Holy Spirit: The Hidden Dove

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[Music] well I'm excited to share with you this fresh revelation from the word that the Lord has given to me and it's concerning those seasons in our lives where we sense a distance between us and the Lord now there are times in your life where you will feel like God has distance himself from you but rest assured that is only a feeling the Holy Spirit abides with us he does not leave us still even though the Lord does not really leave us or distance himself from us he still has a hiding nature and I want to talk to you about the three reasons why God will hide we're gonna be talking about that on this edition of spirit church but first Steven Moctezuma is here he's going to lead you in some anointed worship worship with him and then we're gonna get right back into this lesson here is Steven Moctezuma [Music] [Music] for you yes and worthy to be praised [Music] on the throw [Music] to you we lift our voice in face for you were luring us and worthy to be praised upon the throne and to you we lift our voice in praise [Music] so I want to talk to you about the hiding nature of the holy spirit I call him the hidden dove and we're gonna show you in the Song of Solomon where we find the Holy Spirit's hiding nature revealed now first I want to read a scripture to you so that you understand that all prayer all seeking all worship everything that connects you and the Lord is birthed by the Holy Spirit it's inspired it's invoked by the Holy Spirit the scripture says in Psalms chapter number 27 verse number 8 my heart has heard you say come and talk with me and my heart responds Lord I am coming so first the Lord will call unto you and then you are summoned into prayer first comes the Royal invitation every time you've had a desire to pray it was an invitation from the Lord for all spiritual desires come from the Holy Spirit so when you get a desire in your heart to seek the Lord when you sense that gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit pressing you into the places of prayer know that he is drawing you closer the Holy Spirit has to invite you into the depths of God's presence before you can go and you may say well there are times when I desire to be in God's presence and I don't think the Holy Spirit has spoken to me well the truth is that that desire itself is the Holy Spirit drawing you for without him we have no desires that are spiritual whatsoever now looking to the Song of Solomon I found the person of the Holy Spirit in the Song of Solomon and he's represented symbolically now in the Song of Solomon there is a conversation between two lovers a man and a woman and the young man represents Christ and the young woman represents the church it is a prophetic parallel for Christ and the church so the Holy Spirit actually appears a few times in the Song of Solomon first of all in Song of Solomon chapter 8 verses 6 and 7 the scripture says place me like a seal over your heart like a seal on your arm for love is as strong as death its jealousy as enduring as the grave love flashes like fire the brightest kind of flame many waters cannot quench love nor can rivers drown it the holy spirit here is the unquenchable fire of God's love fire is a symbol of the holy spirit the holy spirit is also found in Song of Solomon chapter 4 verse number 16 where the scripture says awake Northwind rise up south wind blow on my garden and spread its fragrance all around come into your garden My Love taste its finest fruits the Holy Spirit is also represented in Scripture by wind and here the Holy Spirit is the alluring wind that spreads around the fragrance that brings together to who love each other and to my point here on this lesson the Holy Spirit is also found in the Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse number 14 remember the young man represents Christ and the young woman represents the church the young man tells the young woman in Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 14 my dove is hiding behind the rocks behind an outcrop on the cliff let me see your face let me hear your voice for your voice is pleasant and your face is lovely now he is saying that the Dove is hiding and he uses this language to try to draw the young woman to come and seek after him notice here that the young man who represents Christ has a longing to be with the young woman which represents the church or you he says this that's repeated again let me see your face let me hear your voice for your voice is pleasant and your face is lovely now we often use this kind of language in worship songs to express our adoration of the Lord but did you know that the Lord desires to be in your presence just as you desire to be in his and again the communication here the language being used here is the dove in the rocks Christ is saying that he is giving the Holy Spirit to the church it means that the whole spirit also it also means that the Holy Spirit has a hiding nature in fact other scriptures point to this hiding nature of the Dove which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit Jeremiah chapter 48 verse 28 says you people of Moab flee from your towns and live in the caves hide like doves that nest in the clefts of the rocks so here we see again that doves have a hiding nature in fact in the Book of Psalms the Israelites were said to have found treasures in plunder among the treasures they found doves so Psalms chapter 68 verse 13 says even those who lived among the sheep Foltz found treasures doves with wings of silver and feathers of gold so treasure is something that is found here again we see that the Dove has a hidden nature a hiding nature now the Holy Spirit never leaves you let me make that very clear but he does hide and what I mean by that is though he abides near you sometimes he makes that unapparent sometimes he makes it seem as though he is not near and he does this for three reasons but before I give you those three reasons let me give you one more verse to demonstrate that God does have a hiding nature Isaiah chapter 45 verse 15 says verily thou art a god that hidest thyself o God of Israel the Savior so why does he hide himself number one he hides himself to draw you simply put he hides because he wants to be son so he'll hide to draw you Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 13 says and ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart now he doesn't hide you to hurt you or to tease you or to cause you to be anguished he hides you to draw you he hides you to bring you deeper when the Holy Spirit hides he is not leaving you he is leading you the Holy Spirit is calling you into deeper waters when the Holy Spirit hides your desperation and your hunger begin to intensify and some thing deep within you says I have to search for the Lord when you sense a distance between you and his presence and again it is only a sense you are driven to seek him with passion you are driven to seek him with fervor even as I am talking now within you there is an intensification a desire to seek the Lord and that's what happens when you talk about his hiding nature so number one he hides so he can draw you number two the Holy Spirit hides to test you second chronicles chapter 32 verse number 31 says however when ambassadors arrived from Babylon to ask about the remarkable events that had taken place in a land God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart Psalm chapter 14 verse number two says the Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race he looks to see if anyone is truly wise if anyone seeks God in those seasons where you feel the distance between you and the Lord where you feel like there is a gap between you and the heavenly where you sense as though you cannot hear God where you don't feel that abiding warmth of his presence in those seasons where you cannot see God at work the Lord is watching you he wants to see how you'll respond now some believers what they do in these seasons is they grow angry with God they they stop seeking God they stop praying they stop reading the word they stop worshiping they stop committing their lives because they base their lives on feelings rather than on faith and here is the merciful aspect of God's nature in action if you start to distance yourself when the Lord hides his nature when the Lord hides his presence the Lord will come out of hiding and draw you back into where you need to be but he's trying to teach you something he's trying to test you he's trying to get you to function on faith and not on feelings he's trying to get you to operate on your trust in his word and not on what you see in the natural and so this is why he'll do it he will do it to test you he will hide to test you and so here's how it works God withdraws the sense of his presence you feel this distance between you and the Lord and then he watches you he watches to see how you operate in that circumstance do you seek Him in prayer or do you get angry with him and distance yourself even more are you faithful to do the work of the ministry or do you because of lack of passion and emotions cease to do the work of the ministry he's watching now if in that hiding season you get a little bit off track the Lord will come out of hiding and pull you back in but he wants to mature you he doesn't want to have to do those things for you he wants you to learn to seek Him yourself and so in those circumstances where you're asking where does God at work in this or how do I see the Lord in this situation in that place that is where God is testing you and watching you pass that test seek Him despite what you film and he will draw you even closer and trust you with greater riches of the spiritual so number one he hides to draw you number two he hides to test you and number three the Holy Spirit hides to purify you the scripture says in Hosea chapter 10 verse number 12 so to yourselves and righteousness reap and mercy break up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the Lord till he come and reign righteousness upon you when you seek God righteousness is rained down upon you the Holy Spirit withdraws because it is in our seeking that we are purified when we seek the Lord we are being purified we are being made holy we are being processed you see God withdraws not just to withdraw he withdraws so that we will seek Him he withdraws so that he can test us and it is in that testing it is in that seeking that we are purified this is why your flesh begins to squirm the moment you begin to pray this is why your flesh begins to fight you the moment you begin to try to develop a prayer life it knows that its dying when you are praying and seeking the Lord and in seeking God you are shedding the flesh in seeking God you are refining the spiritual in seeking God you are being purified so the process of seeking makes you one who can receive all that God has for you so number one God hides to draw you number two the Holy Spirit hides to test you and number three the Holy Spirit hides to purify you I want to pray with you now and ask the Lord that wherever you are in this season that you would seek after him I'm gonna pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit that unquenchable fire of God's love would stir within you a passionate pursuit of his presence I want to pray that your heart of your heart your spirit would be ignited that there would be an inferno of love for God burning inside of you so let's pray now that he would give you a hunger a desire and the discernment to seek Him father in Jesus name I pray for that one receiving this prayer right now and I ask you Lord that by your spirit you will draw them you will lead them you will show them father the way into your glory the way into the depths of your presence I thank you Holy Spirit that you have a hiding nature I thank you Holy Spirit that you allow us to seek you I pray now that hunger would be stirred a fire would be ignited and that seeking would begin I hear the Lord saying he wants me to tell you it's time to ignite again the fire of your prayer it's time again to seek the face of God Lord help them do it remind us Holy Spirit when we get too busy and distracted and your faithfulness remind us to seek you in the precious name of Jesus we pray but I want you to say it because you agree say eh men well that is it for the lesson I want to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love you we are praying for you I always say that because I always mean it and in fact we are now at almost 3,000 members 3,000 global members of Spirit Church you would like information on how you can join the Spirit family use the information at the bottom of the screen sign up today it's 100% free you'll receive a fresh weekly teaching from me and your email inbox on Sunday mornings and then you'll also be able to reply to that email for prayer support from our ministry staff so join today become a member again it's free and also you'll be joining a community of believers from all around the world I want to read your comments now and the comments are from last week's video the power of the Holy Spirit and by the way you leave your comments here I will read them on next week's video he writes I've been asking God for the gift of healing for quite a while now as he began to pray my hand began heating up I'm so glad I watched this teaching and that he confirmed my gift in this way another commenter writes hi I have just subscribed to your channel I have been struggling in my life and finding it hard to find my way I was raised in a non-religious family that didn't pray I wanted to find God and change my ways and I found this video it helped just by watching but I know I have a long way to go god bless you well god bless you and thank you for watching Spirit Church Iran encounter TV I want to ask the spirit family to pray that they would find the Lord in ways they never thought they could find him that the Holy Spirit would draw them closer to Jesus than they ever imagined possible another commenter writes my ear pain was cured thank you lord thank you Pastor David exactly the left ear like you said it may God bless you well she's referring I believe to a word of knowledge I gave on last week's video and that's the wonderful thing about our channel is we like to just let the Holy Spirit move this is his channel the Holy Spirit is free to do whatever he wants to do so often words of knowledge will flow miracles the healing power of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit those are the things that make this channel unique men are rights definitely Stephens best awesome worship and if you haven't seen that video I agree it's definitely I'll say definitely one of his best you have to go check out Steven moctezuma's worship playlist my absolute favorite worship leader which is one of the reasons why he's featured on this channel but go take a look at last week's video listen to that worship and let it just I want you just to get into worship and let the presence of the Holy Spirit touch you Karen grace writes thank you brother David for the encouragement in this teaching I feel the power of the Holy Spirit as you preach this lesson indeed apart from God we are nothing more power to your ministry god bless or thank you for writing in to us Karen I'm glad to know that the ministry is blessing you and really this is my heart I love to see people's lives touched and transformed and affected by the power of the spirit now I have some really exciting news for those of you who have been following our campaign to reach a thousand new $30 a month partners we're now less than 100 partners away from reaching our goal can you imagine that you look take a look at where we are as of this week this is where we stand in our campaign now when we started a few months ago we needed a thousand partners now when I say partner I'm not talking about a one-time donor we appreciate one-time gifts and they definitely help but the partnerships really help us to structure the ministry and plan for the future thus making our planning and our resources more effective in what we do so here's what we need we needed a thousand new $30 a month supporters and now we need less than a hundred here's what we're gonna do with that support I always tell you the reason we are doing ministry is to win souls that's all why okay and I think you know that by now that my heart is soulless but I'll keep saying it because I want you to never forget it it's about souls we need to win souls now here's what we're gonna do with that support our ministry likes to keep things really simple because I believe in order to become dynamic you must first become specific and simplicity allows you to do a few things with excellence rather than many things with mediocrity so we are going to with that support do more events and that's key we want to do more events in more places more often more miracle services like you've seen here on the presence and power playlist on our Channel and then we also are going to be moving into our new ministry facility and the monthly partnership it really helps to cover the monthly cost of that new facility you know there's rent there is utilities there's security there's maintenance there's cleaning there are many things insurance there are many things that come with moving into a new property so the monthly support helps us to take care of those things but here's what we're gonna do with that facility we're gonna broadcast more often and in higher-quality we're going to build a section where you can come in as a studio audience and sit in on the tapings we're gonna hold weekly services we'll call them I don't know my school of ministry or Bible Training or something but it's about impartation you'll get to come Stephen will be doing worship I'll be teaching the word but we'll see you in person we're also gonna be with a live broadcast from the studio we're also we want to house the new TV network that we're building that's internet-based there are so many things were gonna be able to do with this new facility but bottom line we want to win souls their events and media and your monthly support helps us do that on larger scales than ever before look it you can see it I can see it my ministry team can see it even the critics can see it we are on the verge of a massive massive expansion and so I want you to be a part of this mark my words I'll say it again and again and again you're gonna see a day where you and I together are filling stadiums and what does that mean means thousands of people coming to know Jesus and you're gonna see that with your own eyes and you'll be able to say I was there at the beginning so help us today sign up to become a $30 month supporter do that now if everybody who watches this video signs up whether you're watching from the Philippines or South Africa or Nigeria or you're watching from the UK or Canada or Singapore wherever you're watching this from you can sign up to become a supporter and if you become a supporter today I will send you a copy of either carriers the glory or 25 truths about demons and spiritual warfare for becoming a $30 month supporter or more I'll send you one of those I'll sign it it'll be my gift to you an initiation gift to say thank you so do that today help us take the gospel all around the world like never before if you're watching this on YouTube wait until the very end of this video a red button is going to appear that you're going to be able to click if you're watching this in the app wait for the video to finish when the video goes away you'll see a button that says partner with David if you're watching this anywhere else use the information at the bottom of the screen sign up today become a monthly supporter help us take this gospel all around the world sign up today well that is it for this edition of Spirit church until now time remember nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win Souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 18,448
Rating: 4.9351702 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, holy spirit, presence of god, presence of the holy spirit, power of the holy spirit, healing ministry, encounter tv, holy spirit explained, power of god miracles, the anointing of the holy spirit, baptism of the holy spirit, healing power of jesus, healing miracles caught on tape, healing evangelist, holy spirit sermons, jesus christ, healing power of god, the anointing, sermons on the holy spirit, teachings on the holy spirit, gifts of the holy spirit
Id: ndCnNbHLbJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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