Holy Nation | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO org we pray this message will speak to your heart if you are a guest if you're watching this message on youtube or podcasts and welcome you to victory welcome you to all 9:30 experienced welcome you to week six the second to last week of our series call Yahweh next Sunday will be the last Sunday in this series if you are unfamiliar with that term the term Yahweh is the holiest name ascribed to the Lord God Almighty a name so holy that the Jews removed the vowels when they write down the name and we've been attempting in this series although every sermon will fall short to talk about the holiness of God the veneration of his name the magnifying of his name because because we are living in a flesh pot a wicked and cruel generation a generation in which we are seeing the waning of Christian influence in our country and we are determined in this church especially from this pulpit to not remain silent do I have any believers with me that we refuse to remain silent yea we just ordered like 500 bracelets to put one on everybody risk that says we will not remain silent you just keep reminding you that we've been called to what cry out all the more I take a stand for the Lord God Almighty in our time in our generation holy father the one before home every knee will bow and every person will confess and every human being whether they believe will not will give an account of the decisions and deeds done in this life I pray now especially for the believer you would open our eyes and our heart and give us a revelation this morning if someone else in this room besides yourself we may leave here empowered [Music] and inspired in your mighty name I pray amen and amen thank you so much gentlemen you know one of the one of the most important things I think for any human being but especially for followers of Jesus listen to this word we're gonna do a whole series on this word in June but I wanna I want to inject this word just to get it in your spirit this morning one of the most important things for any human being but especially for the follower of Jim of Jesus listen to this word is identity because when you don't know who you are then you will have a tendency to sell yourself short to settle for things that you should not settle for to indulge in things you have no business indulging in and you don't even you don't even understand who you are when you don't know your identity when you don't know who your father is when you don't know your lineage or your heritage you look in the mirror and see someone that God does not see come on can we be real this morning you look in the mirror and see someone that God does not see so consequently we know how this goes down in our society when we be bound in relationships we should not be because we have no sense of identity and we put up with things we should not because we have no sense of identity and we stay places too long because we have no sense of identity and we be involved in things that we should not because we have no sense of any but when you know somebody talked to me this morning I feel something burning in my belly but when you know who you are and who you are you get a different type of swagger in your walk you want to carry yourself watches work differently somebody's saying man [Applause] Jerusalem the most coveted place of real estate in the history of the world a city like no other city in the history of the world and I have traveled this country I have traveled outside this country I have traveled to so many cities and I'm telling you when we rolled into the city of Jerusalem it had a different aura it had a different feeling there was something watch this word different about the city of Jerusalem there was something Daniele different about the city of Jerusalem nothing like New York nothing like London not like Miami not like Atlanta there was something what's this one different about the city of Jerusalem they are three major monotheism religions that claim Jerusalem as watch this word holy Christianity Judaism and Islam all claim Jerusalem as holy and so they say that this is the holy city and even in the book of Revelation Jerusalem was referred to as watch the holy city a new version of it will come down out of heaven with God himself and we'll be teaching about that at the end of the year when we get to the book of Revelation and so Jerusalem even in the Bible is called holy but there are other things attached to God that is also holy like the Bible is called the Holy Bible right the Bible is called holy the Word of God is called watch this holy there are other things attached to God call holy like the spirit it's called holy the what holy spirit right and there are other things attached to God that is called holy right like the Lord's table is called holy commune Union right the Lord's table is called watch Holy Communion and there are other things attached to God that is also holy like the Gospel message is also holy I'm going somewhere with this hmm the Gospel message is also called it's holy there are other things attached to God that is also holy like the Great Commission it's also holy the Great Commission of Jesus is holy now I'm telling you all these things attached to God are holy and when we think about them they're causing us a type of awe a type of wonder a type of fear a type of reverence because when we think about them we approach them with a little bit more watch this word respect because we know that they are holy right but what then is the real meaning of Holi its Holi a long dress with no makeup and no earrings it's totally a suit and tie with a collar on and my more holy cuz I wear a suit and my less holy because I got a ripped jeans and timberlands on my feet what then is really holy it's Philip Anthony Mitchell holy and so what then really is holy you know what holy is holy is not a dress code holy is not not wearing earrings holy is not rolling up not going to the movies you know what holy is and you know why these things are holy because holy means sacredly set apart I'm going somewhere with this holy can I teach holy means sacredly set apart now let's go back to the list the Bible is holy why it's not the only religious writings in the world but it is set apart from every other writing it's alive and active sharper than any two-edged sword it speaks directly to the soul and the spirit there's a Koran there's a Koran what the Mormons God there's a pearl of great price there are other writings but nothing like Bible that is holy because the Bible is set apart from every other religious writing what about the Spirit of God he's not the only spirit in the earth [Music] [Applause] I'm going somewhere with this this the Holy Spirit is not the only spirit in the earth he not it it's not the only spirit in earth there are evil spirits in the earth but he is the holy set apart from every other spirit the Lord's table is not the only meal Christians eat I'm going to eat with my family when this is over but that but the Lord's table is set apart from every other meal that I'm gonna eat Melissa watch the Gospel message is holy it's not the only message being preached chelsey but it is separated from every other message that is being preached because inside the Gospel message is divine power to snatch people from the fires of hell unzip them from the unrighteousness of the Holy Spirit into the kingdom of light no other message has the power to do that you have it I said no other message has the power to transfer a person from eternal darkness to eternal light so the gospel message is what holy it is separated from every other message the Great Commission is not the only work being done in the earth but the work of reconciling the loss to Jesus and multiplying disciples is set apart from every other type of work and endeavor so the gospel work is watch holy why because it is set apart from every upper work but my brothers and sisters these are not the only things attached to God that is holy so a businessman who was working his fisherman boat heard a man named John said there is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world and he saw Jesus walking by the seashore and heard the call follow me and I'll make you a Fisher of men and this businessman named Peter Hurd left and follow Jesus betrayed him but after Jesus was buried raised and resurrected he watched this word electus restored Peter back to fellowship empowered Peter with a commission named him the pastor of the very first church in Jerusalem and set him out on a mission to preach this glorious gospel in his old age before he was crucified upside down it's how he died because no one is gonna really gonna die for a lie hopefully these men were formerly cowards they died for a true message and before he was crucified upside down as how he died he wrote a letter to Christians who were being persecuted about something else God called holy he opens the letter oh Jesus this is him he opens the letter and first Peter talking about the power of salvation how watch a holy God who is separated from every other false card pursues a people for himself wounds them through this process called salvation in which he saves them from the darkness of the world saved them from the power of sin brings them into the kingdom of light it is the most powerful experience a human being will ever have and after Peter talks to them about the power of salvation and first Peter chapter 2 he writes them he says to them at first Peter chapter 2 beginning in verse 1 he says because of your salvation he says this powerful word therefore because of your unmerited rescue from darkness because of your unmerited rescue from eternal damnation because I did something for you you could not do on your own and because when you die heaven will be your home because I rescued you therefore rid yourselves of all malice evil desires towards others rid yourselves of all deceit doing things that are foul and under-the-table rid yourselves of all hypocrisy saying one thing on social media and live in a different type of life in private rid yourself of envy being jealous of your swipe you God called you to do your own thing whose gotta be jealous of their church their ministry their husbands their book they're jealous for what jealousy is perversion and when we jealous your heart will always be sick pause let me prophesy to someone in this room i prophesy to somebody right now you are free from the perversion of jealousy in the name of Jesus you have no need to envy anyone for you our fingerprint god knows your name and he's called gu jealousy's perversion I don't need your weave your nails your car your jacket your husband your ministry somebody say jealous for what say jealous for what but they have more followers than you who cares and slander of every kind now watch where Peter goes next verse 2 like newborn babies when we get saved like newborn babies watch this word crave spiritual milk that is desire the Word of God long for the word long to come to church long to be in the presence where the word is being preached desire spiritual milk without milk babies watch they die and there's so many of us will believe us who are dying on the inside because we don't prioritize the spiritual milk so that by it you may grow up in your salvation now that you have tasted that the Lord Yahweh is good now watch the rest as you come to him Yahweh who is good as you come to him Tianna man I love the Bible the living stone notice the capital in the S the living stone who is watched Jesus the Lord God Almighty Yahweh in the body as you come to him the living stone rejected by men but chosen by God precious to him as you come to him the living stone rejected by man I listen I'm telling you right now listen it may hurt when people persecute you and say all manner of evil against you you know how to get down when you get saved your friends don't understand why you don't want to do the things you used to do how many of us have dealt with trolls and haters because of salvation yes and we pay them too much attention and we give them too much prompts because we have to remember that we are perfectly accepted by God Almighty we are accepted by the only opinion that matters thank you for all of you that been defending me on social media against all these trolls that keep creeping up on my page I'm paying them no attention because they're not going to shut me up and they're not going to keep me quiet I'm gonna cry out all the more whether they like it or not we will not be rejected by men accepted by God verse five you also you ain't dead the Holy Spirit is in you you are a living story are being built in two together a watch spiritual house this flies against radical individualism I don't need no church I don't need no friends I don't need no community I don't need no small group I don't need no one lies lies that is a lie of the devil y'all are being built up together as a spiritual house I feel this in my spirit a house to be holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices praises worship acceptable to God through Jesus Christ next verse for in the scripture it says now Peter begins to quote Isaiah see I lay a stone in Zion a chosen and precious cornerstone and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame verse 7 now to you who believe this stone is precious but to those who do not believe the stone the builders rejected has become the capstone verse 8 and a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall they stumble because they disobey that holy message which is always also what they were destined for so he says watch Peter says there's a stone and this stone I have in my hand is a limestone I took from the city of Jerusalem and it sits on my desk when I study and it reminds me of how the Scriptures calls Jesus a capstone now in ancient Israel in the days of the ancient when they would build buildings in order to build a building they were clear off a foundation and then they will take one stone and they will put it on the corner and that stone was the necessary stone to build the entire structure if this stone was off if the stone on the corner was off the entire building would be off if the stone was not set in the right place the entire building will be off the Bible calls Jesus the cornerstone that when something is not built on him that life would be off no matter what it builds on it can build on muddy trees it could build on houses they can build on cars and can build on titles and accolades and everything else if the cornerstone is not underneath it it will topple and Peter says watch Jesus the stone this is so powerful watch this is bernis will batting me I just want to pray he says Jesus the stone is in the path of every human being they can't go over it they can't go under it they can't circumvent it every human being as they travel into the future of their lives is going to meet the stone and they only have one of two decisions the Holy Spirit is wooing people unto the Father and those who feel that conviction they go right when they feel the stone and they build on that stone others they come in contact with the stone and they say I don't believe that message and they reject that stone and Peter says for those who receive the stone right for those who receive the stone they will never be put to shame but for those who reject the stone they're gonna live their life now hmm but when they die the weight of this stone it's going to crush them into the powder of eternal damnation watch cuz no one will escape the stone they will even build on it or they will be crushed by it they will either build on it or they're gonna be crushed by it now the scripture says no one comes to the Father watch let me get ready to land this plane no one comes to the Father except the spirit draws them so that means everyone who was on top of the stone God was involved he was involved in placing you on that foundation identity God is holy separated from every other beam watch me bring this back the Bible is wholly different from every other religious writing the Spirit is not the only spirit but he is wholly separated from every other spirit the gospel is not the only message but it is wholly separated from every other message the Great Commission is not the only work being done in the earth but it is wholly separated from every other kind of work but now there was something else attached god that is holy verse 9 but you identity but you you will keep seeing yourself wrong do I even have to read the rest of us to get a revelation you who keep seeing yourself wrong all this series we've been talking about God is holy but you who've been seeing yourself wrong I ain't shows in place on the rock people a royal priesthood is this blasphemous you are a holy nation everybody waved a hand was a Christian watch this this is gonna sound blasphemous you [Music] people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness it is wonderful light I know you know that you are loved and I know that you know you are forgiven and I know that you accept that you are chosen you love that part Royall man we've all done that to a fault but when was the last time somebody told you that you are holy not in the context of God Almighty but separated separated to declare the praises of God [Music] why don't you see yourself in the mirror that way you know what what happened to you in terms of identity if you go into your job and say I am hold I'm a part of a holy nation I've been separated how can I behave like everybody else around me you go to your school they say I'm part of a holy nation something in your identity has to get a revelation that you have been called out you can't act like and continue to function like everybody else because we are part of a holy nation let me finish the text first 10 once you were not a people but now you are people of God once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy verse 11 dear friends because of your salvation because you're part of a holy nation I urge you as aliens and strangers in this world we so attached to everything in this life last week I was praying in my prayer room and shedding tears and I went on my feeds and wrote this is not my home and this is not my reward no matter what platform I stand on what title they try to put behind me without this is not my reward I'm not living for what I could amass now y'all don't know me fill up Anthony Mitchell I'm living from when I leave this is not my home and this is not my reward I'm an alien a part of a holy nation temporarily in place to be an ambassador of Jesus until he comes to get me staying from sinful desires which war against your soul that is fight the flesh somebody say Amen I'm struggling with this sin I'm struggling with this area I'm struggling it's a good thing it is good to struggle than to yield [Music] if you're struggling you're in the right place man man this porn keeps taking me down but I find it this thing keep taking me down but that's a good thing that you're struggling to struggle means you're in the right place we're in the wrong place when we just yield and take a knee to the devil in his temptation Romans chapter 7 the thing I want to do I don't do and what I should be doing I don't do and what I don't want and Paul is talking about this right man so we fight against that flesh and as long as we struggling we in a good place go struggling yeah the person talking is struggling and we in a good place past the water you struggling with I'm trying to keep perversion out of my heart I'm trying not to let people prop me up and I'm trying not to mention build something to myself and I don't I I wanna meet I don't I don't spend too much time when people tag meals I don't want to glory and stuff that builds up mine I'm struggling I gotta push away that perversion and keep me low [Music] verse 12 live such good lives among the pagans live such good lives among because your holy nation so live in such a way and though they accused you of doing wrong they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us when was the last time somebody told you [Music] that you were holy [Music] now did you know what the meaning of holy is that you will watch this set apart for the first of god and because we set up our Chelsea we should live in such a way for the outside of the unbeliever to say there's something different about her there was something different about him there was something different about that couple there's something different about that marriage there was something different that draws or repels let me land his plane [Music] my wife and I know a woman or over a decade ago around the age of 21 [Music] was saved my person who brought her into the kingdom with the Gospel message a new Christian with no church home no small-group don't want to show her the way meets a boy a young man who is a preacher and she says to herself well because he's a preacher surely he could show me the right way to live [Music] and so they began a relationship a beautiful dance of love and lust and they danced well you fill in all the blanks for yourself and everytime they danced she would feel bad about that dance not knowing that the Holy Spirit was dealing with her about her sin didn't have any context for what was happening but every time they danced she felt bad about that dance and she was sitting watching him smoke weed she will sit and watch him just get drunk she would watch him dance with her and they get up every Sunday and preach [Music] after some time had gone by of dancing she said to him and something about this does not feel right doesn't this bother you you preaching to people every Sunday and the preacher says God knows my heart we we got grace and mercy like he ain't worried about all of that [Music] it's one thing to struggle there's another thing when a person who's supposed to be a part of the holy nation makes a mockery of the Lord Jesus Christ how would Jesus respond to everyone who takes his name and makes a mockery of his name Matthew follow of Jesus wrote chapter 7 first 21 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord [Music] we'll enter into the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father [Music] in heaven penny will say to me on that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name have we not preached have we not done ministry have we not said we belong to you but live like we was not a part of the holy nation have we not made a mockery of your Holy Name no because we don't think that he's paying attention to the way that we live right now and there are so many people sitting in churches making a mockery of the name of Jesus when he is the one we should fear and the most terrifying thing a human being will ever hear in the judgement when they stand before the one whom they made a mockery of you sang on that worship team we preach in every Sunday we were doing all that ministry on Facebook live and all that stuff but men live like the devil now am I talking about the person who's struggling I'm talking about the person who loves iniquity in the name of Jesus you make a mockery of his name the most dreadful thing a human being will ever hear when they stand before that rock [Music] depart from me work of iniquity [Music] you and I never had a real relationship [Music] something in you right now has to get a revelation of your identity as a member of a holy nation you're not only living for you you're living for the name and the one called you [Music] we have respect viable and for the holy spirit do men have respect for you and your testimony part of a holy nation holy nation it's not just about morality [Music] manus about My Kingdom identity and the fact that I've been separated praising the glory of God but that preacher that was dancing with that woman you see really a representative of the holy nation [Music] I say to the Christian in the room you are not ordinary anymore [Music] and I'm gonna challenge you to do something this week that you probably never even really thought up you know I'm gonna challenge you to do this week I'm gonna challenge you to think about your consciousness everywhere that you go think about the nation you belong to just for one week try walk into Walmart and think to yourself I'm part of a holy nation they're people in you who don't belong to God maybe I pray as I walk through these hours you go to school think this of all these people I met I'm part of a holy nation I want to challenge this week to elevate your consciousness that you're part of our holy nation but how should that affect the way you treat others how should I fight the way that you posts how should that affect any way you live how does it affect the way that you how should that affect the way that you walk I'm part of a holy nation how does that affect your witness and your testimony this week I want you to live with a consciousness that not only all these other things are holy who said that shout that brother so are you not only all these other things holy but so are you but brother they don't believe that so I gotta close with Scripture so people know I'm not a heretic first Peter chapter 1 verse 15 it's on a screen but just as here but just as he who called you is holy [Music] so be holy and how much all that you do be holy be separated and all that you do for as written be holy because I Yahweh a movie [Music] eternal garden of a wise father [Music] we stand on a stone that the builders rejected we who stand on the cornerstone the Lord Jesus Christ [Music] I pray for every one of us now standing on that stone she would give us a revelation of our identity [Music] there's chosen royal and holy people separated [Music] from the evil of this world to image the glory of the light of your kingdom to a loss and dying and dark society I pray now for my brothers and sisters your sons and daughters give them a revelation of their kingdom identity as belonging to a holy nation and may they live with a consciousness of that identity that affects them in the way that they live the way that they talk the way that they conduct themselves the way that they pray the way that they engage the unbeliever may we be elevated and our identity from feeling like worthless people just struggling hmm may you help us to see that we have been branded with these three Kingdom tags chosen royal holy may it not lead us into pride and arrogance but into humility of gratitude and a life lived out for the glory of the rock that we stand on but those who have is t'keyah here and that those who have eyes to see see what the Spirit is saying to the church your holy people the mighty name yes you our Lord Jesus Christ we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you increase if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing that's me [Music]
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 1,876
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 08HBV3_a6IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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