The BEST Greek Pita Flatbread:No pocket and SO easy!

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[Music] yes calluses at the vet means welcome to another episode of dimitra's dishes today I'm going to teach you how to make Greek style pita flat breads now I showed you how to make the pita pockets in two ways using the oven method and the pan method stovetop method without the oven these pita breads are not going to have the pocket inside so they're not gonna be for stuffing but they are perfect for making sandwiches or you can serve them on a board with your favorite dips or really just anything they're so soft and pillowy and delicious and they're super super simple to make and very economical I swear I try this one time you're never gonna buy the pita bread from outside again because you just can't beat it we're gonna begin with making the dough we're gonna start with 2 cups of lukewarm water 1/4 of a cup of whole milk 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 2 and 1/4 teaspoons of yeast if this is active dry yeast I'm also gonna add 1/2 a cup of the all-purpose flour and I have not mixed the salt into it because salt does kill yeast and before I mix up the yeast mixture I'm just gonna whisk together the salt with the all-purpose flour so that way the whisk doesn't get wet and now I'm just gonna whisk together the yeast mixture and I'm just gonna set this aside and let it sit here for about 10 minutes until the yeast is activated so you'll know the yeast is activated once a foamy cloud appears on the top next we're gonna add 2 tablespoons of yogurt this is whole milk yogurt plain yogurt and 2 tablespoons of olive oil and we're gonna add the flour and salt mixture and we're gonna let this need on low speed for eight minutes and then on the higher speed for 2 more minutes a total of 10 minutes and this is all-purpose flour with 2 teaspoons of salt all of the measurements are gonna be in the description box now don't worry about it if you feel like the dough is very sticky it's supposed to be a very sticky dough we're gonna transfer it to a boil a bowl that's oiled with a little bit of olive oil just a little bit a couple tablespoons where do we'll do we're gonna we're gonna transfer the dough to the bowl and toss it around in the oil a little bit see it's a sticky dough is how it should be it's gonna create the softest flatbread that you've ever had in your whole life we're gonna cover it with plastic wrap and we're gonna set it aside until it's doubled in volume it's gonna take about an hour or so so this dough Rises fairly quickly it's not like other bread dough's which are dense and take about two hours to rise if you put it in the warmest part of your house in 45 minutes to an hour I would say an hour it's gonna double in volume just the way it did over here and it is a very sticky dough I also made it using all-purpose flour instead of bread flour if you don't have trouble finding bread flour bread flour is best because it's more elastic and it just has a higher protein content it's gonna make a better dough but this comes out just as good use all-purpose flour because bread flour has literally disappeared from the face of Houston at least here we cannot find it anywhere or maybe I'm not trying hard enough I'm gonna transfer the dough which like I said is very sticky onto my work surface that has been dusted with some all-purpose flour very sticky but that is how you want it do not panic we're gonna add some flour to it so that way it's easy to work with but this is what's gonna make the pita bread moist and soft and fluffy and just perfect so I'm gonna dust some more all-purpose flour on top get some of that stickiness out not all of it that looks good the top is sort of it's not sticky actually but the inside is definitely gonna be sticky I'm gonna cut this in half and then into 8 8 total pieces this makes 8 to 10 Peter breads depending on house how big or small you want them but I find it easier to cut each portion into four to have a total of eight rather than cutting the whole thing into eight I can't really eyeball it too well so cut it in half and then each portion in half and I'll just roll each one you see how sticky it is just going to form each one into a circle and just use a little bit of flour to help you okay so now what you're going to want to do they're semicircular they don't have to be perfect now what you're going to do you want to you're gonna want to get rid of all the flour that's on your board now if you have one of these I think they're called dough scrapers they're super handy I'll link down below if I forget to link underneath in the description box it's always on the web post on the on the website where this recipe is length so now this recipe moves super quick so you want your oven preheated to 525 degrees but of course you can do these on a cast iron skillet or even a nonstick skillet on your stovetop if you want to the oven just makes things go much faster so you can do that and which is the way I'm gonna do it today and then you're going to also want to line two baking trays with parchment paper you can reuse them if you have three baking trays that's even better because you're gonna have to reuse them a few times I always reuse my parchment paper as you can see as long as nothing is baked on it with like garlic or olive oil I just reuse it a few times that I throw it away because why waste so that's what I'm doing there so I'm gonna put a little bit of olive oil onto my work surface because I don't want to work with any more flour at this point because I want them to be really nice and soft so just get some olive oil on there I'm also gonna put some olive oil onto my hands to help with the stickiness any excess I'll just put on the board rub it on my hands and I'm just gonna press it out this recipe right here works amazing as a pizza dough so one recipe and you could do lots of things with it so stretch it out into a circle you could also roll it out with a rolling pin that's fine too this is so easy why bother see how easy it stretches out if if it happens that you're making this and you're stretching it out and it's shrinking cover it with a paper towel I mean not a paper towel cover it with a kitchen towel let it rest for about 20 minutes and then go back at it sometimes if you overwork dough that has East in it it's gonna be very hard to roll out it sort of resists and it starts to shrink back in so if that happens to you just let it rest a little bit wash the dishes whatever mess that that's been created and then come back at it and it's gonna stretch out very easily so this is what it should look like now when I get it onto the baking tray it's probably not gonna be a circle anymore see no problem and you can also stretch it out a little bit onto the baking tray let's do one more some of the olive oil let me do the other one with the rolling pin and you're gonna want to get some olive oil onto the rolling pin too otherwise it's gonna stick there is nothing like homemade bread if you want to if you want to call some friends over and you don't have you don't feel like spending hours in the kitchen or like making a whole meal make some bread buy a few dips or make a few dips get some cheese out on the board and you will be good to go it's gonna be a party it's like no time and they're really gonna appreciate it and you're gonna get to hang out with some people make some memories there you go that's how it is with the rolling pin get it on to the baking tray now I'm gonna pop this tray in the oven it's already preheated this is gonna bake for about five to six minutes it really all depends on your oven it's gonna be ready when it's gonna start to bubble and get like golden spots around here and there I'll show you what it looks like when it comes out I'm gonna continue forming these and then we're gonna we're gonna enjoy this in the end so they take between six to eight minutes to bake in the oven and they're gonna take about five six minutes on the stovetop it's up to you which one you want to use I just find that it's easier to use the oven if you have lots of baking trays you can just put two or three baking trays depending on how many racks you have in the oven at the same time so you get this done faster otherwise just reuse the same ones let the form that pitas and leave them on your work surface and then transfer them onto the hot tray zones they come out the oven very carefully taking care not to burn your fingers if you're serving the pita is the same day and you want to get more color on them once they're done baking then you can put them under the broiler element for about 45 seconds keeping a close eye on them so they don't burn and then they're gonna get more golden on top and they're gonna get more of those beautiful marks on top that fresh pita bread from the bakeries usually has you're gonna see once they come out there they're gonna be so nice and soft and slightly crisp on the bottom they're perfect for pizza like I said so you can use this pizza dough in any pizza recipe as the pizza dough as the pizza crust you can serve these with your favorite dips make them make a sandwich out of them a panini or what a hero whatever you want they're so delicious I'm gonna go in and take a bite mmm so much flavor just amazing nothing beats homemade call some friends over share these questions sharing is definitely caring make some beautiful memories anything that you have leftover will keep fresh in an airtight bag in the refrigerator for about a week and it'll stay fresh in the freezer for like a month if it lasts that long bread does not last long this is not less long around here if you like this recipe let me know what you think in the comment section down below if you decide to make it share picture with me on Instagram and on Facebook and if you want to learn how to make the pocket pita you're gonna want to click right here and I'll see you right over there yes
Channel: Dimitra's Dishes
Views: 143,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking show, greek food, greek recipes, Dimitra Khan, euro bakery and cafe, easy recipes
Id: 9HXyLFlJFc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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