A Court of Thorns and Roses | Animated Summary

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a court of thorns and Roses a wildly biased summary Farah is a 19-year-old girl who is poor and starving and freezing in ancient Fantasy Land far's out hunting one day and finds a lovely deer and she goes oh boy yummy yummy but uh-oh there's a big old wolf there hunting it too and far's like that wolf is entirely too big there is 110% chance that it is a fairy which means if I try to kill it I may open up a can of worms threatening not only me and my family but also possibly my mortal Soul as all of magic is a strange wonder that goes far beyond my comprehension I only know that there's innumerable Horrors and atrocities Fair kind has done to my people and legends told long before me but if I don't kill it I'll be hungies and then she kills the wolf and brings the Pelt and the deer home to her ungrateful family in their shabby Cottage apparently her family used to be particularly wealthy but her dad lost their Fortune with a bad deal having to do some ships across the sea and some mafioso like investors once they busted Daddy's kneecaps and took the house it was up to phra the youngest to pick up survival skills because as it is described in the book her older sister Nesta and Elaine were simply too accustomed to wealthy life that they couldn't adapt to being poor nesa is an absolute about it letting life sustaining chores go undone because she's simply not meant for that kind of work and Elaine is just that one girl from Mean Girls Who Says mean but there's not actually a mean bone in her body barely a thought behind those eyes really does not even recognize that they are poor and in a shack a lack of Common Sense and self-preservation runs deep in the family it's a miracle phah picked up bow all right I'm not going to lie I blacked out a little bit in Sp oh God okay a lion busts into the cottage and it's like you killed my wolf Friend by the rules of the fairies I can either end you right here and now or you agree to come with me to my fairy castle never to return and she's like and what like be trapped in servitude forever and he's like nah just like be there what to which her family says bye so she goes to Fairyland which is called prythian and lion man has a a big pretty estate and he turns into a big pretty man named Tamlin who hates violence but is also a product of War but it's also really caring but also has a Heart of Stone and we get to meet his right-hand man Lucien who is the best we love him he's sassy and funny and a little bit of a prick and probably the most sane being in the tri- state area the next three quarters of the book are so brain-numbing but in summary phah lives in the castle and over the course of a few months Stockholm syndrome falls in love with Tim Tam like girl Lucian is right there but whatever we learned that Timothy and Lucien are high which means they're better than other fairies there are seven courts in fairy land that rule they are broken up by the seasons but also by the time of day for some reason Tommy Bahama happens to be the high lord of the Spring Court which means he's essentially the god of spring they have this one ritual where he kind of becomes the Avatar of all the magic of spring so phah is warned to stay away from the absolute rager they'll be hosting outside as it is potentially dangerous for humans unable to follow a single godamn instruction she does a quick PE roony of the festivities resulting in her getting immediately accosted by evil fairies which I will say that is the formula you missed in the entire fun and game section of the book that we are skipping over every day she defies warnings or does not follow directions and then is accosted by evil fairies and needs to be rescued this girl cannot learn but she's saved by tall dark and handsome who gives her a wink and leaves he'll be important later and then Lucien finds her and takes her back home he warns again hey stay away from the party Timmy Turner is going to get coked up on Spring magic which will make him violently hor and Farah's like ooh and luc's like emphasis on violent and Farah's like Farah mostly stays in her room but eventually sneaks out in the middle of the night once she thinks it's over with to which trampoline finds her bites her neck dry humps her for 15 seconds and then fleas why she likes this man I do not know but anyways back to the lore there's been a blight affecting everybody humans and fairies and that's why there's a bunch of shitty fairies causing Ruckus where they're not supposed to be because there's evil in the air and they're excited about it this blight can be attributed to one sadistic girl boss named amarantha who hates humans and pulled some wild 100 years ago during some War having to do with both fairies and humans I kind of blanked out on that bit but essentially she somehow managed to get an iron grip over all the high Lords and a sent Fairy Land out of whack after ascending to power she tried to woo tat truck the hottest of the high Lords and was rejected to which amarantha cursed him and his whole Court to wear pretty masks and reduce their power by a lot apparently which still leaves them particularly powerful in my opinion more on that later amarantha sends in tall dark and handsome to chatting Tatum's house in a power play sort of threatening thing uh we find out his name is reand and he is the high lord of the night court and he lays out a few wordy Jabs at trisket to make him nervous and then he also asks for Farah's name to which her one brain cell finally fires off and she does the smartest thing ever and gives him the name of her old neighbor Clara instead of her own and and he's like okay and leaves wink wink the whole interaction makes trample nervous and he's like hey Farah you should go home now it is getting way too dangerous here for you and she's like what but I thought I was your prisoner here like the life debt thing I killed one of your best friends and he's like don't worry about that just go home and she's like can I have one sex before I go he's like okay you can have one sex before you go and then they have one and a half sex and then he kicks her out first thing in the morning we're about to get to the good part of the book which has the least amount of Tammy Lynn and the most amount of suffering for Farah which I don't know what that says about me with this be my favorite part of the book but it's a fun ride from here so they send Farah off and Thomas the Tank Engine is like Hey I Love You by the way to which phah gives him a crisp thumbs up and leaves phah comes home not to her dying family in the cabin in the woods but to a grand estate apparently terra cotta glamored the out of ph's family and pretty much everyone who has ever interacted with them far's family does not remember anything they having to do with fairies and is convinced she was sent off to go help with her dying aunt that doesn't exist so they have been 0% worried about her her dad is healed miraculously somehow the missing ships return and the family is back in business jettison into a life of Fortune everyone is happy and normal and thinking everything is hunky dory except for Nesta who pulls Pharaoh aside and says I remember everything which just to put into perspective once again Temperpedic and his court used magic to completely alter reality around this family Conjuring money and Fortune and whisking memories away from their mortal Minds see lessly replacing them throughout this book phares that even the weakest members of the Fay are wildly powerful and constantly around with the senses the Fay essentially invented manipulation and while there it's almost impossible at any given point in time to know what you can trust not even yourself in your own mind so tamen Jones comes in with all this power that manipulates all these mortals and Ness is like- you can't tell me how to think no magic she literally just so innately stubborn that she defied the magic of a god with just her pure audacity I love her I love Nesta what an amazing character I want to see more of her in the series farra spills the beans to Nesta so she's in on the Skippy uh and they had more of a rocky relationship before but after this they bond and they're finally on track to having a good healthy sisterly relationship love that for them one night at dinner it's mentioned hey remember that neighbor Clara we had just last her family's house mysteriously burned down and they never found the bodies weird huh and Ferris stands up at the table it's like wow that's weird I have to go hey Nesta you might want to amp up security here immediately if not sooner and she's like what why she's like because I was supposed to be me fay fay say less pharoh comes back to the Supreme Court and it's all empty except for Alice the handmaiden who lists off the full terms and conditions of the curse and how because tamanda bin didn't meet the conditions before a certain date he's Trapped Under the Mountain under amaranth's Rule and Alice is like and you know what would have prevented all of this she's like what she like if you said I love you back yeah weirdly amarantha required that he needed to find love in a human girl who is also a fay killer among a thousand other requirements and farra happened to perfectly fit the bill wow what are the odds so far's like well I'm going to go under the mountain and make things right to which Alice says you definitely shouldn't you'll probably immediately die or suffer eternally but if I know anything about you after all these months of being on the keep Pharaoh alive task force there is nothing in this world that can stop you from hurdling your body towards the most dangerous thing immediately present to you so since you're going just follow these three simple rules in order to survive do not give your real name do not make a deal with a fairy and do not drink the wine Farah goes under the mountain proceeds to immediately give amarantha her full government name makes a deal with not one but two fairies and then goes on a three-month Bender off of fairy wine son of a so in order to save the love of her life and rescue pretty much the entire governing body of fairies pharah makes a deal with amarantha for their freedom but amarantha makes her go through all these weird trials including but not limited to kill a worm household chores dancing under the influence and reading which I haven't mentioned up to this point but Farah is painfully illiterate and the fact that one of the final trials is just reading is hilarious to me once she completes all the task they'll be free but if she solves a riddle she doesn't have to do any of the trials it's all immediately over with being a dum ass she cannot Solve the Riddle so she ends up going through all the Death trials because phah is mortal and incompetent she makes a deal with ranne to heal her up so that she can carry on with the rest of the trials in exchange for spending some quality time with him if she lives after all this and he also ends up bending over backwards at every turn to make sure she stays Alive by working from the sidelines but he does that bit for free wink wink she also gets a lot of help from Lucian but his help is less subtle and so he keeps getting violently punished for it but he continues helping anyways because he's the best you know who doesn't help tampon who's just sitting there in the throne room watching it all happened because he's like I can't do it a Amara is watching me I can't do anything she's watching me meanwhile these Fay who are supposedly less powerful than timolin boots are doing everything under the sun to keep this little human alive what a guy the last thing amarantha asked for farra to do is stab three fairies in the heart which is as traumatizing as you'd think for a 19-year-old girl to do and oh no one of the three fairies is her boyfriend Toyota Corolla oh no but Farah calls amantha's Bluff stabs her Boo's heart and it turns out he literally has a Heart of Stone so he doesn't die which the pay for that moment was kind of lost on me but whatever amarantha is like well I didn't say you could go immediately not unless you solve the riddle which it didn't so she proceeds to break every single bone in pha's body Tylenol is useless Reese tries to help it's actually really romantic wink wink and in her dying breaths Farah's One Singular brain cell fires off a final time in desperation and she solves the riddle the answer is is love isn't it no sh the curse is lifted and Trio tears that apart farra fully dies but all the seven High Lords are like that was really cool what she did for us we should make her a high Fay and with their powers combined they bring her back to life with pointier ears so farra gets to go home to the Spring Court with testosterone and everything is totally fine haha not she still made that deal with tall dark and handsome and it's implied we're going to be seeing more of him soon winnnn win that's the book
Channel: TheCookieRhino
Views: 582,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thecookierhino, the cookie rhino, aileen kenny, eileen kenny, aileen kenney, eileen kenney, illustration, illustrator, draw, drawing, art, artist, acotar, a court of thorns and roses, booktok, bookstagram, sara j mass, tamlin, rhysand, lucien, feyre, fairies, fae, animation, funny, summary, review, book summary, book review, animated, cartoon, booktube, book, books
Id: 1PaSCvzww0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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