Playing The Sims 4 Horse Ranch (part 1)

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Yeehaw Welcome to The Sims 4 horse ranch today we are starting our gameplay this is going to be a series so definitely subscribe if you haven't already for more gameplay as I bring each video out we're gonna explore as much of this pack as we can and I upload lots of Sims builds and challenges and if you don't know me my name is Delhi I'm Australian and I play The Sims that's about it anyway let's jump into it oh also thank you to EA for giving us an early access copy so the last gameplay series I did was the Sims 4 growing together and I was playing with this family the Taylor Kyle since and we're going to be continuing with this family but don't worry if you've missed out on that gameplay you can always go back and watch it we're just going to continue their story anyway so their oldest kids Persephone and Rose are twins and they've just aged up to young adults so I've given them makeovers and we're going to be moving them to the ranch or to the new world then we have Gunner which is Rosa's dog so Gunner's gonna come with us let's say if we take Clover with us that means we're gonna have four extra slots for horses or any other house members which I think is a good amount of room obviously the family has 90 000 Somalians but I don't want the kids to be too spoiled you know they've got to earn their way in life on the ranch so let's just give them 20 six thousand to get started with then they've got 60 over here okay so we've just split up that household and I'm gonna move these guys in with the grandparents okay so let's move these guys to the new world of Chestnut Ridge here it is isn't it pretty now there is an empty lot over here for ten thousand simoleons but I feel like we should work up to that there's also this lot over here which is 50 by 50 for 20 000 small ends that's basically all of our money there's this little cozy house over here not a whole lot of room oh what about this one this one's 22 000 smallones it's only got two bedrooms but we can work with that we can share a bedroom to start with it already starts with two Stables over here which I really like and this is in the writer's Glen which is in a home to generations of ranches and nectar makers yes well let's move into our little Canter Cottage it's got some wild prairie grass it's homey so we can quickly Master domestic skills cooking Mixology handiness cutting and it's a good environment to exercise in all right so let's move into our new little house and get us all sorted out and I'm really excited to see how cottage living can be used within this pack as well so my goal is to one day like move to the Big Ranch and then have all sorts of animals there okay so this is our little house and what's great is right next to us we have this free training area where we can just take a horse if we want to once we get a horse we might need to save up for a horse actually and just having a look around the place is a fishing spot there's a nice Grill spot over here okay oh look at the Saddle and the blanket here I love that oh yes we've also got some training barrels here that's going to help with I think agility for the horses and this is circuit like what a nice little sense of community oh this looks like alrich um our Rich neighbors potentially will move in there oh cool we can ride through this this is really pretty you guys oh and this is nectar making country I'll tell you guys a little bit more about the Sims we have in our family in a little bit look at these grape Vines now these are just for sure these are decorative but we do have nectar making is a a Sims classic we love nectar making it's been in The Sims one I think the Sims 2 The Sims 3 and it's going to be a good way to make money you harvest your grapes like you can grow your grapes then you make the nectar and then you store it and the longer you store it for the more it's going to be worth this is our little stable area now I feel like we could save some money by taking away these barrels because this is 80 simoleons we can keep the ball I mean I do like this area maybe we'll keep that but we may need to save a bit of money we've only got 3 000. we gotta get some work happening and this is our little house cute cute and with the base game update have they painted yes look we have ceiling paint now Circle that's a new feature oh my God it looks beautiful so this a good little house we've got our study Nook there when we can afford a computer Lounge room fireplace this is so cute we've got everything we need I think this is the perfect house for us to start in we will need to get another bed another single bed uh we've got a bathroom in there okay we are we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine in here so maybe Clover can stay in this room and in here Rose and Persephone can be in this space bacon chair is what I'm trying to say how much is this 300 simoleons actually that's really not that bad it could be worse so if you're interested in building buyer items you can check out my new build video of building a ranch feel free to check that out let's do matching bed spreads to the curtains lovely lovely lovely now I have given my Sims a little bit of a makeover oh gonna this is gonna our dog we need to get a few things in the house for gunner such as food all right so this is Rose and Rose is really the main Sim who wanted to come to the ranch they aspire to be a championship Rider which is a new aspiration so they're going to participate in horse competitions and this means means it's easy to stay fit and trim with a high metabolism they love dogs they have the new Rancher trait which means they excel at ranch life and take pride and Care in their work they enjoy Ranch choice and caring for their livestock and then obviously they're going to be a horse lover sharing a strong bond with horses they have an easier time socializing with it and caring for horses than other Sims that's Rose I've also got a new hairstyle which I love here's uh some of the outfits they've got pretty cool I love like the dirt and mud on the outfits too oh that's very Swanky Formal Wear yeah I just wanted to kind of introduce the farmer lifestyle transition into their clothing they're really close with their twin sister Persephone although very different Persephone she would like to be an expert nectar maker this is a new aspiration honing their abilities to consistently Craft only the best neck does they also want to make an absurd amount of simoleons doing it this gives a bonus of the essence of flavor which means that they make higher quality food and drink so she's gonna hopefully make some delicious nectar and her old aspiration was a cereal romantic so Persephone is still very romantic loves horses also still has her dog lover trait too and she's got this new side braid hair and some more cute outfits I guess feminine and brightly colored but yeah there's lots of great uh new items in Creator Sim and I especially love her winter outfit as well and she's the eight she's aged up with pimples as well and then last of all Clover has got the country caretaker aspiration which is from cottage living but they're going to be at school most of the time so hopefully we'll raise enough money to then get cows and stuff that Clover finish their aspiration with they have the Rancher trait they have the animal Enthusiast trade which came with cottage living as well this amazing new hair love that you top boobs these are just some more of the clothing items the T-shirt here is new the boots again love this like a dirty top and then of course there's Gunner whose outfit I feel like just isn't working on the ranch we need this uh little bandana maybe for the branch and they've already got this one for casual so yeah I'll be interested to see how dogs also interact with horses if they interact with horses or the miniature animals too yay and I feel like maybe we should just hit the ground running and get a horse so we can start taking care of them there is no new career but we can earn a bit of money by going to the note board which is somewhere around here and seeing if there's any jobs available that's a way to make money I'm just not sure if there's one in this neighborhood I know there is in the the main Town strip area hello I don't see any oh yes we're also going to have the wild grass grow on our lot which will be really great now where should we put our nectar making station because Persephone I feel like is more into making money they were interested in business in our let's play so I feel like they'd get into nectar making and also Persephone was a little bit more of a party girl too so I guess whining and dining they might be interested in could this fit on our balcony no we'll start off with one horse so we'll just use one stable for this we've got our nectar making station one thing that is a bit disappointing is that there's only one level to the aspirations which doesn't give you a whole lot of incentive to play through the pack it's just one big aspiration you don't get that excitement when you hit each Milestone so I guess we'll just work through this one level and then that's the same with the championship Friday you've just gotta grind at the same aspiration there's no levels um like there usually would be which I think is a bit of a shame all right well to craft nectar we need to get some ingredients I think we should start maybe with grapes I think you need three to make some nectar and I also want to plant some grapes so we can make nectar without having to buy ingredients too and also make it really high quality grapes so then I think the nectar may be worth more so I've just got a few extras and we're gonna play at those as well as start some nectar making and then we're gonna get a horse oh new personality trait Rose is cheerful Rose is such an overachiever I feel like they're gonna absolutely slay the ranch life they achieved all three character values when they aged up they graduated high school the highest grades you can alright everyone let's start planting together as a family and then gonna I'm gonna get a few things you too come on everybody and yeah I don't think Clover's that close with their siblings yet well they're a little bit closer with Persephone but you know it's gonna be it's gonna be good for Clover to get closer to their older siblings I think let's also assign these beds it's really cute Persephone Rose used to share a room when they were little so it's kind of like going back going back in time hey gonna I love how Persephone is just chatting whilst the others are doing all the gardening work or roses this big bowl here this is for a horse to play with just so you know it's not just like an oversized soccer ball of the Sims and another really exciting thing is that we can get mini pets on our farm too so we can get mini sheep and mini goats and they are so cute you guys you'll just get Gunner a couple of things here too also I wonder if some of the ranch tasks are going to contribute to teenagers responsibility a character value because there's a lot of responsibilities on a ranch and in fact you can hire a ranch hand which will be so helpful because then we can assign them tasks but we have to do that bit by a bit we're gonna have to work up to it because we don't have a whole lot of money do you want to call Ghana to eat and then I want to get us a horse hopefully we can afford a horse now you can rescue horses um but their behavior may be a little bit more difficult whereas if you buy a horse they may be more well suited to doing shows because they've already been given helpful traits all right let us call The Ranch Animal exchange and get a horse and maybe a mini goat a mini sheep so rescuing a horse is only 250 simoleons whereas purchasing a horse is 1 000 Millions see me is where we only have 1872 Samoans I'm thinking it's better than rescue a horse so let's see who's available what's available and then we should definitely get some mini mini animals too so maybe Persephone can get those sorted they will call the ranch animal exchange as well uh buy mini goats and sheep okay so these are the mini goats and sheep they range depending on their color I think and you can share them for money and milk them for money too if their mood is really good then you'll get some more money for their wool and their milk if their mood is bad you won't get that much money or they might even be taken away why is this black mini sheep 2 000 Samoans I guess because it's a black sheep that's uncommon I guess we won't be getting that one uh and then you can get colored ones but they're also more expensive too oh the dalmatian ones are cool yeah pink one a mocha one but you know what we're gonna we're gonna stick to the the classics what about one white belts mini girl first and one cream mini sheet 300 simoleons now horses let's see what our options are due to the environment they came from rescue horses will have more difficult treats some extra attention and care may be needed right so there's bunny who's an elder meh fearful mellow and a free spirit Domino the foal he's a baby friendly needy and fearful Mo an elder as well defiant fearful and needy peanut with the little hat is an adult horse defiant needy fearful as well a little Samba is aggressive and then there's velvet oh velvet like National Velvet independent intelligence but aggressive I think velvet could be cool even though they're aggressive I kind of want to see what that means with horses like if we're gonna get bitten but they are also very intelligent and independent which might not be a bad thing and then peanut what is defiant medium flavorful I think we should go velvet I would go in Elder horse but we want to train them up for shows so I think we'll go in adult even though I want to get the Elder breaks my heart and uh where is Velvet the mini animals will just be in your Sims inventory so oh we're gonna go get them okay Rose is heading off for a little while all right well Persephone do you want to place our mini sheep into the world oh there it is oh you can pick them up oh my gosh everything's happening at once okay well we've got velvet oh look at our sheep isn't it cute what's your name name cream mini sheep Lily I like Lily yeah we'll do Lily and we can oh my gosh wow velvet is stunning whoa that's such a beautiful looking horse I wonder what type of horse that is okay wow um Rose you should maybe start getting a relationship going I don't know how difficult this is gonna be because velvet is aggressive but velvet is stunning our grandpa just said congrats on our recent birthday oh oh there's a lot of jumping that's okay um and I'm also going to raise our relationship a little bit with Lily oh it's so cute and maybe sheer for some smallines as well we could do with some simoleons Clover do you want to um say hello to Velvet over here the stallion and velvet's in an amazing mood oh great and velvet's already acquired the temperament skill from us interacting with them sir that'll help him successfully socialize with Sims and other horses oh no Persephone's becoming paranoid no no you're just a little afraid because you're on the farm it's it's hard it's a new environment horses with high temperament skill are less likely to Buck Riders and will perform better at certain Community jobs and the Western Pleasure shoe jumping and ultimate horse Championship competitions and if we want to check how their skills are going we can open the personality panel so you can see here we've got a little bit of temperament increase but we can also work on agility jumping and endurance oh we're doing a little bit of shearing velvet's like no fine sticking around for this uh welcome to the farm life the ranch life nice one for Stephanie thirty dollars lovely and we can bottle feed Lily as well and then we should get out um our goat oh look at the bottle feeding interaction that's that's so cute I want to bottle feed a little animal oh Ghana gone it's like I want to play too oh and here's our little goats oh our goat is so cool we can milk for Somalians and we've also got to name them what should we name you butternuts yes Butternut wow doing that with the manicured nails I love it very nice oh they're sleeping I really want Ghana to interact with the with the farm animals too oh also have we have we had a Welcome Wagon yet I had anyone's welcomed us here I thought someone would have by now that's so sad okay well we also need to probably get some food for velvet we don't I don't think we have any grass that spawned around here yet otherwise we'd be able to just Shear it or not Shear it grab it from the ground oh wait here's some otherwise we have to buy it for the feeder let's go Harvest this oh wow look at this Sunset pretty did we miss the Welcome Wagon I'm really upset that we may have missed it or we didn't get one okay we've got our hay oh and we got an avocado that's really good because avocados can be worth a lot of money I'm not sure if we can make nectar from them but we might be able to and now that we've got the grass in our inventory just here we can actually oh no no no no we don't want to spend money on refilling oh I need four hay in order to refill the feeder oh that's rough you might need to hand feed for now oh wait here's some more grass oh they're just gonna eat it okay I guess we won't be harvesting that I can't believe we didn't get a Welcome Wagon ew okay well here's the horse manure now this isn't all bad because this we can actually use to fertilize our plants and make them grow better oh that's right Persephone does have an existing job but I really I feel like that was a teenager job and they're moving on in life and this is normal quality horse manure let's look in the notebook so how do we improve horse manure consistently meeting the needs of the horse manure from horses that are well cared for is worth more and provide stronger benefits okay so we're gonna keep the horse happy to get good quality poop great well let's oh we can't fertilize yet because we don't have enough Gardening Skill we can hover over the animals to see how they're going pretty happy over here pretty copy over here excellent excellent okay well I guess we should just kind of keep bonding with the horse and maybe we should oh we're all pretty hungry wait let's get you back from work and to quit work you've moved you've moved and you can't go into work anymore there'll be new opportunities here there we go they were a simfluencer but we're gonna focus on the nectar making do you reckon we can even Mount Velvet Let's maybe Mount velvet in the morning I just I don't want to stress velvet out give them a little time to settle in oh we've got Ranch music now love that also love that it's summer day six of seven days of summer oh we're about to go into full okay let's get velvet to this bed come on velvet in you come this Persephone like small talk I think so I mean they're flirty so and charismatic okay so then we can I mean we can keep this open so they have access to the water over here but I'm gonna lock this for horses and then our our mini go to mini shape Buttercup and Lily they can wander around in circumcana quite a few Sims around as well I mean no one wanted to uh come to our house and introduce themselves to US unless I completely missed it because I was so into like new horse interactions I'm I'm salty about that all right well maybe let's make um some baked potatoes oh three sisters chili no let's do that maybe we'll make some friends over here oh Rose just became good friends with velvet oh that's nice this is the new barbecue nice that kind of looks intimidating you know that's a lot of hot coal under there nice in Native American tradition the three sisters are corn beans and squash they grow best together in the same plot I knew that because I'm into gardening the oldest sister corn provides a strong foundation for the beans to climb the beans enrich the soil with nitrogen the youngest sister squash covers the ground protecting all of their Roots how good is that all right fam tuck in and anyone else who wants to be friends with us no it's our first night at the ranch even though our house is in a ranch but like a mini Ranch how nice is this all three siblings hanging out I love this hair so much the doctors caregiver hmm let's pack this into a sack lunch for school tomorrow okay gotta clean up after yourselves everyone okay they can't they can't do that all right where's velvet oh gun is sleeping next to Velvet oh my heart my heart that is that is so cute that is really really cute oh oh Ghana just walked through their head all right okay Gunner's like they're home and then our little our little ones are over here all right you guys go to bed you go to bed as well and I don't know where that's sack lunch went I guess they were like no we simply can't take this home with us we have to leave it I'm also going to turn these two Auto lights or order candles oh no velvets velvet's hungry rain Halo shine we're gonna get up and feed velvet do velvet just pee I swear I just saw velvet pee we may not be able to fill up the feet all but we can hand feed velvet don't drink the wee Lily are you drinking the Wii no no oh look and we can cheerlead for 45 smallines now which I think might be the max just go velvet our relationship's really good with velvet like that went up very quickly oh they didn't like that oh oh my also if they want some fun why don't we put this in there so they can play with that or maybe it would be fun to go for a ride yes oh God Butternut is starving okay I'm just gonna share you quickly it could probably afford a TV just to you know or is that too risky even just like a a really little TV like this one on the ground yeah I feel like it needs to go on a table hold up hold up hold up what about this nice rounded table we just put it here hopefully this doesn't catch on file you got this new chair here there we go got TV for fun beautiful let's change our outfit the other thing is we have to you know keep Ghana happy having a dog is gonna be a lot of work too all right Persephone do you want to maybe try crafting some nectar over here oh we got some grass grass so excited and we need to feed velvet again all right we are stomping making nectar oh thanks Grandma Dede sending us a birthday present is it money Stumpy stomp fun fact I've actually done this I've stomped on grapes in a barrel uh I used to work at a winery you're gonna hear that all the time now and yeah it was really fun it was really really fun and very messy as you can imagine but this is a real thing and we have acquired the neck to making skill so so far I feel like it takes ages and ages to get your nectar making skill up and there's no skill books either so I think the only way to improve it is by just making nectar temperament level two love to see it and yay it looks like we've made our first nectar the quality is poor I am oh no we're scared of the storm not the storms in The Sims oh it's so annoying they always get so scared so with nectar there are Nexus storage devices or nectar racks so these will store 13 and you can also stack them I think the nectar will be even or the nectar will age more quickly in a basement we don't really have enough money right now to build a basement so I think we're just gonna have to do some storage out here oh my gosh they cost 300 simoleons yeah yeah we can just drag that and pop it in here and then over time uh that's gonna age it says not yet aged but eventually it will age and be worth more oh is that oh no that's the horse manure I really want to go for a ride but oh oh it's velvet you're playing with the bowl yes good boy good boy your sir is still hungry so let's maybe do double hand feeding I just wanted to stop raining so we can go for a nice ride I mean at least the plants are getting watered okay we've also left some hay there so maybe they'll just eat that too got one fifth of the way of the first step which is to achieve level five never nectar making skill never making skill and then we need to make 50 excellent bottles of nectar which is the best possible nectar you can make I think we're gonna need to earn a little bit more money you guys to to pay these bills that may have just been delivered or maybe it was our gift okay let's see what did we get from the mailbox oh we got we got some flowers oh that's love that's love perfect for our Ranch aesthetic oh that must have been from DD or Grandma oh my gosh we have this from our teenage Hood it never got shipped we sold an outfit because Persephone's into fashion to Mortimer goth so that's it that's 500. nice okay well let's make some more nectar though okay as stingy as I'm being with not buying more food um we're gonna have to pay to refill the feeder otherwise it's just not okay we've got some manure there and we have to wait for this grass to grow that's why I haven't harvested it so we can probably sell some of these frogs oh and we want to grow an avocado tree oh my gosh did you just see that lining DD this is not a good time to chat I want to plant my avocado tree let's get Persephone to be the one focusing on gardening because they're gonna need to get up to a level to fertilize all the plants as well all right get that uh that nectar done good work good work whoa Clover you're doing so well let's pop that in there doubt anything's aged yet no it's not aging oh my gosh gonna put all of this hair to clean up actually Clover you can help with that oh my gosh look at this steak tartare that's new right that must be a new meal whoa so fancy so fancy okay we need to call over our mini our mini animals Lily you're a bit stinky and unhappy or they can't get up the stairs oh that's the problem okay well let's just clean Lily and when we have a stronger relationship with Lily we can actually ask for some gardening help too they are much better now we have been playing this for like 50 minutes and I still haven't ridden the horse I just don't want to ride when it's raining out but we might have to oh I mean look at them they really need a girl for a ride I think oh and Yasmine Taylor has visited it's nice to have one visitor that's really exciting oh hey Mom Welcome to our new place become best friends she's like oh this is really nice so you've got good dinner mate oh that's nice they look so similar these two so have you ridden a horse yet not yet mom but we're working on it hopefully in the morning oh my gosh Nanny you want to be this was our Nanny growing up he always comes over unannounced and I feel like he's always gonna come over unannounced to this house too now which is amazing he was our Nanny but he became more than that not in a creepy way oh look at these two I feel like they eat it you know go in here maybe I'm gonna allow access to all mini goats all mini sheep and in case they're not already allowed in there because I want them to go in here I want them to be out in the rain that's so sad Yasmine what are you doing such a mum thing I love that we're all asleep and our Nanny and our mama just you know having a great time we we're great entertainers clearly are you guys gonna go home like sure just stay at my house all night long it's past midnight it's fine okay mom's gone going Nanny's just saying okay finally he went okay I have great news you guys it may be 3 A.M in the morning but the weather is clear and it's the first day of autumn so Now's the Time to Ride let's go Rose you're in a pretty good mood maybe eat a tamale Bowl real quick yeah that's good I don't want it to rain so you know always carrying his bowl all right velvet good morning today's the big day it's the day we finally ride a horse in The Sims 4. I love the animation of how they got up feeling a little a little aggressive oh my Lord okay brush your curd a little bit get you ready to rumble and then what should we wear for our first horse riding Expedition our cute little number oh we also need to clean the horse bed too it's slightly dirty I did not realize we needed to do that okay there we go there we go all right let's try and mount the horse Persephone's coming to see the the big moments with a crab why'd the horse riding skill oh I like the saddle although we can change that I might get something a little bit more rustic and we're up wow let's go for a relaxed ride why are you on your phone on the horse oh look at Buttercup don't get doing good doing good doing oh that was really cute that was really cute okay let's go are we uh able to go anywhere or okay we're moving oh this is so exciting look at us girl I don't think they're aggressive at all I mean look how well behaved they are we haven't even been bucked off the horse at all look at that Rose looks really uncomfortable they're like I'm not so sure about this you're looking good Birds 7 A.M horse ride how how nice acquired the endurance skill excellent all right let's maybe go for an energetic ride we can't go for an intense ride yet hey just just I'm just feeling myself just let me let me get ready okay here we go you're very very close you're very close race here we go ah oo yay nice one yeah that's a little bit more energetic Rose is looking a little uncomfortable but we'll get there oh oh Lord we're gonna fall off okay sir can we just say to okay we can click wherever we want to go and just say like Trot here right there I want to go through this thing oh no we can't go there we have to be at horse riding skill level two to counter so we can only Trot oh I see it says no horses can go through that okay should have read the sign people okay I don't think they're like trotting where I'm telling them to go is it because I've said go for an energetic ride oh yeah I had to cancel that interaction yes we're at level two oh and I love how the water runs through here because we're going through the water watch out for the for the people that was fun I love that well velvet's getting a bit hungry so maybe we should Trot home actually we'll Canter Canter can't I tell you oh isn't that gorgeous the animation's really good and I do I love that little water puddle we if we go home oh a little bit of a rear bucking it's a bit awkward does this make you guys want to ride a horse because this makes me want to ride a horse like I want to I'm I'm gonna ride a horse now it's inspired me except for the kick back uh that looks rough okay that was great so you have something to eat velvet you did so well awkwardly hopping off guards good job these guys are just sitting watching TV not quite as adventurous as us I'm gonna clean our nectar area over here and get Rose to clean the bed too hey velvet meant to go over that they're helping themselves to food there so that's that's good my gosh there's so many things to do we'll get Clover to see to these guys thanks clerva for dealing with birds guys all right you guys well I think I'll finish this part right here let me know what you'd like to see in the next part maybe we'll go ride into the town area and have a go at our first horse competition and keep working on those new aspirations if you haven't subscribed already definitely subscribe for more videos in this series and if you'd like bonus videos I do have a membership program I do just fun extra videos and updates you can join underneath my channel on a desktop or underneath every video so thank you so much to my members for your support you're amazing and anyone who's new here welcome I hope you enjoy the videos and as always I hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon or evening wherever you are in the world with birds speaking to you all soon [Music] foreign
Channel: Deligracy
Views: 371,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deligracy, deli, gaming, australian, english, funny, deli gaming, deligracy youtube, deligracy vids, sims 4, the sims 4, sims 4 lets play, the sims, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 build, sims 4 cheats, sims 4 series, sims 4 lp, deli sims, deligracy sims, sims 4 deligracy, how to play sims 4, the sims 4 horse ranch, farming, lets play, gameplay part 1
Id: w2Sp8uC8reU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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