Freezer Meal - Breakfast Sandwiches - Making the Eggs

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okay I'm working on my last set of eggs for the breakfast sandwiches I've got my griddle out it is already hot I'm working at about 300° you can use a skillet on the stove um you can even use one of the large sided Skillets if you have those but I happen to have a griddle out um so put your Mason rings on your griddle I need eight I'm going to put them out here okay you've got to make sure that you spray them good both to get the griddle and the inside of the Ring all right and then you can scramble your eggs first if you want um I'm kind of lazy sometimes so I've just been cracking them right into the Rings make sure that they're all flat and just let it go the reason you want the griddle hot already is it starts to cook the egg and it stops it from leaking out so bad under the Rings so we'll get all these in here then I don't like the yolks of the eggs um and so I like to break them so it's not like a real fried egg I I will break the yolk so once I get these all in here I usually go back through and just pierce the yolk a little bit I don't do a ton but just so that it's not a big glob also pop any of the bubbles in the white if you've started to get those there we go they're they are set enough that I can actually push pretty hard on that Yol and not risk it going on through the underneath then you can season them you're going to let these cook until they're almost cooked all the way through so it's going to be seven or 8 minutes let it go until they solid or so enough so that when you flip them you're not going to be splashing stuff everywhere so these These are pretty much set in the center when I use my tongs cuz these things get really hot and I just take them and I flip them over and sometimes they'll release immediately sometime like that one did sometimes they won't and so if that happens I just go back and grab it and kind of shake it down you can actually let it finish cooking in the ring if you want it's not a problem trying not oops that wasn't ready but these all are just flip them over you can also go through and kind of release it that way too most of the time I just pick it up drop it a couple times and it'll come out just like that one are they're great eggs [Applause] yeah then you have your eggs that are right size for your sandwiches this one's going to need a little help there we go and that right there just let them cook on this side for another one or two minutes I just let them go until I make sure that the yolk is all cooked and then I make sure I put them on a plate and then when we're done there we'll get ready to assemble the breakfast sandwiches
Channel: Make Ahead Meal Mom
Views: 157,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freezer Meals
Id: 5Lq5PS7KvQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2017
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