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reading from the holy gospel according to lord say o lord jesus said to his disciples to you who hear me i say love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you and pay for those who will treat you when someone slaps you on one cheek turn and give him the other when someone takes your code let him have your shirt as well give to all who beg from you when a man takes what is yours do not demand it back do to others what you would have them do to you if you love those who love you what credit is that to you even sinners love those who love them if you do good to those who do good to you how can you claim any credit sinners do as much if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment what merit is there in it for you even sinners led to sinners expecting to be repaid in full love your enemy and do good land without expecting repayment then will your recompense be great you will rightly be called sons of the most high since he himself is good to the ungrateful and the wicked be compassionate as your father is compassionate do not charge and you will not be judged do not condemn and you will not be condemned pardon and you shall be pardoned gave and it shall be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together running over will they pour into the fold of your garment for the measure you measure with will be measured back to you this is the gospel of the lord praise to you lord jesus bless christ the lord this unworthy priest that i may share with humility and with the heart not just with the lips that people who listen listen with their heart not just with their ears come holy spirit come holy spirit station brother is happy to have with us today father el edwin reyes svd from irusin sorsogon our missionary to austria one of the 120 filipino sbd missionaries all over the world we have been gifted to give and this is what the gospel is all about today as i speak as you listen think about this what do you have what do i have that i have not received from the lord really think about it the air that we breathe you know how difficult to breathe when you go with we take that show program we woke up this morning our very life and what are we so proud about the riches you've earned father i earned this i work hard for this fine but how were you able to work for that you planted you have all these fruits where did the ground come from i mean we don't have anywhere to you know debate about that in fact the bottom line is we have received more than we have achieved in this life our achievements are nothing compared to the gifts we have received so it's in this life and i hope we can understand the gospel today a very difficult gospel today about giving forgiving and here a boy but we have to continue to say yes it is better to give than to receive actually that is the motto of boxers on a boxing era better to give than to receive that's a good motto for life so how giving are you if you look at your hands are your hands like this as you go through life open giving or are your hands like this keeping not sharing anything and perhaps you know many times people ask me father why is it i don't have real blessings in life yeah these are rich people who are sometimes apparent i don't have real blessings and i ask them how are your hands the nitto father how can you receive real blessings if your hands are closed if your hands are open you receive you give blessings just flow if you have anything in you that gives you so much peace even if you don't have much you're blessed on the other hand if you have something with you so many abundant and yet it does not give you peace that's not a real blessing sisters and brothers today it's all about giving question is are you a giver or a taker what is your basic mindset in life this is mine this is mine i'm holding on to this and that there are people the man who say it's okay i give this i give that i don't have butts my hands are empty but my heart is full some people around their hands are so full but their hearts are so empty this is where we are confronted by the lord today sooner or later we will face god and what will you tell him when you come before god blessed are you when you can say lord i didn't have much but i shared i followed what you told us give to everyone who asks very hard everyone who asks well maybe i'll give if somebody asks you but if they don't ask i will not give no i'll get them tired why do i have to give to everyone basilar are they disturbing it's really interesting how the lord challenges us today and he says the lord himself is kind to the ungrateful and to the wicked many of us are kind if they are grateful and if they're good galore makes us go one more step higher and he rap for example i'd like to tell you a little story well according to this story two political rivals somehow they found themselves together in the same church so they just prayed on and then after a while the fir the first one went to the side altar and you know this guy lighted the candle prayed then got something from the pocket put something in the collection he left the second one so he went also to the side altar and what did he do guess what did he light another candle no he put off the candle that was not only that he went to the collection as a collection giver taker extreme stamina but the thing is we are so one about getting it's all about us and here is where the gospel comes and says hey it's not about you as i speak people will tell me what is the lord asking you and me if you follow what the lord says huh think about this this is a sure formula for failure in the eyes of the world do good to those who hate you those who hate me that's the eye of the world no but the lord says no you do good to those who hate you okay bless those who curse you god bless you you know [Music] the lord says pray for those who mistreat you my name is justice human justice definitely it's there but again you see how the lord says go beyond justice beyond justice islam justice [Music] um saint lawrence the martyr when he was being burned oh you turned me around turn around literally that kind of how can somebody talk like that there must be a god there must may be an in the eyes of the world an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth [Music] anyway over your cloak when somebody asked for your cloak it began i remember a story about um joffi lo camumbot bishop candidate for saying to nina hold up that kind of anuyam in the eyes of the word lugee luther that's what we are as i speak i'm sure people are saying yeah but you know what i'm just sharing the mindset of the lord it's it's not my idea it's what our god is telling us hey in case you forget there is a god who made us who knows our who knows us more than we know ourselves so this is what he's telling us let's listen give to anyone who asks do not demand to give back anything you gave love those who do not love you your reward will be great and your life will be filled with joy and meaning this is the mindset of the gospel it's your choice but this is the way the truth and the life speaking to us give it a chance so you may end up at the end of your life so full with all the accumulated thing because you never you follow the way of the world but you may also end up with an empty heart unfulfilled life meaningless because you you you heard more the call of the world and its wealth instead of the call of give it a chance it's only by grace i'm not saying it's easy it's not easy the lord never promised that being a true christian oh for example you know for me i look back in my six to eight years of life the happiest people i have met are the people who who keep themselves free yeah you i don't call those the selfless people they're joyful they're free you know and you can feel that in them the most miserable people i have met are those who are so focused about themselves about their mentality their fame their wealth achievements beauty it's all about them i i don't find true joy in these people because they are so full of themselves lose yourself in me this is what the lord is telling give it a try if something is not working in your life but be god it's always maybe because you're not following instruction remember i told you about pikati because the hurts the pains of life and somebody said actually if you translate it in english it's pinkatti por chapter magana baka you might need from pikati that kind of seriousness about what you own who you are it says follow the lord try it what's the use of putting on hurts out of the blue surprise oh i forgive you okay see and you're so worried about all the money you have the fame the popular you know it takes one flick of a finger you get sick whatever accident it's done and yet you still have to answer to your creator in the end sisters and brothers give the lord a chance that's what i'm saying please remember this the more you give the more you receive the gospel says it so well give give give and gifts will be given to you i in my whole life i know this is a reality gifts just come generous people will just say father we like to give listen i'm amazed i really end up praising god of course there are people who are i'm here i've been that's right be careful uh it's not only the quantity of giving it doesn't matter big or small in the important main thing the other thing is the quality of giving give her capital i know quality of giving number one are you a cheerful giver oh you give us um [Music] that kind of giving all of us are guilty of that one way or another are you a calculating giver can i calculate do you think if god if this is the god well no god is not like that gender was given so we pray in this mass lord help us to become givers not just takers and help us to become quality givers humble givers generous grateful keepers joyful creepers with no agenda except to be grateful and you know a good measure when you receive packed together shaken down overflowing will be poured into your lap more than you can imagine for the measure with which you measure will return in will be measured out to you so sisters and brothers today let us also pray that god give us leaders who are givers not takers those who become leaders and they take away our freedom take away our money take away our future our dignity no this is the bottom line choose givers those who really keep who served man and uh remember this this guy was driving a funeral car you know what happened he ginotum that would have been okay but you are in public service so everybody follow me this is something that happened another thing emptiness so he went to gasoline stations [Music] that's his taste again it's all about him this is a simple one you who go to public service remember you are serving the public not yourself not your family not your business lord give us true givers and dear lord please we pray also [Music] let not politics it's the lord we serve you go back to joshua chapter 24 verse 15 19 as for me and for my house we will serve the lord that every one of us say that it is the lord we serve we go beyond in the end those people apart you will even die for them where where are they where will they be it's the lord we serve be merciful for your father is merciful and please do not judge people be kind when you look at people and you know one thing i i'd like to share with you this there was a five-year-old cancer victim ayah i prayed over yesterday guys you know stage four stage five i was so you know my heart was crying this she was so sincere praying this real giving innocence [Music] and she smiled at me gibs you know my bow will happen forgive give me gift our loving father is such a loving and giving god so dear friends please go beyond your pikati and try the pork chop chocolate if you trust in the lord things become lighter and brighter you're about your human reasoning human wisdom there's forget there's faith beyond reason faith and of course beyond justice there is love sisters and brothers please pray one last thing you know what i i'd like to share at 68 i'm not so focused anymore on hard work being there than that i'm more focused now on heart work because that's where it will all matter in the end lord what do we have that we have not received from you thank you lord help us to be like you to be kind loving compassionate generous and merciful like our blessed mother lord we still have so much to learn about true loving true giving speak to us lord speak to us amen i'm in
Channel: Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD
Views: 75,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerry orbos homily today, jerry orbos homily february 20 2022
Id: pDsU2lVsZN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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