Homemade Lemon Pepper Seasoning Recipe

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling but today we're making our homemade lemon pepper seasoning and you guys gonna be doing it with me ab hey listen super simple i put it out there in my lemon pepper video did you guys want to see this series and let's get it started i read my emails you know what i mean and you guys dropped it in the comments and said you want to see it so we finished start off this will be episode one how to make a homemade lemon pepper seasoning you know super easy now i'm gonna just tell you this listen because i don't want to over talk it it's not even a whole lot of ingredients so let's just get over go over these ingredients so i could just show you when i tell you easy super easy let's get it okay look before we even really start talking about the ingredients look i just want to show you like some of the the tools you're going to need remember this is a series i'm just getting started and again i'm starting with the lemon pepper seasoning right so right here this right here is a coffee slash spice grinder look made by kitchenaid uh what i can tell you is you know you fill it up you know you're gonna grind your spices if you worry okay so listen the price wise is gonna be very very similar these right here about forty dollars thirty five dollars a penny you catch them on sale i think i paid thirty seven dollars for this one right here right so you can get this now let's talk about the mortar and pestle you know what i mean uh this right here you're gonna spend 20 25 for one of these anyway uh it's up to you me me and the gadget man you know i like to have stuff to plug up push the top down i like to hear the noise all of that kind of stuff right this right here requires a little muscle put your you know your spices in here if you have them like that raw for instance if you had pepper corns like this you put them in here and then we just work them down or if you want to turn all day you can get yourself you know a pepper grinder you know what i mean you could just grind these peppercorns down until you get your right amount uh it's really really up to you now i'm gonna tell you what makes this really really simple is because we're gonna use powders which has already been grounded down right and then i'm using kosher salt so i can have a little texture and uh that just makes it easy because you don't even need none of these if you have even regular table salt you could just mix this in a bowl you know get everything right get your lemon zest and then you can make it now let's just start talking about these ingredients hey since i touched the lemons we'll go with this this right here is what i got seven lemons because listen we're gonna need to have a half a cup of lemon zest and the reason i got so many lemons is when i started zesting these look when you start zesting these right you want to make sure that you only use the yellow part and not get down into the white part of the peel now right here we got kosher salt which i did just mentioned just a second ago we got garlic powder and then we got onion powder and again you guys saw the peppercorns now let's talk about these little spice jars right here check it out you can buy these i'll put a link down in the description box below and i'll pin it to the number one comment so you guys can check it out you guys can get yourself a set of these they come in a set of 12. i've seen them instead of 18 comes with the top it comes with a funnel that you put in there so you can put all your ingredients inside of here and you know the cap and it comes with labels also all right listen we're getting ready to start making seasonings now i want you guys take a look at this right here okay right here i got turmeric right and we got coriander i'm gonna tell you where these are really important now you saw the ingredients for the lemon pepper right if you go a low salt i gotta say you gotta put a little salt in your uh you gotta put just a little bit of salt inside of here you know what i mean just so that you can make the flavors pop but if you don't i add a teaspoon each of both you know inside there you know what i mean and then we go from there now that's what makes it cool about making your own you know spices or whatever you control your salt and your sodium intake we're gonna just call it what it is it's sodium so this is right here a key to you know listen i cook with it it's just so many recipes out there you know what i mean so i would just suggest that hey these two right here we want to go ahead and just pick these up too okay so look we just kind of like went over the ingredients now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and just start zesting because listen we gotta have a half a cup right so come on in [Music] you know just take it get yourself you know something like this and let's let's just go to work now you'll notice after i do this look i bring it up and i look at it because i want to make sure i didn't go too deep that right there is good and i can see the yellow down here so right now we're doing everything just like it's supposed to be you know so we'll just keep doing this until we got enough to even try to come up with a measurement all right so you guys can see it right here look remember we just want to have a half a cup okay so take a look right here this is what my lemons look like when i done it this one right here i haven't done nothing to it so look i start out with about four i'm gonna get a measurement just to see if i got a half a cup all right so i'm just gonna take this what we'll do is we'll just put all of this back remember this was just a measuring cup because we want to at least have you know a half a cup right so i'll take it now i'm going to use my my baking sheet like this and what i'll do is we'll have it like that i'm going to take a little fork and we'll just spread this out a little bit you know what we're doing is we're just getting this ready to go in this oven you know what i mean because we want to dry this out a little bit now you'll notice that i'm going to be using a breville you know my breville oven it's like a countertop oven you know it does a lot of functions it even dehydrates uh if i dehydrate it would take a long longer time and the fact that everybody doesn't have a dehydrator in the kitchen we're gonna use the oven feature so that'll represent what everybody's gonna be using right so it should look just like this you just want to get it spread it out you know now let's move over to the oven okay now look this is my breville oven this is my panel right i just want to show you guys something to give you some information look i'm gonna move this selector we're gonna bring this all the way down here to dehydrate now that it's down here you can see the temperature is 125 degrees if i did that it's going to take longer for it to you know for the lemon zest to dry out right now as i said earlier everybody doesn't have no dehydrator or nothing like this you know what i mean so what you want to do is we're going to use the bake feature and then if we're going to represent the uh if we're going to represent our oven look the lowest setting on most ovens is 170 degrees so now i'm going to take this down we want to take this down all the way to 170. oh of course this one's going to do it because it'll go down to 125. but we'll go to 170 and what we're going to do is we're going to hit the start and then we're getting ready to uh preheat now my oven is up to temp let's go ahead put this in put it in there and now i'm gonna set a timer for 30 minutes and there we have it okay so what i'm gonna do right now is i'm gonna go ahead and use my grinder right so let's just take this off i'm gonna take the cap off the top listen i'm gonna put all of these in here because you know i'm gonna have this is probably gonna be more than two and a half tablespoon but i'm just gonna pour this in here like you see right here right and then we're gonna put this on just like this now i'm gonna go ahead and just post it a couple of times [Applause] then i'm gonna take a look at it only reason i'm doing it like this because i like mine to have a coarse grind to it you can see right now just by hitting it a couple of times you could just see it's a few that has not been you know ground down i'm gonna hit it maybe once or twice more we're gonna leave it like that and then we're gonna measure it out [Applause] i like that okay so now we gonna measure i got myself a paper towel i got my little measuring spoons right here and i put the paper towel right here to catch anything that's excess right i'm gonna go ahead turn this and take this off take the top off and now i'm just gonna go ahead and sprinkle this just like you see because we're gonna need to have at least two and a half teaspoons so tablespoons so we got that there i'm gonna go ahead and just add it here it's okay if you go over a little bit listen because you're gonna want to see the the black specks anyway okay now you saw me i put the pepper in right so i'm just i'm gonna do it like this so now i'm gonna add my rest of my ingredients i'm gonna show you guys in just one second and then when it comes to my salt this is the tablespoon of kosher salt right i'm gonna go ahead and use that because in this version that i'm making right here this is gonna have a little bit of salt in now let me go ahead and get the lemon zest okay now you can see what it looks like when it's done right listen you want to stay on top of it even though you put it in there for 30 minutes and it's at a low temperature you want to make sure that it does not burn right listen you want it to be as yellow as possible because that's where your flavor is going to come from then go ahead and add to the rest of your mix and just get yourself a whisk or a fork whichever one and give it a good mix okay so you guys can see look i went ahead used my pyrex you know measuring cup right only because it has this little spout it's going to make it easier for you guys to use your funnel so if you take it like this and then when you pour it in the side coming from a bowl it'll get all over so we'll just go like this you know then when it just take it drop it around like that [Applause] now we'll just add the top so you guys can see and there you have it you know what this is your own lemon pepper seasoning now by using that coarse grind kosher salt you guys can see it you know you can use that you can use a fine you know a finer grind or whatever i like to coarse grind now i put in a tablespoon because that's what i normally do when i just make it right here and this right here pops it's up to you you can use a teaspoon up to a tablespoon and then if you you know like i said we can control it and you know control how much sodium we put in this so tell me what you guys think down in the comment section below and we'll go from there okay so look here it is you guys just made your first you know lemon pepper seasoning you know on your own this right here all i can tell you is you got to try it you can sprinkle it you know on your chicken if you're going to do it that way or whatever any time you need a lemon pepper seasoning you got it hey but listen you put this we're going to talk about it being in the wet right so when i say a wet lemon pepper seasoning this is going to going to go into like a a quarter cup or you know a quarter cup of uh butter you want to melt that butter you put a tablespoon like this inside of it and then you know what you just go ahead and mix it up and then you toss whatever you want to toss like wings or whatever it is you toss it in that and that right there give that wet lemon pepper seasoning hey so listen i don't want to over target no more let me know what you guys think down in the comment section below and with that being said you guys check it out here it is again i'm outta here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 480,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Homemade Lemon Pepper Seasoning Recipe, lemon pepper seasoning, lemon pepper, recipe, recipes, lemon pepper wet, the best lemon pepper wings, seasoning, lemon pepper chicken, food, easy lemon pepper wings, how to make, grinder machine, grinder, make your own seasoning, lemon zest, black pepper, lemon pepper wings, lemon pepper wings recipe, finger food, appetizer recipes, lemon pepper chicken wings, party food, food porn, easy recipes
Id: hD22O6DSksY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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