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spirit a reading from the holy gospel according to luke glory to you o lord jesus full of the holy spirit returned from jordan and was led by the spirit into the desert for forty days where he was tempted by the devil during that time he ate nothing and at the end at the end of it he was hungry the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to turn into bread jesus answered him scripture has it not on bread alone shall man live then the devil took him up higher and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant he said to him i will give you all this power and all the glory of these kingdom the power has been given to me and i give it to whomever i wish prostrate yourself in homage before me and it shall be yours in reply jesus said to him scripture has it you shall do homage to the lord your god him alone shall you adore then the devil led him into jerusalem set him on the parapet of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down from here for scripture has it he will bid his angels watch over you and again with their hands they will support you that you may never stumble on a stone jesus said to him in reply it also says you shall not put the lord your god to the test when the devil had finished all his all this all this tempting he left him to await another opportunity the gospel of the lord praise to you lord jesus christ mr brothers we begin and pray come holy spirit bless this and worthy priests that i may preach and we share with humility and with the heart and that people listen with their hearts come holy spirit come holy spirit dear brothers and sisters let's begin with a wrong call i ask you all to raise your hands bow your head and just say again lord present i'm still alive salamat just so grateful oh god thank you and i should come before you today you know me you know everything about me and today before the lord you tell him now what are your temptations what are your weaknesses this god this all-knowing god knows everything and this god this all-knowing god loves you and me he knows our temptations he knows our weaknesses and we're here to tell him again lord i need you we need you please help us lord our hearts are known to you alone we can hide a lot of things to people but you know me through and through and i'm just grateful lord that you continue to love me and help me thank you lord present and ready to be sent by mission pattaya but as we go to our missions we know that we're not that strong the soldier is a child some of us appear to be strong and everything okay but deep inside we are crying and many of us are really weak so dear friends today as we it gives us big big encouragement to know that even jesus was tempted so we know that we have a god who understands and that in itself is beautiful already and so [Music] what makes you lose your way we're going to journey or whatever or joining me journey mo to the lord so all these come to us a reality of sin in our lives hello padre pio was talking about it is beautiful prayer stay with me lord he was saying that at the end of his life come will come even at the moment of death temptations will come the evil one will try to get us dryness hopelessness and all these things again at such moment you have just to pray until the end of our life there will be temptations you know i i have no temptations oh there we go why as soon as temptation comes i give in that was now another temptation that's a shortcut i know i'm problematic yes all of us have temptations anyway my dear friends how how do we manage temptation maganda siguro to talk about this temptation management so somebody said my classmate bro are you still smoking oh no more bro wow willpower oh foreign willpower power failure you know you know you don't have the point is this you must get involved really it's a day-to-day battle but we are not alone so today i would like us to think about this and how do we manage temptations excuse me for what you know what this is early warning device so if you go through temptations you must know how to handle it the early warning how do we fight temptation the first thing is pray when temptation comes you pray because when you pray the devil flees you hold your rosary and the devil goes away right is scapular always with you once you remove these and you become easy pray so if you pray you will not become a prey so that's the first thing we continue to what remember this guy who was with a beautiful lady and there was a big temptation they were in the car they were traveling and he kept saying lord lead me not to temptation what happened nagiski yonkar went to the ditch and he was just already over here when he woke up and he said they will be done lord you know that kind of prayer what i'm saying is if you really pray we will not fall into temptation because the lord doesn't want us to follow the temptation okay so dear friends the other thing then pray and this one is flee run away don't linger padre pio had a beautiful quotation uh the devil is like a dog on a leash metallian if you don't come close you are outside the reach of this dog raging dog but if you come close to it you'll get beaten so flee okay weakness more sweets um the evil one is good in half truths the snares and then snares tagalog the traps one last time and before you know it the dog has beaten you we all have our battles and please you have to learn how to manage this so pray and flee what are your temptations how can i i don't understand why some people continue to be proud what for so again we have to pray and flee from situations that make us form okay and graft roots be careful of the evil one it's like a roaring lion going around to find its prey but our guarantee is if we pray we are shielded we are shielded that's the only assurance and god will not give us temptation beyond our capacity and the third one handling temptation for me this one here is humility if you are humble you will not fall into temptation and if you fall in humility you just say lord i'm sorry question [Music] that's pride see there is room for failure there will always be failures but how do you handle that humility i'm sorry i go to confession last week i was so touched a young priest came from the outside called me up and said father i'd like to make a confession oh god i was so well to hear the confession of a fellow priest but still okay in humility i said and i listened to him he was so honest he was so humble and he wanted so much to be at peace with god for me that that in itself is grace say lord i have fallen but i want to come back so please don't forget should you fall go back to humility ganondin and should you survive a temptation on humility but lord i was able to go through this i was able to survive because of your grace because we may end up proud of it i'm already spiritually better than others so pray flee and don't forget humility isn't that what padre pio also saying pray hope don't worry there is hope for all of us and and what areas what are the main areas temptations what are the main departments where we often fall okay number one is let's call this pera the temptation of money what is the bottom line we go always to the bottom line what does it profit you to gain the whole world you lose your soul it's the bottom line okay wealth is not bad but don't forget in the final accounting in heaven you know rest the thing will speak for itself oh when you were alive you had 10 million cuentas clarissa the lord we ask you first question is this good money or dirty money before god well i'm not talking about good money means you work hard for it hard and honest work congratulations hard and honest work that's what our parents taught us oh is this bad money what does it mean ill-gotten wealth ill-gotten means your big problem with the customs in heaven so please decide now lord whatever it is i will i will avoid ill-gotten money stay away from it please lead us not to them and it's so easy to earn dirty money and some people no the other meaning of ill-gotten money is this in the young nagnak your money is ill-gotten if in the process of getting money you forgot god it's ill-gotten in the process you deprived god of this presence in your life or you deprived your loved ones you're working so hard you deprive them of of your presence because you are so focused on money that's ill-gotten in a way that you have forgotten the little ones the people who need you most ill got them okay and the other thing is this ill-gotten money please don't forget also yourself you're working so hard you're so tired you're already stressed just for the sake of that money to deprive yourself of true peace too number two question ill forgotten money what does it mean you've got this money and you've forgotten what it is for it is ill-forgotten if you did not share it to people [Music] you hoarded everything that's ill forgotten money that is not shared steven brothers we should not be too focus on money because the lord tells us today one does not live on bread alone my london cheese oh what i'm saying is there are more finer things in life than the lampera peraka you know what money can really destroy character i've seen people who have money and their focus all their identity on their money my i am my money period hey you you're a friend well i'm friend friends even buy your votes right so things like that see what money can do to corrupt us so be careful of the invitation number two area area of pride in pera my pride my yaban temptation to be proud first of all intellectual pride you know whether you know it consciously or unconsciously some of us have all kinds of pride spiritual pride i'm more holy than these people i'm better i i'm not like the rest who should who told that the pharisee who went to the temple lord i thank you i'm better than the rest of all these people careful intellectual pride of course even pure simple yaban lord teach us free us from the temptation to be proud the other peace power isn't that what the ukraine wire is all about isn't that what the politics the political wire that's ongoing here to season okay power please don't forget power is for service not self-service public service it's not for me it's not just for your family remember i don't know if many of you can still relate my [Music] what am i leaving for if not for me [Music] for me what am i living for if not for my family family lanya see this is where the temptation comes again lord free us from power that has no conscience no gratitude oh another temptation the temptation to be popular to be held in high steam aren't we all falling to the temptation that we'll do anything we'll jump if we have to jump so that we'll be popular so my followers cause facebook somebody died the last thing he did was get a selfie of him falling down when he committed suicide viral but what for so these things can happen uh there's a beautiful prayer i hope you find time just to pray this lord deliver me oh jesus from the desire to be loved the desire to be honored to be praised to be preferred to be approved and free me from the fear of being humiliated being despised you know and lord grant me the grace to be humble we have so much to learn of course temptations caribbean satan the lowest temptation is pleasures eat drink be merry that's it if we forget to take care of ourselves we'll end up to no restraint from swedes so you become diabetic so again sisters and brothers choose to be good choose goodness over sin and so dear friends let us not also lose hope we all fail like them entire but god is a god of love god understands so that's one thing too when we have failures please don't give up god does not give up on us i i'm so happy many times you know god speaks to us in simple i have a dog bruce you know the one who got lost now he's become so faithful he stays outside my door waiting for me the whole night and one morning i looked on and he was there so i i just didn't think that i make a little sound and garnish he's vigilant waiting for the master dogs are faithful and you know my reflection about the dog that's how god loves us he's really interested in us waiting for us to come home waiting for you and me who am i but the dog shows me again he's about my back and call anytime say bruce let's go obeys just waiting for the master to anything and my reflexes oh god how about me how how do i treat you god do i really even talk to you or mind you motherless we're so busy with with ourselves and we forget god that's a temptation please temptation to sin is all about selfishness that's the bottom line so length is the time to let go let god time for purification that's why prayer and fasting suggestion try this make at least one day of the week you choose what day a day of prayer and fasting this lenten season and you can continue it okay it's a thursday that's the thursdays i pray more my main agenda is to pray more and listen to god more i still have work but you know i'm praying about fasting your favorite food maybe you can say there's taste i don't eat meat i don't take sweets and at least one day of the week you see we all can do it we're only in prayer and fasting can we fight the evil one [Music] quaresma and one more thing please please don't give up on humanity you hear wars atrocities please don't give up the temptation to say hopelessness don't give in to that priest no matter how bad things may seem how people may seem there's a beautiful line from mahatma gandhi he said you must not lose hope in humanity humanity is an ocean if a few drops of the ocean are dirty the ocean does not become dirty and finally please don't give up on yourself the temptation is [Music] don't give in to that and one more thing please don't fall into the temptation of seeing everything as pikati you are in a pig mood problema hurts don't stay there remember big happy translate mulan yeah because the joy of the lord is our strength that's one last thing to find temptations be a joyful person be confident that god is with you lord we are sinners we are war but you are with us let's not forget we have a mother mama mary who reminds us it is possible to live a life pleasing to god if we make god bigger than ourselves if we magnify the lord let's not magnify our our talents and blessings and looks and wealth achievements oh god is bigger than all that achievement whatever you have in life at the same time don't magnify your problems god is bigger than your problems and don't magnify your sins our sins are like a drop of water in the ocean of god's great mercy says brothers lead us not to temptation lord but lord please help us also not to go looking for the temptation to pray and to flee and to be in constant humility amen
Channel: Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD
Views: 39,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerry orbos homily march 6 2022, jerry orbos 1st sunday of lent homily
Id: jSEMDjyMaX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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