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come holy spirit bless this unworthy priest that i may share with humility and with the heart and that people listen with their hearts not just with their ears come holy spirit come holy spirit dear friends [Music] remember that story a priest who started the mass and the microphone was malfunctioning something's wrong with the mic and everybody said and also with you well sorry for the past one two weeks our sound system was not good um trying and let's continue to be patient and remember in everything that happens there is a reason and there is a mission yeah but maybe what's wrong with the world something's wrong with the mic on a greater and the greater picture is what's wrong with the world what's wrong with you with me is the family what's wrong yes fear it could happen anytime today whatever it is that you are thinking right now just remember what the lord says in the gospel today that day no one knows neither the angels in heaven nor the son but only the father and that is enough so let us not live the rest of our lives in fear is a future and we have forgotten the present moment be assured of what the lord says when you see these things happening he is near sisters embarrassed a lot of things are happening now don't focus on those scary things focus on what the lord says he is near i am with you foreign i don't know you so focus on god's [Music] you you try to focus on god's presence please for example satin when we sit a table i really get sentient turned off my room is please try to make it a rule sati manga baha'i siguro when we eat we enjoy each other's presence and let's not focus on gadgets tv because it is the only time of casama you do that if you want to do that maybe lumbas but you see the presence respect for the presence of people respect with the presence of god the indians the greeting is namaste namaste it's a beautiful greeting when they meet one another i acknowledge i respect the goodness the light the god that is in you but i acknowledge it jose along with acknowledging the presence of god let's always acknowledge the presence of people simple thank you mission home is to acknowledge his presence and to acknowledge the arrival of the lord in that person little things bo naganito sisters and brothers please don't forget god is present with us i don't want a i thought the lord is talking to you about science by the way fellow senior citizens there are two signs now that you are growing old the first sign is you begin to be forgetful and the second sign is what's that again yes so signs for example what are the signs that god is present in your life your blessings reminders inaka you don't have to have a ventilator to breathe you have food you know you can smell these are all signs i am with you but the last and opponent take for granted until you for example you have to have a ventilator just to breathe please don't belittle please be mindful of god's presence in your blessings be grateful focus the source of our blessings mindfulness please don't forget god is present in our trials you can imagine you know families who lose a loved one families waiting praying for this loved one to get well please know that god is present with you with me especially especially in the most painful most difficult moments of our journey that is my experience i know when i'm most broken when i'm weakest god really manifests his love and his power see he is present especially in our trials he is present in whatever we're going through as a country as a people never give up believing that god will make a way that all the worldly power and money cannot cannot overcome goodness goodness and triumph will will triumph in the end believe and keep on believing that uh i am always remember night bird that singer who got the golden buzzer it's uh america's got talent it's interesting two percent chance of survival by a pet ninja but he said two percent is two percent and genda you don't have to wait for life not to be difficult anymore until you decide to be happy please don't let the load whatever load you're carrying now make you unhappy make you forget the presence of god all the more lalu makini and please don't forget god is present right now may just invite you just bow your head let's acknowledge the presence of god right now just simply say father you are here with me right now jesus you are here with me right now holy spirit you are here with me right now mama mary you are here narito my dear angel naritu right now this very moment you are here loving blessing me amen coming we just acknowledge the presence of god let's do that more often during the day find time leave everything say father you are here jesus you are here oh simple prayer and also maybe please acknowledge the presence of people all throughout the day acknowledging the presence namaste mid-80s nisha lives alone with the white manager interesting cell phone foreign simple three four people every day what a difference that makes for sabuhi call your friends don't don't stay away from them or maybe you don't need it but maybe they need it so reach out little things like that presence presence presence nicole with 19 until upon we were praying [Music] the hopeful presence of the lord indeed young angry presence reloading hopeful and joyful i am looking forward for the day when at the end of the mass i can say the mask is ended let us go in peace and joy joyful loving presence and don't forget the presence of god in the scriptures my words will never pass away heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away please find the presence of god in the scriptures more and more i realize how powerful the word of god is in my life in my prayers in my preaching there is power hold on to the word of god the source of our strength and inspiration every day find time to read the bible or at least read the passage own that savor that and live that the bible but in [Music] with the word is god present in you okay you want to find out yeah sure go to galatians these are the proof that god is with you the presence of the holy spirit the fruits of the holy spirit what are the fruits of the holy spirit check your life number one love is there love in your life are you a loving person are you doing everything you do with love or you're just dried up angry and love understands number two joy nothing personal we're just saying if you have joy in your life it means there is the presence of the holy spirit you can rationalize that no you don't need joy no no no i'm just talking about galatians this is what he said joyful you don't have to be joyfully loud but there is that inner joy one sign that god is present number three is peace you have peace in your heart in your mind in your relationships are you peaceful have you forgiven people have you reached out and asked for forgiveness peace number four patience patience um may i have a little water uh i'll see you in heaven [Music] when i was thirsty you gave me to drink thank you that's it another manifestation is kindness you can say anything you want kindness i i received a a video from my sister bing in america about a a son talking about his father when he was young papa goodness check your life you're good you're bad lean towards goodness it's not easy to be good it's easier to be bad faithfulness well husbands and wives you have your vows priests religious we have our vows faithfulness to work faithfulness to our promises friends family another one is gentleness dear friends there is no greater strength than gentleness gentleness in thoughts that we don't judge people [Music] right away gentleness in words oh my gosh i call them the balcony people you know the young old days this kind of balcony people has to go stop talking about others what for maybe you're so insecure that you have to talk about other people and self-control you name it anything you need to control you have to say lord i need you check that lisa and the fruits of the spirit god is present if you have this according to galatians chapter 5 22-23 now somebody also said what are the signs of inner peace wow symptoms of inner peace related with that alone how do you pronounce your inner human after december the chambray and susana inerror inner peace vibrero marcel anyway inner peace is listen to this frequent attacks of smiling eating it it's a good sign number two frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation whatever or you see something thank you lord you're a grateful person loss of interest in judging others let go i'm not interested anymore what for loss of ability to worry you have inner peace when okay there's a problem but i will not worry i have god i i believe by trust that's okay check that increasing tendency to act based on hope rather than fear but the last dialect but when you have hope okay lang i don't have to react i don't have to panic okay another symptom is an unmistakable ability to enjoy its moment little things look at the sky see some a little boy little girl playing injury little things it's it's just inner peace moment walk in the sunset see the moon little things like that ability to give and receive love in spite of life's problems some people just close their life i have many problems i don't care about any one of you no just if you're open okay i have problems but i'm very open appreciative of whatever love i can have i can give sharing whatever little you have with people who are blessed in life that's a sign of inner peace a lot of other things okay whatever loco in manila well that's their problem i mean it's not a big deal anymore you don't have to be wise with the ways of the world it's okay and um sharing yes if you have these symptoms if these symptoms persist no need to consult your doctor you are blessed so wishing all of us to have god's presence in our lives and finally po um you know last week i had one two weeks nepal i call it hidden wound one day i was walking the chapel and nata anku put on my right ankle deep auntie and but i just endured it you know and i looked there was no blood so maybe no wound so nothing serious so i thought a few days later abba namamaganaitung right leg lower leg not only that what's happening here and i called my casing dr tante and picture picture of the jury i think you have subcutaneous cellulitis first time we hear that and so father you have a very severe infection antibiotics right away well after 14 days i'm happy it's okay nope a little painful but hey thank you lord good medicines good doctor good god thank you but what what hit me was this [Music] so what i'm saying is this let's be is come to the lord in this month i'm lord these are my hurts in my childhood or whatever etc and lord you know god is with us he can heal us so today in this mass let's simply ask the lord for that peace lord heal my wounds emotional wounds maybe i was hurt i was rejected and i experienced poverty whatever god can heal our wounds you have to be honest reach out this is me lord thank you and god will heal us so today let's also bring our hidden wounds in our relationships family loved ones of course the hidden wounds of our country and those who wound us you know why if you don't get healed you'll continue to wound others but if you get healed you offer it now you forgive not whatever you can become a wounded healer yes thank you lord for this moment with you and with one another amen christmas is here christmas is here christmas is now the lord is here with us right now one last note well i'm happy to hear the news that archbishop chiofilo kamumot from carcara cebu the good news is this bishop has received from vatican vote of affirmation for his heroic virtues as a servant of god declared nation servant of god more investigations proof of miracle eventually praying will lead to his beatification and canonization all in god's time i was there i prayed to him every day since i went to him in karka simple humble that kind of humble bishop thank you so we rejoice see these are signs that god is with us and god will make a way amen amen you
Channel: YMAC Production Presents - LIVE STREAM
Views: 5,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 07hiBCEmg1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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