THE BEST HUMMUS Recipe You Will Ever Try! 💯 Perfect Consistency & Silky Smooth | SO EASY TO MAKE

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today with you guys i would like to make the best hummus that you have probably tasted in your life it's going to be so easy we're going to make it in 10 minutes but it's the details that will make it great let's start [Laughter] we'll start after i clean up [Music] [Music] what's a hummus whose is a mixture of tahini lemon juice and chickpeas with a bit of olive oil or some kind of oil to make the easiest one we put the chickpeas into the processor add a bit of tahini lemon garlic and olive oil and salt when i really want hummus and i just have five minutes i do this but another five minutes it becomes an incredible other hummus which is again so easy to make but tastes amazingly better to make a successful hummus there are few things that we have to take into consideration i'm going to use canned chickpeas okay the quality of the chickpea differs but maybe it's not so easy to boil it like two times three times so this is easy to use first i drain the chickpeas liquid it's like a heavy liquid and then i put it into this is in turkish called rice trainer a good hummus needs the chickpeas skins off like this the skins doesn't taste great so in the old days people would take all the chickpeas skins one by one but i'm going to show you my technique i put the water and then i rub the chickpeas like this after rubbing for two minutes what happens is the skins get off and it starts to float and when i want to drain it all the skins are collected here like this wow okay and i don't throw these this is goodness still and it's organic so i'm going to put it on the compost bin here comes the skinless chickpeas they go here if you don't have a drainer like this you can use a sieve at the edge of a plastic bowl or a metal bowl but the same taking somewhere to drain and first the light skins will flow so you can collect them in one place to this i'm going to add two cloves of garlic and because like this has bruises it's starting to get live normally i wouldn't choose in the videos clothes like this but perfect ones but i found out that in turkey we're throwing away 54 of our fruits and vegetables because like they go bad or something these are perfectly good ones i wanted to promote them for everyone in the world so two clothes big cloves of garlic if your clothes are smaller i have three or four half a teaspoon of salt but what i want to say is salt is for your taste you can always add one uh taste it and add accordingly about five tablespoons of tahini again tahini differs from brand to brand country to country a lot so it has to be at least three to five tablespoons and about two tablespoons of olive oil and i'm going to squeeze a lemon and i don't throw away the seeds i'm going to give it to my cousins and they are going to make seed bombs almost done on the easy one we put water but to make it silky smooth we need to work the machine around seven to eight minutes and inside is going to get hot therefore i'm going to add a bit of ice each time in the first minute our hummus looks like this it's okay in many places that we go it's like this but to make it great we're going to continue another six minutes every minute adding some more ice [Music] i'm almost finished but before i finish i want to taste it you see it's getting smoother it's going to be smoothier even lemon is good olive oil is great i can add a spoonful of tahini more and i want to also do this for you to show the lemon could be different the oil that you put the tahini would be different so always adjust to your taste and salt as well for example this is not so salty but i want it that way to get the taste of the chickpeas more i was making it work in level one but i'm going to make it even faster now [Music] is ready hope i can clean the lid for you if you want leftover lid cleaning goes to bahar that in many of the dishes that involve olive oil and garlic you need a time for it to settle like if you have two three hours before the taste will settle and it's going to be even better just don't eat it immediately if you have time if you have time prepare it ahead if you don't it's still great so these are also for you yay when i was a child i'm going to put the picture here if he has mohamed libya it comes from the word halep has like white stones high lip is like milk the word the hylip comes from the milk and muharib is where the milk comes to its best moo is like it makes it bigger mohai lip is like where the milk gets gray and it's like pudding yeah it's pudding my mom made pudding she would make me eat the leftovers so what i do with the back of the spoon i do this it's a pool not so much like the lebanese or israelis do so good in different regions they make it differently for example even in turkey if you go to antake you'd eat this with olive oil pickles red pepper and parsley but i don't have pickles today so i'm going to make it the type a separate way you eat it with cumin and sumac and a bit of olive oil and parsley spread around even dirty up the plate this is a great sumac i would like to show you the sumac seeds this is from again antakya from your lens yes she has lands there it's great landlord and a director and a camera person and a lot of things this is a smug if you haven't seen the sumac seats before i wanted to show it to you and i grinded them they become like this so a bit of cumin and sumac and to the holes that i've made a great olive oil wow don't you think it's too much olive oil no never and some parsley like this i've been probably making hummus over 30 years now made tons of different types and maybe we can do it with different beans and all becomes great okay now time to eat today i used lava she's the spoon [Music] and i'm not going to eat this i'm going to give it to you yeah [Music] because she loves it so much wow nice i was thinking oh no i prefer the one with the pickles but this one is really great the one with the pickles pickles is so dominant it's very creamy [Applause] you should do it definitely do it you'll be surprised how simple it is you can eat it with chips it can be a chips dip for now that's it take great care hope you like this video on the channel we have many more we are a channel from istanbul turkey but what we are trying to do is get all the goodness of the world and bring it together around food if you like it please press the thumbs up like so that other people also see it it's a different algorithm and it will make us really really happy and please subscribe take great care bye
Channel: Refika's Kitchen
Views: 3,737,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refika, refika's kitchen, hummus, hummus recipe, how to make hummus, how to make hummus at home, homemade hummus, homemade hummus recipe, Houmous, houmous recipe, making hummus, turkish cuisine, vegan recipes, easy hummus recipe, best hummus recipe, chickpea recipes, humus, humus recipe, refika birgul, refikas kitchen, homemade humus recipe, DIY hummus recipe, turkish appetizer recipes, middle eastern foods, middle eastern recipes, lebanese food recipes
Id: 88ljbueBLBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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