HOMEMADE DELICIOUS 2 Ingredient Biscuits

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hey guys and welcome to the farming pastor's wife tonight I'm going to show you how to make a two ingredient biscuit and you don't need a biscuit mix these times are hard you can't always find things there's things missing in the grocery store so I'm going to show you how to use what you have on hand [Music] okay guys so I went to the grocery store the other day and formula L biscuit mix which you guys know if you've watched my channel I love that is my favourite biscuits ever there it is hard to find so I thought well I can make self-rising biscuit well Chris goes hard to find milk is hard to find so let me tell you what's not hard to find if you have your self-rising biscuit mix heavy cream if in the grocery stores people aren't buying the heavy cream so get you a court or a pint of the heavy cream get your self rising flour out and we're gonna make biscuits okay guys so I'm gonna measure out two cups of my silk rice and flour that's a half one half and two when I make biscuits I don't worry so much about exact measurements leveling it off because I can just add more like winter add more flour or whatever the case is so now let's get our heavy cream and I finished two ingredients but I like a little bit of salt in my biscuit so I'm just gonna sprinkle a little bit of salt all right all right let me get my measuring cup for the liquid and I'll be right back okay so we're gonna measure out a cup and a half of the heavy cream and I didn't shake it real quick so let me do that there's my cheetah but going back you're gonna go right outside and I've been to measure out a cup and a half there's a little extra in there just in case we need it it's gonna go ahead and pour it on in here hey guys look who it is what you making biscuits the two ingredient biscuits two ingredients let me guess self-rising flour and heavy cream yep yeah total a sprinkle of salt I told her how to make them yeah right yeah right dude don't see it better all right don't mix forget it I'm just gonna add just a little bit of the heavy cream just to get this dry flour incorporate it in a little bit on this side all right someone sprinkle out just a little bit of self-rising flour out here on my it out now this is different from your formula l y'all so this is just if you can't find formula L but you have got heavy cream and you've got self-rising flour all right let me get my rolling pin I'll sprinkle just a little bit alright let's cut them out let me get my bacon let go first alright let's cut them out totally different texture than the formula l biscuit says you are expecting the same kind of texture it's not the same it it's not the same it's that they feel heavier but if you need a biscuit and you can't get your hands on formula you need to know what to do all right I've got my oven preheated to 475 once it preheat someone stick them in and I'll tell you how long I've left them in them when I get them out okay y'all I've cheated I actually have already tasted them and they are amazing they are amazing biscuits amazing how they are so pretty look at that look at that rods and then they are the lightest biscuits ever they are delicious I've got a piece of one over here they're so good they were in at three I think I told you 475 but opinion at 450 for 12 minutes 450 for 12 minutes they are so good the lightest fluffiest biscuit heavy cream is not something I would generally have on hand but it's easy to find right now when other things are not so these are delicious all right I'm gonna finish making our supper y'all have a great night thank you for watching the farming pastor's wife please subscribe if you haven't done so please share my videos tell all your friends and family about them and get them to join in with our YouTube family and I cannot wait to see you next time here on the farm and pastor's wife and remember if the grease is hot enough you can fry anything by Oh
Channel: The Farming Pastor's Wife
Views: 742,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nl3VEmv6uZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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