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this is red hot spots pilot pepper in powdered form you can't even buy this you know what this is actually dangerous I shouldn't even be showing you guys how to make this hi guys and welcome to you're whole Elise I'm Elise and today I'm going to show you how to make your very own powdered spices all fine food especially in these quarantine times when who knows the next time you're gonna see fresh ginger but let's face it we're not all gonna cook it I guess you could freeze it but honestly who has the freezer space so making your own powdered spices it's definitely the way to go and if you're new around here welcome I have a bunch more delicious recipes on my channel including everything from making fried dumplings - Katzie sandwiches - breakfast muffins it's all in this playlist linked above so definitely check that out forget everything you know about seasonings this is a game changer here's how to make your own powdered spices so start off by selecting your spices I'm using scotch bonnet pepper a bulb of garlic a couple pieces of ginger and a collection of herbs chives thyme rosemary and mint these were all I could find around the house but feel free to use whatever you like moving on to the prep we want to cut everything into small pieces to make them easier to dehydrate peel the garlic and ginger before chopping them [Music] don't worry too much about everything being neatly chopped does make sure that they all feel the same size for the scotch bonnet I'm including the seeds to make it extra spicy or for a milder pepper twice you can either reduce the seeds or leave them out altogether chop all the herbs together to make a mixture seasoning or you can keep them separate for individual flavors I'm working with pretty small quantities so I'm placing all the herbs and spices on one baking tray try to keep them separate so that they don't overlap if you have a dehydrator go ahead and use that of course but I'll be using a regular oven to dehydrate my spices with your oven set to the lowest heat setting place all your spices inside and bake for several hours the time it takes to completely dehydrate will depend on your oven but mine took about five to six hours in total but the oven should be at a high enough heat to draw out all the moisture but it shouldn't cause your spices to burn or heavily Brown you can see that they completely dried out and significantly smaller and scraggly looking compared to when they were first dropped if your spices are fully dehydrated they should be noticeably light and crispy once they sound crunchy and sweet lights you're ready to move on to turning them into powdered spices to make up how despite it you can use any regular coffee grinder or small processor [Music] simply pour your spices inside and grind until you get your desired consistency I prefer my pallet is to be as fine as possible but you can make them as course or as fine as you like [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know what's happening with these mixers but they are not grinding so yeah moving on okay so we can load that trick when it does because it is an actual problem [Music] so some advice on making your own powdered spices unless you plan on making a Costco size amount I would highly recommend you use either a coffee grinder or a pestle and mortar if you have the Armstrong and that's just because if you try to use a conventional food processor or even something like a ninja or nutribullet the containers are far too large and they end up just kind of blurring the spices around and they don't really grind them into a fine powder but coffee grinders are pretty cheap I've picked this one up for about 15 pounds and they're incredibly useful I actually don't even use this to grind coffee in I mainly use it for spices or making dips and sauces when I only need a small amount so they're incredibly useful to have around so I'd highly recommend you pick up something like this especially if you are interested in making your own powdered spices the second point is to put a little bit of fall into the order of which you grind your spices this is something I definitely picked up from making this DIY so if like me you're planning on making a collection of different spices you're going to be using your coffee grinder quite a lot and you can of course wash your container in between spices but I find that takes a long time and you can't actually get any water in your coffee grinder otherwise instead of ending up with powdered spices you're gonna end up with something like a spice paste it's easier just to wipe your container down in between your spices and move on to the next one which is why I suggest you start off with your life of spices first before you go to the heavier ones so by no means should you be grinding any source of pepper or hot spice first before you get on to your more modern flavors unless of course you want your garlic to have a little extra kick the third point is more it's definitely more you guys saw how much I started with but this is all that it produces of course when you dehydrate something and then you grind it into a really fine powder you're only gonna get a small amount now fortunately because these are homemade spices they definitely pack a punch and I would say that at least two times stronger than any store-bought spices you might get even so unless you plan on making your own spices every week or your food is just really underseasoned I would recommend doing a large batch in one go rather than small amounts and my final tip is that you're going to need a little bit of patience so I don't have a dehydrator I don't know how many guys do have one but I did all of these in the oven on the lowest setting but because of that it takes an extremely long time to draw out all of the moisture from your spices I think this took about 6 hours for me and it does help of course if you cut your spices very fine to begin with yeah this isn't really one of the fastest DIYs but on the plus side you don't actually have to do any work you literally just have to keep your oven on for about six hours you can of course do this overnight it just depends on how comfortable you are leaving your oven kind of unattended for a long period of time you want to make sure that there's as little moisture remaining in this as possible otherwise you're not gonna get a powder you'll end up with something work into a paste a delicious paste but still a paste [Music] I'm gonna be honest with you guys I didn't actually think that this one would work I'm about to say that I don't know I just thought that number one you would need a dehydrator or you need really fancy equipment but honestly the fact that you can do this in an oven and a regular coffee grinder is just mind-blowing so I don't know if you guys have noticed but only free of the four actually powdered spices the mixed herbs the mixed herbs are still kind of just mixed herbs though a coffee grinder just wouldn't grind them they kind of just floated around I'm not sure if they were too light or what but these these look virtually exactly the same as they did when they came out of the oven but free other four isn't too bad sir I'm still going to consider this a win not to mention I don't actually think they sell mixed herbs in powdered form they have it as a dried herb so this is kind of similar to that and it tastes delicious so yeah I guess it does really matter um so let's start off with our ginger this smells ah this smells absolutely incredible oh okay okay if it's not a little bit of a ginger kick I would make this entire iy again just to make more powdered ginger it is truly delicious moving on to the garlic powder if I hadn't personally filmed this I would have thought I just tipped this out of a bottle it is identical to store-bought garlic powder oh and it has such a strong flavor I think because it was kind of dehydrated / roasted in the oven it just brought out all of the beautiful garlic aromas this would do wonders on any dish as a seasoning I highly recommend it you try it with garlic it's oh I don't really want to taste it I mean I'll do it but you know [Music] yeah it tastes like garlic powder and now you have my pride and glory scotch bonnet powder I mean I don't need to try this this is completely lethal unlike the other spices this one you definitely don't want to inhale now I personally have never been pepper sprayed but I would imagine it is a similar experience to inhaling freshly ground scotch bonnet powder and of course if you don't do that well with spices you don't need to use scotch bonnet you can use any other type of hot pepper that you like but if I'm going to make a powdered pepper it has to be a scotch bonnet and trust and believe it is absolutely delicious but you have been warned so some of you might be thinking I'm just being a little bit extra by making my own spices after all this is coming from the same girl who makes her own makeup wipes but if I may the difference between these homemade powdered spices and regular store-bought spices which up until a week ago I was just fine using it's like night and day you just can't compare the two even just sitting here with these spices in front of me that aroma that's coming off of these insane you're just gonna have to take my word for it on this one definitely give these a try and of course you're not just restricted to the spices that I used you can literally go crazy anything that you can whack into an oven and dehydrate could theoretically be turned into some sort of powder so this is a chance to be really creative with your seasonings and go crazy it is such a fun DIY to do especially as we have more time in our hands and of course if you are missing out on a few of your regular items then check out myself isolation essential DIYs to keep it going strong during these quarantine times subscribe to my channel for even more natural DIYs recipes and tutorials and don't forget to hit the notifications bolt because I have a bunch more exciting and fun DIYs planned to keep you guys occupied thanks for watching if you're looking for an opportunity to use your homemade powdered spices check out these delicious recipes
Channel: WholeElise
Views: 91,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make spices from scratch, how to make spices at home, how to make spices from herbs, homemade spices, homemade spice powder, make your own seasoning, making spices from scratch, diy spices from scratch, make your own powdered seasoning, fresh herbs into spices, how to preserve food as spices, homemade ginger powder, how to make garlic powder, diy spices, how to make spice powder, how to make spices, how to preserve vegetables, make vegetable spices, wholeelise, spices
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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