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let's ask the lord to bless us all come holy spirit bless this and worthy priests that i may preach with humility with love and with the heart and that people listen with the heart not just with their ears come holy spirit come holy spirit states and brothers wherever you are you are there and god is there it's amazing modern ways of communication imagine we are we can be watched all over the world thank you oh lord for making this possible when we were you know cable tv you remember those simple times and i remember there was a time about 20 years ago now among satellite tv you get this dish satellite this you can get all the channels all over the world imagine and magenta four thousand pesos you can have free access to no shortcuts please those who want to serve me those who want to follow me must take up their cross must become the servant of all for example public servant young you know english now you short chains you shortchange the people because in business service palana self-service reading the gospel today i was saying oh god about true service for example the first part what do you wish me to do for you and you know manga james john the sons of zebedee actually you don't have to have a position to do your mission but they are serving today may i ask you to look into your life they are the ones who truly serve good line [Music] young doormat people you don't even appreciate many times those who serve quietly they serve it best and see what happens divisions senator that not our positions our status become become an obstacle to true service today too the lord tells us gustavo the greatest you must be the servant of allah service service coc candidate certificate of candidacy for 2022 elections tapus napoli please remember learn remember again you are public servants public service in depot self-service at indipo family business you're not for the money not for the show keep that in mind you are meant for service that's what many people think but i still believe i still believe the goodness of people please don't give up on our goodness and the goodness of our people opponents no please let's prove the world that we are made of better stuff number two public utility vehicle public use ibiza being for the use of republic open for all tapos for for official use also for official use only marami the patella for official use also family use a tricycle bore for hire male 1 you know for reproduction and spelling in the b-o-a-r but the one that really struck me most when i saw on a vehicle and the sign was very simple this too shall pass someday but the message is so clear for all of us everything is passing the heart that we have positioned nobody stays on top forever and don't forget our date with eternity but we have to pass through death that's where it ends all roads lead to the grave and beyond brothers what does he profit you and me we gain the whole world and in the end the heart come in and then a picture taking on gandana wait wait wait my branca my god that plant has been there for years trying to grow and in one instant for a five minute photo opportunity somebody killed it just for a photo op you know it hit me hard abigail remember public servants especially do not kill the institutions that were there before you and will be there long after you are gone let's not disrespect them and don't kill the hopes and dreams of people we are all just passing by please remember that and the and the final question at the end of our lives is this did i fill the world with love did i fill the world with love did i make this a better world because i passed by i know you wanna go when i leave this world please remember our life is meant for service saving service is the rent you pay for being in this world you did not you did it's time for your payback time serve this world serve the earth serve the people that's our rent in iran because we serve may i honor people who serve quietly sincerely first of all today the men and the women of the hour are the front liners and the health workers not those who say so many things outside no silla so thank you front liners health workers and all those essential workers we honor those who sacrifice their lives even so that others may live that is the key word for sabuhi nothing sacrifice service sacrifice what have you sacrificed what have you sacrificed we keep asking ourselves [Music] you very good question the service you do if there's no sacrifice it's not really a service coulomb so may i thank people who really sacrifice the doormat we honor the doormats so tell me public servants pulubi did anybody become poorer dialogue i know many people who really serve sincerely i salute them to and i know one who was a congressman who was a governor or cabinet secretary i know him anyway what i'm saying is goodness abounds there's so much goodness let us not be cynical about love and goodness and grace grace is real we pray for the grace for and by the way let us learn huh about service for me i was a tennis player and one of the things i wrote about tennis is specialize in good service because with service you have one shot two shots actually you have all the time well i can pressure you you can really aim specialize it's the best shot same in life mark apatite specialize in good service okay neon and one of the rules of tennis boys eyes on the ball you have to see the focus no keep your eyes on the ball and one more thing follow through in constancy stay focused on your goal you follow through and don't forget there's a great empire who sees everything who's keeping the score and all he asks you is that you do your best and one more lesson from tennis make it a love game love same with basketball oh no yeah basketball simply but focus on the goal right focusing the goal at the same time when you make a shot follow through let them follow trinidad no you follow through and one more thing a basketball learn to pass the ball but it was all about him we are a team same with all of us even public servants pass the ball pass it on to others don't have it all these are simple things and then one more thing in basketball i i realize effective poem fade away shut see that in forcing through but when you fade away you step back and you just take the shot indeed you pass it it's when you step back four then you take that's a beautiful shot also well things we learn and today we also honor our missionaries we say goodbye talking observance well father rod de la rosa svd served serb long 23 years in brazil that's where he spent his first years as a priest then he served on to germany and he served on to australia another eight years so this life was full of service he did a lot of leg work for the lord but there's one thing we should not forget service sacrifice and the other thing is sincerity sss natalya service sacrifice sincerity remember mother teresa telling us all so what if you you preach well or you did all that you know that but did you do it with love you don't have to do great things but you do small things with much love sincerity comes from the latin word cine chera means without chera means wax or masks ibxabihin truthfully sincerely there are those who serve pero maraming agenda it's always a good question to ask ourselves am i serving am i sacrificing and am i sincere s s s father rod thank you father rod was a conference but then there are conquerors or just who just belong to the same group conference conferencia but father rod was more than that he was a brother kapatid and he was a friend my manga confers them on but they're not friends in other words he really cared and he showed his care it in this life we who serve must serve together as brothers as friends and there's one more you know we have so much to learn about true service sacrifice and sincerity father jay baleau svd i mean he brought home father ferdi resuena svd from east timor and father ferdi was sick very sick and he wanted to go on father jay accompanied father ferdi and father ferdi was wheelchair-bound imagine that it's a plane from east timor to kuala lumpur okay six hours lay over the airport kuala lumpur so badly get on see our everything and he did it all because he was a conference brother and a friend and then next stop singapore ten hours lay over the lava land but they had to wait on the gate can you imagine that kind of he ain't heavy he's my brother remember that song he took and brought him to cebu finally nagarate and stayed on with him cared for him until he died father ferdie died october 15 but was it yeah some people at the age of 51. these are examples of true service thank you to all people who serve truly who sacrifice and do it all with sincerity you may never be known indi broadcast about you but hey remember this your heavenly father smiles at you and you will have your rewind sisters and brothers let's continue to grow and we pray like to mama mary help us mama mary to serve more like you and to sacrifice like you did and do it all with sincerity with humility with joy and with love even in secret and in anonymity maybe that's how we should all look at our lives this world will never know or understand there are many things inside you this world will never appreciate but hold on to your peace hold on to your goodness anyway the heavenly father knows everything he knows he understands and the father is pleased with you in this mass we turn to the lord again and say yes lord we will serve we will sacrifice with sincerity with anonymity with humility with joy and with love like our blessed mother amen lord amen
Channel: Young Missionary Ambassadors for Christ
Views: 2,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qmtr16BZDNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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