Holy Spirit Opener | Pastor Ken Claytor

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hey what's up everybody this is pastor Ken and Tabitha Hey so glad you're tuning in today I know that this message that you are about to watch right now has something on the inside of it that will transform your life that is so true God always has something to say whenever his word is going forward so let's enjoy the word today and so we want you to grab a pen grab a notebook matter of fact share this message with somebody else sit back and enjoy excited to be in God's house today come on if you're in love with God or if you're not sure yet you don't even fight how to act like you in love with God put your hands together and let's thank God that we can praise him freely hey man whoo Lords of God you all can be seated man it's good to be with you guys today this past week I was in Los Angeles right any of LA people here y'all don't make it to Florida I was preaching for Matthew Barnett at the LA Dream Center and for those of you all who aren't familiar with the LA Dream Center it is really a phenomenon of what God is doing there they have 555 beds for the homeless for veterans who don't have a home for foster foster children who've grown out of the foster system with no places to go to those who have been abandoned addicted and everything they have a two to three year rehab program where they house people 555 people they serve a thousand mills per day and they just do so many the good news is not only were we able to preach there and inspire people but we took a large donation from a lot of church and we sowed it into the Dream Center so thank you guys for your giving before really no sometimes we don't understand that every cent that you give we take it and we put a portion out to that missions and that's one of the things that we were able to do this week and I was just happy to know that what we were able to give we're going to get people off the streets into a bed and fed that is exciting news a man so I love you guys next week's water baptism how many of you all have not been water baptized yet let me see by show hands anybody here you haven't been water baptized there as a few of you here some of you all are participating it's okay if you haven't been water baptized you want to be next Sunday it's celebration Sunday what does that mean that as a church we're gonna come to celebrate the people that are going public with their faith and everybody else if you haven't been water baptized all you got to do just stop by the tent say hey I want to get I want to get dunked I want to go down unto the water representing Jesus coming up you know it's a new life it's just symbolic that the old is the old and the new has become it has come now and so if that's you invite your family and friends and we are going to celebrate you on next week I love you guys you guys ready for the word of God today I'm turnt up that's why I'm starting off so mellow because I know what we bout to go ask your neighbor are you ready get an answer from them cuz the only way for them to respond and go ahead and tell them if you ain't ready you got to get yourself another seat because I'm only sitting by turning up people today tell them all that tell them all that right there tell them all that say if you ain't ready you got to get yourself another seat because I've only said if I turned up people today ready go okay does anybody need to be escorted out of church today if you ain't got a turned-up neighbor go ahead and lift your hand we don't get you get somebody else by you all right right - I'll just take the people out take the people out go ahead and ask your neighbor now say are you ready for what God's gonna do in this place today come on we starting a new series about the Holy Spirit the presence of God is in this place already I came back ready I didn't tell you so I had an opportunity to preach on Thursday night at Angeles temple and it was actually the church that Aimee Semple McPherson founded back in the 1920s for those of you all who know church history you like Wow for those of y'all who Amy well anyway she was one of the most powerful women back in the 20s and 30s and she had a strong healing ministry as she preached people were just healed and I had had the opportunity to preach on her same stage in LA on Thursday and as I was going to the stage the Lord said to me you're carrying revival and I don't know what that means but I'm gonna step into it and we gonna see what will happen today everybody ready shout I'm ready come on this pray Lord we love you and we thank you for who you are and what you're doing in this place today have your way Holy Spirit convicted convinced reprove bring everything to understanding we thank you that you are a helper in our comforter and that we don't want to do life or ministry without you so father I pray for every person that's here those who have never been to church before that they won't have an encounter with the church but an encounter with the person of Jesus where their lives will be radically transformed that they will go from being down to being up - for being sick to be healed from being depressed to receiving the joy of the Lord that is unspeakable so God have your way through me and in us today and we'll never be the same again if you believe that just say man today we're starting a new series guys called the holy spirit is anybody ready for this today right you know I've been pastoring for 12 years it actually twelve years on April the 8th always get a little bit of help myself I'm gonna be so make sure y'all celebrate my 12 years oh he put the 8th right that now act like you care and I've never been as excited about a series in the history of our ministry I've never been as excited and is pumped about a season meaning that this is not just a series this is a season that we're stepping into we're Joelle prophesied that he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh in the last days I believe we're stepping into that season into that moment this is groundbreaking for our church because we've never had an open-ended series ever usually we do like a four-part series or six-part series we've never just said if we're gonna teach this until God tells us don't teach it no more but I just believe let's not have my way let's have his way and we're going to continue on this series until we feel like fire has been shot up in your bones come on Jeremiah and we feel like we're no longer complacent and comfortable in our Christianity that but there were all fire for him and that we understand a little bit deeper things of God and so to get the most out of this series first off you want to take some notes I have a few things that I really think that you can do to get the best advantage from the series I'm number one you got to come to church go ahead and tell your neighbor you got to come to church there are some things you can't get off of a podcast TV or online there are some things that we need to be in the house to receive what's in the atmosphere that means that we have to say notice some fishing and some huntin and some NASCAR and some golf so that we can say yes the more god I'm going this side because that's not I'm ready if you want to take advantage of this season you got to lean in say I got a lean in don't know what I mean by that that means you want to lean in these too many people they sit back in church and that's why God doesn't move in their heart it's something about you're saying a man to the preacher preacher you curly head preacher you you just got a shout back at me sometimes and this is a time don't come late to worship don't come just to tape come to give and say God I'm gonna show up for this church like 10-15 minutes early and I'm gonna give you some worship and watch what God gives back to you when you give to him worship and praise but if you want to take advantage of this season bring some other people to church with you here's a question when's the last time you told somebody about Jesus when's the last time that you as a Christ follower led somebody to the Lord in a mall in a restaurant now I got good news Easter at the Phillips Center is coming up in about four years April 21st no we move this whole thing to the Phillips Center for Easter we're having two services and I'll need you to start inviting your co-workers and family members now but we're waiting for Easter to turn up and act like it's Easter Resurrection Sunday happens right now with somebody saying man so today is part 1 of this message in this series about the Holy Spirit and today subtitle is called going after God going after God go ahead until your neighbor it's time to go after God it's time to you know you know how you go after a guy you all or girl you won't come on somebody single people say hey you know how you go after a six-figure job or you go after another degree or you go after what you want I'm here to tell you that you got to go after God with reckless abandon and watch him come after you and I want to start in Acts chapter 19 if you can go there please do Acts chapter 19 and we're going to look at verse 1 through 6 and it says and it happened while Apollo's was at Corinth Paul passed through the inland country and he came to where are y'all with me y'all can read today he passed through the inland country and he came to where Ephesus and he found one he found one translation says certain disciples now let's be clear what is disciple a disciple is somebody who is a Christian somebody who've accepted Jesus somebody who's born again so basically Paul came across people like you and I people that are believers now notice what Paul asks the believers or the disciples he says and he said to them did you receive the Holy Spirit since you what an interesting question to ask a believer alright now here's the key when you receive Jesus the Holy Spirit lives in you but there is a separate and second experience where he comes upon you notice the question he's already knows that he's speaking to Christ's followers he's speaking to disciples and he asked the question have you received the Holy Spirit since you've accepted Jesus okay so he's basically saying I'm ready to take you to another level all right and notice what they said and they said what many Christians around the world today say they said no we Nev inherit right and so to me what this means is it's because we're not telling people about the Holy Spirit now we don't need to preach the Holy Spirit to unsaved people all unsaved people need is Jesus okay and so you only need to tell them how Jesus is Lord he's Savior he died for their sins but as soon as you accept Jesus we should be telling people about the Holy Spirit because a believer who does not have power will get beat up by the devil I'm telling you the truth today and there are so many of you that are dealing with depression and addiction loneliness and despair because you don't have supernatural power to keep the devil underneath your feet and I know that in churches we love to preach about Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus because we all need Jesus but if you already got Jesus the next thing you need is the Holy Spirit so you can live a victorious Christian life do I got any help today and so they said we don't even know if there be any Holy Spirit and he said it today what were you baptized and so basically Paul is now breaking down different baptisms so the Bible talks about three baptisms we have the baptism into the body of Christ so when you get saved you are engrafted into the body you are baptized you are now a part of his body after you get saved the next thing you need to do next Sunday is be water baptized so that you can go public with your faith and identify with his burial but the third baptism of the Bible talks about is the baptism into the Holy Spirit where you get power and that's what Paul is trying to take them to he's like then what were you baptized and this is what they said and this is what I said for many years of my life and to John's baptism John baptized with the baptism of repentance telling the people to believe on the one who's the come after him that's on Jesus and on hearing this come on in your small groups you got to make sure that people hear this come on when you meet with people that Starbucks you can't wait on me to preach on the Holy Spirit you got to make sure that people hear this they were baptized in the name of Jesus now hold on I thought they were already baptized they were already baptized according to John's baptism so now what are they were what baptism is this didn't get baptized in water again he's talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when Paul laid his hands on them watch what happened the Holy Spirit came on them not just ended and they began to speak in tongues and they begin to prophesy we're gonna unpack that over the next several weeks and months a man now don't miss the key you have the Holy Spirit if you're saved there is a second and separate experience where he comes upon you not in you it's the difference between drinking water and jumping in the pool when you drink water the Holy Spirit is in you when you jump in the pool the water is all over you you need to be drenched in the power of God don't miss this part today will impact that later but they were believers y'all acts 19 Paul is speaking to disciples Christians people that pray like us people that dance like us how many are dancing worship somebody I don't know how to dance you you're trying to get your sexy back you need to bring your dance back you need to learn how to dance like David dance and just move a little bit because it stills the Avenger so they were people that prayed like us they worship like us they fasted they prayed like us these are believers and Paul shows up and he says you know what I need to take you to another level isn't it good news that God takes us from one level of failure to another level of faith meaning that he does not allow you to stay where you are right now now if you are complacent and you're okay where you are right now you're probably not gonna like this church because we got a way to kind of push you out the boat you say I kind of kicked you out of the boat come on pass the tablet or we're you in and you got to get out of the boat so that you can walk on water now we are anointed by God to help you not live complacent Christian life because frankly they don't do no good but when you begin to move in new dimensions of power and effectiveness that's when Christianity actually becomes great so everybody needs somebody in your life there to take you to the next level Paul shows up with disciples and he says okay I know you got this but I'm about to take you I'm about to take you up higher now for me I remember like it was yesterday I got saved and I gave my heart to Jesus when I was 11 years old okay I remember it was my 11th birthday guys I remember this thing like it was yesterday I was sitting in my church in southern West Virginia New Hope Baptist Church shout-out to y'all in love y'all guys so very much I'm sitting in the balcony and my preacher his name was revving ot more he will put out a chair every Sunday said whether it be one okay and on my 11th birthday I said it's time to man up my mom he pushed me my daddy ain't tell me nothin about it I just felt it's time for me 11 years old childlike faith I'm preaching better than you say in a man some of y'all 30 and 40 years old and you don't know how to obey God yet you think that you're smarter than God there's something about childlike faith where you say God if you spoken it I'll believe you and at 11 years old I walked out of the balcony you see how I'm walking and I set myself in the chair and I remember my mom and them they took me out and we celebrated afterward they took me to Dairy Queen y'all I got a peanut butter parfait come on somebody I'm talking about penis that's a 11 year old dream chocolate vanilla ice cream I remember that thing I could still taste it right now the problem was is that from that point for the next 10 plus years I lived as a Christian atheist I define that as I believed in God but I live like he didn't exist ever been there before you believe in God you even got a cross on your own on your on your necklace but you don't live completely for him that was me can I just preach about myself for a moment and so I was that God that I owned the Bible that I did not read I went to church when it was convenient if the game wasn't on I prayed only when I needed God to do something on my behalf not I loved him and I was I was I was searching after him I wanted to go after God matter of fact if you line me up with ten of my other friends that was unsaved you could not tell the difference between them and me I talk like they talk walk like they walk drink like they drink party like they party slip around like they slip around but I said that I knew Jesus I was a Christian atheist I believed in God but I live like he didn't exist but everything changed for me when I was 22 when I was 22 I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit now I had Jesus but I didn't have the second experience and when I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit it was a game-changer for me all of a sudden the things that tempted me before I had the power to override the temptation there was a joke to me now all of a sudden I read the Bible and it was like the Bible was speaking to me like I could hear God's voice like oh my god are you serious like that's what you're telling me to do all of a sudden from that point for I'm 40 years old for 18 years from the point that I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit I've been faithful to my wife I've been tithing ever since then I've never back slate and made two years I'm saying to God be all the glory it's because of His grace but I'm making a point that some of you all got a gun with no bullets you walking around and you got a gun but you ain't got no bullets in the gun cuz you you need the power of the Holy Spirit in your life and sickness has to go and depression has to go here's the thing my wife got saved she accepted Jesus at 22 years old but she still belt battled depression for two years she loved God we would go to church and we would try our best to help live this whole thing out but for two years she bout it with depression until she received the Holy Spirit she received the Holy Spirit for three months begin to look herself in the mirror and say that you're beautiful and wonderfully made by God and depression you can't live here after three months she's been healed for 18 years y'all know the question no medication no more therapy come on somebody give God praise doctor up any pathway cuz if God did it for her he can do it for you maybe your situation ain't depression maybe it's an addiction I don't know what it is but the same God that moved in her can also move in you if you're ready I'm telling you there's something powerful about receiving the Holy Spirit and the Lord told me you know because it's always amazing let's look at Acts chapter 7 verse 50 what I want to look at the scripture very quickly because sometimes we get it twisted and we do the exact opposite of embracing the Holy Spirit we resist him and I know that some of you all are here today you're actually scared of the Holy Spirit you're not you actually have a fear of the Holy Spirit you've actually been taught to reject him and the Bible says something to those of us who do that in Acts 751 it says you stiff-necked people your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised and so we go through a process where God wants to open up your spiritual ears and your spiritual heart and he wants to remove the flesh away now if you're in the person you're that person is like well I don't it I don't think it takes all that it's cuz you're in the flesh and when we cut away that flesh so that you can hear spiritual things in a spiritual way you'll get God's best he says you're just like your ancestors so basically he's saying this is a generational curse they were stubborn and so are you they were stiff necked and so are you and then it says you always not just sometimes but you always are you serious Jesus you always resist the Holy Spirit know what I found out about the Bible that it never says that we resist grace or is this love or is this forgiveness the only thing that Christians resist is the Holy Spirit and I don't know why for he is our very best friend the Bible calls him our helper how many y'all need some help in your life don't resist the one that loves you he's here to comfort you and help you and stand by you and be an advocate and build you up you know years ago I had a guy who came torture he loved our church man this guy loved our church he loved the worst this is so great he loved the preaching he thought it was funny you know to me his practical and relevant he loved everything about it he loved the love in the atmosphere you know how we'll love you here no matter your race no matter your background no matter what you did last night come to a girl I love you so glad you insurance today everything he loved our church so much that he wanted to leave a small group and so every semester we looked for small group leaders because we believe that life change happens in the context of relationships and so this guy went through our small group training and as he was going through the training his wife came to one of our passion services which is our first Wednesday service and I was talking about the power of the Holy Spirit and she just judged she's okay that's one of these churches and he wasn't even in the service his wife went back and poisoned the pot and told him that we were a Holy Spirit Church and now he one day he went from loving our church they're never coming back again crazy thing is is that I know God planted them here I would run into this couple downtown like I'm eating with my family just run into him why because God put him here to take him higher but he was resisting the Holy Spirit it's so sad when we've been taught some kind of teaching or some kind of doctrine it doesn't come from the Word of God maybe it comes from the traditions of men or it comes by the spirit of fear and instead of going with what God's Word says we go with what we think and we resist the Holy Spirit what I'm saying to you now is that however God wants to move in your life stop resisting it and start embracing it and say God if you send me out go if you sow me out receive it I don't want you to use somebody but not use me isn't about here saying God I want everything that you have for me and so you know I don't get into different Church debates and things and options and Catholics and Presbyterians and Methodists I love them all if you call the name of Jesus we're family we're brothers and sisters and if you ever get into debates when people just back off because I don't want you to I don't want you to catch that fault-finding spirit and when I begin to put this series together you know what the Lord said he says don't preach this to people who don't want it because if you don't want the Holy Spirit I can't help you okay preach it to the Apollo sis see in Acts chapter 18 Apollo's the Bible says used to be a Jew and he accepted Christ and he was a mighty man eloquent in the scripture but then Aquila and Priscilla came across this guy named Apollo's and the Bible says that they had to explain the things of God to him in a more accurate way because he only knew watch there's the baptism of John so what was Aquila and Priscilla teach in Apollo's they was them about the power of the Holy Spirit here's the thing you are in Apollo's I know pastors that are Apollo's they can build great churches they know discipleship I mean the Baptist Church they know how to do small groups guys they know some things about doctrine they understand Christianity but God wants to take you from good to great he wants to take you from great to greater and it's not that you're not an apology love God but God is ready to take you higher if you don't resist it and what Apollo's had was humility Apollo's was humble enough to allow Aquila and Priscilla to take him higher is anybody ready to go with me tonight and so I don't know why we we reject the one that Jesus said I'm coming so that you can you need him I'm gonna go away so you can have the Holy Spirit did you know that John 16:7 watch this Jesus says but truly I tell you it's for your good that I go away hold on Jesus what you talking about can you imagine walking with Jesus and he looks at you and say it's good that I go away I'm like the devil is a liar youyou can't go nowhere I need you Jesus but he knew something that most of us don't know he says it's good that I go away now what I'm thinking if I'm walking with Jesus I'm thinking okay you're saying that it's good that you go away but I saw you take a two-piece fish dinner from Long John Silver's and five loaves of bread and feed five ain't good that you go away I might I might I might die of hunger here I've seen you take Lazarus who was dead and stinking in the grave for four days and you spoken to the grave Lazarus come forth and he Jesus it ain't good that you go away what are you talking about but Jesus knows what we don't know he says it's good that I'm going away cuz unless I go away The Advocate everybody said he advocate one translation says the comforter the Parakletos will break that down over a few weeks he ain't gonna come to you but if I go I'm gonna send him to you now when we resist the Holy Spirit we're actually rejecting the very thing that Jesus is sending us to empower us very quickly Jesus didn't get involved in ministry without the power of the Holy Spirit remember his baptism a dove like a symbol of the Holy Spirit wasn't a dove it was a symbolic of of the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus then he began public ministry the first thing that Jesus tells his disciples to do is go to Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the father which you've heard of me what he's saying is don't try to do all this healing and all this ministry without power how many of us have guns with no bullet in it because we resist and we say well you know what I don't want to be weird I don't want to be strange let me speak to some of you Millennials some of you young people that are here today that grew up in the church and you saw weird stuff and now you've made a vow in your heart when you were younger that you would never be like mom never be like that never be like those people you got to start by breaking that vow because you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater are y'all hearing what I'm telling you today see the Holy Spirit is not weird even when we are the holy spirit is never spooky even when some of God's people are spooky I know you watched that late at night there preached on TV and it is like I don't want none of that listen to me that's the way I felt when I came to church Pete was laying hands I played him I feel like I ain't falling like that what was I doing I was really resisting the Holy Spirit because the spooky weird people and that's why we don't do weird here but we do do powerful and we do do mighty and we do too effective and we do do the kingdom of God and we do do the power of God why because the Apostle Paul says I can't just talk rhetoric with y'all I can't just talk there's so many voices in the world who's gonna heal the sick who's gonna call fire from heaven don't you understand that didn't stop with the Apostles it is here right now God is still alive and ready to move does anybody believe that today telling you might have to get another seat I believe this is what God is saying don't resist but insist did y'all get that you might want to tweet there don't resist but insist there are some things that you just need to insist of God see he's not scared of your boldness guys he's not scared you know the Bible says to enter into the throne of grace boldly to ask whatever it is you have need up I need to speak to somebody who's praying like a mouse Jesus knowing Jesus I just got so many see you're praying the prompt the problem more than the prom you have to switch your prayers God already knows what you're going through he's just supposed to see can you stand on his word in the midst of a storm he nobody knows the hell that you're facing right now he's just waiting on you to insist that what he's promised you will show up in your life he's just waiting because are y'all with me in the back that all of the promises of God are yes and a man and he watches over his word not your need to perform it he's not watching over your traditions he's not watching over your emotions he's watching over his word so you got to pull yourself together and start giving him praise for his word say god I am healed I thank you that I don't care what the doctor says I got a doctor that's never lost the patient I'll never be depressed another day of my life so I got the joy of the Lord even when you're struggling call things that be mad as though they are to the ears Oh y'all hear me today come on y'all get in there come on eleven o'clock y'all get there you gotta insist on some things got any system some things that's what it means to decree a thing until it's established I'm gonna decree I'm coming out of debt this year I'm gonna decree that my family members she'll be saying see the Valor take until I see my wife battled in her health for two years she would come and sit in the front row with her eyes closed because the lights made her dizzy but she pushed herself to the front row because she understand there's power and praise and that's what I'm telling you this is your season to lean in if you want something from God you gotta go this is a message for those of you all who are complacent in your Christianity and you're in the comfort zone of your Christianity and you sit back it's time for you to go after God it's time for you to give up all out of your seat and say God I want you more than I need air to breathe I want to chase you down with reckless abandon or y'all hearing me today don't resist but it says have you ever insisted on anything before insist that you ever you live with somebody that insists that they write all the time that's what's jacking up your marriage right now you think you always right and nobody's always right everybody's looking straight ahead right now it's hey it's okay you ever been at a restaurant and you insist on paying it's somebody else's Sisto paying and there's this thing that's happened to me and Josh was in Tampa one time and he was like I'm a parent I know you ain't gonna pay I insisted I'm gonna pay I snatched the card out of his hands and then he ran up to the cashier and gave me this carton to do swiped it just like that I can't believe you beat me but and some of y'all need to get some new friends if you go out with the friends that when the check comes they start patting a pocket like they gonna pay and they know they ain't gonna pay you need some new friends why cuz it's more blessed to give than it is to receive you need to get away from them stingy spirited people that are taking advantage of you every single day and find some people that are givers do I have any help in this house today I'm telling you the truth I insisted you bet I insist we're gonna fight you're gonna see a fight at the table the waiters get scared they back off a rule never insisted or open the door for somebody they're like no you gonna go no no no you can go I insist what about when it comes to the Holy Spirit it's time for you to insist that he filled you with his power talk to anybody today I need to talk to those of you all that you've come down and we've prayed for you and you didn't get your prayer language and you went home sad and discouraged like something was wrong with you ain't nothin wrong with you got to say it come after me again I need to speak to those of you all who see somebody else get blessed oh man I wish I had time to talk with you you might need to come back to the next service because I see so many people to say well let's see this person get blessing this and God is saying why don't you just come after everything that I've promised you and so for those of you own listen if I'll go with the Holy Spirit and I came down and I felt like I didn't get it I'm coming back next time and then I'm coming back next Sunday then I'm coming back next Wednesday then I'm calling the office I meet with somebody up in here then I'm putting a prayer request online go go after God until I get everything that he's promised me in my work now here's the problem some of you all go after a job like that come on if you put a resume in are you gonna make six figures you're gonna call them on Monday Wednesday and Friday you don't want to be a Bugaboo so you're gonna skip on Tuesday or Thursday so you already got it playing that but when it comes to God what I won't know he wants to do it I guess he'll do it no he won't and not to you not will it be open not to you seek will you ever find it's in the heart of fatigued to search out a matter goddess say would you plead would somebody please just run after me come on somebody so I'm gonna give you a few scriptures and then we got to worship up in here y'all ready Matthew 5:6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled translation go after God John 7:37 on the last and greatest day of the festival Jesus stood and said with a loud voice let anyone who has starts to come and drink translation let's go after God James 4:8 says come come near to God he's gonna come near to you you take a step to him he takes to to you you run after him you if you said still he said still way don't you to move what were they doing in the upper room when Jesus said go to Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father I got to give you one more look at acts that next one yeah I'm going to send you what my father's promised but stay in the city until you've been clothed with power on how this thing is clothing you put the power you put on the Holy Spirit you never take it off Jesus tells his disciples just like us go to Jerusalem to wait until you get clothed with this power don't try to do this thing without the power of the Holy Spirit what were they doing in the upper room they went up there playing xbox y'all they wouldn't turn underneath us we just waiting on the Lord he waiting on you to go after him they were in there with one place I'm preaching better than you saying hey man you got to get to church now with one Accord division that's last season last year now show time for a breakout and they were all praying they were going after God a hundred and twenty people and the Bible said and a sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind entered in and things like tongues a beginning appear upon and they begin to pray in other tongues and prophesied what was that that was the beginning of the second experience where God begin to clothe his people with power I want to pray for those of you all who are here today and you're all ready just to make a step towards God if you're hearing you say pastor you know what I've sinned the good news is I've sinned probably more than most of you here but I don't have to pay the price for my sin because I've accepted Jesus who paid the price on my behalf Jesus is the ransom that steps into a spiritual courtroom and he says they're not guilty you can put the penalty of their mistakes on me so that you can be free I don't know why anybody would not want to receive this free gift of salvation and if you're here today and you say pastor I want a relationship with God here's what we don't do we don't do religion it got me nowhere it's empty it's void of power but if you say you know what I want a relationship with God through him by Christ Jesus to hear the voice of God I want to sense the the leading of God I want to be clothed with the power I want to be saved today I want to pray because you all stand all over the building could you stand the Bible says the day you hear his voice don't harden your heart and I want to give you the opportunity that was given me at 11 years old at 11 years old I came out of the balcony and walked down in front of all of the adults and made myself right with God why because the Bible says if you're ashamed to confess me before men I'll be ashamed to confess you before the father and so I want to give you that same opportunity today which is a little bit different but I think it's needed for what God wants to do in your life and if that's you I want you to step out of the owl's with your Bibles books personal belongings bring your kids if you want to and I want you to come to the front if you're hearing you say pastor pray with me I want to be saved today I've sinned and I want to leave this place on my way to heaven right with God would you come right now give it up for them as they come now's your time come on come on don't let the devil hold you back come on don't let fear hold you back you're coming out of depression today you're coming out of sickness today generational curses don't resist don't resist the last thing you want to do is resist this one baby don't resist you can resist sin you can resist the world you can resist loneliness and fear but don't resist the Holy Spirit unless you come right now come all over the milk you just tell your neighbor watch out up going come on let's get bold in the house come on let's say God I need you come after God where he's coming after you he's waiting on you hey uh sirs we can turn people around we do the same thing every single week y'all can turn around and face me yeah you all can turn around face me help me out next time right god bless you guys man thank you so much for coming bless you man [Music] relations in isolation volition pleasure there's more people that need to be here there's like 20 more people what are you waiting on I just heard that what are you waiting on come here turn photo turn to your neighbor and say are you punching person or you're saying are you 100% sure and if they say I'm not or I don't know say I'll go down with you come on just come together we are brother stupid somebody needs help there's 20 more people today is your day tomorrow's not promised you got to get this thing right today now is your time to wake up what's your tongue as they come on it's not so late in the back come on in the balcony well not they feel eleven-year-olds well my faith bill thirty-year-olds well my faith feel seventeen-year-olds they say I want more of Jesus would you come god bless you guys she's coming right now come on because I'm about to pray in five seconds come on girl jump in is good yeah good remember this moment everybody up here [Applause] we're all going to pray this prayer together you don't have to be a perfect person to be saved that's the good news you don't have to be perfect to be forgiven all you got to do is be willing and we're going to pray this simple prayer and then this prayer everything changes say Lord Jesus come and say with me say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins as an act of my will I surrender my life to you heal me deliver me and save me from this day forward I'm yours in your mind I'm your child I'm born again in Jesus's name a man come on church come on ain't nobody mad but the devil y'all stay for a second how y'all feeling I feel good how much time again what time is home who we got a couple minutes that I need to turn up real quick y'all notice that we moved all the announcements into the beginning because I just believe that the Holy Spirit is saying that he's ready to fill this church with his glory if you're here and you say pastor I'm ready to go after God you can go after your degree after success all that secondary primarily go after God and if that's you and you say pastor I want to go after God simple as that come to the front we're gonna worship together y'all stay put everybody's coming behind me come and just fill in fill in this place come on we're gonna worship God with the true worshipers come right now with the true worshipers with the people that say I'm ready to put God first would you move out of your seat would you come to the wood would you come right now because we're bout to give God this radical praise I pray that that message bless you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you if this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you got to go here to get that fried chicken and sweet potatoes man and so if this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food if it's been life transformation for you do us a favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you season
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 1,029
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Alive Church, Pastor, Faith, Christianity, welcome video, Alive Church pastors, Alive Church Gainesville, Alive Church Orlando, Take off your shoes, Church sermon, Ken Claytor, Welcome to alive church, Church, Church Sermon, HolySpirit, Holy Spirit Series
Id: kaTbe6ssse0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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