Making Your Own Spices From Scratch

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so the other day while I was at the store it dawned on me I was like we go out and buy all these spice powders and we use them from wherever they come from but couldn't we just you know make them [Music] so yes that is right we are making our own spices we're not like growing our own star nice or anything like that but we are gonna learn how to make spices out of everyday things that we buy now there are many ways to go about this there's not a ton of alternatives unfortunately but the main thing that we need to talk about is using a dehydrator so knowing that subject obviously it just made sense for me to partner with my old homies we've talked about them so many times literally since the beginning like since my first bread recipe I'm super excited to announce that I'm partnered with broad and Taylor to put out this video using their Sahara dehydrator which is super dope we'll talk about it in a second but we'll get into all the nitty gritty but long story short we're making our own spices so with all that said let's do this shall we so I'll have some alternatives but I recommend using dehydrator for this you guys know that I've been a big fan of broaden Taylor way before the sponsorship and I actually really love this thing I never had a dehydrator because there was nowhere to put it but this thing folds and goes anywhere the link for it will be in the description but whatever you do just make sure dehydrator is set up I'm opening my not putting my shelves in we're good to go so let's start off by talking about something a little more known you know those herbs that might end up staying in the crisper in your fridge and then dying out there and gotta throw them away well why not just make them into dried herbs instead of wasting your money and buying them and then blah blah blah you get the point these are probably the easiest out of all of them all you got to do is take whatever herb you want put them on your drawing mat and then place them in your dehydrator at 115 degrees Fahrenheit or 46 degrees Celsius for five to ten hours sturdy herbs like rosemary thyme you can alternatively just tie those to a string of twine and then hang them and let them air dry and they'll actually dry in the open air then just strip the herbs from the stem and well there you go you got dried herbs you can also crush them up or blend them if you want I like to leave them whole let's talk about making chili powders that have literally any chili that you want here I'm using serrano chiles all you got to do is just cut them open strip them of their membrane and seeds just separate them out I actually like to dehydrate both that way I have one super spicy one and then one that's more just pepper flavored and lay them on your drawing mat and dehydrate and a hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit or 54 degrees Celsius until completely dry anywhere between about 6 to 12 hours they should snap when they're done then just toss them in a blender and make sure you're blending the seeds separately from the flesh and be very careful when opening your blender because it makes the air a little bit spicy and that's it you've got chili powder out of anything Serrano powder is amazing trust now let's talk about reducing waste really quick you can dehydrate a lot of different kinds of vegetable and fruit skins to make a flavored powder the two that I want to talk about are either tomato skins or onion skins yes you can absolutely use onion skins just make sure that there's no like dirt or anything yucky on them so to do that you're just gonna place them on your drying mat and then dry them in 130 degrees Fahrenheit or 54 degrees Celsius for about five to eight hours or til SuperDuper dry then just like the rest blend until you get a nice smooth powder and that's it these are just two examples of ways that you can use stuff that you usually throw away to make a spice just do me a favor and make sure to google if it's edible before you do that and while we're at it let's talk about garlic powder it's really easy you literally just slice garlic I did it on the mandolin place it on your drawing sheep and make sure it has a silicone mat over it or something like that then the same temperature is anything else 130 degrees Fahrenheit or 54 degrees Celsius for 8 to 12 hours or until super dry and crisp blend powder garlic powder done let's talk about mushroom powder this stuff is so potent you can add mommy and mushroom flavor to literally anything and you can use any mushroom for this the thing I like about it is you can also use the mushroom scrap sometimes I feel like people throw away the stem or if the stem on a mushroom is chewy you use all the mushroom nothing gets wasted all you got to do is to separate the tops from the base of anything make sure that they lay somewhat flat place them on your dehydrating mat and then just dehydrate them on 130 degrees Fahrenheit or 54 degrees Celsius for 4 to 8 hours and then once that's done you just toss them in a blender and blend them until they're a powder and well that's it mushroom powder that's that's it you can add this to meats or marinades and if you addict a risotto you get an instant mushroom risotto so there you go now last but not least is citrus zest you can do this with any kind of citrus I did lemons and limes you're gonna want to do these at the absolute lowest temperature I did them at 95 degrees Fahrenheit or 35 degrees Celsius for about 48 hours or until complete drive actually mix the two together and just kind of lightly pounding them together until they were a little bit finer this goes great mixed with other spices it's not quite as strong and flavour upfront but once it gets rehydrated it's actually quite nice so hopefully this is something a little bit insightful obviously this is not an exhaustive list there's a million things you can do I'm just trying to get you guys started on the path you know I didn't really breathe much when I was saying that but you get the point now since we still got that dehydrator whipped out let's sample these spices on some jerky first you get on a really thinly slice a two and a half to 3 pound or 1100 to 1300 gram I've round roast real real Fitness then as you can you need a sharp knife if you need have your butcher do this for you the thinner the better well maybe not paper-thin but you know it's thin as you can now the marinades really simple it's gonna be 1 cup or 236 milliliters of soy sauce 1/2 a cup or 118 milliliters of honey half a cup of 118 milliliters of Worcestershire sauce 2 teaspoons or 4 grams of dried thyme 1 tablespoon or seven grams of mushroom powder one tablespoon or seven grams of garlic powder and 2 teaspoons or 5 grams of serrano powder now you might be like Josh that's not 2 teaspoons yeah we'll mix it up and look there you go added more all right yeah P now what so let's mix together just take your beef sort of slap it all on a container pour your marinade over and make sure that it's completely submerged if you need to add something on top some sort of weight to keep it down that would be wise and then just cover it and place it in the fridge overnight now once that's done marinating just lightly dab it off so doesn't drip all over the place place it on your dehydrator mats and dehydrate at 165 degrees Fahrenheit or 74 degrees Celsius for 8 to 12 hours or until nicely dried now it shouldn't completely snap in half but it should definitely snap and not completely break if it's still raw you got a problem breather and for those of you worried about bacteria for one the salt should take care of that and for two your dehydrator needs to be accurate enough to go that hot if it doesn't then add a teaspoon of curing salt anyway store your beef jerky in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator and it will last a long time I know refrigerator what's the whole point of dehydrating it it's just an extra safety precaution all right but do you want to know what else is an extra safety precaution b-roll [Music] alright guys and that is it so homemade spices and by homemade spices I mean literally yeah took a flippin jalapeno and you made some flippin honey little jalapeno powder that's a homemade flippin spice did obviously a weird mood right now ah really quick just a huge thank you to our homies at broad & Taylor you know that I've been talking about them forever literally like way way back I'm just super thankful to be able to work with them and you guys have been the reason for that so thank you to them thank you to you their dehydrators gonna be in the links in the description be sure to click it and check it out if you wanna get yourself one Christmas is coming up they just dropped their prices you know what to do um in terms of updates for me that honestly I don't know when this videos being posted so I'm gonna try and not add anything else to this to not confuse the timeline but with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learn something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,142,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spice mixes, homemade spices, homemade spice mixes, homemade garlic powder, beef jerky, homemade beef jerky, joshua weissman, youtube cooking series, youtube recipes, homemade chili powder, spice recipe, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, cooking, spices, how to make spices, how to make beef jerky, beef jerky recipes, homemade spice recipes, how to make homemade spices, making homemade spices
Id: -IIZmIu17wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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