Homemade Pita Bread Recipe

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- Pita bread is such a simple food. But when you make it homemade, it's absolutely incredible. I'm gonna show you how easy it is to make, and you are gonna love it when you take your first bite. I have such awesome memories of racing home after school just to eat something, I was starving. Whether it's a gigantic bowl of cereal with the biggest spoon I could find, or stuffed pita bread or like me and my dad used to call it, just pocket bread. See how much lunch meat, lettuce and tomatoes we can jam in there, so, so good. Let me show you how easy this is to make, okay? First, we need to get that raft going. Sound good? Let's bake. - [Narrator] The first thing we need to do is activate our yeast, so in a stand mixer I'm gonna add in some hot water in between 115 and 120. I know it's hotter, but the cold bowl is gonna bring it down to that perfect temperature. Next go ahead and sprinkle in some active yeast and, because it's active we need to feed it to get it going so that it forms that perfect raft. So, at this point, add in about half the amount of sugar for the entire recipe. We're gonna give it a quick little whisk by hand. No need to put a whisk on the stand attachment. Just do it by hand, and we're gonna let it sit for in between five and seven minutes. - Comies, it's the simple things like activating your yeast so that you can make bread that rises. Super simply technique, but once you learn it and start applying it to the other breads that you're making, you're going to make the most incredible homemade food from scratch and better than anything you're gonna get in the store or the restaurant, I promise you. Now what we need to do is-- - [Narrator] Get going on our dry ingredients. On in a separate bowl I've got some all-purpose flour. If you only have bread flour that should actually be okay as well. And in traditional fashion we're going to add in some whole wheat flour going to provide some great flavor here. We're going to add in the rest of the sugar that we didn't use when feeding the yeast. We're going to season it up with a little bit of sea salt. I'm a huge fan of sea salt, you could use kosher salt as well no problem using a whisk ahead and combine all of these ingredients together. You want to make sure it's mixing really, really well because we're obviously going to pour right into our stand mixer. Let's go have a look. You can see a beautiful raft has begun to form on top. This looks perfect you get a little closer look, you can see it even kind of burping up a little bit it's very active ready to roll. So at this point go ahead and fix your hook attachment on the stand mixer we're going to get it going for a little fat, we're going to add in some extra virgin olive oil. And then scoop by scoop what I like to do is sort of just add in those dry ingredients, you can absolutely put it all in once but for me in this big bowl, flour seems to go everywhere. And I don't like cleaning up my kitchen twice. So what I'm going to do is just add it in one cup at a time until it's all in there. And this part of the process takes a little bit of time. It's in between eight and 10 minutes when meeting it with a stand mixer. Yes, you can do it by hand but you're probably looking at more like 15 minutes. The stand mixer can do way better job than you can, but mix it until it's got a nice, smooth surface and it is a little bit sticky. I cannot say it enough you want this dough to be a bit sticky. At this point, let's go ahead and pull it off the hook and out of the bowl. We've got a lightly floured surface and you can barely see it, we're gonna form it into a ball just like I do with all of my other doughs. Kind of make sure we can we can test it out. You see that's perfectly smooth, and then make sure that it's good push your finger in there and if it springs right back, we know we're in good shape. And to prove that it's sticky, take a little pinch it sticks to your finger like that this is absolutely perfect and exactly how you want your pita bread dough to be. So now what we're going to do is add it right to a container and hit it with a little bit of olive oil just to coat it up. Make sure that it comes right out of there with these and it's not sticking and pop a lid over the top and you know my little trick. We're going over to oven we're going to put it in there. Just going to turn the light on this is a perfect proofing environment, it's going to take about 90 minutes or until it doubles in size. - I'm going to stop and say yes, I know making bread is a labor time of love. But there's nothing like homemade bread It's so super good and one of those fundamental foundational foods in the history of the world, I promise you just a little bit more to go. You're going to love it, just hold on. What we're going to do is-- - [ Narrator] Pull our bread out you can see it's doubled in size. That's why I like to use these containers because you can literally measure and see how much it's risen on the side. Go ahead and lightly flour up a surface we're going to take out the dough, it's super light and fluffy It's really awesome. And what I like to do is press it down into a rough rectangle doesn't have to be perfect, but sort of form it into that rectangle shape and then using a bench knife, I'm going to cut it into 12 individual pieces. So just cut it in half and then work your way over into threes and then come back and cut it down the center doesn't have to be perfect, it's totally okay if some are a little bit bigger than the others don't freak out about this. Go ahead and take one and then we need to form it into a little ball. What I like to do is sort of tuck the dough underneath it and continue to do it until it's nice and smooth on top. This is only going to take maybe 15 to 20 seconds each. no reason for them to look perfect because we're gonna roll them out in a little bit so don't stress out if they're not a perfectly smooth ball on all sides. Set it to the side on a little bit of flour on a countertop, I like to give it a little press down and then next to it a little bit more flour. Go ahead and take one of those balls add it there. But make sure you cover the other ones with a towel. Now go back roll it out we want to make sure it's smooth on top. Don't do any creases or anything like that. Make sure it's completely smooth and then continue to roll it until it's about an eighth of an inch thick. The thinner the better here you guys I promise you. We're going to set it to the side, we gonna add on a towel is going to rise for 30 more minutes. But in the meantime what I'm going to do is add a pizza stone to an oven, and I'm going to crank the heat on 550 (mumbles) go 500. - So there are actually a couple different ways to cook pita bread. You saw me prep up the oven with the pizza stone, it's super hot, you can use a cookie sheet tray to okay if you don't have pizza stone, no problem. The other way is on the cooktop. Here is both ways. - [ Narrator] Let's go ahead and remove our rolled out round pita bread dough. I'm going right into the oven on that pre-heated hot stone. Go ahead and close up the door. We're looking at maybe two minutes per side in the oven, you can see it start to rise up. Once it is completely risen. What I'm going to do is flip it over use a spatula, maybe even tongs would be okay. We're going to cook it for a couple more minutes. You can really see that it's rising this is perfect pita bread or pocket bread. And let's just go ahead and take a look. I mean it looks great, it's starting to fall a little bit because it's out of the oven, that's fine. But I like the other way and that's in a pan in a hot cast iron skillet on low heat, let it sit for a few minutes. We're going to add it in there, you can see it start to bubble up. We're going to flip it over maybe every 30 seconds for a total of two to three minutes. We just want to get some brown spots on there. Make sure it's cooked through we don't want raw dough in the middle that's no good. Again, flip it back over. You see those nice brown spots absolutely perfect we also want to make sure that it rises completely. Let's fast forward (mumbles) gonna take too long and you're gonna get mad at me. Perfect pocket bread my friends. This is absolutely excellent we are done. We're going to take it out of the pan and while there's nothing to play it up, check out these slow mo beauties. (bright upbeat music) - Holy smokes is this bread just so so good. Be sure to like this video subscribe to my channel, check out this video coz you know that recipe is gonna be so good and I'll see you on there. (bright upbeat music)
Channel: Chef Billy Parisi
Views: 444,304
Rating: 4.9320574 out of 5
Keywords: pita bread, flat bread, pita bread recipe, how to make pita bread, pita, pita bread recipe without oven, homemade pita bread recipe, bread, how to make pita bread at home, pita bread on stove, pita recipe, flatbread, homemade pita bread, recipe, flatbread recipe, bread recipe, pita sandwich, food, recipes, cooking, billy parisi, chef billy parisi
Id: suRkoINo0iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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