INCREDIBLE 5-Axis Machines: Hermle Factory Tour!

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it's very important to understand the full process and that includes fixturing tooling programming and that's what we're really shine where we come into play I could watch robots all day long and the machine is not going to down oh my god anything that can be done in-house will be done enough look at how big this is incredible this is turned on a milling machine hi folks possibly the factory tour that I'm most excited for ever in my life I am here in cosine Germany with Quintus nitsa and you are I'm the president and CTO of herm Lee USA this is incredible so I first learned about her mullet at the deutsches museum when I saw one of their machines and then I've gotten to know that brand and how just amazing those machines are I've got to known these guys they're actually helping out with the Johnny Five projects more to come on that they invited me over here to see their factory which is pretty cool not just because you build machine tools but because you guys don't outsource correct we don't believe in outsourcing for everything that can be done in the house will be done in-house awesome so where are we here so we're here in our lobby we have a little museum back there that I gonna walk you through and I'm gonna show you in a little bit but this is our lobby we have a few show parts over here and here is what we call the Limbourg tower this is a built to scale model by the apprenticeship department that actually is on that summit that you see over here the region here is called the region of the 10,000 doors and this tower is on top and it gives you an amazing view of the valley and the company yeah you guys could see from the footage driving in here we're in southern Germany it's absolutely beautiful here and it's kind of surreal because this is Harlem right yeah this is a very small little tiny village about 4,000 people live here but at the same time this village offers over 2,500 jobs Wow but if you see a homeless somewhere in the world it was all of them were built here well here cool so we have over 27,000 machines in the film and all of those machines were built here they went through this factory look at these one of the cool things too is they make a variety of size machines but they focus on absolute high-end top-notch five axis machines so you can see we'll see some small parts but look at the side this is off of the c62 it's off of c-44 really an impeller yeah that's not even as big as they come in this one actually we program in the u.s. a few years ago this might look familiar to you that's the method horn okay Switzerland so lots of medical cool what's the what's the horizontal and this one is year 57 it's right here good that you're not gonna find these anymore but still cool to see and obviously folks we're not allowed to film here so this is what a watchmaker shop looked like in 1920 okay and here we've got a original desk from 1950 we got a time system back there you still can see some of the original drawings here look at this awesome also the area is heavily eroded in in the medical industry so some of the largest medical manufactured device manufacturers they're here within an hour so some of the show parts they might look familiar to you the heel heel we made that a time TS six years ago with the tools sticking carry the ankle indicate to the true 5x s probably one of the most challenging parts that we've show parts that we've ever made yeah yeah Fritz was pretty cool Fritz was pretty cool yeah that the high heel as far as accessibility to the part yeah yeah very very complicated the thing that to me that was so cool about Fritz the bull what's in cart here to our IMTS video was seeing how harmless can move around a large part and I'm sure whom Fritz was aluminum so perhaps not as heavy as some of the parts we're gonna snow no harmless much bigger yeah every year we've had to write over 120 sub programs in order to machine it because it's obviously a very complicated geometry you look at the legs of the spider they're very thin right and yeah very complicated part it's cool it's also awesome because I have a friend who just recently went and booth and purchased a Herman and it was cool to hear his side of the story about what it was like going through that purchase process and understanding the kind of turnkey nature of the solution and it's not just buying a machine tool it's the whole spectrum of we're holding and programming how it's gonna end up making that final part and it was fun to kind of be a silent bystander the other process is yeah we look at ourselves no longer just as a machine to literate because it's very important to understand the full process that includes fixturing tooling programming and that's what we're really shine where we come into play look at these probably titanium bone planes mate correct total knee joints hip joints couple instruments over here oh really yeah oh and these are off the machine they're off the machine a cool it's funny because those bodies those are just demos I mean that's really - ice cracking on the sander - or we saw her machine and we have a lot of tool manufacturers that are using our equipment actually to make two bodies right buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] so all the castings are stored inside for several days in order to acclimate you know to guarantee the utmost accuracy from basically the stage of production until the final product okay so what we see here is pages painted raw materials electrics lights white lights table housings everything not yet machine not yet machine let's start inside okay and in order to acclimate and then over here we have our mineral casting basis this is amazing and so that's really cool when we say the base on hermit what you can see is you've got the tall columns to support your a axis and then you've got the rail system that would include not only your front to y-axis rails but then the rear support correct and this is one solid piece and it dampens the vibration it gives you a solid platform and it's very good the way it handles the thermal influence so okay what makes an accurate machine and it's heavy it's heavy very yeah yeah there are a friend who has a number of the hermos they don't actually bolt they don't bolt them down a number I don't want the melty no no just reach it enough we need about seven inch of concrete underneath the basement that's it that's it it's amazing you can really see the size of the sort of smaller machine even just seeing how they handle it again with kind of the built-in chip evacuation your front access it's amazing yeah it's cool to see when that the sheet metal on really gives you a sense of what it's like again more castings more parts you can see for example on sort of robably one of the medium-sized machines that would form your a axis with the see right there on top of it the tables it's beautiful your Z column right there there's such an emphasis on it on either manufacturing in-house or sourcing within what do you say 20 kilometres basic and certainly within Germany yeah everything everything hundred percent Germany they've got the performance line the kind of a three digit and then the high-performance but still every machine is made here which is different cuz there's some other tool manufacturers where different series of different lines are either made overseas there are factories or even just third-party not here though so this is basically the starting point of the philosophy so anything that can be machined on a hermit will be measuring out of hermit so we use our machines to make parts for our industry it's great that's amazing so over here we have to see 40 tools all of them are fully automated they got extended magazines and additional 472 tools on each machine oh really HS flex out of the way system that we saw in here this morning do you normally use it in the automation motor do you have her actually for the most part there for the automate oh it's absolutely amazing to see a lathe tool being held in the skate spindle in the park rotate making us run yeah Breanna trunnion he's getting off a she axis plate that wasn't seen under 350 - what we got here is a c52 also mill turn 62-52 it's a mill turn so and that's a CX Ursula's actually machine on this machine this machine is connected to a PW or $3000 changer they can handle three over six thousand pounds and the part that he's blowing off as to what as a table 450 accident yeah okay it looks like a seat 43:42 so honest you make a 42 on a 50 correct and keep it's amazing you see other the size comes through but these are incredible parts are going to be in that so correct specimen right you know that Power Man okay that I showed you you know he can go on from a C 22 all the way up to is he 62 6 X a magazine just the different interface look at all the tools so we've got hsk 100 HS camera we got a couple policy tools just here in a production area all of them are equipped with a bellow RFID chip system so they series we set up the tools over here okay and then store all data and I have a baloff reader built into the magazine that transfer all the information into and the height comes through that way as well length radius tool life everything it's so well why I saw sticker on some of them no once you still have a label on some yeah very fine just verify because now you know you look at the Institut you want to be able to adjust each insert individually that's what we're doing here that's why this one is the label so this machine would do cast-iron almost all right this is what we're doing on this one for the most part look at how big this this is incredible how how this is a 62 this is a c64 mind but that's the machine that can handle whole five X's over five thousand pounds away for next to it we got at Ronnie enough that's the c32 which is large I mean but compared to this yeah so what we got here is here we have to see 62 mill turns yes machines also connected to a PW 3004 up to nine pellets in there this is a there's a beautiful room but he ya the humor a huge we just added so basically what we did is we built the building around this building in order to increase the ceiling height and then what we did is from basically five meters we went up to over 12 meters and then we used the cranes of the new building to take the old building apart so you this was an existing rule or an existing Roman correct but both the building appreciate a hilarious oh my god and look at me again folks the size of this is incredible that's a 62 that's but that's also a 62 machine yes so that piece will rotate around there and it'll feed through the front door correct so that's basically a platform we have the two doors okay see in this morning yeah you basically open the feed or submit four moves down okay so the doors are happened to be posed right now correct correct so they're not running a machine right yeah it's beautiful Wow feel a pain inside part we got on there that is a trunnion or 5400 and then up there on the 62 that sassy slide of c22 they were showing earlier on the round ones that they use for the mill turn there's actually a stabilizing way that they can adjust so all the obviously off line while the machines running in another pallet they can be setting that up indicating dialing in the picture and dialing in the balance of it right that would route say amazing this is C 42 but this is what I was hoping that we would be able to see this is turned on a million machine the IDS that's amazing in a factory full of really cool things it might sound silly but this might be one of my favorite things so it's also this is so what this is this it's basically a chip conveyor and this tool underneath here makes little brackets then we use a negative pressure system to basically suck out the records and what's nice about this system is we can switch between materials so as your machine cast iron you know you want the little records go into a different Chipman versus when you do cast aluminum then you know you updated with an infraction like on the Flyers and they changed between the material it's amazing amazing also thank you for not saying out of your video thank you so this is our latest edition and what's really unique about this can handle up to 700 1,200 that's just the tool change rate the whole machine is actually back there yeah she's back there then it's connected to a Liebherr FMS system that can handle pellets with overall weight up to 3.5 points so what we're looking at there the shelves on the wall are all an ethicist are basically a giant automation crane system that can move those into that five axis horizontal machine that's incredible amazing we just were in the production side the machine side now assembly this is beautiful this is one of the main assembly base where we assemble the c40 crews in to see 650s okay it's impressive the number of machines yeah we build about close to 1000 machines a year Wow so this is constantly turning over this is because they say basically yeah is every 10 days you know the machines get that shuttle out here and you move them with the crane system when they're done or they know we have a special lifting device that we use not with a crane in here so what's really kind of cool the machines they got assembled in a team and so there are like electricians and engineers and at the end once they're done completing a machine they basically put a sticker in the cable cabinet with their names on their part of it because they're very proud about it school and a lot of pride in that for sure sure Wow more more assembly yeah more assembly so this is an area where we assemble some of the performance machines so I see 400 and the see 250 and the way in the back that's the area where we assemble the smaller machines SC 12 and the C 22 is Wow the reason for that is basically because there's a there's a floor underneath this floor so we're in a second level and obviously the payload is a little different versus over here we're on browsers if somebody is trained at assemble ac-12 could they also do a C 60 basically yeah it's incredible so now we're entering the apprenticeship departments okay in my view this is like a huge playground yeah right because you got all different kind of technologies here over here we have a lot of manual milling machines as well as many a lathe over there we have all CNC control Winer lathe and then a total of four five axis machines the one actually is even equipped with a robot so we want the kids you know to get into robots and automation right from the get-go so who is here because they're basically for instructors to get oversee the mechanical part of an apprenticeship area and to that oversee electrical / mechatronics area and so most of the people that we see in the factory would have gone through this yeah summers over 60% of the people that you see in the factory went through an apprenticeship program here and over 10% of the current employees and we have about 1200 employees they're part of our other shipwreck oh wow so this is a hundred hundred people right now belong to this Tolga Wow okay and this isn't just a one or two week or training this is a full-blown it's a three and a half year program so the first 12 months they spent in here to learn the basics and after that they basically go through all the different departments to you know get hands-on training as a matter of fact they even travel with the service technicians because we want to show them what its feet what it's like out there yeah cuz it's obviously a different environment when you work on I used to Shane yes versus a brand new right so as you're trying to learn about different five axis machines and machine tools one of the things that's interesting to me a lot of herma is there's a couple of different features that make them perhaps good for the long run number one is they've got this pretty unique Z system which basically if you have a soft crash it will crush the series of washers and there are things that can be replaced by a service tech some companies even are trained to do it in-house but it can save your spindle so to say and then there's other mechanical elements of the machine tool that allow firmly to come in and fix the machine and then it needs to be fixed which is quite important to the long term accuracy of a because everything can be fixed on site yeah that's very important but you were telling me how important it the actual geometric accuracy is correct there's things you can do in the control that are good but ultimately but the only thing that a software connection to do is optimize a positioning tolerance right but the the DNA of the 5x is the geometrical tolerance the flatness straightness yes and and that's that's what makes a 5x is a good one good 5x is a better plan idea it's beautiful yeah all right clean so this is there's people here every every day every day yeah from Monday through Friday yeah about one and a half days per week they spend in school okay but other than that they're also they're still in a form of education schools well correct oh that's in the area yeah correct that's a dual program or and and to spend about like I said one and a half days in here in the school and the rest there in here Wow so this is done in conjunction with education system correct correct work to get a very local school that's cool and many of them will then come to work here full-time basically 99% yeah oh yeah awesome Wow they were saying they just the white one they have another one now that they shipped to the US and Wisconsin but it was a restored version of an older Harmelin machine and so that's really cool herma has been doing we'll put a link in the video description a very very thorough US apprenticeship program that is basically influenced by the program here which has that sort of German style apprenticeship program very cool so we're with Matthias my name is Matthias I'm one of the supervisors okay I'm the training department I worked down in the Lomo okay we assemble machines with trainees okay Louis technicians and also in terms yeah when the trainee starts the apprenticeship they are here for one year okay and that's the mechanical area they start with simple turning machines or late machines just to get a feeling for turning in four different Steel's and materials yes then they go over to the milling machines it's the same first with easier machines so they're learning the basics of machining the fundamentals of accuracy and making chips tool in and so forth about the tools yet materials to get a feeling for the machines yeah right and that's for a year and/or year in this floor but only right okay up here they stay for you okay if you learn a mechanical occupation mm-hmm you also go over to the electric area so you will stay there for one or two months I'm just together and overview about the electric stuff mm-hm because we don't have only mechanics we have also electricians mhm and it's good to know what does the other part true sure because later when they work on a machine or in the assembler machine they have to know what does the other guy do sure as you can see we work with kind of older machines it's UWF I think I'm not quite sure when it's assembled in the 80s I think but it's the best way to get a feeling for making chips yes tools and other stuff Wow yeah it's quite the assortment is doing so it's like a beautiful multi flute featuring Kendall and a manual machine yeah it's kind of funny it's manual right yeah what's really cool about this one is we just took delivering the yes about the exact same machine yeah so we had the kids here they basically refurbish the machine and we just took the liberty literally two weeks ago yeah the exact same machine that's gonna go into our it into our apprenticeship / ikat that's cool area that's awesome these are the style where you can take the head off and turn it into a horizontal hardship in this area you can see the trainees working on the computers they write their programs then when the program is done they can send it over to the machine because it's all connected yeah it's their Learning Network had in camp the first step is doing the manual okay so write the program yeah okay but later on when they come to the second year of training they do it with a CAD cam system right it's really cool it'd be an intern get to get to run up a c22 for Maisie or C 12 so after three months they start with the CNC curves mm-hmm so after three months they already start working with CNC machines it's high technology quite young yeah yeah right it can be 16 yeah it's amazing working with the CNC Russians yeah or to be to be 26 and have done it for 10 years right now it's amazing I like it yeah as you can see we have also interns okay and they work together with the trainees so they come here for a week okay Rahzel students okay urines this is we have a school down there it's maybe one or two miles okay from here and they come here for one week just to get a overview what is the company doing there will be before you're an apprentice an intern is just a sort of a preview right please okay just again overview what would I like to do after school yes and maybe they have an idea after this week yes sir then they know okay I want to be a mechanic at family do you think in the in Germany do you think most students know what machining is some I think in this area most of the students or pupil no okay about machining yeah but it's not cause it's not every us is very few many students would have no idea yeah look where I'm pretty sure a couple people in Germany they don't have any idea about turning or milling yeah it starts with an internship yeah and then you can do the apprenticeship and after yeah you know what you're doing yeah yeah right okay so let's take a look about those projects yeah so this level yeah water level is one of the first projects the mechanics mechatronics and electricians do after the scene seekers they learn about programming in our training departments and then they write a program and prepare the tools and then mill it on a machine sure this is a project they do on the lathe of machine it's a flashlight flashlight your hands they make that under manually they do it they do every part over there we have two CNC lathe machines or the TE the right to teach style machines with the hand knobs MCMC it's something between yes in between yeah beautiful make the inference do this the interns with our with us supervise that they did it together yeah it was a combination of homely and Heidenheim I see hiding Hine did CAD cam data and we build it is the that a mill finish yeah basically the chance is special to like an MC d diamond PKD yes yes sure sure yeah that's insane but we got help from the yep Department from application engineer Department right and this is a project the interns do when they are here for one day okay well I was talking about the internship for one week yes they stay here in the training department for one day yes the other four days of the week they go through the different departments to get an overview about the machine and on the day when they are here they do this they make watch of this clock another project for mechanics it's the wise okay it's a combination of using the manual machines and I've seen see machines yeah [Music] and look at that the ski boot mold that's amazing oh my god [Music] it's fantastic to see what you can do with the milling machine yeah it's a fun with the 5x machine yes it's also and since two or three years we have a 3d lacunae and you can see it here or there bring our machines yeah and in a small way so we can even print the c62 everybody can ever you want you can take one a lot yeah carry on yeah this is the electric area so we go over to the electric part in the first on this first workbenches you can see the mechatronics technicians okay they are preparing for their exams okay after one and a half year you have the first exams which count third 40-person oh okay and after three and a half years you have the rest for exams literally on on the design of the automation systems PLC's right in pneumatics hydraulics PLC yeah so they they get the program but they have to connect it to the system ok to the holes orbital you can see similar cylinders pneumatic pneumatic cylinders the valves yeah connection for the electric wires yeah you have an alarm and allies say I have a tower and that's where all the wires are connected to the right port you want to take a look in yes yeah this is so cool it's amazing so they are literally still in school so they take English class but then they also come to PLC design right it's awesome they have as a magnetronic technician you have a big overview because it's a combination of the mechanic part and your electric power and of course you have English at school yes yeah Wow so you get an overview about the block the fuses and other gadgets which are because they're going to do this sort of work as when you sell if it would open a switch cabinet of a machine it would almost look the same of course we have a couple bigger parts in a switch cabinet of a machine but for you know they are in the training for one and a half year and then they have to do this system so and you went through this program as well are you involved in teaching it I was when I start I started my apprenticeship here at homeland 2010 okay then after three years my boss asked me if I would like to start here as a supervisor so I stayed in the training department but as I went to the other side okay as a teacher yeah then after four years he asked me if I would go down to the Lomo uh-huh to assemble machines with the trainees it's amazing yeah so there were things they also as part of your training you also go downstairs where you're involved in the assembly and actual machines so it's not just theoretical and practical right yeah that's cool yeah awesome yeah so that's like I said mechatronic work benches and over there you have the electrician okay people or students right now I think they're at school okay but they are all they also prepared for the exams it's in the same week I see very cool it's almost the same maybe less mechanic work because it's only for electricians so it's a beautiful facility and you could yeah I would say you you have everything here yeah you don't need more than this yeah and our last area here is our training area yeah for theoretic yes I see a reticle classroom classroom yeah sure with a with a big screen and an overhead crane yeah the student misbehaves I would say about a couple years ago maybe ten or fifteen it was another it was an assembling department up here okay well they use the chironji but we we don't need it yeah this is so parks Derby yeah your cars in our village and go time uh-huh every year there is a race and a couple years ago carmly-- yeah what helps help sponsor and right right in designing and also did the race oh hey yeah the trainees they we're allowed to do the race yeah cool yeah that's it you can see a really old machine of homeland it looks like the one in the lobby yeah look at that you can see in seal number 175 yeah yeah so all the machines are serial numbered sequentially so this is 170 v machine produce but it was produced here yeah that's amazing all of the machines that we've built and again we have 27,000 in the field there went for this factory and the one that you saw in the lobby or earlier that was machine serial number 5 number 5 number Wow [Music] I mean literally cuckoo robot automation I sleep well so here we're making that Panthro with remember we had I know yes yes right we're playing the national anthem yeah it's just a smaller version it's actually a very good example cuz over there you see fixture loading right and over here you got basically a part loading five different sized parts and then again we have developed that software the GRP software you know that you can easily basically update as you would change between different material sizes okay yeah you know you look at the tree itself you know you would tell the software on how many parts you've got a next and how many and white and gray would automatically update the pick-and-place program okay so you don't need to know anything about program the cuca robot we've got a self referral okay oh so you don't really need to know you don't have to have that not really well also when you look at the gripper you know so this grippers are manually adjustable just as you change from one size material to the other just adjust them you change to pick-and-place program yeah and fifteen minutes later you're back in business that's cool [Music] [Music] so they were explaining you know gear 1 you're upstairs here - you've worked your way through the factory and in year 3 as part of your sort of graduation year you are down here building machines all right it's in the second year of training you come here for three or four months and in this time as a trainee you build up to machines okay and one additional magazine okay and yeah you have time in between three or four months because you're a trainee you have to get a feeling for all the parts around the machine that's why we get a more time to assemble the parts all right when you sew slower but the same standard the same process right it's the same very in a row it's you have the same tolerances as upstairs at the end the customer doesn't know that this is made by trainees I mean we supervises we make sure that everything is fine sure sure you're here alongside them as they do of course yes we do it every step together right almost every spacing right so when you come here you start with those components it's so that is the that's what would hold your x-axis right that's the y-axis then we put the x-axis on again there's that axis and when incredible component is done you put it yeah completely on top of the Machine yeah it's amazing that all happens right here it happens everything right here including in the electronics the cabling the servomotor eyes and everything up in the assembly it's separate you do this on one place this on the other place but here you do everything as you can see you get over there the material the panel and okay sorry the supplies to put it together of course you get every supply so this machine is is closer to being done well it is almost done this morning we did the geometry of the machine and in a couple days we can ship it out wow that's very cool and yeah the tools we work with is like this it's the call team center in center right it's the software from Siemens and we use it because we have a 3d model of the machine of the whole machine and we can beside the blueprints we can use it to assemble machines so this is the instruction or design of the reference it's one part of the instruction I saw the trainee can look at it and disassemble the machine ok and see how the components are put together Wow that's one of the software we work with ok and but the basics to assemble a machine is always a blueprint and the electric documentation ok so one two three machines right now right because we have trainees here the trainees they build up to machines and service technicians so new guys guys who decide ok I want to do service for how many machines they come here get trainings and training in different departments and also they stay here for six weeks ok and assemble a machine oh really they say that's machine was built up by service technicians okay and even the service technicians perhaps the US would come here and do that we had already yeah there was one session we had for service technicians from the US ok so all our technicians that we have in the US they have to spend about six months here to get a trained before we actually sent out in the field cool so they're all factory trained service it's very important awesome thank you sure and open if this is amazing look at this room we were we were here a few minutes ago and there was a truck loading a machine that's already gone it's correct amazing it's real nice I mean in this area we can load and unload six flats at the same time six Wow yeah because you see the two doors down there so you bring in the stuff here but then also obviously ship out so some of the machines that get built come via this massive crane over that free span and then down there amazing so we have 220 ton cranes that we can link together okay so total capacity of 40 times and basically an entire entire material workflow goes for those two doors so all the parts all the castings come in here and all the machines they lead or factory throughout that door or the two doors that we got over there and aside from huge machines we found the single largest forklift I've ever seen in my life down there yeah it's a versatile lift and we couldn't find a big enough forklift that can endless c62 in Germany so we had to buy one in the US and shipped it over how do you as wind yeah it's funny not that that's a small forklift right there I mean that's that's a machine yeah that's insane yet like see 400 [Music] [Music] the ones that they use at ints yes 6080 and I think this is better a thousand pounds Oh 140 you there's a driver seat or romero romeo' computer remote is right there problem you've got some tiny propane tanks you need a bigger one I guess I'd it's not the most fuel efficient for wow that's amazing the room the size this room is is breathtaking can you imagine you know oh my god you know swinging the machine swaying the machine and having those two cranes connected or linked to each other oh my god it looks amazing when you have a big machine coming down here on that'd be so a machine that goes to the US goes on to barge they basically go on ask it and then we're bringing to the port where we put the Seaworth great packaging on yeah that's not done here where would they ship out of across the ocean Hamburg okay Bremen and then just like that we're in this beautiful picturesque southern Germany go Sam where it is quite cold today yeah it is so that tower that you saw in the lobby that was built by you know get that scaled model yeah built by the apprenticeship department it's right on top of that summit okay and again this region is called the region of the 10,000 earth yes it doesn't translate well but we have basically ten summits that are higher than 1,000 meter this place just keeps on going yeah so this is basically the area where we built the custom automation systems okay so that flexible manufacturing cell the rstudio so early this morning the cell that can handle pallets or fixtures less slash parts as well and here are basically three systems exact same concept same robot can handle up to 500 pounds yeah this is what we do here so this so these are inventoried or their build the spec no they're built to spec actually they all have a customer name on it okay already that's all is that the same with machines same where machines yeah all the sheets that you've seen already sold over to it yeah and well and again you can customize those cells in a way based on your application based on what you want to do with it you could have set up only for palette / fixture handling or you can have him handle different size palettes parts I mean here's a good view you know different size programmable grippers I mean basically everything that you can think of as possible and it can be automated right there way yeah so you should ship it to the customer correct it with the robot with a robot where all that stays in there so it doesn't take too long to set it up and in this arrangement that you see here right now you can have two machines one on the left and the mirror image on the other side is that often done here yeah and you could do it with a second machine to the main machines up to the PFC you can start off the whole machine just have it prepped for a second machine our third machine and then potentially just at once but you don't sell automation for other machines no we don't took it only for our own product would you help some of you design an automation system that had something like a CMM in it though yes yes yeah we have we have several systems in the field you can add a CMM you can add a wash yes into the cell got it so this is either smaller parts or just lower and color correcting mainly part handling yeah and this one has what I call a a card X type like a REM ster type of system so there's a tower here we have different drawers in there oh okay so obviously which which helps to get more parts into a very compact footprint for full five X's yeah you know machining let's say lights out over the weekend yeah you know you can get on average you look at a block 50 by 50 you can have close to 100 plus parts on there and also you know you compare fixture loading with part loading I mean you have like hundred if you think of hundred fixtures hundred times the cost of the fixtures in Creveling yes I look like I like partly loading is it's a way to do it yes so in here we make basically all different type of fabrication sheet metal parts from enclosures stainless steel enclosures the doors every do everything for everything to do it's amazing yeah from small little brackets up to the big doors where you've seen on the c62 everything is done in here and is that newer you've often have we've always been doing that it's incredible we're entering an area where we have three traumatic so it's a laser punch combination okay so you can you have a laser on one side you can also do punching you can do a punching and all that within one machine and all the three machines that we got in here are connected to that central authority so for the smaller parts you know you got full containers you can rotate this so they call it to my sword and the smaller parts instead of taking them back into the central storage unit there's basically a flap in the center that opens and then they fall down so it's just all hooked in with your sort of job planning system as well it's all for flow management software that we use to manage sorry the production yeah they're all tied into that and here you see all different kinds of parts doors enclosures oh yeah just really nice yeah but oh that's a that's a cable cabinet yeah that's a part from a setup station so all the entire sheet metal production is done in-house so we're right now in the area where we make the extended tool magazines as well as stages flex or automation systems so here's an HS flex that's going right now through looks like a test run so what's the difference between this area in the building that we were just in had the larger RS so this is more of a standard automation system for us we still can obviously manage different size pallets within that system but it doesn't include it it's not in a sense where we have conflict where the six axis robot you know for vacuum grippers yes what kinds of you know add on so this is more of a standardized automation product but again can handle the various size palettes within one interface which is important because I think of five axis machining you know what you don't want is you don't want to make a small part on a very big pallet right so in this system for instance can handle parts up to eight hundred pounds you can have a big pile of 500 by 400 millimeter in there but what you don't want to do is run a such a small part in there right so therefore with the exact same interface you can also have a pallet that's only 40 by 270 you get better access for a third axis machining that's awesome the tool there's one green user list the tools we can show it yeah just not into the details yeah so this is I gets shipped and I gets delivered and so it comes on wheels okay one thing that we always feel is very important is you know as you Commission a machine you know you do not know what your shop is going to look like and I think we just went for that a few weeks ago regular shop around so and and what's nice about and it's the same with the machines you know you basically put them up on wheels and within let's say four or five days you can recommission are only ok yes funny we look there's been some pretty fun stories though about where people have put machines oh yeah going through elevator shafts and windows open or router machine yeah oh yeah yeah yeah it's awesome mater this tower that offers an additional of 192 tools ok so your standard a standard c32 we just got with 36 tools here and then you can add either an additional 50 or in the digital 88 yes 192 for 72 tools ok so you can connect two towers to each other how many tools can you add before you have to expand the footprint basically 36 that's the max ok yeah that's what you can hold in the pickup magazine and from that point on you basically have to add either additional 50 or an additional 88 but still very compact yes and we have also developed our own tweet management software so it's it's a random system it's not pocket coded yeah you basically just give the tool a name or a number and the software manages everything for you and on these it preloads what you need correct correct so as soon as you would select the code yes you know in your control you start put it in the auto run yeah it starts shuffling the tools back and forth so it makes sure that by the time you need the tool it's gonna be there it's gonna be in a pick-up magazine so you don't have to worry about anything as far as the to a management this is our Technology Center because and basically in here we got all we have 9 different models so from the smallest see 12 all the way up to the C 62 and in here good every machine every machine you get to see all of it that's amazing yeah I feel like most many showrooms will have a selection of the machine though we have keep we basically have one of each and also all the automation systems that I owe you so that's what's cool too is to understand what you know it's fun to talk about but I don't understand certainly all that they're offering what are good for what yeah it's a shop in production so yeah I'll show you all that cool this is Wallace one that's a silk quality it's not that like it's a good work in there it's a very good malt work interval up as you know we have two different lines we have what we call a performance line and the high performance Schneider so the c12 falls into the high performance line it's our smallest machine but what's really nice about this platform is you can have up to 73 poles in a very compact foreign that's just cool that's all your cool this is the cooling system that's an eighty bar cooling food so in Evin hundred psi yeah chip conveyor right and so this machine would be one of the mineral casting yes this is it has a mineral casting base as you can't see her in the bottom yeah do you know how much this machine weighs about 7 tons approximately us no 7 metric concerts about oh yeah maybe a little less the base itself is about 3 tons ok yeah so 6000 pounds and the base itself would come up they include your a access joint cook while the ax is mounted into the base I didn't see that in the product ok ok kind of hard to tell what enclosure is right right because it's not I mean a base to me would be something that kind of cuts off below you your base actually come her out it's one solid piece cool it's part of the modify again for you I will show you the modified entry what it looks like okay so this is we've introduced this system at last year a 90s it's an HS flex system the reason why we call it HS Lexus because flexibility is key our overall goal when it comes to automation is basically to increase the speed of spindle utilization so what this system can doing is we can walk in who we can step into the Machine and step into the machine that's also unique about all the homely automation systems that we built we basically have two doors and you're not a flexible automation cell the only thing in order to turn this into a standalone machine is you close the doors so during the day you know when you do the more complicated jobs and during the night you're running fully unattended this is literally what I want you have a regular machine yep play around during the day do equally and they might shut the door and have it go to work correct they work for you during the night right yeah so what's really unique about this system over there you see the fruit size aroma MTS palette yep and on the bottom you have on what we call an aroma MTS palette okay with a ITES Chuck on top so as you would select an IT s palette the robot then knows okay that this power or adapter Chuck needs to go in in order to run it smaller palettes so switch between the larger that looked almost like a horse our style or is it alone guys oh okay and that's what that first adapter is for air okay adaptil so here's an automatic gripper so what the robot will do a robot that's for the rollover puts this pallet in with the i TS check and then changes the gripper and then you've got it and you can customize the way you want yeah so you can get it with one storage unit you can get it with two storage units different size palettes okay again the reason why we call it flexes because we want to offer a flexible automation solution flash Cisco and you think of 5xs accessibility is key because the last thing you want to do is run a very small little tiny part on a big pallet because then accessibility becomes an issue so yes having such a flexible system you know you can within one interface you can work off different size the difference though with this system is that generally you're going to have your work piece is going to be kind of prepped on a pallet correct all right because I've seen your other systems of yours that can actually do robot loading correct correct correct so you can look at this a lot of people refer to it as pallet load and unload but you look at it as a fixture loading concept because in every pallet you either gonna have a part or a fixture versus we also have systems where we actually just put a fixture in and then transport the blanks the material okay and so if you don't load and unload these you would just call these individual things over to the train station correct correct correct so the over we call it it's like a drag-and-drop interface because what's really important is that it's simple to use and you basically has a software here and as you would need a certain pallet during the day to set up the jobs you just click on it and move it into the machine or in automatic and transported in there so in this system you can have up to 50 pallets in it okay so it's that's a bigger area or it's exact same area we have a we add another two level two additional level shelves okay and and then you can have up to 50 pallets in there it can also transport an hsk 100 you know for instance everything that producing it yes using a chest a 100 esse as a palate interface so we can have an HSA 100 integrated into the table and heavily just a 100 here as a as a hormone you realizing colors yes oh interesting that common we do that quite a bit oh you know like the high demand control on nowadays all the machines come with a touchscreen and obviously pretty intuitive to you as you know now is we every 3d model of the machine I mean well you would don't want to do other control nowadays most of our customers don't program on the machine right but it should be easy to operate either easy to understand you know so you click on the chip conveyor for instance and it tells you straight away ok the options you know right don't have to use heavy cycles or a lot of soft keys you know to click through it's pretty simple and an intuitive to use you know so all the machine this isn't mist extractor and so on so it is hiding behind her this is her board this is her Mele ok pretty new so that's pretty much gonna be on all the machines from now on you know yeah I like that I like much B's it makes ya wait and again you know you pretty much see everything you gonna get the enemy and you know like yeah external cool and whatever you know and then you chump Internet and very easy to program operate and run the machine right cool and it's basically the same with the automation system a lot of systems they can be very intimidating though so and again for us flexibility is key so we want to be we want to have a system that's easy to use and that's why we've developed you know touchscreen capabilities drag-and-drop capabilities and that is important I think you looked at that at ints it's a monitoring software hidden mci ok from the information monitoring software that we developed so what's nice about this system you basically can tie all the rules that you have on your floor into the software for instance it will tell you how much longer this machine is gonna run to the circuit or needs to be replaced because the last thing you want is you want to leave on a Friday right and then an hour later machine stops because because to Lex is missing you got it this is this is the industry 4.0 yes you know yeah so that three digits like the C 250 is the performance line which is just a step below the high performance line which would be things like to see 22 but similar ish design we'll see it later but the casting which and some of these is a mineral casting is the base but the base is both the rail here but it comes so you can see it's a modified gantry they call it so you've got your y-axis rails right there and then x-axis is in your head this way and then the Z comes in and out this way this is my favorites this is insane this is insane it's a koopa robot that can handle up to 500 pounds we call this system and our s2 Kanban system okay so what we've got here is the system is built on the principle of having various size materials fixtures okay and tools ready to go prepare explain in a second how this works so here in the back on a machine this is what we call them the Kanban part of this okay so where we have several shoots and basically the way this works is oh that's the raw material that's the raw material no kidding yeah and if you're sure shoot is empty you know the robot would notice that and go automatically from switches from one show to the other it knows if there's it knows your if knows this one okay it goes to the next one okay this is amazing you just oh my god so you could program multiple different correct high mix parts okay correct Wow and and it's the ready to go approach you know because everything you have various size materials fixtures tools ready yeah and then as you would receive a 3d model from your customer the programmer will basically just select a certain predefined material size and from that point on the robot knows which fixture is gonna be needed which gripper is gonna be needed in order to machine off that oh so he switched your stock side it can automatically flow through a cascade through what's the change on your bike and you can tie it into a to an erp system so we're gonna say be you will get a drop send it over and then the system automatically so that's the best crazy so think about this you're you're somebody issues a Pio or you get an online order that erp minimum trigger can actually tell this machine to go ahead and make more part part so I get that's like--that's automation and a whole nother well correct that's awesome and in addition we have what we call a transport Bend here so as you Machine depart you can do the six site and then the robot puts it on the band which is a programmable band of air transports it out I'll just finish part yeah finish part at a setup station here yeah then again similar to what you seen on the HS flex you know you basically close the door and it becomes a standalone rating right it's an amazing robot and also you can put this on a rail so if you want to okay I in several machines just basically put this robot on the rail okay so the automation will serve as multiple correct so what you see here with this system we can support up to three machines if you want to add more machines then you put it on a rail god it's it's an interesting point because before I had always been a fan of just add more spindles in discrete form versus things like a automation or a pallet loader but one of the things that we've now realizing is we've got expensive tools like our our digital boring head is not an inexpensive tool so when you tie in machines across true automation number one you can share tools potentially and number two you could tie in things like different types of machining Center so they could go from a 5 3 X is vertical to a 5 axis or from the 5 axis over to the CMM all like in the mill territory we did which that's awesome yeah especially you know you can look at it in a way oversized tools tools and will not fit into a magazine ok Robo can load and unload for you which is really kind of kinda neat and then you look at expensive tools let such as a UX a tool that's worth fifty sixty thousand dollars what is the us-based UX is it's basically in excess it's a tool that you can control as a servomotor 11 with a feedback system so which allows you you know to generate like turning surface finishes but you know with one but then again that's a very expensive regular you don't want have one in each machine yeah and after all what you know share it between all the machines that are tied into the cell so this is bigger block yeah bigger blocks ooh and once that do not fit so it's the other side now that we're looking at the case so the blocks that do not fit into the Kanban or into the shoe we put on what we call a matrix pallet right so and this is a system that is easy to adapt and change so as you as you look at the palette itself we have developed or designed a software it's called a GRP software it's a graphical interface and basically as you switch from a job you just tell on how many parts you have on your matrix pallet you're an X and then Y and the robot will automatically adjust the pick-and-place program okay you go out the program so you have two road roller program a robot but you basically just program this software so does it it picks that tray up and it puts that tray which is right here a on on what they call a staging Jason puts it on there and then again as you as you would tell the software that this is the size block that I would like to machine yeah the robot knows this is the matrix pallet needs to go in the staging area in order to machine that I have to bring down the fixture that's located in position nineteen yeah and then switch to the gripper put in position number forty right so it does all that for you you don't have to worry about it holy cow yeah it's amazing it's amazing Oh we'll get the part up there that's cool and in the corral about you aerospace part yeah that's right you see that mill Terra from these Canada it's a big robot arm so this one can handle about 270 kilogram so like 500 something pound so basically the way this is designed and have a mirror image of this machine on the other side I see those new doors right so you can setup it without a rail - without a rail three meter I mean well you can have free without a rail but then obviously you would always miss place correcto second one rec space but 3 without a rail and then up to 8 9 in this whole thing itself is scale both sides let's do Corel setup station over here Arobin PS palette you so we have develop what we call the system table you know a lot of a lot of that you know the trainees that are out in the field you know you have a C axis and then you mount the receive a plate on top right you Lucy hi Chris you see Heidi right so we have developed what we call a systems table where you can actually mount the zero point clamp right on top of it I like that so that's how you order from the machine you order the machine that way correct right what you're gonna see that matrix pellet now the big one bring that out I could watch robots all day long think about how heavy it is - and it's picking up it at whether it affects me the worst point relatively quickly as well go oh it's still even right over there Wow look at that that's amazing yeah there you go boom there it is Wow yeah those are not like cool so basically all the parts that are either too heavy or too big for the Kanban if you put them on the matrix upgrade [Music] [Music] not a robot knows what fixtures needed okay in order to handle that size part yeah I should walk fixer goes into the machine that's gonna change the gripper yeah so then you're gonna change around forgive you see that it's hilt at the table oh my god moving on manage that Nexus to her heart correct and once you're done with off 10 you can also use the robot to basically flip the part in right that's amazing so the machines have lose a pneumatic or hydraulic through the table this one is climatic so the interface your all interfaces to the pneumatic the check that's on top that's hydraulic oh yeah okay and they're both M codes or controllable it's all controlled sort of program but a robot you don't worry about they're together well how's that for you as a matter of fact we also have chucks that can automatically you can program a position of a choice so they can take a cover a bigger range of material without having to adjust without having to adjust them and you basically save space in here right and by the night all right Oh Chuck correct Wow so having one vice that lets say can cover parts by a meter hundred all the way up to 250 okay into it and then it so that's credit that's amazing right [Music] [Music] Coughlin's with that the programmer just has to basically place the 3d model in one of the predefined sizes and programs from that minor right cos you know feature recognition all kinds of you know cam tools right in order to automate we've just got our UMC 750 we're already starting to play with this idea of just using a single point to run all your programming up so you can actually even minimize the probing work I could watch robots all day long oh I hope it comes through on video how big this is I've seen a 52 actually a tattoo 2006 it was a 52 right yeah that's the one we had a time TS two years ago yeah we make that huge fan whose yeah yeah yeah right but oh my god basically exhale same configuration also as a mill turn good for Siemens control and we did all the turning in and hide X so when it does your mill turn you'll move to a seamers no it's available in high tonight okay so see that a little empty right there this machine can also wrote what you say the RPM is more meant for rpm will miss lifetimes can hold 4,000 pounds so milling weiss we can handle over 5,000 but you turning its 1,500 kilograms over 3,000 pounds enough that it can rotate at four hundred rpms and so you would actually put a turning style tool in your spindle and rotate that internal part it's incredible and what's really neat or unique about this is we can do the turning on what we call a zero but we can also do it on a minus 90 or and your internal in between right and in addition to that we can do what we call interpolation turning you know with those machines and we can do simultaneous turning so as a you know in a way where you would actually while you do the turning so whatever see you know while the z-axis is spinning direction you were fading oh the Troy being through right so which allows you to use a much shorter tool you're right do more aggressive cuts stay closer to the nominal contour right yes it's just like why you have a five axis until for each go returning rotating correct it looks impressive and you know we have 130 degrees of travel and destrun Yin so and as you see big parts spinning at 400 up and bringing down to 20 and it looks pretty impressive yeah they're gonna make us a pretzel that's cool is there a machine over there's a way to ask this but is there a machine that is the most popular size like the sweet spot within the hormonally V - yeah okay definitely 800 millimeter machine and it's in credits your ex acts that well it's and what this one she can handle this it can handle up to 1,400 kilograms so that's like 2800 pounds yeah which is unique but that has to count for your work holding as well correct okay great and so this would not be automation right because this is no scissors just a standard prints not access but what's what's unique about this system you can work off-site plates so where you can have up 10-year okay you know you could have up 20 hero and go for five X's in the center got it so we're gonna turn that block hopefully into a pretzel and now we're with Michael yes I am good to meet you pleasure I'm excited I'm hungry oh yeah hungry I'm not really sure if you want to eat there some of that aluminum no it's steel steel okay yo so then just stop the program you cut steel dry a lot yeah are you cutting drive for filming or you it don't like that's a stri regardless it depends a lot on the material I mean if it's possible to be cut dried and we do that yeah ha ha ha look at that [Music] the speed let's say ages k63 spindle uh yes it is 18,000 rpm what is the RPM on the anvil the MOR eyes now roughly 10,000 or so 12 millimeter endmill so just about half an inch running to 10,000 rpms to say the least high speed machining strategy I just found some information about the odor it's a tacola told her what company is called oh yeah I'm very high quality and this is those are the specs are the numbers doesn't eat it's a college style yeah it is so this is a traditional setup sheet you would use for a job pretty much cool whoo hi peep No [Music] it's so quiet this is a product from his car this car cooker yes it doesn't quite look like a bretzel yet but it will turn right over that's all I believe you [Music] sure here are respects if you want to it's an electric pod and this assists some of the numbers yeah so forty millimeter diameter writing at three hundred service meters probably 2,500 rpm [Music] the Chuck is a hydraulic assist notice is a manual it is okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah that's what we're going for restored if you want [Music] that's a traditional hiding line that's a high nine key and c64 it's really cool look at the simulation you can rotate the part this it's old-fashioned but you still can roll for the latest generation version finis Xavier data and does this have any sort of a collision you know this doesn't have a PC a Mac teducker collision is mainly done we're using you know different software cuz it's just not true correct much faster [Music] I'll have to get them to tell us about it but one of the I believe unique things about many or perhaps all of the homeland machines is they have a crush washer in your spindle so if you do have a z-axis bump you've got to have a service that come out they've got to fix it but it minimal minimises drive holy cow that's swatting yes it is oh my god it is silent at the 60ml 16-millimeter end though in steel looks like over one and a half times depth swathi that's impressive what is the horsepower Oh couldn't tell you the horse park here you see the kid a wonder the equipment will convert it so hiring 180 Newton meter and 20 kilowatt swarf cut look through 5xs yeah [Music] and you can see the way the exes move very smoothly this is this is what you need if you're looking for high-end surface finishes right Wow look at that right yeah that's incredible is incredible is really what makes it good 5x is a high-end 5nc seeing on how DX look at the real smooth huh it's it's incredible I've got it that's clean anak right - difference for two different ways to cut the same feature so look at the acceleration how to write a linear axis you barely even see very solid carbide high feed this is an end mill with a corner radius okay just a short stubby bullet it's more or less just what you learn or estimate maturity removal yeah this is the dining so this is the hi-hi feature option on the high end coming all right this is as good as it gets the only one that is a little more dynamic than this is a c22 because on the c22 we have 1.5 g acceleration than your ex economy and so when you're doing these sorts of a moves it is applying a mechanical brake to the anc no it's not doesn't you not know so there's no mechanical braking ache we do what one can see but we only use that when we put like real heavy parts on there really and then you can actually clamp it with an and function but no mechanical brake on or on the y axis so we've got obviously we have a dual drive system so we are motor on the left and one on the right side and also what's really nice about the system is or to set up is you can let's say if you would ever bump the machine you can actually rely Natron you live in space so it's a patented system that we have developed okay one of the parts who are looking at the the weather it's just the platter but also this giant may actually and you make that get everything that is so cool a little bit of fish finishing [Music] [Music] I like that it continues around to pick up the next feature versus doing an unwind or a rewind [Music] you can see - it's hard to tell but you're not you're cutting with the side of the tool the spindle is not normal to the feature so in sort of a tilt angle [Music] and it's the true side you can see the knuckles are moving the a axis yeah [Music] [Music] so this is almost finished [Music] oops and then a flat drill no it's a lot of this reach me Wow so this is it here's your Brussels shapow talking about earlier you know you look at their travel right you can obviously turn Iranian in both directions it does go both let's go both Wow obligatory chip dump I like that's interesting there's wash down hoses inside the machine whole thing is dry awesome [Music] yeah it's incredible incredible oh my yeah 130 degrees dark side of the moon back there Wow 130 both way yeah so you look at some of the aerospace parts you know you look at you know the leading and trailing edges of some of those rotative parts but they do require a lot of travel and eix s go both ways that's why we have under 30 degrees in both ways awesome awesome thank you wait for it wait for it is this real time they're just using the feed rate overrides yes and faster it's incredible that's 100 seventy-five and the machine is not bolted down oh my god it's actually a little scary to stand in front of it right now [Music] it [Music] folks I hope you learned something I hope you enjoy a big thank you to harmless for letting us come in and letting us film the hospitality has been spectacular the machines are amazing really it's been a fun time take care see you soon thank you
Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 785,648
Rating: 4.8340087 out of 5
Keywords: tormach, fusion 360, how to, cnc, machine shop, nyc cnc, DIY, machining, milling, CAD, cnc machining, cnc milling, hermle, factory, manufacturing, entrepreneurship, business, tour, best factory tour, 5-axis
Id: sJm6P6qJetk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 32sec (5012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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