiling   even though it doesn't look like it on the wall. This is something that has always bothered me,   I always use this fridge because it's the  only one that is not too tall, but it's still   too small on the sides and miraculously,  miraculously this fridge fits perfectly. It's a full tile all around so it's completely  flush with all of the edges everywhere. It also comes in all the same colors as the  cabinets so you can match it really nicely. This is going to become my most  used fridge, I can guarantee it. I'm gonna use this thing all the time. It's a  pretty good fridge too, it's like 2,300 simoleons,   food quality nine. It's actually better than  the fridge that I normally use which is amazing. There is also a new oven which is way  more expensive, but fits in beautifully. It also obviously matches all those same  swatches. The one problem I'm having is   that there isn't really a proper stainless steel,   so I don't know what I'll end up using in most of  my builds, but that's a problem for future Simsie. I like how it can match the cabinet so  perfectly, kind of like a built-in oven. We also got this really nice  new sink which has like,   draining stuff on either  side for washing and drying. And also this little dish drying rack to hang up   above the sink which is kind  of cute for kitchen clutter. This is the kind of thing that  can work perfectly in any kitchen,   even if you don't use this kitchen set this is  fantastic clutter for like, any house you build. Speaking of clutter, we have some little plates,   we have like these cute berries and  cream and also some pizza making items. This is like a little spice rack, we  also got this adorable cookbook stand,   it comes in a few different swatches. You could probably even use this notebook  one on like, a Sim's desk if you wanted to. I always like to think about alternative uses for  things and this could work in a lot of places. This is like a little scale, a kitchen  scale, and we also have a knife block. We haven't gotten a new knife block in  ages so that's kind of a fun detail. We did get a little range hood that also has   some lighting underneath it so you  could use that to match the kitchen. These are kind of cool, these are  like shelves that hang from the   ceiling so you could put them  over top of an island counter. We don't really have a lot of stuff like this,  I don't know if we have any ceiling shelves   in this game and I really like it because  you could totally use this in any kitchen. You could use that for like,  cabinetry or like a room divider. It's great for small spaces. I didn't really ever consider needing  something like this and I'm excited to have it. There are a few other kitchen appliances,  I'm kind of saving the best for last. First we have this new  dishwasher and this is so weird. I've been wondering about  this because we saw in the   trailer that it was kind of a compact dishwasher. All of the other ones that we have fill an  entire counter, so they're like a full tile wide. This kitchen set is supposed to be a little  bit more European inspired because the whole   team that worked on it is in Europe and  so like, compact dishwasher makes sense. It's just so interesting to me how  it's only on one side of the counter. You can't switch the side, it's on either, so it  has to be like, on the right side of the counter. Honestly, I think that I kind of like that  because a lot of times in my kitchens I don't   want to use a dishwasher because I don't like how  it looks when it is up against something else. Like, I don't really want to put a  dishwasher right here touching the oven,   I think it's kind of weird, but  if I use this skinny dishwasher,   technically it's touching the oven, but you can't  tell, you can still see part of the cabinet. This is just so much more realistic for a smaller  kitchen so I really like that this exists,   even if I don't use dishwashers that  often it's still kind of a nice touch   and then most importantly by far, we  have the three new kitchen appliances. So first we have the ChowBella Heart Waffle  Maker, it costs 280 simoleons, it comes in   a few different swatches, kind of some various  shades of gray and black and white and neutrals. We also have the ChowBella Stand  Mixer which I am so excited about. I've been wanting kitchen  clutter like this for ages,   if they had given me a fake stand mixer that  didn't even function, I wouldn't be mad. I just like the idea of putting  one on my Sim's counter,   but this actually works which we'll get into. It comes in all those same swatches  and then last but not least,   we have the ChowBella Portable Pizza Oven. 685 simoleons, also all those  same swatches and what's cool is   you can drag these in your Sim's  inventory and bring them places. I think what I'll end up doing to be  honest is keeping this pizza oven in   most of my outdoor kitchens, like I might put  a grill and a bar and a pizza oven and like,   build that sort of thing for my Sims. Something I found kind of interesting is that   they actually departed from  that original style they had. Back in the day, they made all of the  new appliances like this. This is the   ice cream machine, we got a popcorn maker in  a different pack and it matches the same way,   but these new appliances don't match  those, they just match each other. Which I'm not really mad about  because the old appliances matched   this and this base game microwave is  horrendous, so I'm not complaining. And then the last thing, the last kind of  main important thing is the new tile set. We've got a really cute new backsplash,   these are all the new swatches and  also this super cute new tile floor. And I'm really excited about this tile floor   because I feel like this is such  a realistic community lot floor. I feel like you see this all the  time in stores and restaurants,   this is like a super normal tile  floor for that sort of thing. We don't really have much like that right  now and it comes in some really cute colors,   some basic neutrals, but  also like this cute green. And I am obsessed with this  backsplash, that looks so good,   I've been wanting more cute little tile  backsplashes like this for so long. I'm actually sad it's just one,  but I do really, really like it. Overall, build mode is a  huge hit for me in this pack. I know I'm gonna use this  counter set all the time. This yellow color is so cute,  this super nice light green,   that light green looks like my real life kitchen. It is like the exact same color as my real  life cabinets. I'm gonna have to do a new like,   building my kitchen in The Sims video  because we have an actual updated   color that really matches finally, but yeah,  really impressed with build mode on this one. I'm gonna be happy with pretty  much any kitchen set we get,   especially when it's a full complete kitchen set  and not missing upper cabinets like some packs. I'm looking at you Realm  of Magic and Island Living,   but this one is like a really, really  well done complete beautiful kitchen set. This is the kind of pack that I would buy just  for build mode because I like it that much,   but I have sort of the opposite  opinion of the Create A Sim stuff. This is the kind of pack that you would  not buy just for the Create A Sim stuff. The CAS isn't bad, it's just not really versatile  or unique enough to make it stand out for me. It's pretty much exactly what you'd expect from  this pack, it's just a bunch of chef clothing. So technically there's seven  new hairs in this pack,   but I would argue that a couple of  these are sort of the same hair. Obviously it's different swatches, but like,   it's you know, it's kind of the same  thing, just in a different color. I always have really complicated  feelings about hairs like this   that come with accessories in them  because I love this, it's so cute,   the swatches are so cute, I'm so  glad that we have these options. I really like every single one of  the swatches, but I think the pain   point for me is that I can't change the  hair color and the accessory separately,   and that's not just a problem with this  hair, it's a problem with any of the hairs. Like the veil from Wedding Stories,   any hair with a headband literally  ever, same thing with this one. I just wish that somehow there was  like, an accessory item that was like,   an overlay and maybe by default all of them  were just like, black or white or something   and then we could go in and change it so  that I could pick the fun patterns myself. Because what if I want to have this cute striped  one, but I don't want to have the cheese hair. Or what if I want to have the pizza one! Like,  there isn't a pizza swatch on this hair color. And then like, you're kind of stuck  with that color scheme if you want   to use that hairstyle, it just kind of sucks. So the hair is beautiful, I love this,  I really, really love this, I love every   single one of the swatches, it's more of just  a Sims 4 limitation that is the issue for me. I'll quickly show you all the swatches on this  hair too because I really, really love this,   I mean they did a great job with every single one  of these colors, I think they're so cool looking. Anytime they have the pink and the blonde  I think it just looks so good together. The brighter colors have some pretty funky  color schemes on them too which is pretty fun. I also like this one with the purple a  lot. We also got this cute shorter hair,   we also have this hair, and this one also has  a clip that you can't change the color of,   but it doesn't bother me as much  because it's sort of neutral colors. It's a little bit easier to use. It does  come in those same colorful swatches as well. We have this little bun with a  cute headband and same thing,   the headband has so many beautiful  swatches, I think these are all so pretty. I wish that I could pick the color separately  though. I'm never gonna not be sad about that,   this is a problem that's been existing for years. I just, I'm gonna keep talking about  it because it still hurts me deeply,   but anyway, it's really cute,  it has some nice swatches. And then last we have this shorter  one, same thing with the headband,   it's kind of like a bandana though and  it comes in a bunch of cute colors. Fun thing about these hairs is that  they actually are all available for   children so we've got five new hair  options for kids now in this pack. The shortest one is even available for toddlers.  Toddlers didn't get any other stuff in this pack,   but children did, the kids got  this super cute little apron. I like this because one, it matches  a lot of the adult clothing,   but also I think that an apron for  kids is kind of a fun little detail   because you could use this for other things  too, like maybe if you wanted to have them   wear an arts and crafts outfit and have  like, a messy apron for them doing art. There's just some more options with this,  and then they also got a new t-shirt. This shirt is kind of cute, there's like some  vegetable swatches, and like, some pizza swatches. It's a very simple, plain shirt, but  I really honestly kind of like it. I didn't think I was gonna care  this much about a vegetable shirt,   but it's actually kind of really cute. Like I said, it's not really that much  stuff in CAS, even for the adults. There's some kind of random things,  like this carrot t-shirt which honestly   has a really nice cut to it, but  most of it is very chef focused. Like, chef jacket, we've got a little  apron shirt in some cute swatches. his one's cute, but again,  it's very much screaming chef. There's only one pair of pants in this whole pack,  they're nice, they've got some decent colors,   this just really isn't the kind of  thing that I'm gonna use that often. There are three full body outfits for feminine   framed Sims and they're pretty  cute, like the lemon jumpsuit. Also I love how the necklace is  visible underneath the jacket,   but on top of the turtleneck because  sometimes you can't see necklaces when   they're wearing outfits like this, so  I appreciate them thinking of that. I am absolutely obsessed with this little outfit,  it also has some really nice messy swatches. Like, with all of the stains on the  apron, I think that's pretty fun,   I'll probably use those swatches the most. This one kind of has more flour  stains on it instead of sauce stains. And then we also have a dress with an apron,   same thing, this one's covered  in flour, even on the sleeves. There is one pair of shoes in the pack,  but a surprising amount of accessories. Okay, this is not an accessory,  but it is a new tattoo,   it comes in a couple swatches,  it's like some cooking utensils. For accessories, we got some nice  gloves for using in the pizza oven. They're like, nice thick gloves  that'll keep your Sims hands safe,   and there's also like, some  plastic looking gloves. These are weird, I didn't really anticipate  getting something like this, but it's kind of fun. There are three new earrings: first,  there's these little whisk dangly earrings. We've got these pizza earrings which  I'm probably going to use all the time. And then also these little knife studs. Those are  so funny, they're kind of subtle, but I feel like   the knife studs are probably gonna be my most used  accessory out of this pack which is a surprise. I wasn't expecting those.  They just kind of amuse me. We also got this little whisk  necklace which okay, you can't see. All right, there, we've got  this little whisk necklace,   it matches the earrings perfectly  in those same metal swatches. And lastly we have a new hat, I guess the new  hat looks kind of weird with this hairstyle,   but these are all the colors that it comes in. This this one kind of looks like pizza. There's not really a ton of different  stuff for masculine framed Sims,   lots of the same things, lots of overlap. We do have this cute shirt with a  towel over it, it has kind of an apron. They've got the same pants. For  full body we have the same things,   but also a couple other options, this one's kind  of cute because it's got a pen in the pocket. They come in all the same  colors though pretty much. I really do like the stained versions, and  this is the last thing so there's not really   a ton of Create a Sim, like I said, it's very  small CAS and it's not very versatile CAS. It's like the kind of thing you would use  for very specific home chef circumstances. I guess if you have like Get to Work  or Dine Out or Cool Kitchen stuff,   these things might tie in nicely with those  packs for other retail sort of situations. Maybe if your sim is a chef, you might  want to give them an apron outfit,   I just -- I don't really see myself  using these things all that often. They are really cute, we just already  have a couple aprons in the game and I   never give them to my Sims so I don't  really see myself using these either. It's hard to criticize is the pack  for that though because this is like,   the perfect CAS for this pack. It's just not the perfect CAS for  me, and you might think differently. Most importantly though, there are  actually two new aspirations in this pack. We've got the brand new appliance whiz  aspiration underneath the food category   and we also have the new market magnate  aspiration underneath the fortune category. And that leads us into probably the most  important part of this review, the gameplay. I feel like this pack is exactly what  I've been looking for in a stuff pack. Every single time I make a pack  review like this I'm always   talking about replayability and how this  pack can fit into my everyday gameplay. Because for me, for a pack to be  worth it I have to want to use   it a lot and it has to fit in really  easily to my average Sims household. So to give an example, things like Realm  of Magic are really cool and really fun,   but I just don't ever use them. I don't have like my average  everyday Sim be a spellcaster. I don't really use magic, I have to go out of  my way to use magic, but then you think about   things like Growing Together where it adds  a whole bunch of gameplay for infants. And pretty much every single one of  my Sims eventually has kids so all   of that infant milestone stuff fits in  really nicely to my everyday gameplay,   and it really expands upon what I always do. And this stuff pack is a really good example   of expanding on things that I  already like to do and enjoy. Obviously pretty much every  single one of my Sims cooks,   right, like they all have to eat, so  a pack that adds new recipes and new   ways to cook and new things to do in  the kitchen is really useful for me. I've literally made entire videos  about wanting a small appliances kit. Granted, in that kit I was talking about like,  toasters, but this pizza oven and making pizza   for my Sims and making waffles is really fun and  fits very nicely into my everyday Sims games. And that's just the home chef part,   not even the hustle part because we haven't  even talked about selling this food yet. I would like to show you some of the  actual new recipes first though and   who better to test out the new waffle  maker than the Pancakes household. So I've got Bob and Eliza here,  Bob's kind of scared right now,   I'm sorry buddy, but I wanted to  show you the new waffle maker. So on this you just click cook like you  would any other appliance and it pops   up with this little menu where you can  pick which waffles you'd like to make. Obviously just like any cooking skill, the higher  level you are, the more stuff that you can make. We've got things like plain  waffles, pumpkin spice waffles,   apple bacon, cured fish, saffron, hearts desire. Also the highest skill one is pleasantly  unpleasant, which requires trash fruit. I appreciate them sort of going  to great lengths to incorporate   some of those more unused things into this pack. In the new fortune aspiration, one of the things  you have to do to finish it is resurrect a ghost   by selling ambrosia, so to do that you  have to max level 10 both cooking skills,   regular and gourmet, you've gotta fish up an  angelfish, you've got to get a potion of youth,   you have to craft the ambrosia, and  then you have to sell it to a ghost,   so it's a little bit more difficult than your  like, average little baby tutorial aspiration,   and it also requires you to do some of those  lesser used things in the game which I appreciate. They both are still kind of pack  tutorials, they have you like,   buying a kitchen appliance and practicing  prepping cooking, but the last levels   actually require some interesting things  like getting trash fruit for example. And something really cool about making these  waffles, first of all it looks amazing. Like the animations are kind of  cool, but he stops, so he like,   poured the batter in and he can leave  and do other things until it's ready. It takes like, 20 minutes to be finished  and all of the appliances work like that. So if I wanted him to come prep  ingredients or make a pizza,   he can start working on it and then walk away  and keep maybe tending to his stall or like,   washing the dishes until the thing beeps when  it's finished, which in three, two, one, ding. Okay, then he can come collect the waffles so   you can sort of multitask with the  cooking a little bit more easily. With most of the cooking in this game, they  have to just stand there in front of the oven   the whole time, so I appreciate the realism  of being able to just let the stand mixer run. Also the food looks amazing, like  when you compare this -- I'm sorry,   I don't want to be mean, but when you  compare this stuff to the original food   that came in the base game when it first came  out, like the quality of the base game food,   like picture the garden salad in your  head, okay? It's like a pile of green mush. None of the base game original food looks  appetizing in the slightest, this looks delicious. And the detail as well, you can tell it's  pumpkin spice, there's like, cinnamon sticks. I did just cheat his skill,  I'm sorry, it's for science. These are the mushroom waffles,  like just look at how cute that is,   they're little heart-shaped  waffles, it's so good, it's so good. A lot of this pack both in the furniture style,  but also in the food is very European influenced. Like I mentioned, the whole team  that made this is based in Europe   so they were kind of channeling  that when they were making it. These waffles are a good example and  for a lot of these more traditional   styles of waffles, they actually wrote  descriptions teaching us about them. So in this one, the chanterelle mushroom  also known as the gold of the forest is   a beloved delicacy and the lingonberry is a  common side dish to venison and meatballs. They even wrote one for chicken  and waffles about how it's sort   of a traditional thing here in the U.S.. And I just think this is so cool,  when they teach us about food like   this it's such a cool way to share  culture and interact with people. Like with this -- while cured fish is usually  eaten with boiled potatoes for Easter,   Midsummer, and Christmas, why not try  something new and put it on your waffles? I know I mention this every time  there's a new recipe in The Sims,   but I just think that this is so  amazing because when I was a kid   there were so many foods in The Sims that  I had literally never heard of or seen. And so my first experience  with it was in The Sims. I used to think that carbonara was  a fake made up thing for The Sims 3. Like, I thought that goopy  carbonara was a fake food. Granted, they called it goopy carbonara  so like, it was a little weird. Or like, lobster thermidor,  I'd never heard of that before. So just having these little descriptions  and I'm just picturing my childhood self   being so fascinated by this,  and I'm really glad they did it. So those are the waffles, we've got  obviously quite a few different options here. There is also a pizza maker and in this pizza  maker we can make all kinds of different pizzas. There's also a couple weird  ones like this curious pizza. Ever since Laszlo Curious had the ingenious  idea to put extraterrestrial fruit on a pizza,   this unique dish has become  a Strangetown delicacy. A single slice will focus your brain waves and  has been known to attract unexpected visitors. And you need dough and alien fruit to make it.  This one works the same way, first of all he's   like, tossing dough and then he puts it into the  oven, and he can just walk away and leave it. I will say, I have had this catch on fire  so just warning you, it is very possible. I'm kind of glad because there are  open flames in there, it makes sense. I love a fire hazard in The Sims 4, we know this. And then when it finishes you can serve  it, and then he puts it in like a little   pizza box and he can set it out on the  counter just like when you order a pizza. Isn't that the coolest thing  ever? And last but certainly   not least we also have the brand new stand mixer. Now the way this works is prepping ingredients to  then use them for the other two cooking objects,   and it actually works with any cooking,  you can use prepped ingredients in like,   a lot of other recipes on regular  fridges and stoves as well. Well, if the cooking works. It takes  a long time to open, but for example,   the vegetable dumplings require prepped  veggies and if you use the prepped food,   it makes it cheaper to cook, but it also reduces  the cooking time, so you can make stuff faster. So you can make batter, you can make dough, you  can prep veggies, you can prep cookie dough. For some things you might  need meat, like for a pizza,   so you can prep the meat and then  use it to cook the pizza faster. I think I'll just start with dough. And again, he can just let mixer run, he can  just put it in there, leave it be, it takes like,   15-20 minutes and then he comes back, grabs it,  he gets five doughs, and then we can make pizza. What are you doing sleeping? We have pizza to  make, come collect the prepped ingredients. But this is pretty cool because you could  use this for cooking anything in the game. Like, the prepped ingredients are  for a lot of different recipes. Maybe I'll make a garden pizza. Just -- how  cool is this! I'm so excited about this. I might stick that dough in the fridge  though because I don't want it to spoil. And fine Bob, you can sleep because  tomorrow we're going to sell all this pizza. I guess the main feature of this pack which  we haven't really gotten to yet is obviously   the food stand, so we have the new Anywhere  Any Fare Food Stand and you can buy this,   put it in your Sim's inventory and literally  bring this anywhere and set up a food stall. You can also slot stuff to it  so I could slot a pizza oven,   I could slot a waffle maker, if I wanted  to bring a mixer, and then you could use   these to keep cooking while you're out  and then keep selling while you're there. It comes in a handful of really,  really cute different colors,   some kind of generic ones like this plain  black one, there's a pretty rainbow one. This one is very cutesy and waffle focused,  this one is obviously very pizza focused. Bob Pancakes is obviously going to be a waffle  salesman so we'll sort of deck it out for that. You can even change the name of  the food stall. Pancake Waffles. And then you can pick a little logo. There's like  a cupcake, there's an octopus, there's a lemon. I might pick the cupcake. That part doesn't really  do anything, it's just kind of cute for you. I'll drag all those waffles that I made and then  we can head out, maybe to the park or something? Oh, how about the museum? There's  probably rich people at the museum. You can do this on any lot, I'm pretty  sure you could even do it on like,   someone else's house if you wanted to. You can just drag food into here. It  works like a fridge so it keeps it   cool and also keeps it from not  spoiling for like, three days. You can also mark up the prices, I've learned that  you can mark them up to 300% and they will buy it. Bella, my first customer, thank you very much. Well, you can give a sales pitch, you can also  convince to buy which actually works very well. And I can try and sell her, for  example, my cured fish waffles. Which she ignored and used her  phone! What is wrong with you? Buy my waffles. Okay, I guess   I might have marked it up too high.  Let me put it lower, sorry everyone. I got a little bit ahead of  myself there. Buy my waffles! There we go, my first sale, 64 simoleons.  Anyway, you can just kind of stand here,   make your sales pitches, make some waffles on the  side and they will slowly buy all your stuff up. It's honestly not a bad way of making  money, I don't want to spoil anything, but   um, I'm posting a rags to riches video tomorrow  and I made like, 80,000 simoleons doing this. But that's pretty much the whole gameplay,   I think... I haven't tested this  yet, but I think that kids can help. This is really bad, but I'm gonna steal Nancy  and then make her into a child so I can test it. Oh, okay, maybe not, sorry. I told a lie, my bad. But that's pretty much all the  gameplay that comes in the pack,   it's the new appliances and the selling feature. The home chef and the hustle. So what are my final thoughts on this? So what are my final thoughts on this? Is it worth buying? When I think about that,   I can't help but compare it to  all of the other stuff packs. Which I think makes sense because we're trying to  compare it to the other $10 things in this game,   and oh my god, by far this is one of  their best stuff packs they've ever made. We have a pretty direct comparison too with the  Cool Kitchen stuff pack because it was like,   you know, kitchen stuff and  a small kitchen appliance,   but the difference with that is that the  kitchen furniture was worse, it came with   just one appliance instead of three, and that  was it, you just made ice cream, that was it. In this pack, you can make waffles, you can  make pizzas, there's a ton of new recipes. It also has the new stand mixer which you can  use for regular recipes just like, on the stove. And it has a new job where you  can sell all of these things. It's got some really nice hairstyles. So by far,   no question, this is one of their  best stuff packs of all time. So if you were going to buy a stuff  pack, I definitely recommend that you   buy this one over most of the others just  because it's got so much more stuff in it. And I know for a fact, I'm gonna  have my Sims use this a lot. I mentioned it earlier, but I can  already see myself putting that pizza   oven in a ton of my Sims builds and I'm  definitely going to use the stand mixer. I've never really considered  wanting a waffle maker,   but now that I've seen them  all, they're really good. I love having more recipes and more things for my   Sims to cook because I use  the cooking skill so often. So this just fits in so nicely to my regular  gameplay, both for like my average Sims   households who just happen to cook at home,  but also for like, my rags to riches gameplay   because I love doing things that are like,  sort of challenging to make money for my Sims. I made this joke already, but this pack  really was made for Stanley Humphrey,   he is a food entrepreneur and he is thriving. So I think my final thoughts are that I really  like this pack and I think it's worth buying. And the other huge bonus of stuff  packs compared to all of the kits   that we've been getting recently is  this pack has way more stuff in it. I was gonna say it's only double the  price, but it's still kind of expensive,   ten dollars is a lot, but for ten dollars instead  of five, you get triple the amount of stuff. You get CAS things, you get build things,  and most importantly you get more gameplay. So how am I gonna sit here and be  like, oh yeah, buy the new build   kit or whatever when we have this amazing  stuff pack that has way more stuff in it. So I think my final thoughts are that  I do I think this pack is worth it,   especially compared to all of the other packs. Both the old stuff packs and  all the kits we've been getting,   this stuff pack is way more worth your money. Again, still kind of expensive, 10 bucks is a  lot to drop on The Sims especially considering   how many packs there are and how much money  you've probably already spent on the Sims,   but what I mean to say is that if you are  interested in this pack, if you have the money,   and if you've been thinking about buying  a new pack, this is definitely a good one. The ridiculous price point of Sims DLC is a whole  other thing and that's not the stuff pack's fault. But yeah, I think that's my review. My review is that I really liked it, I've  had so much fun playing with this pack. I swear this year is like, the year  of fan service to The Sims community. We asked for babies, we got babies,   we asked for a family pack, we got a family  pack, we asked for horses, we got horses. I've been wanting more kitchen stuff,   I've made entire videos about wanting more  kitchen stuff, and we got kitchen stuff! It makes me excited for whatever  the next expansion pack is gonna   be because fingers crossed it'll be good. But I think on that note, I am  gonna end this video right here. Hopefully you found this video helpful in terms  of whether or not you want to buy this pack. It officially releases tomorrow,   I was given early access so I was able  to post this video a little bit early. And tomorrow I'm gonna post a video really playing  with it and like, doing some rags to riches stuff   with Stanley Humphrey so stay tuned for that and  make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss it. And with that, I am going to catch  you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. Oh my god, I might make pizza tonight  for dinner at home to celebrate. It's been a while since I made pizza dough  from scratch so that could be kind of fun.
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 549,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: CP3T52N34rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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