Steak & Eggs my GO TO Breakfast | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends my favorite breakfast take an egg i'm going to show you how to make with home fries delicious stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to do it don't forget subscribe to the channel gives us a thumbs up if you like the video and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned i'm going to show you how to make this wonderful steak and egg well let me show you how easy it is to prepare my favorite steak and egg that's what i have when i go out to breakfast so i'm going to show you the way i like to make it very simple mison plus we got a steak it's a new york street it's very thin because take an egg without eating a one pound steak uh we got some onion bacon potatoes we're gonna make home fries with it and then we got some peppers and garlic and a bit of parsley and then we're gonna do the whole thing really quick so the first thing we do we put a little bit of clarified butter friends if you're off clarify butter use a vegetable or just a regular butter but it's going to burn though so we have to be careful we don't really like to burn the butter that much when the fry pan is hot we are then going to put the bacon remember bacon is number one after on your onion is always number one unless there is bacon let's remember that it's very important we're going to take and put our bacon in there and uh we're gonna saute our bacon and we're gonna the reason why you put the bacon first friends most of you that know that i've seen my channel before is because we want to render the fat and then we're gonna use that fat and those home fries potatoes are going to be beautiful this is the equally smoked bacon and the pan needs to get a little harder but it will in a minute i don't want to go too hot it's very important friends you don't want to go too hot otherwise what happened is you end up burning the lean part of the bacon uh before the fat has time to render so it's very important okay so we're gonna wait just a second get me some fat right there rendered you see just a little bit and then we got the potatoes now the potatoes you've seen me dust potatoes in a few recipes very important everything be the same size size matter in cooking friends because if they're two they're not the same size some are going to cook faster than others right the onion the onion i didn't dice them i sliced them so i took a big onion right and i cut it in half right you cut it in half now i have my two half and then i cut it this way and then i'll cut it like that so i have little pieces you see so they're not minced they're not too little so they are present in the potatoes and we're going to caramelize them nice you see and then we're going to get the potatoes going and while after the potatoes have a good good head start then we're going to do the um we're going to do the steak the steak is going to take two minutes see it's very thin and it's not one of those if you want a big steak you should watch a steak video you guys have been fantastic the comments have been amazing you have to watch the steak video and you'll see uh the right way to do it your friends is to uh you put the salt i put the salt like an hour ago and you put it in the fridge let it salt you don't need to put any more salt in there it's got enough salt it'll go right through it it'll be you see it'll be real seasoned for those of you that are not doubting why am i putting the salt that's going to evaporate no it's not it's going to juice it's going to put it out and it's going to go right back in and season it you should do it you should try and you put the salt you put it in the fridge and our ladder you test you see there's no more salt in here it's all inside so we're going to wait for this to get a little more uh caramelized before we put the onion okay so i'll be back in a minute when the bacon has rendered all of its fat and we can put the onion in there are you back in one little minute it's gonna take a few minutes okay okay so now you can see it took about three or four five minutes three four five there was a three of the four the five i don't know it was somewhere around there uh it's a little carmelite not not enough you know we want a little more but that's why we're gonna put the onion right now okay we're gonna put the onion and we're gonna caramelize ammonia we're gonna analyze them and the best way to caramelize them is to give them a little seasoning friends okay this is not like my caramelized onion that i make i have a uh a beautiful recipe for caramel donut then you can make a head and freeze it if you haven't seen it you should check it out folks it's really good so you see look we're going to caramelize the onion so we're going to wait for this to happen so it's like texture that is why you see i did not want to uh cook the bacon too much because otherwise by the time my onion caramelizer they're way way overcooked you see so we're going to cook this together we're going to get them golden brown so we're going to come back in a few minutes take your time by the way my heat is like medium high medium high so it's not too high i can control so i don't burn it okay and this my friends it's gonna be delicious so we'll come back in a few minutes again so the video is not a half hour long and i'm gonna put the potatoes we're gonna cover we're gonna cook em for a while and then we're gonna do the steak all right so i'll be back in a few minutes when the onion are nicely caramelized before we put the potatoes all right all right friends so this could take a good three to four five minutes another one three to four or five minutes right uh but i want to show you you see look at the onions are starting to get golden brown you see the golden brown that means they're getting sweeter they caramelize you see and now i don't want to do it completely because i'm going to put the potatoes now and and they're going to cook more so i don't want to come out of them too much but if i did not do this right now if i didn't caramelize them just a little bit right now you know what would happened friends you see right here look we got plenty of colors if i don't do this right now by the time i put the potatoes but there's a food of waters by the time i put the potatoes then um a little bit of peppers for nice colors little diced peppers you don't have them don't worry all right it'll be just fine without it oh yeah this is just for extra i call it and uh get back over here you and um if i don't caramelize the onion before and you put the potatoes you'll never have an opportunity to do it okay so now we're going to put all this together mix that up really good and then salt and pepper again a little salt little pepper and now the secret of my own fries friends besides the fact that they're delicious i got a piece in here somewhere i cover them for the first few minutes yes we're going to reduce the heat we don't want it to go too fast they're going to take a little while to cook and then at the end we'll put a little bit of garlic and then freshly chop acidity now those could take a good seven to eight minutes ten minutes depends how big they are okay and every so often just check them that's all you gotta do you know if everybody's open just give it a good twist like this every so often that's all you gotta do and not worry i put a cover on it so they stay nice and moist and at the end we take the cover out and we get everything nice caramelized so we'll be back in about eight to ten minutes okay take your time relax make sure your heat is not too hot so you don't burn them and you don't have to worry about it too much but everything often like i said just go there pass by the stove and just do a quick little thing here i promise you you're gonna love those they're delicious all right we're gonna let them cook for a little while all right friends we are back remember now these potatoes have been uh doing their thing for about 10 minutes and look at all that moisture that came out of it and it's wonderful that's how we want it we want to keep that moisture so they stay nice and moist and now we're going to finish them up at the last minute uh as we're finishing our steak by putting a little bit of garlic and a little bit of parsley we're going to wait for the last minute and then we're going to put a little bit of fresh black pepper in here and we're going to put fresh black pepper on the steak a lot of people tell you don't put the fresh black pepper it's going to burn nonsense it doesn't burn don't worry about it how much pepper you put in it's up to you the salt we already did it right so now we're going to put the oil and we're using the avocado oil and all you can use your clarified butter i just think you get a better crust with the avocado oil uh and uh and and it's by use whatever you want you can certainly use the um we're gonna do the egg in here and we're gonna do the steak in here we're gonna make sure the pan is hot and we're looking at about 365 degrees steak is going to be very fast because it's very thin you know if you want to do a big steak then you got to go to the oven friends okay but we're not going to do that so this is very thin we're going to cook it right there and we're going to go in and let me make sure i'm in the right temperature i don't want to go in a cold pan friends i want a nice crust okay so i'm going to wait another quick second let me flip my potatoes but there is an amazing flavor and we're going to put the garlic let's do it now there's a little bit of garlic right now i'm gonna put a little bit of parsley and we'll go back and put a little bit more at the end for extra freshness oh a lot of people are complaining they're not complaining like oh my goodness how can i be using his uh his metal uh tong in a non-stick fry pan those folks are made out of diamonds they're a diamond stripe and they're wall and i've been using that frypan right here friends for years that particular one right there ten years and i use metal all the time it doesn't do it doesn't hurt it at all as long as you you know gonna go cut in there you know so we're gonna let them cook let's get the stack ready because now we are probably at the right temperature yes we are we're gonna put the steak remember when you first put it in put it in a pan and don't touch it for a minute now here's what's going to happen it's nothing wrong with flipping the steak if you want but a thin steak like this you want to get a nice crust leave it on let it all leave it alone for a few minutes on each side and you'll get a better crust if crust is interesting to you leave it alone it's going to do its thing perfectly fine now the egg the egg we're going to cook it in um we're going to cook it in butter regular butter friends we don't want it to be too hot i don't want it to be like a blue blue blue blue what the heck kind of any juice is that friends i don't want the the egg to be all bubbled up i want it to stay nice and the best way to do this friends first you crack your egg in a small bowl a cracky egg in a small bowl okay all right and then you take it and you're gonna put it in in your your butter the butter is gonna be about 250 degrees okay you're gonna put it right in there you know what i cracked the egg too harder i just see it right here friends i quite dig a little too hot so i'm going to do another one this is like a one-time deal here show we don't we don't fix things the reality is then if you do it too hard if you do it too hard you crack the yolks and i don't want to see i cracked it right there i'm not doing that all right so i'm going to go in the pan see leave it a steak alone leave it a potato alone boy i heard some crack i don't know where they came from but a little battery in here friends don't be afraid don't be afraid of with butter we love butter around here friends okay and here we have it you have the egg broken we want a perfect sunny side up eggs right so we put it in butter make sure it's not too hot 250 275 you'll see a little bit of bubbling right there right and you take the egg gently friends put it right in there and leave it alone you see leave it alone i said leave it alone i'm moving it around very simple that's all we do we let it cook slowly and then we're going to put it right on the steak the potatoes are amazing they smell just absolutely amazing friends now the steak is probably ready to flip let's see oh yeah oh yeah you see beautiful now depends how you like it cook obviously it could take a little bit longer okay we're going to stop the potatoes give them a little more uh parsley and you out of here say well just leave it alone just like that friends i got the black pepper on the egg we're going to put just a little bit of salt about three four minutes you know i forgot to put my copper on it it's easier if you put a cover then you cook the yolk much nicer all right the steak is going to be really really ready remember this is very thin we don't want to overcook it so we're going to put the steak the steak is is ready it really doesn't take much put a little more pepper on that side we're going to take the see how fast that stick went look you can feel it it's ready we're going to leave it in here just for a second leave that alone the egg is going to be ready let me take a spatula to get my eggs and then we're done we're going to put the potato oh yeah egg is beautiful you see let's put this here right there let's leave it in there for another second so it cooks i think it's perfectly fine right let's make a plate in a plate friends we're going to put our potatoes that are beautifully cooked beautiful potato look at that it depends how you like your home fries i love them just like this okay i think that's enough what do you think um i think that's enough friends let's turn this off let's take a steak put a steak right in here friends very simple let me clean up my mess i always make mess very simple voila now we're going to take our eggs i'm going to put a right on top friends come on come over here you come over here you there you go beautiful all right the last thing we're going to do we're going to turn everything off so we don't need to worry about it we're going to put just a little bit of black pepper on top of the egg i like to put just a little bit of salt right on the egg and how simple was that friends stick an egg with a home fries let's take a few seconds you'll go right ahead and make this don't forget friends subscribe to the channel if you like the recipe don't forget to give us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every week when we do a new show thanks for watching we look forward to seeing you next time as usual friends i always forget to eat but that's okay those potatoes smells amazing so all we're going to do is i'm going to cut into this and the idea is for the camera to see and uh now depends how you like this text cooker i like mine right so you cook a little more if you want but you see right there this is a rare medium rare rare and this is beautiful friends and right there this is gonna be like so tender it's going to be delicious really simple oh yeah as usual i can't i can't talk with my mouth school thanks again for watching we look forward to you sometime next week fabulous look at this gorgeous you like a medium rare rail this is exactly how you want remember it was in a pen only a few seconds a few minutes really simple thank you for watching we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 458,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak and eggs, steak and eggs breakfast, steak and eggs recipe, how to make steak and eggs, cooking steak and eggs, best steak and eggs recipe, breakfast steak and eggs, breakfast steak and eggs recipe, how to cook steak and eggs for breakfast, steak and eggs breakfast recipe, steak for breakfast, breakfast recipes, breakfast steak, breakfast steak recipe, chef jean pierre breakfast, Bistec y huevos, Receta de bistec y huevos, Recette de steak et d'œufs, Steak et Oeufs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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