Call of Cthulhu Live! πŸŽƒ Call of Cthulhu on Xbox One Live for Oxbox Hallowstream πŸŽƒ

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh boy welcome to this hallow stream yeah are we gonna play call of cthulhu which is out today yeah brand-new hot off the press based on the Cthulhu Mythos yes of HP Lovecraft yes it was quite terrible man yes and his take on cosmic horror has been enduring indeed no gamer del Toro has a weird lifestyle ax work with him in his house that's a bit alarming like imagine going just in a closet did he just opening go I think it's just in his lounge like he go in out to get drinks it weird wouldn't it thanks for joining us yeah who has another snow how we're looking at sounding yeah let us know where you're watching home what you've been up to we're through a loading screen now so I'm gonna or mostly through a loading screen so I'm gonna switch the picture on yes I hope you've noticed yes here it is Bailey does a load of people mentioned in the chat yes it's fully on I've clicked to enter madness on me why would you click that click the opposite what's the other option exhibit starts for the Lovecraft quote we're off to never-never land yeah we are if you're watching from Utah nice hello oh boy we're covered in well got something Andy what's why are you in a whale inside well good as a shot Oh first scare is just a basic youth I mean starting strong yeah with the sharks I've passed out oh good all right well why am I covered in fish guts I suppose I'm a detective it's my job to find out why I'm covered in fish to us yeah I mean that's not much of a detective if you can't figure that out that's true reckless Rex is here hey Rex Ian from urug Ava wants to challenge Mike to ghost mode in hitman two ah how about the chaos that inevitably ensues and such a meeting will greatly pre please Cthulhu yes subjectivity demands you make this happen praise the video okay why I better stay on his good side Junior's playthrough sure okay that would be no kind of game at all no one would ever enter forever - points yeah why are you in a cave full of fish guts cuz it's the tutorial cave you know where you learn how to caption things in a cave yeah okay one for me investigating some cultists or something am i counter darkness can I get to light up an item but how do I it's gonna get a light that looks like it's a light but I'm getting no prompts to pick it around it get that light okay hey I suppose this one's on isn't it yeah we can counter Doug Missy what was that what oh you couldn't pick the thing up I can all right you've done this protecting thing that wore quite the detective yeah I I was reading something about this game and it's got the mechanic from the tabletop game right where you have like a level of passive wisdom yes where the game just doesn't show you stuff if you're wasn't high enough that's cool like your secret knowledge yeah like you don't even me the game doesn't even display the things that you don't know that I look up straight away my bolt cutters like it is what is it with horror games and you throwing away vital equipment he didn't just drop them I'm pretty nice oh hey I think I'm supposed to go this way just single use of bolt cutters I've been tutorial eyes dandy are Free Willy dead Willy to get move on the bolt cutters part it's like can't you let razor blades yeah exactly fell so New York more that way only really spiffy mark was talking about music saying the official theme of the Halloween season yes yes yeah I'm gonna be listening to all year so good welcome to new member Bailey satyr ok thanks for subbing by hello and Bela Boucher says thanks we do you Brad made a shout out from the Midwest nice Mike you're my favorite oh thank you thank you even after the terrible things I did in yesterday's I even surprised myself yeah it's pretty bad JP Corkery says really enjoying this fruit the streams wish me luck got a job into you tomorrow good luck but in a shocking twist I'm the interviewer this time ah nice be sure to ask the classic questions like what would you say your weaknesses are yeah and do you think you could invite faces they look like not quite ready why are your faces oh it's a dream the base case is just no loaded it maybe no I always got a debut Jones um yeah we look like sort of not quite ready yet agent 47s he just got just got keynote yeah yeah he does good yeah oh he's a bad trip is all a bad dream no sleeping on the couch in your efforts exactly wit with a with a bottle of whiskey nights you know I hate what stick yeah okay I'm gonna consult my whiskey I mean my diary occult no occult information no inhabitants hang I'm getting somewhere near dark to dark water I guess dark water sounds chill yeah lovely the seems like a nice place but even like bright falls in an awake which sounds lovely was awful it's know what I wanna add occultism oh yeah yeah cuz then you can see all the secret itself okay but what about psychology I've got no points anyway a lot of people say at the jain can't be here yeah should be well into this game i think yeah generally she is currently on her way back from Australia I have business here so I'm just gonna check out my certificate of membership enforcement I'm an official detective case yeah James probably doing Cthulhu stuff in the sky yeah probably raining down terror upon people uh let's turn the radio off that's enough of that welcome to new member Dylan der mode hey Dylan Jason thirteen says hello from Pennsylvania happy Halloween and to you Jason yeah happy Halloween to everyone watching Harry at Bedford spent the day stop-motion editing Kanako Payne sake yeah really does yeah oh my phone's ringing it's a case oh my god it's Cthulhu I'll take the case all right that's my name huh Oh Halloween candy well Lucy dang what do we go oh we've got Haribo Orangina because orange is a Halloween color that's about as far as I got into the station's also they're delicious good yeah these are French right mm-hm yeah you can get them at the replay shop in the garden or yeah yeah exactly which is what I stock up on every time I'm leaving France and you've got character points is important but of all into and the occult okay or eloquent oh no wait spot hidden spot hidden where's that oh yeah okay I feel like we need a fair amount of this don't but what else do we need what does the cultism do I know that should bang some into that yeah just just wax and point in to occultism why not get more fun isn't it exactly the one says if I had a dollar for every time i woke up covered in whale guts yeah several I need one dollar is too many yeah um investigation I was in crime scenes oh let's get chatty oh yeah also I mean crime scene analysis is useful okay there was played some listed preview and I tried to autopsy someone and write one bad yeah they were just like well he's dead I could have noticed more if I had better medical skills okay well medical then I suppose alright that seems a good balance yeah like it validate happy erred says I have a theory that the Slender games accidentally captured a lot crafty and mindset better than most Cthulhu games that mindset being the truth is out there but we really don't know what it is yes affair yes also I I can't give any of them Lovecraft games which do a better job than slander of making you not want to look at things yeah do you know yeah but the whole point of the Cthulhu thing is that if you look at these things you'll you'll be driven master look but slanders you gives you a real honest-to-goodness not to look at anything you know spooky electric says this player character looks like Andy and Sebastian Castellanos cosplay yes I did say to Andy just before he started the stream that he should get ready for lots of people in the comments to say that it's him yeah you're that you're that's to two days of miss shaving away mmm probably charisma looks good bet maybe speech check the Thule would to do your bidding like Jane does since Bo zone I feel like all games should have that option where you just get really oh look it's Charles don't all games should have the option where you can just talk your way out of anything including like EA's asking are you just telling this lady on the phone that you have one point in the occult yes yeah staying all this down the phone do you know a sister nation says use this to buy bone crafters thank you very much thank you yeah not single useful insist I love Boston recognizes pausing my own played through to watch you guys cool how's it been going that's nice yeah let us know how you're getting on and any tips you not dying immediately this guy's waistcoat waist coastal old lady's name yeah about yeah your office door looks again like a Ouija board it does doesn't it yeah well so why is this guy wearing sunglasses indoors she say all this back then all the spooky people like Dracula painter he wore this John Lennon sunglasses oh there's a painter who I assume is gone missing okay was it you as the only surviving one did you murder at all he's looking at the pattern in his waistcoat and it's sending me mad yeah painting yeah what is it let me have a look I'm trying to lean round is it a painting with Kathie Lee okay we need to get through this stuff so he gets his speech smooth town yeah oh wow that's a messed up painting bro that's just painting look at that I've already lost to sanity boy freaky ass painting geez Wow okay you wants us to look at it Wow well it's pretty good Claire Karis he looks like Andy about age 60 and been battered with a cheese grater every day in the intervening time it's over government Wow real slam on the brake oh look at your picture right up against I mean good luck I placed a file on your desk it contains everything I have on the affair okay well I'll see you I mean I like the detective stuff sounds pretty cool yeah I'm gonna investigate it all right some more coins cause if Daryl Hawkins breathe breathe the message into you grace go Kayla says hey from Pittsburgh play Madden for the laughs I would not know where to start if you know you've got her like a FIFA style fee for the journey story motors madam mayor I don't even understand American football miracle football I understand it enough to watch the Super Bowl every year but that is the limit of my my sort of yeah American football knowledge and spectating I went to see a game once and it was long had no XP was getting up there long those game so it was the Oakland Raiders when they were really really bad oh and their fans they were worried about monster masks anyway I'm gonna okay ah ah I don't thing you should take this painting lightly okay the meaning can be exactly as it hits ie Cthulhu I think this room tonight bad news have been killed in the fire Johnson Villa says love you guys I finally have a day off to watch a live stream live it's been a busy couple of months since Ivy was Florida I moved down to work as a PA on film on film commercial shoots that's cool that's cool well is alright in Florida as our yes well rainy and curvy Sunny's plus theme parks cool that's all the information I need Maria push me cough says watching in full Morticia Addams glam right now - is it and I weren't getting along we're having the healthy streams wait is that into the capital right away because you get on my head cuz of it it's number wigs W says hello from canada love andes beers wow man preys on my bed from a canadian yeah praise from seas land of great bill yes thank you very much all flat paintings waiting out can I turn the page around so it's not lookit there's so much to look at in your office I'm doing not a very good job investigating because I just want to get to the key i basically ignored everything that guy had yeah I basically just ignored everything you had to say basically said that I'm gonna go and find you it's gonna be fine cool I mean that sounds good presumably you can just stumble through this thing doing the minimum of research how we lookin we light enough yeah yeah I think so good not to be me yeah do something spooky so sadly messy we're getting we're getting there we're just gonna Thule land yeah this is spooky loading screen look at those whale bones I'm going to scrutiny eat some more Orangina Haribo because it's delicious Kirra gaming says I missed last stream but I made this one I'm already very timid terrified but it's praise Cthulhu oh yeah that's the way get in with Cthulhu now how's your xbox going yeah hope you're doing red dead hmm command a hose commander Jose Erica Varla Jake Janeway says please don't descend into madness we like you too much well we might like us better no promises yeah you say we didn't already know Mason wood says I'm so glad I could catch this live stream happy Halloween and to you yeah we're getting close to Halloween Eve yes I think Hallows Eve Eve yeah Halloween Santa will come tonight leave the severed head person to your pillow can be your Halloween tree Paul C says watching this while learning how to go Friday the 13th maybe I'll be in a match with you guys tomorrow maybe we'll cuz we're streaming Friday the 13th tomorrow same time same place will ya hopefully have some more fun glitches with ya people dancing in their pants to this we can but hope alright alright we've made it to dark water aka Innsmouth do you think go up like the sign for dark water and then it will just fall off nail it back on really quickly yeah and it's a population it's just a big fish yeah population [Music] no secrets does it not have a airport skipped guy's face home loaded in that's just asking everyone yeah I like this place is just cool look at those mountains and look at that bar look cool items as a bar in fact the town from the series of unfortunate events mmm waving a laden table it was a good guy okay so let's run through the details the case again everyone birds death yep that's an owl and I think it was the woman that's a really sinister what's the surprise I'm not going in there okay now I'm getting for a drink maybe I supposed to go and look at this dead whale yeah now you could also up see that whale if you had a high enough I'm gonna go right in and do it do it status eyes undecided eyes and doctor medicine what am I not a specialist no you're not specialised in it who's Fitzroy and you Fitzroy well so who's that creepy dude at the back to do I notice they're all covering their necks because they've got gills and because they're fish men's I've read shadow yeah it's gonna really help me my investigation yeah look I'm the world's best detective everyone stand aside oh he's gonna talk to that Tall Dark Stranger over there see if he's got any knowledge and then I'm definitely going for drinking the drunken well Fifi la Bamba says got the complete works of Lovecraft for xmas duty guys always banging on a back story sorry try to get today I've taught to screen for Kidman thank you guys being so awesome oh well thank you and hope you can catch it later on anyway yeah but thanks for trying to get the day off and zigmund big Janowski says today is my golden birthday so happy I get to catch the stream I don't know what that means me there but happy birthday zigmund ho sounds good hey Francis Morrises gothic studies last year's back saying hi from Scotland shame James I'm here to worship the eldritch Lord been looking forward to the stream yeah yeah pretty gothic this one so be sure to study it yes that what about this guy what do you know tell me he doesn't really knows nothing I need he's doing this head don't wait apparentiy prohibitions off so we can get a drink at least sweet right Oishi stop bar fight yeah this place it was red dead black know enough rendered it is yeah I can see that means that seen Cassio this cosplay thing hmm a little a little I see it well we're already making friends at the locals des eopns asking what our favorite Lovecraft story is mmm the rats in the walls no yeah that's really creepy I have been slowly like over the course of years working my way through the complete works yeah no really Herbert West reanimated okay yeah it's creepy look it's a femme fatale yep basically Oh Myka I'm gonna apologize that guy didn't show respects I behaved like I guess we were in the Great War okay so we're trying to like get in with it yeah work but I like upside down yeah control though yeah ah order drink Rock whisper one donates thank you very much thank you and Hebrew hammer 86 asks what is everyone going as for Halloween I'm wearing a football jersey of well recently pointing with my Harry Potter robe and a warning to making a fantasy football player prac it's terrible that is quite funny pun based Halloween costumes are always there tricky business you don't spend the whole night explaining what you are to have run but also as who they are immensely personally satisfying hmm do you have a Halloween costume no sounded easy yeah I have the party emoji tomorrow they have like face painting people similar to get the face painted up spider you yeah yeah yeah something's get fully appropriate and completely real ah forget another drink up in Fitz yeah just keep drinking until you forget about Kathie Lee yeah you want a drink I'll have a second thing same again aiding the investigation yeah it's in quite shake me with the locals in the barman sure we're gonna be best as busted by the end of the night I thought you hate to do a speak you just said it this out it gives me cool drinking this that's no moonshine wanna drink another line things Louise easy to come in through okay like he's gonna give me some information if I just keep ordering drinks I don't know if this plan is a good plan and they don't question my detective skills alright alright you know you're doing your the that's right yeah oh boy now tell me about the West yeah around 71 says so will we find out that Mike is the real monster again I certainly was yesterday the scoot says managed to catch a stream because I'm home any back pain asketh even if he can fix it for me willing to settle my sanity in exchange a fair deal I think if we see could be Lou while we're playing alone oh yeah feel better yeah sending you our heating vibes mooing and chase that stuff says oh hell Kathie Lee our Lord and Savior the one to bring the coming age of darkness finding out about Sara Watkins and doing some actual investigation kids insist nice and go track says hey guys can I get a shout out for a little sister Ruby she's been having a heart out of school Lane you could use some cheering up oh yeah shout out to Ruby yeah things get better things improve stick with it school can be rough like kids can be horrible teachers can be horrible the work can be horrible whatever it is though it oh it doesn't last forever and it can feel like the worst thing of all but you will get through it don't worry warming announcer style made her famous rock whisperer buzzes hello from Wisconsin what is the all-time favorite candy for Halloween or just in general corn candy candy cool candy go wherever you pronounce terrible it's great it's sugar yeah basically raw unrefined sugar Orangina Haribo though orange everybody's amazing there's already Halloween II fizzy fizzy sweets mmm he's great I am because they taste a bit more you see the black produced and most Harbor reckless Rex says Andy's beard is way cooler yeah take that why this guy's butt Edward Pierce a term basically it looks like Vegeta's from Dragon Balls hair upside down Optimus Prime hey Wow slipped in the comments says I'm home all week because it will workplace injury I dropped 200 pounds of metal on my hand while welding on it that's just like one of your arms or something what if yours is prime but the upside is I can find what's your livestreams I think it'll leave us out well man feel I hope your hands and feel though Tyson quickly now and good luck the fees and receptacles yes find that Allspark Brandon woman says my classes Cthulhu this will be fun mmm-hmm I wasn't allowed to have another drink okay fair enough mate you've been turned away cool Fitzroy wait where's that where's that lady she looked like she knew a thing or two oh yeah murders is this the same guys who made those Sherlock Holmes games yes they're all right during the one we've made that one movies child in the chimney yeah well Jane wanted us to leaf this Victorian ocean in a chimney to see what would happen and he died what is always what happened what's a woman like you doing in a place like this clientele is predominant first that says I agree you should be able to have enough speech grammar and a safe one yeah no thanks squid boy and get away with it yeah only forward says or only forward hello from Hollywood glad I got to catch the stream I'm usually in class when they happen have a happy Halloween guys yeah you that Hollywood goes goes in hard for um yeah three three this year Jane and I went on a ghost hunt on Hollywood Boulevard mm-hmm with a woman who made all her own ghost hunting equipment it was Sam extremely super functional this is really odd way to spend an evening okay the lady told me to get lost which is probably fair enough because I meant three with us three whiskeys deep and whose Fitzroy I don't know you're gonna have to investigate how do you use your powers of Investigation was fitter I will see the guy that's met you and he's now up in the other Acula sketch I may be Hanley I think it probably is the most significant event I've seen all this stuff Oh who's this another fine waste go Andy do you Algernon's Drake that's a that's a good horror name I think he's already ghost illustrations he's looking a bit pasty isn't he also what is with those pit stains bro yeah like dynamite in your honor Wow okay well I had a drink Jeff Lance is Andy do you have any tips for fellow facial-hair enthusiasts or has to look presentable during the horrible straggly phase yeah get some beard oil drops a beard oil rub back to your palms and then just smooth it through and then you can just get rid of the little stray ones also if you love beard trimmer just you know do that and then just clip off any ones that are sticking out or tangles just you know a bit of a shape or if you want to splash out you can go to a barber and get an actual mmm proper shave those are around I don't do it very often it's nice to treat yourself yeah so uh well that sounds convincing as someone who definitely can't grow bit where's warehouse is this warehouse that's the office or the guys if you go up and go in there all right he'll be in there the home master and then he'll be like ooh new allowed you what there's been mad cthulhu's always got a good lean on yeah he's got the manifest we have personally call this back saying I already cosplay cousin it every morning of every day right cargo manifests either one says DAHS horse who recently changed from Innsmouth by order of the board of tourism I mean yes pretty bad PR situation all that fish man yeah okay he's he was joking husband yes the one who's got burned up mmm all right you gotta find that warehouse it's like over there he told me to meet him on the deck okay he's leading me on a merry chase sure hello again I see everything that goes on in the harbour these waters don't escape what it's you who lays down the law around here I'm just the captain seems trustworthy I trust you yeah he seems like a totally stand-up guy oh GD boss - says how much gamerscore do you have I have over a hundred thousand Wow I do not have that many more guys after watching Mike's final girl on yesterday's stream I think I figured out what what Eggbert is trying to atone James J cannot have been pleased with the fairness I probably would have done the same so cheers happy Halloween go thank you very much happy Halloween t - ΓΏΓ  have you had I've just asked what what child Hawking's really did specialized in wedding specializing wait wait yeah what are you really up to spill the Cthulhu beam zoom manifests all right there's a lot of investigation going along here yeah tell me all the way out of my warehouse there's gonna be all sorts of James going sisters women shipping us thanks so much wonderful entertainment also enough 2d indie games and wondering if you have considered vampire the masquerade tabletop year do you roleplay hmm cool yeah the same so wait are you doing Dean Dean oh okay great I think Johnny you'd be up for it as well probably I could make such a cool vampire character Oh am I gonna light him oh yes I've done a lot - yeah the beechcraft hmm somebody here there's a search this warehouse whoo okay get over to the White House will be on my way I'll see you over there that could sing for a spoiler kathoeys right that warehouse yeah it's Cthulhu storage dapper crafters his first time catching a stream live hello thank you for joining us I'd love to see more D&D I've always wanted to play but I don't really have friends let alone one's cool enough to get down with the DMD keep up the awesome content it really means a lot to so many of us going through tough times there are usually local groups yam find of people who are always looking for people to play D&D yeah a good way to find some mates like-minded people and stuff yeah in my experience they're always looking for new people regardless of experience level and I mean we never play D&D before we have or experience that a there's a toilet D&D um yeah I really hope you can find someone to play with yeah honestly I never even considered playing D&D before Johnny got us into it and it's been so much fun yeah it's from Berlin see ya I really hope you can find some people to play with because yeah it's really what he's like how could you leave the warehouse engines unguarded got it great get over there right well I learned something there there's an entrance unguarded somewhere all right were you good I think yeah that's probably a gap in the fence or something sneaky maybe these guys who you live here Brendan with you ridicule his protector with the Wales sent bread let's find out whose patience with both Wales and Wailers but might split your allegiances well so you shouldn't drink three whiskeys yeah who are the guys who keep guard dudes just I'm just fine now I don't know how to get in the entrance I'm seen if I can find a way in Mendoza says will you guys ever do the hash tag artillery oh I'm no idea what I mean dude's no tink says Andy you love to read every empty tomb made me buy it and I did order the beastly tea death Oh amazing let's go I hope you enjoy read this one Institue and a team yeah I am enjoying it I've not had a lot of time to play this week unfortunately hmm right I've taken enough of your time yeah you're busy man food I can tell you've got a lot of drinking to get on me right Tim sprung says hello from Germany dark cities and whale carcasses remind me of dishonored seems promising mmm I think it's a very different game yes yeah to Dishonored what about our gate is open can you jump over it I know is there a loose board no bribe are go around I'm sure there will be a gap or something if I'd have those bolt cutters still maybe it would help every only in your dream though are they know that's truth dream bolt because it's disappeared it'll be away suppose that st. Brendan I'll push the statue into the harbour see if it annoys anyone I can give it a whirl yeah this is really poorly guarded yes yes this looks good in the serrated Jill says happy scary Xmas Eve hey Joe that's my fella gravely spent all these dollars in red Rampton two on the first coat he saw and missed out on the other sweet threads oh no never buy the first coat yeah there's so many good ones further down why can't I jump up this jumpin know I can lean about and know he's serious you can't for reals it won't let me go up I'm pressing all the buttons if I push the thing into harbour maybe one will come running and then what's in here Tom Tipton says love watching you guys can we do a shout out to jelly babies and wine gums yeah they're amazing shout out to tell you babies and wine gums when gums are really old-fashioned sweets yeah but the guys who make wine gums also make like sound sour whatever they listen Brendan jelly cool oh wait oh here we go yeah look can you oh no do do it also occultism look Brendan which st. of Wales and he's carrying a harpy look him up see if he's a real Saint Saint Brendan yeah I'm doing a cult isn't check I'll go st. Brendan the Navigator yeah also referred to as Brendan maku Altay called the navigator of the Voyager he is one of the early Irish monastic Saints who twelve apostles of Ireland yeah he's real the UM the Irish likes to say a practice and Anthony when they lose something great yeah DISA Nancy how about yeah sometimes okay he is the patron saint of boatman divers Mariners sailors travelers whales right portaging canoes whatever that is but yeah I'm just gonna try and talk my way until you think wow you're rude Easter fool says the entire town is very safe yes they are they know that they could be spooked at any time rude language whoa hey outrageous Legos you trying to get us to monetize ace says Pierce's voice by the same guys Jonathan and vampyre which okay looks in yeah they do look quite similar just like a side question Oh cats here we go all the tests eloquent old your boss is very said those knuckleheads are incapable of staying at their post you think he's telling the truth we'll find out Oh she uses a stiletto yes it's risky to question my word I wouldn't like you to get cut sir Italian yeah it's clear you take a look inside the Hawkins wells leave me alone yeah okay well we nailed it bit of investigation talking some drunkards and listening to their conversation has gotten us in know a bloodshed Andy so far don't think it's gonna turn into an FPS oh wow why am I even playing it Brad millet says thanks for the stream is going to watch it from beyond to get my Lovecraft fixed tonight I have not heard of that but I do enjoy crafting things what's that John talking to one oh um with Samuel I can't reward is called its let's see does that madness in the type of yeah of course it does something of madness that's fun that one do you like in the mouths of men does it that is a white in the mascara field I'll have to find another oh I can't I'm wrong - rubbish - lockpick why didn't you put all your points to just kick the door open yeah what gave you the crazy idea - come on Tanya stiletto tonight uh am I gonna just not say leave only through let me do this well I was you as the classic choose what seems like a reasonable answer fancy paper girl says this game is bringing back memories oMG I never finished it it was two series I've been watching for five years there was a previous yeah Call of Cthulhu game yeah yeah this is a new one sexy new one this only came out today Oh am I good what am i doing attacker I don't have a nice summer you've got noise it will do some names and do this of course I do how am I getting it kill their need doing it oh whoa oh oh really need us exactly coming I want to get into this way where is she she back at the bar yeah say hey about that whole are there back on then how does that mean again hello welcome to new members Rick aside and fancy paper cuts Thank You Joyce yeah thanks for joining then strangle me Elmo says something fishy going on here yeah drinking that much seems like a high highly whiskey choices listed by real shop please thank you very much well then Craig B says all help through comics play this game have either of you read at the Mountains of Madness I have yes it is you must fit into this warehouse apart from all the problematic bit the Edward Pierce Zack host says my concert comes today because my favorite law professor was having surgery well they get to come to Towson my daughter this did you guys have any favorites professors and unique honor yes Ida electrical Barbara who was expert in inspirational and really cool cool it's cool when you buy an inspirational teacher teacher I had a lecturer called Dave reasoned he was very yeah very cool I'm gonna test my eloquence undie no one's ever interested in the truth immunity though brownie Bennett says happy Halloween happy Halloween happy Halloween I'm getting spend my vacation y'all my boyfriend I was steampunk skulls for a Halloween party and well scary is makeup nice good job that sounds cool methought I Stillman says Ian from Eurogamer challenge do to hit man twos ghost mode earlier Mike do you accept yes I accept whoa okay dang it's gonna go down everybody who gonna happen dr. cat says is this game worth the 60 yeah we're going to play found a car so it's getting better there's a review on it came out today so there's reviews everywhere a red one on Rock Paper Shotgun there weren't super happy yeah I think it was a good I said the opening bit with the we're playing right now is good it's good if you can know what you're doing by view no idea what about you let me insist what happened you need to talk to lady yeah I already annoyed her though lady told me to get well get lost and then she tried to stab me I mean the wrong maxilla Reza's new member thank you joining thanks for joining and Emma McCarthy says I haven't able to catch a live stream in a while but I'm taking vacation days nicely okay promotional before I get my own office I could watch live streams in privacy wow that's so close reason to yes so baller having her own office yeah good luck with that did you ever see the Slender movie I didn't know never actually we're gonna do a group outing we didn't so I guess we'll wait until it's our own streaming services dreaming whatever put it on that shutter is it yeah that one um capita wrote a theme for them really the shadows uh she back in the bar yes yes I've come back she's boy drink okay I owe you you don't know how to fight but at least I've got guts what does that mean we're leaking of guts is that my clearances got the rest of the week off med school thanks to another national holiday here in Poland nice dig backwards there's not we missed the live streams we've got my PhD work finished early say can finally just about using in life Cthulhu the tagging I don't how you pronounce that but attack Cthulhu for tagging I'm gonna tell the truth server she's dangerous yeah that's very nice of you to tell me the truth damnit you really don't seem to know the area well no let me give you a little advice just lesson the way more than a day come on she's really ragging on us I'm just an honest open person I've got yes do it I need to get into the Harkins works you're out of luck it's on my turf but we're friends now obviously for that reason that I've come to see you are you pulling my leg not without taking that risk come on I've seen what you're capable of and you didn't miss me I accept the compliment well yes thanks oh well we get in that warehouse with such a charmer and all it took was getting need in the job your nose buddies now gabs quite impressive as always like the leather studded gloves didn't I do that for you if I let you onto our turf to conduct your little Affairs to me I guarantee that I I can't possibly go wrong later on for us can it sure we'll be fine I hadn't even worried about it corny and says hey guys I think red direction too is biased against cat lovers you can pet dogs but not cats what's with that a do I you can't praise cats sprays well done good from horseback as well good work being a cat velcro yep he says Andy if you didn't insist on sleeping eating and basic hygiene you'd have more time to Red Dead Redemption to you in the meantime have a part of me thank you very much and also that is all true why do I insist on sleeping and eating taking care of babies like it it feel like even kids survive with no sleep in there yeah food I could yeah for at least two no basics I saw a picture of bound up the longest length beard you can grow a huge is their problem is their ZZ Top it is like Grizzly Adams nice level it's good so if you just don't maintain it at all I don't you can't pomade your beard but what I find it funny you get messed up on your pom aiders waddle yeah well you guys you walk slowly lady can shake a leg Easter fool says and II hope the safety safety beanies can save your mind from Cthulhu have you looked at Cthulhu masks for Jane yet here's another $10 if James and hits the squid themed head where is particularly high well we need to run you need to go shopping yeah does he run stuff by Jane she's no man yet unfortunately I'm hoping we can find something about my GTA online characters this way that's just the full face now this recent stream we need to burkas know not all of us can read together on actual Halloween tomorrow we need to have a like a follow-up like belated Halloween yeah get together some Halloween going throughout November I think we should do that hello Christmas as well Kate Dobby says my one-week day off this month and instead of relaxing at home I got to get my car battery checked hope you guys are having a better day than me that's that's bad two car batteries run out if you don't drive a car for a while yeah but you can get like your jump starter kits and stuff which will allow you to jumpstart the car but sometimes the battery just goes wrong you need to replace it hopefully you get it sorta tuned and be able to enjoy the rest your day Jared lund says we're about to have an Employee Appreciation lunch in San Luis get yourself something delicious and know you're appreciated - thank you thank you very much Jared she's just left me now like I'm about to do all my real hardcore investigate and she's like get up to it on your own yeah I like that they've come to Green is spooky like oh yeah that doesn't look good construction see oh I was freezing over yeah like that you know episode where homers eyeballs so this just happened okay time for some investigation was this easy I'm using medicine power has been taking from Stettin we use my fish guts power fish guts look at powers painting milk I'm not critic oh here we go is that hand Oh what just happened did I imagine how you imagined huh oh it's a reconstruction so someone is reaching for a tune well they're worshiping it it I don't I don't cycle you know there's this picture yeah I'm making ghosts happened yeah no candles no no anything else well that's all the investigating I can do is there not any fancy annual prom where the broken mirror psychology yeah it's a punch this mirror in with their hand in the past yeah was he was he naked yeah guess so yeah King this mirror new demeure apologies why you gotta be so nude nothing going on here grab some bolt cutters maybe a floor there's no stairs or anything ah that looks like anything you prompt right yeah no those stairs all right I got you fully investigated what do I know i under par and a character Boynton nice come are the Jose Erika viola Jake Janeway says it's time for insanity voice yeah his son Prince Arthur hit hard tip we could have used from Brandon new bats or even get to this in time take a left from the bar there's a warehouse with bits of a winch around find them in and then take a ladder by the door up and operate the winch oh it's fine I just got kneed in the junk instead when it was fine UH one of my Luckies I'm liking this it's it said one CP I thought it was like ICP like insane clown posse maybe insane clown posse needed before next level uh should I go medicine do you think I'm or occult occultism they're gonna be more occult yeah there's gonna be more occult artifacts popping up I think oh I don't have enough Oh at least only be improved by objects discovered in the environment okay right well go spy sheep says hi I just want to say I'm late to the party only found you recently but of course you've caused many endless cause the endless joy since then I can read can't watch lie but we were watching the recording tomorrow so would love a shout-out to brighten my day shout out to you goodbye sheep thank you for joining us thanks for joining us glad you found us I need to what do I need to upgrade give it a psychology I've done some more eloquence oh I had no strength either did I oh yeah that's why you got kicked in the nards all right I'm gonna yeah how many validate that yeah where's the where's the skill point for avoiding nod kiss prints in crumbs I get attacks just like fortify crush cut all my points into that a bony ass cuz exoskeleton over there for watch develop one of those thank you as you striding back into the bar I am 21st come on right I think that's all I'm gonna get out of this warehouse okay how do I talk you off how do I get out of this warehouse oh the door I want to say I'm sure there was a door wasn't there this is it right I'm outta here officer Andrew for the Cthulhu return of the noobs me I'm legally looting this warehouse yeah I'll have you know the local crime lord let me do it yeah case is far from being wound up you're wound up wound up yeah you mean you messed up messed up look his hat off yeah tell Mike really fishing Riga that Gallup says you guys should ask Johnny if he knows about the Cthulhu Mythos book heard the enemy 550 tional Kickstarter Jane would love to do Adventures happy Halloween yeah we will yeah I'm sure he's aware of it he's really stumbled on stuff Samuel Forester asks will you do Christmas streams I imagine it all be streamed around Christmas certainly this year we can screaming regularly so I think we did but yeah we'd get some Christmas stuff going yeah it probably won't be as intensive as shallow stream has been but the Christmas challenges will return so that'll be a fun thing throughout December as well and yeah we will do a Christmas tree imagine if there was a tie-break that we could live streaming right yeah tilde the bear says happy Halloween finally put out decorations although I'd love to have more of them but the best of all the best kind of my dad is an actual know it's there you just open the cupboard anyway ash ketchum in the rice is howdy from foggy Seattle yeah they caught that what's the museum there the EMP museum yeah and that market is always laying them on taking my place yeah look what it's the whole thing's mansion oh my god you gotta get up there huh this is just like a series of ah yeah we got some driving to do and it's my hit this is where all my skills was yet finally Mike's time to to shine ash ketcham in there I says I have to go back to work now but question for later what's the most beautiful place you've ever been loved you guys keep up the awesome work I know I the area like north of Seattle's where I went to the Twin Peaks place in Academy SF is gorgeous and like coastal Oregon that's all yeah yeah all that whole part of the Pacific Northwest I would say is beaut robably Big Sur in California up in the forest even yeah there's a cafe called up that way and it's quite easy to miss the turning off as you drive up yeah but if you go to that cafe you can just sit out on the decking and look out over the coastline is just yeah it's really really cool so yeah if you're ever driving highway 1 that is the place to stop off I would say yeah I went to some beautiful islands off the coast of Malaysia Indian islands yeah amazing I love also up in the mountains Maribelle the ski resort Maribel's really beautiful eyes I've been there so I had some friends you in there yes so it depends on what you're after but there's some really yeah it's some really stunning places on car ramrod says hi Mike and Andy love both channels good to catch you alive since being in Virginia run normally at work are you guys planning to jump into 76 we will definitely jump into a lot of time but I'm gonna yell Nobita I played it at that sound preview event when I was in it was let the gun well they were this is the house that burned out because you see yes it's not burned down is it for the baby so I got it inside Winchester ye Gandhi I thought I mentioned you have to define what gives I was localized to say we need yeah but detective but it's still kill who's Silas not soon enough yeah right what gives like spontaneous human combustion maybe yeah well they're dying that dick and take a closer look at which ones that there's definitely Dickens always look it up alright I'm gonna ask about the caretaker apparently Charles Dickens belief in spontaneous combustion yeah Victorians grace yeah Bleak House yeah cook hey you know thing we can happen gets really like hot was he very getting written himself into cool how am I gonna get out of this Susie Williams says watching you during my uni workshop worth it well hope their workshops on Gothic literature maybe and you can get away with it Joshua Bradley donates thank you right and you shouldn't die nishan good isn't you member thank you thanks for doing the ain't dangerous I think it's going well by the way yeah your imagine found out a bunch of stuff captain summer wants to know if it's okay to call their horse in Red Dead Redemption two horses Wells it is yeah you're allowed you have all molesting many more or whoresons let's not waste any time night falls quickly here I mean much darker than it is right now random select out that this is the one Esther imagine like that are you interested Mystery House yeah so yeah maybe it's full of weeds corridors ago I can't believe he's like work better get this done before nighttime you got a freaking headlights on in the car like gloomy haunted I knew I'm bringing the police all the police was going this way Oh policeman with me cuz he's gonna take you out of the carriage but he'll get he can get eaten by Cthulhu you can run away haunted 8 yeah that we did want an angel statue looks good investigate use your Arcana only logo or yah goes I can't tell if that's a okay so depends near my hometown it's hard to get there now that part of the highway fell in the ocean yes yeah there was a massive light landslide and basically that road was blocked for ages but something reopened it lemo 2000 codes from Portland slash Tillamook that's cool yeah spent some time in Portland nobody's yeah I'd like to go it's cool City there's lot of nice food trucks the Nike Air Base dissolved yeah there's a food truck there called potato champion that just as from French Royce that's brave so he's buried him already in the gravy I must say it's pretty well old detective I don't know it's not gonna tell you have to be your investigation wife right I think you should exceed that goals okay such a strange final resting place I was given to believe you feel really freaked about this guy's teeth yeah everyone in this games teeth seems weird but maze cuz they're tiny fish teeth don't worry discover the geese have teeth getting that great get in that grave rubbish look for Kathie Lee's can we go in the manor now oh it's Sarah Logan's grave flowers the old caretaker must be very attached okay we took that caretaker yeah come on then bradley let's let's just get up there why did you bring us to the graveyard anyway I don't know just show me could confirm for their dads maybe you coming Bradley I think he's probably a hang around the grave oh all right well that's not at all creepy uh I assume this is the way up to the mansion yeah yeah oh no very big trees falling down maybe the caretaker no flood as if all life isn't banned oh that's dirty give me the give me the axe on this dirty Dennis Hayden says the next ten missions are trimming that yard to a presentable thing yes I mean how much your tree surgeon as well have you and we are not at all foreboding coastline there its jagged rocks ah patio furniture oh what's this is seclude it's a small wooden whale okay a lot of people think you for that said she's a Weeping Angel oh god don't say that no they're creepy that's so nice yeah they added those to The Witcher 3 right as an easter egg oh yeah yeah yeah that was Sam we have found a video yeah yeah yeah right up this way this is gonna be the entrance zone babe says just want to say thanks for the Halloween screams I love watching horror games we can't play them myself last time I tried I got the hiccups from being so tense oh man appreciating your Azzam babe surely like they you should be well at home in horror things well I think some zombies are different if the axis were like a psychological horror lifting the time it took me to walk around here someone to grab the axe are you serious yes that's not cool no who else is here there's the caretaker like backup if I know I'm going straining no but like I'll have to don't turn your back on where the axes right that's fine so just moonwalk every way okay in case someone runs up on you with an axe right I won't do this I've got to wait what's that it's a chair okay patio chair but it was a cocoon it's from here from this Center I think so what this place has been abandoned for three weeks finally so yeah oh yeah it is leather jacket man because stitching on there see my kids sewing machine the size of their friends Bradley used a deal with this guy I'd say I say fighting test my strength yes Winchester well that worked easy now kicking with us yes it's a trick I learned from whatever right what are we gonna go for I can grab his axe do not defile this place it's unlocked okay stay here I love the flowers in my buddy axe down menu Jimmy yeah Danny blue says hey guys sectionals of spooky streams if you were to design your own horror game what type of I was thinking about this this morning I'd like to I'd like to know battle royale is the thing isn't it but can you make like a horror battle well it was a bit more survival horror yeah but like basically when you got eliminated from the battle you became like the end of cabin in the woods yes it's just all the different once it's going as the barrel gets like as it gets whittled down to the winner there's more more horrifying money and then you're like crouched in the corner with it yeah with oh yeah we're what six bullets exactly that's what I wanna play play Edward sablon says hi Andy and Mike thank you for everything the Oxfam does can you wish my flatmates be good luck in this job it's me tomorrow good yeah good luck get a job he goes well yeah [Laughter] I'm talking the janitorial job skits now says o x4 WWE 2k nineteen what animal food wrestling alter ego we just want to deal two teams with even Bauer against Bray Wyatt and a mind-controlled Oh X Men that's quite a complicated story even dressing we had lion face yeah we could have him even more no even just lying face but lion Zion just lie on man yeah like it now you show up officer bunny we're menace by now yeah I need to go back maybe you've had more murders of your hands all right all right kick that door in I've got a lot I've got a key anyway yeah yeah kick everyone in the mouth and enter Silas is off you borΓ₯s Fraser says Red Dead Redemption - I'm dead nightmare that would be great that would be cool I hope that it I my suspicion is they'll spend all their time making online DLC instead but it would be great if they do player DLC giggle Raptor says perfect stream - pumpkin crave - I assume you mean pumpkin carve but also they're craving the pumpkin green card later you know pumpkin can be quite nice if you put it in the pie you can roast the seeds yeah I mean pumpkin pie is really made by all the stuff you add that isn't the pumpkin but yes if you are pumpkin carving let us know how it's going well yeah what you're carving yeah and Michael Schmidt says I'm gonna try and catch the rest at work we all appreciate the way you guys held down the fort this past week always explaining you're welcome it's been fun sharing this stuff with you yeah we love playing horror games and it has been a great excuse just to play our games for like two weeks so alright let's see what else everyone saying bit of chat about spontaneous human combustion going on oh yeah come that's good bring back Rock wrong Jeremy Jeremy wrong Jeremy is terrified song written made it from one of the recent yeah for the new WAV yeah so I need to download that they sent a picture and it was it was horrifying I'll say I love that people who like really responded to that because I didn't really I've never in a video never mentioned wrong Jeremy by name by just that's just what I called how yeah in the in that case creation video and people like really you've responded to it so this is the last oh I don't know do a reconstruction okay today I have people just like commenting clean up what does take a video of us delicious meal right let's what even is this medicine what did it used to be just this use your medicine you don't have I don't know that's Lucy the only thing to get the other side of it see what it is some another slice of it this place is for the head of the film Oh Charles Hawkins yeah yeah that's what Charles Hawkins looks like another top bid there what's going on over here anyone sitting here no I'm in bars look at the top part of the meat joint if I have a head or something oh it's definitely a cthulhu head yeah 100% they've been having slices but least we have to worry about Cthulhu anymore because he's been served up for dinner yeah oh wait wait the boy was probably here smash smash display time oh and the dads is furious yeah he's like what you don't want my disgusting Cthulhu meat yeah for dinner you'll have it and like it and there's this Sarah and I slice of Cthulhu you know Hawkins plate cuz it's horrible clearly me waiting that and Charles is like come on dieter you'll be part of the cull will be great become a fish person it's cool oh is that how you become a fish person I guess are you eating away of me what was that weird Kathie Lee movie we watched set in the coastal town lights quite modern oh it was based on shadow over Innsmouth like there yeah but it was it was really bad what was he called you find out I'm gonna do some investigating I'm gonna follow the officer around hope he gets murdered first night like in day by day like yesterday that would be yeah that's gonna kite Kathie Lee was around a certain operation meat shield officer Bradley operation V keel shadow was it just was it just called shadow over in like a modern remake of it hmm adaptations film the 2007 film Cthulhu was it that no I don't think so they've got a gone they gone that was it was bad it was bad but entertaining like when that guy like was chatting up that lady she turned out to be a Fisher person has a child's corpse yes well his home you could escape yeah look I'm did I fight a fight velcro yeah pieces let's try an experiment please say hello to Beatty hello Beatty baby TT good works rune factory Beatty is a cat but yes yes not that sir we're not addressing human that way what's that under though Jim and what's that question mark look at this did it stop I was 10 to 12 or 10 o'clock I can't tell which one's the longer had we had this problem of dying reborn I think it's 10 o'clock yes yes rune factory says thought I could catch you this time the glass I can't love you guys though have a spooky Halloween thank you yeah I hope you catch this later on though ha have I done it all or it's not giving me the prompt - oh what's that was Charles Hawkins a heavy drinker is it green because you have a skill I think so maybe there if you did you are telling me to keep keep looking I think if I need to I need crouched and of course yes there we go oh so we found the extra clue that's quite thanks to your investigation see yeah please there must be another one somewhere as all other waste it stick now but I'm still got on objective - oh yeah that's some painting screaming whoa it's so how come he didn't burn this cuz it's painted in in Cthulhu yeah Lots door apparently I'm not that anything else that's the smashed alone feel like I'm missing something she's exactly the sort of thing a detective would say or fireplace the garage says I'm sad to see the end of these streams are in sight - let's hope the Xmas seasons but it's a whole bunch more you guys are also thanks to be the best we will definitely do some streams around Christmas time when we will be feeling super festive and will be wearing because yes jumpers know Merry Christmas jumpers and hats and drinking great so escape the fire Andy that was the final clue okay he wasn't home someone naked with a nude but evil queen of cake says I always hear clues scooby-doo's voice group skit I can't do very good scooby-doo dude all right shaggy hide soy ink Scoob that's pretty good yeah that's pretty good hisham donation says hey guys like the channel on extras well did any of you ever play the older Call of Cthulhu dark corners of the earth yes I did good yeah it was alright it's alright a little bit clunky but spooky definitely there's a bit where you go and stay in the hotel and I think this appeared in our bad hotels feature oh is that where they all come in the middle of the night you wake up and they're all like trying to smash the doors and how to escape out the window is pretty cool that was good yeah that's very similar I mean this is definitely you heavily inspired it it's official the police botch this investigation you idiots apparently my scooby-doo sounds like yoga no I think you ask you my second video what's your theory the couple had a fight I think the hot girls couple got into fight sure that there's only one way to be sure Olivia Dell voice says Olivier Dell voice says I love you Oh Holly screams guys keep them rolling there'll be another one tomorrow yeah watch this play scream yeah that's gonna get geek lifestyle says how in treat on me my business keeps you busy donut just a game so I played for curiously through you guys let's go Mike's way alike yes yes Oh an update on the BT did it once no Coco yeah P says she gave to speak as a dirty look when BT is team Jade all the way man Faithie and Rosie a team Ellen miss Doris lost no one is team known as team us apparently oddly dang well looking at maybe it's a coup rentman one-77 says hey guys as a Benz Tech in Maryland these live streams have been great for my lunch breaks happy Halloween oh cool they coincided I just learned some medicine by reading a book real quick do brain surgery bandages it's a mummy's bandages there's a mummy Andy what but who's there goes for the mummy wandering around here a half nude that's what the needs are their mummies without their wrappers off I set fire to all these cobwebs yes that's it serious I don't know they seriously get a per letter there and not have it be an interactive object apparently this place all looks fine I don't know what the problem is I don't know where officer Bradley's gone as well look at that steaming lamp that's it's my girl a vaporizer yeah we could just paper you can read that one yeah it's a loosely drug selling consumer and up she rises see [ __ ] probably don't need to write that out it's quite easy in the morning yeah Oh liar on Noli write an original edition of the Gothic we gotta go there yeah yeah Bradley what you love to you oh this is a cool like if it wasn't super haunted this would be a really cool live reason is chilling that all those books giant spiderweb burn that up this place this place was falling apart once otherwise we all notice Rex's don't worry guys I'm on to you that's your teeth yeah you're a trauma Tyrannosaurus no I better than a cat probably evil queen of cake says favorite cake flavors PS get that Theo box sorted yeah cake flavor mmm red Velvets always gets ya Ravel is great love it this you know the standards birthday cake with the buttercream in the gym oh yeah yeah it's pretty it's a classic anything salted caramel your toffee sticky toffee pudding through my favorite remarkably zinnia okay big skull I do have one of those for Knology hips yeah being awkward to get to you right now 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne eller EJ knew there'd be a creepy library yeah of course this always is see typical isn't it absolutely we did a creepy library yeah we get it go through you know they're like dead moth yeah oh yeah that makes more this place is really nice if you just like spruced it up a bit Sarah we're going back in a week whoa I was a creepy painting yeah it's a bit weird isn't it not as creepy as the woman would slender was that yes so yeah yeah yeah slender painting why we're pals well it's Bradley looking at as he found a clue is he a better detective than I am that big painting over the thing is also quite creepy it's a very loose style I like it yeah Paul C says I'm team Andy Mike and Luc except when I'm team Helen or David Barry's heavy right well thank you that's very diplomatic quote fence sitting Oh Kira gaming says I love the export ex thank you guys are getting into it oh I also love Friday 13th and thanks to you guys I know exactly what to do I mean don't follow us to our style too closely because I quite often get murdered call the police that's the best way to escape that's true also yeah doesn't someone come back as Tommy what's his Foley a few radio yeah that's good Moby Dick monkeys we've got Frankenstein Moby Dick and Lee Weyer at 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea yeah these are all the books I had to really miss reading yeah my Gothic literature keeps getting this thing out his zip Oh beg your pardon just cuz there's new butts everywhere doesn't mean you have to lower the tone I don't I feel like a again I feel like I'm missing something you've just got to have you got upstairs oh here's another painting family painting burn it burn it to the ground is there like an investigation since you can press to see what's interactable with it no no I thought it was like rape store says hey guys it's my birthday later this week can you say hi to my cat Oscar he keeps me company during this week means happy birthday to you for later this week yeah and hi to us alone on the company rich cats don't get spooked doing no not although variously Brady for their supernatural being themselves yes oh oh that's horrifying you know cool that's fine I mean that seems totally fine Oh why he's blocked it also why can I not just walk around it or climb over it be easy so I just open the front door and leave yes I think you should door is blocked from the outside Richard Anastasi says I've been watching you guys for years I really appreciate all the work you folks put into your channels oh thank you very much thanks for sticking with us it is a pleasure is yes this asaurus says you have another dinosaur auntie Mandy and Mike we have a Melissa Soros on side excellent all right before menagerie we're like halfway through Jurassic Park and Rex Rex is this t-rex is auntie Mandy team my team Jane team and team Luke team James and team JA thank you we're all agree booked booked on the first inhabitants of the island Dave mackerel David Mack yeah cool that's fine I learned some more medicine from a book look at the floor in the room with the bandages sesmar Hawken okay cool thanks to the tip that's the main hallway right so that's looking a floor do I get the zipper out when there's a when there's a clue is that how it works okay so you're not pressing that to get B no it's just popping out in trees often look at the floor I mean there's a ladder any clues any clues that's a drunken sailor that's of ours go back upstairs there's another room Shana ask Neil ah okay cool thanks to back up these stairs to me because yawns yeah well I agree yeah there's no room go back upstairs in library ha there's also Julia Ray Brown oh yes oh that makes sense thank you thanks guys I shall continue my investigation that's Sarah have done to make this person threatened to call the police [Music] Anton well odd I wonder if he is well odd Anthony Ingram says new video idea most ridiculous things that look to your part in games that actual people would have just stepped over that is a good idea that is hey Anthony Anthony is a very good car journalist cool yeah well I am sweet showing that we are fully stealing that yeah there's now the committee the boy whose possession of all reconstruction seen Richard Emma Stasi says they take another few bucks from pronouncing my name correctly and we almost never happens when we try and pronouncing it yeah it really is a freak occurrence um the trials Ford from what's right who's Simon protecting his wallet he's a kid he was playing soldiers overreaching a bit yeah Oh shots only Kippur who her husband the rats find average injury over first baby have you guys good luck yes she's not lost I mean I mean yeah so yeah hope it all goes off miss toxic stroke says don't worry guys Italy Specter Mike is on the job yeah come on oh my god you think sleeping pills what miss Maris's this library has my entire reading list must steal think you can pick them up pretty cheaply if they're out of copyright and you don't have to go to a horrible on my Kindle we don't even have to go to dark water Simon's creepy Charles drawings who had that on the drinking game take a drink all the editions I had of these books at university would be worse worth classic editions rival head's preface is written by professors at my university the people who were taking my seminars on these books so I could like quote them in my essays and they always gave me extra marks for quoting what you're saying that one of the texts be one of your courses was written by your G hasn't in their life yeah what do you think I was thinking when I wrote this yeah my post-colonial literature course my professor on that will Haru one of the books on the course was his novel hmm that's by the sea by Abdul Raziq gonna and there was no ambiguity in his own nose about what the author no incorrect parent this is what I was thinking barbiturates I actually really know what they are but it sounds bad I'm gonna try and pick another lock I'm really bad at this I did see this letting you have a go at it yeah there's no idea what I'm doing well at least you gave it a try can I don't read a book about bad locks and then my dad loads had a padlock recent pick locks recently really yeah what's he bust in cars or what's he just there I thought it would be an interesting challenge intellectual exercise I think that's fine and cool he bought me is out of lock picks for Christmas last year and in the hope that I would do the same and I still I meaning to give it a go yeah I could imagine it's pretty hard but it sounds it does sound interest yeah hmm why we can't got there oh but there's a one like I got a little green green noticing question mark there we go yeah around here it is if like flash when you're close yeah there's a clue or something okay aha there you go the key oh yeah that's a pretty good one too yeah fine yeah good thing you invested those points that's the lock down here isn't it yes John sharp and says love you all to have a screams top content always can't say they off to learn Russian boys have had good luck with their Russian money yeah and thanks for the hello screen love hey it's not like key then what's this key random new bet says feel free not to answer this but are you doing all these Holly screams because neither of you wants to edit video it's not we don't want to yet it's a video this week this week so we still we do still have a lot of editing to the air we do yeah it's just an we also enjoy spooky streaming office key okay is it inspect what use it how often is this maybe that isn't her office yeah I guess it must be downstairs wait this is the kids room I feel like there's give me a lot of hauntings going on in her office yeah that'll be where the main spooky things occur yeah definitely definitely are we just full of weird paintings with it uh carry on carry on lightning just freaked me out [Music] is this strangle me Elmo says any classic book recommendations we took my classic Frankenstein is a really good book yeah to read The Great Gatsby as well yeah that's a good good classic yeah but um Moby Dick is really hard work I would probably not recommend reading Moby Dick if you want to read some Herman Melville I saw a story called Bartleby the Scrivener which is a lot oh yeah I think I think it's either just definitely yeah it's more digestible that's it that's the way to put it that's your hit man playing this I now find myself watching all your vids daily love what you guys do shout outs my little bros Miguel and Josh oh yeah people guys more hit man video scene when humanity comes out it's always fun to find out how people discovered the YouTube challenge and the different directions people come in from so yeah anyone any idea where Sara's office is it is I must be upstairs then I can't I can't think of any locked doors up here so it's good I mean it must be it over this way the anti Johnson says do you listen to any music or podcasts while editing I actually aircon it's basically impossible whether to videos like you need to be listening to the sound there we go found it so yeah you basically can't really I know a lot of people Oh Andy look at this oh well this is I mean I mean yeah yeah it's your classic classic see what Sarah Hawkins interesting all right well she's making a lot out of sell any ticket Alou oh look the Shambala that doesn't sound like her yeah pleasant painting so he was at force since the last mission was given for freedom of Francis Sanders Francis Sanders okay and it was called the Shambala look I could get actual detectives magnifying glass then I'd be a real detective lots of weird heads melty heads creepy heads that's cool another door here when are we gonna get haunted Andy never Cthulhu isn't big on jump scares really despite my GoPro yup he says any thoughts on the Swiss Family Robinson I've not read it read it I've been on this with Family Robinson tree house thing at Disneyland that's right it's all right there's your literary opinion from ads like sports for the day come on Jose Eric of Allah JJ no way says I totally plan on how to stealth in und a now exploding you Mike in hitman two now you gonna do both yeah I'll be both it's impossible second pick a pick a path I guess you could do two places or just alternate missions one explody ones oh yeah why not I think they're both equally valid ways to play the game on hot lands agent Michelle Lee says Andy says read bartleby the scrivener I say I would prefer not to that's a reference to Vaseline this river yeah good literary reference Michelle okay new clue memorized new clue nuclear Andy yes it's gonna say the new clues are when we do the reconstruction oh it's fine what happened here look at these fad or a Cthulhu definitely popped out of this horrible you don't you instructor you here no no apparently not thank you All Right see this stores blog logged on the other side oh that's for serious what's that card I yes the one with a like oh we love each other and stuff okay we hate each other whoa Oh Brad oh the doors open spookley I got this clause everywhere here we go spooky things happening Andy pepper horses how sure are we that these guys are detected I mean we really got his word for it if anything is achieved is thinking three shells and whiskey in quick succession what you've done is turn up get drunk it's the local police or try to break into a warehouse working pretty well so far yeah it's yeah going super well super well all right let's give this ten minutes to wrap up this old man chatter see what is going on Oh God it's and efferent from outside explore and eats nothing like me he wishes gasps puka Ning is ensuing smuggling oh my what is it get after it go - tackle do you disobey no we jumped off the balcony all right go down like this I'm getting it I did it yes parkour old-timey parkour oh no it's the Bradley Bradley maybe it was Bradley he's just whipped off in you are the worst officer officer of fish police yeah chase him what's that eyeball that's just popped up in the okay no it's bad though sorry me and says I'm telling Jane that and Ian might specialize in nude reconstructions on this channel when they are in charge no no okay talk about any of the stuff we've done looks like an old sea winger iPhone we had a pursuit skill is that what we needed I don't know maybe where the shotgun boilers been refilled what we have is it oil I know it panels moveable panels seek oh yes yes hogs they must be linked oh my god look at it I want to all right I would love that everybody pull every book so I forced the gay Jenny do you know do you have any strength you driving ah damn massive yeah a combination yes I need a tool I am a tool such a team you pull out a secret book this is Bobby yeah surely look clever okay yeah yeah open open it please that was easy that was way easier than trying to guess the Guinness Joshua Bradley says it was me the whole time so that's that oh okay we solved it brilliant we can leave dark water now I'm the definitely cult meeting happy I'm happy down his basement they're just constantly there on going 24/7 cult meeting this is like this is a bit like the rats in the walls because the guy here is like all these like scripting sounds in the walls like you think yes and then he took like sending in mad suffer then he goes in and he finds this whole like crazy occult city underneath his hand yeah yeah he's like becoming more and more sort of primitively brained as he descends oh okay and stuff it's then he ends up eating at me yeah animal carcasses this game kinda reminds me the part of stone DLC for The Witcher where you go into the painting miserable couple occult symbols weird smudged art a mysterious fire it's all there yeah that sounds like good DLCs I love crafty and Witcher DLC yeah which is that it's better than it's got sleepy and story led I'm not that bothered about the combat no it's minutes is like a detective novel says officer policeman like shake this seriously please right quick reconstruction let's see a few butts and then we'll move on the sensor de Silva says guys I am Not sure but seems she was into with the occult yeah we can't be sure right now it's an eating with a couple of hitman's little these rogue people there's this mask supposed to represent community obviously yeah so he was into it with his haircut yeah new member warlock unicorn thanks for joining us thanks thanks come on yeah sheesh and donation is donating candy mentioning the rats in the walls yeah yeah clearly pretty struggling with still great old one anything else what do i what else do I need to look out look to the chest it to this look to what's the what the ruddy hell's this thing statue weenie angel not interested in those all good down here anything oh yes spot hidden there's missing piece of our system is mistaken from the dress what she into the occult all right literally no wait no I've done my reconstructions the underground antechamber just kick him in keep it oh god I'm stuck in his mouth oh that was weird yeah right descend into the depth I don't have time to hang about now see if you eat your meat officer Bradley he can be in my mouth as I dine on his face mark littell says a little tutorial of gear puzzles oh god it sound easier there's gotta be other entrances okay you're a good detective passage continues further down that is what story yeah might as well squeezing me Farah from this game I don't know if you like a meter as much as I think to just try my luck it needs more like story based sanity stuff remember talking to the developers and they're like yeah you lose sanity of certain points and you can never regain it and you need to have a certain amount to get the good ending or something all right well I suspect what's gonna happen here is all fine yeah well here in this - in this horrible underwater zero yeah it seems chill it seems good in normal can I squeeze through anywhere no oh here we go there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah this is it face writing again yeah I hold a weird creepy noise that's fine as well look ahead of you and yeah what's that it's a cult that's what it is it's like a Blair Witch thing yeah ream catcher I touch it what says who I don't put my head on this head but it oh well this all seems yes very Blair Witch she's sticking stuff in the forest fine I'm just rushing through this too so we can see yeah um down jumped yeah vendor character point even to be insane clown posse yes call this yeah this is pretty a cult yeah this is how he got in and out time has weakened these structures yeah again run across all the amazing detective okay you going down right down into the heart at this weakened II don't know do I want to get here loving thing light source yeah Queen fire so he's been here recently having a green fire yeah this will be a lot turn it pretty good oh is it a cult meeting there's some people wanna listen to what yes yes look at that total Cthulhu monk down there your voice down keep your voice down we're not alone right right what do you run down there drop kick back your theory monk okay cool if it gives me the option of 100 percent reckless Rick says oh hey like spike are we doing that oh yeah why not yeah let's do a like spike boys okay we're gonna do it on three yeah I'm gonna do one two three everybody press like to the face is that the weapon you're gonna use against it yeah I'm gonna like continue in the face oh look we walk in says we need a salvo that is that's good advice no I'm just going sprinting power Andy look is our picture and it's on the altar we're gonna be the offering look Oh My gods yeah no that's bad dude go there it's me I think this is a painting of an be very firm so - oh no as well oh wow I'll ruin the world guts that we had a bad dream about no premonition let's find out as the bolt cutters work or Nami where's the cultist as well because you were we landed on by the sea I read it twice being lectured by Gunnar is super super cool huh it was he's really really nice guy really good teacher and yeah it taught me a lot look Andy I can tell this is a sanity thing because you're losing sanity out of your face yes it's like Steve you that's exactly how it works ah cool I mean oh I can get out this is all right this is pretty fun great alright was probably time to wrap up then because everything will be fine forever yeah exactly look like they see what is it's basically a day time yes can't believe we got stabbed in the eye might as a cultist alright now soon become a fish person soon will be one of us get there flying ready your buddy worst fraternity ever have constant visions of bad headaches and I'm having the worst time ever you're terrible cope now to hit them with the bolt cutters yeah hit him in the back of the head flying kick I'm telling you okay I'm going for it what they they really they come a distance like really quickly they've locked you out no I wanna spoil the story too much such as it is so I think we should probably wrap up there any any last comments yes so about what a brilliant detective half Sophie candy she's new member and hey Christopher Getti well JP says finally got live stream want to say thanks to the constant entertainment Pierce horse and wells his father should have been named citizen main that's good you notice any other comments Findlay Clark says I love it when I get stressed and so he seemed like a kettle that's a new one on me Wow he gets from where and yes so you can eat she thinks that we should quit while we're ahead well quit while we still have a head it's maybe just call me fish mail which is next and that's a failed sanity roll yes and Alex eight says this a little something if you ought to have a happy spook stay oh thank you thank you everyone so much for joining us yes if you want to head over to eurogamer's channel now there stream oh yeah they're doing a charity livestream they know what they're streaming I don't know what they're streaming right now okay so now horror game let's find out heading of zero gaming screen right now in the meantime if you want to definitely catch our last live stream it's our last Halloween the live stream that is we're going live same time tomorrow 4:00 p.m. UK time playing Friday the 13th that looks like an outlast type thing doesn't it no the mobile phone and stuff yeah maybe this is um what was it called get get even yeah maybe I don't know anyway they're streaming something they're having a really good time it's for a good cause yes against a unless uh yeah let them know we sent you you know and yeah we'll hope to see you tomorrow for sin Friday 13th yes I hit the bell icon if you want to be notified every time you live if you enjoy this stuff we do do live streams semi-regularly on fridays and that will resume when the whole team is back in town yeah they will be back from Australia days time yeah yeah so thank you very much for joining us guys and we'll see you tomorrow some Friday 13th okay yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 146,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of cthulhu, lovecraft, lovecraft games, lovecraftian, gameplay, call of cthulhu gameplay, detective, xbox one, survival, horror, multiplayer, halloween, killer, survivor, killers, xbox one x, new gameplay, livestream, live stream, outsidexbox, outside xbox, hallowstream, horror game, funny, funny moments, scary, scare, ps4, pc
Id: -rnBxwt6Whw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 54sec (6594 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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